Kamikaze. Banzai. Hara-kiri.

Acid test looming at Stamford Bridge

Kamikaze. Banzai. Hara-kiri.

Will it be the Bridge of Sighs… or Highs?

Yes, Arsenal have achieved a great series of results recently in the cup competitions, and I was of course jumping for joy like a deranged lunatic and beaming a broad Gooneresque grin after we defeated Udinese, took the lead in Dortmund and somehow snatched a victory at the Velodrome. I was equally delighted when we defeated the mighty Shrewsbury Town and Bolton Wanderers with what is essentially our second-string side, such is my obsessive passion towards all things Arsenal. Arsenal are in my blood, win lose or draw, and every victory at the moment tastes like the sweetest ambrosia, nectar or indeed manna sent from heaven itself.

"We’re on the way back!" I hear some of you thinking, but don't you dare go and believe it, my fellow Gooners, not even for a nanosecond.

There is a real acid test looming ominously like the sword of Damocles over the heads of Arsène Wenger and his Arsenal side on Saturday and, without the aid of a crystal ball or spiritual channelling, I'm predicting an epic failure of this acid test that may sting our eyes just a little bit. Like having lemon juice squirted directly into our eyeballs.

As Arsenal prepare to visit Stamford Bridge, no one but the most blinkered of us Arsenal fans are expecting anything but a Chelsea win. Even if Chelsea are to be without our nemesis, Didier Drogba, suspended for his ridiculous challenge at QPR, nobody is giving Arsenal a snowball in hell’s chance of beating Chelsea in their own back yard.

I don't know about you, dear reader, but I'm so gutted that the small part inside of me that could somehow believe that an Arsenal team under Arsène Wenger, Pat Rice and Boro Primorac's coaching could get victories at places like Shite Hart Lane, Old Trafford and Stamford Bridge has slowly withered away and died.

Granted that we should never expect to win every game away from home against handy opposition, but when even the faintest glimmer of hope of such victories has finally died in the hearts of most of the more knowledgeable hardcore fans, and even some of the more talented players, your football club has a serious problem - a problem that could result in a terminal decline if not addressed with swift, surgically-precise, wholesale changes in coaching and playing personnel à la Liverpool or Tottenham, i.e. trading up and not down as we have been since the move to the Grove.

Take a look at this quote I found from Cesc Fabregas back in 2008 in an interview with the Daily Telegraph. He said: "Our squad is a bit short on numbers and we are very young. It's hard to imagine a midfield where I am the oldest member. We find it very hard to win matches, as we don't possess enough experience. I scored 13 goals last season but then I had plenty of allies. Rosicky was around, Flamini covered every blade of grass and Hleb was like a brother to me out there. The team played with a lot of skilful touches, we were as solid as a brick wall and our opponents would not get a look in. Now none of those players are in the side and I feel like a rare being. We are more defensive-minded and sturdy as a team but we don't play so much skilful stuff."

Sounds eerily familiar doesn't it? Arsenal have spent the last six years taking one step forwards and then two steps backwards because we are constantly selling players or failing to keep them interested in playing for us, meaning that the cycle has continued to the point where Song and Walcott are the senior men in our midfield alongside the newer signings of Arteta, Arshavin and Benayoun. So we now have to face facts and ask ourselves a simple yet profound question.

Fellow readers of the Gooner, are we going to fall for the PR spin of Wenger, Gazidis and Kroenke whilst greedily guzzling down all of their rose-tinted visions of a tomorrow that never comes OR are we going to take a look at the results on the pitch and trust the evidence of our own two eyes and those of our fellow supporters all around us in our not-so-very-full stadium?

In my opinion, if you don't attend or have never attended live matches regularly, you cannot form your own sensible opinions from the television because you simply cannot see enough of the off-the-ball movement and positional play of the team to understand where improvements are needed. You also run the risk of being brainwashed by the constant stream of utter shite that some of the commentators and so-called experts spew forth every week. I don't mean to sound condescending, but if you don't attend live matches or have never done so, you really aren't in a position to form a decent opinion on football tactics.

I hope that I am made to eat humble pie and that Arsenal find a way to destroy Chelsea on Saturday but I'm predicting a Chelsea win by at least two clear goals and here's why...

Arsenal play a "fluid" 4-2-3-1 or a "loose" 4-3-3 system depending on who you listen to or what particular personnel are fit and available to us on a game-by-game basis, but very often when we lose the ball in the opposition half we are actually playing more like a 2-7-1-0, because we are leaving our poor centre-halves exposed, while congesting the midfield areas without actually having anyone in the opposition penalty area or moving correctly with any sense of a tactical game plan in the final third - barring of course the risen Lord himself, our new messiah, Robin Van Persie.

