Agreeing to disagree

So there’s an anti-Arsenal conspiracy in the media?

Agreeing to disagree

Gary Neville: Arsenal hater?

There have been various comments on this website over the last few weeks about a supposed anti-Arsenal conspiracy in the media. Comments abound alluding to the ‘gutter press’ and ‘mainstream hacks’ who hurl completely unjustified criticisms at the club and its players. Some people have even gone so far as to suggest that a form of veiled racism exists among those who question the contribution of certain foreign players, Per Mertesacker being one. The same people have postulated that perhaps those who criticise Arsene Wenger might only be doing so because he is French. Well, I, for one, completely support these perfectly measured and sane arguments. Claims of an evil conspiracy among journalists and pundits alike may sound like an hysterical overreaction by Arsenal fans who think you’re not right in the head if you’re not spending every waking hour sucking on a pair of replica Arsène Wenger balls, but I’m here to prove that this is, in fact, a perfectly justifiable position to take.

To this end, I have trawled the internet and dug out some recent example of journalists and ex-players laying into Arsenal with the kind of intensity usually reserved for serial killers and Katie Price. These are but a few choice cuts of anecdotal titbits, but, if you do your own research, you will find more. We’ll start with the Guardian’s David Hytner, and his scathing report of the match against Dortmund, in which he claimed that a certain ‘Dutch master’ continued to ‘light up both domestic and European stages with another irresistible performance’ (, November 23rd). ‘It is only when you watch Van Persie live,’ he went on, ‘that you fully appreciate the menace and sharpness of his movement.’ The next day Hytner travelled to the UN headquarters in New York to seek approval for an airstrike against the Emirates.

Then there’s perennial Arsenal-hater, Gary Neville, who was sharpening his knives back in August, when he shrieked in the Mail that ‘those fans who criticise Wenger should be careful what they wish for’ (, August 14th). ‘I believe he is the right manager for Arsenal’, he added, before launching a nuclear-tipped dart at a picture of the beleaguered Arsenal boss. A few months later, Lee Dixon decided to throw his two cents in by claiming that supporters should ‘unite behind [Wenger’s] philosophy’ (, October 28th). He then spat, ‘I’ve always backed Arsène and I always will,’ as he bore down on the Arsenal training ground with a machine gun and a box of hand-grenades.

But surely there can be no pundit more steadfast in his hatred of Arsenal than Mr Alan Hansen, who just a few weeks ago had the audacity to claim that Jack Wilshere was the ‘standout’ player of his generation (International Business, November 7th). He went on to claim that, of the current crop of young England players, he was the only one worthy of a starting place at Euro 2012. I was so outraged by this particular comment that I immediately phoned the BBC and demanded that Hansen have his still-beating heart ripped out of his chest on the next edition of Match of the Day, only to be told that he doesn’t have one.

But seriously, there are several points I want to make here before the inevitable barrage of criticism and ridicule descends on me in the form of irate readers’ comments. The first, and most obvious, is that there is not, as far as I can tell, an anti-Arsenal conspiracy in the sports media. If Arsenal play badly, or if Wenger gets his tactics wrong, or if the players don’t look like they are making an effort, it is the job of journalists and pundits to point this out. Obviously, they don’t always get it right, some of them are incredibly thick after all, and others are little more than infuriatingly self-righteous bell-ends. Perhaps there are even some who do actually have an anti-Arsenal bias. This is not evidence, however, of a widespread and deeply-entrenched abhorrence towards the club, any more than a bite from a dog is evidence of an evil plan by the entire canine fraternity to overthrow the human race and take over the world.

The second point is a pre-emptive strike against those who will inevitably claim that I am not a true Arsenal fan because I actually sometimes agree with what is written and said about the club in the media. Being a fan of any club does not mean you have subscribe blindly to the party line. It is an emotional investment and emotions can be both positive and negative. It is precisely because I love Arsenal football club that I get frustrated when things don’t go as well as I feel they could. If I hadn’t grown up with the club and everything it stands for woven into the very fibre of my being, I wouldn’t give a rat’s a**e. But I do, and I can’t help the feelings of exasperation I sometimes get. To go along with whatever explanations are given by the management, however much I disagree with them, would be to suppress them, and suppressing emotions is not healthy. One of the great things about websites like onlinegooner is that they give opinionated twits like me a forum in which to vent, and that is no bad thing.

