There’s only two Arsène Wengers

Division amongst the fans caused by Wenger’s Jekyll and Hyde personality.

There’s only two Arsène Wengers

Jeckyll and Hyde?

It is only now, on the 25th January, 2012, that I can sit at my keyboard and begin to write about the scenes that I witnessed outside Ashburton Grove Stadium on Sunday after the 1-2 defeat against Manchester United with any kind of perspective or clarity, such was the impact on my psyche as a lifelong Gooner.

Two groups of Arsenal fans were arguing and chanting at each other with a palpable hatred (almost as if they were fans of rival clubs) all because one group wants Arsène Wenger out of the club ASAP because of his perceived stubbornness, lack of tactical acumen and refusal to spend available funds, while the other group has remained staunchly loyal to their once-glorious leader and believes that, if Arsène Wenger had more financial backing from the Arsenal board, he would be winning trophy after trophy after trophy.

Of course, there is a lot more to be said about the arguments presented by both the Wenger-Out-Now Liberation Army and the Pro-Wenger loyalists but, when I try and condense the arguments down into a single sentence, that’s the best summation of the situation I can put forward.

The Pro-Wenger loyalists were heard to be chanting “there’s only one Arsène Wenger” at the Wenger-Out brigade, but I couldn’t help but wonder whether there are actually two Arsène Wengers or, at the very least, two very distinct yet opposing personalities contained within the same individual man.

The first is Arsène Wenger 1996-2005, who brought us title-winning performances, F.A. Cups, an unbeaten season and a Champions League final. This Wenger brought in powerful, athletic and determined players who were willing to fight for the right to play their attractive brand of attacking football.

The second is Arsène Wenger 2005-present day, who has failed to win a single trophy and has brought in players who are obviously far less physically imposing than players like Vieira, Petit, Lauren, Gilberto and Kolo Touré, and lack the ability to consistently fight for the right to play their pass, pass, pass, tippy-tappy never-crossy, never-shooty brand of football.

It seems that the Wenger loyalists are still caught up in their devotion to the 1996-2005 Arsène Wenger, while the Wenger-Out brigade are more concerned with the current incarnation of our once-glorious leader.

Regardless of who is right or who is wrong on this important issue, I can only say that it is a truly sad and sorry state of affairs when fellow Gooners look more like bitter enemies than brothers-in-arms, and it would be awful for the overall health of the club if we were to witness further outbreaks of physical violence amongst sections of our own support again. We all know it has happened before and I don’t want to go into the embarrassing details here once again.

I sit in the West Lower, and a couple of seats down from me is a lovely chap who sometimes feels the need to vent his frustrations with some of the current Arsenal team (using the most colourful language imaginable) and who was recently challenged by a fellow Gooner to “Shut the f*** up” and “See me outside after the match”, all because he was slating the performance of certain individuals for the benefit of his own sanity and, I presume, for the amusement of some like-minded fans around him.

Firstly, I would like to point out that it is ridiculous that fans of the same club should be so angry with each other’s opinions that they choose to resolve the argument with physical violence and, secondly, it is a sad indictment on the volume levels inside our stadium that an argument between two individuals more than ten metres apart could be heard so clearly in the middle of a sold-out Premier League match.

I’m sure that the one thing that all of us can agree on is that we badly need more investment into the quality of our playing squad but, as a former hardcore AKB myself (until 2011), I am going to have one more stab at deprogramming the rest of the AKB cult-members.

Arsène Wenger has inadvertently turned us Gooners against each other because of his post-2005 idea that copying the Barcelona model of a 4-3-3 system that is played using smaller, more mobile players would eventually confound and confuse our opponents and lead to Premier League domination simply because of the sheer technical superiority of this system over the more traditional 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 formations.

What Wenger has failed to realise is that, in order for his new system, or indeed any system, to work in a tough and physically-competitive league such as the Premiership, your players must put in 100% effort, 100% of the time and fight for the right to play the possession/passing style of football.

