A letter from Terry Neill

Not much has changed in 30 years then…

A letter from Terry Neill

The document in question

Sometime contributor Ian Henry sent me a copy of this letter some time back, and as it’s a bit quiet on the Arsenal front with the two week international break, I have dug it out and used it to give you some website entertainment this Friday.

Ian wrote to Terry Neill bemoaning the selling of the club’s stars. Liam Brady had been allowed to depart in 1980, followed a year later by Frank Stapleton.

Ian says, “In case anyone who has read my past complaints bemoaning the lack of investment in the Arsenal squad think it is a recent thing, I have a long history in this business.”

He continues, “The message from the club has not changed much in nearly 30 years!”

Our thanks to Ian for allowing us to reproduce the letter. The text of it is as follows…

27th August 1981

Dear Mr Henry,

Many thanks for your letter received recently, the contents of which have been noted.

I am grateful for your obvious interest and support of Arsenal and like yourself I do have the welfare of the Club at heart.

Naturally we were very sorry to lose the services of Frank Stapleton during the summer and you can rest assured that everything possible was done to persuade him to stay at Highbury.

We are always looking to strengthen the squad and the staff and myself have been very active during the summer and, of course, will be in the future with the players who we feel fit our requirements. It is always easy to spend money but it’s another thing to spend it wisely. We are as ambitious as ever, of that you can be assured.

Once again, may I thank you for your loyal support which we all appreciate and hope will continue, and the staff and players will be doing all they can to make season 1981/82 a successful and entertaining one.

Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,

Terry Neill

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  1. Andrew Cohen

    Nov 20, 2011, 10:16 #15154

    80-81 was my first season at Highbury. It was a period of decline after the departure of Frank Stapleton but our back four of O'Leary, Sansom, Young ( Whyte) and Devine (Hollins)was a proper defence, properly coached by Don Howe. That team conceded a total of 37 goals in the season, second fewest in the league. David O Leary did not spend his afternoons in the other teams final third leaving Pat Jennings stark naked if a counter attack happened. We can all live in the land of fantasy after a lovely day out at Norwich (at which there was much improvement in many areas), but we do not defend well (Vermalen and Koscielny's energy and diligence are covering the cracks), do not defend to a credible plan and will be cut to pieces again this season for that reason. I will be enthusiastic in the real sense when this fundamental problem is cured, and that can't be done without a vital sacking, because reform isn't an option for that particular individual.

  2. Rob

    Nov 19, 2011, 9:03 #15143

    As many of the above posts say - nothing changes. Replace Stapleton with Fabregas, change the date - make the Chairman Peter instead of Denis and sign it A. Wenger and "hey-presto" welcome to 2011 !!!

  3. Nutty's Right Peg

    Nov 19, 2011, 6:53 #15142

    Boy,brings back some memories,season 81/82, didn't Rixy score the winner v Boro ? A crowd of around 15,000. Recall the Spuds turning us over fairly comfortably too that season !!

  4. DW Thomas

    Nov 19, 2011, 2:48 #15141

    I will still hope and root for the team each game. Yet, this kind of says it all. If Wenger doesn't buy some real top class players to boost the squad this January, I don't think I can stomach another of his speeches come May about our "mental strength" and how we played too many games and didn't have enough left for the end of season run. Or whatever other excuses he rolls out again. Nowadays, with the internet and world access to world news, no one can hide anymore. What Wenger says and does may come back to haunt him again come the summer if no new trophies are added to our case. I agree, it is not just him, but he is the one that makes the tough decisions and runs the team. So he must take ownership and own up to any failures this season. Just be honest and no more con-artist b.s. about why we failed. Winning will shut all us moaners up. So just do it Arsene!

  5. Rocky RIP

    Nov 18, 2011, 16:25 #15137

    That's a template letter if ever I saw one. Used in response to all people writing in about most things ever since. The only words that need replacing are 'Frank Stapleton''Highbury' and 'Terry Neil'. Pass the tippex.

  6. Jekyll

    Nov 18, 2011, 15:24 #15136

    Neill is unfortunate he didn't have a cult following for whom he could do no wrong. Even when they did sack him he was replaced by Howe and nothing changed. It would be like putting Pat Rice in charge now. We've never had a board that want to push on, and unfortunately the new owner is continuing that tradition.

  7. Yanto

    Nov 18, 2011, 14:58 #15135

    "Thank-You" for sharing that. WOW! an actual 'reply' from the manager himself....jeeeez must be worth a small fortune on that basis alone!...The times I've written to AW to (Politely) air my concerns now runs into double figures, but the most I ever get is a pre-designed letter signed by one of his many minions. secretaries.

  8. Carlos

    Nov 18, 2011, 14:29 #15133

    What memories. Due to the bad weather over Christmaw 1981 a number of home matches were rescheduled for Jan- Feb 1982. I think we played on three successive Tuesday nights, Brighton 0-0, Wolves 2-1, Andy Gray leading the line for Wolves, and the late Paul Veassen scoring a great winner, and the match v Middlesboro with a 13000 odd crowd. Hawley had been dropped by then and Hankin was gone I think, mind you Raphael Meade was still in the frame. Essentially little has changed, great players leave, cheap replacements don't work and panic buys ensue. Change the year and change the names, but that's all.

  9. sparksy

    Nov 18, 2011, 13:06 #15131

    Season 81/82 was a bloody awful season. I think he replaced Stapleton with John Hawley and Ray Hankin, Arsenal legends if ever there was! So on that front not a lot has changed, selling our better players and replacing them with cheaper imitations. We were on a bit of a downward spiral then. If i remember right we played Middlesbrough midweek and won 1-0 (most games we played that season involved only 1 goal, if we were lucky) in front of a piss poor 13,000.

  10. Ramgun

    Nov 18, 2011, 12:23 #15130

    Neill and his staff were so successful in their "ambitious" attempts at recruiting 'top, top, top quality' that we were treated to Hawley and Hankin and the Manager was sacked by 1983!

  11. rellends

    Nov 18, 2011, 11:58 #15129

    a timeless piece of literature from arsenal football club time capsule. no need to say anything else. are you sure they haven't got the date wrong on the top of the letter?