Where’s my long service award?

Celebrating 40 years as a Gooner

Where’s my long service award?

Highbury – Home of the first 35

I suddenly realised recently that I must be fast approaching the 40th anniversary of my first visit to Highbury. On consulting Fred Ollier’s ‘Arsenal - A Complete Record’ I discovered that the date of my first visit was in fact 13th November 1971 when I sat in the West Stand Upper Tier and watched ‘The Arsenal’ lose 2-1 to Man City in front of 47,443 supporters.

As an 8 year old this of course resulted in copious amounts of tears after the game on the way home to Woolwich, which were not helped by my Dad advising me that I should follow his team (Man Utd) if I didn’t want to get used to losing! Thankfully even at the tender age of 8 I knew that dad’s views were not to be taken seriously and I did not go over to the dark side.

Over the 40 subsequent years Arsenal have been a constant in my life. Sometimes a bringer of great joy, sometimes frustration, and sometimes even pain.

Of course such an anniversary drags up all sorts of memories of great players, great matches, trips to the frozen north, trips to Europe, cup finals, Anfield 89, chasing the Marshmen down the Seven Sisters Road, being chased by the Marshmen down the Seven Sisters Road, alcohol, SLAG Army, more alcohol, Travel Club cheese or ham rolls, the bear, dodgy haircuts, even dodgier clothes, DB10 buying us a beer in The Rocket, An Imperfect Match, the Clock End, B’Jesus said Paddy, and even more alcohol.

All these things would be nothing however if it were not for the all people I have met through the years, fellow Gooners. Some are friends to this day, some have drifted away for whatever reason, some are just people I have met on a trip and often never seen again. Just because you have the common ground of supporting the Arsenal does not of course mean you are going to be best buddies with all, but I believe that no matter whether you are an - in today’s parlance - an AKB or indeed an AKN (Arsene Knows Nothing) we should all stand together and support our team on the pitch.

The Arsenal do not owe me anything and I owe them rather a lot. My 40 years of support is nothing compared to some I know and the title of this piece was written with tongue firmly in cheek. However what I would like to see this season is an end to all the divisions in the Arsenal support. It would be naive to expect everyone to agree on every aspect of Arsenal life (and a little scary if it did happen) but it would be great to think that we could all pull in the same direction at The Grove and emulate our magnificent away support. Then maybe, just maybe, with a little help from us, the proverbial 12th man, a trophy or two to give me an excuse to celebrate with friends old and new will be coming our way very soon.

Here’s to the next 40 years (I hope) and let’s start them off with wins against Norwich, Dortmund and Everton.

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  1. Ron

    Nov 14, 2011, 14:42 #14995

    That was an insipid performance that day. I was Clock end with City's fans!!. it was of course open and cold. It was clear the double team was breaking up even by then. Man City werent much good either as i recall. Wish we were still at Highbury though. Really do. Like you, a clutch of mates who were then regulars have all drifted away. Its not the same today. Not near the same.

  2. Rocky RIP

    Nov 14, 2011, 14:40 #14994

    Since people have moved the discussion on to Highbury v The Grove, I'll add my view on this. I started supporting Arsenal not because of Alan Sunderland's perm or any other player, but because of one thing: Highbury and the people that frequented it. I'd been to numerous grounds, but once you'd been enchanted by Highbury's friendly charm and sense of tradition, history and class, that was it. Arsenal for life. Hopefully the Grove will inherit some of that charm and sense of inclusiveness over time. Us fans need to push the club via supporter groups to do everything it takes to give us the home ground our beloved Arsenal deserves.

  3. Lewis

    Nov 14, 2011, 12:27 #14989

    RJ, what are you on?! That picture is absolutely stunning, a real classic stadium. The current bowl is technically a great stadium but it doesn't have the attraction of the real home of football. Covoteapot - I too miss the peanuts!

  4. Matty S

    Nov 14, 2011, 10:50 #14982

    I thought you were going to bang on about how much better it were in "the good old days" but it was a surprisingly upbeat article. Take note fellow veterans: We know that you've supported Arsenal for a long time, kudos, but please look at the future.

  5. Covoteapot

    Nov 14, 2011, 7:50 #14978

    'Peanuts! Get your peanuts!' The cry of the peanut salesman on the North Bank pre-seating will always be synonymous with Highbury. How I loved the place and how a flame still burns in my heart for it. I have so many happy memories of Highbury. The Junior Gunners section when I first started going. Trying to get you head into the JG photograph so you could get your face ringed and win a prize (we just succeeded in maybe getting half a face in or a forehead...'). Alsmost getting thrown out v Man City after ribbing some Man City fan about looking like an Ogre. I loved the place and lament it's passing...

