The Go To Guy

Online Ed: Van Persie brings Arsenal to life

The Go To Guy

RVP: Enjoy it while it lasts

Two substitutions transformed Arsenal against Stoke. Van Persie for Chamakh, and Arshavin for Walcott. With the removed players on the field, Arsenal were playing with a self-imposed handicap. Wenger gambled against Stoke and won. He gambled that the game would not be beyond his team before Van Persie entered the fray, and he gambled that the Dutchman would not need more than 25 minutes to make the difference. He won that bet and Arsenal gained three precious points.

In a sense, you can understand Wenger needing to play Chamakh into form. The Korean number nine is obviously not rated or he would have had more game time by now. Was this player bought purely for the marketing benefits in Seoul and Daegu? With every passing non-substitute appearance, it looks more and more of a strange signing. One assumes he will get another chance in the Carling Cup tomorrow evening. Maybe he’s a slow starter…

As for Chamakh, should RVP succumb to injury in the traditional fashion, the Moroccan will almost certainly get the nod, unless Wenger is finally going to unleash Theo Walcott as the focal point of his attack, which seems unlikely after all this time. So the player needs to find some form from somewhere. He will inevitably start against Bolton as the search for the player of autumn 2010 goes on. But every indication since we entered 2011 suggests that the manager has acquired a pup, albeit on a free transfer.

So the club captain is critical, and it was interesting to note how the rest of the team responded to his movement. Suddenly, there were options. I know Arshavin had a stinker in Marseille, but yesterday was much better, even if it was only from the subs bench. What pleased most was to see Arsenal wide men – Arshavin and Gervinho – taking players on, trying to beat them. We need to see more of this now we do not have Fabregas to spray quarterback style passes to the front players. Gervinho, as well as scoring the opener, set up the last two goals by simply beating his man. It feels weird writing that about an Arsenal attacker since Thierry Henry left.

In all competitions, Arsenal have now won seven out of eight matches, without playing particularly well in any of them. There have been flashes of brilliance, periods of resilience and daft lapses in concentration, such as that for Stoke’s equalizer. Sure the free kick was harsh, but once it’s been given, switch on the do not let players run into dangerous areas unhindered. The Gunners were done up like a kipper by a simple training ground routine.

It is the sign of a good side, so I am told, to win matches when playing badly. Hmmmm. Let’s reflect on this run a little more deeply after we play Chelsea next weekend. That match will tell us a lot about the current players. My fear is that it will be all the bad stuff we already know. But who knows? Football has the ability to throw up surprises, especially in derby games, just ask Andreas Villas- Boas.

The current issue of the Gooner will be on sale outside the stadium on Tuesday evening for the Bolton game. It can also be bought online here

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  1. allybear

    Oct 25, 2011, 12:49 #14505

    Nice to get another 3 points&the resuly@OT was brilliant,nice to see them getting stuffed for a change!Just two points,Mertesacker was standing around for the goal,he is ok in the air but on the ground is crap.Walcott has been given enough chances and hasnt delivered.Juventus are reported interested in him so i say ship him out and replace with a proper winger.

  2. Radfordkennedy

    Oct 25, 2011, 10:04 #14499

    I firmly beleive that chamakh could be the player we need,it would only take one of the coaches to sit him down and show him a dvd of sundays game and point out two deficiencies in his game.Now admittedly i haven't spent even "half a day in football"but can spot what is glaringly obvious,when the ball is played wide to the wingers he doesn't check his run turn and peel off to the back post taking a defender with him and get on the end of a cross(which is what he is supposedly good at)he jogs towards the winger in possesion,giving us no presence in the 6 yard box.Secondly as a second striker(something we seem to have a lot of at Arsenal)he is invariably facing the wrong way when the play is coming through the middle,instead of having his back to goal to give the option of a give and go or teeing up a return pass for a shot,he is again too pedestrian and looking over his shoulder with his body facing the goal,these slight faults in his play is the reason why so many times arsh,gervihno or walcott having gone past someone are having to cut inside again and look to passing across the penalty area instead of the ball to the back or near post.Rush,Lineker,wrighty where all masters of this,and we all saw on sunday what effect VP had on the game timing runs perfectly.This is just a small observation on my part and the next time Chamakh plays watch and you'll see what i sure this could be corrected and he will start scoring headers and becoming more effective in the 6 yard box which is what we need....incidently reading the post from 'viking'about Chamakh being in a bar smoking and chatting up a blonde the moroccan has gone right up in my estimations

