Why Henry's return could be a good thing...

...past form dictates we might be onto a winner here

Why Henry's return could be a good thing...

Will he be registered in time for Leeds?

And so January begins, and with January come the transfer-window and the short-term return of our all-time top scorer and all-round legend, Thierry Henry. This seems to have generated a mixed reaction from Gooners, some feeling it will tarnish his reputation and others feeling that his return could galvanise the squad and that he still has something to contribute. Some think that second spells never work out but, in my time as a Gooner, I can think of four players who have returned for a second spell at the club and I should like to mention how they fared.

First up, there was Martin Keown. Having left the club at a young age, Keown was signed by Villa before going on to play for Everton and, during that time, he developed as a player to the point of being involved in the England squad. Signed at a time when George Graham had an obsession with stockpiling centre-backs (as opposed to a competent replacement for Rocastle), it took a couple of years for Keown to endear himself to fans, mainly because he struggled when Graham attempted to play him in midfield. As ridiculous at it seems now, I distinctly remember fans booing his name when it was read out on the PA circa '94-'95. If you were one of those fans who booed him and you're reading this now, I can only imagine how sheepish you must feel. And maybe you realise that even good players can play crap when played out of position (Arshavin being a prime example in the current squad). After improving under Rioch, he blossomed under Wenger and the rest is history. So, all in all, his second spell is rightfully considered a success.

In 1996, shortly before he was sacked, Rioch re-signed John Lukic on a free from Leeds. A fans’ favourite during his first spell at Highbury, Lukic was offloaded after the arrival of Seaman and went for a second spell at Leeds, winning another title and playing as their first-choice keeper until Nigel Martyn arrived. He was getting on a bit when he returned, and was only ever going to be back-up to Seaman. When called upon, he did a good job deputising for Big Dave and set a then-Champions League record in 2000. Whilst not a lot was expected of him when he returned, he did have his moments during his second spell, and was by and large a competent deputy, especially when you consider the other option was the mighty Vince Bartram.

14 years later, and Wenger had established a reputation for not looking back when it came to re-signing players, with only Vieira coming close to re-signing in the summer of '09. I was hoping for Paddy to return, although, when it didn't materialise, I wasn't exactly heartbroken either. There may have been a few players over the years who wished that Arsène had re-signed them (Merson, Petit, etc) but he was seemingly insistent on his stance. So it came as a real shock to me when he re-signed Sol Campbell on a temporary basis, especially given the circumstances of his departure and everything that went on in his final season. That said, Wenger no longer trusted Senderos, and the sight of Silvestre in an Arsenal shirt made me ill, so Campbell was the preferable option, even if he had walked out on Notts County and was without a club. And whilst he couldn't play every game, he did OK when required to fill in and partially redeemed his reputation after the events of '05-'06.

And then last year, in the midst of a goalkeeping crisis (the main crisis being that most of the goalkeepers bar Szczesny were not very good/injured/out on loan) Wenger coaxed Mad Jens out of retirement. With the imminent threat of having to play Almunia looming large, it goes to show the old cliché that desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures. Whilst he spent most of the time on the bench, like Lukic, he did well enough when called upon. And whatever you may have to say about Lehmann, it was great to see him give the defence the much-needed hairdryer treatment that they were never going to get from Arsène.

So overall, returning players haven't fared too badly at Arsenal, with Keown’s second spell being the most fruitful and Lukic, Campbell and Lehmann doing nothing to hurt their previous reputations. If anything, the Campbell and Lehmann signings show that for all his faults in recent years (and there have been a few), Wenger can still prolong the careers of ageing players. Having done so with Dixon, Adams, Bould, Winterburn, Keown, Bergkamp, etc, he turned his back on that talent when he started the youth/vanity project.

Obviously the MLS is a less challenging league, on a par with League One/Championship at best, but if Sol managed to make the step-up from that level and if Giggity Giggs can learn to adapt his game at United and still make a contribution to the side, then Henry has every chance of doing the same. The truth is, we're going to struggle to buy a decent forward (especially one who would be willing to play only when Van Persie's injured or rested) in the transfer window if last year's January window is anything to go by. Whilst Wenger does need to spend where it's needed, we're better off not wasting £35m on a player of Andy Carroll's ability but rather bringing in Henry as short-term back-up instead. He won't be the same player he was before, but like our last three prodigal sons, he shouldn't be expected to be.

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  1. Petrovic

    Jan 09, 2012, 21:33 #16711

    .......did more in 5 minutes back than Arshavin could in 90!!??