The passion and commitment to the Arsenal cause displayed by Henry, van Persie, Koscielny and Vermaelen in recent matches has provided a stark contrast to the lack of effort and commitment displayed by players such as Chamakh, Arshavin, Bendtner, Denilson and Diaby in recent seasons, leading a lot of informed supporters to question why these players are (or were) given numerous chances to show that they are not passionate about, or committed to, anything except their sky-high wages.

When I watch Barcelona and see Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Pedro, Villa, Sanchez and Fabregas all busting a gut to regain possession and running their socks off for their team, I often wonder why some of our less-gifted players are not always willing to do the hard work that provides the platform on which the success of Barcelona F.C. is built. The only answer that I can come up with is the lack of proper man-management at Arsenal under Wenger, and his inability to get the best out of players lacking confidence, ability or motivation.

It appears that van Persie, Wilshere, Vermaelen, Ramsey, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Koscielny are self-motivating players who have an innate desire to succeed and to win, while Arshavin, Chamakh, Denilson, Diaby and Bendtner are players who need a wake-up call and a bit of “hairdryer treatment” if we are ever going to see any more out of them in an Arsenal shirt.

The question that has to be asked now is “How long would it have taken Mourinho or Ferguson to drop these players?” because, although they too have been guilty of signing a few dud players in their careers, such as Kezman, Crespo, Djemba Djemba, Kleberson, Veron and Taibi, it didn’t take them long to realise that these players were not good enough and needed to be moved on to other clubs.

So, how long would it have taken Ferguson or Mourinho to decide that Chamakh, Arshavin, Squillaci, Djourou, Diaby, Denilson, Almunia, Bendtner and Fabianski needed to be shown the exit door? We’ll never know for sure, but I am quietly confident that none of those players would still be on the Arsenal payroll under either Ferguson or Mourinho.

Would Alex Ferguson or Jose Mourinho substitute their best-performing player in a tight match against a top-level team for a player whose commitment, fitness and desire has been found wanting all season? No, of course they wouldn’t - that would be silly. Would Alex Ferguson or Jose Mourinho persist with a 4-3-3 formation with no fully-fit full-backs available? No, of course they wouldn’t - it would put too much pressure on the centre-half playing out of position.

It is now time for us to finally realise that Wenger doesn’t care about what the opposition are going to do (as revealed by Cesc Fabregas in an interview during 2010), doesn’t have a clue of how to coach the defensive aspects of the game (as evidenced by our goals-against statistics and inability to hold a one-goal lead) and, finally, doesn’t have the man-management skills to turn around underperforming players who obviously have ability, such as Arshavin and Chamakh.

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  1. Spursforlife

    Feb 02, 2012, 15:53 #18098

    Since fabregas left,there's been no creative players good enough to fill his boots. Ramsey looks good against sunderland and wigan but up against top four clubs such as Tottenham, he's not a patch on Modric. Against Man United Scholes would have him all day. Against City Da Silva is on another planet. My point being Arsenal may have to accept that it will take a big purchase to get their very own Modric or Da Silva. In the meantime i'm sure Wenger will take 6th place has a good season.

  2. th

    Jan 31, 2012, 7:44 #17925

    Good article, although I disagree with Diaby being in the list. The guy has not played enough to make that sort of judgement and even when he has had a chance he doesn't seem 100%.

  3. Mikey H

    Jan 29, 2012, 3:57 #17862

    Great article. We just need the truth to be told as it seems although the board are more concerned at turning over profits from a top 4 finish than winning the league. If we finish outside the top 4 this year, I wonder how the board will react now that Wenger hasn't managed to get that level of performance out of avrerage players?

  4. wth

    Jan 29, 2012, 3:44 #17861

    spot on. the problem still continues, the way they pushed dein out and put that pea brained dead-wood as chairman is beyond words.they accepted someone who doesnt give a hoot about football to buy the highest club stake, for a guy who is passionate about football. then they added some twit to spin tales. all this people are money driven period . wenger unfortunately is half crazy n it wont be long before he is fully crazy and in a straight jacket. get rid of all of them plus players and staff who do not respect Arsenal values. no one is bigger than the club.