The third point is that debate and criticism, when they are constructive, are a necessary and desirable aspect of human society. The debate that usually ensues from the publication of articles which question the Arsenal regime is always interesting and fun, even when it degenerates into childish mudslinging. It is a way of hearing other peoples’ points of view, and this is a good thing, even if you don’t agree with those opinions, because it broadens your own view of the situation and makes you think in ways you otherwise would not. There are those who seem to think that disagreement among Arsenal fans is a bad thing – indeed, you could say that opinion is divided on the issue of whether or not opinion should be divided – but I disagree with the argument that disagreement is bad! A friend of mine recently questioned my loyalty to Arsenal when I wondered aloud whether Gervinho might be keeping a casserole warm in inside his giant head (I should like to point out here that I am not attacking Gervinho – I happen to think that the energy and effort he has brought to the team have been refreshing – it’s just that he does have an unusually large head). Although the exchange was not in any way serious, it did make me wonder what it would be like to live in a world where every supporter of every club did nothing but praise the players and management and agree with each other about everything, regardless of what was actually happening on the pitch. I decided that it would be just plain boring.

So, in conclusion, the day I decide that we should all sing from the same song-sheet all the time will be the day I move to North Korea. In my humble opinion, having opinions is important. What’s more, venting is healthy, debate is essential, and the journalists and pundits who offer up their opinions, whether positive or negative, deserve to be listened to and respected, even when they are complete cretins. Now please, for the love of God, start disagreeing with me!

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  1. Bangkok 100 pipers

    Dec 06, 2011, 10:16 #15661

    Alan Smith has been mentioned here quite a bit and although the points are fair, he is at least Arsenal through and through and possibly trying to mask his true feelings - the points he makes are at least from the heart. Trevor Francis on the other hand is an out and out hater....

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Dec 03, 2011, 22:56 #15565

    What's "Talksport?" Is it a radio version of The News Of The World? In other words, best ignored until it kills itself off...

  3. HowardL

    Dec 03, 2011, 12:11 #15557

    We get less negative comments now that we are winning nothing. Write a follow up article when that changes and Arsenal again pick up silverware. The press will be back to pointing out how many foreigners we have in the team, the number of Red Cards under Arsene's management, Henry's handball rather than his 226 goals, Pires' diving rather than his sublime football, DB10's nasty you need any more. Why do so many opposing fans sing "Just like Arsenal, always cheating" whenever we are given a free kick, however deserved it may be. Unbiased media? Just wait until we start winning again.

  4. celine dion

    Dec 03, 2011, 10:59 #15556

    People seem unable to get it through their heads that Talk Sport deliberately winds Arsenal fans up to get listening figures and traffic through their website etc. Arsenal have an unusually high number of media obsessed fans (you only have to look at the number of Arsenal fans on twitter) who are extremely touchy about sitting duck subjects like Wenger or the trophy drought. Durham and Gough roll up once a day after thinking up some insults in the pub beforehand, and hey presto the swithboard is jammed with 'disgusted of Islington.' They've tried it with Chelsea and United but far fewer of their fans appear to give a monkeys. As for the rest of the media, theres nothing that bores me more than Arsenal fans banging on about 'press conspiracies'. Who cares whats written in a newspaper, or said by a sky pundit, its designed to get a reaction. And more than enough journalists have worshipped at the temple of Arsene Wenger in the past. Van Persie is getting very positive press now, as has Wilshere last year. If you put results on the table, the press follow suit with praise. Our end of season collapses going back 6 years now, have given them plenty of ammunition to sell papers. Fix the problems inside the club and we'll get all the credit like we did in the early years of Wenger. Excellent article by the way.