Our full-backs are encouraged to bomb forward to provide the width as our "wide forwards" are being asked to cut inside to support the central striker. Our so-called holding midfielder(s) are also encouraged to bomb forward whilst also trying intricate passes and delicate through-balls that, quite frankly, would be better left to the more technically-gifted attacking players to perform. With three (or four) of our defensive players being asked to play in this irresponsible way, we are leaving our two poor centre-halves hopelessly exposed, sometimes as far up the pitch as the half-way line!

Now if you are going to play such a very high line it is highly recommended that you (1) play the offside-trap correctly and methodically as a cohesive unit and (2) have very mobile, athletic defenders who can recover from positional errors by virtue of either electric pace or pure old-fashioned muscular presence, preferably both.

Arsène Wenger is employing kamikaze tactics with a team that is still yet to gel, and that is why Arsenal’s banzai charge at Chelsea will result in a gruesome yet somehow strangely familiar and bizarre hara-kiri ritual that seems to have skipped on loop like a scratched Bluray copy of Tom Cruise's Last Samurai for the last six long groundhog seasons.

If Arsenal lose the ball while Santos/Gibbs, Song and Jenkinson/Djourou are caught out of position, then we had all better hope and pray that it is Vermaelen or Koscielny chasing Torres, Kalou, Mata, Sturridge, Anelka and Malouda, because Per Mertesacker couldn't even catch a cold in a doctor’s waiting room, let alone a finely-tuned premiership athlete.

It's not Mertesacker's fault that he was signed by Arsenal and asked to play in a high line that is completely unprotected by the midfield at times, but that doesn't change the fact that your granny could have him in a straight foot race any day of the week now does it? Arsène Wenger signed Per Mertesacker because he was cheaper than both Cahill and Jagielka, and he won't be feeling good about that decision come May. The extra mobility of a Cahill or Jagielka might have covered up Wenger's fatally flawed tactics, but the big Meat-sack and his obvious lack of pace will be ruthlessly exposed by the elite strikers both domestically and in Europe.

Alex Song, please, please, please play like Claude Makelele against Chelsea. Don't listen to anything that Arsène, Boro or Pat tell you. Just watch DVDs of Makelele non-stop for the next few days.

If our full-backs are going to bomb forward to provide the width outside, then please can someone get into the f***ing box? Van Persie ("the messiah") drops back to influence the play and has the talent and vision to do so (much like Rooney does for Manchester United) but there is no one making the runs into the box for Van Persie when he drops back. Either Wenger should sign a proper out-and-out goal-scorer in January like Benzema (who cannot get a game at Real Madrid because of Higuain’s rich form) and give Theo or Gervinho the chance to play up front until then, or he should move Arshavin into the shadow striker role behind our flying Dutchman and tell Van Persie to stick to central positions in the final third. Arshavin looked to this contributor to be relishing the chance to play more centrally against Bolton.

What's that you say? I'm talking rubbish? Maybe you will listen to an Arsenal legend who believes that Arsenal's defence is not the only part of the team that needs more than a little cosmetic surgery.

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  1. Sue

    Nov 01, 2011, 9:16 #14705

    Good solid article and despite the amazing win still well founded. As you noted Per was out of position for two goals Santos was getting skinned all first half and the chavs should have had three more. But I loved the way they made changes at half time and tightened up (still not tight enough but its a start) and appeared more to be a tream working for each other - still not cohesive enough but its all int he right direction. But your opening statement about thinking we could get a win - the Aussie gooner was right in that we needed the chavs to have a total melt down (whicvh they did forward when they could have had 6 and at the back) and we needed to be on fire and RvP walk on water. I think what you were driving at was that we ought to be going to the toilet / old sh1ttford/white flag lane with the attitude its a 52:48 game and a 5% swing means its ours instead of what sounded like a div 2 team dreaming of cup glory if if if if, (although I had had the same thought as the Aussie Gooner before this match) I think RvP is starting to put his stamp on the team and its a bit more gung ho and committed

  2. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 30, 2011, 23:52 #14653

    Now, now. Come on lads. Was it just me, or was the meatsack at fault for a couple of the goals? Santos scored a brilliant goal but wasn't he totally of the pace for 75% of the game? I play defence and I learned basic positional play in the juniors. Lampard and Terry moved Meat sack out of the way and simply helped themselves! Too easy. Santos is more of a bulky winger than a left back. No bloody clue. I predicted a shambolic There won't be an orgy every week.defensive display. I failed to predict a spitroast at a Van persie led orgy.

