Forward Thinking

Will Spurs finishing above Arsenal bring about a reaction?

Forward Thinking

Theo: Not quite cutting it at top level

There are many reasons why we find ourselves currently sitting a full 15 points off the summit of the Premier League table. Some of those reasons involve a mixed bag of bad luck due to poor refereeing-decisions and an ever growing injury-list (mainly to defenders). I personally feel that it is always better in these situations to look at the factors we can control as a club rather than those that we can’t.

Everyone and his dog could see that the defence was all over the place against Swansea. As a club, they may have only entered the top tier as recently as last summer, but they were the team who looked like scoring pretty much on every occasion that they got near our box. The reasons for this being so are pretty much out of our control, as - for me - these reasons are injuries to key men at the back. Sagna, Vermaelen and a combination of Gibbs/Santos all being out at the same time is simply too much to cope with. We can’t do a lot about this, other than give up on seemingly injury-prone players, but who in their right mind would advocate selling Vermaelen as things stand? He does seem to me to be every bit as injury-prone as Gibbs.

The main reason, in my eyes, that we are currently perched a whopping ten points behind the ‘mighty’ Spurs is further down the field of play. It is widely accepted that we play a system with four attacking players in it. The main choices so far this season have seen these four places fall on a regular basis to van Persie, Gervinho, Walcott and Ramsey. It goes without saying that, when fit, there is no problem with van Persie, and pretty much any club on the planet would love to have him at their disposal right now. But when we look at the other three players on our attacking rostrum, I see a lot of problems at the very top level.

Gervinho I haven’t quite given up on as yet, and the reason for this, despite many poor displays, is quite a simple one. It is his first season in the English game. Just take a look at how much Koscielny has improved in his second term as a player at the club, and then you start to see how and why it would be too early to write off our Ivorian man with a spam.

The two remaining forward-thinking players are a slightly different case. Walcott, for me, has been given enough time to develop his game beyond the level we currently see week-in, week-out. His career at the club started off as him being seen as a sprinter with little in the way of a football brain. Five years on, and I don’t really see where this has changed. We saw a little more hope last season at times, and I did feel before a ball was kicked this time round that this could have been Theo’s year, but, in my opinion, he has regressed to what we saw pre-2010 from him. At the very top level of the game, where you need a high number of players that are of the required calibre to bring home the trophies come May, Theo is not the answer. At best, he should be an impact-sub, someone who could come on in the final 20 minutes of a game and run at a tiring left-back time and time again to see if he can help to break the deadlock. Starting with a player of Theo’s class week-in, week-out is not something that is going to see us trouble the reception room waiting-list at Islington Town Hall very often in my opinion.

Moving on to Mr Ramsey, some of us have given Aaron more time than most, and the reasons for this are obvious. We needed as fans to have patience with this one more than others after his horrific injury. It was Eduardo re-visited, and the situation was mighty unfortunate to say the least. To his enormous credit, Aaron has recovered to such a degree that he now captains his country whenever he pulls on a Welsh national shirt. The problem for me is that this gives the player more kudos points than what it is actually worth. Let us get one thing straight: Wales are a very poor national side, ranked right down there with the San Marinos of this world. So let us not get too sucked in by Aaron’s captaining a side at such a young age, and look at the facts for what they are.

Ramsey has been back in the Arsenal fold for long enough now to make some sort of informed decision on him as an Arsenal player. After Cesc was sold in the summer, I wrote an article at the time that stated that, if we decided not to buy in a replacement, and relied heavily on Ramsey to create the chances from the middle of the park, this would be a mistake, in my opinion. Since writing these words, this is exactly what has happened, as could have been predicted, given our miserly approach to player-transfers in recent seasons. Over half-way through Aaron’s first season pulling the strings in the midfield for us, and we find ourselves looking likely to miss out on a Champions League place for the first time in 15 years. In my opinion, Aaron is a good player, but not one that should be relied upon to open up tight defences every week for us. At the very top level, he is found wanting more times than not from what I can see. There are far too many fancy tricks that simply don’t come off anywhere near often enough to make them worthy of repeating with such regularity. I have simply lost count of the number of times in recent weeks that a Ramsey back heel has been intercepted by the opposition, and, at the very top level, this just isn’t good enough.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not for one second trying to say that Theo and Aaron are poor players. They are both good players, and in their own rights have a lot to offer as footballers, but I have to say that judging them both at the very top level leaves something to be desired on both accounts. Do you win trophies with these players occupying two of your four attacking positions every week? I think not.

