Back to winning ways

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Back to winning ways

Gervinho: It feels like a long time since the last goal

Arsenal’s last two trips to Wigan have ended in disappointment. Surely, it couldn’t end in tears three times in a row. In truth, Wigan may not have been a great side previously, but they are definitely worse now. As almost certs for the drop, it would have been a dereliction of duty for Arsene Wenger’s side to fail to claim the three points.

But on this occasion, there were no slip ups, no loss of concentration and no way back for the home side. Arsenal took advantage of a weak team, and returned to winning ways in the Premier League. The first 25 minutes saw little in the way of Arsenal threatening in attack, as they simply failed to get going. Wigan had a very decent chance that might have changed the way the game panned out, but the scare was survived, and by half-time it was 2-0 thanks to a long range drive and a headed goal from a corner. Was this really an Arsene Wenger team we were watching? It is refreshing to see a variety of ways the side can now score a goal. In the not too distant past, the man running with the ball as Mikel Arteta did before unleashing his goalbound shot would have looked to pass. Sometimes, a direct option is the best. Would the corner that Vermaelen scored from have been played short last season? You can’t rule it out.

A third goal was especially welcome for two reasons – firstly, it made a Wigan comeback more unlikely than it was in the last two visits, and secondly because it was scored by Gervinho, although Robin van Persie created it. A much needed strike. Theo Walcott played intelligently to set up the fourth for RVP himself. It was a decent team performance in which it is difficult to pick out a man of the match.

Winning the games they should win is the key to Arsenal remaining competitive and challenging the top teams in the league. It hasn’t happened enough in recent seasons, but I suspect the greater experience that was drafted in after the 8-2 defeat on the last weekend in August has made a difference to this team. It’s a solution Arsene Wenger was loathe to indulge, an admittance that Project Youth always needed a guiding hand on the pitch. So now we have Mertsacker, Santos and Arteta to help call the shots, with the return of Thomas Vermaelen equally critical. There is room for the Ramseys, Walcotts and Wilsheres, but it is unreasonable to think these players would not benefit from some over 25s in the team. I think the one thing this season is proving is that the Invincibles squad was allowed to break up with indecent haste, and that the policy of a squad loaded with potential rather than knowhow was wrong.

Would Arsenal have dropped the points they did in 2009/10 and 20010/11 with this team? I suspect not. Still, better late than never. Another factor that is perhaps no co-incidence is that, after the Old Trafford debacle, there was a change of policy in the coaching at London Colney, as revealed by Wojciech Szczesny recently. The defensive players were worked on in isolation to bring about improvement in their organization. So although the Blackburn defeat occurred soon after, I think most Gooners are less fearful of the defensive collapses we have seen a little too often over the past three or four campaigns. A very welcome change. So I am not sure that this is a case of Arsene Knows, but more one of everyone knew, but the manager finally relenting to the obvious.

There is room for Project Youth, but it needs to be approached more pragmatically, as has happened in the past at the likes of Ajax, Barcelona and Manchester United. You don’t win anything with kids, but a blend of young talent and experience can take you a long way.

Let’s now hope Arsenal can press on and continue their decent run in the league, and show enough solidity to leave Eastlands with something in a fortnight’s time.

Finally, I know there are a number who will bemoan my having the temerity to write a negative word about the manager after a 4-0 victory, but I think it is important to analyse how things change with the team and why. So you cannot forget what has gone before in doing that. It’s the idea of learning from mistakes. I am delighted the manager has seen the light on the need for more experienced heads in the side, and changed his approach to coaching. That is Arsene Wenger admitting he has got it wrong, not a matter of a fan’s opinion. I will admit I am unhappy it took so long, but as he is going to be around a good while longer, it is at least a relief that things are changing.

The current issue of the Gooner is available to buy online here. It will also be on sale outside the stadium against Everton next weekend.

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  1. CanadaGooner

    Dec 06, 2011, 22:34 #15687

    @ Tony Evans - I dont think many people would disagree with that. However, buying players is a little bit more tricky than you think (only have to look at Liverpool buying Carroll and Chelsea buying Torres. And see how well Newcastle have done without Carroll). The tradition at Arsenal and the wage structure is such that Arsenal FC need a little bit more thought when it comes to bringing players in, compared to what some other clubs do (as they dont have those restrictions) add to that the fact that the minute Wenger shows an interest in any player, the Citehs and Chelseas of this world, with a much fatter wallet then muscle in as they know Wenger spots sme very decent players. So, most times we may be left with only players that those clubs we cant compete with financially DO NOT WANT, not sure that'll be the cream of the crop. But, I still do not disagree with you that if there's a will, there's a way, and Wenger needs to continually have the will-power to bring new experience in. we cant keep grooming young players like a feeder-team!

  2. Tony Evans

    Dec 06, 2011, 8:15 #15652

    Canada Gooner - The trouble with Wenger is that he wont buy players even when the team is screaming out for reinforcements. He always insists on walking a tightrope, leaving us open to injuries and suspensions with not enough quality to back up the first team. When you lose your top players through injury there has to be backup - squads win prizes - and although the back up players are not realistically going to be of the same calibre, with Arsenal the level drops alarmingly and is not good enough to sustain a realistic challenge for the top honours. I am not saying go out and try and compete financially with Citeh but at least spend some of the money we do have to give us a fighting chance. We may be alright under Wenger but I can not see us winning anything.

