Stay loyal to your manager, your club and its fans

Can Wenger and van Basten reprogramme the

Stay loyal to your manager, your club and its fans

Van Basten: Words of wisdom?

In a recent interview with the Sunday Mirror the masterful van Basten sent a clear message to the maturing van Persie, "Robin has been in London for six years. He can’t help it that Arsenal have won nothing in that time. So much has changed in those six years in the Premier League. Chelsea have become a big club and have massive financial resources. Manchester City have become a big force and are richer than any other club. Manchester United and Liverpool have American owners. The amount of money which is flowing to these clubs for transfers is unbelievable.

“Arsenal operate differently. I admire that. And I still think Arsenal are the most beautiful club in England. At Man City and Chelsea, they will never have that class and style. Arsenal have the most amazing stadium, they have a style of play, they have a beautiful shirt – in every way I consider Arsenal as the ultimate football club. It is the club where Robin belongs."

Firstly, I should like to like to say that it is an honour to read those comments about our beloved club coming from an all-time great such as Marco van Basten. I am around the same age as Robin van Persie (almost exactly a year younger, I'll have you know, so you can't write me off as some old moaner!) And I can tell you that every school I attended was chock-full of kids pretending to be Marco van Basten, Boban, Papin, Weah and Gullit, so I can only imagine what it was like for van Persie growing up in Holland at the same time. It's therefore reasonable to assume that van Persie is also possibly a huge fan of Marco van Basten, and the elder Dutchman might just be coming to the rescue of Arsenal F.C. - much to the relief of Gooners everywhere.

While at the recent home game against West Brom, I felt like a sleazy politician as I unwittingly found myself answering a question with a question. I was asked by a chap who sits near me if I thought that Robin van Persie would sign a new contract at Arsenal. Without a moment’s hesitation, the two simple words rocketed out of my gob like a van Persie screamer.... "would you?"

Yes or no? It's a 50/50 straight-up question and your honest answer to this question will tell you a lot about your character and morals as you ponder it carefully. Try to imagine yourself in Robin’s position... if you can that, is. On the one hand, Arsenal have stuck by you and paid your wages every year as you have suffered terrible luck with injuries and have hardly played a full season while at the club. On the other hand, the club have just sold off two of the best young midfielders in the world and then once again shopped in the bargain basement on deadline day.

No disrespect to Arteta and Benayoun, but they are not in the same class of player as Fabregas and Nasri, and van Persie knows it. Van Persie, being a football man, probably also knows that Weder Bremen and Everton are cash-strapped while Fenerbache and the Turkish league in general have had a controversial time of it as of late to say the very least.

Van Persie must surely be questioning Wenger as to why the club are dealing with these desperate clubs in the final hours of deadline day for paltry £6m or £9m sums and securing free transfers from former direct rivals such as Chelsea (a damning indictment on where our former rivals now see us, in and of itself, and that will also worry van Persie, but we still managed to beat Chelsea so that's two fingers up to them! Ha!) while van Persie's current employers, Arsenal, have made a profit of £35m on Cesc Fabregas, who cost Arsenal almost nothing except his wages, and around a £15m profit on the sale of that gobby little twat Samir Nasri, for whom we paid around £10m.

Top Football players are not always fans of the club that they play for, and therefore come pre-programmed like T-800 Terminators or Irish American Robocops with three footballing "prime directives"... (1) win as many trophies as possible, (2) earn as much money as possible and (3) seek out and join forces with other players of similar or greater ability, wherever they happen to be on the planet. The order in which these prime directives sway a particular player is dependent on factors far too numerous to mention, but it is often sadly the case that the teams with the most money attract all the best players and therefore win the most trophies. It's simple cause and effect. Unless you reprogramme the player’s mind to believe in your club and brainwash him into your culture, history and tradition by showing your maximum strength in the transfer market and competing for the signings of top talent, you will lose that player.

There seems to be no loyalty in the game anymore, and with good reason, as Arsenal and Arsène Wenger have virtually made the careers of players like Flamini, Hleb, Henry, Vieira, Cole, Fabregas, Adebayor, Clichy and Nasri from scratch, but none of them could show loyalty in the end. To varying degrees, they have all s**t on Arsenal, Arsène Wenger and the fans by moving to so-called "bigger" and more established clubs with more financial muscle. This robotic, almost pre-programmed behaviour from these foreign mercenaries and one sir Cashley Cole is emerging into a very worrying trend. Players are leaving Arsenal with greater frequency than ever before in recent history and heading to clubs which they all deem as more ambitious than Arsenal because of their activity in the transfer market.

