Was Sunday the beginning of the end for Arsène?

The fallout from that substitution continues

Was Sunday the beginning of the end for Arsène?

Are the AKBs now in a minority?

What happened at the Emirates on Sunday night when Arsène Wenger decided in all his wisdom to replace Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain really did feel like a watershed moment. It was the first time I have ever witnessed such open revolt in the stadium at one of his decisions, the first time that 'you don't know what you're doing' chants could clearly be heard around our new home.

To be honest, I'm surprised it's taken this long to happen. After the start to the season we had, I thought we would have been at this stage far earlier. After the débacle of Old Trafford, we were at the point of no return, but some last-gasp transfer dealings managed to earn the boss some breathing space. A good run of form followed which saw the team move quickly up the league and, to the outside, all appeared well once again. But for regulars it was clear that the detractors were still lurking in the shadows, and one bad run would quickly see the blue touchpaper lit once again.

And a run of three straight defeats has done just that. The knives are now well and truly out, but this time it all feels a bit different. Before, the anti-Wenger brigade were still in the minority while the AKBs (Arsène Knows Best) were the majority rulers, especially at the stadium. But I think that may have finally changed on Sunday.

Wenger's ludicrous decision to replace Oxlade-Chamberlain with Arshavin was the last straw for many who were desperately trying to remain faithful to the man who has given us so much joy. The substitution reeked of a manager who is completely out of touch and, in the end, it proved to be a decision which saw us finish empty-handed from a game we couldn't afford to lose.

I have always been in the pro-Wenger camp although, in the heat of the moment after the 8-2 at Trafford, that was severely called into question. But I'm now really beginning to look at things in a new light. I'm struggling to defend a manager who can make such a disastrous decision as the one he made last night.

I always used to be worried about what would happen if Wenger left. Would his departure lead to a mass exodus which would see all our stars follow him out the door? But let's face it, we don't have to worry about that any more. There are barely any world-class players left at the club and I don't think Wenger's departure would lead to the few we do have becoming unsettled. The one worry I do have is our current board. I'm not exactly confident that they would cover themselves in glory when choosing a possible successor. But all that is for another time, because I'm not expecting Wenger to be picking up his P45 any time soon, certainly not before the summer. However, one thing is for sure, and that's that his relationship with the fans has now changed. He knows he is not untouchable.

What will happen the next time he makes a substitution that the crowd are not happy with? What will happen if Spurs claim a second successive win at the Emirates when they make the short trip across North London next month? It wasn't long ago that Ivan Gazidis said that it was the fans who would decide when Arsène's time at the club was up. He may soon live to regret that statement.

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  1. pgroves

    Jan 26, 2012, 21:41 #17768

    Rubbish. We are Arsenal. Apart from maybe Modric, we are far better than tottingham! Might not win the league, but we will be Londons to club! Keep the faith.

  2. It started in 1975

    Jan 26, 2012, 21:38 #17767

    This is a frustrating time for all gooners whether you have been a fan for decades and live in the shadow of the old Highbury site or if you simply follow Arsenal long distance and follow the games via a satellite dish from Shanghai. There are a number of comments screaming for Wenger and the board to be replaced. Who exactly is going to make this happen? The board own and run the club. They will only go if they decide they are all willing to sell their shares to Usmanov or some other bidder. Wenger will not be sacked by this board but they may start to worry if we fail miserably this season and next and our profits are affected. So that means that nothing will change very quickly at all. The club is not like a failing school that can be closed down or taken over. There is no football club inspectorate or trading standards body to do this. The reaction by fans to the AOC subbing will have registered with Wenger if he is the intelligent man we thought he was. But he is also stubborn and I suppose that this often comes with people who are single minded and successful (despite recent failures, amongst football managers he would still be regarded as a success and is highly respected in the game). We can only turn up at games, watch, support, voice approval and dissaproval in the stands or stay away/switch off. I respect the fact that all fans have a right to voice an opinion. But only a handful of people control and can change whats going on at the club. We are not all going to just up sticks and go support someone else. This is the supporters lot. Its hard to not care and even more frustrating to be a committed fan. Tough huh! But its also one of the most interesting times to be a fan when your team is seemingly in crisis and struggling. You just may feel incredibly good when things turn round one day. That could of course be years away. Seriously! Take time to think about that one. What would you do? Even if the manager is changed and new players arrive it could be years. I guess we understand that dont we. So all we are asking for is to have that feeling of hope back again. I could probably survive on that. Whats the minimum you need to have enough hope to keep you happy as a supporter? a) new manager b)new manager and board c) different style of football d) a trophy in the next 2 years e) a trophy in the next 5 years f) cheaper food and drink at the stadium g) a replacement for that wretched Elvis song at the start of the games h) a decent job, stable relationships, good health, a nice holiday once a year and good public services. i) real ale at your local pub j) Other...please add

