Will Arsene do the honourable thing?

Looking back to mid-September

Will Arsene do the honourable thing?

Arsene: Not his finest start to a season

(Ed’s note – With it being an international break, I am delving into my unused pile of articles. This one’s interesting because it shows the mood two months ago. It was submitted on 20 September, three days after Arsenal had conceded four at Blackburn. In fairness to the author, I don’t doubt it was for immediate use, although we were probably swamped with submissions at the time – and many of a similar nature – so we didn’t get round to using it. So here it is, read it as a snapshot, as I am well aware that some have forgiven the manager since the travesty of Arsenal’s opening Premier League matches. At the same time, many will feel the writer’s points are still valid.)

This has been going on now for almost four years. Another total collapse from Arsenal, from cruising 2-1 up at Blackburn, we lost 4-3. Enough is enough.

I remember when it all started, on a cold, chilly Wednesday night in October 2008 at the E******s. Arsenal were leading the spuds 4-2, with five minutes to go, I jokingly said to my friend, we have Clichy, Gallas, Sylvestre , on the pitch, and the spuds still couldn’t score. I was made to eat my words that night, out of nowhere Tottenham scored two goals in five minutes; we ended up drawing the game. It was on that night that our mental and psychological frailty began.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would still be discussing this fundamental flaw in our biological make up almost three years later, with the same manager at the helm.

Let’s rewind a few months earlier, in April 2008, Champions league semi final, against Liverpool, up at Anfied, Theo Walcott goes on a 60yard run, centres to Adebayor, who scores. We are through to the final, with just seven minutes left, but in typical Arsenal style, we blew it, we threw it away.

How about a year later, in the premiership, back at Anfield against Liverpool. Arshavin scores to put us 3-4 up, we still couldn’t see the game out. Liverpool equalised, surprise surprise.

Fast forward to 2011, up at Newcastle 0-4 up after 45mins, and we still can’t win the game. An absolute disgrace, no professional team, should ever come out that game without all three points. Whatever level.

Let’s not even talk about that the collapse against Liverpool at the end of last season. I still have nightmares of that game.

I have the firm believe these second half implosions, are a cancer that has spread throughout our team, and Arsene Wenger has no idea of how to cure it. I’m sure if we take every single player that played today, and put them in a different team, and give them a 2-1 lead at half time, I would bet my life that nine times out of ten the outcome would be different.

But what happens when you, put the same players in an Arsenal shirt under Arsene Wenger, we have the catastrophe we witnessed today. For me the common denominator is Arsene Wenger. He can no longer motivate, inspire, or instil fear in his players.

This is not about centre backs, or defensive formations. It’s about a group of players who are devoid, of any confidence, belief, or veteran savvy, of how to see a game through. Or, how to stop things going wrong. You don’t need a £20m player to attack the ball at set pieces, to organise, communicate and cajole team mates when things appear to be turning for the worst.

The fact of the matter is Arsene Wenger has lost the dressing room, his players, no longer respond to what he say’s and his training methods. There has to be a fresh voice in the dressing room. We need someone who can motivate them, or someone, who can put the fear of God into our players.

I can tolerate a bad team, I can tolerate, a mediocre team, I can even tolerate an agricultural team, but the one thing I cannot tolerate is a weak, limb wristed team, who lack any sorted of fighting spirit.

Arsene Wenger has been a great manager for Arsenal, he has overseen Arsenal most successful period in modern times. Watching Arsenal play in the last sixteen years came as close as you can get to a true blend or sport and art.

Arsene has given us so much joy and pride since he has been at the club. He has shown us that you can improve player’s ability, with true hard work on the training pitch. He paved the way for nutrition and fitness in football.

He taught us about fiscal responsibility off the pitch. He was instrumental in building our stadium and training ground. He once had a monopoly over scouting, all over the world. Buying young footballers, from as far as Africa, Asia and South America, and turning them into world beaters.

He also sold players, for huge profits, at the right time, keeping our stingy, un-ambitious board happy.

I fail to see what Arsene can do, that he hasn’t done, or thought of doing in the last three years. Unfortunately, he has nothing left to give, and is running on empty. It is now time for Arsene Wenger to do the honourable thing and resign.