  3. CanadaGooner

    Dec 05, 2011, 19:35 #15640

    good article. there's no evidence yet, that the panic buys (Per, Arteta and Benayoun) are responsible for turning our season around - so, the players Wenger brought in prior (and yes - most of them werent known to many of us before he bought them: verminator, gervinho, kos etc) are starting to play better. what buying experienced players does bring to the team (even if they havent played or started to play well) is something for the under-performing players to think about - also makes it difficult for anyone on the team (except for RVP ofcourse) to think they are indispensable. Those on here who wish to be negative are very welcome to remain so. Wenger isnt infallible and like almost every other manager (with the exception of a very few) he has made a lot of mistakes and will make more, but provided he adopts a less stubborn stance and buys a few players now and again, we'll be just fine

  4. Moscow Gooner

    Dec 05, 2011, 17:12 #15634

    The business model calls for finishing 4th no more, no less. Granted that ll be a struggle this season - there are at least 3 teams (and maybe 4) ahead of us in terms of quality and squad depth. (And history dictates that RvP will still miss a chunk of the season...) Bottom line: there s a lot of people out there who seem happy to pay the highest prices in world football AND put up with a steady 4th place - and no silverware - season after season...

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Dec 05, 2011, 16:24 #15630

    As there's a good chance third or fourth place could be decided on goal difference would it not have been better to push on and score two or three more instead of playing training ground stuff just so the away fans could shout ole

  6. Tony Evans

    Dec 05, 2011, 14:13 #15627

    Good summary Kevin and like you there is no way I am going to get carried away by this good run of results. We have seen it all before and although I will enjoy it while it lasts I fear the usual banana skin will appear all too soon. Wenger and his teams post 2005 have let us down so many times and we are still all too vunerable as far as squad strength is concerned for me to even think about getting excited that we may be in for some silverware.

  7. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Dec 05, 2011, 12:41 #15624

    A good win against a seriously bad team. Well done Arsene we're back in the race for fourth place, let's all rejoice, the manager was right along, we really can finish 4th. Great! How our expectations have slipped. It's a good job we're not being charged a fortune to watch it. My main problem with Wenger is how long it takes him to see the same problem we can all see. The goal keeping situation was a joke for three years. The class of Eboue, Denilson, Diaby, Bendter, Vela etc how long were we saying they are crap before wenger moved them on, the defence being a shambles for four years. The next thing will be our lack of strikers. It's like a slow train coming down the track that everyone can see apart from the man that's in the way. We have one forward at the club who has a poor injury record. Wenger says we don't need to sign any more players in January. We have fallen apart in Febuary for the last four years!!! This is why so many of our supporters, like myself, are just going through the motions. I can't be bothered to argue any more that Wenger should go becuase he won't. I don't want to argue with other Arsenal fans anymore that are happy to except fourth as a trophy just as long as wenger is in the job, I'm not interested in a single thing the idiots on the board have to say, FFP will never happen, City are cheating. That's it in a nutshell. I hope I'm wrong on all accounts but as i said earlier the worse thing about all this is people like me continue to be proved right. We have declined every year for the last 6. Without RVP we would be mid table now. Fact. Please please please get him some support Arsene.

  8. Merse69

    Dec 05, 2011, 11:09 #15620

    From being on the ropes, to once again being a team to be feared. Don't take this for granted. If full credit was given to Wenger's season on season over achievement with the budget available, it would be easier to stomach all the negativity ...

  9. Jonesey

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:55 #15616

    Congratulations Arsene on finally addressing some of the problems that the rest of us have been banging on about for years, can we have your £6m wages please? Now lets see how long it takes him to solve our striker shortage. This team is obviously less flaky but there's nowhere near enough quality to challenge for the trophies worth winning. That would be fine if the manager had spent all the money in the pot, but he hasn't, and never does. Kev I suspect you've toned down your criticism because you know Wenger's going nowhere until his contract runs out, due partly to the recent good run which has taken us to the heady heights of 5th place, and partly because many Arsenal fans will NEVER turn against him no matter how many blinkered mistakes he makes. I too am resigned to the next two and a half years of treading water but I guess it doesn't matter as man city are going to blow everyone away for a long time. It's the missed opportunities of the last 3 years I can't forgive, but maybe that's just me. Respect to the Blackburn fans though for sticking to their guns re Steve Keen despite a victory on Saturday, unlike the (to quote the Wigan fans)'soft southern b******s' at the spacebowl.

  10. Ron

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:02 #15611

    Another win. Great. Any win is a good one in context of this Season due to the start. Credit to the players and boss, but i dont see this team getting a top 4 spot either. Its not a powerful team, we're just better than about 14 of the other teams. Strangly though im enjoying this Season with none of that delusional ' we could win the title stuff' of the last 4 years, when we ve all known full well that we couldnt. Its a relief living with reality for once.Got a good feeling about FAC prospects though for some reason. There you go guys, we'll lose to Leeds now!!

