Gooners know it’s a conspiracy

Time for a siege mentality

Gooners know it’s a conspiracy

Arsenal away boys: 12th man

Arsenal Football Club seems to have become the Katie Price of the sports world over the last few months, in that - love us or loathe us - you can’t seem to be able to pick up a newspaper, turn on Sky Sports News or read any football website without reading about us. It’s a metaphor. I don’t mean that Arsène has been pictured in a bizarre falling-out of a nightclub with his wangers out. Some is positive, but recently a lot of it seems to have been greatly overshadowed by a lot of negative pieces. I don’t believe that certain journalists have an agenda, as some others do. I do believe, however, that some journalists have a dislike of us and probably enjoyed seeing us struggle at the start of the season.

We have a long and somewhat spiky history with the media, going back to the infamous "YOU HAVENT GOT A CHANCE, ARSENAL" back page from the Mirror on May 26th, 1989 (we all know what happened then) through being dragged through the gutters when Tony Adams was jailed in 1990 to the infamous original Battle of Old Trafford in the same season. Growing up the mid ‘90s, it was sometimes hard supporting a club who were, at the time, very unfashionable. Des Lynam, who famously belittled Dennis Bergkamp after he scored one of the greatest goals of his career against Newcastle was (along with “money before medals” Andy Townsend) the face of BBC, in an age before Sky ruled all football on the telly.

He was joined by Alan Hansen (to this day, still bitter about 1989) and ex Sp*rs striker, Gary Lineker, who presented Football Focus. I remember many a Saturday lunchtime spent watching my dad shout something like "F**k off, you jug-eared runt" as Gary got his cheap thrills by having a sly dig at the old enemy. And there was also Jimmy Greaves, who produced a handy cut-out-and-keep guide to goal-scoring in his weekly Sun column, which was merely a net and a ball with the classically sarcastic "PUT BALL IN NET" instruction. It was aimed at our non-flying Dutchman again, because he failed to score until a month into his Arsenal career.

We then moved on to the "ARSENE WHO?" era, which heralded a deluge of underhanded, only-acceptable-if-aimed-at-the-Arsenal, xenophobic cheap shots, Arsène's biggest crime being that he didn’t have a face to fit. His new training and diet methods were dismissed, and he hadn’t worked in these isles before, media darling Alex Ferguson famously starting his mind games with the patronising "he’s come over here from Japan, for G*d’s sake" speech, designed to belittle his French counterpart.

The critics were silenced in the best way possible, with even the most hardened journalist bowing down, as the double-winners played a style of football that had never been seen before in this country. At the start of the 2002/2003season, Arsène Wenger had the audacity to suggest his team were good enough to go a whole season without losing a game. Unthinkable, eh? When we lost to a Wayne Rooney goal (ending in itself a 30-game unbeaten run) the media went into overdrive. Twisting Arsène’s words to make him sound arrogant enough to dismiss all other opponents with a declaration of unbeaten victory, they went to town on the club and the boss. "ARROGANT ARSENAL" was the cry, and how they had loved building us up to knock us down. A couple of Man Utd players got in on the act, Rio Ferdinand declaring us too cocky when we had been top of the league, which led to them overtaking us. They called their end-of-season video "we got our trophy back". Not cocky in the slightest. I still have a copy of the Telegraph from the week after The Battle of Old Trafford II, Keown’s Revenge, with the headline screaming "KISS GOODBYE TO THE TITLE, ARSENAL". Once again, we all know what happened then.

Which brings us to the barren years. Can anyone remember the last time he or she read an Arsenal article in a newspaper that didn’t contain the word "years" and the number "six"? Some may argue that it is a back-handed compliment that people seem genuinely thrilled/surprised that a major club like ours hasn’t picked up silverware for a period as long as this. Others see it as a way to twist the knife in further, then kick us when we are down, then p*ss on us when we're on fire (but, unhelpfully, not the bit that’s actually on fire).