I guess it is an indication of the gradual decline in quality that we as Arsenal fans have seen over the past decade or so, as I for one am sure that neither Theo nor Aaron would have been regular starters for us in recent years. As the assets have slowly but surely been stripped away, the level of quality that we as a club are prepared to accept has fallen to slightly lower levels. Not poor by any means, but lower than what was previously accepted. This gradual decline has seen us slip below Chelsea and Man City in the Premier League pecking-order. We as fans have accepted this, as those two clubs seem to live in a very different financial world to that of the club we support.

The interesting turning point for me is how we fans will then take to adding the name Tottenham Hotspur to the list of clubs that we seem to be falling below in the current pecking-order. As things stand, it looks pretty unrealistic for us to entertain the idea of ending the season above our North London rivals in the League standings. I can easily foresee an end-result to this season of our having to watch (as they have done this season, it must be said!) as they qualify for next season’s Champions League and we have to settle for the Europa League at best.

Do we then as a collection of fans sit by and watch another club accelerate ahead of us, or is this the one name that will make most fans finally sit up and ask what has actually gone on at our club in recent seasons? Is it simply down to a lack of available funds, or an overriding lack of something else altogether? Ambition?

I read in a recent blog on another Arsenal-related website that, if we do not manage to qualify for next term’s Champions League, we will not have any chance at all of retaining the services of Mr van Persie. This seems to be the scenario and how most people would call it as things stand. Let me therefore remind everyone reading this of what happened in North London last summer.

Arsenal had qualified for this season’s Champions League with something to spare. Cesc Fabregas wanted to leave the club to rejoin his boyhood team, Barcelona. Cesc was then sold to Barcelona for a reported fee of around £30m. At the same time, across the other half of North London, Spurs had a problem which closely resembled our situation with Cesc. Their own midfield playmaker, Luka Modric, was not happy, as Spurs had failed to qualify for this season’s Champions League and Chelsea had come knocking for him, offering similar money for him that Barcelona had offered us for Cesc. The Spurs chairman, to his credit, stood firm and point-blank prevented the transfer from taking place. Luka stayed at Spurs, even though he quite clearly wanted to leave for the King’s Road and Roman’s millions.

Look where Spurs are now, and also, more importantly, look at where we are now. Would we as a club make van Persie stay on even if we do fail to make the Champions League for next season, or would we simply choose to use the funds recouped from the sale of van Persie to cover the shortfall of not being in next season’s Champions League?

A lack of available funds or an overriding lack of something else altogether?

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  1. gooner_Iyke

    Jan 22, 2012, 10:54 #17422

    Well written blog, at the moment, the only players I trust at arsenal are: vermaleen, koscieny, song, RVP,

  2. Scott

    Jan 22, 2012, 8:33 #17417

    Sack the Board. Simple! Anyone remember how David Dein pushed the boat out twice for Bergamp and Platt. Both were huge money signings of the day and highly ambitious. The yank connection is clueless and AW is just too nice a guy to call them for what they are. Would Levy outgun Dein - no bloody chance. Remember who put our club back on the map. It wasn't this lot in the boardroom now and until they are sorted out the club goes nowhere!

  3. Mozdo

    Jan 21, 2012, 8:11 #17395

    Very right and correct!!! Exactly what I've been telling my Arsenal friends. Some of these players need to do some time on the bench, Theo and Ramsey. Give others chance, there are players that were bought in the summer but have rarely been given a chance, players like Park, OX, to mention but a few. Facts be told,its like Arsenal has become more like the English team, playing players, a large extent, based on names. That is why despite England having alot of talented players, England fials to win titles. I personally think I need a refresher course as far as the the vision and objectives of the club are concerned, its like I nolonger comprehend what we really seek to achieve!!!!

