Come together, right now....

...Victory through Harmony

Come together, right now....

Maybe Kroenke should take to the pitch a la Delia Smith?

Arsenal are at their lowest point in 16 years. For the first time in what seems like forever, it really looks like the infamous top-four "trophy" is finally going to escape from our collective Gooner grasp. Chelsea, Liverpool and Newcastle look like tough competition for that fourth place that we used to take for granted, and AKBs and AMGs all agree that we are now going backwards as a football team and appear to be lacking real ambition as a football club.

Everything around the club feels so stale and flat at the moment. There were no blockbuster signings to galvanise the struggling squad or to lift the fans’ fading morale, and there wasn't to be any good news regarding the eagerly-awaited return of the talented Jack Wilshere either. The vast majority of Gooners are absolutely deflated, dejected and disappointed with the way things are going at the moment and it is very disappointing that a club of Arsenal's size are relying on the return of 20- year-old Jack Wilshere to save our season from disaster. Equally disappointing is the fact that our brightest attacking option at the moment, besides the phenomenal Robin van Persie, is a kid who was playing for Southampton last season.

It seems that Arsène, Stan, Ivan and Peter do not care that we are only a few more injuries away from a 7th, 8th or 9th-placed finish because of our over-reliance on certain players in our squad and the lack of competition for places. The lack of quality in the squad means that long-term injuries to any combination of van Persie, Sczcesny, Arteta, Song, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Vermaelen, Ramsey and Koscielny will leave us well and truly up s**t creek without a paddle. The really frustrating thing is that so many amateur people (not including me, the former AKB) could see this all coming and predicted this kind of scenario years ago, while the so-called professionals at our club have been oblivious to the sound and reasonable calls to freshen things up at Arsenal stadium, Ashburton Grove.

It is the Manager, Board and major shareholders who are to blame for what has happened to our club, and if any of them truly cared about the future of this football club then they would have surely broken ranks (to hell with the consequences, they're all millionaires anyway!) and said or done something to stop the slow but steady decline in standards at Arsenal Football Club. None of them had the b***s to say or do anything and therefore, in my opinion, they are all in it together to make a profit from us gullible fans.

What we can't let them do is continue to divide us against each other because it weakens our collective bargaining position and diverts attention from their incompetence, arrogance and greed.

It is very easy to moan, whine and whinge about everything that is wrong with the Arsenal at the moment, but where are the ideas on what to do now?

What I am proposing is that all of you who hold a season ticket at Arsenal, or are on a waiting list for one, send a letter to the club outlining your dissatisfaction and disappointment with the way the club is being run.

Here is an outline of my letter to Stan Kroenke and Ivan Gazidis, but you can obviously add or remove points to match your own opinions.


"Dear Sirs,

My name is Joe Fitzpatrick and I have been a season-ticket holder at Arsenal for over ten years. I am writing to inform you of my decision to refuse to renew my season-ticket or attend any matches next season unless there is a significant investment made by the club in improving the quality of the playing squad, and at least some changes to a coaching team that has been unsuccessful in securing a trophy since 2005.

After all the emotional and financial investment that I have made to Arsenal F.C. over the years, I am both saddened and hurt by the lack of investment of my financial contributions back into the playing squad while, for some unknown reason, I am being asked to pay more for my seat than fans of more successful clubs.

I have stood by the grand plan of the Emirates Stadium move until now because I am a faithful and fanatical supporter, but just when it seems that Arsenal are in a strong position to exploit the financial difficulties of teams less fiscally-responsible and commercially-marketable than ourselves, you, as so called "custodians of the club", choose to divert the focus of the financial debate towards the ridiculous and frivolous spending at clubs such as Manchester City and Chelsea rather than to how we can spend the resources that we do generate more efficiently and ambitiously.

The proposed investment into the playing squad does, of course, mean your taking on a certain amount of financial risk, but the potential increase in sponsorship revenue from running a successful football team, as opposed to an average one, means that it is not a risk without its rewards.

Tottenham are currently on course to finish above Arsenal, and they do not generate anywhere near the level of income that Arsenal do. Therefore, the excuse of only finishing behind teams because they outspend us will soon be proven to be a fallacy created by yourselves to convince the fans that the club is moving forward to a bright new future while, in reality, it is going backwards under your control. A lot of other fans feel the same way that I do, and they too will not be renewing their overpriced season-tickets or attending any matches until you either invest in the playing squad or sell your shares to someone who will."


