No light through this window

Don't be expecting any January signings

No light through this window

Stan: AFC a nice cash cow?

They say that a sign of madness is doing exactly the same thing and expecting a different outcome. If this is a fair definition, then there are quite a few mad Arsenal supporters around, because it looks to me like the pattern of umpteen transfer windows is about to be repeated, yet to read the Internet many believe we are about to recruit an exotic cocktail of top players like Götze, Hazard, M’Vila and Podolski.

As I write this, the sky has darkened as squadrons of pigs fly past the window. We ought to learn the lessons of history, at least recent history, and accept that, as far as spectacular transfers are concerned, Arsenal fans are very unlikely to see the exciting transfer coup as long as Arsène is at the helm. He has had his moments—the Sol Campbell signing (although that had the fingerprints of David Dein on it), Jose Antonio Reyes (likewise) and the signing of Andre Arshavin three years ago, although that was less a dramatic coup than an interminable saga and one that has ultimately done us very little good.

It was interesting to attend home games in recent weeks. There was a weird sort of euphoria about the place, as if we were ecstatic at having our sights set on fourth place. It struck me that we were turning into Spurs. A few odd performances of quality, interspersed with some implausible defeats, was very much the way Spurs have proceeded over the last twenty years or so. I have Spurs-supporting friends (someone has to) who have never believed they would ever challenge for a title and that their club will only flatter to deceive. It has become ingrained in the DNA of the club. Can mediocrity (or relative mediocrity) become part of your culture? That was a question you only ever asked about Spurs, but if you examine us over the last few years, we seem to be morphing into them. In several of the last years, we stood early in the New Year on the threshold of possible League glory, only to fold under pressure. Last year was the worst example, but in two of the three previous seasons before, the squad failed us when the pressure got to the less experienced and lower-quality players.

When we’ve won titles under Wenger, we’ve come with a terrific sprint in the New Year, in 1998 coming from twelve points back to win the League with two games to spare, and in 2002 clinching a Double after a stupendous run from January onwards. In 2004 we never faltered all season, and the signing of Reyes was the cherry on the cake, as he appeared to be the most exciting talent in Europe.

Recent transfer windows have seen us set our sights more modestly at trying to re-sign the remaining Invincibles for a last great hurrah. Campbell, Lehmann and now Henry are the signings of a great manager who has turned from being a wily operator into a cheapskate.

I wrote earlier in the year about the almost total mismanagement of the last transfer window, and most people seemed to agree. We could already write off any chance of the League title by the time the window closed. So what if we’ve done better since? We’ve beaten only one top side (and that description of Chelsea is extremely generous) and lost to Spurs, City, Liverpool and, of course, were annihilated by a United team that now looks to be pretty mediocre itself. Our spree following that showed just what can be achieved quickly in the transfer market if you have a will to do it. We made some decent transfers and, in Oxlade-Chamberlain, maybe an inspired one, but what we see at Arsenal is the slow decline of a very unambitious club, run by an American sports entrepreneur whose main interest is in the NFL (his team, the Rams, are the worst in the whole of the league) and a Board chaired by the terminally-bumbling Peter Hill-Wood, who I would love to challenge to a game of Arsenal trivia one day.

It pains me to say it, but, over at the cesspit known as White Hart something, we see a more ambitious club who manage to keep their marquee players, who think signing Rafael Van de Vaart represents a great piece of business at £8 million (which it is), and incrementally improve the team and the squad each year. Frankly, and it grieves me to say it, they have become stronger than us for the first time in thirty years, just because they recruit ambitiously. I can’t remember any re-signings of Mike England or Alan Gilzean, either.

This window, Wenger will procrastinate over the need to sign another left-back when we have one who collapses at a breath of wind and another who is out until March. We seem to be looking in Oman for the bargain of the century. This should have been sorted by the start of the window and a good utility defender recruited either on loan or for sensible cash. It’s hard not to feel that Arsène has lost his appetite for wheeler-dealing (if he ever had one) and, now that everyone copies his methods (often more successfully), he can’t reinvent himself.