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 08, 2012, 8:00 #16666

    Regardless of what TH does or doesn't achieve on the pitch - and I really hope it works out for him and the team - one thing is for sure - it'll sell a whole lot more replica shirts. The marketing and accounts departments must be creaming themselves silly. A profitable exercise for "their" business....cynical? Moi?

  3. Rocky RIP

    Jan 07, 2012, 17:38 #16655

    ''Bale 6M, Gervinho 12M. Do the math, AKB's''. - possibly the most idiotic comment I've read on Online Gooner from 'Whinger out now'. Conveniently overlooking the circumstances of both signings. I'm not overjoyed with our transfer situation in recent seasons either but in a head to head with Sp8rs since he arrived our manager does remarkably well in terms of value for money. RVP - £2.75m? A lot of Arsenal fans wrote Pires off after his first half season. (They deny it now.) I'd bet a lot of money you'd be on here slamming him if we re-wound the clock. Gervinho's finishing is gash at the moment, but we shouldn't write him off just yet.

  4. Jekyll

    Jan 07, 2012, 13:56 #16644

    As I understand it we have Henry until 16 Feb. The first game he can play is 9 Jan. That means we have him for 5.5 weeks. And Wenger says 'give him time'. I love Henry but a club who charge the highest ticket prices in the world and are in desperate need of a goalscorer, this is the best they can come up with. The fans are being royally ripped off. The club is run as a business so if we see it as such, this business is not giving a return for the money.

  5. RJ

    Jan 07, 2012, 11:55 #16636

    My fear is that Thierry has a blinder, RVP continues in great form, and then the day Thierry goes back to the States, RVP gets crocked and we are left with Chamakh and Gervinho or Bender (assuming we can recall him) - Let's hope the three who are not performing use the Africa Cup of Nations / Sunderland time to play into some form.

  6. Peter Wain

    Jan 07, 2012, 9:49 #16632

    I just hope TH does not tarnish his reputation as I would feel very sad about this. The main problem with the transfer policy at the club is that the manager has lost his nerve and will not spend big in case it is a mistake. We can clearly win nothing with this attitude and if Wenger stays we will slip futher away from the top. RVP will leave in the summer if he wants to win something. We have no strikers apart from him which when you are in the Champions League is totally incomprensible with the money we have. So many of the first team squad prove over and over again that they are sub standard and not fit for the premiership. We must have ten players we could ship out and not notice the difference. The only solution is for the yank to go and take Gazidis with him. Even in the dark days of the 1960s we had a reputation for buying quality players sadly that is no longer the case and this management seem content with mid table obscurity.

  7. Andrew Cohen

    Jan 07, 2012, 9:29 #16631

    And so the train wreck begins. The squad was always going to run out of steam and the slim resources it possessed. We may get a bit of a dead cat bounce because the young players we have will be as excited as we are to have an old friend back. The squad is thin with adequate players, and, as in previous seasons, Mr Wenger is flogging the good ones to death. The longer he is left to undermine the team, the worse things will get. The effect of his negligence are cumilative. You can't just change it in one season. Whilst it is early days with Sunderland, we are perhaps seeing the effect of hiring a competent manager. It is certainly apparent at Spurs. The really good ones have a plan, clear out the dross and apply themselves to progress. If Arsene Wenger went to another team he might prosper, but he's tired in this job and described it as " welcome to hell". Do we really want someone in post who regards his work existence as hell? The owner does not share the wishes of us all to win something. He is very happy owning teams that make a profit and win nothing. What he has not twigged is that even the most Arsene venerating adoring and worshipping AKB has pride in clu and in the team and wants to win. It's up to us to make Mr Wenger's position untenable and we should do so in a manner which makes it clear that our target is him, and not the team. We are going to have to sink to mid table or lower for the revolt to start again as it did at the end of last season.

  8. Gooner lostdownunder

    Jan 07, 2012, 8:38 #16630

    everyone has real valid points here, just want to chuck this in for what its worth. For all the positives and negatives of what th14 (12) returning means for us, and whatever he does or doesn't achieve on the field, I for one cannot wait to hear the (too rare) unifying roar at Ashburton when he steps back out in the red and white once again. I sit.squarely in between the AKB's optimism and the AMGO realism, frustrated as we all are with how our club has fared over the last few years . . But for one short moment we are all going to be transported right back to a happier time and I have no point other than this, its going to go off and I hope gooners everywhere ****in love it, get lost from the club induced melancholy For a bit and shout all the way back down seven sisters. Too much to ask he might stay till spuds game and.sneak in a winner? Off the arse cheek in last minute would just about do you reckon? I know this doesnt add much to the debate, I just yearn for those moments where we all go mental for the gooners. Down to the club and team to sort, but we play our part and im up for the brief escapism seeing Henry stroll out will bring. Right Telboy, don't be **** and make me look like a muppet after my first online Gooner post.