  3. Marco G

    Oct 30, 2011, 20:47 #14648

    Well done lads! Relegation material! My arse!

  4. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Oct 30, 2011, 6:06 #14628

    Acid test passed. While I'm at it, can i get a "Tora! Tora! Tora!" shout - out at John Terry?

  5. Shropshire Lad

    Oct 30, 2011, 0:08 #14622

    Time to eat your article Joe. Sir Percy (alias The Scarlet Pimpernel!) delivered the coup de gras to the Chaves. We seek him here, we seek him there those Chavies seek him everywhere!! Keep the Faith!

  6. Kentucky Fried Gooner

    Oct 29, 2011, 20:08 #14610

    Joe, I apologize for berating this article yesterday. I can see why your frustrated from a financial perspective. But don't get me wrong, I still completely disagree with you here. However, I feel like you should acknowledge Wenger's superior management today (he made AVB look foolish after giving him so much praise pre-game [genius]) as well as everyone's superb displays. Let's not forget this was an away fixture. UTA

  7. Any Old Iron

    Oct 29, 2011, 16:10 #14595

    Look, critisism levelled by us at Arsene in recent times have been in the main justifiable. But, well done lads and Arsene, an incredible win! Our defence needs severe drilling. That's what Chelsea got today. A crazy EPL this term. Get in there. Maybe, just maybe, as was said of Churchill, his(Arsene's) best years are still ahead of him. Please work on our backline Arsene!

  8. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 29, 2011, 14:44 #14594

    It's never felt so good to be so wrong! I knew we would concede at least two goals but never in my wildest dreams did i think we would score 5 at the Bridge!! looks like the Kamikaze banzai charge paid off in spades. Ron- you were right my friend, well done to you for your faith in the team.

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 29, 2011, 11:31 #14593

    Kentucky Fried Gooner- obvious as the points may seem our Manager and coaching staff can't seem to get their heads around them. Rage Writing? you are damn right. I paid through the nose for my season ticket and i'm not a happy bunny that the yet again made a PROFIT in the transfer window even after the price increase. I'm sure a lot of fans can identify with my feelings.

  10. Kentucky Fried Gooner

    Oct 29, 2011, 4:34 #14592

    Sounds like you know everything, but I honestly think in reality you just summed up a few obvious facets for improvement. I don't understand the point of this article, can someone help me? You literally don't have a worthwhile suggestion for the team. "If our full-backs are going to bomb forward to provide the width outside, then please can someone get into the f***ing box?" Wow, revolutionary thinking. Quit rage-writing and take a few deep breaths. We're going to be okay.

  11. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 29, 2011, 0:22 #14591

    Jekyll- I agree. Wenger THINKS it's a 4-6-0 but it actually plays like a 2-7-1-0 when we lose the ball in the opposition half. Pookins- you misunderstand me.., I was merely suggesting that we could switch to a 4-4-1-1 for more stability away from home while Wilshere and Sagna are injured and the new signings bed in to the squad. Since you asked here's my team with current available players... Chesney- Santos,Vermaelen, Mertesacker, Koscielny.- Gervinho, Song,Ramsey,Arteta (Arteta was great on the right for everton when played there)- Arshavin- Van Persie.

  12. Jekyll

    Oct 28, 2011, 23:33 #14590

    As you say, Wenger has his 'vision' that is not impacted by the types of players he has or performances or results on the field. He simply continues to pursue it because he has free rein to do what he likes at AFC and would rather retire than compromise his 'vision'. Nothing dissuades him from it, he's perenially convinced it's about to bear fruit despite the evidence mounting season upon season. He'll continue like this as long as he wants at AFC, could be many more years yet, he'll never be sacked and even dropping out of the CL will make no difference because he's ensured he keeps making Kroenke a profit via the transfer market. I disagree it's a 4-6-0 however. More like 2-8-0.

  13. pookins

    Oct 28, 2011, 20:36 #14588

    Who is playing in this 4-4-1-1 formation? Midfield - If we have Song and Jack in the middle where does that leave Rambo and Arteta? Which players are on the wing? Considering we arent playing people in a role not natural to them in this dream world of yours?

  14. ando

    Oct 28, 2011, 20:06 #14587

    torres V mertesacker = nightmare on elm street, if other players help him out and they all win their own personal battles who knows what might happen. quite right to focus on your own game if your thinking or concious of someone else's game your not concentrating on your own, make them think more about you than you them.bring it on, work hard and who knows.