We never seem to convince our latest departing star that we are as ambitious as the club they are being induced to join. There is, of course, an obvious reason for that. We are a selling club, and the age at which we sell is moving downwards if the price is right. Wilshere says he will never leave the club. You won’t get the chance to make this decision, Jack! If this continues, the club will slip out of the Champions League and slip back into the mediocrity of the early '80s. Don’t forget who was Chairman then!

It is not easy to have great optimism from where I sit. Kroenke needs a cash cow. The prestige of an “EPL” club of Arsenal’s stature will do for him; the Board lacks the sort of ambition that Dein and Fiszman had, and Arsène has lost his mojo. Frankly, it was embarrassing to see him interviewed after the Fulham game. He brought our club into disrepute with his petulance - a club he has done so much to build. I don’t see how it can’t end in tears for him unless the ownership changes and he can be persuaded to shake up his coaching team. Not original suggestions, but it doesn’t make them wrong. At the moment, I can’t see Kroenke selling unless it’s for silly money and, unless he does, I think we might even crave the excitement of playing on Thursday nights on Channel 5.

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  1. Mandy dodd

    Jan 11, 2012, 0:04 #16763

    Gooner Ron, have to agree with a lot of your points, hope that does not curse you on here! If some believe we are heading in the wrong direction, please do not be taken in by the media spurs wankfest as where we should be. We will hit far higher than that. We are Gooners, do not forget that. A good half season does not put the spuds in our stratosphere.And let's see what the near future holds for them. We have far bigger fish to fry. Peter, at the beginning of your article, you mention a clutch of players who are clearly not available. With a few honourable exceptions, jan transfers are for the unwanted, the over priced or the mercenaries. Do we really want those? If wenger pulls a decent one out of the hat, fair enough but the players that seem to be available do nothing for me. Mediocrity, becoming part of our culture? Or is our culture trying to survive against the state run teams, the teams bailed out by friendly regional banks? The teams funded by petro dollars or sugar daddies. Teams with huge revenues but still 700m in debt.Since our trophy drought began, the only teams consistently more successful than us in this league, and indeed the cl have all fallen into these aforementioned categories. We are not funded in these ways end of. If we become so, that is a different matter. If we were a formula one team on such comparative funding, we would be nowhere near fourth place on the grid. We are where we are financially. Buying samba or Cahill will not dramatically change things. Hazard , gotze et all are not available and are probably now out of our price range if they were. You mention the board. Have a go at phw if you will, he is old school, debt averse and risk averse. But you cannot say he and his family have not cared about the club over the years, I know the difference between good and bad debt, but looking at the world economy, who is to say he did not at leasthave a point. Anyway, the board composition may be about to to change and soon. Alex Fynn on this very site has suggested this is a possibility. As you say rvdv is good business at 8m, what does that make cesc, rvp, vermaelen, song, bac, tho he cost more kos is also looking value. Others will develop. Not to mention a couple of the finest young mfs in Europe in our ranks, our keeper and kos seems a bit of a bargain these days as well.

  2. simon

    Jan 10, 2012, 22:40 #16758

    Peter, spurs are desperate for fourth as they need the 30m champions league cash but then what happens? They've borrowed a striker they can't afford, have a 40 year old keeper, a manager who is going to leave this year and one star who is going to leave some day soon. They can't afford to keep paying out the money they are without a new ground but the owner won't fund the 400m needed. Its just unsustainable and the whole strategy only makes sense if its to draw in a new investor to fund the new ground but who wants to pump 400m into a club with a manager on his way out, one star player and a ground in a riot zone? especially when you are up against city, united, chelsea and arsenal's finances.