If Wenger has lost control of his dressing room and cannot get his players to believe in him and his philosophy anymore, it is because he isn't using the whole of the resources that are reportedly at his disposal, while never refuting the board’s numerous claims that money is there and available to spend. It's all about ambition or the perception of ambition. Manchester United and Barcelona have brought through a lot of fantastic kids over the years, but they have also spent vast amounts of money on top talent to supplement their youth policies. The young players wanted to stay at these clubs because these clubs went out, season after season, and added as much quality as they could every year with the resources that they had available.

Arsenal have failed to do this, and have instead promoted from within or bought players who were deemed to represent "good value." instead of going out and signing established international talent like van Der Vaart, Tevez, Agüero, Ya Ya Touré, Sanchez, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Figo, Villa, and Suarez. Arsenal have been rather more conservative in their transfer dealings, and therefore lost their own marquee names in the process. By signing a few big-name players, Arsenal would have perhaps managed to delay the departures of Fabregas and Nasri, and avoided any doubt as to whether van Persie would sign a new contract at the club.

It seems like Wenger has to now go out in January and sign at least another player of van Persie's level at least to make him consider sticking with Arsenal while he has the world at his ridiculously-talented feet. How on earth can Wenger possibly hope to convince van Persie to stay at Arsenal and override his hard-wired programming while asking him to play alongside players like Rosicky, Benayoun, Arshavin and Chamakh, when he could be lining up with players like Silva, Nasri, Ya Ya Touré, Fabregas, Iniesta, Xavi and Leo Messi? The answer is by installing and activating the emergency prime directive number 4 into the "van Persinator". And the only way to do that is to use all of the resources we now have at our disposal - a £20m+ profit in the last transfer window and a reported £40m+ transfer "war chest" no less!

If Wenger doesn't attract some top international talent soon, he may just find that trying to convince Van Persie to sign a new contract at Arsenal with rousing Churchillian speeches and empty promises is about as fruitful as attempting to program a killer robot from the future to feel is. As this video clearly demonstrates...

Let's hope that the Van Persinator isn't thinking what Fabregas and Nasri were thinking during negotiations with Arsène Wenger... "this idiot believes that I'm his friend....". You are just their Manager, Arsène, and Arsenal are merely their employers. You are not really that much of a father figure to any of them, or so it would seem. Hopefully Van Persie will prove me wrong and show that he isn't another one of these robots and that he actually remembers how we have stood by him as a club during his numerous injury nightmares and paid his princely salary. Van Basten believes he will, Wenger believes he will. But do any of you fans believe it?

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  1. Mike

    Nov 15, 2011, 11:41 #15012

    @Ron - agree with your last comment - That is the decision the Manager faces now -sell RVP at Peak value and replace him with someone with potential or pay him what he wants and hopefully keep him away from the treatment table - the decision is not quite as straight-forward as everyone makes it out to be.

  2. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 15, 2011, 6:35 #15010

    Ron- are you seriously saying we should sell off Van Persie now? He is our captain, goalscorer and best technical player! That would be suicide for squad morale and affect the whole attacking element of our game, which is built around Van Persie. Still... Might be a nice idea to sign one or two players to actually challenge him for his place in the starting line up or even partner him up front at home sometimes maybe?

  3. Ron

    Nov 14, 2011, 14:22 #14992

    Ill be brutally honest and say that RVP has never had a 'purple patch' like hes in now since he joined. Hes a tremendous player. Not World class but certainly top class. Hes also beeen riddled with injury after injury for 5 years, hes 28 so maybe, he got 2 years left in peak condition bearing those injuries in mind (could be less). The chances he ll have other long absences. At present this Season Arsenal could demand top money for him. Its a window of value that will maybe never be reached again. Arsenal would be daft not to consider selling him if offers at way above what would have been expected come in. At present he s maybe worth 20 million (ish). There are Clubs who might offer more. Good as RVP is, hes dispensible but we would need to acquire at least 2 players up front of an equally high standard otherwise to seel and not do so would perhaps be suicidal. I expect Arsenal to look seriously at offers, the Club have been loyal to the player, at least hes come good. They shouldnt risk him staying and becoming part time 'crock' status again and then watch his value plummet.

