Random Thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Another EN5-based take on Arsenal FC

Random Thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Gervinho: Improving steadily

Keep on climbing; keep the faith. Three wins in a week, and - slowly but surely - some semblance of normality is returning. Wins away at Marseille and at home against Stoke may go some way to support my belief that the team is returning to more pragmatic roots, putting aside the extremely entertaining but fruitless football that promised so much, but delivered nothing over the last four years. Let's not kid ourselves into thinking that we have moved on completely. Issues and concerns still exist, such as our vulnerability on set-pieces and our habit of allowing teams back into games for 20-minute spells. In the long term, these will need to be addressed. However the 1-6 pasting that Man Utd took at Old Trafford highlights how even the best teams can be brought down to earth swiftly.

Bolton at home was evidence once more that some character is being restored. Had the club played that game six weeks ago, we might have lacked the cojones to come out with a win, especially with such a patched-up side playing. The big news was not Park's well-taken goal or shoots of a recovery in form for Arshavin, but the return of the Verminator. After 85 minutes, I feared that he had come off with an injury setback, yet I was chuffed to hear on the pravda today that he is raring to go for the Chelsea game on Saturday. As much as Koscielny has improved, I would have to let him make way in the middle for the "Vermersacker" relationship to develop. Koscielny in the meantime can compete with Djourou and Karl Pilkington for the right-back slot.

Are we a one-man or should I say "one van" show? (I probably cribbed that subliminally from a tabloid headline). Frankly, do we care? We have always had a big reliance on star strikers, from Ian Wright to Bergkamp and then Thierry Henry. As I have stated before, we need to break the bank to ensure that we keep him and, reading between the lines, I believe that Wenger would happily pay him the market rate. On current form, he is worth every penny. My only concern is the lack of a back-up. Joel Campbell and Afobe are unproven, while I cannot see Walcott as a central striker in a 4-3-3. In my opinion, Chamakh has until Christmas to return to somewhere near his initial promise, or I would urge the boss to venture into the market in January. In the meantime, Park looks like getting his chance.

Gervinho continues to show the directness that had been lacking in the past. While he lacks the technique of Nasri before him, his pace and trickery, along with his understanding with RVP, is a huge plus point. His assists alone surpass Nasri's stats of last season. My only regret is that in January he flies off to the African Nations Cup. However, Wenger has hinted that the OX will play a lot more after Christmas. It seems as though he is being developed slowly and not overused, with a view to unleashing him after Christmas to replace Dan Dare's arch enemy. On a positive note, Song's Cameroon did not qualify.

One point from a possible twelve away from home is the next problematic point. Granted that two of those three losses have been at White Hart Lane and Old Trafford, if we are to finish at least in the top four, then we must start to pick up points on our travels, starting at Stamford Bridge on early Saturday afternoon. Historically, we have always struggled, mainly thanks to Drogba, who very helpfully has got himself suspended for the game. However, with RVP in red-hot form, we have more than a chance. I would take a draw but am not convinced by AVB's new-look Chelsea, which has more of an open attacking feel than Chelsea teams of the past. This may be to their detriment and will hopefully suit our style of play.

Following that is Marseille at home, and a chance to wrap up qualification for the next stage. I would rather win the group than face some of the big guns who are all going strong, such as Barcelona, Real Madrid and Bayern. Not that we will win the competition entirely, but I always feel that our season peters out once we go out of the Champions League, so the longer we are in the better.

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  1. Tuesday clubber

    Oct 28, 2011, 21:12 #14589

    Is it just me or do all of Pradeep's articles look like they've been cribbed directly from the Tuesday club? just an observation.

  2. steveJ

    Oct 28, 2011, 11:17 #14574

    Park surprised me at the Bolton game considering how non existent he was against Shrewsbury. Going up every header(tho' obviously not winning against Cahill and Knight), having a shot when he can and then calmly taking the goal. Vermaelen was obviously a class above and well welcomed back for the Chelsea game. Koscielny should fit in at RB altho' not a Jenkinson or Sagna he loves a long pass so could be good from around halfway line. RVP looks like his enjoying his football at the moment ( if only that chip against Sunderland went in . LoL). I can see Chelsea being a tough game, but with Terrys recent troubles I can see a penalty or red card coming up in this one! ... Another 2-1 win for the gunners! [wink]

  3. Wombledin

    Oct 28, 2011, 3:13 #14565

    What a roll we are on, just scraping past a few crap teams and now up to 7th plus into the next round of the CL. I'm just so massively thrilled that Wenger's 'trophy' of a top four finish is once again within our grasp. We'd better enjoy our last few games in the Champions League this season fellow gooners because it's Europa league next season for us for sure.

  4. Shaun

    Oct 27, 2011, 21:26 #14563

    Like the idea of kos at right back, Deserves to stay in the team after his recent performances.Be good to have a real defender there,reckon we can do without one attacking full back for a tough away game like this. Perhaps we should use arshavin as a traditional number 10, At least in that position he doesn't have to be so disciplined and can be given more freedom to create? No drogba as well,Looking forward to it!