  3. Peter Le Beau

    Jan 10, 2012, 19:02 #16749

    By and large this has prompted a very intelligent discussion which is why I wanted to write what I did.Gooner Ron makes a very good point about Spurs because in Harry who probably overtrades we have the antithesis of Wenger who avoids buying if he can possibly help it. So Spurs do buy the odd waste of space but they have also got good value in Kyle Walker,Dawson,Assou Ekotto,Lennon,Van de Vaart and both Modric and Bale.Harry didn't do all those deals but you get the impression they want it at Board and management level more than us. I'd love to sit in on a Board meeting and try to puncture the complacency. Do they realise how vulnerable we are not just if RVP gets injured but also Szczesny-I wonder if any of the buffers ever take Wenger to task? Last night was wonderful and sad at the same time.It was a great PR coup by Wenger.He bribed us with nostalgia.We've got that coming out of our ears at Arsenal.It's the present we care about and the immediate future.

  4. GoonerRon

    Jan 10, 2012, 9:18 #16716

    Some salient points made in the article and the comments, it would be ideal if Wenger could learn from previous seasons when inactivity in January has seemingly cost us later in the season. However, this love in for Spuds is pretty sickening - ok, they are ahead of us in the league at the moment and they have made some shrewd signings, but it works both ways. For example, Wiley Harry spent the same on Bassong as we did on Vermaelen, spent £7m more on Palacios than we did on Ramsey etc. I'd also say they're clearly not ambitious enough to pay for their new stadium 100% out of their own pocket, and let's see how they compete if and when they do invest £X hundred million in a new home like we have. @ Peter Wain - 'Sadly an honest assessment of a very badly run club.' We may be many things, but a badly run club we are not.

  5. Tony Evans

    Jan 10, 2012, 8:28 #16715

    All good comments here to Peter's article and the points I would like to emphasise are: 1) Too many underperforming, injury ridden players earning vast sums of money they do not deserve and given to them far too early before they have even proved worth it. Meaning we can not shift them for love or money. 2) Complete lack of ambition pervading at board (and manager?) level. Manager says his job is hell and for me he has lost the spark needed to want to be the best and is all too ready to accept second rate performances from the club as a whole and from individual players. 3) Too much talk of 'tired' players needing a rest. As others have pointed out in 70/71 we won the double with a tiny squad and also what about 79/80? Two cup finals reached with umpteen replays on the way and I don't recall our best players being rested. I repeat that our great club is going stale and has that tired, jaded look about it. It was great to see Henry score last night but it was tinged with sadness for me as it only served to remind us what great players we had under Wenger before he lost the plot - a great balance of experience, resiliance, flair and skill that put most of the current squad and the same manager to shame.

  6. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 10, 2012, 8:24 #16714

    Last night was a sad indictment of what we have become. Fans so desperate for a bit of a thrill that Henry's return for a bout 5 games is the most glorious thing to happen all season. Meanwhile our squad is yet again collapsing and what sort of defence will we field at Swansea and at home to manure? How many times has OGL said he won't buy as what would he do when the injured players return? I mean how can he buy a left back as what would happen to Gibbs in the one game he is available. No doubt as with Vermaelen last year the bad news re the injuries will be revealed on the 1st Feb when several players out for 3 weeks are suddenly out for the season. And how we look forward to the return on the products of project youth, B52, Dennilson, Vela and Diaby (does anyone know where he is). But if Campbell, Lehman and Henry, why not Dixon, Winterburn ana pires?

  7. Ron

    Jan 09, 2012, 23:36 #16713

    Carlos - bang on mate! So,so true.As a Club, we ve heavily rewarded potential at first sight of it, rather than when the potential is really blossoming into something real. Result? A self satisfied, greedy clutch of non achievers locked into contracts we cant resile from and as such laving the Club hamstrung from paying players the market rate who do emerge as top calibre performers, who suffer a double whammy as they are asked to carry dross and perform at their own optimum, at a lower rate of pay than what they can realistically demand. Its brainless, yet call it 'self sustaining'. Whats gonns happen when Sunderland tell Bendtner to sod off back to N7 and pilfer his own Club for a salary hes never justified and so on? Utterly mindless economics. They must have damn good agents.