  3. I Miss Highbury

    Jan 26, 2012, 20:45 #17766

    Anfield showed last night what we have lost forever by chasing the corporate dream. we have a ghostly art museum of a stadium that lacks warmth and memories and liverpool have anfield where on any given night the best teams in the world can still get sorted just as we did at highbury. Emirates, Wenger, Gadadzis...its all turned into a nightmare for me and it doesnt end here

  4. Wombledin

    Jan 26, 2012, 20:23 #17765

    The beginning of the end was when we lost the Carling Cup Final to Birmingham last season. I think something went in Arsene's head after that. That was the real beginning of the end. And the Ox sub farce last weekend was not nearly as bad as the 8-2 thrashing by Man U. I don't know how any retained confidence in him after that. And all this fear about who will replace him is so much rot. The Club got it right with Graham and Wenger. There's plenty of managers with superb credentials.

  5. John B

    Jan 26, 2012, 19:08 #17763

    On numerous visits to the E*******s and Highbury since the late 60's I would estimate the actual real fan base (dare I say)to be around 40,000. In recent successful years the additional support, roughly 15,000, comes from those that enjoyed the football, the legends that played and the feel good factor around the club. Now the times have changed and the club appears in decline the gradual loss of the 15,000 could have serious repercussions for the entire business model. You only reap what you sow. We had the balance right with players in and out and benefited from shrewd sales, but of course that was when Dein was running the show.I think one day when Arsene has gone from AFC he will tell us exactly that. Do we really believe at any club the manager decides who comes and goes?

  6. Greg71

    Jan 26, 2012, 18:48 #17761

    At last the penny has dropped with the majority of the now dwindling Akb,s ! Without doubt you can level arrogance,lies and lack of real footballing ambition at board level,if Wenger is perceived as a man of honour and integrity and the board are not backing him,surely he would have fallen on his sword and resigned.After all,we keep being told how much in demand around europe he is,or is his contract too good to walk away from ?

  7. Aah the irony of it

    Jan 26, 2012, 18:47 #17760

    In the summer, the same set of supporters were saying Ox was a waste of 15mn and we should have bought someone better. And just 70 min into his premier league, he is the ONE... and people are booing Arshavin. I don't agree with the substitution but Arshavin is still a good player who can win you games. If you have him, you have to play him. We are not Manu or Chelsea, who can afford to have 50-60mn pounds sitting on the bench hatching eggs.

  8. billy

    Jan 26, 2012, 18:17 #17758

    It strikes me that as Wenger is in such control of all aspects of the club having him moved upstairs would be a recipe for disaster for any quality manager. No, he has to go.

  9. James

    Jan 26, 2012, 18:12 #17757

    I looked at the team on Sunday and two things sprang to mind: 1) Thank God AOC was playing ahead of the Meerkat, but more importantly 2) Djourou is going to be taken apart by Nani and/or Giggs. Why persist with square pegs in round holes? Injuries? That excuse is starting to wear very thin indeed. We are THE ARSENAL. We shouldn't have to "mend & make do". Back in 2001/02, during the month of February, we had NINE players injured and THREE suspended and we still beat Blackburn Rovers (who won the League Cup 3 weeks afterwards), Everton, Fulham & Newcastle, drew with Southampton and were within seconds of beating Bayer Leverkusen in the CL with 10 men. It's not the numbers that's the point, it's the quality of the replacements that's the problem (or to be more precise, the lack of quality in the replacements). We had quality back then, but once you strip away our current first (when all fit) XI, the lack of quality is frighteningly obvious to all - except AW it seems.

  10. Shut uppa you face

    Jan 26, 2012, 17:17 #17754

    I hold my hand up, I booed on Sunday and sang "You don't know what you're doing!" I had just witnessed a very average player in Djourou get absolutely roasted. My problem is not with Djourou, it's with Wenger. Fulham did it, Swansea did it, so why wasn't Fergie going to instruct Nani and Co to exploit this frailty. We now have no creativity in our midfield and to say they are slow is an understatement. Why is RVP so isolated, he needs help. How else do we voice our displeasure to Wenger and most saliently, the board? During the farce with Gazidis and AST when he can't answer any questions because the media will use it against him? We have sold the crown jewels and panic bought mediocrity. What's the difference between singing "Spend some fffing money" and Sunday's debacle? Neither a glowing indictment of those at the helm of our wonderful club.

