You know you have to be worried when…

…your rivals want you to stay in your job

You know you have to be worried when…

Ferguson and Wenger: It’s all sweetness now

Well, if you read my previous moderately optimistic article, you wouldn’t really expect me to write what you’re going to read now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it hurts; we got punched in the face eight times last Sunday. We all know that, and I won’t push the knife deeper in your wounds. I was being pretty optimistic about the season just ten days ago: then something happened. I’m not talking about our Old Trafford debacle, of course. Some strange statement started to come out on the press. I had never seen Sir Alex Ferguson defending Wenger before. And it was something that made me realise that we are no longer a real threat to Man Utd. A fierce rivalry like that between Ferguson and Wenger is not something that can end in a cordial relationship, let alone friendship. So, when something like that happens - headlines like “Lay off Wenger” being printed on the major newspapers - I seriously started to worry, and understood how foolish I had been and how the Champions League qualifying tie was just more in smoke in the eyes.

One month ago, our beloved manager stated that Fabregas and Nasri were not leaving and that Arsenal were “in a position to say no”. This was baffling. But Arsene went on to say: “imagine the worst situation — we lose Fabregas and Nasri. You cannot convince people you are ambitious after that. You can't then pretend you are a big club, because a big club holds on to its best players and gives a message out to all the other big clubs that they can't come in and take our players".

That’s when attacks, deservedly or not (I won’t question this, but my position is very clear), started to fall on Arsène. Certainly, this is the most critical part of his career and Alex Ferguson didn’t lose the opportunity to let us know he’s very happy about this, of course. In his subtle, indirect way, he said: "It's a crazy world we're in. It's a critical world and you only need to lose a couple of games to have critics howling down at you. He should carry on. He shouldn't listen to the critics. The one thing you need in this game is ear plugs."

Of course you don’t want him to listen to the critics! You’re just happy you have one enemy less to worry about! Ferguson repeated this at least three or four times, in press conferences or in the press, before our match at Old Trafford. That’s when I started worrying about Man Utd and the right hammering they would serve us on a plate a few days after. In life, when your enemy says bad things about you, you have to be happy and confident: he’s scared and he rates you, a lot. This is what happened before 2005 between Wenger and Ferguson, between Arsenal and Man Utd. This is not happening anymore.

I remember when we reached the CL semi-finals and had to play Man Utd. It was very unlikely that we would beat that side, and it pains me to say that, but, at the time, Sir Alex still felt he had to show respect to Arsenal, at least formally. He’s not seeing Wenger and Arsenal as enemies anymore. He’s mocking our manager, our team, us.

We’ve completely lost the respect of our enemy; we’re not rated. And this is very painful. We have no programme for future years, no plans to start the journey up the hill again. We bought a lot of new faces on the last two days of the transfer window, but this was just panic-buying. We went for Cahill and ended up with Mertesacker (maybe we’ve been lucky with this). We went for M’vila and Hazard and ended up with Mikel Arteta, whom I rate a lot but who has admitted that he’s past his best days. We bought a Korean striker just to sell more shirts in Asia…that’s enough. It is clear that Alex Ferguson doesn’t see our manager as a threat. And this worries me a lot, not for this season only (which has already gone to the dogs), but for the many years our club has ahead. Forward? Nah.

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  1. allybear

    Sep 05, 2011, 19:46 #12500

    Of course Arsenal are no threat to ManU&have not been for a long time. United have inflicted some heavy defeats on Arsenal before that disaster on Sunday.They are the team that consistantly beat Arsenal heavily. The few new signings are good to see but we will have to wait and see how they get on. Im a bit worried about the German as he wouldnt be the quickest around!I still hold to my opinion that AW should go and we shall see what happens in the next few months. Still cant get the 8-2 out of my head though!

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Sep 05, 2011, 18:41 #12498

    Nothing personal toward you Giovanni. Over the past 6 years, I have developed an increasingly warped and absurd sense of humour when it comes to the goings on at Arsenal FC / now PLC. In that respect I'm back to where I was in May 1986 and 1995. It beats getting wound up and furious about it all, except for the 2-8 a couple of Sundays back, of course. Even then, at 1-4 I flicked the internet off, instead listening to Alan Green's incredulous commentary on BBC World Service - an clear indicator of a desire for absurdity and black humour, ahead of taking in visual images of Armand Traore trying to defend, which would be classified as masochism, Belive it or not, I felt a bit better, not least because I could make a cup of tea and a sandwich whilst chuckling away at Mr. Green's increasingly hysterical buffoonery...