  8. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 09, 2012, 22:44 #16712

    Depressingly accurate assessment Peter. However, perhaps the light at the end of thectunnel is alluded to in your last paragraph. I believe Rice will finally retire next summer and a golden opportunity will arise to appoint Wenger's successor. Happy if it is Wenger's protege , Drogan Stojkovic, as it will provide a smooth transition period. surely something good can still happen at our great Club! I can remember that it was not so long ago we were taking the piss out of Spurs fans for rating winning the Carling Cup. How the mighty have fallen and how odious it is to be told by the likes of Ivan No Bollocks that all is well and going according to the Business Plan!

  9. jjetplane

    Jan 09, 2012, 20:28 #16710

    Having seen Fab get a quick understanding with Messi and now blossoming you can see why Wiltshere and RVP will sensibly be off to more ambitious clubs in the summer and scary thought - Wenger will stay, spend 10m on another winger with his own website and Emirates will be getting big gates for comedy shows and the occasional tragedy. Oh ye of little faith! Oh us of 'been here before' with professor of bull.

  10. Carlos

    Jan 09, 2012, 19:27 #16709

    All this about the CL being necessary to pay the wages is the latest doubletalk to come from the manager. Whose wages exactly would we feel a desperate urge to be able to pay? Perhaps Diaby's £60k pw, or Chamakh's £75k pw? Perhaps we will struggle to meet Theo's ambition to earn (in the loosest sense of the word) £85k pw. There are a handful of players worth keeping and on whom money should be spent in order to appease (goalie, Sagna, TV, Jack, RVP, Koscielny perhaps). Or perhaps we would struggle to meet the payments on Wenger's weekly £140k sinecure. The club has money, despite the stadium payments and despite the poor commercial deals. What it also has, in abundance, is the urge to overpay poor players by vast amounts. It is the manager's job to identify, sign and improve players who will in turn improve the team. If you think this is happening then you should support the current manager. If you do not then as fans, we have the right to express concerns.

  11. Gary

    Jan 09, 2012, 19:02 #16708

    Usmanov the man so dispised by blinkered Gooners will be seen as the knight in shining armour when he buys the club off Kroenke and sacks the loser Wenger

  12. Steve P

    Jan 09, 2012, 18:52 #16707

    If a player only wants to join us because of the Champions League I'd rather not have them because I'm sick and tired of the the lightweights that we've had to endure in recent years. If playing for Arsenal isn't enough then forget them. If they hesitate for a second on contract negotiations then sell them and for christs sake don't let the best players enter the last 2 years of their contracts. It's time we toughened up as a club and filled the team with players that actually have deep feelings for the club.

  13. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jan 09, 2012, 18:51 #16706

    It's funny that all the player who have left Arsenal are in better position than Us. Even Adebywh0re!!! If I was an Arsenal player e.g. Robin I'll be putting 2 and 2 together!!!! Arsenal FC are doomed, which is very very sad indeed!!!!

  14. CanadaGooner

    Jan 09, 2012, 18:23 #16705

    @Ron: you couldnt have put it any better. over the years, not winning anything hasnt really mattered to Wenger, when the fans have been hurting so much and that is probably why there is so much negativity on onlinegooner. And much as I dont subscribe to the negative 'wenger out' chants, I can totally understand where those folks are coming from. Over the past 6 trophy-less seasons we had ample chance to have atleast won the Carling Cup twice and the FA Cup once, but all 3 opportunities were squandered because we were supposed to be happier with the money coming in from progress in the Champions League (or finishing 4th to qualify for the next season of CL). Until Wenger decides to send out a team charged with winning SOMETHING, we will continue down this self-destructive path. Would arsenal fans settle for a carling cup trophy next season and finish out of the top 4? or the FA Cup this season and 5th place in the league? I'm not sure what the answers would be? But I know which I would prefer....