Up to circa 2002/2003, bad press from a bad defeat was easier to avoid. It was easy enough not to buy a newspaper, not to watch Sky Sports News, and hope the mouthy plastic Manc from work (I’m not going to add Sp*rs fan or Chav there - they couldn’t beat us back then) was sympathetic/dead. However, now with Twitter/Facebook, football apps on tap, the sensationalised, previously-mentioned Sky Sports, and, as Jamie Redknapp would say, "literally millions of football blogs," the average football fan has become over-exposed and over-reliant on football news, views and opinion. The whole six-year shtick is not, as the "Arsène who?" was, limited just to a daily newspaper. Now, when journalists and writers think they are being hilarious and original with a six-year dig, it’s in our newspaper during our coffee break, on our laptops when reading blogs, on our television when we come home and put on channel 405, and on our phones when checking Twitter or Facebook, whilst taking a 45-minute toilet break at work.

The Keown’s Revenge episode of the Battle of Old Trafford saw Arsenal become the first sports team in this country to be found guilty by media. Sky Sports News went into hyperdrive, as did the tabloids/broadsheets. However, the rolling, 24-hour coverage that Arsenal received from that TV channel had never before been seen in this country. It was impossible to escape. It did, however, work in installing a kind of "you can shove your f**kin' two points up yer a**e" attitude into fans and players alike. I remember queuing outside St Mary’s for Southampton away over Xmas that year, whilst a chorus of "Oh Sky TV is full of s**t...." echoed outside the icy ground. It’s at this time the phrase "Gooners know it’s a conspiracy" found its way into our every day use.

Let’s hope we have managed to turn a hypothetical corner in our season with the recent sequence of results. However, let’s not forget what a kicking we have taken from certain outlets for the first few months of our season. Let’s take things like the outcry when we only got 46,000 for a game against Shrewsbury, the article that said only two Arsenal players would get in the current Sp*rs side. Wilshere and Verm were conveniently left out because they were injured. Sp*rs players that were also injured were, conveniently, included. Comparing the most successful manager in Arsenal’s history to Mr Bean, and, of course, Ian Wright every week, and take offence. Build up an us-vs-them attitude.

It’s no coincidence that the away support has been the best, Newcastle aside, in recent years with all these people lining up to take pot-shots at us. It’s so much better than arguing amongst ourselves, which seems to have become the norm these days. The support at Old Trafford back in August was unrivalled, and, had it been another team’s supporters that had reacted like that, they would have been trumpeted as some sort of heroes. I wasn’t at the Bridge recently (I only like going to games where we don’t score, or where we concede eight, or lose to that lot down the road) but I’ve heard from many reliable parties that the Arsenal were playing with 12 men.

If we can build up a siege mentality and focus our energy on realising that the enemy isn’t within, and support the team as we have been, then we can find our "shove yer f**kin' two points up yer a**e" mentality. So, in the words of Jerry Springer, "take care of yourself, and each other.......... and don’t believe the bulls**t you see/hear/read in the media".

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 16, 2011, 15:08 #15057

    liam one of the best pieces i have read for a while and the time will come sooner rather than later when we'll shut them up again.