  6. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 14, 2011, 1:20 #14977

    Hear hear Steven. I think a service award should be offered to all of us that stayed to the end of Walsall at home, Milk Cup '83....at the time I was a little Aussie Vegemite only watching his 4th match at Highbury, but dad's from Russell Square, then moved to Boreham Wood and had been going to Highbury since 62/63, so my anguish was miniscule compared to his, or people like yourself and Mark who might have been there that night. He did say to me though "this kind of thing happens at The Arsenal, better get used to it"...after all he'd watched that kinda malarkey for most of the 60's as well. I was lucky, I only had to tough it out for another 4 seasons until GG, TA etc. turned the course of Arse history in a different direction. As for the new bowl and its' new fans, I can't have an opinion as I've been back in Aus since before it opened....but I couldn't get into / afford Highbury for the last couple of seasons before I left, I think partly because we'd suddenly become fashionable....

  7. Rocky RIP

    Nov 13, 2011, 22:45 #14976

    Well said Mark. We all have gripes with modern football and know things can always be better, but Arsenal has given me so many special moments in my life. Mercenary players, managers, majority shareholders and fickle supporters may come and go, but the very essence of what we love about Arsenal will always be there if those of that care passionately stand together. It's down to us as fans to make sure of that. Come Together. Victory Through Harmony.

  8. Steven

    Nov 13, 2011, 20:23 #14975

    Mark you dont owe Arsenal nothing.You have given them your unfailing support for 40 years.The club owes you ,me and thousands of other fans everything because without us the fans there is no club.And dont ever forget it.Its our club not an American's from Denver who turns up for one game a season.Being a fan for 40 years you must remember the mid 70's and the pre George 80's when gates were down to 16,000.They were the true supporters not glory hunters

  9. RJ

    Nov 13, 2011, 20:16 #14974

    Mark - Fantastic call to arms! And looking at the picture Mr Ed attached to this article - I had forgotten just how ... (really sorry boys and girls) second grade Highbury was - Just like... OT, WHL, Anfield, SB, Craven Cottage????? We do now have a fab stadium. tony B - and others - I respect your views, but I think there is a level of rose-tint here - I remember being on the North Bank throughout pretty much every home game of 88-9 (including, it seemed to me with hindsight, multiple League Cup Round 2 replays with Liverpool - but maybe it was only one game - memory, funny old thing) - and we have always been a miserable bunch of supporters - pessimistic, cynical and slightly wishing for better times - and that is WHY I LOVE BEING A GOONER. We are real people - All of us have a view. Get behind the team, shout, moan, grumble - be a gooner, but let's give ourselves a chance. Come on you Gooners! Abu Diaby, Archie - earn your salaries boys. Anyone else ashamed of Cesc's new hairstayle on Saturday? Peace, and Remembrance RJ

  10. Tony

    Nov 13, 2011, 18:32 #14973

    44 years a Gooner hardly missed a game for the first 42 but have now been priced out.Over a grand for a ST is just too much.And thats the reason why we have lost a lot of the hardcore supporters who have been replaced by the JCL's its just too expensive.I am also disillusioned by crap players like Diaby and Walcott picking up 60 grand a week.I wasnt at Anfield so my most memorable game was Paris in 06 when we came within 15 mins of winning the big one.

  11. Jekyll

    Nov 13, 2011, 17:17 #14972

    The trouble is a lot of the type of supporters that would offer that kind of support have been priced out. You treat people like customers, they're going to sit back and expect to be entertained, and complain if they don't feel they're getting value for money. This is a simple and pretty obvious principle, I'm not exactly the first to point it out. You want a better atmosphere in the stadium, bring back safe standing and cheaper tickets.

  12. Tony b

    Nov 13, 2011, 16:58 #14971

    If we could muster that support and atmosphere of the 12th man it would be amazing in the team and stadium,

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 13, 2011, 16:45 #14970

    mark lets get one thing straight if arsene made a couple of world class signings in january and we went on to win the league and a cup there would still be people who will criticise people who will still not be happy and dare i say it people who would still want wenger out and there's nothing anybody can do about it mate.

  14. MGJ

    Nov 13, 2011, 16:14 #14969

    Grandad I think you failed to read the penultimate paragraph.

  15. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 13, 2011, 12:54 #14967

    40 years' support AND you're from Woolwich? That's front of the medal queue material....

  16. Grandad

    Nov 13, 2011, 12:53 #14966

    Long Service award? You must be joking.I started watching the Gunners in 1947.That`s 64 seasons in anybody`s money.I started watching at the same time as Ronnie Rooke arrived at the club and I`m still at all the home games sitting just in front of the Vultures cage(The Press Box)