Arsenal go from strength to strength

Online Ed: Good night’s work v Dortmund

Arsenal go from strength to strength

RVP: Astonishing season

Arsenal’s display against Dortmund was an authoritative example of how to play European football. I have ventured before that the team seem more comfortable against continental opposition, although what was interesting about Dortmund was their reliance on the long ball pumped into the area as the second half wore on. Arsene Wenger’s team coped with both this and the more orthodox approach play before the interval. Sure there were a couple of scares just after the half-time break, but with the visitors needing a win it was inevitable they would fashion something half decent in 90 minutes, but they weren’t allowed many opportunities and credit is due to the home side for that.

With Koscielny at right back, it suddenly looks as though Arsenal have found a settled line up. Mertesacker and Andre Santos had probably their best games for the club so far. With Santos, one wonders how much fitness – or rather the lack of it – had to do with his questionable start. He is beginning to look like a player worth buying. The star man was probably Alex Song. He made big contributions defensively, often filling in intelligently for Santos, and showed the other side of his game in the dribble that set up the opening goal. As for Robin van Persie, what can be said? The man just keeps scoring. He is enjoying the kind of purple patch that will inevitably end sometime, but Gooners everywhere are enjoying it while it lasts.

The Dortmund fans made it feel like an away game, such was their volume. I was amazed the police allowed them to have such a large allocation, as they took a chunk of the upper tier as well. They made a hell of a racket, even at 2-0 down and fair play to them for that. Arsenal fans only really found their voice when the team went ahead.

The Dortmund goal was a result of a lack of concentration with the thought that the job was done. If the score had been 1-0, I am not convinced it would have been conceded. Was it a coincidence the move came from the left side of Dortmund’s attack where a certain Johan Djourou had replaced Koscielny? In the build-up to the goal, he was beaten far too easily by his opponent. Let’s hope Koscielny’s removal from the fray was precautionary as Djourou is like a fish out of water at right back.

Anyway, the group has been won. In theory that should mean a less difficult opponent in the next round. It certainly won’t be Barcelona, although it could be Milan. Whoever it is, if Arsenal’s current form continues, they should fear no-one. Let’s hope complacency does not set in, starting with the visit of Fulham on Saturday.

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  1. Tony Evans

    Nov 28, 2011, 12:24 #15414

    I see where you are coming from, Mike, and football has a habit of surprising you. Perhaps the fact that we started badly and have lost the 'we can beat anyone without really trying mentality' may be the catalyst that we needed. I would still like to see one or two quality players bought in January, especially up front, but with Jack and Sagna hopefully coming back early in the New Year , who knows what may happen.

  2. Mike

    Nov 25, 2011, 17:22 #15355

    @Tony Evans - point taken, but I feel this year there is something different -usually at this stage of the season we are sitting pretty at the top of the table after steam rolling most of the teams - goals are coming from all over the place - this year we have had to claw our way to 7th where nobody expected it - we quietly came top of a difficult group in the CL - by this stage we are usually scrambling to get to the top position - I don't believe this team is any stronger than the teams we have had in the last four years but somehow there seems to be a quiet confidence growing without the arrogance that they used to have - it seems they are taking nothing for granted and are giving workmanlike displays for ninety minutes - nothing pretty, just a good shift each game - realistically there are not going to be any major signings available during the window - people suggest Defoe?? is h really better than waht we have? -Enjoy it whilst its happening - you never know, it may just continue

  3. CanadaGooner

    Nov 25, 2011, 16:16 #15354

    @Mike & Ron - good comments lads. Ron - Defoe is actually not a bad idea at all (he's out of favour, needs to prove a point and gets a chance to the only proper team in north London) Mike - if you and I remain the only positive ones on the site, so be it (plus Mandy Dodd and a handful of other positives ones). Nobody is saying Arsenal has turned the corner or that Wenger is back being a genius; all we're saying is, let's give credit to everyone when they deserve it. 8 weeks ago every pundit in Britain (including ex-arsenal players) didnt mince their words in saying Arsenal will finish mid-table if lucky (and even after the last day buys) and that our Champions League group is one where we will not stand a chance of progressing. So, whether by good fortune, luck, referee errors or whatever, finding ourselves on the door of the top-4 spot in the league and topping our CL group has been nice (if not impressive)

  4. Tony Evans

    Nov 25, 2011, 14:56 #15352

    I am a 'doom monger' and have not disappeared, Mike, and contrary to what you said I am delighted that we have put a decent run together. The trouble is we have seen it all before and my fear is it will all come to nothing as usual, under Wenger, these last 6 seasons. This is due to him continually leaving us 2 or 3 players short of what is required to get over the finishing line with a trophy. It is almost as if he delights in getting us so far but makes sure we haven't the players to go all the way. I would love to eat my words but I don't think I will have to.

