A Tale of Two London Religious Landmarks

A bit too much spin from the CEO?

A Tale of Two London Religious Landmarks

St Paul’s: Attendance figures likely to be more accurate

First to our spiritual home. “Our supporters have been fantastic this season and more than 100,000 fans bought tickets for our third and fourth round games against Shrewsbury [Town] and Bolton Wanderers.” So said Ivan Gazidis Wednesday as Arsenal’s much-to-be-admired-but-never-to-be-repeated-at-Sh*te-Hart-Lane Carling Cup ticket policy was extended for the visit of Northern paupers Manchester Citeh, whose fans once derided their near-neighbours, in part because of their vastly superior resources – inverted snobbery, anyone? - but now apparently suffer collectively from amnesia.

Now I admire Ivan, but his terrible (geddit ?) statement is unworthy of him, though sadly not of the Club in recent times. It’s spin typical of any low-life politico of the last decade and counting. Ivan has aggregated the official “tickets sold” for the two games, including the 14,000 or so pertaining to Club Level that are included automatically by dint of Club Level entitlement to attend all first team games without further charge. If one repeats a lie often enough, does one eventually believe it true? So it would appear. I sat in Club Level for “Town” – disconcertingly recognising the voice of Esteemed Ed immediately behind me before turning up my collar and donning a hat to avoid detection - and it was far from bursting. That the ground was more than half full was thanks, in no small measure, to the travelling and noisy hordes from Shropshire, who may have come to see The Arsenal, as the Alex Song goes, but cannot be described as “our supporters”. Officially 46,539 worshippers were reported as present and correct but, mercifully, not declared on the night, as is the new policy (after much pleading from supporter groups) to stop embarrassed guffaws.

So we have Ivan at one extreme and the doom-merchants at the other who unfairly criticise the club for not selling out against limited but spirited lower-league opponents during an economic recession. The glass half-empty or, in this case, ground half-empty brigade, wantonly spurn a more positive approach: ours was the best attended 3rd round match; Tottnum attracted 24,058 for a Europa League match recently … A sense of balance and perspective would be nice, folks – i.e. cut out the insulting-our-intelligence spin but simultaneously the unwarranted Arsenal-bashing with its I-told-you-so undertones.

Time for another quote: “My father was a miner and he worked down a mine.” So said Kevin Keegan and he’s never lived it down. Did you know that Saul, who later became Saint Paul, was a tentmaker and he made tents? I wonder what he’d make of the 200 or so examples of his craft currently adorning the Cathedral that bears his name.

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  1. Mark

    Nov 05, 2011, 12:49 #14819

    gazidis is not the right man for arsenal football club. too slick, sleazy almost, no real heart no real passion for the club this is a job to this man and not a calling. arsenal fans should let the media know how we feel about him. fat cats only suffer when media glare fully shines on what they are really about

  2. Andrew

    Nov 05, 2011, 8:53 #14810

    Point taken - Fabregas left because Barca were knocking on the door - any player would dream of fitting into that team and Fabregas has always had a special relationship with them. Nasri, Adebayor, and Clichy all went to City due to money, tha same with Cole in earlier times. RVP will probably be gone at the end of the season. The league has already been bought twice by Chelsea and looks as though it is going to be bought by City this year. Unfortunately, in every aspect money does the talking - the only sense of loyalty is resting with the fans, because there is none resting with the players - when was the last time a player had a testimonial for Arsenal. Maybe mistaken, but can't think of one for the last five/six years. Rvp is probably the longest serving player at the moment

  3. Fozzy's mate

    Nov 05, 2011, 8:20 #14808

    Gazidis was selected for this precise reason. He is an emotionless cold as ice CEO with no real feeling for the club and is quite prepared to deliver club propaganda/dross whilst keeping a straight face. For me shareholders meetings and AGMs of the last few years are quite depressing. When he answered questions OGL and the old etonian fart Hill Wank more or less told the fans to f off. Now they spout ****e about how the self sustaining business model will take over the world. The most interesting thing was the furious fans interviewed after who spoke of the lack of respect afforded to them by the club. This supine board totally lacking ambition are really a bore. Movember Kronke could barely be bothered to say a few words and just repeated his mantra "I love you Arsene!". As one fan said all they talk about is finishing 4th "we should want more".

  4. Andrew Cohen

    Nov 04, 2011, 21:50 #14805

    Mike, we have a £100 million annual wage bill. The players we need to fill most positions need not be creative geniuses. They must be players who are physically fit, reasonably intelligent and can do what they are told. You have to pay money to your superstars because they can go to the big money teams. What you don't do is pay big money to a non star. Last season Mr Wenger had somehow contrived to have a load of substandard performers on high wages. The reason we didn't keep Fabregas wasn't wages. He got sick to death of getting kicked all over the park because our glorious leader considered it beneath him to hire a midfield enforcer and a reliable substitute for that role; a Flamini, who would kick anyone who kicked Fabregas into next week and thus provided an effective (ball winning)deterrent. Van Persie will go because Wenger doesn't have a clue how to resolve the problems of his own making. Song will get injured, so will Chesney, so will Vermalen and there is no cover for those positions. RVP will see the same train wreck as last year, and the year before that and leave to win some silverware. I don't blame him. The problem isn't money, it's strategy and tactics. Wenger has no idea where he is going, and no clue how to get there, even if he did. He needs a change and a rest and so do we. Just my opinion of course. You could be right. Perhaps we can only succeed by constantly feeding the bank balances of players and their agents.