Right now, I don’t care who succeeds him, all I know things aren’t going to get any better with Arsene at the helm; it will be nothing more than a minor miracle, if Arsene was able too, restore our player’s belief and confidence.

I would like to see a young, hungry, angry manager, with a chip on his shoulder, and something to prove, take over at Arsenal.

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  1. The Happening

    Nov 20, 2011, 22:38 #15174

    @Haks Ola, Thankyou for contributing this higly relevant topic to the world of the Gooner! There's no doubt in my mind the wily fox Wenger is planning his next move right now, and after reading L'Equipe, it only further confirms my susupicions! No, I have often wondered why he didn't do the honourable thing last year??? There's so much double speak from a man I once saw as a real genuine and honest erudite football manager it's kinda boring! After OT 8-1 debacle no level headed Arsenal suporter can really take him or his 'projects' serious, he'll bring us a trophy maybe (his idea of that being a top 4 finish) then do a runner! We lost Nasri and arguably the best midfielder in the world, and we got Benayoun on loan? Do the honarable thing Arsene!

  2. Truly Arsenal

    Nov 20, 2011, 14:21 #15160

    Wtf is this guy suicidal or what? You wanting a legendary manager to quit Afc. I can remember the days of George Graham and what dross he produced truly boring but effective. Arsene is second only to Alex Ferg. and even that is subjective. Admittedly he is going thru a difficult patch 6th in league and a game away frm qualifying for the knock out faze of the CL. i would hate to lose wenger to say barca or real madrid because he truly is worl class and a top 3 manager. Name me one other who can do what wenger can do. i only hope wenger ignores the critics and continues this journey to the top because i kno he can get us there. at the moment Arsenal = top quality who else can do such a job with the financial restraints in place at Arsenal.

  3. MikeSA

    Nov 20, 2011, 9:09 #15148

    I love all this "speculate to accumulate" and other similar sound bytes so beloved of our knee-jerk, thoughtless society today. Do the people sprouting this tosh have the faintest idea what it means, or the statistically likely consequences? Right now there are several European nations finding out the flip side of that approach. I'm all for reasoned argument, but silly little sound bites being quoted as "facts" don't come anywhere close to that.

  4. elkieno

    Nov 20, 2011, 3:58 #15147

    Terrible, irrelevant and publised just to get people rile up. TThis is my 1st time on this site and I am not coming back. When Wenger does go, the replacement will be crap and we will drop to mid table status, then all you mob will say get him and get him. New manager loses 4 games in a row and get another one, just like Chelsea. We will have to start paying big bucks and getting in debt more and more. Then we will have to borrow more and 'we must win trophies' to pay off the debt, until we dont win and end up like Leeds (possible in time). This is what will happen to us when he goes in 10 years or at end of this year and you mob will whinge like all English people do... How many clubs would LOVE TO have him in charge? I bet Spurs would take him any day of the week... Have some ling term vision for christs sake, stop looking at the here and now, its a business and football club, not a toy... (wonder if you post this?)

  5. Unbeaten 03/04

    Nov 19, 2011, 18:46 #15144

    It def. shows that your article is very irrelevant as you put it yourself that AW is proving his doubters wrong and quickly changing the way round. I can see that as long s we get results you'll be around just to make us think otherwise as you just want a new manager!!! Thinking that the quiet board won't have anything to do with it"""

  6. Jonesey

    Nov 18, 2011, 17:47 #15139

    Ron- If you really believe that Wenger lets Kroenke make him work under an unnecessary budget against his will at the obvious and ongoing expense of winning trophies then fair enough. I would rather that were true but I just can't see it. And why would he take the blame for a man who has only been at Arsenal a short while? He doesn't owe Kroenke anything. Wenger did a fantastic job of guiding us through the stadium-building years on a tight budget but times have changed, our finances have changed, unfortunately Wenger hasn't. He's still playing Project Wenger with us, determind to prove you can be successful on the cheap with kids against the odds. He seems to think that all our young players will one day turn into Lionel Messi and consequently gives them big fat long-term contracts (maybe that's where the money goes), but I'd be more inclined to keep believing in him if he wasn't so intransigent in other areas. He surrounds himself with yes men (he's had the same no.2 for 15 years!), and no matter how bad the defence gets he doesn't let Steve Bould anywhere near 1st team training despite Martin Keown having such a positive effect in 2006. Then of course there are the many agonising and embarrassing capitulations, losing games which seemed easier to win, and the ridiculous excuses afterwards. Ron, to answer your question, yes players should take responsibilty for individual and collective collapses, but as Jekyll has already said, if these collapses have been happening regularly for 8 years (your opinion) with different players and different line-ups for the same club the surely questions must be asked of the manager.

