As Per Usual

Fans’ views on Mertesacker should not be influenced by lazy media

As Per Usual

Mertesacker – Still adapting to the Prem?

The media are sensationalist, it’s what they do, it’s how they sell papers. Pundits are knee-jerk and excessive, such a view point keeps them in a job. Supporters are often emotive which can lead to being swayed by stories and cliches spouted out by the media and pundits. For those with some rational thought and objectivity, don’t fall for it.

For years the papers trotted out the clichés about a soft underbelly, getting out-muscled up north etc whenever we lost of game north of Watford, seemingly in some cases completely irrespective of what actually happened in the game. Yet, whenever we show some ‘fighting’ spirit and a player gets sent off they immediately trot out their ‘XXth player to be sent off under Wenger’ line. A nice sensational number and rarely applied with context of games Wenger has presided over. Incompetent journalism at it’s best.

The latest iteration of Arsenal cliché is about Per Mertesacker. You rarely see a line written about our BFG without the words ‘slow’, ‘cumbersome’ or ‘oil tanker’ included. Now, I know Per has made some mistakes since signing but I don’t remember too many (if any) situations where his lack of pace has specifically caused us a problem. Also, not one person has referenced the fact that he has played a limited number of games in the league and is settling in. These are the same people who would have sold Vidic and Evra after they initially struggled at Man U. I would have preferred for Per to not have made any mistakes since he came into the team, but he has, and I’m not prepared to give up on him and call for his transfer so early on. Likewise Santos, Park and Benyoun.

Not all players hit the ground running like Wright or Ljungberg. Look at Pires, Henry and Bergkamp’s first 10 games at our club – not one of us would say with any confidence they would have had such legendary careers at Arsenal. Now, I’m not for one second putting the BFG in that category but we should know better than most that having patience with new but established international players can pay off.

There’s been enough in-fighting with us Gooners in the past six months (for reasons we’ve been over a million times already) and, at a point when I can see the team unity is probably the highest it’s been for a long time, we should get behind every single player and not be swayed by lazy, slack, knee-jerk, ill-informed, sensationalist stories about them.

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  1. CanadaGooner

    Nov 29, 2011, 18:24 #15438

    I've seen Bolton twice this season and Cahill wasnt great in either match. Bolton's current position in the league table + goals conceded doesnt bode well for Cahill either. Some may say that because he's in a weak team? But you may wish to remeber that Arsenal is probably as weak defensively (if not weaker). So, how Cahill's expected to turn things around is beyond me: he's another typically overrated British player. Give Per a bit more time and he'll be ok (wont be worse than what we've had over the past 6 years)

  2. Jekyll

    Nov 29, 2011, 16:04 #15437

    I hope Mert settles in, but maybe buying defenders who don't need time to get used to the PL would be a good idea for once? I also think he's in the wrong type of team for his attributes. He would look much better in a properly coached and organised defence that didn't play such a high line. But Wenger bought him purely because he was cheaper than Cahill.

  3. north bank

    Nov 29, 2011, 14:08 #15436

    how did he win 70 odd caps for germany? a poor signing

  4. Paceyguy

    Nov 29, 2011, 12:43 #15433

    Couldn't agree more. The people slating Per are the same clowns who were towing the Sky Sports pundit line last season and berating Kos. Give Per time, yes he has made some mistakes but no defender is completely error prone. John Terry has been shocking for Chelsea recently but does he take as much of a battering by the press? Does he F*ck.

  5. don froth

    Nov 29, 2011, 10:12 #15431

    He got the absolute run around twice last season from peter crouch when the spuds played them in the champions league and ask yourself why Bayern Munich have never been interested in him?

  6. Joe S.

    Nov 29, 2011, 6:26 #15430

    So Mertesacker is slow. The German national team have been aware of this for a while I'm sure and have been able to cover this with speedier alert defenders. I don't think it has affected their performances too much, even against the wealth of dangerous forward options Argentina threw at them. The problem at Arsenal is tactical nous.I think he will settle in and be a solution to one of Arsenal's defending problems, corners and set pices. Unfortunately there are other problems which need to be addressed.