  11. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Dec 05, 2011, 3:25 #15593

    As long as the team consists of characters with spine and gumption, and by that I mean Messrs. Szczesny, Vermaelen, Arteta and Van Persie, then I can't see this version of The Arsenal chucking the towel in like the group from August 2006 - August 2011. I've no idea if they'll win a pot or where they'll finish league - wise, but at least they'll have a proper go. Those boys I mentioned wouldn't have it any other way. If they can drag better performances from the rest of the squad along the journey, then all the better.

  12. HowardL

    Dec 04, 2011, 22:35 #15592

    Very realistic post Kev. The Man U result was a wake up call but at least Wenger seems to have accepted what seems like a winning mix of youth and experience. In a way we were all right: those who wanted Wenger to go were right because he was blind to the changes that were needed, those who said Wenger should stay were right too, because his passing game is helping to turn this hastily assembled bunch into daunting opponents. Will they reach the heights this season? Very hard to say but no one can complain about the progress. And to be fair, I don't think anyone is complaining are they?

  13. Shropshire Lad

    Dec 04, 2011, 22:18 #15591

    I wonder if he is prepared to acknowledge that he got it wrong last January when he did not sign a couple of players for key positions and actually buy a back up out and out striker for Sir Percy. It definately cost us last season but the noises he is making are the same again this year. Maybe it's a smokescreen but I doubt it. Love him or loathe him he is a stubborn old bugger and his Project Youth defense appears to have shifted to 'this is the Squad, the whole Squad and nothing but the Squad'!

  14. simon

    Dec 04, 2011, 20:48 #15590

    I think the result and performance was important to the fans and players in that it buried a few hoodoos but its a much tougher fight for fourth this season and at the moment teams below seventh are not offering the competition they did last season. With injuries, weather and fatigue that will change and more points may get dropped but right now the top 3 are winning lots and heading for 85-90 points so we just have to keep winning and really need to see off everton next weekend to keep in the hunt. Year on year we are only +3 and imo need to win every game bar citeh away through to fulham away, and that's a big ask.

  15. Reg

    Dec 04, 2011, 19:40 #15589

    I can see May now! The team is growing.....This time next year..........If only the club hadn't been destabilised by the pre-season (didn't see that coming).............Confident RVP will sign! Blah, blah, blah! The club is as truthful as a political party & Wenger is their chief bull****ter. If this mob scrape 4th then nothing will change!

  16. The Hapening

    Dec 04, 2011, 18:11 #15588

    This team and Manager need to win something, full stop!

  17. Dan h

    Dec 04, 2011, 16:21 #15587

    Good article & rightly pointed out the added experience has made a difference on the pitch and just as importantly in the dressing room.Will wait & see in january if a forward isn't signed i will be dissapointed but not surprised moves are being made to offload a couple more of our squad players.City apart at only 14 games gone still too much football to play before writing off where we finish all of the top sides still to come to us.The spine of the team is looking strong but keeping it healthy may determine where we finish up.City obviously have a massive financial advantage over us amongst others but no point worrying too much about that when our own self made wealth is never used.Transfer surplus from august still available & budget also untouched if the mistakes of the summer are not learned the club may well pay the price of no CL next year.Good run continues & in the lovely position of resting players in midweek looking forward to seeing AOC & other young players experiencing playing in a hostile atmosphere against a home side with all to play for.

  18. Mandy Dodd

    Dec 04, 2011, 15:41 #15586

    Interesting article, shame about some of the responses. The way things are going, we will easily make the top 4. We should have one of our best players fresh for the run in. Liverpool are up and down personified, and have spent all their money on mainly substandard players, Chelsea are in transition and could easily look increasingly flaky as the season goes on, Spurs always choke when things go wrong, and dont rule Arry doing something stupid to enhance his media profile like signing Beckham or something of that order, assuming he does not get banged up that is. And Utd look far from convincing, just a series of 1-0s against some very poor teams. No creativity at all in MF, they will be vulnerable against teams who actually try to score against them, yes I mean you, Big Eck! We will not catch Citeh in the league, not really surprising considering the financial gap, but the rest are there for the taking.

  19. will

    Dec 04, 2011, 14:48 #15585

    good result and fair post. I dont think the post is negative just realistic. Don't see us in the top 4. Wenger has steadied the ship but we need 2 or 3 more top quality players to make a decent push. Cteh, Utd and Spurs look shoo ins for the top 3 at the moment and we sweat from week to week on RVP's fitness! Every time he goes down I hold my breath. Its been mentioned here that Wenger rarely buys in the Jan window but the way its looking leaving it till next summer is going to be too late. Time for Wenger and the board to show some balls. Not holding my breath.


    Dec 04, 2011, 14:26 #15584

    Good result but I can't see us finishing 4th.I think Kevin is being quite positive actually. Wenger has already said he isn't buying a striker in January so he hasn't changed that much.I let my season ticket go a couple of seasons ago because I'd had enough of the crass decisions being made at MY club and I'm still waiting until OGL leaves before wasting any more money (apart from keeping my red membership going for brighter times ahead). Unfortunately it's going to be a long wait. How have we let the Spuds have a better team than us! Shocking!!

  21. allybear

    Dec 04, 2011, 14:12 #15582

    Nice win against a very poor team&i would have thought that the defence would cope with that poor side.I read somewhere that AW said he would not sign any new players in Jan.Stevesam as you said we still have a lot of players to get rid of. These players were all bought by AW to add to his great project!Circumstances have forced his hand but i dont think that he has changed his stubborn stance and im just sorry that he will be in charge for the next few years.