  5. ppp

    Dec 03, 2011, 1:45 #15551

    chris dee - the simple thing to do would be to NOT listen to talksport. Nobody is suggesting that talksport isn't a load of utter utter bollocks, but them being totally anti-arsenal doesn't mean there's a larger conspiracy of any kind. There are lots of idiots that hate Arsenal - but Arsenal are a bit more establishment than you think. Arsenal are more likely to do something sinister in their own interests than a great deal of other clubs. How else can you explain that fantastic lasagne? Was it an act of God? :)

  6. Ramgun

    Dec 02, 2011, 22:43 #15549

    I think that you will all find that Talk Sport (or whatever it is called) and the Sun newspaper will not bother you at all if, like me, you don't listen to the former and don't read the latter. No manager in any of the other major european countries in charge of a massive club would have been given such an easy ride as Wenger has been here. Mind you, as Fabregas pointed out, he would never have survived failing to win trophies abroad in the first place (25 trophies without winning one - and counting)

  7. chris dee

    Dec 02, 2011, 14:17 #15543

    Yeah right just point out the fair commentators. But try listening day after day to a national radio station (Talk Sport) where regulary Alan Brazil in the morning comes out with weasely sly digs at Arsenal. But even Brazil is nothing compared to the constant and sustained snipes,nasty comments and ridiculing of the club by that third rate presenter, the moronic Adrian Durham and his giggling monkey of a joint presenter Darren Gough. So yes there an anti Arsenal media agenda on a daily basis.

  8. Tony Evans

    Dec 02, 2011, 9:07 #15532

    Agree with you Lance. Now that I am not such a rabid fan I can look at things so much more objectively, more then at any other time over my 40 years or so of support and I don't see much bias against Arsenal. I used to, but that was because I was so blinkered by my love for the club that any negative comment was blown out of all proportion by my obsession with Arsenal. Wenger drives me mad and I am more than happy so hear pundits telling it like it is.

  9. Tom

    Dec 02, 2011, 6:25 #15526

    Just listen to the s**t Wenger comes out with at his press conferences and post match interviews.And you wonder why the press dont like him.How many times can you write "Wenger didnt see it".

  10. DW Thomas

    Dec 02, 2011, 1:19 #15525

    I think what those of us who criticize really want is the team to win, finally. We think we've been close and have just needed that little extra something (a couple class players and some mettle/character) to get us over the line. Yet, Wenger, if you look at it objectively as a non-Arsenal fan, has failed for 6 years. And, yes, I do understand the importance of finishing in the top four. The players bear some of the responsibility, but they don't decide who is on the team sheet each game, who is bought and brought in, or what is worked on in practice. That lies with the manager and his minions. I highly regard Wenger, though no man is above criticism. What I am most tired of is the same old excuses and justifications for failure. Winners don't do this. They suck up defeat, work harder, get it right the next time, and win. I do respect the sustainable model and the way the team plays when they're on is brilliant. But winning takes more. Simply, we must buy a few players to have a chance this year of either top 4 or a trophy and to ensure the future is bright. I really could care less about the media, but still read 4 or 5 different opinions after each game on major news sites. Some are more sensational than others. The best stuff/opinions come on sites like these and this one might be the best and most varied. Just because we criticize doesn't mean we love the club any less than those who think all is fine and dandy.

  11. simon

    Dec 02, 2011, 0:05 #15524

    nice piece. my gripe has been with howard and pansywotsisnamis in the Sun who just go on and on and on about RVP this and RVP that every time we play. Christ, we had the same one man team/what you gonna do when he goes crap for 6 years when Henry was with us. But my real big gripe is arsene gets betrayed by cesc and slaughtered for it whilst AVB gets defended cos its all roman's fault and don't get me started on good 'ol harry. he can throw every competition going to the local kebab shop owner and his mates cos next year they'll be champions league and its not a bad word said, the rest of us lose a game and its crisis, crisis, taxi for everyone who is any good... My honest take on it, is being nice to wenger isn't newsworthy as its not what journo's think the punters want to hear, ditto AVB and Harry are good copy so they go easy and everyone knows you say a bad word about taggart and you can't get into his press conferences or the ground. Lets face it, the hacks are crap now, just twitter rumour readers and populist myth peddlars.