  5. Sue

    Nov 25, 2011, 14:05 #15350

    I was most impressed with the Dortmund fans when bang on cue and in perfectly clear english (my season ticket is almost as far from the away fans as can be so it must have been defeaning in that corner) 'You only sing when you're winning'

  6. Radfordkennedy

    Nov 25, 2011, 10:02 #15349

    I think maybe some are getting carried away with who maybe available come january,everyone is aware that RVP wont go on forever without an injury,i personally will be surprised if he makes it through the xmas fixtures.Anyone of any real world class talent will have already played in the champions league or will be tied to contracts signed in the summer,january gives you the chance to pick up those who have been frozen out of their club through lack of form or simply because its better for a club to sell a player now for a undisclosed fee rather than get nothing in june.But what it also provides is the chance to make a quick fix/short term solution to a problem,in our case a striker,these players need not come from the elite clubs because your looking for form now not next season,so in my opinion we could go and get Andy Johnson,or even Ricky Lambert,even the lifelong Gooner Defoe would do us a job.I dont expect clouseau to go and get a stellar signing but i hope he can see that there are players closer to home who just might in the very short term get us over the finish line.Incidently i think TV is probably the best defensive midfielder at the club he doesnt foul on the edge of the box or give the ball away and is very comfortable on the ball i think we need not panic if song gets injured.

  7. Ron

    Nov 25, 2011, 9:43 #15348

    Dare i say it, but as we need another striker, why not Defoe? Hes not brilliant but has a good shot and would be better in our team than the Spuds. He would take the numerous chances he would be offered and act as a foil to RVP when playing with him. Just a thought guys............ Ill get my hard hat on shall i?

  8. Mike

    Nov 25, 2011, 8:36 #15347

    Can't believe the negativity here - we win, but people point fingers and talk about the conceded goal - people very quick to critise Song, but forget he gifted Van Persie with two assists in the last two games - going on about a one man team - if it is not broken don't touch it - the much maligned formation is working - RVP should be the one scoring goals - there is no reason not to believe that we cant progress an do well in the CL - that is the difference between coming top and coming second in the group - you avoid the big teams - it just seems to me that a lot of people want the team to fail - Top 4 finish is a minimum for anybody - Wenger is not going anywhere and he, as well as the players have performed a little bit of a magic act in the recent turnaround -I don't think many people expected us to be where we are after the start to the season

  9. Andrew Cohen

    Nov 25, 2011, 8:30 #15346

    Keeper, Vermalen, Song and RVP. Who will do their job when they fall injured? That is Wenger's January shopping list. We shall see whether he has really woken up or whether he is still dreaming. The bit I liked was the Steve Bould flick on from Vermalen, at a corner. It smelt like.......having some sort of game plan.

  10. HowardL

    Nov 24, 2011, 23:40 #15345

    Agree with Simon. Great performance by this reconstructed team. AW deserves some credit, but can't be sure how much - and how much is luck. Put the Arsenal-Dortmund joint scarf on my car back shelf today - things looking up!

  11. Dan

    Nov 24, 2011, 23:34 #15344

    There goal was down to song letting himself down,yet again.

  12. simon

    Nov 24, 2011, 22:29 #15343

    christ, can't believe the negativity. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what do you want from your football team and are you getting it. Forget the past, forget the what if's and judge the team on how they are performing and how that makes you feel as an arsenal fan. The site reads like a bleeding spuds or dippers site from a couple of years back. Sad.

  13. Viking

    Nov 24, 2011, 22:12 #15342

    How many of you were worried at half time. The Germans looked good, we were under pressure but coped well as they never really got in behind us. However, if any of you think Pers had a good game, then think again, he has this remarkable ability to let his partner deal with any threat, he just stands there and watches! His positional play is questionable, always gets caught on the wrong side of the attacker and nearly gave away a pen too, which a lot of people didn't notice. Shava is now further behind the pecking order with Benayoun ahead of him. Wenger has finally noticed how ineffective our dwarf is! Let's hope Gervinho learns how to shoot soon, he can clearly beat players, just needs to lear when to pass and shoot! Well played TV, Santos and Song, and Ramsey once again played some intelligent penetrating forward key passes...nice one Rambo.