  5. Ron

    Oct 27, 2011, 17:44 #14561

    Kos at RB sounds good re Chelsea game. Arsh needs to start, just off RVP and he needs to be told to really go at Chelsea every time he gets chance. Their defence is poor. The low life 'legend Captain leader' is past it and the frizzy haired one is totally indiciplined. Arsh can create havoc if Wenger has the balls to send the team out to go for it, like City did at Utd. Leave Theo on the bench. If Arsh misfires or tires Theo's useful for some of the same off the bench. If we go there, paying them loads of rspect, we re done for. We ve done that far too much at the Bridge in the last few years and just got Drogba'd for our troubles.Lets face it, our fans take over and own the atmosphere there and its not an intimidating Stadium with their 'fans' quite timid by and large. Go for it Gunners. Ill miss the game. First one for a few years there. Its winnable. Chelsea arent that great.

  6. Pradeep Kachhala

    Oct 27, 2011, 12:34 #14555

    Re Chunk Yes I think 4-4-2 does need to be an option but I don't see it happening at the moment as most PL teams tend to pack their central midfield these days - Wenger himself said that 2 in the centre of midfield leaves us short. Which begs the question whether Walcott will ever play upfront...? I do agrre in that Arshavin can play off RVP in a 4-3-3 all it takes is one of Arteta, Ramsey or Song to fill in on the left when Arshavin comes in...teamwork...simples!

  7. Fozzy's mate

    Oct 27, 2011, 12:21 #14554

    Pradeep, I think we need to avoid an overeaction if as I expect we lose at Chelsea. Things are slowly on the up and despite the start of our season being unacceptable and totally aviodable and predictable, we cant change what has happened. So if we get stuffed lets not throw the baby outand all that and start ranting again, whats gone is gone. In the past what should be one off defeats have killed us for sustained periods starting with the end of the 49 game run. Win lose or draw at the weekend, lets keep behind the team and hope we continue beating the teams we should beat week in week out. Then add some more quality in January (am I dreaming?) and continue building. This season may be throughout a series of grinding wins, followed by defeats re the better sides at home and in europe. But as I have traied o do we must be thnkful for beating Sunderland 2-1, and not expect a 4-0 romp.

  8. chopper4001

    Oct 27, 2011, 10:40 #14553

    Good article. Much like Chunk, I'd like to see Arshavin in the "hole", with Gervinho and a resurgent Rosicky on the wings. I think what Arteta lacks in a "cesc" final ball he makes up for in his positional awareness in CM, and him and Song can do an excellent screening role for Arshavin (who lets be honest wont do too much defending). Personally I think we put too much emphasis on dominating games with no end product. Lets get back to feeding the number 9 and 10. Means dropping Rambo though, which is harsh on his current form, but he makes for a good impact sub. I think its a given that Kos will play at right back, which makes for a fairly formidable back line. Maybe Theo should sit this one out though eh? Let him sharpen his spikes. Onwards and upwards.

  9. Radfordkennedy

    Oct 27, 2011, 10:16 #14552

    I dont know if anyone else noticed what to me was quite a remarkable shift in mental toughness on sunday against stoke,when stoke started to rough us up in the second half and kick our full backs into the advertising hoardings and leave the foot in against our midfield,we just simply got up and got on with it and more importantly didn't cave in,especially given some shocking decisions by the ref. We will certainly need this toughness against Chelsea who as we know are very good at fouling on the half way line ,nothing bookable but just enough to break up your attacks,but they can turn violent should they go a goal down. Without our eternal nemisis Drogba playing we do have a good chance of getting a result although i cannot get rid of the nagging fear that with so many players in our team who have a good 15-20 mins in a game but have the ability to go to sleep as well, we might just might walk into one on saturday. This to me is the game where we could see if Theo can do a job in his prefered role in the middle and really run at Terry and create hell,i for one would rather sip cocktails on the edge of Michael Barrymoore's swimming pool than watch another pointless,inept performance on the wing.He has got to start playing there because as we all know a VP injury is long overdue.

  10. Partnership

    Oct 27, 2011, 10:02 #14551

    it was pleasing to see our Senior Club City pay back Man U for spanking their Feeder Club 8-2. City wanted to show solidarity with Arsenal, keep them on side so that Wenger can keep up the supply of top class players to them which they will buy at over the market prices so that Stan and Arsene can keep making out like bandits.

  11. Chunk

    Oct 27, 2011, 9:23 #14550

    An EN5 boy myself, always a good read. Would like to see Koscielny at right back vs Chelsea, wouldn't want to drop him, he's played there before and Jenkinson's injured? Obviously Vermaelen in the centre with Mertesacker. Would also like Arshavin to play off RVP as against Bolton with Park. He did the job well on Tuesday and if he wants to stake a claim to play in his favoured position, a weakened Chelsea side could be the perfect platform. Players in the wrong position has, in my opinion, been part of the problem at Arsenal for the last couple of years. Its surely time to play Theo up front with RVP just off him in a 4-4-2? But then, which midfielders would play. I think I've rambled enough, Cheers

  12. CB

    Oct 27, 2011, 9:10 #14549

    Chelsea went to extra time at Everton, which is good news on their tiredness levels for an early Saturday start. However Torres is back so I can't be optimistic for the game. Hopefully we will get an idea of how far we have come since the horrible start of the season. A point would be nice as well, though perhaps too much to hope for.