  15. Tom Martin

    Oct 28, 2011, 19:50 #14586

    A touch on the negative side given the eight games since the Old Trafford humiliation, which has been a better response results-wise (if not performance-wise)than any of us were hoping for. Personally, I would have happily settled for the run we've had so far after that game. I still think a change in management is needed but whilst the current lot are still in charge we may as well make the best of it.

  16. The Hapenning

    Oct 28, 2011, 18:47 #14585

    Nice article Joe, some good points and analyses regarding the technical aspect of our current team, great to see that we're not all blinkered fans! Kevin Whitcher pointed out in a recent podcast that it's not the formation which is wrong, just the clientele, of which i think is another good point! Chris - this isn't modern football that in your opinion the manager is trying to construct, Brasil Copa America 1999, just one example to name a few, of how (and what) Wenger has in mind for the team!

  17. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 28, 2011, 17:15 #14584

    Jambo and Mike- Have either of you actually watched Jagielka or Cahill play live? My best friend is an Evertonian and I been up there 11 times in the last three years. Jagielka is a rock with a never say die attitude, the fans adore him, he is a leader and he is versatile to boot. No team has won the Premiership without at least one English/British Centre half.... maybe Man City will be the first? oh no, wait! they've got Lescott! The Meat-Sack is fine if you are playing deep like Stoke as he is decent in the air but he cannot deal with runs in behind. Wenger signed the wrong player because he was cheap.

  18. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 28, 2011, 16:27 #14583

    Matty S- the point is you have been to live games, right? And I'm guessing you probably watch your local team play too? What really grinds my gears are these armchair fans who have never played the game at any level at all and have never been to a football match in their lives. I stand by my point and to all those armchair fans... There is no excuse anymore because a lot of games will be going on general sale! Get to the games and make some noise please gents!!

  19. Mike

    Oct 28, 2011, 15:02 #14582

    @Jambo.Couldn't agree with you more - If we bought Cahill from a foreign league, people would be wandering why we are spending money on a defender that has been in a team fighting relegation for the last two years and has the worst defence in the league. Jagielka - should be sent to the glue factory because he is a cart-horse

  20. leo zis

    Oct 28, 2011, 14:35 #14581

    Sad but true article mate...a personal dossier on Arsenal and Wenger's failures this season (and last 2-3) as i have read this yr. And be sure Andres and Chelsea have a more detailed dossier to work with tomorrw... Lord help us tomorw!

  21. Croker

    Oct 28, 2011, 14:26 #14580

    Thanks Joe. This article echoes many of my thoughts and frustrations about tactics, players and coaching. I think most of us would have a fit at our pub 5 a-side team mates if any of them defended as atrociously as our +£50k per week heroes in red and white contrive to do so, match after match, season after season. It's precisely because the changes and adjustments required to get The Arsenal back to winning trophies are so straightforward and obvious that all we Goonerholics get so sick and tired of years of steady decline in playing standards. I don't think opening the cheque book and spending tens of millions on top talent will improve things when those faults persist. On that note, thank God Wenger did n't break the bank to buy Jagielka and Cahill currently does not look like a player who would excel at Champions League level.

  22. Matty S

    Oct 28, 2011, 13:43 #14579

    Given that I'm illegible to form an worthwhile opinion, seeing as I live in Australia, and therefore CAN'T attend Arsenal matches, maybe I might be allowed to comment about what's happening off the ball? Chelsea had a tough 120 minute game against Everton, in which they lost their talisman. Torres has not yet found for in the EPL, and Sturridge is still Raw. Terry is coming of a weak of heat about racial slurs towards the lesser Ferdinand, where as Arsenal are coming away with a weeks rest after a satisfying (if nervy) victory. over Stoke. No, I wouldn't put much on Arsenal winning (maybe a tenner). But need JT a bit, Torres has a bad game, RVP on fire... you never know, we might just sneak in a point or a win. Also, I have been to matches, and the vision has ups and downs compared to TV. Factor in the psychological sheep mentality of being among away-fan optimists or home-hero pessimists, and the judgement advantage of attending the match starts to decrease.