  9. Tony

    Jan 07, 2012, 5:33 #16629

    As a Gooner stateside, I agree that MLS’s quality is on par with League One at best. I’ve heard it’s comparable to the top leagues in Denmark and Sweden. No disrespect to the Danes or Swedes, but that confirms for me that MLS is light years behind the Premier League. As far as Henry, I recall the announcement that he was joining MLS in the summer of 2010. He immediately commanded respect based on his past achievements, but he was generally viewed as another international footballer going to the U.S. in the twilight of his career (the wrong side of age 30)(see, e.g., Valderrama, Matthaus, Djorkaeff, Ljungberg and Beckham, to name a few). I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was still top-class despite the general lack of quality around him, poor pitches, etc. He’s obviously convinced Mr. Wenger that he’s capable of doing a job, especially since he’ll presumably avoid the physical rigors of the Premier League on a short-term basis. The squad also seems genuinely pleased to have him around, which certainly helps morale. I prefer a 34-year-old Henry to Chamakh or Park, to be honest. The questions remain: Why stop at signing Henry for a short-term fix when there are such glaring deficiencies up top apart from RVP? What happens when he goes back to NY?

  10. DW Thomas

    Jan 07, 2012, 4:05 #16628

    Ok. I love Henry as we all do. He has won everything, is a top class pro, and was perhaps in his time the best forward in the world. His goals were at times otherworldly. Yet, this can't be all the club have planned to boost the squad this January, can it? You can't possibly take Wenger as a sane human being when he says his dream is to be the best team in football and yet he only brings in a past-his-prime star for two months. I agree it could do wonders for Theo, he needs some educating, but we need a wing-back and top class proven forward to help RVP and not just fill in when he rests. If he gets Podolski and someone for our defense of some class, then maybe we can believe that Arsene truly wants to win things. If no one else is brought in to add depth just because Sagna, Jack, et al. are on their way back, I might lose all the little respect I have left for Wenger. Le Prof now looks like Le Amateur too often. He must see his need for change. If he does, I will respect him more than I ever have. If not, it may be the sad end to a once glorious managerial career.

  11. mark norfolk

    Jan 06, 2012, 22:32 #16627

    Spot on. I was very impressed with Campbell when he returned for a second spell. He played as though he were trying to change fans' opinions about him. As for Henry, he is a top quality pro who wears his heart on his sleeve. This is what the current squad lack in times of trouble. Capitulations as witnessed recently at Fulham (even with 10 men) may still happen but a hearty player such as Henry won't want to take it lying down. Under the circumstances Arsene has made a bold and courageous move which might just instil passion in this timid team.

  12. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jan 06, 2012, 21:48 #16626

    Henry returns! For 2 months? Should we not try and convince him to return permanently as a player/coach? Might teach Theo and Gervinho how to finish their chances.

  13. CanadaGooner

    Jan 06, 2012, 18:03 #16625

    To those who said Wenger was mad not to have offered more for Samba last summer, his value doesnt seem to be sky-rocketing is it? QPR will probably now get him for 5million. Arsenal must score more goals....

  14. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jan 06, 2012, 17:52 #16624

    How expectations have been lowered. When we, not if, finish 5th this season, it will be said to be fantastic since everyone was expecting 8th place. An over-the-hill ex-star player comes back to "cover" for the likes of Chamakh/Gervinho and it's being passed off as a momenty of "sentiment" and already everyone is being asked not to expect to see the Henry of old. As they say, no **** Sherlock. No one asks what Gervinho is doing here to begin with. Bale 6M, Gervinho 12M. Do the math, AKB's. No one is asking WHY a loan type signing is being made and why an entire summer was pissed away and the only striker brought in was Park - who has yhet to play in the EPL. Instead of making a big money move to land a prper striker that can partner RVP in a 4-4-2 (even if CL tied because let's face it, the CL is beyond Whinger in this lifetime), we're scraping the bottom of the barrel in good ol' US of A. I suppose the move to Emirates is totally justified now. We ARE competing with the big money clubs. And if not complete, the justification will be complete when Spudz finish above us...at a wage bill 30M lower than Whinger FC's

  15. Dan h

    Jan 06, 2012, 17:49 #16623

    Whatever TH does or doesn't do on the pitch these next two months it won't take anything away from his legacy.The pace may have gone but he is still a clever player & if only even used for cameos off the bench he can do no worse than what we have.If it doesn't come off TH owes us nothing.Like many on here you really do have to question this clubs management every transfer window is like grounghog day.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 06, 2012, 17:10 #16621

    Dont think anybody is expecting the same Henry of old but you never know can he be any worse than one or two that we already have fitness will dictate if he starts but would be great for last thirty minutes of any game(Fulham)but we still need two or more quality signings. Nice piece Tom.