  22. Colin

    Dec 04, 2011, 14:06 #15581

    Yes Kev we have improved since the dark days of August but have we improved enough to finish top 4?Dont think so.I think there are 4 better teams than us.And we all know come the FA cup it will be the B team because Wenger wont take it seriousley.So another trophyless season,is that improvement?

  23. Arsenal Fan

    Dec 04, 2011, 14:02 #15580

    Still negative after a 4-0 win. This is the same editor who complained about Arsene not signing David Luiz. oh dear.

  24. Stevesam

    Dec 04, 2011, 12:39 #15579

    Whilst we have our ex skipper Alumnia, Denilson, Bentner, Vela, Diaby and Squillaci on the payroll there shall not be any big January signings. Sustainable business means offloading these surplus to requirement players before buying replacements. The project is responsible for this situation. AW has made his bed now he has to lie in it !

  25. Jekyll

    Dec 04, 2011, 11:59 #15577

    I don't see any negativity in the post at all, I think it's good someone is pointing out Wenger has essentially had to admit the failure of his dream of growing a team together with the loss of poster-boy Fabregas and the last minute bringing in of experienced players. He was hugely reluctant to do it and things had to reach crisis point before he did. The recent turnaround is certainly not some 'triumph' for the manager and proof that he was 'right' all along, as some bloggers and posters like to portray it. It is also worth remembering we are only 14 matches in and at best in a battle for a top 4 finish this season, which isn't that amazing or a sign of genius for a club of our stature. On to the match, I for one wasn't worried when we were 2-0 up in this match, which is the first time in ages I haven't felt like that. It definitely feels like a more solid team now.

  26. Get Real

    Dec 04, 2011, 10:54 #15576

    we are not strong enough to overhaul either manchester club, spurs, chelsea or liverpool. other than that we are doing ok if you all want to accept ok = 6th place, no trophies and a financially profitable year for the shareholders.

  27. addy

    Dec 04, 2011, 10:53 #15575

    Great performance, great result. I am a big fan, though i have to admit I'm not entirely sure wenger has changed. If i see a striker or a great player like goetze in jan, i'll change my mind. Or maybe park can find his scoring boots and put us all out of our "what if rvp gets injured?" misery.

  28. Gordon

    Dec 04, 2011, 10:29 #15574

    Still think we wont finish top 4

  29. Jimmy

    Dec 04, 2011, 10:26 #15573

    I've clearly been mentally scared by us throwing away too many leads as I was screaming at us to go for the kill all the while it was only 2-0 as I was convinced that Wigan would score twice (at least) in the last 10 minutes if we didn't. There was still an element of complacency in the second half if you ask me - it was all too easy, like a training session and that has often been when we've been at our most vunerable. Thankfully Wigan were simply atrocious and never threatened to mount any sort of comeback. Everton next week will not be so easy.

  30. Andreas

    Dec 04, 2011, 10:19 #15572

    I agree with Kev. The 8-2 hammering seems to have woken wenger up from his complacency of recent seasons. In a football world where the most common solution is to get rid of the manager when things are going wrong, Arsenal decided to get rid of the players. As wenger says "they (the team) did very well." A good win now its vital not to drop points against a reviving Everton side who are more than capable of snatching a draw at The Grove.

  31. g clarke

    Dec 04, 2011, 9:41 #15571

    when are the bloggers that were kicking arsenal when they were down going to throw the towel in prob be happy if club be a toy for some rich arab

  32. Big Dave

    Dec 04, 2011, 9:30 #15569

    I agree with what you say but please can we take the F.A. Cup seriously because coming 3rd or 4th every year is boring. Silverware might not be of interest to the board but we fans tend to like it a wee bit.

  33. FB

    Dec 04, 2011, 9:16 #15568

    Fair enough Mr Whitcher, but I suspect that you now know that if you continue to enumerate the negatives after solid wins you'll also be telling us that the last paragraph of this piece was rather disingenuous. Please bear that in mind...

  34. Joe S.

    Dec 04, 2011, 9:14 #15567

    Spot on anlalysis all round from the editor. If only these " little teams " had been dealt with so consistently last season.Still the positives remain that the defence is much more focused now and there is a sense that a team ethic is being restored.

  35. Goonerdad

    Dec 04, 2011, 8:52 #15566

    The usual negativity from the editor - some will be asking when Kevin is going to change, not Wenger!!!! ha ha ha

  36. Munitionsman

    Sep 11, 2011, 5:02 #12614

    A labored and very lucky win. A pasting? Not with this shower and no manager.... Sorry.

  37. nugs

    Sep 09, 2011, 19:12 #12603

    I will always back the team because I want them to win but the board and wenger never! I cant even bring myself to read or listen to what aw has 2 say anymore as he just winds me up, at the end of the day we have settled 4 2nd or even 3rd best in the transfer market just so aw could save a few quid.

  38. HowardL

    Sep 09, 2011, 17:30 #12601

    I know EXACTLY what Ron means when he talks of returning to the lack of hope '60s. Heaven forbid, but if thinks continue as they are doing now I fear it will happen. I've been looing at 9-1 Swansea for tomorrow and wondering whether loyalty should outweigh common sense?