  3. Reg

    Oct 25, 2011, 8:30 #14498

    Chamakh & Bendtner are both decent centre forwards. Nothing fantastic but will do a job if provided with good crosses and support. Wenger's game plan is play up there on your own (Chamakh) or out wide (Bendtner). Wenger's mad tactics are why these players are/have been so out of form. Chamakh has been at the club for over a year and we're still waiting for him to play alongside RVP. The thing is as the level of players drop with the cronic lack of investment from the board then Wenger will have to be more pragmatic in his approach and actually play to the strengths of the players we have. Hence alot of us feel we are doomed because it is just not going to happen!

  4. Tigergunner

    Oct 25, 2011, 4:53 #14497

    First all, Wenger was the one who recruited RVP for a few million. RVP is 28, so it took him quite a number of years and quite a few spell of injuries to turn into the player he is today. I recall quite a number of fans were ready to give up on him. Secondly, this is a team sport. Other players contributed to the build up to the goals. I did not see him dribble pass 11 Stoke players to score goals. Support your team! Arsenal Forever.

  5. DW Thomas

    Oct 25, 2011, 2:08 #14496

    RVP does it all. But Gerv was the MOM Sunday. He and RVP look like they are clicking lately. Theo was poor and has had too many of those performances. Still like to see Park. Could he really be so bad that Wenger has not played him except for the CC? I am happy to be winning, United lost miserably, but who have we beat so far? Anyone good? I think not. Let's beat Chelsea or come close next weekend and then we might be able to talk of a revival. We still need a top striker and Gotze or Hazard in January. However, now I always feel dumb for even hoping Wenger signs what we need. We have to continue to work to get the club's image back to heights of what it once was. A club with top players, character, and a tradition of winning with style and steel.

  6. Mark

    Oct 24, 2011, 21:47 #14494

    the ethos of the board and owners has not changed. if a wicked bid comes in for rvp next summer they will sell because thats how they make money. buy em cheap get wengloss to train em up and sell em on ! its business. we got the wrong american you will all see. Usmanov and Dein please !

  7. kilkenny cat

    Oct 24, 2011, 20:25 #14493

    rvp is as good as anyone when fit,we knew this already. Id like to see us go for lorente of Bilbao,a centre forward who would be suited to the prem,and Navas of Seville who reminds me of Pires. If we can sort out the defence into a steady unit,we might be on the up again. Unfortunatly though wenger is only interested in french league dross.

  8. Mike

    Oct 24, 2011, 20:17 #14492

    Another fine victory - the movement up the table continues with Chelsea ready to be picked off this weekend with their suspensions

  9. Dan h

    Oct 24, 2011, 18:28 #14490

    Good week for us no doubt about that.RVP has to be wrapped in cotton wool Chamakh as along term replacement doesn't bare thinking about.Vermaelen coming back fingers crossed without any setback will be a real boost & a leader by not just words but example he will also help the new defensive signings adjust.Pundits always talk & rightly so in most examples about how hard the PL is to settle into TV was voted into the PL team of the year by his peers in his debut year no mean feat easily forgotten.This season lets not get too far ahead of ourselves worrying about what's happening to other teams concentrate on ourselves for now.

  10. Viking

    Oct 24, 2011, 18:16 #14489

    At 1 all, we were all thinking here we go again. We didn't look like scoring until the substitutions were made. However, Arshavin is not the one to take any of the credit. One good game and suddenly he is a good player again. I think not. Ramsey, Song and Arteta are doing well in the middle, we need Theo to be consistent, take his man on, deliver the final ball, he needs to want the ball and make things happen, but he does it maybe once or twice perhaps a game. Not good enough. People say he should play up front, but the ball wont stick to him, he has no clue what to do when he has the ball. As for Chammakh, the guy is another Beast, he don't look up to it. I saw Chammakh in a bar last week in London, he was arrogant, rude and trying to pull some blonde, he didn't look like scoring with her either!! He looks unfit too, wonder why, could it be because he was out smoking for most of the evening, we left at just after 12, but our professional was still there putting a hard shift in with the blonde!