  5. Andrew Cohen

    Jan 28, 2012, 11:03 #17841

    I don't believe in the Jeykll and Hyde scenario, but if I did, we would be at the stage where the good doctor had had far too much of the transforming potion and was spending 90% of his time as the destructive unthinking beast, blundering from one destructive scene of carnage to another. What I hadn't identified until reading the comments here was that it was the younger supporters who still cling to Wenger like a babe to a died up teat. I'm not sure that that analysis is correct. My Dad is 77 and he wont say "Wenger out" yet. What is true is that those who are old enough to remember pre 1996 know that the success of the club was founded on certain tactical principles and are embarrassed by what has befallen us. It is now just a matter of time before the whole stadium is calling for his head. Assuming that Mr Redknapp is acquitted by his jury, the Tottenham game will be interesting in this context.

  6. Fred

    Jan 28, 2012, 9:07 #17834

    Lance, South Africa re Wallycott - bang on the money old son. The kid lacks grit and just looks confused half the time. The Ox plays like he knows what he is doing which shows Wallycott up for the over rated player he is. I heard he was after 80 grand a week, ha, ha, ha. But then again the daftie that is AW might just do it. How did it come to this?

  7. Sacramento Gooner

    Jan 28, 2012, 4:54 #17830

    We are trying desperately to live in the past.Results don't lie. In most professions, people are judged on current performance, not past glory. I love what Arsene has done, but it is time for him to go. The earlier he goes , the sooner the rebuilding can begin. Trying something again and again , that hasn't worked before, is the definition of insanity. The Board will never sack him. The AKBs are fearful of the unknown post Wenger and are clinging to the status quo. Well, he's not going to be here forever anyway. The Board, however, are a bunch of lying, spin weaving profiteers who are trying to make a passionate, hard game into a sterile business operation. Unless if they change course, the club is headed only won way - down. Who the next coach is, will only determine how low we sink.

  8. HowardL

    Jan 28, 2012, 0:52 #17829

    Excellent article Joe. The Jeckyl amd Hyde explanation didn't occur to me but it does seem to fit. Either way his time is up - the Ox decision was his alone - the final straw. Thanks for the memories Arsene. We'll always remember you for the right reasons if you go now. Happy retirement.

  9. Rob

    Jan 27, 2012, 23:15 #17828

    Well said Joe. One of the best and fairest appraisals I have read in a long while. I can't add - or would want to subtract - anything from, or to it.

  10. bunch

    Jan 27, 2012, 21:58 #17826

    Good post Joe. Kind of sums it up for me

  11. The spirit has left the building the body will eventually follow

    Jan 27, 2012, 21:09 #17825

    i am not going this weekend end of story. i cant be bothered. i really do not like the current arsenal team and the trend is clear. it is slowly getting worse and worse season by season. I miss Highbury and the spirit that was Arsenal

  12. DW Thomas

    Jan 27, 2012, 19:25 #17824

    I am starting to form the opinion that he is trying to emulate Barcelona because of the CL loss in 06. Problem is he does not have the players to do it. And he is trying to do it on the cheap. He has been fooling himself that his way will work when clearly it cannot. All your points seem true JF. AKB or AMG, we need serious change to be a great club again.

  13. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 27, 2012, 19:10 #17823

    Excellent summary of where it's at currently. Trouble is that when you look at the list of non performers ( and there are more to add to your list) who would have them. They are happy to run down their inflated financially driven contracts. It's frustrating to see that he is so arrogant that he does not see the need for help i.e. New coaching team. His comment when challenged before Xmas re defensive coach 'I've been doing it for 30 years blardy bla' tells it's own story and the stats indicate he ( nor his esteemed colleagues Peemo - ture Ejac and Uncle Ben) has not resolved the problem. He could turn around all the Gooners if he just changed the coaching staff and bought one decent forward to support Sir Percy this January. Will he though - no of course not. He is French 'let them (us) eat cake! Fozzys Mate, spot on.

