Trying to look dispassionately

We have the makings of a good squad

Trying to look dispassionately

Arteta – One of the ‘oldies’ that’s ok

I am neither an AKB nor an AMG. I suspect I am part of the silent majority that has a high regard for the manager, has enjoyed the style of play that (at least until recently) has been so widely admired and entertaining to watch, and revels in the memory of his achievements while still at Highbury. Like the rest of that majority, however, I have become baffled at much of his recent strategy and many of his recent decisions. Sunday became a flashpoint for so many supporters because it appeared to typify a decision-making process that none of us understands and that neither the Club nor the manager wishes to share with us.

The purpose of this piece is not to rehearse any of the arguments either about Sunday or how we have got to this point. Nor is it to speculate on what will happen to the Club – and the captain – if we finish out of the top four, nor even to give vent to my personal hobby-horse, which is why the Club has apparently set its face against reinforcing the squad with another top-class striker. Others with far more knowledge of football than I have already covered these topics and will doubtless continue to do so for a long time to come. Rather, it is to stand back and look at the strength of the playing staff and, dispassionately, to take stock of its potential for the future.

Ignoring the usual suspects, of whom both the supporters and the Club wish to get rid, and focusing only on those we should be keeping, our staff (or at least those the supporters know about in any meaningful sense) falls into three age-categories – the old, the middle-aged and the young. In the first category come RvP, Arteta, Mertesacker and Sagna. I am assuming that the Club wishes to retain RvP and that there is no hidden agenda to sell him off. Of course, we cannot rely on his remaining, but he is there for now. Arteta, on the other hand, will be there for as long as we need him, and, even if he is not Cesc, is well worth his place. Mertesacker has his detractors, but any player who has represented Germany 70 times and continues to hold his place in that team is good enough for my squad. Sagna is a “no-brainer” for our A-list. No-one else in the “old” category gets onto that list.

Among the middle-aged, we have Vermaelen, Koscielny, Song, Gervinho and Santos. The first two of these are bankers for the A-list, particularly when played in position. The other three have their naysayers, but each would find a place in almost any other English club’s squad. There is still improvement in Song (who, in my opinion, does not fully merit the criticism he gets) while both Gervinho and Santos are both in their first season in English football. Each has had that first season interrupted for different reasons, but both show verve and a willingness to attack the ball that ties up defenders and keeps them on the back foot. If they can show the improvement that Koscielny has shown with an English winter under his belt, we have far more positives than negatives to look forward to.

We then come to the youngsters. Leading the pack are Wilshere, Ramsey, Szczesny, and Chamberlain, with Coquelin and Frimpong not far behind. If, maybe, Ramsey has been a little erratic through overuse, he is nevertheless a terrific prospect, and I doubt any supporter would wish to drop him or any of these others from the squad. Close behind are Miquel, Jenkinson and Yennaris, all of whom have shown promise and application in some tough circumstances. These three are not yet A-list players, but, as back-ups or subs, they bring a lot to the table and are not out of place in the squad.

There are then the three question-marks – Diaby, Gibbs and Walcott. Of these, the first two have demonstrated talent but a proneness to injury that means we have not been able to judge them over an extended period. Walcott, on the other hand, has been very well exposed to view and continues to frustrate. I confess to a liking for Theo, if only because my youngest grandchild is named after him. However, whether these three should stay in the squad is a matter of opinion.

What does this mean in terms of the squad? Excluding the question-marks, but including RvP, we have eighteen players who merit their position in it, leaving seven vacancies – four if you include the question-marks (and, to anticipate readers’ comments, I am counting them as if they were all already 21). Of the vacancies, two positions are nailed-on: reserve goalkeeper and second striker. The disposition of the other vacancies would be driven by whether any of the question-marks remained at the club.

This is not a bad squad, even by the standard of Arsenal’s more illustrious past. What it lacks, apart from team-wide defensive coaching, is the magic, upfront with RvP, of such as Henry, Pires, Bergkamp and the presence in midfield of a Vieira, a Petit or a Fabregas. In due course, some of our existing players may come to be talked of in the same breath. However, in the meantime, we know that the market has changed, that we will always be outbid in a straight fight, and that our scouting network has been replicated to the point where we can no longer expect to pick up some world-beating Frenchman that no-one has heard of. What we have to do is re-establish our credibility as a club to which players want to come in order to learn and compete alongside like-minded footballers, and where the desire to win comes from the top, not just from the terraces.