  14. Ken Dodd

    Nov 24, 2011, 21:32 #15341

    By jove,by jove,what a beautiful day to storm into Wenger's office and bellow: ''Go 4th and multiply!''

  15. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 24, 2011, 21:24 #15340

    Classy win against a good team, look who they beat last weekend. The revival continues. Teams to avoid next round, AC, and Napoli. Would be Nice to get someone from the Apoel group, but we all know that team will be reserved to help utd out!

  16. Treble Double

    Nov 24, 2011, 21:02 #15338

    Didn't play well and got the 3 points. Isn't that what good teams do? Topping the group with a game to spare is an added bonus and what a great run from Song to set the first up, very Brady like.

  17. Kazza

    Nov 24, 2011, 20:49 #15337

    Great result and good to qualify with a game to spare. But...Santos's defending at time is shocking and I'm sure we'll see more mistakes from Mertesacker. Come January, Wenger has to buy another goal scorer. To rely on an injury prone player like RvP is madness. If we're shopping in the Bargain Basement, someone with experience like Andy Johnson may be worth a punt. Happy for now, fearful of what's to come.

  18. RJ

    Nov 24, 2011, 20:17 #15336

    Re RVP - The only player who could come in who would match him would be er... Messi? Nice thought, but I doubt it unless we can get him on a free. We have in RVP a once in a lifetime footballer, and I hope a combination of money and loyalty will keep him (my non-Gooner friends tell me this is nonsense, and £250k will see him at City). Chamakh, Park, RYo... they need to be given a chance - and if they score 1 in 3 games or 1 in 4 games - that is a good return. What we miss is the contribution of Cesc from midfield - not looked at the stats, but I bet he was 20 a season, and Na$ri another 10 - don't blame the strikers, they cannot compete with the big man - and just WHO can we bring in?

  19. CanadaGooner

    Nov 24, 2011, 20:12 #15335

    @Theo's bikini-line: your comment pretty much answers itself. You've just done exactly what you're accusing me of doing. If you have a shred of commonsense, you'll realise that 90% of my comments also criticise (but constructively) Wenger and whoever else you needs to be criticized: all I'm saying (and several others with me) is that we do not need idiots like you who criticize blindly, remain negative whether or not we're doing well, and simply cant muster a sngle line of suggestive solutions. If that's what you think a forum is about (a chance to give vent to ridiculous, blind negativity), then it is you who needs to bugger off.

  20. Jimmy

    Nov 24, 2011, 19:39 #15334

    I'm not sure whether you have risen to the challenge I set you Kevin after your last column, but if so, I'm afraid you failed because although you managed to stop yourself from including a criticism of Wenger (well done on that score), you didn't give him any praise either despite saying how well two of his most recent signings did - the BFG and Santos. Maybe next time eh?

  21. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Nov 24, 2011, 19:26 #15332

    CanadaGooner, And I for one am fed up of being told when and how to support my team!!! In case you haven't realised, this is a forum, set up specifically for Arsenal fans to voice their opinions. Now some are critical of certain aspects, others are full of nothing but praise for all and sundry. That's just the way it is. If you don't like the format, you can easily feck off somewhere else that has people whose opinions correspond entirely with your views. Although the official Arsenal forum has closed down (I wonder why?), there are still plenty of others you could try rather than coming on here all sanctimonious and patronising to anyone that dares to criticise.

  22. Ando

    Nov 24, 2011, 19:21 #15331

    everything's rosie at the mo APART from the fact that goals are only coming from one source. We need a rob pires goal tally to seriously have a chance, the midfield need to start making a contribution in this dept, step up to the plate and take some responsibility lads.

  23. CanadaGooner

    Nov 24, 2011, 16:58 #15330

    As usual, everyone's full of advice and footballing knowledge and strategy. But hey, the guy who is paid for that role (Wenger) gets maligned all the time on here. Arsenal Fans have grown such a hugely inflated ego that we cant even say: "Good Job Boys, Good Job Wenger, Please keep it up!" We always have to moan and groan and complain: RVP is scoring all the goals, Song caused the first goal, bla bla bla.... There's no reason YET, to believe Arsenal will win anything this season (we've been closer in the past 6 seasons and couldnt seal the deal in the closing weeks; be it Carling Cup or the league); but we should enjoy the improvement in recent weeks and hope it continues; few more buys in January and a review of how much progress we've made by Summer 2012 and then a plan for 2012/13 to ensure we improve some more and get back to winning trophies (if by any stroke of misfortune we fail to seal the deal this season - but i hope we do win something) Let's all shut up with the negativity: it's the same idiots that come on here and remain negative win or lose. I find that simply bizarre! WHAT DO YOU WANT? (Wenger out? - well, SORRY, HE ISNT GOING ANYWHERE THIS WEEK OR NEXT WEEK OR BEFORE THE END OF THIS SEASON: SO, SHUT UP and join the rest of us in supporting the team to do well this season). I'm totally fedup with the negativity: it's gotten too boring now! WELL DONE BOYS! WELL DONE WENGER! WELL DONE GROUNDSKEEPER! WELL DONE ARSENAL! keep it up