  4. Gee

    Nov 13, 2011, 16:09 #14968

    Not a chance that we will buy anyone of note in January. The excuse will be used that prices are over inflated in Jan and do not represent value etc. So predicatable. The problem is Wenger firmly beleives 4th and champions league football every year is enough of a success as it is "safe"

  5. Jonesey

    Nov 12, 2011, 15:14 #14962

    North Atlantic Gooner- Do you live on one of those little islands off Canada? Because the only thing that 'extremely' excites me about our squad this season is NOT having to watch wasters like Denilson, Bendtner and Vela. But they'll be back next season, as no other club will pay them the ridiculous wages that Wenger decided they deserve.

  6. Mike

    Nov 12, 2011, 9:50 #14960

    Interesting to see the "anxiety" in these comments about the future of RVP. If we go back a year ago, how many people would have been saying keep him and pay him what he wants. Within 12 months the value of RVP has pobably tripled or more. Nobody can tell me that at that stage, they thought he would be worth in excess of 20 mill and Man City, Chelsea, Real and the likes would be knocking on the door to get him. People on this site would be rolling around laughing if we said that this time last year.The truth of the matter is that he has always been good, but never had the impact that he has had now. The question one might ask is what has changed?

  7. Joe Fitzpartick

    Nov 12, 2011, 9:28 #14959

    SA Gunner wrote- Joe -Arsenal must show more ambition...yeah just look at how the Arshavin ambition turned out, look at how the Rosicky ambition turned out. "look at the Marseille darw. arsenal are an average team when RvP doesn't start". How many clear cut chances did we create in that match? We needed someone to finish them. It was Park's first CL game but the player has proved with South Korea that he's capable of finishing chances. I'm not worried about RvP. Doom mongers said it would be catastrophe if we lost Nasri and Fabregas. I think the team is doing pretty well. It will do just fine too should RvP leave.- Firstly, if you are going to quote me please be kind enough spell draw correctly. Secondly, I was at the Marseille game. were you? I saw a team that looks lost without Van Persie... devoid of any creativity OR cutting edge in the final third and so did a lot of people I know who have been attending matches for 20 and 30 years but of course, you know better than them, don't you? Arshavin is still better than most of the players we have in our current squad even though he is a bit lazy. Then again playing Arshavin in his natural position might help. Rosicky was a good buy it's just that he was really unlucky with injuries and if you are happy with simply scraping Champions league footbal every year then you and I will never agree on anything.

  8. simon

    Nov 11, 2011, 22:40 #14955

    Yes unless we implode again i believe he'll sign. You yourself can only really cite two teams he could go to, city and barca and frankly neither will want him. Madrid's a possible though they are suppossedly after neymar, so at one level i'm not so sure teams he'd consider will be after him. Secomd up he can see a chance to be like Henry, be a legend and he's smart enough to see there's some talent here and a vacuum at the top. RVP's got a big ego, the best ones always do and he won't want to bench warm at city or hug messi all the time, he'll want to be the number one. If we keep going as we're going, show some mettle, he'll sign for the big money the club will gladly offer him as it offerred Henry in the past.

  9. Dave

    Nov 11, 2011, 22:40 #14954

    I don't disagree that you make some valid points. January isn't here yet, if it passes without us spending over 20m on a single player than i'll be very surprised. There's no point trying to be wise before the event though, need to just support what we've got, until January comes around.

  10. SA Gunner

    Nov 11, 2011, 21:43 #14953

    Joe -Arsenal must show more ambition...yeah just look at how the Arshavin ambition turned out, look at how the Rosicky ambition turned out. "look at the Marseille darw. arsenal are an average team when RvP doesn't start". How many clear cut chances did we create in that match? We needed someone to finish them. It was Park's first CL game but the player has proved with South Korea that he's capable of finishing chances. I'm not worried about RvP. Doom mongers said it would be catastrophe if we lost Nasri and Fabregas. I think the team is doing pretty well. It will do just fine too should RvP leave. Stop selling us this marquee signings tripe. We are not interested! I've never seen Hazard defend? Mata doesn't do a lot of it, so who's going to defend when we don't have the ball? Downing went to Liverpool for 20m quid and we got Gervinho for far less. At this point who would you rather have in our team? Downing or Gervinho? Player cost is absolute rubbish as an indicator of the value of a player!

  11. Mark

    Nov 11, 2011, 20:47 #14952

    Read the van Basten article myself and while i appreciate what he had to say about "The Arsenal" is he just putting himself in line for manager if Arsene should go??

