One Man Carries Us

Guess who that might be!

One Man Carries Us

24 minutes was enough on Sunday

We still haven’t turned any kind of corner. Yet, what a good win. If we beat Chelsea next weekend then I think it might be safe to say we have a shot at top four. Not long ago though, that was simply not good enough. My, how times have changed. Earlier this year I wrote about Stoke’s game against Man United and how they pretty much play anti-football. That is one thing I agree on with Wenger. Was it not in full evidence today? They are a team that simply tries to hoof it and score off long balls and long throws. That makes winning the way we did all the more satisfying. Like a cold beer at the end of a long hard day’s work. And the Arsenal players deserve one too. They held it together till our Dutch hero arrived and saved the day. There were some errors, especially the defending on their goal, and I can be as critical as anyone, but for the first time in a long while, I had a smile on my face all day after this win. Yet, we are one injury away from being a team with no world class.

The game was quite enjoyable to watch, from a fan’s view. The back four looked fairly solid most of the time. Kos had another quality game against a tough, physical team. Per was strong, Santos solid, and even Djourou put in a good shift. I have to say it was the best game in a while from Ramsey, too. I never doubt his effort and he does have heart. But, as many say, he is not nor never will be our replacement for Cesc. That I think must fall to Wilshire. However, his lob pass to Gervinho was a touch of beauty and was an important goal. I thought Chamakh did ok, although he couldn’t produce much and looks low on confidence. He holds up play fine, but needs way more service into the box. You could see even his heading game is way off. Will he still be an Arsenal player come spring? I really thought Park would get some minutes today, but, again I simply don’t know why (does anyone?) he is not playing at all. Gervinho was my man of the match. Why not Van Persie you say? Well, Gerv played the whole game and was the cog in the machine that was the most important in the game. Van Persie won the game with his goals, but without the Ivorian’s penetrating runs and passes, where would have been his service? Overall, Robin is our most important player, we should pay him what he wants and deserves, but Gervinho did the hard work today. Albeit, he did turn off and let Shawcross have a free header to set up Stoke’s only goal. But his ability to get behind their back four created the chances we needed. Thank the heavens Wenger finally made a good tactical choice. Even I could have got that one right! Walcott’s day, by contrast, was summed up by that cross he launched into space like Sputnik. How can someone with such an important role in the team play so poorly and be that bad at crossing? He really needs to start showing some end results or the OX won’t even have to compete for his spot. He’ll simply be the better option. Arshavin had a solid game. No matter George Graham’s comments or how frustrating he often is, today that pass to Gervinho for the third goal was sublime. He just doesn’t seem fit enough for a team like the Arsenal. You can see he oozes talent and creative spark, but he simply cannot maintain it consistently enough. If only! What a player he could be. Many say let him play behind Van Persie and he’d show consistency and be more threatening. Why not try it Arsene, at least sometime. The Pole and Song were fairly solid, but they both made a few errors worst of which was Szczesny coming way off his line again when Djourou had him covered.

Now to our captain. He simply took the game by the scruff of the neck and won it. No other Arsenal player has that ability. Yes, we have good attacking players, but no one is world class yet. Without Robin, I shudder to think where we would be. I was one who thought for a long time he was overhyped. Never would he stay fit enough. Rarely would he hit that perfect free-kick goal like he did against Sunderland. His brittleness frustrated me. Now, I am completely sold. The Dutchman is carrying us, make no mistake. Surely if he had been more fit the last four seasons, and with a solid back four, we would have won at least 3 or 4 four trophies including the league. And that is why, despite his current form, Wenger must buy a very good striker in January and sign Van Persie to a long contract. Robin will need rest. And he may get injured. Either way, we have no one near his ability to take his place. Walcott is a whiner who could never fill his shoes. We tried Arshavin a couple seasons ago and that was not the answer. Chamakh or Park? No way. I said earlier this season I thought Park would come good. But he has not even had a sniff. Who knows what he can do? The fans and pundits, good and bad, have been saying this about the Arsenal for years now: Just get those two or three players who can push us over the summit. Please, Wenger. Listen to the winds of change. They have been blowing strongly in your face for some time now.

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  1. HowardL

    Oct 25, 2011, 18:29 #14515

    Impressive interview on Sky Sports News this morning with Per M saying how the team are beginning to gel and the recent games have effectively been their getting-to-know-you pre-season tour! I'm anti-Ole but I joined in with it for that passing session which quite humiliated Stoke on Sunday. We could yet be surprised by this squad...

  2. Philip

    Oct 25, 2011, 16:20 #14513

    Theo picks up more criticism than is warranted me thinks. First, while he didn't score or offer assists, he got two defenders on yellow and helped on defense (Djourou does not put in a decent shift at right without the protection of Theo dropping back or pushing forward and threatening). Second, that Capella character is not pre-disposed to be soft on Theo, yet he like AW pencils Theo in when available. Suggests that better football minds than most think highly of his talent and production.