  24. Ramgun

    Nov 24, 2011, 16:09 #15329

    There is nothing inconsistent about Diaby. He has always been a very talented, brainless player in the opposition half and a total disaster area in his own half. I am enjoying this season more than any since Bergkamp retired. Due to the destruction of Arsene's vanity project in the closing months of last season and during the summer we have emerged with a team that is far less precious and esoteric than before but also one that is more interested in gaining the right result and does not need 20 passes to reach the half-way line. I fear problems ahead including Van Persie getting injured and Diaby staying fit, but my main worry is that good results will allow Wenger to make no attempt to strengthen in January. Meanwhile, I feel I am getting some value for my VERY expensive season- ticket and I was freed from the spectre of the Europa League on Thursdays by last night's victory.

  25. Lenny

    Nov 24, 2011, 16:08 #15328

    This january will tell us a lot about Wenger and Kroenke.Are we a contender or an also ran?.If we dont bring in a top striker as back up to RVP then we are also rans.If we spent nothing that will tell us and RVP all we need to know what direction we are going.RVP wants a statement of intent.The squad we have is nearly good enough to get us 4th place but is that really the ambition of the club?Come january 31 we will know the answer.

  26. will

    Nov 24, 2011, 15:53 #15327

    Great result, good performance but the RVP situation is crucial as as been mentioned before. If we sell him its over for us as a big club. Others will follow and we will become a feeder club (how many of our players have gone to barca and citeh, too many) Enjoying the current run but like the earlier posts the club need to make a statement of intent. Signing RVP and a couple of others really would get me excited about the future.

  27. Snout

    Nov 24, 2011, 14:45 #15325

    @post 16960 too right.So many times in the past we have got into good positions in january.2008,2010 and last season spring to mind.But when we needed to spend big in january for the final push stubborn Wenger has blown it.When will the old fool learn.As so many Gooners have said and injury to RVP and the season will be in tatters.Wenger spent £15m on AA23 when 4th place looked in doubt in 2009 he needs to do it again.Speculate to accumulate.

  28. Ron

    Nov 24, 2011, 14:44 #15323

    Any win is a good win. We ver recovered well but greater challenges lie in wait both in the Prem and the CL. The C L should just be enjoyed. We cant win it, so should just do what the spuds did and enjoy it while it lasts. Far too much expectation in the this tourny. Always is. We re miles behind the big fish in it and a tough draw awaits even though we ve missed the mighty teams by winning the group.

  29. DW Thomas

    Nov 24, 2011, 14:40 #15322

    Song's run and RVP won us this game again, make no mistake. Also, our defending was solid until Djourou came on. I feel for him though. That injury last year after some very good showings has turned him into a liability as of late. Let's not go overboard just because we got to the group stages of the CL. No one should forget the United and Blackburn games for a long long time. Wenger should still be making up for those games (not to mention recent seasons) and I think he is trying. Showing real intent in January and buying at least one top class midfielder and a solid proven striker are a must. And give our current bench more time to prove themselves. 5-10 minutes at the end of the game doesn't allow anyone to get into form. Even when Rosicky was playing well, eventually he got pushed to the bench. Why? Is he that old he can only play 1 in 3 games? I really hope Diaby stands up and is counted this season. He won't have a chance to play if he gives his usual inconsistent performances. Arteta, Song, and even Ramsey now are playing well. I think the end of January is when we will truly know if Wenger has changed. Jack and Sagna won't be back soon enough and we cannot afford to hope they will be ready in time to help. Wenger should never again be judged on past glories. He needs to prove something this season for the last 6 years of failure. More than trophies, continue to get this team to show the character that is winning us games as of late. That will ensure the silverware.

  30. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 24, 2011, 14:26 #15321

    good piece ed again put out super quick. I just want to say good to see a cross and the old flick on at the near post for the goal when was the last time we saw that.