It’s important that we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Whether under this manager or his successor, the nucleus of players that we have is a strong one. The trick – and, not having spent half a day in football, I have no idea how – is to get rid of all the senior players not on this list, make some judicious signings, and have a clear strategy to restore confidence by telling the players, the supporters and the world outside, honestly and realistically, what we intend to do and how we plan to do it.

(Ed’s note – For our Gooner Gambling Scheme regulars, our next bet will be detailed early next week in time for the Premier League visit to Bolton)

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  1. David Whiting

    Feb 01, 2012, 13:45 #18008

    This reminds me of GG's last couple of years - terrible signings, slipping behind the top teams, turgid football, one good striker and a feeling that the manager had lost his touch and would never get it back. There was the same diehard view that GKB. Both managers had a knack for a great bargain in the transfer market that made us all think they could just keep on buying cheap and winning. You could never imagine GG spending big, and Arsenal couldn't really afford it at the time anyway; but Wenger can, needs to, but won't. And like GG, the evidence that AW doesn’t know any other way, is that he hasn’t tried anything new since he’s been there. That’s been the difference between him and the inarticulate, Bolshy, bloodshot, whisky soaked Fergie. For all his generally repulsive and uncouth mannerisms compared to the urbane, multilingual, post-grad AW, the loathsome Glaswegian has shown himself to be a cannier operator than AW and stayed ahead by buying big as well as young and talented. A good education doesn’t always mean a better brain.

  2. AugustusCaesar

    Jan 30, 2012, 13:07 #17889

    I agree that the nucleus of the squad is good. For years we've been accused of lacking a decent spine. Chez, TV, Song and RvP isn't a bad starting point to build your team around I don't think. It's clear we are probably three or four quality players short of having a really good squad though and there is plenty of deadwood we can get shut of. I think one of the problems has been offloading the likes of Squillaci and Almunia. No one will have them.

  3. GoonerRon

    Jan 30, 2012, 0:15 #17870

    @ Dan h - 'Walcott 5 years no improvement.' Listen, I've always said Theo is a limited footballer and has three strings to his bow - pace, movement and finishing - which if not used by the team renders him almost pointless. However, to say he hasn't improved in 5 years is utter ****. In his first three seasons he averaged a goal every 7.6 games. In his last three seasons he has averaged a goal every 4.5 games. Now, this is improvement and is a far better goals return than Downing, Lennon etc. I'll never be his biggest fan but I also won't slag him off with ill-informed facts.

  4. John Abrehart

    Jan 28, 2012, 17:49 #17851

    AW now says that he does not need left back because Sagna will be back next week and he can play there, as can Vermalean. The first option would leave us still short at right back, (not Djourou if we are serious about our run-in) whilst the second leaves us short of our best centre back. Gibbs is to start training on Monday, so 2-3 weeks before match fit and Santos will be returning in March. So, that must leave us short in the meantime doesn't it Prof? Arteta is to have a fitness test before the Villa game and Wilshere has a setback, with no definate date for a return. I am saying no more until after the Blackburn game**** there are three games in seven days coming up. By then, the transfer window will be closed and we will be able to ****uate the fitness of the aforementioned players and view the match results. The transfer window will also be closed. Judgement day I think.

  5. Russian_Aussie_Gooner

    Jan 28, 2012, 7:51 #17831

    Some good points here, but also several points missed that warrant a mention in this context. Firstly, the fact that many of these players aren't on the part far too often is too big an issue to be a mere coincidence or bad luck. Our medical department needs a serious review and one suspects, major changes would follow, if such a review were to be conducted. Secondly, Ramsey doesn't seem to have enough quality as an attacking mid for a top 4 club. For Aston Villa or Everton, maybe, but for a top club, he isn't showing enough. I am not saying he should be sold, but his automatic spot in the team surely needs to be questioned, and with Wilshere back, he should be the first to be dropped? As for the young kids, Yenaris shows plenty of promise IMO, but Miquel and Jenkinson are yet to convince me that they are players for the future. And finally, as one from the so called silent majority, how much more time are you prepared to give the coach, to show us the club is on its way up again and is ready to win something again?

  6. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 27, 2012, 22:51 #17827

    Morocco take an early bath. Presume Chamakh returns early? Our no 2 striker back to save Wenger and support Sir Percy with a goal fest for the rest of the season - yea wright! Conversely 4 days to sell him!