  15. Peter Wain

    Jan 09, 2012, 17:43 #16704

    Sadly an honest assessment of a very badly run club. I turned down the opportunity of going tonight. The thought of watching Alumunia Scillaci Chamak and Park was just too bad to contemplate. Please Yank go and take Gazidis with you. The board are ruining a great club through awful management. I do not care a fig for other clubs just Arsenal and the quality of players we are now signing is appalling.

  16. Ron

    Jan 09, 2012, 17:00 #16703

    dando - Yes, but the problem occurs that good players wont join the Club anyway (even if the Club changed its policy and loosened the purse strings)without CL football. Winning the FAC makes a Club about £3 million, the CC far less. From a money stand point, they arent worth winning when you think a Club makes 20 odd Million just for reaching the KO s in the CL. Wenger is right to say that CL is more important, hes wrong in aborting tournaments to try and get there. He does have a good record in the FAC and CC but hes also abandoned them both down the years. Look at that FAC with Chelsea a few years back and the team he put out due to an EPL game at Liverpool a few nights later. It was winnable and he wasnt too fussed, whatever he says. Hes also, said sod it a few times in CC games, despite his record in it. The fact is there arent that many games needed to win the domestic Cups and in my view he over estimates the effect on the players. Veterans like me and others will always point to the 1971 double, heavy pitches, in my view better and certainly harder teams in the old Div 1 yet we won a double with about 14 players!! All this stuff about 'tiredness' is all balls for me. Its a cop out and an excuse for the bone idle, to be even more idle.How 'tired' would they be (inc Wenger) if they had to do real jobs? Half of our sqaud would be on anti depressants and 'pick me ups' by Tuesdays most weeks. The lot of them are cosseted too much and want all the money and benefits for little effort on the their part.Foot ballers and football is dying and this lot plus the others in the game are milking it until theres none left. Rant over!!

  17. Dorset Gonner

    Jan 09, 2012, 16:21 #16700

    Agree with the comments from Hibeegunner, but i think alot of fans have had enough already, lots of empty seats this seasons already! Lost count how many games have gone on general sales this session, unheard of a few years ago. It will also be interesting to see what happens with sesson ticket holders in the summer, I think alot of people kept these with a view to putting most of the games on the ticket exchange, but the exchange only kicks-in once the game has sold out, and going on general sale doen't count! Why should we pay top prices to watch average players, who can't be bothered (AA23). The board just treat like muggs, but sad to say the only way this will change is if fans stop going to games, buying the cr*p food/drink, or the latest 3rd away kit!

  18. CanadaGooner

    Jan 09, 2012, 15:50 #16699

    Peter, a very well-laid-out article and I dont see a lot in there to disagree with as your facts are quite accurate. The difference btw Arsenal & Man Utd right now is that Man Utd will respond and react to the growing Man City threat sooner or later: right now with the January transfer window being what it is, they are settling for scholes, but over summer I can see them doing a great deal of early business regardless of how they conclude this season (that's the way to run a club). Why else would Kroenke care about Arsenal? he wasnt born in north-london was he? Arsenal is simply a business to him and will never be anything more than that. What's currently happening at Hearts (where they now have to sell players just to pay wages) could happen to either Chelsea or Man City in the not-so-far future should anything go wrong for Red Rom or Sheikh Monsur, but the current Arsenal model, albeit provides some resilience, but wont provide much more in terms of delivering trophies. It's not like we havent had a handful of chances since 2005 is it? (most recently carling cup finals against birmingham), but there seems to be nothing left at the helm of the club in terms of ambition to change where we're heading (oblivion) and get us back to being serious about being a football club and not just a business

  19. Arsenomics

    Jan 09, 2012, 14:53 #16698

    you all need to grasp the following. share values are more important than trophies. arsenal the corporation is more important than arsenal the football club. this is why Whinger is the perfect manager for Kronke et al because he balances the 2. Jose, Arry, Fergy wouldnt do it as they are pure football men not businessmen