  5. Gare Kekeke

    Nov 04, 2011, 16:46 #14799

    @ Mike, the high ticket prices at The Arsenal are the result of an ever increasing wage bill. It became clear that at 21, 22 Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby et al were not good enough but they were retained by OGL because they are 'top top players'. The wage bill for season 2010/11 was a staggering £124.4 million. Granted it's wages for ALL employees at the club and not just the players, but it's a clear sign also that too players at the club, especially the deadwood are being a lot more than they actually should. And for that I blame OGL AND the board for that predicament.

  6. Mike

    Nov 04, 2011, 14:26 #14796

    Andrew - how do you suggest he drive down wages? This is fundamentally where everything goes pear shaped. People say pay RVP what he wants to keep him. Great advice ay this stage, but if we are to compete with City, how much would that be? - K200 000 a week maybe - if they really want him, they will then offer 250 000 a week. At the moment City is definately not self funding, so this is possible in the short term. Arsenal, however does not subscribe to the same economic policy. They try to balance books - the net result is we have a good player and offer him a reasonable package. The big money spenders come in and offer him more and off he goes. We then fall back onto unproven young players with definate potential and start the whole process again. RVP has taken seven years to develop to where he is now - mostly chastised because he was injury prone ( some people on this website wrote him off pre-season) he has now a phenomenal run. He was bought for less than 3 million. In all reality, if he keeps up this form he will be gone at the end of the season to the highest bidder. Not because Arsenal wanted to sell him, but because someone cam in waith atelephone number as a weekly wage. High ticket prices are a result of high wages when not sponsered by oil dollars

  7. johnnyhawlerlovinggooner

    Nov 04, 2011, 13:58 #14795

    so the club counts tickets sold as an attendance figure. as a business this is quite correct. what should they tell hmrc? oh only about 25000 turned up so have less tax and vat. we have more serious problems( like how are our two major shareholders getting on with each other and why is one powerful share holder not represented on the board .not good for any business)to worry about than this red herring

  8. Brigham

    Nov 04, 2011, 9:21 #14783

    Gazidis, about as much use as a one legged man in an butt kicking contest. Get rid of him, he is the one I blame for our lax attitude to the transfer market and general malaise.

  9. Andrew Cohen

    Nov 04, 2011, 9:00 #14782

    Baroness Thatcher (for it is she) famously said that you can't buck the market. The thinking of the club has been that far from indulging and nurturing those who actually turn up, they are to be fleeced. Those who can't be fleeced are expendable because there is a long season ticket waiting list. The hole in this theory is that the sort of fans that can afford to attend are less and less likely to be ones who have stood on the North Bank, have a residual loyalty to the club that is not built on the quality of the prawn sandwiches, and most crucially, are unlikely to walk when the quality drops off. Having got into bed with the wealthier dilletante's, the club are now surprised that they are deserting in numbers. In an age of blindness in the face of the facts, most notable in our manager and our owner, there is a slim hope that Mr Gazidis, surely a child of Thatcher, has sniffed the wind of change, and is doing something about it. Lower admission prices, drive down wages, force Mr Wenger to re-establish the defence as a fundamental. Stop messing about and stop messing us about.

  10. Peter Wain

    Nov 03, 2011, 18:10 #14779

    The man should be sacked pure and simple he is awful.

  11. Old Timer

    Nov 03, 2011, 15:19 #14776

    Fudging the way the attendance figures are reported doesn't really bother me. But I'd like to know what Gazidis does that justifies £1.6m p.a.

  12. James

    Nov 03, 2011, 11:07 #14773

    Lies damn lies and Gazidispeak.So Arsenal are reducing prices for the City game but if we play Barnet at home in the FA cup we will charge fans full price because the FA cup games are already on the ST.So whatever the opposition in the FA cup everyone has to pay full price.Even though we play weakened teams in the FA cup.Get the FA cup games off the ST and reduce prices for all domestic cups.We are in a resession Ivan if you hadnt noticed

  13. Brian Dawes

    Nov 03, 2011, 11:01 #14772

    Would that be the same Frank Saul who played for the tiny totts? He looked like a tent maker if ever I saw one.

  14. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 03, 2011, 10:43 #14770

    Oi Tanner - stop stealing my drugs and my history books! Or at least read the second without doing the first!

  15. David

    Nov 03, 2011, 10:28 #14769

    Gazidis is the biggest con artist going.Some league games this season the actual attendance has been well under 50,000 Bolton,Sunderland and Stoke.Yet Gazidis cant bring himself to tell us how many fans are actually IN the ground.So we make up any figure as long as it is around the mythical 60,000 mark.We must never ever annouce the real attendance that would be telling the truth wouldnt it.The meaning of the word attendance is actually attending the match.Only the Liverpool game has come close to 60,000.