  7. CanadaGooner

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:23 #17819

    "Ramsay has been A LITTLE bit erratic through OVERUSE"? that's the understatement of the year. he needs a GPS stitched to his backside so he can find the net! if someone paid me what these prima donas earn each week I'll run from London to China! overuse?! seriously!! Ron's comment above hits the nail smack on the head.

  8. Gooner4flife

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:19 #17818

    Whatever we debate or express ourself in essays AW wont buy for any position unless they are injured.And with recent news about delay in wilshere return smthg might change AW mind.It is time to call the loaned players like vela, campbell ,bartley and lansbury to squad (we dnt need denilson and bendtner).Or atleast start using Miyachi and conquelin .These guys need something to prove.We send them for loan only because there werent many vacancy for positions and to get match practise .But now we are in short of many positions , why dont AW call some back, instead of using squallaci, Djourou etc .Its so pathetic to see predictable starting eleven.Many fans dnt want ramsey, walcot starting , those guys should check the official website to understand that there arent many options.Even if Ox starts as right winger , we have only arshavin to play left wing (which many of us dnt like it).Once Henry finishes his loan spell, its goin to be much pathetic for team.We are building team for 6years wihtout trophies,I wonder if AW doesnt understands this simple thing ,Coz its not rocket science.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:10 #17816

    Here we go again one of our top players jack wilshere suffers set back could the online gambling scheme give us odds that the next news will be he's out for the season.State of the art medical center? maybe a clear out is required there as well as clockendpaul says what's the betting same news with gibbs and still no signings.

  10. fozzy's mate

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:02 #17815

    Nice post. In recent years the additions of Santos, Metersacker, Arteta and Benayhoun would have given us the steel and extra depth we needed. But why wait until Cesc and NA$ri left. In the golden era of 98-2004 players like Wiltord, Ljunberg and Edu were added and in some cases looked average but were added to an extremely strong squad with a core of world class players. In tight games we do not have the quality to open sides up that the Cesc and Na$ri had or to score vital goals. I see our stand outs as RVP, TV5, Jack and Sagna. All have suffered long term injuries unfortunately. Bringing back Henry was pure appeasement and nostalgia but is it really progressive and what did it say to Park?

  11. Clockendpaul

    Jan 27, 2012, 16:39 #17811

    And gibbs is back in training on monday, i'll give him three days beore he's out again, just ater the transfer window shuts!

  12. Sarge

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:59 #17810

    Ron you're right it doesn't take a coaching badge to see what's wrong but it helps to disprove Wenger's view of us supporters. I'm fed up with listening to a man who thinks he is the only one who's right and us the great unwashed don't possess any insight into how the game works. I believe we are some way off challenging again. There is no way we are geared up with the current set up to cope with a 60 game season and have a realistic chance of winning at least one trophy.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:55 #17809

    Michael your first paragraph describes a lot of fans but even this silent majority are not staying silent anymore every body silent or loud akb's amg's the manager the board know something is not right at our club on the pitch every body can see the problems why is nothing been done about it instead of persisting with players you quite rightly didn't mention who are not fit to wear the shirt although it could be argued a few you did mention could be added to that list. Good post.

  14. Dan h

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:54 #17808

    The core of a first 11 is there cut below that & the squad is woefully exposed hence overplaying of certain players.Wilshire last season, Ramsey totally overplayed this season.RVP apart the forwards are as poor as we have seen at Arsenal in a generation.Chamakh,Park speak for themselves there are better strikers in the championship let alone a side playing CL football.No back up GK of a decent standard again speaks for itself regards to the squad.Djourou,Squillaci,Rosicky,Almunia,Fabianski,Mannone,AA,Park,Chamakh loanees Bendtner,Denilson all on our books all on big money madness.Gibbs injury prone & finally Diaby who sadly through serious injury will never be able play at the top level for any length of time without breaking down.Walcott 5 years no improvement the fact he is young & English 1 year on his contract in the summer wanting around 85k a week no brainer cash in.Massive playing squad in numbers mediocre in quality.

  15. Jekyll

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:50 #17807

    You've got some players in the age categories wrong. Mert is 26-27, Santos is 28-29 so the former should be swapped with the latter in the old and middle aged categories. Sagna is no older than Santos so also should not be in an older category than him. Apart from that, you're right in your last paragraph, that's the trick. It's simply not the Wenger way or the club's way however. Complete clear out needed for that to happen.