  31. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Nov 24, 2011, 14:06 #15320

    can i suggest those of you who think everything is now rosy to go to u-tube and try to find the comments from the rte pannel last nite.john giles et all were not anti arsenal but spoke a few home truths. yes we did really well in the group but were do we go from here? if we ever want to compete in the new reality of petrodollars etc,we will have to change something otherwise as giles ststed we would be just anotherclub

  32. allybear

    Nov 24, 2011, 14:01 #15319

    Very good comments but winning the CL is laughable! It was a good win against an average team&there were some good performances especially TV&Song in the second half but it was a bad goal to give away.Santos is not a defender&certainly there are some new players needed but im sure that Mr Wenger feels that he has a good enough squad.RVP is a class act but as for that Walcott i just fail to see what he actually contributes.Still very good to win the group and hopefully some more good CL nights in the future.

  33. Dan h

    Nov 24, 2011, 13:42 #15317

    With winning the group with a game to spare play an even weaker team than will line up against City on tuesday in Greece.This will give us an effective midweek off before the hectic xmas fixtures.

  34. mark from aylesbury

    Nov 24, 2011, 13:27 #15316

    Interesting times ahead I think with "Arry's" heart and tax issues creating a potential England offer for Wenger. It wouldnt surprise me if we see radical change in the next 18 months. If I were Wenger I would go for broke as the spine of the team is strong and the players are giving it their all. Time maybe to sell Bendtner, Arshavin, Squelch and cut our losses on one or two others and then go for 3 x 15mil players. We definitely need forward cover, Rodwell to complete the future England partnership and a further centre half. Isn't every team now going to be a selling club under financial fair play rules? Chelsea are stuffed and Barca and Real Madrid are going to have trouble raising cash through their cash strapped banks. I would rather Wenger try and fail with a spend then rest on the usual one injury from crisis scenario. We could have very exciting times ahead. Lets hope so.

  35. Jekyll

    Nov 24, 2011, 12:49 #15315

    Song was culpable for their goal, it was a result of the 'possession at all costs' philosophy that this editor has mentioned in an earlier post would cost us at some point. The ball just needed to be booted away, but no, that's not allowed. Fortunately last night it was just a consolation. Results are currently good but we've been here before, haven't we, and without buying in January we'll again see the squad not last the season. Not getting drawn in again.

  36. Simon F

    Nov 24, 2011, 12:27 #15314

    Cannot believe we still have people moaning after last night!! Arsenal have gone on an amazing run which has put us back in the reckoning for the top 4, we have qualified as group winners which we failed to do last season and we have real positives through the whole side which seems to include a real desire to dig deep....Not sure what people want sometimes and have no idea what would make them happy!!!

  37. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Nov 24, 2011, 12:25 #15313

    The RVP situation is a major line in the sand for Arsenal as a club. We moved to the souless bowl in oder to become a "European Superclub". To do that you can't sell your best players every year. We have a decision to make. We could become a big feeder club like a Porto or Ajax or we could act like a top side and offer one of the best players in the world what the market value is however unsavoury. Loose RVP and the message is clear and watch others move on as The Arsenal will be precieved to be a stepping stone in a players career. If RVP stays and we bring in a couple of other top world class proven players then all of a sudden Arsenal is the place to be again and we'll challenge for top honours which despite what you read top players want to win things as they know they will be well rewarded where ever they go. Seriously worried that this run will convince Wenger and the AKB's that all is rosey again and we wont make signings in January. Then cue our predictable collaspe just like the last four seasons becuase the squad doesn't have enough quality or depth. Surely Wenger must have learnt his lesson by now. Hands up anyone that thinks this run we are on would have been possible if RVP was injured and Chamakh or Park had been playing? Has anyone noticed how our defence has tighted up since Sagna's injury? Maybe something to do with TV back but also becuase we have right backs in Jenkinson and Koz who want to defend first. Congratualtions Arsene, getting out the group for 12 years is no mean feat but please look at history and strengthen the squad from a position of strength. LB, CF and CB still needed IMO.

  38. Marwood On The Wing

    Nov 24, 2011, 12:23 #15312

    About time Kevin and some of the people on this site gave this team and its manager some credit. I have and will always be behind Arsene but never expected the turn around that has been achieved in the league and esp in the 'cup with the big ears'. And we had a tough group unlike United and The Chavs. Long may it continue. Up the Arsenal.

  39. JER

    Nov 24, 2011, 12:18 #15311

    Song gets a lot of criticism, some of it undeserved I feel. I was comparing him to the other top teams and their DM type players. ManC - Barry/de Jong; Manu - Fletcher/Carrick; Chavs - Mikel; Sperz - Parker; Scouse - Lucas; Newc - Tiote. Of those I'd definitely take Parker as a replacement and maybe Fletcher but none of the others are any better than Song, I would say, and he is still quite young and will improve.