  7. steve

    Nov 18, 2011, 16:54 #15138

    I remember when the Gooner used to be good. Articles like this remind me why I stopped buying your tired moanfest of a "fanzine". Pile of pony.

  8. Dave Barrett

    Nov 18, 2011, 13:39 #15132

    I would love to have a pint with you and get to understand you. You sound like the minority of our support at home games and a rather larger minority of our support at away games. To support our club and be able to say we do with stature takes years and im getting there after being a season ticket holder since 96 after my first wage slip when i was 16. I beleive in my club and doing things in the way Arsenal's vision gives us. Stick by us stick by our team and lets get through this together. The only limp wristed people i can see is the likes of you who are constantly looking at Chelsea, Man Utd and now Man City. Lets win the right way and the only way we know how, but lets actually win it together. I want to know that when we win a trohpy, all the guys and gals im celebrating with, all want the same thing, expect the same thing, but love the fact we do it the Arsenal way, not the way of City, Chelsea or anybody else that wants to buy what we want, we will earn it, and earn it in the right way. Like i said, if you fancy a pint,i will talk this through with you!!

  9. Mike

    Nov 18, 2011, 9:58 #15127

    Absolutely irrelevant now - nothing is won in September - to the biggest muppet on this website - things have turned and are getting better, no team should have right or arrogance to claim they are the top team in the EPL until it is finished otherwise it would be a drab league - as long as there are several teams in the hunt, things are interesting - Arsenal, if they are to keep this form are in with a chance - a couple more astute buys (2) and the team is as good as any in the league

  10. gunnerbriggs

    Nov 18, 2011, 9:31 #15125

    Ron - "if he thinks a player is over priced he'll leave it well alone" The problem is his frame of reference for player prices and salaries is circa the year 2000. Wenger and the board are failing to accept the reality of the market, hoping that the fair play rules will change things but we all know it wont. Also blaming the board rather than Wenger is a bit of a red herring. We all know the power Wenger wields and if he told them they needed to revise the salary structure in order to keep players like RVP then they most likely would. Finally isn't there a certain amount of hypocrisy when he earns 7 million a year which is a large multiple of what most managers in the premiership earn and if my calculations are correct almost twice what RVP earns?

  11. DW Thomas

    Nov 18, 2011, 2:49 #15120

    You can't say much of this article is not still relevant today. I think you can only say we've turned a corner when we have won a major trophy again. An Arsenal fan should never be happy with 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place for any competition. Not if we are still a big club. I have been writing a lot this year about listening to Wenger's quotes in interviews. Between now and Christmas, I will be paying close attention to his words and actions. And come January, if he still doesn't buy and gives that load of bollocks about "he's like a new signing" regarding Jack or Diaby, I will surely be calling for a new man in charge. Today's football world is different than even 5 or 6 years ago. You must speculate to accumulate. Anyone can disagree with the desire for a new manager, I respect most informed opinions. Yet, you can't honestly say he is still the right man if it becomes 7 years without a serious title or tournament push or trophy. And I mean till the last week of the season. If we have another collapse or bad run, how can you say give him more time? Not after the past few season's and the recent complete mismanagement of this summer's transfers. What would this season have been like if we had bought the new players before the season and the likes of Arteta et al had been with us since pre-season? Without the 8-2 drubbing I think we would be mid table at best and without certain additions that have greatly improved our team's overall experience. Wenger has done great things in the past, but has he accomplished the same things Fergie has? He should and could have had so much more with minor tweaks and additions these past 6 years. Yet, has he pulled his blinders off even once and taken us over the proverbial hump?