  20. Gee

    Jan 09, 2012, 14:42 #16697

    Wenger has become utterly obsessed by trying to achieve success on a pittance and developing teens rather than supplementing youngsters with proven class. He has completely taken his eye off the ball. It's as if he won't buy a player unless he has had significant input into their career. His attitude is to tread water and spend nothing. Look at the January signings FFS! Henry the third invincible in as many years to come back on loan. Our club is quickly becoming a laughing stock. The Henry signing was held up over payments to be made to Henry and his New York Club. It was to do with how the payments were to be staggered and amounts thereof. DO WE LEARN NOTHING FROM PREVIOUS TRANSFER WINDOWS???? This was the attitude in the summer and we ended up with 2nd rate players like Arteta and Mertesacker. And if we hadn't taken a 8-2 mauling at Old Trafford we wouldn't have bought those. As you say it will end in tears in May when we end up 6th. If that happens Wenger will have to walk

  21. Oxy-Moron

    Jan 09, 2012, 14:41 #16696

    Now, come on Gooners. We all know that we will have at least two signings come the end of the transfer window. I refer of course to the return of Gibbs and Wilshere. After all, these will most certainly be "like a new signing".

  22. Judge Fred

    Jan 09, 2012, 14:08 #16695

    Ditto most of what has been said. I worry that our turn at the top table is over, leading to a long-term spell in the 5th/6th/7th position wilderness of the Premier League. Its amazing that the best team in the world (Barca) can improve their squad each season, but we cannot find the "super quality" players we need to improve our mediocre side. I believe Guardiola can do the job for us moving forward, or failing that Capello. At least they have a pedigree at the very highest club level.

  23. bigreddave

    Jan 09, 2012, 14:07 #16694

    Good article, well thought out i've been saying this kind of stuff for a while now but the sheep at the grove just can't see it until it'll be too late to do anything about it.

  24. dando

    Jan 09, 2012, 13:14 #16693

    I agree with these thoughts. When did 4th place replace winning a competition. I for one would rather win the FA cup and miss out on Europe because winning matters to me (and I rather think it matters to every gunners' fan). I think it unbelievable that our esteemed manager states in November that winning the league is beyond us but we are going all out for 4th place. We should be going all out to win the EPL until it's mathematically impossible and tell everyone that's our goal. Does Arsene come out with this drivel about 4th place being better than winning the cup in order to protect his overpaid underachievers. Winning breeds winners so we should be going all out to win every competition we enter and pick our strongest side each and every game. What is with this rotation anyway. When we won our first double we played over 60 games that season in 4 competitions and used a squad much smaller than we have today. Did we rest Radford, Armstrong etc because they might be overused during a 6 game month. No, of course not, they were rested because of injury, nothing else. I want us to go all out for the title and if we finish 6th and have to play Europa Cup next year then I want us to go all out to win that instead of playing the kids to ensure our "superstars" are rested for the EPL game 3 days later.

  25. Tony Evans

    Jan 09, 2012, 12:56 #16692

    Peter - I am tired and bored of Wenger and I really do think he has gone stale. I accept that he has done well to keep us in the top four on a miniscule budget but we are steadily going downhill. The Spuds are a better team than us at the moment (it had to happen sometime I suppose) but the worse thing for me is that they now appear the more ambtious of the North London clubs. How can that be when we have moved to a state of the art stadium in order 'to compete with the best?' I yearn for the quality signings (even one would be great) I imagined should be possible when the stadium debt was under control and I yearn even more for the over-indulged, injury plagued dross we have in spades to be shown the door. Someone has already said that nice guys always finish empty handed and that is what Wenger seems to have turned in to. I would like to see a new man in charge that might shake things up a bit and get rid of the complacency that has crept in to our club. Someone to tell Kronke just how it is and to hell with the consequences! I would loved to have seen Martin O'Neil given a chance for his enthusiasm alone. OK he might be a disaster, throw his toys out of the pram as he did at Aston Villa, but I think he could do a great job and I for one think we are crying out for some fresh ideas which I am sure he would provide. Like Ron has said you have to resign yourself to how it is at Arsenal now but that does not mean you have to like it. In the wider football context some sanity in the transfer market would be great but that still leaves me scratching my head wondering why the hell Wenger indulges so many poor, injury ridden players and undermines his and our chances of a trophy year after year after year.