  39. Gare Kekeke

    Sep 09, 2011, 17:09 #12600

    @ CD - I'm in 100% agreement with what you have said. We should get behind the team but if some of us can see things that are wrong, we have a right to complain. The signings in the last 26 hours of the last transfer window all smack of desperation. He's proved in recent years he'll sign one experienced player per year backed up with a truckload of kids but it's amazing what an 8-2 thrashing at the hands of the reigning Premier League champions can do for us eh? We will still come up short because OGL still dosen't have a clue how to implement a proper defensive strategy. And that is where potentially and sadly Mertesacker could struggle. He's surrounded by defenders who are more inclined to attack than defend. And who's to blame for that? Wenger of course. I really don't get this new wave of optimism. We make so many signings of the experience nature and a lot of fans seem to think Wenger is onto a winner again. Well, excuse me for possibly being ignorant but my anti-Wenger views haven't changed one bit. Yes, I fully appreciate what he as done for our club and his overall contribution is outstanding and he has done more for our club than say a Redknapp or an Allardyce but sadly for him, the halo has been removed and he's struggling to get it back.

  40. R Meade

    Sep 09, 2011, 15:59 #12599

    Ha ha he's at it again!!! better squad than last year you say!! mmmmm what was that Benayoun for european footballer of the year Park Chu Young golden boot winner... Arsenal for the treble......The Arsenal to lose 8-2 hey he speaks the truth you know.

  41. Mike

    Sep 09, 2011, 15:54 #12598

    @Hoffgooner - dead right - could not agree with you more. At least Arsenal will still exist in the next 10 years and stay in the EPL winning a couple of trophies along the way as well. They will still be regarded as a top 4 club, with the like of Chelsea and Man City falling away because there will be no one to fill the black hole where money is being thrown down.

  42. HoffGooner

    Sep 09, 2011, 12:19 #12595

    I think most of the Highbury faithful know that we have some of the worst fans in the football league, it’s why the Emirates usually has a poor atmosphere. What still surprises me is the ignorance of many of the fans, this new wave of short termism has swept across our fanbase, with little understanding of the clubs future. I think if you offered most fans 2-3 prem titles in the next 10years but the club would go bankrupt then they would take it. When I’m at the game I can’t believe the level of vitriol and abuse that is thrown at our own players when we haven’t scored in the first 20mins, I see some of the typical posts on this board about "the right to criticise" which I don’t disagree with when you’re paying over a grand a year to watch the team, but why I have not see the this passion to criticise turned into support even when we were winning things? When I go up to the northern clubs for the away games they take the p*** out of our fans, at least you can have a good footy conversation with say Newcastle fan as they love the game, many of our fans just want to laud it over their mates at work in the office the next day.......The fans deserve more from the club, players and manager of that there is no doubt, but at the same time the club definitely deserves better than it gets from the fans....and that has always been the case....

  43. Ron

    Sep 09, 2011, 10:26 #12593

    This is another article that has as its basis, a flawed assumption that if a fan criticises then hes not 'supporting' the Club.This has crept in at Asrenal over the years. As such the article lacks credibility. Its a totally incorrect and barmy assumption. Support never wavers, but fans care and as such have every right to criticise. Lets face it, theres a lot to have a go at Arsenal about. The only surprise is that the weight of criticism has taken so long to surface and build up momentum. Perversely, the thrashing at Utd might later be seen to have been a 'positive'. A total hammering by a top Club has been in the offing for quite some time and frankly for many of us wasnt a surprise. We'll see though. We all have views on the signings and for me, theyre no more than sticking plaster on a gaping wound. The actions of a Club who have recogised their own state of desperation. I do hope they do all right and will back the guys wearing the shirts as ever. I dont boo or go on marches down Holloway Road, but after so many decades follwing us, ill back the right of the modern day fan to speak his mind every time, especially when i see us morphing into a team akin to the one i watched in the early to mid 60s.Those of this age bracket will know what that means too!

  44. Richard Ansell

    Sep 09, 2011, 8:37 #12591

    I just echo CD's comments. I have supported Arsenal for over 40 years now and what I have witnessed recently makes me despair for our club. Well done for trying to find a few crumbs of comfort, Simon, but the die is cast for me and I want our money grabbing Board and Wenger out ASAP. It is high time we let them know how pi**ed off we all are. Get behind the team, yes, but make our feelings of disgust known to Gazidis and co. at every possible moment.

  45. Mark

    Sep 09, 2011, 6:46 #12587

    Simon you were writing the same rubbish last season.We could all see this coming.When will you realise it doesnt matter who we buy we still have a manager who is tactically bankrupt.Its Wenger who is the problem.As long as he stays the trophy drought continues.Where is the defensive coach???? There is no doubt what happened v Utd lead to the panic buying.As others had said if it had been a brave 1-0 defeat he wouldnt have spent.Until fans like you stop defending Wenger and his failed methods we will not progress.Now is the time to protest.Wenger gets £7m a year for what producing 3 wins in 16 games?