  4. Roger Edwards

    Jan 20, 2012, 23:25 #17390

    Best blog I've come across...mostly well expressed views....we are all disappointed...but so many conflicting views. It hurts...Spurs are ahead and superior for many reasons...primarily better tactics...move the ball quicker...attack rather than passing back or across the a better coach...ours stuck in the past, not having grown with the progress of the game. We are so slow moving the ball forward...we face a packed midfield ready for any thrust and forwards all closely marked...then our backs attack with ball, cramping the wingers, especially Theo. TW gets stuck on the instructions?...he should be more adventurous and mobile (like Pires, Lundberg etc) Ramsey, one of my favourites...he is supposed to be a support scorer, like Cesc in recent years...but both spent their time play making and not scoring (?coaching/tactics!!!). Simplistically, we don’t have the players for 433 or 424...plan B needed ie 442, so giving Theo his desire to play CF (so with VP!!!) Do we have a defence trainer?...he should be given the boot...or all of them to clean!!! Clearly we will lose VP (AFC will not or cannot pay enough) and TW who will do much better under a good coach/tactician. Hopefully Ramsey will cope with the current situation, his misplaced role, and the misplaced criticism. Wake up AW...or time to say thanks for earlier days, and go upstairs.

  5. Millo

    Jan 20, 2012, 18:36 #17376

    Man you are right. Ramsey is a mess.

  6. oyeleye femi

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:46 #17354

    i quiet agree witg every of your point. Ramsey and walcot have outlived all the expectations on them. Walcot can stay but i think its time for ramsey to join another club. He just cant live up to expectations anylmger.

  7. Ron

    Jan 20, 2012, 11:35 #17342

    Just on the Europa League point, i would say that Arsenal should take it seriously and try to actually win it. Theres a lot of fan negativity about it that i would hope that the Club doesnt reflect if having to play in it. Its a Euro trophy and yes, we've won the ICFC in 1970 and also the UEFA Cup in 94 and i do support the view that the CL has very much d****ued the Europa Cup, but our Euro record is hardly one to shout from the roof tops about (save for Liverpool and Utd, whos record is?). It's a good grounding for younger players in Europe, it keeps the Club in touch and familiar with european football and importantly with things at the Club being what they are and football being what it is nowadays, its reasonable to say that domestic titles or the CL arent coming to Arsenal for perhaps a very, very long time.Its no time for arrogance just because we've been in the CL for so many years. Theres been far too much arrogance at Arsenal for far too long already. If the lesser Euro Cup was good enough for my hero John Radford and his team back in 70, it should be good enough for this motley crew of modern day players to show some pride in the badge and do their best in it. The truth is, we would need new players to succeed in it anyway in all probability. I'd have no more faith in these to crack the Europa Cup that i do the CL! Note : Somebody on TV mentioned that Bham C have played 36 games this Season which inc their Europa Cup exploits. If that was Arsenal having needed to have done that, it makes me wonder how many of our lightweights would still be fit for anything in reality. Food for thought Mr Wenger?

  8. SilverGooner

    Jan 20, 2012, 10:24 #17340

    We are without doubt a poorer side for having sold Cesc. When Jack returns from injury, we just have to hope that he can add that magical spark to the team that Cesc once did for us. If not, we will be lucky to make the Europa League!

  9. allybear

    Jan 20, 2012, 10:21 #17339

    CanadaGooner agree about other Prem teams looking forward to playing us. Its dreadful that this was allowed to happen. I think Sunday's game will be another defeat as we just cant handle ManU for many years now. Ramsey deserves more of a chance than Walcott who hasnt a clue,whats the use of speed with the odd goal now&then? Overall a very poor squad which reflects the manager.

  10. Wombledin

    Jan 20, 2012, 8:22 #17337

    If we get dicked by Manure again this weekend and beaten by the spuds in Feb and we finish 5th or 6th I think the tide will turn. Wenger's future is in the fans hands as Gazidis said. Ultimately we hold all the power. Gazidis has said th eClub can financially sustain a season without the CL but the fans will not sustain it emotionally, especially with the spuds in it. This is Wenger's worst nightmare and its rapidly coming true.

  11. Northernbof

    Jan 19, 2012, 21:06 #17329

    A manager ,on his game, with those eleven players would have still had enough to beat Swansea. Wenger has been a poor playing field tactician for years:e.g. the way he falls into Manures obvious trap every year,without having the nous to combat it. Last year's 1-0 was apparently because they no longer considered us a threat and worthy of a plan .I await Sunday with more than a degree of trepidation.And whilst I'm fulminating if you're going to slag off Aaron R why leave out the big headed loud mouthed goalie,who has now lost me a Cup Final and the last two games,not to mention his dire performance in the 8-2 debacle.