  12. Jj

    Nov 17, 2011, 23:37 #15119

    Nice piece ! Gunners who?

  13. Mandy dodd

    Nov 17, 2011, 21:52 #15114

    Pierre, trying to read through your cliches, that no top managers could go so long without a trophy. May be the case now with the top clubs however I would refer you to the start of shanks Liverpool career, or for that matter, fergie had a tough start at utd too, just as well their clubs did not dispose of them! barca had a six year trophy drought, but they seem to have come through it ok. Seven years no trophies not good but not the end of the world when we have built and largely paid for a stadium, without public funding or the prospect of sharing.. Years without trophies, Same time applies to Liverpool, even with their spending. And then there is spurs, fifty years without a major trophy, now that really must be hard to take! Might explain the bitterness their fans exhibit on this and other boards, hope they get over it!

  14. Pierre

    Nov 17, 2011, 18:55 #15112

    There is no other top club in world football who would keep on a manager after 6 barren seasons.Mourinho Van Gaal,Rijkaard and Ancelotti were sacked one year after winning the title in various countries yet our serial loser Wenger picking up £7m a year for taking a team to 4th.We all know Kroenke is not bothered about trophies its profits for him but for the fans to bend over and take it up the arse is just madness.Why are the fans so quiet?Does anyone think our trophy drought will end this season?I am not just angry with the start to the season but for Wenger throwing the title away in 2008,2010 and last season when 3 quality signing would have seen us over the line.Last season Wenger actually took us from 2nd to 4th with only 3 games left.He is not a trophy winning manager anymore and i dont except another trophy until he leaves.Is anyone really telling me Ancelooti would do a better job than Wenger?

  15. Floyd "i've seen poor Arsenal managers but not this one" Elvin

    Nov 17, 2011, 18:53 #15111

    funny how everyone knows best..managing a club appears to be so easy, just type on your keyboard. sorted! yawn..

  16. bunch

    Nov 17, 2011, 16:02 #15110

    I'm still of the view that we won't win anything under Wenger. Look at the games we have played since the Blackburn horror, not too challenging. The win at Chelsea was a good one and gives some cause for hope, but guys, we've been here before - last season, the season before that, 2007/8. Remember them? However, there are encouraging signs that the more experienced players forced on Wenger on deadline day will settle in and provide the backbone that wasn't there in the team in previous years. But the gut-churning collapses of the last two season and the irremovable stain that was the 8-2 at Old Trafford mean that for me Wenger's cards are marked. I do and will continue to support the team wholeheartedly, but not Wenger. Redemption for him in my eyes will only come with silverware THIS SEASON.

  17. Ron

    Nov 17, 2011, 14:56 #15108

    Jonesy - Im on neither fence matey. We simply dont know enough to take a view on whos mainly at fault for our recent travails ie AW or the Board. He buys the players of course he does, but within cash constraints that are impressed upon him from above. Its a myth (in my view) for some to suggest that Wenger wont spend cash he has. He wont go over the odds granted and if he thinks a player is over priced he'll leave it well alone, just like we would if charged with the same task. The issues raised by the OP arent black and white, thats all im saying. AW is as fallible as the next man but sole responsibility for every collapse is so far fetched, it really is. He doesnt give the personality transplants when hes signed them. There is a massive player responsibility for these things somewhere along the line surely? Yes/No?

  18. Barry

    Nov 17, 2011, 14:38 #15107

    To all the muppets complaining about the article it was written in september not yesterday.But everything that was relevant in september is still relevant.Because Wenger is still in charge.No one is fooled into thinking anything will change this season from the previous 6.Its laughable to hear some deluded Gooners now loking at a 4th place finish as a succesful season.We still have our annual end of season collapse to look forward to.The only thing our recent good form will do is to blind Wenger into bringing in quality new signings in january.Get ready for Wenger to come out with his best squad ever quote.If the fool fails to sign a back up striker to RVP he should be sacked come may.@Micke you remember those games but where are the trophies

  19. Treble Double

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:56 #15106

    There are a lot of points that I agree with in this article, but some that are way off the mark. There is still a relevance because even though we seem to have turned a corner (sort of) I am not convinced that we are not going to throw away any more leads at the death this season. There are still defensive issues that need sorting & if RVP picks up an injury we will start to struggle at the other end too. However, as Arsenal fans we need to really get behind the team regardless of who the manager is. There is enough in-fighting amongst Arsenal fans, it's time to unite & show how much we love the club. It seems to me that there is a bit of team spirit developing amongst the players which is a huge turn a round from the start of the season. Here's to another 3 points on Saturday!! PS. The reason we lost the 1/4 final at the scousers was because Babel took a huge dive!!