  12. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 11, 2011, 18:24 #14951

    Dave- turn off football manager? Ha! Arsenal are the most well supported club in one of, (if not the) biggest cities in Europe. Arsenal made 20+ profit in the last transfer window, increased ticket prices by 6.5% overall and have a perpetual transfer "war chest" that forever goes untouched! The reality is that far from being "football manager" comments all I'm saying is that we as a club should show more ambition or be left in the dust of more ambitious and ballsy clubs. I stand by my article and reiterate that if Arsenal do not speculate to accumulate at some point soon they will not have a hope in hell of retaining the services of Van Persie. Then who will be next out of the door? Ramsey? Wilshere?

  13. Dave

    Nov 11, 2011, 17:34 #14950

    Joe you need to turn off Football Manager mate. Those sorts of signings are just not realistic. There's so many variables I don't even know where to being explaining. Every club in Europe regrets not picking up Sneijder when he was available from Madrid, Inter Milan took the "risk" and reaped the rewards. Suggesting he could now be prised from Milan is pure fantasy, Man United tried and failed with Sneijder this summer when he asked for 200k a week, after tax. I rate the guy, but to me, no player is worth that amount of money. You're looking at at least 70m over the course of his contract. Last time I checked Inter were in a relegation battle too, so he's hardly jesus. Suarez yeah i'll concede would have been a good purcahse for us. I won't lose any sleep over him tho, his attitude stinks, much like VDV. These guys aren't team players, look at VDV's rants every other week when he's asked to do a bit of tracking back, we've had severals years of carrying passengers in this team who don't wanna get their hands dirty when the time comes. VDV will be out of action with his dodgy hamstring soon anyways, Harry is working him into the ground. M'vila and/or Gotze may well be Arsenal players within the next 12 months. The Hazard ship has sailed, but that owes far more to do with the other clubs that are in for him, rather than simply our bank balance. That is fact.

  14. Delia--Block 112

    Nov 11, 2011, 15:27 #14949

    Perhaps RVP enjoys being Captain and first name on the team sheet.Moves to the likes of Barca/City would see him fighting for a first team place along side other world class stars.I doubt that Robin would relish that scenario and will sign a new contract with us,with a bumper pay rise. For those moaning about signings in the Summer Window,just remember we didn't qualify for the CL until the end of August. No one of note was likely to join us until we had secured that qualification, hence the late signings.

  15. Mack

    Nov 11, 2011, 13:42 #14948

    Unfortunately, the term "loyalty" makes sense in the context of fans and club. However - in Professional soccer, the relationship between a player and the Club is employee-employer relation. And at the end of the day, each party looks to his own interest first and foremost. Just look how Arsenal treats his players and their contract when they hit 30 years and how players like Nasri and Cesc left Arsenal. There are people who may consider what those player did or how Arsenal treats 30+ players as disgusting. But I do not. Unless Arsenal offers a good deal that satisfies Van Perse, I will guarantee you that he will leave Arsenal.

  16. Jeff

    Nov 11, 2011, 13:28 #14947

    Have a look at the current "spine" of the team (when fit) Szczesny, Vermaelen, Wilshre, RVP. All of you doubters, name a better spine in Europe! In addition we have the likes of Ramsey, Kos is looking better each game and the OX won man of the match again for the U21's last night. Each of the last six seasons we've started brilliantly and faded away. I just have the feeling that this will be our year. I believe we will win something this season. Keep the faith. Anything the Arabs from middle eastlands "win" is hollow.

  17. The Happening

    Nov 11, 2011, 12:35 #14946

    Joe, this article is good, firstly 'cos it highlights the football landscpe from which you draw parrallels, admirable footballing icons, and their ideals, and furthermore it highlights the way that landscape has changed for the current crop of 'football stars', i call them stars, cos' thats what alot of them are led to believe by the sickening agents and businessmen. Wenger is one of them, he clings to ideals of yester year that fool alot, but behind that is a shrewd businessman! We were fed so much 'management speak' last summer regarding transfers, i don't believe you or anyone took it as anything less than an insult! Which leads me to this, Marco would obviously sign a contract asap, cos' he's from a different era completely, a totally different man, sign the deal, get on with the football, score the goals. Van Persie is in a different world, he's seen 2 of his best team-mates leave, 'cos of money AND footballing reasons! I don't know if Wenger can fulfill either of those ambitions for RVP! Players come and go, but if we lose the jewel in the current crown, you will know who to blame!