  11. Jekyll

    Oct 24, 2011, 17:12 #14488

    RVP is our last, quality, established pro and should take virtually all of the credit for our recent 'revival', such as it is. The other players don't play unless he's on the pitch. It's all his individual brilliance, Wenger deserves none of the credit and remains a hindrance to the club. Wenger needs to get proactive in January because we have only one striker worth the name at the club, and in anticipation of a possible injury and probable departure next summer. He won't though, he'll repeat the Fab/Nasri nonsense again.

  12. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 24, 2011, 17:04 #14487

    A couple about the weekend, first and foremost another win. Secondly, after yesterday, when commenting on the trials and tribulations of our team, should we suffer another heavy defeat, nobody will be able mock or knock us by saying "Fergie would never have allowed that" And, lest we forget, Utd were at home and had far less mitigating circumstances than our bruised battered team who played at OT. But more importantly, our performance, improving on previous months in both technique and spirit. Some positives, some not so positive - as mentioned, an apparent over reliance on RVP. Glad to see Gervinho play so well, Ramsey was clearly up for it and Kos excellent in spells

  13. Merse69

    Oct 24, 2011, 16:53 #14486

    A weekend to be remembered for the result at Old Trafford - even by Gooners - but this is more evidence that we're heading for a real scrap with Spurs (and Liverpool) for fourth. It's easy to get down comparing this team to Wengers best. It clearly needs strengthening in January (in defence and attack), but in Szczesny, Sagna, Vermaelen, Arteta, Ramsey, Wilshere and Van Persie there's real quality. And in Frimpong, Gibbs, Gervinho and Oxlade-Chamberlain real promise. It's not all doom and gloom.....

  14. Kenny

    Oct 24, 2011, 15:49 #14484

    As Paul Merson said on Sky the other week when asked where would Arsenal be if RVP could stay fit,the Magic man said "If RVP could stay fit he wouldnt be at Arsenal" There will be another Nasri saga next summer with Wenger saying theres no way RVP will leave.And we all believe you Arsene we really do.City's feeder club

  15. BRISKI

    Oct 24, 2011, 15:33 #14483

    Good post Editor. Well balanced as usual. Amateur's plan for continuing recovery: 1. Give RVP the wage that fairly represents his value to the club. He is the new talisman - respected and liked by the team - and currently one hell of a player. He must not be allowed to leave. 2. Pray for the speedy return of Vermalaen and Wiltshire - and continuing fitness for the rest of the season. They are badly missed. 3. Give the new signings a chance to settle in - Mertesacker, Arteta, Santos,before writing them off. Gervino, for example, is beginning to show his potential. A few weeks ago he was getting it in the neck on this site! 4. Give Walcott a break: he is not that bad and had quite a reasonable game against Stoke. He got some things right, including a decent cross or two. Let him play to his strengths. 5. Similarly play fair by Arshavin - he put in a decent short, shift yesterday. Chamakh remains a big problem - to himself and to the Club. All confidence shot. He looks bewildered from the moment he steps onto the pitch. Hope he does not read this site! We need someone to deliver high balls across the goal. Hopefully, he will nod a few in - confidence will flow again. 5. Demand that the the Board and AW buy top quality players in January: attack. midfield and defence! We need them as additions and as backup. We are cash rich. If Park was hired to play football - and not to sell T shirts in the Far East - he is not earning his keep. Give the bloke a chance to show that he can stick balls in the net for Arsenal. He has done it often enough elsewhere. He will rot on the bench. Yesterday, I received match news via my mobile. Every time it rang, I freaked out. Not good for a man in his seventies!! Arsenal for ever.

  16. Bergy

    Oct 24, 2011, 15:30 #14482

    Will - First of all, Fergie has never gone 6 seasons without wining anything so your sarcasm is rubbish. Secondly, Man U aren't s good as people think they are, certainly they've been very poor since they beat the City defeat, albeit a surprisig scoreline, was always coming. But what does it say about a team that concedes 8 goals to a team beaten 6-1 at home?

  17. bigreddave

    Oct 24, 2011, 15:28 #14481

    Although we've hit a good run of form if we flop at the bridge next week, it will be 0 points out of liverpool, united, spuds and the chavs so far. Until we can start getting points out of these sides on a regular basis, it's alright beating the likes of stoke and bolton but what's the point if we can't beat the so called big sides?

