Like a candle in the wind

Being a Gooner is akin to living with an alcoholic

Like a candle in the wind

Arsenal fans: Entitled to an opinion

Oh dear, even the AKBs are angry. The one that sits next to me at the E******* was apoplectic about the booing of Wenger. I didn’t join in but could sympathise with those that did, and can confess to singing the “spend some money” song at Fulham at the end of last season and at other times since. However, deep down, I suspect my friend is just frustrated that his staunch loyalty has been well and truly betrayed by a manager whose departure is now surely only a matter of time.

Being a Gooner these days is a bit like living with an alcoholic who repeatedly promises to give up drinking before the start of each season. As you are a forgiving type, and remember the good times, you say "fine, I will give you one more chance", but sometime before the end of March the empties are rolling over the floor and your partner is slumped at the table. It takes real mental strength to get out of a rut and, sad to say, the pattern of failure for our Club has now become so regular and predictable that I can’t ever see it ever changing unless we have a change of manager.

What the AKBs also forget to mention is that we have stopped playing the kind of football that turned us into the Aston Martin of the Premiership. I have been bored rigid watching some of our performances this season and, let's face it, Spurs are currently a better side to watch than us. How does the Elton John song go? “Your candle burnt out long before the legend ever did”. If this carries on much longer, we will find ourselves back in the Aston Villa type of wasteland that we climbed out of back in the 1980s.

My AKB friend laughed at me when I pointed out some of the similarities between AW's decline and George Graham’s: poor signings, reliance on a single striker, lack of goals and of creativity in the midfield. Of course, our fall from grace this time round has been from loftier heights, but that can’t disguise the feeling that we have been here before, our manager has run out of ideas and the squad has gone stale.

The tragedy of our current predicament is that the spine of the current team is made up of some great and, in some cases, exceptional players like Szczesny, Koscielny, Vermaelen, Mertesacker, Wilshere, Song and Van Persie. These are players who could and should be allowed to form the core of a successful team. The trouble is that they are surrounded by the perennial lost-causes of Arshavin, Chamakh, Diaby, Park, Walcott and a number of players who are OK (when fit) but are not as good as their equivalents in the teams above us.

Where did it all go wrong in our love affair with Le Boss? Some have said that the defining moment occurred in the 74th minute of yesterday’s game, but to me it was the two comments our manager made in April last year. The first was the “half a day in football” jibe and the second was his suggestion that he’d “happily come second for the next twenty years”.

It is true that football fans talk a lot of rubbish from time to time, especially on the radio on a Saturday evening, but so do some ex-players and current managers. The truth of the matter is that to brand all Arsenal fans as ignorant fools is just as foolish as blaming every defeat on the referee. Contrary to what Arsène said, some Arsenal fans are incredibly knowledgeable and perceptive, and they don’t take kindly to the suggestion that their opinions had no value. I don’t include myself in the knowledgeable group but, as I fork out £1,100 a year for my season ticket, I feel that the least I am entitled to is an opinion.

As for coming second, it looks like Arsène should have said fourth or fifth or sixth. Perhaps that’s what happens when you are willing to settle for second-best.

If you take away AW's trademark total-football style and his ability to sign world-class players at bargain basement prices, what have you got left? Not a lot. And, finally, a message to the Board – remember Brian Clough. Let’s get this misery over quickly.

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  1. Useless

    Jan 27, 2012, 12:01 #17791

    I am sure even if we get relegated under Arsene Wenger, there will be some AKBs who would say we should support him because without him we would have been in non-league football.

  2. Mandy dodd

    Jan 26, 2012, 22:15 #17769

    Living with an alcoholic cannot be great, but Would you agree that for some, being a regular visitor of online Gooner is like living with a depressive, nothing to live for addict needing daily fix of doom, fear for the future, negativity, resulting in psychosis, unbalanced feelings, the need to pigeon hole fans, sudden need unexplainnee craving for constant praise of the spuds and their manager, an elevation of wenger and the likes of diaby from mere employees of arsenal to the font of all that is wrong in the world? Think given the choice, you are probably better off with an alcoholic! Come on, we are in a ****e run but it may not all end so badly!