  18. Kenny

    Nov 11, 2011, 11:56 #14945

    RVP has seen what happened over Cesc.A truely world class player surrounded by dross.When a few world class signings would have pushed us over the line.When RVP is 35 he wants to look back on his career as a winner.He will leave to join a team with bigger ambitions than just getting into the CL every yeat and who can blame him

  19. Tony Evans

    Nov 11, 2011, 11:21 #14944

    Just to qualify my previous comment - I should have said Wenger does not invest in ENOUGH proven talent and always seems to leave us a few players short of a decent first team and overall squad. How many years have most of us been saying if only he would bring in just a few more players with experience or quality. He does not have to break the bank either - although one 'big name' would not go amiss to set our pulses racing and go some way to justifying the sky high ticket prices. I just don't get it - we could have achieved so much more had Wenger gone the extra mile and not been so stubborn. Will he change his ways - I think I know the answer to that one.

  20. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 11, 2011, 11:20 #14943

    North Atlantic Gooner- The article is not at all dated when you consider that the recent 0-0 draw with Marseille Highlighted just how much we rely on Van Persie at the moment and how we look a very average side when he doesn't start. There is also money in the bank and the small matter of a transfer window coming up very soon of course...

  21. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 11, 2011, 11:04 #14942

    Dave- well for starters we could have picked up Van der Vaart and Suarez for around £30m the pair. not to mention players like M'Villa, Sneidjer,Goetze. Mata and Hazard. Proven quality costs the big bucks.

  22. Tony Evans

    Nov 11, 2011, 8:36 #14941

    In my opinion RVP will be off because Wenger will not invest in proven talent and all we will get is the usual bullsh*t from him about how good the squad is etc etc. RVP has heard it all before as have we, ad nauseum, and he will not be taken in by it. Our achilles heal as usual is the wafer thin strength of our squad and that is why we will win f all again and RVP will say goodbye, I am off to a more ambitious club.

  23. Mike

    Nov 11, 2011, 8:16 #14940

    @Dave - agree with you entirely - don't forget what Torres is doing for Chelsea, by my reckoning he is scoring a goal every 3 months - How much is Tevez getting per week to refuse to come on - with Wilshire back, the midfield is as workman-like as any in the world, probably not the most flashy, but people have been calling for gutsy rather then tappy tappy football - see Kos is getting international call ups now after his ever improving performances. The back four are also improving game by game - Unfortunately these days ambition equates to money - Blackburn really started it when they bought the EPL when they won it .It was followed by Chelsea and now Man City. Money talks and players walk - loyalty is something long gone

  24. North Atlantic Gooner

    Nov 11, 2011, 3:05 #14939

    Weird article...little dated. Maybe this kind of talk made sense a month ago but I for one am extremely excited about the squad we have. We could use some additions but the base is there. Certainly RVP is our guy but the system also works for him and he may not feature so prominently in another club and wouldn't be doing as well with any other squad. In regards to Cesc and Nasri, that team couldn't get it done for whatever reason (we all have our opinions as to why) and it was best to move on. We are entering a very exciting phase with the talent we have and if RVP ends up leaving we will still be alright. I do hope he stays though and becomes the next Bergkamp.

  25. Dave

    Nov 11, 2011, 0:11 #14938

    Terrible article. Where are these world class players? Are they waiting to be picked from a mythical tree in Spain or France? Spending money guarantees nothing, except disappointment (in most cases). Liverpool splashed out on Suarez, Henderson, Downing, Caroll. Only the first would get into this current Arsenal team. The price of a player does not equate to his quality. Arteta is out-performing at least 3/4 of the above. Just because he didn't cost 35m doesn't make him any less of a player. What is Nasri doing at this time? Oh yeah thats right he's currently amassing the world's largest collection of splinters in his arse. Yes a world class player would be more than welcome, Hazard would reach a new level at this club. But if the guy wants to go Real Madrid what can be done? Only Barcelona can match them when it comes to luring a player. I would argue that Arteta is more important and more valuable to this team than Nasri ever was.

  26. Michael

    Nov 10, 2011, 23:39 #14937

    I will take Gervinho over Nasri anytime and the trio of Song, Arteta and Ramsey is very solid. Because they were bought for cheap doesn't mean they are not World class. Besides the prices out there are ridiculous and if you don't want Arsenl to end up like Leeds or Newcastle, you will understand their structure. I also don't think VP will need to be convinced to stay. He can see the players available and the upcoming ones. It is quite misleading naming Rosicky, benayoun and Arshavin, because they are way past their best and there are many upcoming ones that can fill the shoes.