  18. will

    Oct 24, 2011, 14:32 #14480

    Manure humiliated at home. A damning indictment of a flawed transfer policy ,paying exhorbitant transfer fees and high wages for substandard players.A club sliding into mediocrity. Fergie must go! Where have I heard that before ?

  19. poor judgement

    Oct 24, 2011, 14:10 #14479

    i think Bendtner is muuch better than Chamakh

  20. Ron

    Oct 24, 2011, 14:02 #14478

    Ramsey had his best game since his injury i thought. Stoke were a very pedestrian side, though we looked OK in the 2nd half. Chamakh simply cant play to our style, ie he just needs crosses and balls over the top really, but he just looks so lethargic im not surprised none of the team really bothers trtying to set up anything for him. He needs moving on. Hes seemingly very weak too. We are making slow progress, though i suspect Chelsea away has come a few weeks too soon. Torres might just run amok and use us unfortuntely to increase his Chelsea cred! Id be happy with a hard fought draw. PS AW should make sure he plays the very youngest team hes got v Bolton. The CC is truly not important this Season. If we want some Cup heroics, lets try for the FAC in January by which time the Season will be mapped out clearly for the players. This team could win that.

  21. GoonerRon

    Oct 24, 2011, 13:46 #14477

    Another fair assessment, Kevin. To give credit where it's due we won with relative ease in the end. No peeikng-through-the-cracks-in-your-finger moments in the final minutes. We do look slightly more resolute as the games pass but still plenty of room for improvement. I think Arteta is playing very sensibly at the moment, keeping the passing going but staying disciplined in his positioning when required. Gervinho looks like a player growing in confidence and hopefully consistency in his game will follow. We're on a good run and you can only beat who is put in front of you, I would much rather play averagely and win than batter teams and drop points.

  22. Highbury Spy

    Oct 24, 2011, 13:44 #14476

    Good write up Kev. Given our almost total reliance on van Persie to score goals and Wally Walcott's continued incompetence, I reckon we should sell Wally at the first opportunity and use whatever transfer fee we can get for him (tuppence?) plus the wages saved on not paying him anymore and give them straight to Robin in an increased contract offer. Maybe if we also break the bank to sign that Gotze guy from Dortmund, that will be incentive enough for Robin to extend his contract. God knows we can't afford to lose him.

  23. Tony Evans

    Oct 24, 2011, 13:42 #14475

    Good to see us moving up the table but I remain unconvinced and it will be interesting to see how we get on against Chelski. One obvious point is that we are far too reliant on RVP, and how we have ended up with so few quality strikers only Wenger can answer.

  24. Matty S

    Oct 24, 2011, 13:34 #14474

    Lets set this straight. Chamakh came over being the best aerial striker in Europe. That's supported by his conversion rate of aerial balls which was the highest that year. So one would expect he would be brought on to change up Arsenal's attack, give a bigger threat from set pieces etc. But no. Our game against Stoke had 71% of our attacking down the middle. We passed it in like we always did. Our set pieces were the usual (ie a restart) and our corners were rubbish. No, Chamakh did not have a good game, he missed a couple of good opportunities. But lets not try and force a square peg into a round hole here. PLay him properly, and is he's still rubbish, move him on. At least we cant make a loss.

  25. Jamie

    Oct 24, 2011, 13:34 #14473

    At last we are looking like are are starting to play especially in second half against Stoke. I think you are being a bit unfair on Theo he did take on the full back Wilkinson and leave him for dead a few times and delivered a delicious cross which you would expect Chamakh to be on the end of. No credit for Arteta he really did look good yesterday setting up play from midfield with a good passing game.

  26. thatsimonrose

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:04 #8339

    HowardL and Bunch - absolutely. We know Arsenal's flaws, they trace back 10 years! We were murdering teams 1-0 and not winning matches in 2000-2001, epitomised by and culminating in the horrendous FA Cup Final defeat to Liverpool. No Arsenal fan can ignore our present distinct problems/concerns, but we put ourselves through it enough during the season, we owe ourselves a break during the summer or it can be too all-consuming. It is really hard not to get involved, every day, with transfer speculation, but we cannot change last season. People are only hurting themselves to fume about it and to churn it over endlessly. let go of last season. We all 'hope' our flaws will be attended to: if we reach the end of the transfer window and Arsenal have not done good business, then fume afresh. Until then, everything that has passed is history and I just want to leave Arsenal to use the window wisely.