  16. Ramgun

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:40 #17805

    The problem is, Judge Fred, that we would have to pay up their contracts. Wenger's madness has left us in an impossible position. Arteta sums up today's Arsenal. Everton supporters were not too fussed at losing him because they know that his legs are not too good these days. He is intelligent and knows that with Song wandering around the pitch he can play 15 yards either side of the half-way line. Those who say we have been missing Arteta should have another look at the game at Fulham where he couldn't raise a gallop. We have signed Arteta at the time in his career where we used to get rid of players! As for the rest of the main article's rose-tinted view, we have been a few or several or many players short for 7 seasons. At the moment we are miles away.

  17. allybear

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:16 #17803

    Ron your spot on mate&sorry Michael but you must be looking at another team! There hasnt been a decent squad for years.No point in going over old ground i just want to see some action from the club&i just dont get why people are still behind Wenger. His project is over just like he should be.

  18. arsenaltony

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:00 #17802

    can anyone tell me what is the point of walnut this is a player who can not cross a ball leaves our full backs isolated and in general hes touch on the ball is a joke is goal scoring ratio is absymal and its time he was moved on we dont need hes services no more we now have a replacment far superior to him the oxs lets cashing walnut now there will be plenty of buyers i dont think were does hes future lie hackney marshes for me hes had more than another chances at arsenal

  19. Aaron

    Jan 27, 2012, 14:37 #17800

    Per Mertesacker is 27 and listed in the old category and Andre Santos is 29 in 2 months yet categorised as "middle aged"???? Quite how your logic of "any player who has represented Germany 70 times and continues to hold his place in that team is good enough for my squad" works is beyond me. We've conceded 33 goals this season including 4 at Blackburn, 3 at Swansea, 2 late goals at Fulham and that horrendous Norwich goal. 33 goals is 2nd worst of teams not in the bottom 5 and almost double Man City's 18. How can you justify any of our defenders holding a place in our team as good enough? We're a joke defensively

  20. Racer

    Jan 27, 2012, 13:47 #17798

    One question to this article, is the team weaker than last year or stronger? our bench against man utd with the possible exception of Arshavin I think the others would struggle to get in to Wolves team! 01 Almunia, 18 Squillaci, 49 Miquel, 23 Arshavin, 30 Benayoun, 56 Yennaris, 09 Park Chu-Young Wenger is out of touch with reality now with Wilshere looking like he won't play this season top 4 ain't going unless the manager walks. over the last 6/7 years it's gone from starting the season to try and win the league to the manager coming out at the start of this year aiming for 4th place what..... I hope Henry the legend has it out with Wenger is Cahill and Samba not as good as Kos and Mertsacker? really?

  21. Judge Fred

    Jan 27, 2012, 13:47 #17797

    .....and now Wilshere has had a "small setback". Thats his season 90% gone - the great hope we had of a recovery into the top 4 has disappeared with Jack's slowly-healing ankle. Still, the squad is strong enough, eh Arsene?

  22. ATID

    Jan 27, 2012, 13:45 #17796

    Good analysis, balanced and fair. Wenger as a manager has two core weaknesses 1) his determination to only play one style of football. That is laudable when it is the style of the Highbury years but can be naive from a tactical perspective. 2) his excessive loyalty to players who should be shown the door. Do you remember Jerome Aliadiere? He wass never going to be good enough but we ended up with him on the books for six years. Ferguson has a better record in both of these areas.

  23. Ron

    Jan 27, 2012, 13:00 #17794

    Sarge - I wished id have said that! It adds the flesh to the bones of my comments perfectly. To be honest mate, it hardly takes a coaching badge to see the fault lines in that squad/team does it? Your summary is smack on though.

  24. Peter Wain

    Jan 27, 2012, 12:41 #17793

    Far too optimiistic view. We do not have a reliable defence our midfield lacks power pace and creativity and we have one goal scorer. I think the Mertsacker Santos Benayoun and Park are all bad buys bought by panic management led by Gazidis and the Yank. It seems to me that the philosphy of the club now is it all right not to compete so long as the balance sheet looks ok. If you want to increase revenue just increase ticket prices. This is rank bad management and if we do not achieve CL qualification the consequences will be serious. We will be mid table also rans season after season and any promising player will have to leave to further his career.