  3. Jekyll

    Oct 25, 2011, 15:26 #14510

    Can only assume Park is never played because he looks terrible in training. He's on the sub's bench to sell jerseys in S Korea as they'll watch hoping he'll come on. So when Wenger says 'people are too quick to pass judgment' that is nonsense. He would need to be played to be actually judged. We desperately need another striker in Jan for the reasons given, but we all know Wenger will gamble on RVP staying fit the whole season and playing virtually every game, even though that will inevitably lead to a breakdown. Wenger will then spend the summer telling us he's not leaving before he's sold at the end of August. Lastly, Wenger doesn't 'try' things. He decides a formation and then sticks with it for years, both in a game and across the season, no matter whether it's working and whether he's got the players to suit it or not.

  4. bunch

    Oct 25, 2011, 14:26 #14508

    Agree with you about RvP one man team stuff, don't agree with you about it being enjoyable to watch. Utter dross in the firat half and most of the second. First half there was nothing between the sides in my opinion, second half we had the possession but until RvP came on, the usual lack of penetration. And I am sick and tired of gooners whinging about other less endowed teams playing anti-football. Stoke play to their strength and the resources they have. And they and Pulis are doing a fine job. I refuse to buy into this Wenger arrogance of "one way" to play football. Why? Because it so often leaves us without a plan B. We won't hump it up field when that is exactly what is called for. When we aren't getting anywhere trying to pass our way through the centre (everyone has worked out how to play us)how about using one of those free kicks 10 yards inside their half to launch a ball at our CBs instead of taking a quick tap sideways or, even more frustratingly, backwards.

  5. Wisdom

    Oct 25, 2011, 14:12 #14507

    If we didn't have striker to score goal people will have say they don't have a clinical striker that can score a goal - now that we have striker that can score goal they say is one man team. They didn't want to see any good thing around us. Every teams have their own talisman. look at Barca-Messi, Man U - Rooney, Real Madrid-Ronaldo and so on. It pain them that we still have players to compete despite the selling of Fabregas, Nasri, clichy and the rest. **** them all.

  6. GoonerRon

    Oct 25, 2011, 13:12 #14506

    This one-man team is utter cobblers in my view, that is just the tabloids and SKY whipping up a frenzy about our 'one man' and his expiring contract. Yes, he has been on a sensational run of goal scoring and is in the form of his life but I don't agree he is our only top player. If Szez, Vermaelen, Sagna, Wilshere, Walcott, Ramsey, AOC, Song were put up for sale tomorrow I guarantee you a range of the top clubs in Europe would be sniffing around in a heart beat. As for 'we haven't turned any kind of corner' - after the Man U debacle would you dare to dream we would win 6 out 7 in all comps? No, me neither.

  7. Ron

    Oct 25, 2011, 12:19 #14504

    Theres no such thing as a 'one man team' and RVP isnt 'carrying us'. Yes, hes vital and his goals would be hard to replace in his absence but youre listening to SKY tv too much methinks.

  8. aj

    Oct 25, 2011, 11:40 #14502

    While I agree in general with your conclusion, I think it is wrong to say that Van Persie carries us. You could say that Ian Wright "carried us" in the 1990s, Thierry Henry "carried us" in the naughties and Rooney caries ManU now. 7amKickOff pointed out yesterday that our dependence on RvP now is no more than it was on Wright and Henry before. For the record, I believe that we would have still won on Sunday without RvP. We had tired Stoke out with our possession and the game was being played closer and closer to their goal but, having said that, we are a much better team with RvP than without him.

  9. CB

    Oct 25, 2011, 11:24 #14501

    Same old negativity. I went to the match and felt very positive about the way Arsenal played. We have come a long way since the start of the season as the players start to gel. Is it too much to expect people to realise that things improve over time rather than just get stuck in the moment (Arsenal lose - disaster, Arsenal win - joy). Rationally Chelsea will beat us at the weekend. But also, rationally, Vermaelen will improve the team, Park will get used to the Uk and his teammates, the defence will play better once they get used to each other etc etc. Why the continuing negativity? 6 wins out of 7 and more improvement to come.

  10. Jordan Gooner

    Oct 25, 2011, 10:45 #14500

    Arsenal are not a one man team. this is the media trying to cause mischief and discontent in the Arsenal camp. If you look at the current squad,Wilshere,Vermaelen,Ramsey,Song are all world class players. other players such as the Ox, Gibbs, and possibly Walcott can be one day. Others such as Merteseker,Koscielny,Gervinho and Arteta would be sought after by many clubs in europe. In the rest of the squad there are many great International players who are nott currently playing to there full potential and have to lift there performances. I believe however Wenger must sign at least two more top class payers to make a statement re Arsenal long term commitment. Mata would have been perfect!!