  40. Tom

    Nov 24, 2011, 11:43 #15309

    @Steve. Not sure how you can say that Arsenal will crash out of the champions league as soon as we face a good team. We just beat the German champions quite comfortably (who themselves beat Bayern Munich over the weekend). Lets not forget that in the past 5 years we have knocked out teams such as Real Madrid, AC milan, etc. Yeah we have been knocked out the past two years by Barcelona, there is no shame in that. Your negativity is staggering. If this is how you feel about Arsenal when we are playing well I can't imagine what you were like a few months ago.

  41. Charlie

    Nov 24, 2011, 11:40 #15308

    Kev you are normally the voice of reason.Not going overboard when we win.But to say we fear no one is just plain crazy.Arsenal are 20/1 to win the CL for a reason.There are much better teams in the competition than us.Barca and Madrid would batter us.As everyone knows Arsenal in the knockout stage first good team we play and we are out.Its happened too many times.Just a comment about last nights game Gervinho can really claim the "barndoor" title from Greedybayor his finishing in recent games makes Super Nic look good

  42. Tony

    Nov 24, 2011, 11:08 #15306

    When's the open top bus parade to the town hall for being the first England team to qualify for the next round of the CL?Some Gooners sound like the Spuds fans last season when they won their group in the CL.Its unbelievable some of the over the top comments i am hearing from Gooners today.I even heard someone say if Messi had done that run that Song did we would not have heard the end of it.No we wouldnt because Messi does it 3 times EVERY game.Lets celebrate when we win it, not before we have had too many false dawns in Europe .We are not Tottenham fans in disguise are we?

  43. Realist Ron

    Nov 24, 2011, 10:43 #15305

    Gonner Ed we are a club in limbo.A club that cant win the prem or the CL.But we always qualify.We dont pay our best players what other clubs will pay them yet pay our average player far too much.An owner who wont invest in players.A manager who wont buy top quality.So as i say in limbo.The fans have been brainwashed into believing a top 4 finish and qualification to the knockout stage of the CL is success.Come next summer we will have another Cesc/Nasri saga this time with RVP and Walcott.What we need is a statement of intent from the owner and manager in january.To hear some Gooners actually saying we will win the CL proves there is more out than in.We are still one injury to RVP away from a 7th place finish

  44. Gazza

    Nov 24, 2011, 10:38 #15304

    Song had a poor first half ? every one miss the great tackle he dis in the box then ?

  45. Unbeaten 03/04

    Nov 24, 2011, 10:24 #15303

    It would be good to hear more noise from the Arsenal Fans though!!!

  46. Merse69

    Nov 24, 2011, 10:23 #15302

    This is a great result against a (very) very good side. Dortmund won the German championship in style last season, and won at Munich to go second at the weekend. The Dortmund fans were amazing - the best I've seen at the new stadium. They opened with a deafening rendition of "here we go"... and kept going even when the game was lost. This is the support you get when fans have a real steak in the club (thanks to a 50+1% ownership rule) and you haven't priced out your core supporters.....

  47. Matty S

    Nov 24, 2011, 9:59 #15301

    Wow, some people are so negative. Maybe you should support Bolton or Blackburn, they're doing badly at the moment, plenty for you to gripe about. We are on a massive unbeaten streak, we've bounced back from a terrible start to be equal fifth with other mastodons such as Liverpool and Chelsea. We are the ONLY English team to be top of our group and have already qualified for the next round. Song was widely lauded for his industrious performance, by people who noted his fault in the Dortmund goal. So if you want to bitch and moan, go watch X-Factor with our beloved Joey Barton.

  48. Gooner75

    Nov 24, 2011, 9:57 #15300

    @Isaac Gundani "win the champions league this season" - Which drug are you on mate?

  49. Wayneg

    Nov 24, 2011, 9:48 #15299

    In pleased were through and that we came first, can't believe u lot r arsenal fans slagging wenger and the team off I'd agree we need 2 strengthen and Santos is the weak link but giv the team credit and wenger is a legend who would u replace him wit Carlo a,hiddink etc wenger is s brilliant manager he never has money 2 spend but stil does us proud!!!

  50. 1962er

    Nov 24, 2011, 8:46 #15298

    Djourou is like a fish out of water anywhere on a football pitch, he is a walking disaster area and should be shown the door; he is totally useless.

  51. isaac gundani

    Nov 24, 2011, 8:22 #15297

    i am so happy that i am an ARSENAL FAN. the GUNNERS win is sweeter than the love of a woman. go ARSENAL go. i believe we are going to win the champions league this season.