    Nov 16, 2011, 14:24 #15055

    All very true. There are so few 'pundits' in the media willing to do us any favours or talk positively about us. Sky choose most ex-players that fell out with the club eg. Brian Marwood, or don't dare sound positive for fear of bias. For one big CL game we had Pleat as co-commentator, with Hoddle and J. Rednapp in the studio. The ITV team had O'Neil the other week who said he didn't like Wenger, standing alongside roy Keane who said he had no sympathy for Arsenal fans. The BBC final score team are longing for us to fail - the camera once caught Crooks excitedly tapping Les Ferdinand as Arsenal were under a goal threat. Mark Bright hasn't got a pertinent comment to make, or a good one about us. who can forget how he lambasted AW for not shaking Phil Brown's hand? Without looking at the facts: he did, Brown was lying. He then claimed he rather be punched in the face than have Cesc spit at him, without knowing the facts. I could go on for hours. Even the 'London' Evening standard has James Olley these days. A man who points out that we haven't won a trophy since 2005 in EVERY possible artice. Ask yourselves why Liverpool's trophy drought isn't common knowledge. It's become so hard to listen to or read many people in the media as they are so clearly anti-Arsenal. Dixon talks sense, but he is critical of us. A certain writer in The Observer who many of us know is an exception and Martin Tyler clearly likes us. Who else? Ian Wright is kept away. Merson doesn't EVER back us to win a game. ''I worry for 'em''. Who talks with such clear bias as Pleat does when he has the temerity to talk of glory nights at the lane? So basically, f em. Us Gooners need to stick together and the negative Gooners need to work out whose f'ing side they are on when they keep joining in the slagging off of Arsenal.

  3. Gee

    Nov 16, 2011, 13:07 #15054

    Very good. Funny how nowhere do you read Liverpool haven't won a trophy since 2006 etc. etc. Yet every year since 2005 the media have been counting the years we have been potless. All very strange indeed. When Spurs got on in the CL a commentator said WHL will see these glorious european cup nights... er.... what from 50 years ago... So desperate for Wenger to turn this round to ram it down the throat of all the media

  4. sam

    Nov 16, 2011, 12:33 #15053

    Well said haven't been on the Online Gooner in a while due too all the doom and gloom pages but this really is what its supposed to be about - supporting the club through thick and thin no matter what the results or headlines say!

  5. will

    Nov 16, 2011, 11:52 #15051

    Loved the post.I wish the team had shown that kind of passion last season.Totally agree that Arsenal get slated unfairly BUT the clubs its own worst enemy and shouldn't blind us to the shortcomings.What puzzles me is that Wenger can't seem to bring himself to make the little additions that would make all the difference ( last 3 seasons a decent goalkeeper) and none of them would break the bank.

  6. PerryG

    Nov 16, 2011, 11:45 #15050

    @Gerry. Those lads are not as bad as the sports journalists in the Herald. I stopped buying this rag last year due to its Anti-Arsenal sentiments and its bias towards United especially. Alot of the players dont care enough for a siege mentality to prevail, as one contributor stated its all about having a backbone. 80G's a week softens insults from the media

  7. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 16, 2011, 11:32 #15049

    Some of the replies on here just go to prove the articles point, wind up merchants, Spuds and the media, all have a similar agenda, alot of them may even be the same thing. True Gooners should see it for what it is have no part of it. But the good thing is, whatever the agenda, it has failed, witness the backing of the team this season. Wengers call to arms and the teams recent form has completely turned things around. New signings have strengthened the team, despite losing key players. Have to check but I now think we have more points than this time last year, the team look more solid, experience is starting to tell Some Spud fans do make me laugh though, some spend more time worrying about us than their own team, including a manager about to go to court on a serious financial issue. Wonder what will happen if he is found giulty?

  8. Ron

    Nov 16, 2011, 11:26 #15048

    Press hacks support Clubs of their own.Like any other fan of other Clubs theyre riddled with envy and petty jealousies about Arsenal. I can understand it to be honest. When it comes to class and how to do things, Arsenal are peerless and always have been. No Club gets close whether we're struggling or at the top of our game. This is common knowledge, but you wont hear many other Clubs fans admit it.I have a mate who is a big Wolves fan, a massive fan of many years. He likens the Arsenal 'to royalty turning up' whenever he sees them play his team.Its an analogy that encapsulates what Arsenal are i always think.

  9. Jamie

    Nov 16, 2011, 10:26 #15046

    Fantastic article amongst a load of wind up articles on here that slate us just as the media do! And don't get me started on the forum on here, it should be renamed to the to*tenham pages or something! We should be sticking together, and getting behond even the players we think are crap. People slate Walcott tirelessly, WHY??? Get behind the kid, he was lethal against the Chavs! Just get behind every single one of em! C'MON YOU GUNNERS!!!