  7. Blakey

    Nov 28, 2011, 23:17 #15429

    Good piece. You can't go far wrong by ignoring the press. There's a prick behind that sits behind me at the grove that constantly refers to Mertesacker sarcastically and with some vitriol as 'the carthorse'. Would he have said the same about TA? He will get used to the prem before long, and although I would partner TV with Koscielny if either right back was fit, I think the BFG will be an excellent signing in time. Going back to the troglodite that sits behind me - I hope you're reading this and that you know who you are. Idiots like you who only ever have negative things to say all game (he literally has never said one positive thing in the five years we've been there) actually spoil the match day experience for those around you. I'm not saying you have to think everything is brilliant, but if you're going to slate someone for their errors, you must praise them when they perform well, surely? Otherwise, all I see you doing is paying £1300 to be negative and bring others around you down. Thank you Online Gooner for giving me a forum to vent my frustration, as I'm close to saying something to the ignorant twat and risking getting thrown out myself.

  8. slj

    Nov 28, 2011, 21:30 #15428

    If we signed Messi he would be slagged off,he would be accused of diving and would become an arrogant argie in the eyes of the media if he had our shirt on, we are just hated by the press and the tv and radio pundits

  9. Peter Wain

    Nov 28, 2011, 19:57 #15427

    What ever way uoi look at it our defense record and performances have been dreadful over the last three years. Not too many clean sheets and not too much confidence we will keep them. We need better players and they cost money which we either do not have or will not spend. You have only to look at the empty seats around the emirates to know that the fans do not rate the squad. Lets face one world class player 5 years ago we had 6 or 7. Thios is a sad indictment of the lack of investment in our squad. Compare that with down the road and you can see what buying players brings.

  10. Viking

    Nov 28, 2011, 19:08 #15426

    Are you guys for real? The guy has been awful since signing. He's lucky both Kos and TV have been around to cover for him on numerous occasions. I wouldn't expect my Sunday football team centre half to make the mistake he made at Norwich. He slipped up twice against Chelsea. And he nearly got found out against Swansea too. Lucky their striker didn't punish him. Wenger knows it too, and Kos and TV will be our first choice pairing. Wenger showed his hand already on that decision, it's only cos ( excuse the pun ) Kos is playing at right back that Pers is now playing centre half. You're all intellingent people? Would you really want Pers with TV at the back? Kos and TV every day of the week, no brainer.

  11. smee

    Nov 28, 2011, 15:49 #15423

    I have read how some people wont give time for BFG to settle in. We hardly see players from other Leagues hit the ground running. Kos has been having his best run of form so far this season. How many of you were calling for his head all of last season. Just shows that that time and a little patience can work wonders so give BFG a chance.

  12. Oghtasackhim

    Nov 28, 2011, 15:36 #15422

    This is utter nonsense. Mertesacker has no positional intelligence, no strength and he lacks mobility more than any other player i've seen. Koscielny just needed more of a brain that can be worked on. But Mertesacker is the slowest player you're ever likely to see. He defers all responsibility to Verm. and honestly he never gets his head on a ball in either box because he is that immobile!! It's got nothing to do with adapting- it's about his complete lack of pace and strength being overriding. And you clearly don't watch matches very analytically if u cant see his pace being a problem. When i went to arsenal vs Fulham there was huge space in behind where he was SUPPOSED to be for their chances!!

  13. Mark from Ashtead

    Nov 28, 2011, 13:57 #15421

    Nice one Ronnie: totally agree. In fact I was just saying to a work colleague how much a fan of per I am, and in particular his game intelligence, experience and willingness to learn from his mistakes. I have no doubt that any other "over the shoulder through balls" a la the Norwich game will be dispatched into nearest stand/river wherever! I'm also getting excited by the Per/TV/Kos axis as think they're all excellent defenders, and all capable of further personal and defensive unit improvement. I'm also warming to Santos, who although not a "conventional" LB in any sense an English PL fan would recognise (!!), is definitely getting fitter, has bundles of ball playing talent and looks to me as if he's absolutely bought into the new team ethic that AW is building around the new players. As a LB of decent standard myself I do scream at him to pick up his man a lot, but he does it his way and does seem to be learning, he also looks good in the one on one battles.