Now that I've made this difficult decision, fellow Gooners, and I am certain that I am not going to change my opinion, I feel strangely liberated and willing to focus on supporting the team and trying to lift the players that we have at the club.

I don't think that I will enjoy my time at the Grove if I am constantly moaning and booing the players that I don't like, so I am instead going to support the players that I do like by singing and chanting my heart out until the end of the season. I suggest that, for your own sanity, you should consider taking my lead.

Where are the all the songs for van Persie, Arteta, Song, Wilshere, Koscielny, Vermaelen, Sczcesny, Sagna, Gervinho, Walcott, Ramsey and Oxlade-Chamberlain? "Come on!" as crazy, drunk Delia would say, "let's be having ya!"

Why can't some of you get over your too-cool-for-school attitude and properly get behind the players and see if we can't lift them into a top-four finish or an F.A. Cup final? It will make the rest of the season so much more bearable if we can get a bit of a positive atmosphere and camaraderie going in the stadium on cold dark nights, rather than sulking and booing the poor results or performances by certain individuals. You can make your feelings known to the Board with a strongly-worded letter and threaten to withdraw your financial support of the current transfer policy, so there really is no need to boo inside the stadium just yet or to get into fist fights with fellow Gooners.

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  1. CanadaGooner

    Feb 07, 2012, 20:02 #18332

    redeem him? who cares about redeeming Wenger? this is all about Arsenal and beating Blackburn 7 - 1 could be enough to scare sunderland, wigan and other teams like those when we play them in coming weeks. If we had won 2 -1, then nothing's changed. But right now, with some support, this could be the wake-up call; but then, do you folks actually want us to do any better? I doubt it. what would you do with yourselves if you cant come on here to cry about wenger and how crap the team is? (i wonder what Man City fans are doing? billions spent and 1 FA cup to show for it + they could end this season with nothing: but hey, they're still supporting their team!)

  2. allybear

    Feb 07, 2012, 10:46 #18295

    I wasnt going to bother writing anything but have decided to.Jonesey i agree with you completely.There is something underlying in a lot of comments&i suspect that some people are now thinking that things have turned because of the Blackburn result. I think it has to be said that the Blackburn team are one of the worst that i have ever seen.Now Mr Wenger thinks he has a fantastic squad! Im entitled to my opinion&it remains that i think this squad is very average&the manager is well past it&1 result does not redeam him.

  3. fozzy's mate

    Feb 07, 2012, 8:28 #18294

    Joe don't take either of your proposed actions mate. On your first point I met a guy through work who had sent to the club the sort of letter you propose. He received a reply signed by the manager which was full of the sort of dross you hear year on year from OGL and his dough trousering robotic bosses. Secondly you are a young lad and as a devoted fan the club is yours and ours. This regime will not last forever and in a way Kronke and Wenger are a match made in hell. One instinctively loves making dough while the other does not like spending it. As has been said too many times while not being anything like blameless OGL has had not push from above and been allowed to redefine success as the 4th place trophy. But the status quo will not last forever and you will regret giving up. On a more basic level do you want to waste any more time trailing around supermarkets with your Mrs than you do already?

  4. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 07, 2012, 7:43 #18293

    Shropshire lad- conflicted? It's the only way out of this mess. Support the players for this season because you've already paid for your season ticket but don't be afraid to give the board a scare over your season ticket renewal! The only language they understand is money and trophy success is an afterthought

  5. Jonesey

    Feb 07, 2012, 1:39 #18290

    Canada Gooner- You dismiss the malcontents as if their grievances are just a knee-jerk reaction to a few bad results earlier this season, but many fans issues with Wenger have been going on for four years, since his 5 point clear, top of the table team shamefully crumbled away after the Eduardo game. The same lack of backbone + mental strength has been regularly been exhibited over the last 2 seasons when again both times we have capitulated from very promising positions as soon as we could see the business end of the season on the horizon, + handed the title to average chelsea + utd teams. The recent frustrations have been exacerbated by the knowledge that we now had significant money to spend, but come the last 2 January transfer windows, + desperately + obviously (this is not hindsight, many many people said it at the time) needing various defensive cover to bolster our title challenges, Arsene Wenger decided he was happy with what he had. Cue the collapses. Add to that the ridiculous excuses, embarrassing interviews + of course the recent debacles of being the first team not to attempt a single shot in a Champions League game, the first team to lose a 4 goal lead in a Premier League game, the carling cup final, the pathetic false economies of the transfer window, our worst defeat for 100 years + our worst start to a season for 50 years. I don't expect to win trophies every year, but I also don't expect us lose our nerve every time we get the chance of doing so. Wenger has long had the resources to change that scenario, but he hasn't. And that makes me angry because I love The Arsenal Football Club.