  14. CanadaGooner

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:59 #17821

    Brilliant analogy Joe. However, there are only 2 sets of Arsenal fans as Many Dodd's been telling us for months: (1) The insatiables who would moan regardless and claim Wenger's done nothing for the club other than what he achieved with players he didnt bring in (bizarre aint it?). These insatiables are also coincidentally the same set of arsenal fans who have tottenham banners on their bedroom walls and think Harry is the best manager on earth and Spurs finishing ahead of Arsenal for the first time iin donkey years (if they manage it) means they are now a better club than we are. (2) The frustrated but realistic fans - whether AKBs or AMGs or whatever else, simply want to support the club and see better results. This group may say some erratic things now and again, but deep down, they simply want to see arsenal do better, be it with Wenger or someone else

  15. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:26 #17820

    Fozzy's mate- You are right, it took me until 2011 to realise that Wenger may need a lot of help if he is ever to win a major trophy for Arsenal again and only in 2012 am i coming around to the idea that a change of manager is necessary due to Wengers refusal to move with the times and update his methods/philosophy. I am old enough to remember being in the clock end with my father and uncles watching Adams, Dixon, Winterburn, Seaman, Keown, Bould, Merson, Wright, parlour and Smith every week so yeah i can see that there was life before Wenger, it was just my loyalty and desire to see him create another invincible side that blinded me to little insignificant things known as facts! Better late than never i suppose!

  16. Guildford Gooner

    Jan 27, 2012, 17:17 #17817

    Although the unbeaten league season of 03-04 was a great achievement I sometimes wonder if all the publicity made Wenger think he could walk on water and could do no wrong. He certainly has been in decline since as have the team.He cannot take critisism and has a blind belief that his current methods will eventually come good.

  17. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 27, 2012, 16:49 #17814

    Joe - I know we have had the odd spar over the years but the light has finally fully turned on for you. Like BNG I foresaw this years ago as the investment stopped, the quality slipped and the dough was trousered, while the prices shot up as did the diet of club propaganda/BS. I am now moving into the old git territory and starting to look at you as a youngster (not jealous!)but only kids who know nothing pre Wenger and the Emirates would back the current rotten regime. After years of anguish as you are now suffering I just smile watch the game and trudge off home and wait for the end of Kronke, Wenger, Gazidis and most of all the supine and ridiculous chairman that I have loathed ofr my 30 years attending week in week out. I predict next week we will start to hear stories that Gibbs, Santos, Jenkinson, Diaby and Wilsher are effectively out for the season. Whilst in the window as in previous years they will insist they will all be back soon as if not an outcry would start when they refused to even try to find replacements. Wenger has just announced Jack has had a set back, I dont expect to see him until August for the club. The lies, propaganda and half truths skillfully spun by as someone on this site refers to him as the "Peanut headed" Gazidis are more akin to politics than football. Mr self sustainable is all things to all men, telling them what his boss ole Stan wants him to. But we as fans must fight through this storm. The club belongs to us, not Wenger not the current rotten regime but us who since boyhood had spent vast amounts of time money and emotion following the our team with love and devotion often at the expense of our families and careers. Roll on that day but please don't fight with fellow supporters. While I have decided not to boo and hiss, I won't condemn those who do. After all I am only paying £1100 a season, many are paying much more.

  18. Dan h

    Jan 27, 2012, 16:46 #17813

    Spot on Joe.AW blind loyalty to players that havn't warranted it.A stadium move that did set us back those years have now passed the money is now there to improve the team.AW the manager at Highbury eternally grateful great times.AW at the E******* great economist reflects how our great club now wants to operate.His era has passed imo sadly scenes reported on sunday will become more common.The younger supporters are the ones scared of change they know no different.

  19. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jan 27, 2012, 16:41 #17812

    Harold- The fans would probably be a lot more forgiving of Arsene if he came out and publicly demanded funds to improve his squad or made it known that the board are the ones not allowing him to spend. otherwise we should just assume its Wenger's chosen policy.