  46. DW Thomas

    Sep 09, 2011, 4:51 #12586

    I think we should get behind the team no matter what the board or manager do. None of the players have any control on who comes in on transfers, who starts games, and what teammate does stupid things in games to get red cards or gift the opposing team goals. However, Wenger and the board should be judged for every game until we are in the top two, not in May. He really needs to just be straight with the fans for a while, no more bollocks about signings or any thing else. Fabregas is definitely world class, and Nasri is a very good player. Still, both won nothing for Arsenal and came up short when it was time to be counted. And I loved Fabregas as an Arsenal player, but he was no captain. So, we should give the new boys a shot and expect more from the entire team, down to the weakest player. No more excuses. I have a saying on a poster in my classroom: Don't make excuses, make improvements. Winning teams are not necessarily the best individuals, but play the best together and give everything for each other. Fabregas gave this, but the others around him weren't there with him all the time. Nasri came up short last season when needed most. So, I say who needs them? We need players who wear the shirt like I do each game day when I watch at home-with pride and excitement, expecting the best from themselves and each other. I only hope Wenger has begun a serious change in his thinking and now sees his plans were always flawed. Youth with experience can improve this squad. If you look at our fully healthy starting 11 and our possible first 5 or so off the bench, they can compete with any team. Sooner or later the team has to start clicking and winning games, and I will be there cheering them on, Wenger or no Wenger.

  47. Wombledin

    Sep 09, 2011, 4:45 #12585

    I'm the biggest Wenger basher on the internet but I like this article. like Simon, I think we should support the team now that it's been 'refreshed' by these spinal additions. Also think Benayoun is superb. Can't wait for the rest of the season. Still though, apparently it was Gazidis that forced through all these signings, not Wenger.

  48. thatsimonrose

    Sep 08, 2011, 23:22 #12584

    There really are some ridiculous comments here. I don't know why some people bother being Arsenal supporters if they are so determined to see only negatives. 'tpm', you take the biscuit. You actually said this: "Poor, head in sand, satisfied with 2nd best article. you sound like the classic jcl, emirates fan (although i think you are in fact pre emirates) however you are either brainwashed, dont really care about the best interests of the club, or a bit thick." Read what I say, don't just come with your pre-conceptions and fill in the gaps to suit them. Did I say anywhere that I was satisfied with our season or transfer business? Of course there are better players to sign. Your comments have no foundation. Johnny Come Lately? I went to my first match in 1979. I'd rather be positive about Arsenal and live in hope, than cling to negativity and wallow in it.

  49. simon

    Sep 08, 2011, 22:18 #12583

    I think your point got ignored by many. Emotions too high. I agree we should get behind the team but its inevitable the supporters won't be very forgiving of any mistakes on the pitch or problems off it. The scale of the challenge facing the team can't be understated. In effect they have to learn how to play as a team all over again given the loss and abscence of the central players who set the tempo and it could be our style needs to adapt (it may be to move the ball forward much quicker) and that's bound to involve teething problems so its bound to be a rocky ride, even if it goes well and three games hence its the spuds and emotions will run hot for that one.

  50. Skooner

    Sep 08, 2011, 22:17 #12582

    The problem is Simon, plenty of us sick of being sold the future and told to wait and see what happens. We should beat Swansea on Saturday but I am far less confident of beating the team that came up last season via the play offs at home than at any time in Wenger reign which tells you all you need to know about where the club is right now. I'm happy to reserve judgement on the new signings, what I am absolutely sure about though is that it pretty much no longer matters who the personel are at the back. Wenger does not coach our defenders how to defend, nor how to operate as a unit. This has been painfully obvious for years and this was not rectified over the summer. This leopard will not change his spots, if understood that issue he would have rectified it by now, and that is why the sooner he is removed the better. Before the season started I said I felt really sorry for Jenkinson and AOC. They would not have been aware of the storm they were walking into. Jenkinson now has some idea after being brutally exposed in Manchester. It's going to get ugly this season make no mistake. Even if we win our next six league games in a row, so what? When it comes to the medals being handed out at the end of the season Arsenal players won't be the recipients. Judge him in May? I did, in May 2009, May 2010, May 2011 and each time the judgement was the same.

  51. crazygooner

    Sep 08, 2011, 21:55 #12580

    All of Arsene's new signings are of "TOP TOP QUALITY" because he only buys players that are better than what we already have, that's why we get better year on year and nobody can hold a candle to us.So stop your bleating because Arsene obviously knows best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. tpm

    Sep 08, 2011, 21:27 #12579

    Poor, head in sand, satisfied with 2nd best article. its suppoerters like you who are the cause of our malaise, and who the club love, just ahppy to accept rubbish, when things could and should be better. we are undeniably weaker than last season, having lost 2 of our best players, and yet agian we have made a profit in the transfer market, and not even touched the war chest. you are naive in thinking these signings would have happened had we not been drubbed at OT. they were panic buys to try and appease the support (hence why they were all cheap). and the naive like you ahve been fooled again, and they were made in the knowledge that 2 of our remaining best players were out with long term injuries, so ultimately we are back to square one. by all means go on accepting averageness, and welcoming mediorcrity, i am an arsenal supporter not an arsene supporter and have every right and intention to feeling disgruntled at what people like you are doing to my club, and will voice my concerns as long as they exist. you sound like the classic jcl, emirates fan (although i think you are in fact pre emirates) however you are either brainwashed, dont really care about the best interests of the club, or a bit thick.