  17. Half Full

    Jan 06, 2012, 15:17 #16618

    Have you noticed the underlying pattern in recent transfer windows. Arsenal have a crying need for, say, a quality centre half or goalkeeper. Arsene takes a couple of transfer windows to acknowledge the problem, a couple more to do something about it. Meanwhile we've seriously impaired our chances of winning something. The tragedy is that Arsene is usually very good at buying quality - e.g.Vermaelen and Koscielny - relatively cheaply. He's generally poor however when shopping in the bargain basement. Squillaci or Sylvestre were always accidents waiting to happen. Cheap to buy but who knows how much they really cost in terms of lost opportunities for the team. It pissed fans off and it must have had an effect on the other players. Given the established practice it would be foolish to expect us to sign a quality striker less than 34 years old until 31 August 2012.

  18. Tony Evans

    Jan 06, 2012, 15:01 #16616

    Along with Liam Brady, Henry is one of the few players that have really been worth paying your season ticket to see during my time as an Arsenal supporter. As Ron says I hope he does well enough so as not to sully his record with us but as others have said is this all we should be expecting after all the promises made when we moved from Highbury about competing at the very top level?

  19. Mark

    Jan 06, 2012, 15:01 #16615

    henri should play sweeper

  20. Dont Look Back At Wenger

    Jan 06, 2012, 14:09 #16613

    Welcome back TH and good luck. To all the AKBs out there, where are these signings of 'super quality players' that the Emirates project was supposed to deliver? Surely we didnt move to a new stadium with a 60,000 capacity paying the highest prices in World football to get Henry back on loan for 6 weeks?

  21. Ron

    Jan 06, 2012, 13:57 #16612

    We 'll only know when he plays wont we and its only 2 months anyway when TH will get a lot of bench time and short cameo appearances at best, unless VP collapses of course. Your analogies are OK, but Keown had a point to prove in that he left in a strop over cash. I dont reckon Campbell's was a rip roaring return and Jens is a Keeper after all, where lung and leg power dont count for much as long as the reflexes are in order. Henry stands to look a bit of a busted flush and its worthy that hes brave enough to risk his status. My view overall view is that its one big con trick by Arsenal/Wenger to deflect attention from our obvious deficiencies. Its using nostalgia as a tool to woo those fans who might be impressed by it. I hope he does OK, for his sake really and hope he benefits the team too. Its still a pee take though.He left for Barca at 29, with his dodgy back stating that the rigours of the Prem league was taking its toll as well (as wanting to win big ears of course) after all. At 34, after bumming about in the USA he cant be even near conditioned enough to return.

  22. Robert Exley

    Jan 06, 2012, 13:51 #16611

    And of course from that list, missing is Charlie Buchan who returned and brought a whole new era of success with him. Although that might be a tad optimistic here!

  23. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 06, 2012, 13:15 #16610

    I love Henry - what Gooner couldn't? I agree that a (sorry TH) past-it 34 year old striker on loan for 2 months can make a contribution to the team. But Ay Caramba - what a sad indictment for Arsenal that we're reduced to this terrible fact!

  24. Rocky RIP

    Jan 06, 2012, 13:07 #16609

    I agree to an extent. It makes perfect sense. It's only if it's seen as 'the answer' that it will cause resentment among fans. We are tired of hearing how we fell short at the end of the season becuase we were too stretched by fatigue and injuries. We have an accumulated profit of £50 million in the elusive transfer account going back to the sales of Adebayor and Toure. Is it expecting too much to see a sensible portion of it spent on proven quality? Past experiences say yes. We are perpetually in a situation of being one or two players short or on the brink of losing a star man who we can't afford to lose. I'd love to be proved wrong.

  25. clockendpaul

    Jan 06, 2012, 12:54 #16608

    I think its the best we can hope for under the accountant, we can't attract top quality anymore and would only be signing a journeyman from france or the back end of nowhere otherwise. I would like to know why we signed park and what happens if van persie gets injured in febuary or march.