  20. Gee

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:50 #17806

    I often feel that Wenger drains our players mentally before they even make it onto the pitch. all he ever talks about is how tired and fatigued our players are. Virtually convincing them that they need a breask and to be rotated. If you have a look at VP he only really ever plays one game per week, yet Wenger packed him off for a fortnight for a holiday. Wenger gets inside their head and convicnes them they're tired. Look at the chamberlain sub, he was fatigued and tired etc etc. Utter tripe All this call for his head is utterly futile. The board will never ever sack him and he will never ever quit. We have at least two more years of this and I'm convinced the board will offer him a new deal in the next 18 months and so the story continues. the club does not want to win titles anymore, just mull along creaming fat ££ and putting dog **** out on the field

  21. Jekyll

    Jan 27, 2012, 15:36 #17804

    I think Wenger has his theories, ideas and a set way of doing things and these are not affected by what happens on the pitch. It's a very rigid, set worldview that adapts the facts to suit itself (so it's never his fault) rather than adapts to a changing situation. This set way suited circumstances for a few years, years ago, it doesn't anymore. The man won't change so he needs to be exchanged.

  22. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Jan 27, 2012, 14:37 #17801

    good stuff but we are stuck with the dross because someone oked the contracts AW is blamed for giving them. He at least should get to the end of the season to turn things round and the board equally blamed for the mess.there appears to be a nuclas of players to rebuild with even if RVP goes in the summer. I would hate for him to be sacked after a spurs man u,man city or liverpool game. if it does happen he deserves to be treated with decorm.

  23. Matty S

    Jan 27, 2012, 14:11 #17799

    Wenger needs to go for three reasons - To save the club - To save his legacy - To give his replacement any chance at success.

  24. Harold

    Jan 27, 2012, 11:20 #17788

    No-one is withholding transfer cash from Wenger. We have a £50m cash surplus waiting to be spent and another £20m profit from last summers transfer dealings. The club is in very good financial shape. If the Kroenke and Gazidis are guilty of anything it's lacking the balls to tell Wenger he's wrong, but the man who deserved all the credit between 1998-2005 deserves all the blame now. Times have changed, our finances have changed, but Wenger hasn't, and won't. Time to go.

  25. BNG

    Jan 27, 2012, 11:02 #17787

    I wrote an article on 24/11/2008 called 'Civil war is Coming' which was heavily edited before publication predicting exactly this turn of events and I'm just amazed that it's taken another 3+ years to get to this stage......we really are a tolerant bunch of gullible fools aren't we ?

  26. gooner4life

    Jan 27, 2012, 10:55 #17786

    Cant say better than this article.Its easy for us to count the number of times our team came from behind to win a match , number of clean sheets we made and the number of times we lost the lead.Really some players lack commitment and dnt realise the history of club they are playing for.They dont have the killer instinct.Sweet passes and playing predicted team in all EPL matches wnt ensure win everytime.Lets be practical, we have one of the best forward ,Goalkeeper with great commitment,one budding winger,3wingers who are not with fully commitment in all games ,ordinary midfield ,4 gud defenders(who haven't played together in months due to injury) and rest of them with 2nd division championship quality.And the bench strength is poorer than relegation battling sides bench strength.This is not Arsenal quality.And i really wonder how far our medical team is upgraded.I dnt want AW to leave,But i dnt wish to see my club getting destroyed too.

  27. Hibeegunner

    Jan 27, 2012, 10:53 #17785

    Great article you would think now that things are at boiling point with supporters that the club would come out with some truths about is happening behind the scenes instead of lies and spin.

  28. Jeff

    Jan 27, 2012, 10:10 #17783

    Good article and spot on Joe. I was in the middle of that stand off right by the 2 cannons and let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant. I was with a group of older fans, most of us have been going home & away for over 30 years. Initially it started as a cameraman from Norwegian tv was asking fans views. Of course most of the talk was over "that" substitution. When many, quite vocally started loudly protesting against Wenger, the mob of AKB's got very very agitated, bleating about the unbeaten season etc. Interestingly, they were all very young, I'd say 16-19 and a few Japanese tourists who tried to shout us down with the one arsene wenger chant. We tried to talk to one or two individually, but it was like they were brainwashed. Personally I find it very sad that this once great manager has managed to create that kind of vitriol between our own fans.