  3. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jan 26, 2012, 19:07 #17762

    Fair comments except that the board should be equally be at fault as much as Wenger. Also I don't understand people's behaviour about an article using disease or an illness to explain an's an article for goodness sake not having a go at any member of any family. It is written to express something so please grow up and get real. My dad died with cancer so if someone write something about it as an example I should get politically correct about because I went through that pain!!! No, whatever diseases we're talking about it's here and real...! Everyone has an opinion so does the author!!!!

  4. A

    Jan 26, 2012, 18:19 #17759

    People who slammed the fans who jeered are not Arsenal fans. They are fans of Arsene Wenger. As a fan of Arsenal, I am fond of Arsene Wenger and would love for him to bring us back to the glory days when he first took charge. It is because of that period that I felt he deserved more time to sort things out. But passionate Arsenal fans care more about the club than Arsene Wenger. Passionate Arsenal fans are truly hurt by our obvious steady decline, something perhaps foreseen by many even. Passionate Arsenal fans are scared of becoming second best to Spurs. Passionate Arsenal fans will not let Arsenal slip into mid-table anonymity - which is the direction we are heading. Wenger's stubbornness, cowardice in the transfer market and tactical incompetence is at the centre of this. It is for this reason that fans of Arsenal FC jeered that day against Man Utd.

  5. clockendpaul

    Jan 26, 2012, 18:02 #17756

    Judge fred spot on mate, and once the window shuts we'll be told that wilshere and co are, sorry another month away. Santos won't play any major part for the rest of this season and gibbs if he's ever going to be fit is not up to it at the moment. We should have bought another fullback by now if we're serious about getting forth our play needs it, but what do we know not having spent half a day in football.

  6. AF

    Jan 26, 2012, 17:31 #17755

    Apologies if the analogy about living with an alcholic caused offence. It was only meant to express that feeling of being repeatedly let down by someone you want to trust.

  7. Nick

    Jan 26, 2012, 14:58 #17748

    Canada Gooner take your head out of your backside i know all too well about addictions to drink ,and drugs, but humour or an analogy is neither belittling the problem or deriding it what, are we supposed to be po faced and ultra serious about everything, in case it offends someone with brittle ear bones ? death is something that happens to all of us and surely is just as bad but we allow humour about that subject because to do otherwise would depress everybody to hell and anyway the write had a very good point to make and his analogy was very good and im sure he didnt mean to offend anybody by it, oh by the way i wasnt there on sunday, but had i have been, i would have booed as loudly as anyone re the removal of our best player on the day for a completely useless article like arshavin

  8. Jumpers

    Jan 26, 2012, 14:48 #17745

    I have been reading Arsenal blogs from various sources this week and there are a growing number of die hard Arsenal fans who are getting exasperated with the situation. It's quite sad to see but I think we might be witnessing the beginning of the end of the Wenger era. There is a lot riding on the FA cup this year but it would not surprise me if Wenger decides to rest RvP on Sunday, which is fine, but if we then go on to loose then I think all hell will break loose! The thing is AW is on his own . No help from above (weak Board, Gazidis the money man who won't provide any sort of help and Kronke not even interested in football) No impetus from below (Pat Rice and back-room are just too lightweight) That just leaves the fans and with the growing anti - Wenger feeling, it's hard to see where he goes from here. Apart from the crass comments he now makes regularly in TV interviews, his decision making seems poor and he hasn't even attempted to sign anyone in the transfer window (not even a loan player) and that's after he himself said a few weeks ago "if I don't have a left back I will sign one" Well he doesn't and he hasn't. He just makes himself look stupid. As the saying goes everyone needs a friend and Wenger will soon have none. Sunday is massive. It's strange really we can almost see it coming, he must see it too, but like an incoming tide he just doesn't seem able to stop it! None of us want this, I'm sure Wenger doesn't either, but it is happening before our very eyes. We have a fantastic chance to go all the way in FA cup this year, with many top teams already out, but I just do not think we a in a strong enough place to take advantage right now., but we'll see............ By the way Canada don't be such a dope it's just an analogy. Good writers use them to highlight a point by painting an imaginary picture to bring their point to life, but reading some of your previous pieces, this is something you almost certainly do not have the capacity to understand, but don't worry about it

  9. Dan h

    Jan 26, 2012, 14:46 #17744

    Good point about the type of football we are playing becoming more side to side than ever slower build up easier to defend.Narrow midfield you really can see where the lack of full back width is exposed poor displays since Wigan away no coincidence really very frustrating to watch.