  27. bunch

    Jun 07, 2011, 8:06 #8336

    Chill out - yes (if only for personal sanity). Slate clean - no. If the obvious failing of our team are not addressed and continue to be failings next season then the disaffection and anger will be cumulative.

  28. HowardL

    Jun 06, 2011, 23:10 #8328

    Agree with you Simon. Let's chill out until next season. However, the venom will be back with a vengeance if things do not change. Anyway, are there any sane Gooners left?

  29. CHGooner

    Jun 04, 2011, 14:26 #8201

    You make an interesting comment when you say that you support the club and anyone who plays for 'it', the identity of the players being mere detail. I think - broadly speaking - this is a fairly accurate description of most fans relationship to their club's . However, I do think it is a bit too simplistic. Putting aside all the pro's and con's of Wenger's regime for a minute, I do think that his biggest single error was to think that the fans did think and behave exactly like that. They don't actually, or at least I don't! I think Arsenal perhaps more than any other club in the Premiership era have put a big distance between fans and players. That is why the crowd are less tolerant and less supportive in my view. Many people hark back to GG and before, me included, and arguments and counter arguments ensue over which sides were better etc, but the truth is we forgave those players more. Why? Because we liked and respected them. They loved the club and we loved them for it. Why is JW so popular? Good player sure but we have better. He cares, he loves Arsenal and he's 'one of us''. It is not about nationality per se, we loved Dennis, Thierry, Freddie, Bobby, PV4 as well. No the problems arose when Wenger thought it of no relevance whether we had a core of 'real Arsenal' players to imbue new arrivals with a sense of who we are and what playing for Arsenal means. Result? The fans have fallen out of love with the players big time. If any player fails to deliver a top performance he is castigated, rather than supported or defended. This is unhealthy. We need to recover what we always had as a club, and that was genuine warmth, respect and love between players and fans. Wenger screwed up on that big time in my view.

  30. tom

    Jun 04, 2011, 1:58 #8195

    how can we chill out, when its obvious this summer is going to be exactly the same? Gervinho to newcastle is pretty much done, parker has just gone to the scum and that prick is only going to sign 2 unknown players from france. we aregoing backwards big time.

  31. terry

    Jun 03, 2011, 20:05 #8193

    lol Lewis, or should that be Simon himself?

  32. Ron

    Jun 03, 2011, 15:20 #8182

    Hisorians will rightly say that the past is the guide to avoiding mistakes in the future. By your 'red China' type passive perspective AFC and Wenger have carte blanche to screw up every year on the pitch and screw the fans off it regardless. Its been years since AFC fans gave the Club some serious stick and it should be welcomed. The Club has an air of the latter days of Terry Neill's regime about it and for those that understand what that was, the lets hope for the best method that you advocate isnt palatable. In fact, its downright dangerous!

  33. Alan

    Jun 03, 2011, 14:47 #8179

    I agree with you totally Simon - my concern is how well we start next season - if don't get off to a flyer people's discontent will be quick to surface again. I don't want to ever see Arsenal fans arguing with each other over the failings of AW or the team. I am one of the fans that believe you don't boo your team - no matter what - but I do understand the reasons why others do. Let's get behind our team no matter who we sell or sign this summer - we all need to remember a lot of us where fans before AW and we will be fans after he has gone - I know its tough but keep the faith in our club.

  34. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 03, 2011, 12:14 #8170

    That all makes a lot of sense, sometimes a bit of perspective is hard to come by out there!

  35. Yawn

    Jun 03, 2011, 10:55 #8164

    Aaaah yes. So let's just let the board and manager screw us hard every season...and once they've f***d up, let's just each summer "forget about it". Then reset our memories, then go through the same ****e all over again the following season yes? Make that eight years without a trophy coming up to a club near you...

  36. Lewis

    Jun 03, 2011, 10:51 #8163

    Simon Rose = Legend

  37. GunnerZim

    Jun 03, 2011, 10:15 #8160

    Excellent, excellent post Simon! I really wonder what people think they will achieve by constant moaning about the past. Great post!