  27. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 10, 2011, 23:32 #14936

    A- ok fair point... So let's say Arteta, Song, Santos, Walcott and Gervinho then if it makes you feel better. Fabregas isn't guaranteed first team football at Barca nor Nasri at Man city. That should indicate the strength of our squad to any Sane and rational person.

  28. Mulepest

    Nov 10, 2011, 21:49 #14934

    A good read, we're all hoping the talented left footed Captain stays...losing vanPersie would be the worst thing to happen to Arsenal right now. Every good play goes through the guy and for a talented team like Arsenal (excluding Rosciky, and Chamakh) that means alot. Fingers crossed for a fruitful January Transfer period Gunners!!

  29. chopper4001

    Nov 10, 2011, 21:32 #14933

    I'm the eternal optimist. RVP always comes across well in the press, on twitter, on the website - always seems up for the cause. Who's to say what he'll do when it come to the crunch? I'd like to think there would be some loyalty there, and who knows what the end of this season will bring? Funny things happen in football and we're currently on one of our best runs for years. Fabregas made no bones about wanting to go back to Spain and probably should have done earlier, except he showed "some" loyalty. Then we have that schmuck Nasri who was never going to be loyal. In fact I'm yet to be convinced selling him wasn't a good piece of business. Half a season of form does not make a Ballon D'Or winner, and he's not likely to win it sitting on the bench for City. I would have money on him ending up back in France in no time. So RVP? Going nowhere. Eternal optimism.

  30. Passcloud

    Nov 10, 2011, 20:45 #14932

    Do not get fooled by a few games. The striker is hitting his last days of productivity. Hitting thirty. Save your money for yonger blood next year.

  31. A

    Nov 10, 2011, 20:31 #14931

    ''while asking him to play alongside players like Rosicky, Benayoun, Arshavin and Chamakh, when he could be lining up with players like Silva, Nasri, Ya Ya Touré, Fabregas, Iniesta, Xavi and Leo Messi?'' WHAT A STUPID THING TO SAY: You mention players that are not even in our 1st team, and then compare them to Barcelona & Man City first team, don't try and make things look worst when they are just alright.

  32. ando

    Nov 10, 2011, 20:29 #14930

    fact is, vp has probably had as much of wengers bull**** as he can stand, the ambition is obvious to anyone with one brain cell 4th place and unknown or bargain bucket signings. would you sign for this lot? can you blame the others for leaving? i think not.

  33. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 10, 2011, 20:03 #14929

    Jekyll- what's the latin for 'Minimum spend, maximum profit within the context of attempting to finish in the top 4' as that's probably going to replace 'Victoria Concordia Crescit' pretty soon! top comment.

  34. CT Gooner

    Nov 10, 2011, 18:57 #14928

    Excellent piece, and I agree completely. Would I sign if I was in his shoes, not unless the signings improve. And here's the crux for me, Wenger chose not to pay Mata, but Beny and Diaby to warm the bench....

  35. dan

    Nov 10, 2011, 18:05 #14927

    if it was me or you we would sign a new contract because we love the club,unfortunately van persie doesn't,sadly seeing him say goodbye will only add another nail to our coffin.

  36. SApetros

    Nov 10, 2011, 17:56 #14926

    Intereseting article and thanks for the Van Basten quote. The thing is that players would join a soulless club like Chelsea because they'll get paid and win trophies it's that simple for them. Van Persie said in the summmer that he hoped we would buy some stars but did we? Problem however is that Wenger wont do that even if he has a large cash reserve- look at what a catastrophic flop Arshavin has been!! and for what? 4 months of form? He wont be able to take that risk. Honestly though, Van Persie is injury-prone and getting towards the end of his career, that means injury more often and a longer recovery time. I don't think it will deal a mortal blow if we lose him at the end of this season. Like you say though, this trend of moving on for more ambitious clubs would undermine our credibility if two captains in a row walk out in two years. Wenger should probably buy some players like Hazard and try and gamble before it's too late.

  37. Jekyll

    Nov 10, 2011, 17:49 #14925

    'Minimum spend, maximum profit within the context of attempting to finish in the top 4' is the club's unstated but self-evident philosophy. Despite the numerous examples you cite of it failing to work, Wenger will again try to invoke RVP's 'loyalty' rather than spend any cash on players worthy of playing with him. The hope has to be that, despite the above, we can somehow win something and combine that with enough of a mega-salary offer to persuade RVP stay on.