  3. Ramgun

    Sep 05, 2011, 15:06 #12491

    Ferguson used to despise Wenger and referred to him as 'Vinegar Face' but Wenger hasn't been a true competitor to Ferguson for years and he has hardly been bothered with The Great Gallic Ego over the last 5 years. I am not making fun of the writer or his article but how the hell did it take you this long to realise that Wenger had stopped competing with Ferguson?

  4. Richard Ansell

    Sep 05, 2011, 13:02 #12480

    Thought the same thing myself. I am resigned to Arsenal not being at the 'top table' in football until Wenger and the Board are replaced. I am tired of the lies - and the last minute purchases have done nothing to change my mind. Better than no signings of course but too little too late and we all need to accept we are no threat to the top three and more than likely will not even make the holy grail of a top four finish this season. May be that is what it will take to finally get some ambition and pride back at our club.

  5. Matty S

    Sep 05, 2011, 10:56 #12475

    Ferguson and Wenger are actually good friends. I've seen them interviewed together. Maybe friends is a tad cordial, but they respect each other.

  6. Andrew Cohen

    Sep 05, 2011, 10:29 #12473

    What ever Ferguson says doesn't matter. What he has done has been to ruthlessly expose the truth. If it had been 12 or 15 it wouldn't have moved the AKB's (One Way, One Vision, One Wenger), but it has moved the Board, and I think even Monsieur himself.

  7. Ron

    Sep 05, 2011, 9:23 #12471

    This piece is a bit naff really. AF always defends bosses who find themselves under the cosh. Always has done. He does it via his role in the LMA and down also to the fact that he detests media witch hunts. Fair play to him i say.

  8. Mike

    Sep 05, 2011, 9:01 #12470

    Just out of interest over the weekend, van Persie 4 goals, Park 3 goals, Ramsey 1 Goal, Gervinho - 2 assists, Asharvin from all reports had a good game for 90 minutes, Walcott, Rosicky, Song and Benajoun all playing in Full Internationals. Give the team a chance to play first and then critisise. I don't care what Country anybody plays for. You are no mugg if you are playing for your country. We have decent enough players -lets first see if they gel or not

  9. Yanto

    Sep 05, 2011, 8:40 #12469

    They are both manager's of Very Different Beasts - They both HAVE TO manage those Beasts and work within Very Different Financial this comparison - though well written - is flawed in its subject matter and facts.........other than Trophy count. One manager manages and teaches by Fear - The other doesn't - I know which one I would prefer to play under - having experienced both kinds of such 'Tutorlage' during my school years.

  10. giovanni fontanella

    Sep 04, 2011, 22:43 #12467

    i'm no professional journalist and i don't claim i am.. These are just my views, i'm not saying this is necessarily the truth and i don't want to convert you to my idea. So please don't take it personally and try not to offend anyone.. I might have been paranoid, but i put an effort in writing this, so please don't spit on it :)

  11. Martin

    Sep 04, 2011, 19:09 #12466

    In 15 years at Arsenal Wenger has has just one coach.Look how many Fergie has has.Even though the trophies have continued to roll in Fergie has continued to replace his coaching staff.That is the exact opposite to stubborn Wenger.You would think Wenger would look to Fergie and learn.Nearly every Gooner was saying that Pat Rice should go at the end of last season and replaced by a coach who would stand up to Wenger and tell the old fool he is wrong.The days when we are a threat to Utd have long gone and the final nail wasnt last sunday but the CL semi when Utd destroyed us home and away.Its only City and Chelsea who can keep up with Utd

  12. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Sep 04, 2011, 16:57 #12465

    Paranoia in abundance...what's next? Maybe Stan Boardman's going to pop up in the player's tunnel before Mertesacker's debut, cracking off - colour gags about "dem Geeermans" most of us (not including matchday tourists and post - Invincibles stagecoach - jumpers), I am shocked by the club's start to the season. The late - night shopping at the Premiership transfer service station window may well have been a panic reaction, but I'm now at least going to wait until January to see if the club gives it a proper go....

  13. Objective

    Sep 04, 2011, 14:55 #12463

    Inaccurate on several counts Giovanni. (1) It's not the first time Fergie's praised Wenger's impact at Arsenal. Or even the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th. In fact Ferguson's a football man through and through, and he's been supportive of other managers under criticism, including Ancelotti. And spare us the drama queen windup to what's hardly an earth shattering revelation. (2) Wenger never said that "Fabregas and Nasri were not leaving and that Arsenal were “in a position to say no”". He said that with respect to Nasri, but also that the contract situations were different, and club was stronger on Fabregas. Looks like you bashed this out in less time than I took to find holes in it.