  10. Wenger out!

    Nov 16, 2011, 10:22 #15045

    The press wont be writing 6 years without a trophy much longer.In 6 weeks time they will be writing 7 years

  11. Kenny

    Nov 16, 2011, 10:04 #15044

    ManuRiley we lost the title in 2008 because Wenger didnt strengthen in january when we were top of the league.That was a title that was lost by Wenger no one else.Too many Gooners are looking for excuses for Wenger by blaming the media and referee's

  12. sparksy

    Nov 16, 2011, 9:45 #15042

    I like your call to arms but i do think you're going a bit over the top. As Robin has also said here, we have failed to land a trophy in 6 years because of the actions of one man and the board. It was Wengers (and the boards?) policy to go down the route of youth, its they who buy the players, its they who earn shed loads of money, its they who set the ridiculously high ticket prices.......... It is the way of this country now, that we look to blame someone else for our problems rather than look at ourselves .

  13. bunch

    Nov 16, 2011, 9:40 #15041

    Who cares what the press think. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one. So what. Don't read their ****, I don't. I watch MOTD and they aren't that bad. SSN is trying to fill 24/7 channel with news about, basically, premier league football so they obsess about every latest story. It's crap, don't watch it.

  14. ManuRiley

    Nov 16, 2011, 1:50 #15040

    F*k the media, it's the cheating referees who are the problem. Arsenal would have won the 2007-08 league title were it not for the extraordinary sequence of egregious calls against them beginning with the game at Birmingham when Taylor shattered Eduardo's leg. Such a number of blatantly incorrect game-changing calls being made in a series of consecutive games cannot be considered mere bad luck. The title was deliberately and maliciously stolen from us. Who knows where the confidence and self-belief from winning would have led Arsenal, but at the very least, some parties would have had to admit that you CAN win something with kids and we certainly wouldn't have had to put up with the f*king morons in the media endlessly bleating "six years."

  15. Ozi

    Nov 15, 2011, 23:51 #15039

    The best rallying call and say it as it is piece I've ever read by far. Kudos to you. A true gunner all the way

  16. Robin

    Nov 15, 2011, 23:15 #15038

    Wenger gets away with murder from the press.Here is a manager who earns more than a manager who has won 4 out of the last 5 premierships with a CL win and two CL finals thrown in.We have the 2nd highest paid manager in the prem and we pay the highest ticket prices in world football and our managers ambition is 4th place,In Spain and Italy he would be slaughtered every single day.But Wenger knows in England he can get away with year upon year of faliure and the media and sadly our own fans let him get away with it.Dont believe me lose a cup final against a relegated team,pick up 19 pts from 19 games,finish 4th in a two horse race and suffer the worst defeat in 115 years.We really do deserve what we get.But dont ever blame Wenger blame the press after all it was them that bought Chamakh

  17. Gerry

    Nov 15, 2011, 22:54 #15037

    Top post Liam, even the man u and liverpool loving media here in Ireland are guilty of putting the boot into my beloved Arsenal. Twats like Kenny Cunningham and Ray Houghton just love to give us a good slating every chance they get. Brillant article mate! F*ck them all, we are THE ARSENAL

  18. StuartL

    Nov 15, 2011, 22:08 #15035

    The press utter 6 years without a trophy every other sentence when reporting on us, but conveniently neglect to mention how many Liverpool have gone without a trophy and how long it has been since they actually won the league (1990 !) The tiny totts appear to get away scott free by winning the two bob cup a few years ago, yet have not won an F.A cup since 1991 and the league since 1961. Never do the press talk about them losing players if they are not in the Champions league do they. Anyway it only makes it all the sweeter when our turn rolls around again knowing how much it sticks in all the press' throats.