  12. muzzlejuice

    Jan 19, 2012, 19:29 #17321

    looking forward to Sundays win / win game and the possible outcomes,beat manure and we feel great and forget about our problems for a day or two and lose and arsene runs around like a drunken husband on xmas eve trying to buy some more bargain replacements for our squad , like i say a sure win / win situation i mean what could possibly go wrong?

  13. Viking

    Jan 19, 2012, 18:45 #17318

    Gooner1711. Spot on mate. Ramsey gets a lot of flack, a lot of it unjustified, is it his fault that he only has RVP to play the ball to up front. Gervinho, Wally and AA are all useless, no cutting edge, no goals, rarely beat their full backs, no skill, and are generally poor at both attacking and tracking back. How does Arteta get away from receiving any abuse, what has he brought to the team, he doesn't do enough for me. Look at Ramsey, more often than not, he won't go missing, makes challenges and creates chances too. Wenger is to blame, his persistence with below average players is totally unaccaptable, we have Vela, Bendy, Denillson, Almunia, Fabianski, Cygan, Eboue, Arshavin, Chamakh, the Beast, and don't get me started on Benayoun who could not break into the Liverpool team and our centre back Pers who cannot defend. One or 2 bad signings would be fine, but Wenger persists with them, we can all see it, why can't he?! It's just wrong and he needs to be held accountable. The same mistakes are made season after season, we will learn is the mantra, yet nothing has changed. I give up, however, people like Ramsey need our suppport, it ain't all his fault, give the guy a break!

  14. CanadaGooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 18:06 #17317

    this fixation on spurs really is puzzling: perhaps you can ask them how they've felt on the past 20 years largely finishing below Arsenal (what too them so long to make those changes? + have they finished this season ahead of us yet?). I couldnt imagine how you folks would feel if you had spent the last 20 years with a single top 4 finish. Ramsay will end up very much like Walcott, several years of hope with nothing concrete coming out of it. You do however have some very good points about the calibre of players we have in our starting 11. Right now, almost any team in the premiership is eager to play Arsenal as they are guranteed a goal and will most likely secure some points off us: that really is a sad state of affairs

  15. Gooner1711

    Jan 19, 2012, 17:03 #17311

    I agree with the bulk except for Ramsey situation. YES, he has played some poor balls and appears decision making is not often his best asset. However, how can you question this when we have total wasters in our team and squad? Wasters = Walcott, Arshavin, Almunia, Diaby, Rosicky, Chamakh, Gibbs. Loaners = Bendtner, Vela, Denilson (don't forget we still pay a % of their wages). When you mention these names, I am prepared to forgive Ramsey for running his nuts off and trying his bloody hardest. Aren't you?

  16. WHL 87

    Jan 19, 2012, 16:40 #17309

    The RvP vs Modric scenario is very different as RvP only has 18 months left on his contract. Modric had just signed a 5 year deal. If Modric had had a year left on his contract last August, Spurs would have sold. The real crime is us having to sell Fabregas for only £30M - he's worth twice that with the goals he scores from midfield. As good as modric is, he's no Cesc. I think he's got 2 league goals all season and not many more than that in previous years.

  17. JonGunner

    Jan 19, 2012, 16:35 #17308

    Lots of people like to point fingers at Wenger but the management as a whole (From the owner to the board of directors and to Wenger) are completely to blame we are run more like Tesco than a football club. Something needs to happen or we will soon be saying avoiding relegation is very important but we could cope without Premier league football. Personally i think Wenger is not to blame - hes the reason we are still in a reputable position in the league even if its not what we desire....

  18. Gooner_Jack

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:54 #17305

    The thing is both Ramsey and Walcott are 21 and 22 respectively, so I wouldn't say that we should move them on. The problem isn't the players, its the style and how we use them. We pass the ball too slowly and we don't close down quick enough, in general we don't show enough energy or intensity. Might not have been as big a problem when Cesc and Nasri were here, and we kept the ball better, but how many trophies did they win us? In Walcott's case, watch his movement for his goal against Swansea. He was making runs like that all day but we rarely try to set him, or RVP, free. I don't think Dyer is better than him but he gets the ball early and in space and has a fullback overlapping, giving him more options than Walcott, Gervinho or Arshavin would have.