  26. Gooner1711

    Jan 09, 2012, 12:44 #16691

    You are spot on. Nothing will change, absolutely nothing. It pains me to say but if I were Robin, I'd seriously look at where AFC are going and it's his last chance at it. I know we stood by him and he owes us, but honestly, that does not exist in football anymore. Loyalty is gone, money rules. We won't buy, we'll sell. The likes of Diaby, Rosicky, Chamakh, Lazy bones Andrey, etc. tell it's own story - we are a second tier club now. The manager, chairman, board, etc. are all to blame. Correct investment CAN be made if you want. They don't want to. Season ticket returns at the end of this season will be enormous, especially if Europa league is reached. I would prefer NOT to be in Europa League if we don't make top 4, which is looking ominious anyhow. PLEASE ARSENE, STAN AND IVAN - INVEST IN YOUR CLUBS FUTURE!

  27. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 09, 2012, 12:44 #16690

    Ummm, at the very great risk of sounding like a total smart - arse, I think we've already had our January signing....which doubles as our February signing as well, until the two fellas who used to play in Kool And The Gang (or was it Cameo? I liked Cameo) are back from their African tour...can't speculate on the March - May and future seasons bit, that might cost the accounts department some money, and also some forward planning in the sports division of the business. At a time when the business is evidently planning a proactive and progressive downsizing of its' sports division, it would be simply disloyal of us to undermine the brand. We as mere fans / consumers / customers wouldn't want to deflate business profits with silly ideas like bringing in better quality players, would we? I mean, where would the sustainable business model find the money? It's clear that, in the midst of the current economic rip - off affecting a great many people (Businesses Are People Too, You Know) they're barely making ends meet as it is, so it would be unfair of any of us, the highly - priced ticket paying public, to ask for over the top demands like that. There's my theory, can I have my 5 million a year gig in the City Of London now please?

  28. Joe S.

    Jan 09, 2012, 12:17 #16689

    Thierry Henry is back. Whoopie Doo. Even if he scores a goal a game we are only staring at a band aid solution. Everything else around this club is dire. There is no ambition and everyone from Wegner up are only interested in there own portfolios. At the top you have Walmart Stan. All his sports franchises in the States are soulless organisations, not only do they not win but the mind set is also ready to move the teams to a new city should the profit margins be unacceptable. Fan loyalty, passion , home town pride? what's that? There are obsessives in the States such as the owners of the Yankees, Red Sox,Cowboys whose passion is manic but our man Stan's teams show none of this and seem to be calculated aquisitios in order to promote the Wal Mart brand. It's really depressing isn't it?, a manager who has reached his used by date supported by a board who not willing to invest or take risks at the cost of reducing their own profit margins.

  29. Dave

    Jan 09, 2012, 11:09 #16688

    I cracked up when you reminded me about looking in the Oman 2nd Division for a left back, its all so laughable everytime I watch Wenger on TV it seems to get worse, I just can't take that man seriously anymore. To Ron - I honestly hope you're right, I would love the game to turn now back into the hands of the fans (not literally but you know what I mean) and leave the corporate 'prawn-sandwich brigade' behind.

  30. 1962er

    Jan 09, 2012, 11:00 #16687

    I agree with every word written here, there is no doubt we now a second rate team and the one down the road is much better with greater ambition, and I cannot remember a time like it since 1960. I always thought that the move away from Highbury was 5 years too late, and although it may be one of, if not the best stadium in the world at present, I really fear that in two to three years time, it will only be holding enough supporters to fill our old Highbury, unless the ticket prices are reduced substantially to reflect our forthcoming downfall. We will not qualify for the Champions League because Van Persie cannot last the season without considerable help, and it will not be forthcoming in the transfer window. I am very much afraid that our time at the top has come to an end, and I expect us to be bumming around outside of European qualification until Mr Wenger leaves. It will be the 60's revisited all over again, and I can assure all younger supporters, it was not a happy time. Sorry to be so downbeat, but the future looks ever so bleak.