  11. Yanto

    Jan 26, 2012, 17:17 #17753

    "What will happen the next time he makes a substitution that the crowd are not happy with? What will happen if Spurs claim a second successive win at the Emirates when they make the short trip across North London next month?" FFS!!! What will happen if the world ends in One Hours Time!?? The World And His Dog Know That Wenger Is Finished Over And Done With - All WE Need Now Is A New Board AND A New Manager. There again maybe the world WILL End in the next few hours so why worry!???

  12. BringBack Dene

    Jan 26, 2012, 17:12 #17752

    I'm (reluctantly)with you on the subject of Arsene. We must bite the bullet and find a new manager and spend two years rebuilding. I still think that Arshavin has the ability, why is he not trying, ask our manager and CAPTAIN !!!

  13. Gee

    Jan 26, 2012, 16:49 #17751

    We'll still finish 4th Sagna, Wilshere, Vermaelen, Arteta and VP will be fine from here on to May. After the next 6 games Spurs will be 5th and we'll be 3rd. I have a sneaky feeling we'll win the FA cup as well

  14. Jekyll

    Jan 26, 2012, 16:35 #17750

    Wenger may go one of two ways with Sunday's line up. Either he'll have been woken up by last week's reaction and will recognise the need to field the strongest line up, or in a giant f*** you to the fans he'll rest RVP. His breathtaking arrogance in interviews after last week's game suggests the latter is more likely. The first comment for this article is typical of those who see each match in isolation, cannot see the wider pattern, that's not about a single error but a turning point, meaning the debate continues.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 26, 2012, 14:48 #17746

    I hear a lot of people on here saying support or players they need our support now more than ever maybe true but how long are we supposed to back this rubbish we have been backing and putting faith in these players for three four five years now when are they going to repay us when are they going to deliver or do we just keep judging them in may with the same out come or maybe we'll give them two three more years you can only back players who are not good enough for so long i agree booing players will not help but the fact remains players on this team are not good enough.

  16. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Jan 26, 2012, 14:08 #17743

    the board must take some of the blame as well. it is up to the MD and the chairman to run and guide the club as well. PHW has pulled the trigger before and will do so again but not before he has to. Stan is a shareholder but is his role the day to day running of the club? Player contracts are being run down to a point the players hold all the cards, this is surely the job of Mr Gazidis, not AW ,other revenue streams are not what they should be even if some contracts are front loaded.Is this the business model the club is so proud of , let the manager take the blame for everything sit and say/do nothing ourselves, has AW no one to bounce things off or to tell him to do something? is he really so isolated that he was shocked by the reaction to that subbing?

  17. Irfan

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:53 #17740

    I wonder, what happened if arsene have money to spend on, i mean the board gave wenger full Control of wages and transfer budget, i really dont know because i am one of those " long distance" gunners, will it change current situations?

  18. Nick

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:48 #17739

    Not saying Wenger needs to go. What he needs to go is settle things. Sort out RVP and get him signed to a new contract to stay. Get rid of the players who aren't earning their wages through consistent positive performances and efforts. Show the fans some strength. If the board is the roadblock here, stand up to them, demand what you want and stand by it & make it public that you're doing it. If you're gonna go down, do it in style! Personally, I think the board is the biggest problem, not Wenger. I think he's doing the best he can with what he's got but he needs a re-think. Pat Rice, IMO, is just a yes man to Wenger and we need someone to challenge him if they think his decisions are questionable. What I don't see from anyone other than RVP, The Ox and Henry is fire & passion. I see a bunch of complacency. IMO, everyone on that team needs to show the kind of reaction the Henry did when he scored against Leeds. Wenger needs to show that to his players and they will respond.

  19. HowardL

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:25 #17737

    For me too that ridiculous, indefensible substitution was the final straw at the climax of a slow, tortuous decline. John - my support for Arsenal Football Club remains undiminished - but I and, judging by the comments on this website, a lot of others are feeling pain and frustration the the manager's inability to select, direct or motivate the team. Nothing of course can replace the fantastic times he gave us. However, Arsene needs to go soon with dignity and I think the very minimum he deserves is a spectacular send off and massive Thank You, probably at the end of the season. Maybe a testimonial between the Invincibles and the current team, a bit like the Bergkamp testimonial? Sad - undoubtedly - but not to change is no longer an option.