  19. Mike

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:46 #17303

    If Spurs manage to still be in the top 4 after they have negotiated the next six or seven league games, then they deserve all the credit they get - I some how think there are at least 9 points to be dropped there

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:29 #17299

    Nothing will change until the right (to use one of your words)calibre of player's are brought in there's just not enough of them in the team as has been proved but as we know its not going to happen.

  21. Judge Fred

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:52 #17283

    Dont forget we constantly show great desire and attitude. We have a strong team spirit. We can only be improved by "super quality players". Once the FFP rules kick in, we will buy Messi for £2.87p and watch as Barca go bust. You wait and see...Arsene Knows.

  22. Adebayo

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:09 #17273

    Nice piece. A wake up call for us fans all over. Wenger and the board are dellusional right now to say the least.

  23. Phil

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:34 #17263

    Patience needed. also, there's not been a shortage of chances and shots this year... it's just our conversion rate (14% I think) lags way behind that of Manure at 20%ish. so, i think this article is far too critical of both Walcott and Ramsey, though both (and Gerv) should be putting more chances away.

  24. Tony Evans

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:20 #17261

    Good points raised and methinks RVP will be off in the summer, and who can really blame him? I am starting to worry that a big money offer will come in for Wilshire too, especially as Manure are in need of this type of player. I could never understand players leaving Arsenal but under this current regime I am almost surprised when our top players stay with us. Mind you maybe we won't have any top players left soon! That says it all about where most of us fans now see us as a club. If anyone had told me I would end up hating Wenger in 2005 I would have laughed at them but that is the reality now.

  25. goonergerry

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:34 #17256

    The Arsenal Spurs story currently appears the tale of 2 clubs- one club going forwards maximising its limited financial resources, the other going downhill fast- more concerned to sell its best players and keep the money, wasting its advantage in income, one with a leadership smart and ambitious, the other over confident, tired, in need of renewal and timid financially. Arsenal were once smart and ambitious- when David Dein was around but we aren't now. Arsenal need to really look itself in the mirror and stop fooling itself- only 3 Arsenal squad members would get into the Spurs first team. When it comes to the owner, chairman and coach it is no contest. I am an Arsenal man and I take no pleasure in talking up Spurs-but I have sat through our last 3 games and the last 3 years and something big has to be done to arrest this trajectory.

  26. Dan

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:25 #17252

    We need to protest at the match Sunday for Peter Hill Wood to be sacked along with Ivan who keeps selling our players to his boyhood club Man City. Everyone needs to stand up and get David Dein back to take our club forward like Levi has at Spurs. Its the board holding the club back, they take the money just like other clubs but just dont spend it on the pitch

  27. Leo Zis

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:12 #17250

    Thanks for a breeze of reasoned writing. Nice stuff. Tough times ahead gooners. Spurs look to be taking our last top 4 slot...the question is...will we regain it if we lose it?

  28. ed enough

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:40 #17245

    Totally agree with regards to Walcott....Pace, but little control, composure, and quality crosses, which is kind of pointless if you are playing in a wide position me thinks... Ramsey is also flatering to decive, and has a reputation far beyond his actual ability...They are both failing Arsenal and deep down they know it....

  29. Ron

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:14 #17238

    On its own, no. No CL and behind the spuds wont change a thing. The Club have openly said (Gazadis a few months back) that their 'sustainable model' doesnt need CL football. The spuds present rise is good for them, make no mistake but its not likely to be enduring for them so one great season wont set alarm bells ringing at Arsenal. To be honest, im not sure these days that those who run Clubs care a hoot for parochial rivalries. The fans alone do. Im pretty sure players dont either. All that died when Clubs stopped having a high proportion of local players in their ranks.Its a sympton of what the games become and how sterile it is now. Sad really, bit the fact is, its just a business and the fans are still to really accept and catch up with that. Whe they do, football better look out as fans will stay away in droves. I am of the view that the desrtion is already occuring. Look at our ground on match days. Look at Wolves last night, a local 'derby' Cup game yet nobody there hardly.

  30. SUGA3

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:09 #17237

    lack of - and let's call a spade a spade here - balls? the situation with Modric was different altogether, he was not entering the last year of his contract, was he? and the thing is that they at least seem to be going places, RvP sees that without him this team would be in a relegation scrap or thereabouts, what would you do if you were him? you have to appreciate that it was much easier to stay for DB10 with all the quality around him...