  10. Judge Fred

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:56 #17742

    Just a few hours of the January transfer window left...this is our season ticking away not just the close of the window. We are depending on long-term injured players to save our season when they return - it never works out like that, they need a month to get properly match fit (not to mention RvP staying fit). That takes us to March...and it will all be over by then. This is so painful - as I have said before I WANT MY ARSENAL BACK.

  11. The Noise

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:55 #17741

    Fantastic piece apart from saying Song should be part of the spine of our team... NO CHANCE!! Yes, he's the best at what he does currently at the club, but that doesn't mean he's anywhere near world class! Gives way too many silly free kicks, pulled out of position often, hasn't got any pace, his staminia is awful and somewhere he thinks he's Zidane and can pull of a backheel... Which 90% of the time goes to an opposition player! I was there that faithful night when he slated at Craven Cottage and even though he's improved, my view has not changed... HE'S SIMPLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ARSENAL FC!

  12. Ron

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:40 #17738

    If guidance being sought from our fans is your thing,rely on your discourse with our away support and ignore the vast amount of those at home. Our away support is second to none and the views are forthright and honest in the main. Most reactions at home are knee jerk and coming from a great many who never went to games before 2006 its a bit rich of them too. Ive had many diascussions with fans, whoce names i never know but see them quite often who've expressed misgivings about AW for quite a few seasons.Equally so, there are as many (id say far more) who wdt give the boss a hard time. What im saying is that if that game v Utd last Sunday had have happened at OT, the boss and the Board really would need to take a good look at things.

  13. Wenger out NOW

    Jan 26, 2012, 13:01 #17735

    Song, great player?? I think you have been on the drink mate. lol

  14. allybear

    Jan 26, 2012, 12:43 #17734

    Sorry Andy but if you think that Mertesacker&Song are exceptional players then im afraid that you havent a clue. I have said on many occasions that we have a very average squad&the results clearly show this.

  15. Jekyll

    Jan 26, 2012, 12:01 #17732

    Great and exceptional? Song and Mertesacker?? Wilshire hasn't played all season. Koscielny is having a good season. Chesney is a good young keeper. RVP is the only one that merits such a tag. I agree they could form of the core of a good team but you've overcooked the superlatives there. Canada - "booing our fans"? I've variously heard the fans were booing Arshavin and/or Wenger, didn't realise they were booing themselves.

  16. AFC me

    Jan 26, 2012, 11:40 #17731

    It’s ok to boo. What the **** is this pussy attitude from people saying you shouldn’t boo? when this team clearly aren’t up to standard or just blatantly contrive to lose in often humiliating ways you should feel pissed off. Fecks sake we are Arsenal we used to be a big team who competed with the best and guess what sometimes we won stuff (you know like your supposed to try and do) and some of these Muppets think we should just sit in silence or worst still pay our hard earned cash and cheer as we lose to some clogger team or our nearest rivals. Still mustn’t grumble A! cause cheering when losing or watching yet another shambolic tactical choice from the chosen one has really worked so far. Man up AKBS get some nuts and stand up for our team by letting them know its not ****ing good enough. SPEND SOME ****IN MONEY!

  17. Ronster

    Jan 26, 2012, 10:14 #17728

    goonerjon....Nottingham Forest massively overachieved..that was the genius of Brian Clough and let's not forget Peter Taylor! The tragedy with Wenger is that he failed to appoint an astute no2 following the departure of David Dein.

  18. Bridgers

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:36 #17726

    "The tragedy of our current predicament is that the spine of the current team is made up of some great and, in some cases, exceptional players like Szczesny, Koscielny, Vermaelen, Mertesacker, Wilshere, Song and Van Persie." Mertesacker great! exceptional!! I've seen milk turn quicker, and for a big man he's so weak both in the air and on the ground. Agree with most everything else you've said though.