  14. Slowevolution

    Nov 28, 2011, 13:56 #15420

    I totally agree , out of all our Centre half's he is the one who can read the line the best ( Including TV5 ), and as you mention his pace so far hasnt been an issue

  15. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 28, 2011, 13:53 #15419

    Ignore the lazy media , many on here should heed such wise words when it comes to our club and players and I am not referring especially to the Arsenal obsessed supporters of lesser clubs who frequent this forum either. Quite correct, we should have no time for this knee jerk sensationalism that you refer to.

  16. PerryG

    Nov 28, 2011, 13:39 #15418

    Well said Ronnie. Get behind him and let the guy settle in. He seems to give 100% every game aswell. I think he will get better

  17. Dan h

    Nov 28, 2011, 12:07 #15412

    Agreed much too early to write off Mertesacker the media have a pack mentality get a subject jump on the bandwagon & flog whatever subject to death.Funny how we are constantly reminded about 6 years without a trophy but no mention about Liverpool who have now gone 5 years themselves without silverware!My own media favourite is when on tv or in the press they talk about the mythical '25 goal a season striker'like they are easy to find but can never come up with a name other than Messi or Ronaldo.The level of journalism has certainly dropped these last few years more worried about what happens off the field than on it sadly.

  18. Loyal since 1980

    Nov 28, 2011, 11:42 #15410

    Personally, I think Mertesacker has been excellent, yes he's made a few mistakes, but I remember 'big tone' making mistakes in his time and he turned out to be legend. Slighty off topic here, who do you think will be the three 'legends' inveiled in statue form against Everton? If we are talking players, then I guess McClintok, Adams and Henry, although personally, I would love to see Bergkamp there, but I do think it will happen.

  19. bunch

    Nov 28, 2011, 10:28 #15409

    Ignore the media. Just watch the games and make your own opinion. To be honest I value the opinion of any Arsenal fan who watches every game above any jouno who will only dip in and out of Arsenal. As for Per, its a bit mixed at present but calling for him to be sold now is daft. He has done enough good things to deserve continued consideration for a starting spot. Squillaci on the otehr hand should be sold.

  20. Ron

    Nov 28, 2011, 10:03 #15408

    Hes a decent player. He ll get stick from the gutter sports press due to being a German (theyre no different to the mainstream hacks), pretty much like they love to dig at Wenger on the basis that hes French. Ignore it. Most do.

  21. Corporal Jones

    Nov 28, 2011, 9:45 #15407

    Milk turns faster than Heir Merter.Our best two CB's are TV and Kos with our 75 cap German as back up

  22. Jack

    Nov 28, 2011, 9:37 #15406

    Completely agree. Fed up of hearing other fans as well going on about what a bad signing he is and how he's done nothing to improve our defence. They haven't watched a single minute of him play but just repeat what papers and pundits like Alan bloody Hansen say.

  23. chopper4001

    Nov 28, 2011, 9:22 #15405

    I like him. I think he brings some structure to our defence, and a partnership with either Verm or Kos could be top draw in the coming months/years (the partnership with Tommy is already fairly solid, even after a couple of freak goals). Everyone needs to adjust, especially to the EPL. His only real problem is that he cant fill in at fullback, but you dont want all of your CB's in the quick/spritely mould. I expect good things in the second half of the season (and beyond).

  24. don froth

    Nov 28, 2011, 9:17 #15404

    leave it out, he has been dredful so far, not sure how he has had a cap for germany let alone 70 odd, i am not Koscielny's biggest fan but he looks a miles better option to partner tommy v at centre back. He turns like the queen mary and for a tall bloke he cannot jump, the mistake against norwich summed him up, something similar happens nearly everytime he plays. I hope he comes good but i cannot see it!

  25. Gunner666

    Nov 28, 2011, 9:16 #15403

    Also remember Tony Adams being slated in the same way. Lets hope BFG (love that) gets close to being as good as Tony. He can't be crap and be in the German National team for as long as he has.

  26. Easterngooner

    Nov 28, 2011, 9:01 #15402

    I agree. Look at Kos. During his first season, the critics and pundits were lining up to slam him as worthless and not fit to wear the Arsenal shirt. Now look at him this season. Per must be given the benefit of doubt and time to settle.