  20. Gooner1711

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:05 #17736

    Let's see the team we field Sunday to see if it is the FA Cup or CL (AW Holy Grail) we are going for?

  21. Mikey H

    Jan 26, 2012, 12:39 #17733

    Unfortunately the time has come for Arsene to move on. The decision to take off the Ox when we were in a posotion to go on and win a game that we were generally outplayed in. If the decision was to replace Theo, after yet another useless performance, I dont think anyone would of cared but as Charles said it was a decision made by a manager out of touch. His panic buys on deadline day gave hime until January where we NEED to strengthen but once again Arsene has refused - even though, without RVP we wont have a hope of finishing in the top 4. Wenger made the club what we are today but unfortunately, with a huge amount of help from the board, has taken us backwards as we look set to celebrate 8 years without winning the league. We have always been 1 or 2 players away from winning the league but after Cesc and Samir leaving we are now 5 players away. We need fresh eyes in at the club and change over of the manager and a large portion of the backroom staff, inc a useless physio dept that cant seem to get any of our players fit to return from injury since Gary Lewin left and finally getting rid of players that are not good enough for Arsenal. As a side note, I cant believe that the focus United's winner at the weekend has been Ox coming off and Arshavins lack of effort an not the fact that Per Mertesacker moved out of the way of the ball when Wellbecks shot looked destined to hit him. Watch the replay and see Per jump out of the way....sums him up really!

  22. john

    Jan 26, 2012, 10:56 #17729

    Free speech move wegner up to board room he s arsenal legend. Go across to real Madrid Josie here u go thank u everyone happy

  23. Jim

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:39 #17727

    @John, We are Arsenal supporters. You are not. You are an Arsene supporter. Arsene is NOT Arsenal. Different as chalk and cheese.

  24. Chris

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:36 #17725

    Simple answer - no. I totally understand the reaction to the substitution but can you imagine the reaction if he hadn't taken the Ox off, who had then been injured, ruling him out for a month or so? I tihnk it was quite a brave substitution to be honest. We need AOC for the next few games - we might not have had him if he'd stayed. This summer will be a watershed - either Wenger or some of board will leave. I hope it is the latter, becuase if Wenger stays I reckon RVP might too. Wenger is not the problem - it's the board!

  25. Judge Fred

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:29 #17723

    Anyone else get the feeling that RvP will be rested against Villa? A forward line of Park/The-O/Meercat....*shivers*

  26. Gooner30

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:09 #17719

    Good article, wenger needs to go then we can get rid of the Akb's as well!!

  27. Tony Evans

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:56 #17717

    Considering some of the debacles we have witnessed, the crazy tactics like playing Bendtner on the wing and the poor quality and inflated salaries of too many of our players, Wenger has done pretty well to avoid heckling from the crowd. He has 'got away with it' for too long and don't let one or two wins now (if we get them) cloud your vision again. We were promised so much when we moved from Highbury and the club are not delivering on those promises and although the board are risable too, Wenger is the man who picks the team and is responsible for what happens on the pitch. We have every right to be angry and I hope some of the stubborn arrogance of the man may soften as a result of a few home truths being thrown at him.

  28. Makubuya marc brayn

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:54 #17716

    We really dont need rangles in our club now we jus need to concentrate on the season and finishing in top four if Arsene mest up am sure he wont let it happen again plus God wenger just get rid of jhourou cause no matter how the midfielders do there job and the defender keeps messing up we shall do no progress at the club *arsenal for life*

  29. j

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:48 #17715

    Clearly the end was when dein left and how it has shown for the last six years. Silent to spend, not on arsenal but on dodgers - reason for not spending at arsenal. PH-W out!

  30. colinc

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:11 #17710

    i absolutely agree with the comments, but accept that he has taken the arrogance a bit too far now.it seems the more we protest the less likely he is to do anything about it, and why ? because he doesn't know what to do. i also agree that when he does go (and he won't have a choice) that the stupid board will mess it up again with someone like lawrie mcmenemy or someone of that ilk.aw should perhaps be given a seat on the eufa board and can't wait for him to be shipped out. colinc

  31. John

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:03 #17709

    My god, are you still moaning on about this? Get over it, there's a new game coming up and the team needs our support. Now more than ever. We are the Arsenal!