  14. chrisy boy

    Sep 04, 2011, 14:36 #12461

    so the injury jinx has struck again, wilshere out for at least another 2 months, so make that 3 months with arsenals medicle record, i just wonder if wenger knew this before the end of the transfer window. With another round of international matches to come this week, you wouldnt bet on another player getting crocked. When are we going to get some good news for a change.

  15. Mark

    Sep 04, 2011, 14:06 #12460

    saf and wenger should never again be mentioned in the same breath. wenger couldnt lace saf's boots as a football manager. wenger cannot keep his best players, is rubbish at man management, lives on theory and ideals instead of reality and practicality. wenger is NOT a coach in the pure sense of the word like a saf, rednapp, mourinho, dalglish, mancini and he fears to surround himself with good people who have their own opinions. we would be miles better off if he would leave

  16. CD

    Sep 04, 2011, 14:05 #12459

    Agree with your article Giovanni and it's always been the case that if your previous main competitor takes pity on you it's because you are simply no longer a threat or remotely close to being one! I am not worried anymore but simply resigned to now being a top 4-7 position club. This could and should have been avoided had our manager and board strenthened our squad regularly every year for the past 5/6 seasons with quality experienced additions, but as we know they didn't and instead they did very well financially for themselves (custodians indeed!?!?) and hence we now will reap the rewards. This means we will no longer be dining at the top table of European or domestic football possibly for years to come, because getting back up the slippery slope is a damn site harder than sliding down it!! The height of our ambition for years was a top four finish, but we now realistically face the real prospect of not achieving that anymore. The last minute panic buys can't gloss over the facts, that we have been run purely for profit for years, hell we have even made one in this transfer window!! Hence we will reap what we sow, which in our case will be sod all! I do find it startling to read so many conviced that just because we suddenly abandoned our miserly ways(though still managed £20 million profit on player trading) at close to midnight on the final day that all is now well. It is not! If you actually analyze the quality of players leaving and arriving we are at the very best standing still, which was only good enough for fourth last year but I like many think this squad is weaker than last season, coupled with the fact that Man U, Man C, Chelsea and Liverpool's are all much stronger, even Stoke City of all teams look a threat to us now. It will take three of our five last minute buys time to adapt to the pace and physical nature of the Premier league as well as the other three players acquired earlier in the window. The two whom do have Premier league experience are beyond their best years, and have had suspect injury records in recent seasons, and once our medical team get hold of them well you all know what happens next!!! eg Wiltshire 2 weeks out, now possibly 3 months out and in 3 months it will be 6 months, just like Vermaelen last season!!! I now find myself in an awkward place namely I love the club but despise the board and Wenger for the way they have penny pinched us into the position we now find ourselves in. If Usmanov in tandem with Dein read this site please make Kroenke an offer he can't refuse, and oust those backward looking, money grabbing, inbred dinosaurs from our board room and restore hope and belief to all Gooners worldwide.I don't doubt the pro Wenger lobby will ridicule my comments, but just remember all of us who have had the temerity to voice our opposition to Wenger and the board these last few years have a 100% accuracy track record. Namely we won't win anything ever again whilst your hero remains in charge. Whereas you blind Wenger followers record looks something similar to our current league position!!

  17. R Meade

    Sep 04, 2011, 13:35 #12457

    Wenger unfortunately will always now be remembered for being the Arsenal manager in charge when we lost 8 - 2 that will be his legacy it's a shame but it will last forever and it make take forever to shake off the shame. I cannot be the only one who is still trying to come to terms with such a defeat. I loved Wenger but we have let trophy's slip away in the last six years, titles could and should have been won if only for a half decent keeper and half decent defenders but year after year we had stupid mistakes and nothing was ever done about it. The team gets weaker every season and i have know idea where we are going and what are we trying to achieve? All i can think about is 8 - 2 yet others are happy with the new and very average new players. Big changes are still needed before we can ever show our faces in Manchester again.

  18. Mike

    Sep 04, 2011, 12:52 #12456

    Wonder what other international coaches make of Capello then? Last trophy back in 1966 - he must be everybody's freind. However most English supporters still support England even though they are a second rate international side.

  19. Tony

    Sep 04, 2011, 12:34 #12455

    SAF is the most successful manager ever.He is not stupid he knows we no longer pose a threat to Utd.He knows his rivals are City and Chelsea.While Utd win titles and then strengthen we delay everything till the last minute.Ferguson sells players when he thinks it is the right time Wenger cant keep his best players

  20. Ed enough....

    Sep 04, 2011, 11:52 #12454

    Some fans will never be happy....