  29. Goonersaurus

    Jan 27, 2012, 10:04 #17782

    I find it interesting you should mention players that are self motivating and ones that need hair dryer treatment... We had a change of management at my local club, what the new manager wanted was hard work in training and on match days... it was no surprise that the players that couldn't be arsed moved on and what we were left with is a core of players intent on working hard. The worrying thing I see at Arsenal is players giving below par performances and still being rewarded with first team football week in week out plus a huge amount of cash. They're supposed to be professionals and yet players like Diaby can only kick with one foot! It's time to get rid of the deadwood & free up funds for players that actually give a damn. Why is everyone at the club so blind to see that?

  30. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 27, 2012, 10:00 #17781

    Cant disagree with a word in this article spot on. The slightly barmy Miles Palmer has some interesting things to say about Wengers hierachy issues on his site. The persisting with certain players is a real problem and something that a more flexible, pragmatic coach would sort out.

  31. lance (south africa)

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:48 #17779

    walcott & gibbs need to be added to the exit list. gibbs will always be out injured whilst walcott is an over rated player who only looked good when fab , nasri and rvp were around him.

  32. ron

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:48 #17778

    A well disguised swipe at wenger. I am pro wenger,ive been pro wenger since day one. He has faults but hes always had faults. did you question him letting ian wright leave when bergkamp didnt fly? petit leave right at the end of the window without a replacement? letting pires leave for a stupid 30's policy? waiting for song to be ready rather than buying a Melo. buying african players that slip of to the ACoN in the middle of a season. i didnt hear you moaners then. i want a hazzard,a gotze an alacantra - we all do. i want the same things as you i presume. so wenger goes and someone new comes in, will stan give him the money? i would say not. wengers biggest fault is that he doesnt roll with the punches. his tiny team did not allow for referees,bolton or stoke. Man city's money will ruin a big club due to over reaching, youre gonna help it be ours. our team has started to play differently so that is a change, arteta is a change. arsene will replace pat rice and he knows he must buy another forward. god help if i were ever stuck in the trenches with the likes of you. pro wenger for all his faults..

  33. Ron

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:36 #17777

    Stoke away in 2009/10 i think it was. The game where Adebayor was hacked by some Stoke cretin while off the pitch. Stoke won anyway. Our fans were fighting outside of the ground over some Wenger out stuff so it shows how long its simmered. Nothing new really Joe. Police needed dogs to snarl and bark a bit that day!Escorted fans to rail station etc.

  34. Steve P

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:29 #17776

    Good observation. As a Gooner since the late 60's there has always been split factions when the manager is reaching his last days (the successful one's anyway). I'd say it is a little more defined but then the game has changed and the money we supporters have to cough up increases the bitterness. One sure thing is that Wenger is in his last days, just a question of how long it takes to tip the balance.

  35. Judge Fred

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:20 #17774

    Lots of home truths in this article - what a sad time to be a Gooner. Watching each game through my fingers on TV, never going back to the Emirates until I get my Arsenal back.

  36. gunnermalaya

    Jan 27, 2012, 9:05 #17773

    Nice article. When we saw SAF giving Arsene a pat on the back before the ManU game, we know something is terribly wrong.

  37. Tony Evans

    Jan 27, 2012, 8:58 #17772

    Great article Joe. Whether you will finally get through to fans still (incredibly) backing Wenger I don't know. If all the wretched debacles we have witnessed in recent seasons havn't got through to them I really don't know what will. The argument between two fans in front of you reminds me of when I was a mere 'slip of a lad' and a old feller in front of me regularly slated several of the team (this was back in the Seventies) and I got so fed up with it that I suggested he should go and stand with the away supporters. I was then told in no uncertain terms that he had been going for X amount of years and that he was a supporter before I was even a glint in my dad's eye. This highlights to me that it is the older fans now, with Arsenal deep in their blood, that are so anti Wenger and rightly so. Come on you JCLs there is a future without Wenger, so please stop this blind support of the man and think of the bigger picture.

  38. aj

    Jan 27, 2012, 8:51 #17771

    Great srticle.Who'd have thought it would come to this.Civil war at The Arsenal.This is surely the result of the club itself and it's staff continuing to keep the fans in the dark. It seems only when we get some honesty will the fans be able to come together again.