  12. Andrew Cohen

    Dec 01, 2011, 19:33 #15523

    Loved this. Great fun. When you have an object as immovable as Mr Wenger, you simply have to mix it up a bit to budge him. Whether he reads the press or not, someone at the club who does read it, finally kicked him up the Dial Square near deadline day, and that must happen again come January. There is gap filling to be done and those who are surplus to requirements to be ejected. I was surprsed how slow the press were to criticise him and how deferential they remained. What we actually got as a result was mostly well balanced and wholly justified criticism. Given the circumstances I didn't mind the unfair criticism either because it got us further towards where we need to go. Those who can't stand the criticism ( where it is due) taking place can watch Spurs take our place in the Champions League. As things stand, the only thing which it would appear can stop them doing so is a successful prosecution and imprisonment of their manager. I would rather achieve their overhaul by other means, and that will require continuing to force Mr Wenger out of his blinkered cast of mind and into the required action.

  13. mwafc

    Dec 01, 2011, 17:27 #15522

    If you want an example of total negativity about Arsenal then listen to Alan Smith's dour comments everytime he covers an Arsenal game. What is it with this man that drives him to constantly run down the team that elevated him to the commentary box in the first place. I took the opportunity to put this point to him at half time during the Man City game, must say he didn't seem to like the suggestion that he is a miserable, negative sod.

  14. CanadaGooner

    Dec 01, 2011, 17:00 #15520

    Usually, the fellow calling you names on the street is not the one that really hates you (he's simply drunk!) - it's those that praise you and raise you up, only to ensure you fall flatter later down the road, who are the problem. I wont waste my time trading insults with 'Theo's bikini-line' and those on here who think non-constructive negativity is the way to achieve a positive result. The good thing is, there seems to be fewer and fewer of those non-constructive, blind comments these days and I can gladly say at least 80% of comments on here in recent weeks have been fair criticism, with some sound suggestions and credit given to the team when deserved. Now, to this article: newspaper headlines like "Wally without a Brolly" levelled at a man who has done so much for football development in England (Wenger) and the constant criticism of Arsenal either when we have too many French players or too many young players etc, is what people talk about when they mention a biased press. There is no Anti-Arsenal Agenda anywhere - we're not doing well enough for anyone to waste their time planning a campaign against Arsenal. What needs to be addressed is the pressumption by many pundits that you can have it both ways! Spend money, dont spend money - give managers time, but hey, also achieve instant results (e.g. Villas-Boas, Bruce and many others) - there needs to be some consistency, after all, the team that has won most premiership titles in English Football (Man Utd) have spent $billions over that period, had heaps of foreign players and have kept their manager for 25 years! Pundits are human and they can make mistakes, but there's always a line nobody should cross..

  15. Mark

    Dec 01, 2011, 16:15 #15519

    media can win elections so it for sure can create a certain image of a club if it wants to

  16. Mandy Dodd

    Dec 01, 2011, 14:53 #15518

    Yes,even we get some positive press, as you have illustrated. Yes, we sometimes, like all other teams deserve a bit of a slating, as AVB seems to be getting at the moment, although some get less stick from the press than others, Arry would be a prime example, not much said about their capitulation at the end of last season, in contrast to others I could think of. But there is plenty of over the top negative press surrounding this club as well. Part of the reason some of the UK press hate us is well documented in the Online Ed's book - the bit where Wenger challenged them over very unpleasant falsehoods about him right from the beginning, they backed down. Things got so bad this summer that IG had to chastise the UK press for their portrayal of Wenger, stating that their actions were bad for football. Some of those lazy cliched remarks could have come straight from some on this forum. Wenger may not always help, he clearly views some of the UK media with contempt - chicken or egg? He gives most of his scoops to French journalists, and makes a point of doing so. Arry openly courts the UK media and maybe gets treated accordingly I am not doubting for a minute your love of Arsenal but will disagree with you here. The manager, maybe not the club gets way over the top treatment from the UK press, and in the most negative way possible. Just listen to Talksport, read The Sun or hear Alan Hansen to counter your examples

  17. Matty S

    Dec 01, 2011, 14:28 #15517

    At the end of te day, media = sensationalism. Whether its good or bad reviews, what you cant expect is a nice honest, objective and balanced review.