  21. Dan h

    Sep 04, 2011, 10:32 #12453

    SAF certainly knows the threat doesn't come from us anymore.It's obvious the money from City & Chelsea changed the dynamics of the Arsenal/Utd rivalry forever.SAF imo respects what AW has done for the game but where he moved with the times AW stayed still.For me the difference between the managers is AW has been far too loyal to players who havn't performed & will keep playing them in the blind faith they will come good.SAF has made many mistakes in the transfer market but will discard players a hell of a lot quicker.The Arsenal sides that worried SAF had pace,physical power & height i just don't know what happened to AW to then turn us into the opposite he had the template for sucess what made him change it?

  22. AFCian

    Sep 04, 2011, 10:04 #12451

    Very good points. Since 2005 we have been in permanent transition selling our best players, breaking up the invincibles etc. and I can't see us winning anything again under this manager unfortunately.

  23. Paranoid interpretation

    Sep 04, 2011, 9:47 #12450

    Shocking piece! The relationship between Ferguson and Wenger has been softening for years this has been plainly evident from the amount of times they have spoken in admiration for each other on many occassions. Wenger even defended Ferguson a few seasons ago when HE was under some pressure. they even turned up in the same taxi for an awards event in the same taxi together a few years ago and have also been interviewed together. is this the signs of people that don't get along? Clearly not. As for the signings look at the back four and GK, solid throughout some thing that has been called for, for years now. Arteta is the experienced player that we have also been calling for, also should he not play better in a team that plays more to his strengths i.e. getting the ball down and playing? Everton good team that they are, do not do this. Signing the Korean may not just be about shirt sales I am sure they said that at Old Trafford when park signed and look how integral a part of the squad he now is! As for the youth and the future, Walcott, Ramsay, Wilshire, Chamberlin, Frimpong anyone? Just to name a few of the up and coming players at Arsenal. I am sure someday that these 5 will all play for the Arsenal and they all under 21? No future, what rot!! So please before posting such tripe do not get sucked in by the media and the way they have represented our great manager and club over the last few months and get behind the team. Remember to that only ONE team can win anything!

  24. Taj

    Sep 04, 2011, 9:22 #12449

    You don't need Fergie's comments to tell Arsenal fans that we are not competing with Utd. The trophy cabinets speak for themselves. What has become apparent since 2005 is that you cannot just rely on a system and a footballing philosophy to be the best in the premier league. Wenger's ideas were innovative and ground breaking 15 years ago, but the world hasn't stood still admiring him. Tactics are more vital for Arsenal now than before the George Graham era, as there are teams with betters players than ours. In certain matches we MUST set up according to the opposition. When we don't, disasters like Newcastle last year will happen, like losing a 2-0 lead at home to Spurs. Every Arsenal fan knows the pain of these and other results like these when we had 3 points only for them to disappear. Wenger is still the right man to lead this team at the moment. I suspect his comments about selling Fabregas and Nasri and being regarded as a big club were born out of frustration, and were a message to the owner and board. Eventually he was told that he HAD to sell Nasri against his wishes. Despite this, I am positive about the new recruits as they add experience. I think we will be scrapping for 4th place with Liverpool, and disagree that 'our season has gone to the dogs'. It depends on what you thought we were realistically going to win? The title? I think not. A cup and CL qualification is a successful season under these circumstances.

  25. tony lawson

    Sep 04, 2011, 9:00 #12448

    Absolute rubbish, the views of a man who hiots you when your wounds are at its peak is nothing to worry about. Arsenal has always beenm lethal and always be. Quality is what we have been longing for, now we have it.

  26. fozzy's mate

    Sep 04, 2011, 8:19 #12447

    A good point well made. I remember a tribute night to taggart and OGL on sky a few years ago. I commented then that the fergie now smugly patted AW on the head and privately laughed at project youth while handing out beating after beating. As I have said many times the reason we are no longer a rival is for the reasons chewed over on these pages we sadly lack ambition to be the best despite the clubs protestations to the contrary. I also feel that at times this has suited AW and his vanity project. I think he relies on his get out of jail free card (spends no money). I was pleased with the harrods sale signings as they added much needed depth and experience and if a couple such players had been bought during the last few seasons the 6 year drought may have been avoided. Our sights have now been revealed as 4th place which a lot of us suspected all along. Would SAF ever allow such a position to develop?

  27. gooner

    Sep 04, 2011, 8:03 #12446

    i think its more accurate to say that fergie need wenger to stay with arsenal. with man city, chelsea and liverpool all gunning for top spot, fergie could do with another rival joining the course to make it harder for everyone. i think fergie think wenger as a threat he can deals with, after all wenger always stick to his principles. but money rich man city and chelsea don't play on even ground so fergie don't to get gang up by all his rivals.