  19. lee afc

    Nov 15, 2011, 20:54 #15034

    ABSOLUTE SPOT ON... best article on these pages for a long chalk..siege mentality all the way ooo 2 be aaaa goonaaaa

  20. Lord GaGa

    Nov 15, 2011, 20:52 #15033

    It makes me laugh when i hear Gooners having a go at the anti-Arsenal press yet end up buying the papers that pay the wages of the journalists that hate Arsenal.If you dont like it dont read it.Is that really hard to do? There is no difference to what is written in the press than what is written on all bull****

  21. Barriecuda

    Nov 15, 2011, 20:04 #15032

    Great read. Definitely agree that the Arsenal gets some slanted journalism coverage, especially when you juxtapose it with the British darlings United and Liverpool. I'm still armored in Arsenal red-and-white over here in Canada - a home of far too many United "fans" - not that many of 'em could tell you who came before Ferguson.

  22. mint

    Nov 15, 2011, 19:57 #15031

    Brilliant write up. I totally agree. Steven Arsehole Howard the so called chief sports writer of the Sun is one of the biggest culprits. He writes about stuff no-one is interested in. It's just Arsene / Arsenal bashing. He must be a **** ontop of being a **** journo Up the arsenal

  23. Stan Simpson

    Nov 15, 2011, 19:46 #15029

    The arrogance of Wenger doesnt help the media turning against us.His press conferences are a joke and frankly embarassing.His failure to admit he is wrong,stating players our staying when they are gone,Saying if Nasri and Cesc leave we are no longer a big club.Never admitting we lost because we weren't good enough.Heard a journlist say he gave up believing anything Wenger said 5 years ago.You cannot beat the press unless you have the trophies to back it up.Wenger is no longer a winner he is a comic figure to the press

  24. stan

    Nov 15, 2011, 19:27 #15028

    Brought tears to me eyes. Good article my man am saving it as we speak.

  25. win AFC

    Nov 15, 2011, 19:13 #15026

    There just jealous, I feel sorry for them they have nothing better to do. ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB are and alway's will be an ELITE CLUB. If they don't like it they can go to HELL.

  26. Spike

    Nov 15, 2011, 19:02 #15025

    Love it mate! Brilliant stuff and fully justified too! Ha! I can remember that smug tw*t Brian "spud" Woolnough's Sun article calling for Wrighty to be given a 10 game ban for the heinous crime of walking onto the pitch to chat and have a laugh with the Leivester captain after that amazing Bergkamp hatrick game in 98.They hate us, we shouldn't care, or be surprised!F*ck em!Up the Arse!Lets have some more positive stuff like this Gooner, sort it out son!

  27. Tony

    Nov 15, 2011, 18:44 #15024

    To build a siege mentality you need players with backbone not pussies like Diaby Song Chamakh Arshavin and Walcock who are only after a big pay packet.The days of Adams Bould Keown Campbell Vieira and Petit who would run through walls are long gone.Old trafford 1990 amd 2003 will never happen again.OT this season that useless tosser Walcock having a go at Jenkinson who puts Walcock to shame with his heart and effort when pulling an Arsenal shirt on

  28. Norwegian Gooner

    Nov 15, 2011, 18:34 #15023

    Brilliant article. Keep up the good work!

  29. golds73

    Nov 15, 2011, 18:24 #15022

    Loved reading it. Great post.

  30. Rickthegooner

    Nov 15, 2011, 18:22 #15021

    WOW !!!! Be careful this is dangerous stuff !!!! This isn't the normal negative C**p that this journel turns out !!!! Slightly paranoid !!! But not negative !!! I go away a fair bit, have done for years. The away support is always good. It's only the home support that needs some help !!! Keep up the good vibes !!

  31. ne

    Nov 15, 2011, 18:08 #15020

    hahahahaha....yup nobody ask why " one off the world best striker"rooney don't score lately. And how with out the "king rooney" england can beat the world sport are hilarious..wat ever. Once a gunner always a gunner, who care what they say...:p