  19. Yanto

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:34 #17724

    Having a alcoholic in the family is like living with Hell, and so your Alcoholic Analogy is in very poor taste and an unwise choice. The rest of your comments I agree with, however something you might have mentioned is that it is no mere coincidence that our Trophy Drought escalated with the departure of David Dein - who had been the 'Sounding Board' for AW and although AW must carry the majority of the blame - it is he who chooses the players to buy, and plays is also the board who are culpable in its present incarnation who continue to put Profit Before Trophies, so even if AW does go, the board under Kroenke will continue to seek profit before Success Proper. I used to shudder at the thought that some Olgarch (Usmanov) might get their hands on My Beloved Arsenal, But unless something drastic occurs we are headed for permanent upper-Mid Table Residence...rubbing shoulders with the likes of a.Villa and the scabby McLeish. "Thank-You For The Memories Arsene But It Is Time To Go! NOW!"

  20. Melvyn

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:11 #17721

    Although I have never had the unfortunate experience you have had to endure,dont you think you are being just a little oversensitive.I thought the analogy summed up our plight quite well. You cannot pick up a paper/watch the TV without references to the is a big part or our life.I dont boo Wenger,but I understand those who do,as in my opinion he has lost it big time.

  21. Adrian Wagenaar

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:09 #17720

    Andy, if you spend £1,100 for a season ticket you have every right to complain how ever you see fit! I wrote a piece in The Gooner a few years ago about the Wenger /Clough similarities, when Wenger started talking about Almunia playing for England and how Clough would line up teams with players out of position just because he could and because he was Clough! Four centre halves in the back four is a very good example of a typical Clough sanction!

  22. deejay1952

    Jan 26, 2012, 9:07 #17718

    This is one of the best summaries I've seen for a long time. I find it annoying now that Szczesny is spouting out about finishing in the top 4 week after week. walcott and others have been doing it for a while now. It's tiring. Lets face it, unless we can send round a case of lasagne to the spuds, there is absolutely no chace of overhauling them (without new signings)

  23. Andrew Cohen

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:42 #17714

    Well C.G. I didn't feel that the writer was being disrespectful. He's trying to put matters another way in order to get others to understand. What occurred to me is that being a supporter of Arsene Wenger's Arsenal is like being locked into an unhappy marriage with no escape. It breeds a certain kind of depression. The man has now moved us to a position where we are shouting at someone who was our hero. The board won't move him, the owner won't move him, the press won't move him and the ex-players ( with some notable exceptions)won't criticise him. Well guess what. It's a free country and all of them should stand up and tell him to go. We have a few days of the transfer window left. Our spent genius won't buy. Plus ca change. Even if he did buy he would ruin what he bought. He has destroyed Arshavin and Chamakh. The only thing that can be done is now being done: supporters telling him that he no longer knows what he is doing. It would help if every one else woke up and smelt the coffee, at long, long last.

  24. Tony Evans

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:27 #17713

    If Wenger stays much longer we will all become alcolholics. It is certainly enough to drive me to drink!

  25. goonerjon

    Jan 26, 2012, 8:00 #17708

    Yup,remember Clough and look at the Nottingham Forest now.....

  26. legolas is furious

    Jan 26, 2012, 7:58 #17707

    i am afraid that we switched sides with Spurs. they used to fight for 9th place is it our turn now ? for goodness sake fans should stand up and support their time through such disgraceful season

  27. CanadaGooner

    Jan 26, 2012, 7:44 #17706

    distasteful analogy. thought people would learn from the fellow who cracked jokes about parkinson's suffers in an article yesterday. if you've ever lived with an alcoholic you'll know it's not something to take so lightly. Anyway, it seems the most popular phrase this week is: "I didnt join in but sympathise with those who did". I just wonder who those faceless cowards are? we are all deeply frustrated, but anyone who thinks booing our fans while a match is ongoing and a result can still be had, is a clever thing to do needs their heads examined. think line between finishing 4th, 5th or 9th this season