  20. Rocky RIP

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:56 #15105

    The 'pattern' has been there since well before the 4-2 collapse against Sp*rs. Crucial 2 goal advantages have been squandered as far back as Bolton 2003. If we'd held on to that the title was pretty much ours again. It precipitated a collapse. In different circumstances we'd have gone from 3-2 up to 4-3 down at Chelsea the other week. Would anyone have been surprised? Nothing has changed. It's a system that leaves us open and vulnerable defensively, but can also yield titles playing incredibly exciting football and leave us unbeaten all season. It's a case of simply not knowing how to play for a draw. The art of running down the clock is something we lost when the likes of Lee Dixon retired. It all depends whether you'd rather games like Chelsea 3 v 5 Arsenal and Sp*rs 4 v 5 Arsenal, knowing things are equally capable of going wrong for us. Winning the Wenger way will generally shred the nerves, but it's seriously entertaining.

  21. ed enough

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:51 #15104

    Vaild points, but a little late going to print...since then Wenger has all the AKB,s eating out of his hand again, so as good as many of the points are here, they will now be dismissed out of hand...

  22. allybear

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:25 #15102

    Good article&still relevant today despite what some may say.There is still a soft underbelly there and this reflects the management style.Gunnerbriggs is it a few more seasons until he retires?Surely he is once more reinstated as the greatest manager of all time at Arsenal!Is he not forgiven for making the same bad decisions time after time?

  23. David Stewart

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:21 #15101

    Yep, definately a typical example of the exaggerated drivel being espoused on this forum several months ago and by some entrenched souls stills.

  24. dean

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:18 #15100

    "et’s rewind a few months earlier, in April 2008, champions "league semi final, against Liverpool, up at Anfied, Theo Walcott goes on a 60yard run, centres to Adebayor, who scores. We are through to the final, with just seven minutes left, but in typical Arsenal style, we blew it, we threw it away." was a 1/4 final actually

  25. Jonesey

    Nov 17, 2011, 13:05 #15099

    Ron- Not sure what side of the fence you're on but just one question. Who buys the players?

  26. Ron

    Nov 17, 2011, 12:35 #15098

    Jekyll - Very fair point. Im not saying Wenger is blameless, far from it. Ive often had a go at him for these collapses and its coaching thats at fault to a point, but its not the full explanation. These are highly paid players who should be able to be relied upon by their coach to see games out.Basic stuff that parks players can do. Im sure Wenger doesnt sit and giggle about it when games are tossed away. Finally, i would like to see stats on other top clubs to see the number of games theyve tossed away across the same period. Its happens everywhere. The game has demoted sturdy defence and attritional play in its thirst for goals, goals and more goals so to keep SKY contented for its armchair viewers. In such a 'culture', there will be collapses, just as there are in limited overs cricket.

  27. Gary

    Nov 17, 2011, 12:02 #15097

    Talk about egg on your face. Just goes to show you how little bloggers know, yet they try to pretend that they can out-manage the manager. Waste of my time reading this ****e.

  28. gunnerbriggs

    Nov 17, 2011, 12:01 #15096

    Things have improved recently and like most seasons I am finding myself suckered in to believing that we could win something. No doubt it will all end in tears at the end of the season, with the usual reason, ie trying to do it under budget with a thin squad. But I'm enjoying the mini renaissance while it lasts. Only a few more seasons of this cruel torment until he retires

  29. Harold

    Nov 17, 2011, 11:56 #15095

    Brilliant article, as relevant today as when it was written, unless you're one of those gullible fence-sitting idiots swayed by a few decent results against opposition we should walk over. Of course the freak game at chelsea has bought Wenger the season, but another series of weak-willed wimpy disasters is always just around the corner while he is still in charge, and when they happen it will be too late. Again. But I'm sure most of the apron string-hangers on here will forgive him and we'll be having this same conversation in a years time.