  52. Mike

    Nov 24, 2011, 8:10 #15295

    Great win - the first English team to qualify much to the disgust of the doom mongers that seemed to have faded away from this site for the time being - to those people who say the qualifying stages of the EC are a bore should have had their TV's on this week. Man City with their star studded line up as well as Nasri just about down and out. Chelsea still have plenty of work to do and Man Utd still have to take it seriously. Well done to the team. A lot of comments are on the site about buying in some quality players during the transfer window - I would like to see what names people put forward. Names that would actually strengthen the squad. For my part, I would like to see Goetze come in and Padolski is also a name being thown about who I would like to see. Please to see they have dismissed Cahil - the players we have are as good as him - Hazard has a 50 million price tag so he is unlikely. Good to see Diaby return - just waiting for Wilshire and Sangna - the squad looks good then - just need one or two more astute buys as cover

  53. Paddy

    Nov 24, 2011, 7:52 #15294

    Kev you need to step back and look at the bigger picture not the short term.The recent run of results will convince the mad Frenchman that we dont need to strengthen in january and everyone knows RVP will look at who we bring in before he signs a new contract.If we sign no one it shows the lack of ambition at the club.We desperately need a back up striker.On last night game a competent performance if not a great one.Dortmund pretty passing but nothing up front.Gervinho and Walcott were poor and Song have a shocking first half.But its not all good news Diaby is back.Doh!

  54. Peter Bai from China

    Nov 24, 2011, 7:28 #15293

    Great victory for Gunners!!!I got up earlier today to watch the full match vedio without acknowledging the result.I didn't watch the live game since I have work in daytime. Anyway CONGRATULATIONS to the lads and especially to super Song and Van Persie!!!

  55. Steve

    Nov 24, 2011, 6:42 #15292

    We should fear no one should we Kev?.We are a team in Europe who as soon as we play a decent team are out.It happens every season.Cant agree about Santos he is still the weak link.You blame Djourou for their goal when it was obvious it was Songs fault who although he made the 1st goal was dire in the first half.Watching Citeh on tuesday and the usless Dzeko and Tevez going soon you can see Citeh lining up a mega bid for RVP if not in january or the summer

  56. Nosike

    Aug 01, 2011, 11:49 #10450

    with wenger, you can never tell if the rumours are untrue, but if this transfer is on its way to getting completed as the papers suggest then it'll be our first OMG signing since bergkamp and something out of this world. he'd definitely take the shine of fab eventually

  57. Biscuitbum

    Jul 29, 2011, 22:06 #10429

    Mata is a top talent and I have been hoping all summer we could get him. We all know that Fabregas is on his way and IMO that is probably for the best. Jagielka may be next, and he will do for me, although I would prefer Cahill. At least there is some positive movement in the market and perhaps radio stations like Talk****e will quit devoting entire evenings to `Arsenal in crisis`, always peverse when compared to the problems facing the likes of Birmingham.

  58. wenger out

    Jul 29, 2011, 19:22 #10423

    @ Lord Froth, thanks for the comment. But Rosicky on the right? Please! If that guy gets a game this season we really are in trouble. Another of our overpaid, underperforming players that no other club wants. Get Wenger out!

  59. Lord Froth

    Jul 29, 2011, 16:00 #10420

    @ Wenger Out, in Simon Rose’s defence, since I have been reading his columns he has always quantified that Walcott could have Henry like attributes if played on the left a la Thierry as he would be able to cut in and slide the ball across the goalie like Henry regularly used to. I admit I do agree with this because we saw how well he played against Chelsea in the Carling Cup final but Wenger obviously thinks that Walcott the striker is a right winger. I wonder if Wenger might play him more centrally this season if Rosicky is played on the right.

  60. wenger out

    Jul 29, 2011, 11:16 #10414

    So many questions and none of them interesting! Of course we will all listen to your words of wisdom such as, "There would be something a little Bergkamp-esque about such a signing". After all wasn't it you that referred to Walcott as the English Thierry Henry? I rest my case. @ Whinger_OUT_NOW sumed it all up perfectly. He should be writing these articles, not someone like you with an over inflated view of yourself. Get Wenger out!

  61. whodaloo

    Jul 29, 2011, 2:14 #10396

    arsene apologist, your point of lining up with players could look like that with any team, i'm sure he wouldn't mind lining up with Vermalaen, Van Persie, Fabregas,(possibly) Wilshire and sagna!