  18. chopper4001

    Dec 01, 2011, 14:02 #15516

    I'd agree with the article to an extent, especially amongst the written press. Newspapers (mainly the "gutter press") have to write story after story of hyperbole to fill the current 24/7 internet vacuum. This is just about understandable (although I'll not forgive them for exaggerating the Henry and Cesc transfer sagas the way they did). The problem really lies with TV coverage. Both Sky and ITV employ several "pundits" who are only there to support the opposing team (Sky the other night: Mark Hughes - Man City, Man Utd and Chelsea, Jamie Redknapp - Liverpool and Tottenham (and son of the current Spuds manager). ITV, Dortmund away: Roy Keane (Roy Keane ffs!) and Martin "I dont like Arsene Wenger" O'Neill). You can see where the problem lies. If I'm not at the game, I just dont watch build up on TV nowadays. It gets my blood up too much. Also, however much it pains me to say it, I actually think Gary Neville is an pretty good pundit (so far anyway), far better than anyone else currently doing the job at Sky (except maybe Smudger - god bless that gooner).

  19. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Dec 01, 2011, 13:28 #15513

    I sometimes think that Alan Smith is under the impression that if he ever said something positive about Arsenal, his tongue would catch fire and his teeth would explode. Let's also bear in mind that there are plenty of rent-a-quote ex-pro's out there who will spout anything that's written for them by journo's waving a cheque under their noses.

  20. GoonerRon

    Dec 01, 2011, 12:54 #15510

    I posted an article earlier this week about Mertesacker being wrongly labelled in the press and I stand by it. That said, I don't think there is a wholesale, fundamental bias against Arsenal in all media outlets. You've picked some positive quotes about us but if you continued to dig you'd find far more negativity - the balance certainly doesn't favour us I'd say.

  21. 71guns

    Dec 01, 2011, 12:31 #15509

    I agree with you, yet when the fans stop offering their 'constructive critsism' and the Gary Neville's of the world stop putting the boot in the bottom line remains the same... We have fallen behind and it's the clubs fault, it's Arsene's in that maintaining a team is just as important as building, and the clubs for not investing in our the 'on the pitch' future. If we have an amazing season from now we may at best qualify for the CL again (to go out in the knockout stage most probably)and Wenger and co will rejoice... The fans will for 5 minutes and then realize our once minimum requirement has become barely achievable...

  22. JER

    Dec 01, 2011, 12:25 #15508

    Every fan thinks their team suffer from media bias. Many opposing fans have called us the 'media darlings' for several years now. However, there is instutionalized xenophobia in the football media. Bobby Pires was a serial diver, Rooney and Gerrard aren't. Nasty foreigners spit, our boys don't.

  23. Santa

    Dec 01, 2011, 12:06 #15507

    OMG! You have discovered a pro-Arsenal anti-Arsenal conspiracy in the press - my head is spinning with the implications. By making us think we are good the hacks in fact boot us down mid-table so that Harry and his merry bunch of bottom-feeders can get past us into the CL..[wink] Seriously though, have you seen what the "fans" on this website write about Arsenal in the forums? Talk about the enemy within..

  24. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Dec 01, 2011, 11:55 #15506

    Brilliant article!! Careful though Lance, the likes of Mandy Dodd, Merse69, Ron and CanadaGooner will probably now accuse you of either being disloyal, stupid or one of the hundreds of spuds and rival fans that apparently permeates this website.

  25. Prashant

    Dec 01, 2011, 11:31 #15505

    Its not just the written word though.. It's also the commentary. Have you not heard Sky Sports commentary on our games ? You are presenting selective press quotes to justify that there is no bias.. It's never black and white.. Just because they praise occasionally, doesn't mean that they don't drive daggers when unwarranted. A true indication of whether there is a bias or not can be judged by adding up all quotes and then doing a statistical analysis on it. I bet you will find it a different story

  26. John

    Dec 01, 2011, 10:36 #15503

    I love the Merse and Wrighty .Always tell it like it is.If Arsenal our **** they says it.There is nothing worse than a pundit who is always sticking up for the club they used to play for.Are you listening Ray Parlour?

  27. jay911

    Dec 01, 2011, 9:01 #15502

    Well written article. I find it easier to tolerate gary neville now hes a pundit.