  53. Ron the Realist

    Sep 08, 2011, 19:45 #12577

    Hilarious article Simon.What it wasnt supposed to be funny?You are serious?Arteta is a creator and goalscorer like Cesc!!!So how come Barca were not after him and why has he the same amount Spanish caps as Almunia?.Benayoun had a good pre season at Chelsea,so good they let him go.Park will cause panic in opposition boxes just like Chamakh did.Peter Kay better start worrying this is Comedy Gold.6.5% increase awful start to season worst defeat in 115 years.Wenger should be sacked now.Because this squad will not finish top 4

  54. Norman

    Sep 08, 2011, 19:14 #12575

    We lost EIGHT-TWO at OT.The worst result in 115 years and Wenger shat himself.The usless fool had convinced himself that after Udinese he didnt have to buy anyone.Then Murder at Old Trafford happened.And he ****ing panicked like never before.Simon you said you were at OT like i was we did support the shower of s**t Wenger put on the pitch.But no manner of support will make rubbish players play good.Now TV is injured again!!!we are relying on the two main tossers again Koscielny and braindead Djourou back up as cover for him.Simon you should join up with that other AKB idiot Tom Watt and bury your heads in the sand together.Backwards Backwards

  55. HowardL

    Sep 08, 2011, 19:02 #12574

    Wenger - "Passed it" or "Past it"? Probably both.

  56. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Sep 08, 2011, 18:00 #12572

    The fact is that even ordinary signings make us look forward to because it is better than nothing which was what any realist Gooner's expectations were. The spanking at Old Trashford threw a spanner in Whinger's works else there was no way he or anyone else would have got in even the players we got. My question is, which of these players could not have moved in the summer, thereby allowing them time to integrate with the rest of the squad and possibly preventing the crappy start to the season? Tell me one of the last minute signings whose deal could not have been done in June. None. Must we be spanked for the french ****tard to realize he's wrong? Since it takes a severe embarassement for people to wake up, how many must we endure to make sure the rest of the issues under Arsehole get fixed? Such as get in the correct players in Jan or summer (Park, Benayoun etc. are destined to fail just like Chamakh and Squilacci...just wait and watch), drill defense, offer a proper explanation for the frequent injuries and have a plan B? Must we play a friendly with Dag and Red and hope they beat us 10-0 for Arsehole to move on any one of the above points because it's patently clear that he's been unable to address any of them for the last 7 years

  57. clockendpaul

    Sep 08, 2011, 17:35 #12571

    "If our first two home matches had been swapped", if we had got in some top quality players before 10.58 deadline day and if my auntie had balls she'd be my uncle. That result was a ****ing disgrace and it happened on ogl's watch, worst result in the clubs history but its ok we got benayuon on loan.... forward, can't really go much further back can we!

  58. thatsimonrose

    Sep 08, 2011, 15:11 #12566

    Some very good comments and some quite funny ones. The Gooner is often slated for being too negative, but if you write something positive you're told you have your head in the sand! As I've said before, I'm not an AKB, I have zero interest in labels. My head is well above the sand and I am aware of all the angles felt out there. It is a matter of debate if it is the AKBs or the AMGs that have their head in the sand. Fundamentally, I support the club. Wenger does not have a firm grip anymore but I support Arsenal, first and foremost. If and when Wenger goes then we'll get someone else to steer the club. People need to read exactly what I say, not skip over the detail, fill in the gaps to suit their rigid position and come back with lazy arguments over what they think I said. Goonergoal, don't be daft - Benayoun has been injured and then wasted at Chelsea.

  59. Ramgun

    Sep 08, 2011, 14:14 #12563

    Overmars was much younger than either Arteta or Benayoun. Park averages 8 goals per season in his three seasons in France. I have no doubt that Gervinho, Jenkinson and Oxlade-Chamberlain were all Wenger signings. I don't believe for a second that any of the players brought in at the end of the transfer window were Wenger signings. Four year contracts for 29 year-olds? Wenger's power has been eroded. He is finished whether Simon Rose and other camp-followers like it or not.

  60. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:55 #12562

    Sorry, anyone who claims to rate and get excited by the signing of a player on loan (Yossi Benayoun) who has made only 10 appearances since September 2010, less then half of the perpetually injured Keiran Gibbs who has made 22 during the same period, and has been considered surplus to requirements at both his former clubs, displays a major lack of credibility. We are the Arsenal, and as such we have no business loaning players from EPL clubs.

  61. Dan

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:48 #12561

    What a complete load of crap! Key spinal signings? Arteta who is good once he's off the medical table and a washed up has been in Benayoun, the only decent signing was Mertasacker but then again we needed so much more. Fans have every right to protest in a few days time, we pay the highest price in THE WORLD for tickets and yet we are lied to by a board whose chairman describes us as "Silly" "Stupid people who says stupid things". Thats why any argument for not protesting is irrelevant, we may not be at the end of the season languishing in 6th place, but we need changes now to avoid that happening. What we don't need is blind faith.

  62. delgooner

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:37 #12560

    I try to be positive but when our key players have serious injuries that keep them out for months or even a full season at the start of every season then I tend to get a bit pissed off of never seeing us play at our full potential. Will this season be any different with Jack out for 2 months, TV out again for who knows how long? We never seem to have a fully fit squad. Yes we must look forward but we always seem to be doing it with one hand tied behind our backs!