  23. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Oct 28, 2011, 13:00 #14578

    Nelson- hahaha! That was quite funny! Good one. Ron- I hope you are right and I am wrong. Stumpy- if you like the worst Arsenal defence in 30 years and the fact that we are too reliant on one man who is injury prone then I'm lost for words to describe you. At the games I get behind the team but afterwards debate and opinion sharing can be fun

  24. MARK

    Oct 28, 2011, 11:42 #14577


  25. Gee

    Oct 28, 2011, 11:38 #14576

    All this wishing we chaged formation talk is wasted breath/words. He is not going to change the system. He has said that numerous times. He isn't going to get a defensive coach and isn't going to start talking about what the opposition do. Again he's stated this. "We bring our game and play at our potential and we will win" This is what he says. I tell you now. Whatever happens the man will at least see his contract out to 2014 and probably get an extension on that. He makes the board a fortune so why would they sack him, secondly he isn't going to quit

  26. Nelson

    Oct 28, 2011, 11:19 #14575

    Bloody hell. Are you parodying the Arsenal midfield? Why use one sentence to make a relevant point when you can use 20 to make a ramble?

  27. Chris

    Oct 28, 2011, 11:07 #14573

    This will come across as an elabroate way of saying 'AKB' but look at it this way. Wenger and his team are wanting to move to a different - perhaps more modern - style of football. It may be that this style will be very successful in the future but the transition period is proving painful. I can't believe that Wenger can't see the problems that you point out - they are not rocket science, especially for someon who has worked 10,000 days in footbal..... But he is trying to move to the peak of another mountain, and that journey involves crossing a deep valley. You have clearly lost the fait - and I can understand why. Perhaps Wenger will be proved wrong - it may, for instance, prove that he shouldn't have tried this when resources are so stretched. But he will have assessed whether a period of enforced reliance on youn talent might actually be a suitable environment for the transition, I am sure of that. It's simplistic to look at the current problems and draw conclusions - Wenger is lots of things, but daft is not one of them IMHO.

  28. GoonerRon

    Oct 28, 2011, 10:57 #14572

    You make some pertinent points about our defensive balance and isolating the CB's. However, I don't think we have the right players in the squad, particularly in wide midfield, to move to 4-4-2 or 4-4-1-1. I think it would quite quickly morph into 4-2-4 or 4-1-5 which whould leave us even more exposed. I think we can get a result at Chelsea tomorrow.

  29. Gary

    Oct 28, 2011, 10:49 #14571

    We have 1 point out of 12 away from home thats all you need to know.We have only played Liverpool out of the top 6 at home and we lost that.We have beaten poor teams.When we start beating top teams then you know we have turned the corner.

  30. jambo

    Oct 28, 2011, 10:40 #14570

    Erm unfortunately you runied what was becoming a good article by claiming Jagielka would have been better and more mobile than Per. Seriosuly? Have you watched Jagielka? That guy is woefully immobile and no where near as good as Per! Even Cahill, although more agile shall we say, is not particuarly fast or effective (seen Bolton defending this year? See Cahill on Tuesday in fact?) the press hype have talked Cahill up well above his ability, there is a reason no-one including the thrifty spuds didn't fork out for him - simply he is another vastly overated english player! It's quite funny really, you say about people falling for the Wenger PR spin, yet it is painfully clear you have fallen for the media's PR spin on these 2 english centre backs, what a shame, could have been a good article too!

  31. win AFC

    Oct 28, 2011, 10:34 #14569

    Stamford Bridge Is Falling Down Poor Old Chelsea Build It Up With Red And White ARSENAL Will Win And Fight Poor OLD Chelsea.

  32. Inverting the Pyramid

    Oct 28, 2011, 10:02 #14568

    I found this very cogent- I've been thinking a 4-4-1-1 would be a good formation for a long time. I'd give Walcott a chance as the striker, even if he can be a clutz on the ball his pace and excellent movement would create more openings in opposition's defences and Van Persie tends to play short intricate passes anyway which would probably put him as more of 'hole' player like you say. You're right though, players are being played out of position and the point of getting Chamakh was to give us an aerial threat but then we have Arshavin and Walcott as wingers who shouldnt be there, and Gervinho is a dribbler not a crosser.

  33. Stumpy Den

    Oct 28, 2011, 9:38 #14567

    Arsenal is in your blood, then stop moaning, I agree the last few results dont mean a vast improvement, but an improvement it is. If the confidence is there, then I for one can see us nicking a result. Dont forget, that with all the crap the press put out against us, they say positive crap about Chavski, they did find it hard against QPR and when those players did not let the Chavs have time on the ball, Chavski struggled. If we do the same then you never know. Come on you Gunners.

  34. Ron

    Oct 28, 2011, 9:23 #14566

    Well, i reckon we can win there anyway! Deluded perhaps? Probably. I just feel that Chelsea aren't that brilliant and we re due some reward from there. You can come back and taunt me next week Joe if you like Ha ha!!