  30. Jekyll

    Nov 17, 2011, 11:40 #15094

    @Ron, why hasn't the manager done anything about this sulking malaise you speak of? Especially if it's been going on for 8 years, as you say. Wenger may not be on the pitch, but he's responsible for the players he puts on there and the attitude he allows to foster around the club. I'm afraid your comments just put him in an even worse light. I also don't think a few good results in a row render the article irrelevant. I fear we will see the same old problems arise again later in the season. It's an endemic problem rooted in the managerial style.

  31. Arsenal4ever

    Nov 17, 2011, 11:27 #15093

    Give us a name... Someone who is young and can do better than AW. I can't think of anyone... Do you want to turn Arsenal into another Chelsea, a manager every season or even less? Get a life and let AW continue his good work for Arsenal as he has done for the last 15 years. The man loves Arsenal and will do what's better for the club. STICK BY HIM THROUGHOUT and he will serve Arsenal right! Just remember clubs are lining up to sign someone like AW.

  32. Daniel Wong

    Nov 17, 2011, 11:26 #15092

    Agree with you completely especially throwing a 4 goal lead. This is criminal.Then we have the spectacle of spurs scoring from long range similar to the Dortmund equaliser.The problem with Wenger is ,imho,he is a Keegan clone. You score ,I will core two ,etc. The FM has forgotten that preventing rather than scoring is easier.. If the gunners cant see out tgame leading by two goals ,or more that's it.Wenger has to go.

  33. Ron

    Nov 17, 2011, 10:27 #15091

    Come off it. Collapses started earnestly in 2003 away at Bolton. We blew a title that day more or less. We couldnt beat anybody hardly either for several months after we lost at OT in 'game 50'. A sulking malaise crept in then for sure. Either way, these collapses are about players. Ive never seen Wenger on the pitch for Arsenal, unless i was on holiday in the games you mention.

  34. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 17, 2011, 10:19 #15090

    Just goes to show how things change in football - this article has been rendered totally irrelevant.

  35. Brian Dawes

    Nov 17, 2011, 9:32 #15088

    I fail to see the point of an article such as this, which, however well written, is essentially retrospective **** stiring. Are there not enough arguments between Arsenal fans already?

  36. Micke

    Nov 17, 2011, 8:37 #15086

    Such a biased article. Don't think that you're showing both sides of the same coin just because you acknowledges the past triumphs and glories of Arsene Wenger. Sure, the games you mention are bad memories, and sure it says something about that current team and even/of course Wenger himself. Still, I remember the beating of Barca last season, the Chelsea game this season, the 6-1 vs Everton, 3-0 again vs Chelsea, the United wins, us sending AC Milan out of the CL, or the 3-0 against Spurs. These are games in which we've played superb football, and there are many, many more. We're also on a current unbeaten run, playing som good football in the Arsenal way, so the timing of your critisism is not logical, at all. You, and many others, also fail to recognize how the football climat has changed. Not to long ago, the only good side in the Premiership was United. Now, there are five, six other good teams and the bad teams has gone from shockingly bad to average at the very least. Arsenal are also competing against clubs with massiv funds with a self-sustaining model (this I'm sure you know) which I honestly wouldn't saccrifice in any way, for any trophy or player in the world. The Arsenal way is the honourable way, and we have Arsene wenger to thank for it.

  37. Matty S

    Nov 17, 2011, 8:08 #15085

    I thought this was going to be another hater article, but this was surprisingly reasonable. Personally my favourite for future manager is Unai Emery. PLays attractive football in Spain, but is also an Anglophile, so he'll have no problem adapting to the English game.

  38. Esso

    Nov 17, 2011, 8:07 #15084

    What is the point of this? Dont agree with much of it and given whats happened since, sincerely question the motive behind publishing it now. I smell a Divide & Rule Holdings agenda behind all of your publication now. Why not come out and admit it?

  39. Post Rocky Dave

    Nov 17, 2011, 8:00 #15083

    Yep. Still very much applies.