  63. CD

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:26 #12559

    Under normal circumatances I would agree with you Simon, but these are hardly normal circumstances are they? EIGHT f*****g 2!!!!! Even Gazidis made it clear that it's us fans who will decide when it's time for Wenger to go, so if you just sit there and say nothing you will get what you deserve, which will be more of the same capitulations in games that really matter, ala the last 6 years. How else do we let Gazidis know we want change? Six years is more than enough for me, and remaining silent makes you just as guilty for allowing our great club to be at the mercy of one mans vanity project. In addition that inbred dinosaur Dead-Wood has stated that no matter what they will not sack Wenger. To me that's a challenge, and tells us all we need to know about how utterly incestuous the relationship is between the board and Wenger. No other big club with true ambitions (other than profit making) would continue to back a losing horse like Wenger. Can you not see it's the manager where the problems lie, and not neccesarily the players. He has clearly lost the dressing room, and don't even get me started on his inept tactics, not just at OT but for years, or his surrounding himself with yes men like Pat Rice. His inexplicable backing of certain players whom will go down as some of the worst to have ever worn the Arsenal shirt (Almunia, Denilson, Chamakh, Eboue, Squilachi, Sylvestre, Traore etc) coupled with him sanctioning these very players with salaries of mind blowing proportions, taking into account their very limited abilities, correction zero abilities was and is criminally negligent!! In a nutshell Wenger is passed it, his era has gone, and he has not adapted to the new one, and hence I feel it's my duty to do all I can to oust him, so that I and many other Gooners can get our club back and restore some hope, rather than your method of never ending head in the sand blind support. My only caveat is that all protests are directed only at Wenger and the board, preferably prior and after the game and not at the players, on that we can agree Simon.

  64. Mike

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:19 #12558

    Good positive piece - looking at the first three fixtures of the season, I realistically only expected 3 points from the 3 games (two tough away games, one tough home game)- we have 1 - we are really only 2 behind where I expected

  65. win AFC

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:19 #12557

    Yes Simon i agree with you a 100% we should move on, hopefully with the new signings please god ARSENAL do well this season. I still say Wenger as lost the plot but that is another matter. COME ON YOU GUNNERS SHOT US TO GLORY.

  66. Danny

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:03 #12556

    Forward are you kidding.We have been going backwards for 5 years.Every summer our best players leave.A league position of 4th is looked on as success by the board and manager.We end up on the very last day of the window panic buying.And thats what it was panic buying after the humiliation at Old Trafford.There is no way Wenger would have bought 5 players if we at lost one on two nil instead of 8-2.But you carry on Simon with your head stuck up Wengers arse.Wenger out NOW

  67. Gee

    Sep 08, 2011, 13:01 #12555

    we can realy start to motor in the next 3 or 4 weeks. Swansea at home, Blackburn away and then Bolton at home, if prepared for properly, will reap 9 points. We can then go into the North London Derby in good spirits and with momentum. Win that one and the season could really turn for us. We have 4 very winnable games coming up and after that again we're at home to Stoke and Sunderland. The season can really turn for us once we get some momentum. I honestly think we will win 6 in a row in the PL prior to meeting Chelsea away. And then who knows? What is certain is that we have to take Swansea seriously on SAturday and get the first win of the premier league season.

  68. 2ndisnevergoodenough

    Sep 08, 2011, 12:35 #12554

    You're being very positive mate, makes a nice change on here! I think people have a right to be a bit p***** off with the team at the moment, very frustrating how AW took so long to move in the t/f window. We should beat Swansea but here's hoping we finish with 11 players on the field in this game, if not we could get done again

  69. bunch

    Sep 08, 2011, 12:20 #12553

    6% and at least £10m profit on trading players says protest is needed, quite from the relegation form we are in and the reputation-ruining 8-2. Fans like Rose are the reason we have allowed 7 years of failure and still the Frenchman keeps his job.

  70. Cloggs

    Sep 08, 2011, 11:43 #12552

    With all respect mate but you're sticking your head in the sand. Face it, we're not going forward, we didn't strenghten our team but repaired some of the damage. It's a bloody disgrace we had to buy on the very last day of the transfer window, a panic stricken one fueled by our humiliation at Old Trafford. Was it really to strenghten the squad or an act to save Monsieur Wenger's arse? You are talking about "additions", the only addition might be Mertesacker, I give him the benefit of the doubt but I'm affraid he'll turn out to be under par. This season our struggle will be for 4th spot. Let's hope we make it there from bottom up. Singing "6%" and "spend some money" songs, putting up a billboard or joining a march outside are protests from fans who are very committed, concerned and pissed off with the way we're going! That's different from booing players at the ground, don't mix that up!

  71. tom

    Sep 08, 2011, 11:00 #12551

    If the club is involved in cynical profiteering at the expense of supporters then i would hope this provokes a protest in any circumstances. But as far as the team is concerned we have to support or else we are just as culpable in laying the blame for poor performances. Just look at last season best away record in the league and top support on the road compared to embarassing silence at home.

  72. chuks

    Sep 08, 2011, 10:44 #12550

    Excellent article by Simon. We should get behind the team and encourage the players as well. Most of the deadwood have been shipped out and I quite like the look of our latest signings. There is much cause for optimism. Forza Arsenal!!!!!