  25. Judge Fred

    Jan 27, 2012, 12:28 #17792

    The 'senior players not on this list' should all be told they can leave as free transfers. This will make them more employable given their massive wages. Yes Arsenal will take a transfer fee hit doing this, but I'd rather have them out of the club for nothing than in the club draining the resources. We have 6 or 7 of these players clogging-up the squad and they have been doing that for years now. Unfortunately AW remains too loyal to too much rubbish (Almunia, Squill, Diaby, DJ Ourou, Ros, Arsh, Park)

  26. tpm

    Jan 27, 2012, 11:35 #17790

    the fact is its not a good squad. its nowhere near a league title challenging squad. the only players realistically good enough to get in the top 4 teams first xi's are rvp, jack and arguably TV and sagna. all our other first choice players would be merely squad/fringe players in the top 4 teams (and some, theo, song etc, barely that), thats fairly depressing and makes the above article a mockery.

  27. Highbury Boy

    Jan 27, 2012, 11:24 #17789

    "Nucleus is strong". Sorry mate but you are looking at the players through rose tinted glasses on their good days. There are no question marks against Diaby,Gibbs and Walcott (even if your youngest grandson is named after him) just big fat crosses. Apart from the class of VP and the injured Wilshere there are the above average Sagna and Vermaelen. Good prospects in SzCZ,Ramsey and the Ox. The rest are average at best and that will be reflected in the League Table at the end of the season. Major re-inforcements are essential especially if VP goes and frankly if he has any ambition whatsoever why should he stay with Wenger's decaying Arsenal? Wenger inherited the nucleus of a strong squad with an exceptional defence and a world class Dutch international. In the main he will leave a bunch of losers.

  28. Sarge

    Jan 27, 2012, 10:14 #17784

    It's not just about individual players we want to keep, but about having the players to carry out the 4-3-3 system effectively i.e. capable of scoring and stopping goals. In my opinion we don't. If our goals against column is alarming, our goals for doesn't make pretty viewing either. Hence the rather poor goal difference. One of the overlooked factors of losing Fabregas and Nasri is that they contributed 30 goals between them last season. No-one was brought in either in midfield or up-front to pick up that goal slack. No creative midfielder with the speed of thought or vision was brought in to open up tight defences particularly in central areas. We have wide players who have underperformed in and around goal with poor distribution, decision making and goal threat and can't defend the flanks leaving our full backs exposed when the opposition overload the wings. A midfield that lacks mobility, is unable to retain the ball and dictate the pace and direction of the game. Neither can they compete strongly enough to keep us in the game when the flow is against us. I have spent more than half a day in the game and I can see this as a coach from a dispassionate view point (the way I view all Arsenal games nowadays and still with a fan hat on). These are the fundmental flaws in our current game using this system. Either we change the system and play to the strengths of the current squad or we acquire new players to make the 4-3-3 system work properly. You just cannot continue to fit square pegs into round holes which is what Wenger has been doing to fulfil is flawed footballing philosophy.

  29. Ron

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:57 #17780

    Theres not an iota of craft or imagination in the squad. There is no power in the sqaud. There is not one player who can intimidate a team.There isnt a player who can shoot strongly. There isnt a player who's strong in the air. There isnt one brute of a tackler.There isnt one willing 'water carrier'. There isnt a player there who can cross a ball consistently or even at all. There isnt one player who can deliver a good throw in. There isnt one impressive goalkeeper (i dont join in this hollow hero worship of Scezny, hes not true calibre No 1 material in my book). Its an average squad, full of average performers and will only ever attain average results. Ive accepted it. Theyve no money so thay say. Ive accepted that and nothing we can do about it really. What im annoyed about is ever incresing top whack for my diet of average Joe's and hence why after this Season im no longer going to!

  30. Tony Evans

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:21 #17775

    Wenger is just not ruthless enough. What frustrates me and all my Arsenal mates is that we have been so close to being another good side in recent seasons, not in the same league as Wenger's greatest sides, but not bad> Yet Wenger does not seem to be able to turn us in to the finished article any more. He has had more than enough chances to do it and has given players like Almunia and the rest of the no hopers too many chances. He no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt from any of us long suffering fans. I hope he goes before we lose any more ground against our rivals, which at least will give a new manager a fighting chance to sort the mess out.

  31. chris dee

    Jan 27, 2012, 8:39 #17770

    The only thing missing from this squad is Henry,Bergkamp,Pires,Vieira,Petit and Fabrigas! Good observation mate!