  62. Gooner 48

    Jul 29, 2011, 0:21 #10395

    Never mind the article - I just loved the article headline and header

  63. Anr

    Jul 28, 2011, 20:52 #10392

    If we get Mata that would silence a few in the media right now. We've gone from the nutty professor killing the arsenal to him now making possible the best bit of business this summer. Come on you gooners

  64. gideon

    Jul 28, 2011, 19:52 #10390

    Mata is a talented footballer and would suit arsenal attacking style of play.I think its time for Fabregas to live the club if his heart belongs to barca.But it will really be difficult to put a player worth 40 million euro on the bench.Mata is a very good replacement i look foward to see him play for the gunners.

  65. Adam

    Jul 28, 2011, 18:02 #10388

    I completely agree with you about Mata, but Cesc needs to go. He's not loyal and unfit half the time. Good riddance.

  66. Cloxdale

    Jul 28, 2011, 17:56 #10387

    Sorry, 'grade A, verifiable, top-drawer, world class talent.'? How many times have you seen him play exactly? Sorry if you were being ironic.

  67. Tom

    Jul 28, 2011, 16:40 #10385

    We do not need to replace Fabregas - Nasri will fill that position - we do not need anymore Midfields for gods sake just go out and spend 30/40 mil on 2 world class central defenders and just maybe we might be able to win something next season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Jack

    Jul 28, 2011, 16:35 #10383

    I think you're overcooking Mata a bit. He's good player but not world class and not a priority unless we lose both Fabregas and Nasri. Now about that CB and LB...

  69. Richard Ansell

    Jul 28, 2011, 15:46 #10380

    I will certainly be hoping, but I will believe it when I see it.

  70. Dan h

    Jul 28, 2011, 15:46 #10379

    Two things Simon more than needing Cesc it has just become a matter of pride to them like a bully they want everything their own way £40m or no deal end of. The case of Mata at Real their Galactico policy will always mean young players will become surplus to requirements.It may be that the coaching staff believe these players will develop but Real has always been an impatient club in that regard.The high turnover of coaches also factors into this didn't Del Bosque get sacked for winning the champions league?Politics play an awful large factor in player recruitment policy in the big two spanish clubs presidents will always make marquee signings press & fans alike demand it.For us he would be a fantastic signing optimum age & imo the transfer fee quoted could turn out to be a bargain.

  71. Arsene Apologist

    Jul 28, 2011, 15:40 #10378

    Mata "world class"? Bergkamp comparisons?? Probably explains why he played just 20 minutes of the World Cup and has never won anything. If he Was world class, he'd be Kooning a world class team. If he joins us it'll be cos he's nowhere near world class yet. Once he gets to that level then we can sell him to Man United, Chelsea, City or Barca! I'm sure Mata is desperate to line up alongside Diaby, Koscielny, Chamakh, Rosicky, Song and Squillaci. I mean which world class baller WOULDN'T want to play alongside such great names eh!

  72. Gavin

    Jul 28, 2011, 15:37 #10377

    I have given in to the excitment, promised myself I wouldn't but F**k it , he looks like a great player and this summer has been a tough one for us gooners so lets hope Wenger is serious about this one and doesn't drag his heals otherwise ****ty or Chelsea will start sniffing around.

  73. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jul 28, 2011, 15:16 #10375

    What about the fact that even in Spain, where you're given far more time and space on the ball, he's known as a weakling whol can easily be pushed off the ball with just a little nudge? He's about an inch taller than Arshavin and has half the body strength. He's going to add nothing to the physicality and height of Arsenal which already suffers from an impairment of both in a league which demands tough players. We could have done better especially if we were willing to make use of the money from Cesc's impending sale. But no, Whinger will want to come out with a roaring overall profit. Else, he will have nothing else to preach about since winning and trophies has not been a preaching point for him for 7 years. We badly need an established LB, DM, CM to replace Cesc (irrespective of Ramsey straw clutching by AKB's) and 2 world class CB's AND we need to get Diaby, Rosicky and Squilacci as far away from the Emirates as possible. We have got one month to do all of this otherwise it will ALL end in tears yet again, starting December through March. I can guarantee it

  74. Andreas

    Jul 28, 2011, 15:04 #10374

    Considering Valencia is the Arsenal equivalent in Spain, the only upgrade would be to a more competetive league. I've pointed out before that the reason we play 433 is that it is more suited to Cesc's talents. That's why a few of our players are played out of position, as they were purchased with 442 in mind. It seems the players wenger is alleged targeting is with a move back to 442, which essentially leaves cesc and nasri out of the picture.