  31. Ron

    Jan 09, 2012, 10:31 #16686

    If you can find any fans who think we shall buy, youre doing well. I dont know any at all. I know many whove accepted that the Club has no money though and would suggest to you that its far easier to live with that, rather than drive yourself nuts hoping for something better. When Man U are bringing back the likes of Scholes, its a sign that the economic downturn has finally hit football. In my view, its not a moment too soon either. Who knows, the game may eventually be returned to the many fans who've become disillusioned and stopped going to games? All we need now is SKY tele to drop it like a hot potato and the improvement to the game will be well under way.

  32. Hibeegunner

    Jan 09, 2012, 10:11 #16685

    Good article and if we are not carefull we will have a half empty stadium and all the top players will be gone.

  33. Rob

    Jan 09, 2012, 9:57 #16683

    I never thought I'd say this but Peter Hill-Wood was right ! "We don't want his sort around here" was his memorable verdict on Silent Stan when he had the temerity to purchase Granada's shares. Incidentally Mr. Chariman as they were up for sale for 18 months before Kronke got his 'ackers' out, why did not you, as a sion of Hambros Bank, put together a package to buy them yourself ? Mmmmmmm.....? Any thoughts on that one ? But anyhow that's all water under the bridge now, is it not ? Because Stan is P.H-W's best mate now. Why ? Because Stan spends most of his time in Colarado and this allows H-W to keep his bottom fixed in the Chairman's seat only to move at the behest of a liquid luncheon, with the aesthetes of the Daily Star. Remaining Chairman is H-W's sole preoccupation. Muscling up his 'portfolio' of sports teams is Stans. And thoroughly miserable they are too when it comes to winning anything. They don't Simple as. Throw in a Manager well past his sell by date, for whom the meaning of ambition is 4th place and you have a cocktail marked 'Failure' in a glass that is only half full to the most delusional Gooner. Although there's plenty of them still around. But rather less so come May when we are confirmed by League position as London's number three team. Ouch !!!!!

  34. Paul Griffin

    Jan 09, 2012, 9:32 #16682

    There is too much of a cosy relationship with the board and wenger. Wenger talks too much about the economics of football and quite frankly hill-wood and kroenke love it. His comments today saying the fa cup is not as important as the top four is a defeatist attitude and one with no ambition. He said to pay the wages the CL is a neccessity. Again all he is interested in is the economics of football. We will never win a trophy again with his policy. All we hear is the moaning from the club about how wages have been driven up by city and chelsea and that we cant compete. Ferguson is right when he said its no use complaining about it you have to get on with it and see it as a challenge. You dont hear ferguson talking about the financial side of the game all the time he leaves that to david gill while he runs the team. Wengers judgement in the transfer market is gone as well. He tried to sign players like samba and dempsey in the summer. Do you think we could win a league or CL with them signings? Today we see kalou who cant even get in an ageing chelsea side. He pays 11.7m for gervinho but he wouldnt pay 19m to meet juan matas buyout clause before Aug 1 who would of been a much better signing.

  35. Mohd Ismail

    Jan 09, 2012, 9:22 #16681

    Arsenal are the world's third richest club. If taking part in the cl is the zenith of Wenger's ambition.I fear for the future..RVP would probably not sign the extension.Top quality players,assuming Wengers wants them,will give the gunners a miss. Btw once you are out of cl reckoning it will probably lead to the decline of Arsenal.

  36. g clarke

    Jan 09, 2012, 9:13 #16680

    all other clubs are perfect just arsenal utter rubbish tin cup man