  6. Mandy Dodd

    Feb 07, 2012, 0:24 #18289

    Does this forum come with some macro to enable certain posters simply press a button to post same old stuff day in day out despite the nature of the post they are responding to, or for that matter the nature of the teams performance? The lead articles differ and can be of interest but some just post the same old responses, always. Very lazy.......

  7. HowardL

    Feb 06, 2012, 22:44 #18288

    I think Delia said "Letsby Avenue". Joe it is clear you are a supporter whose heart is in the right place and you are right when you ask where are the songs for Arteta, Wilshere, Koscielny, Vermaelen, Sczcesny, Sagna, Gervinho, and Oxlade-Chamberlain? Feed the Ox is a no-brainer. See you next season.

  8. Nick

    Feb 06, 2012, 19:26 #18286

    Nutntiddy the writer has "EVERY RIGHT " to express his opinion,and he IS supporting the team, he also made some very cogent points he pays his money as do we all and therefore is entitled to have a say about the direction the club is going in ,and may i remind you, he also exhorted us all to do, just what you suggested he do, support the "team", and do it vocaly, not like the plastic supporters who sit and wait to be entertained, then clap oh so politely if we score, before heading off ten to fifteen minutes before a game is over, look what some of them missed on saturday, so yeah lets all "support " the TEAM, but lets also not be led mindlessly up the garden path by the board, in case someone with his head up his arse tells us to shut up for having an opinion.

  9. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 06, 2012, 19:24 #18285

    This is very sad as you sound so conflicted, Joe. You talk about giving up your ticket in protest over non- investment and then you talk about singing your heart out for the rest of the season to support this 'second rate' team, in your opinion. The other odd thing about your piece is that you say how wonderful 12 players are ('where are the songs') and if you add Bacary to them I think you can make a very good team on their day. So what is your problem. Well, I agree the coaching staff needs a shake up and by all accounts that will come in the summer. We have an absent landlord and a crap CEO but what's new in football about that - man u seem to manage that situation. Finally, I don't think your and others, heart rendering action will have, sadly, any effect at all and you will have given up an important piece of your life for nothing. The sad fact is Arsenal FC and most other clubs in the premiership do not have to consider the fans too much. The business model is based primarily on commercial deals, sponsorship and corporate interest. They can make up the dissenters revenue by running Rock Band concerts all summer long, I suspect!! I am clearly a lot older than you and went through times when I thought we would never see success at Arsenal - Billy Wright, Terry Neil but I got the 71 Double and the early Wenger years and thank my lucky stars I kept going. You and the others considering jacking in your tickets - don't. Protest, write, chant your feelings against Stan and Ivan and yes Wenger if you feel so inclined, that will not demoralize the Players so no harm done to their performances. Remain a thorn in their side for change but do not give up your ticket. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face. Go and have a scotch and keep supporting the Gunners at the Emirates.

  10. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 06, 2012, 18:59 #18284

    Fed up? Had enough? Then stop moaning and whining and do something about it! Surely a few chants not aimed at the Players, but the Manager or the Board would give everyone the chance to vocally register their displeasure. I'm up for 5 minutes of "STAND UP, IF YOU HATE THE BOARD..." 5 minutes into the next home game. Anyone else?

  11. RED FRED

    Feb 06, 2012, 18:51 #18283

    Can anyone say what will happen if we get new manager, spend millions on 3 or 4 players and still do nothing next season, season after etc? I am as cheesed off as a lot of Gooners but maybe i have been a little spoilt since 1987!

  12. Greg71

    Feb 06, 2012, 18:40 #18282

    Understand and agree with the sentiments posted by Joe,yes our pain is minimal compared with many clubs around the country especially compared to our historical rivals and so called big clubs,it seems the big division between fans is the what/could have been with investment in the team compared to what has been achieved over the last sixteen years.For a so called giant of the english game along with utd and liverpool,the club have accepted a cyclical nature of success around these two clubs and have now been passed by others with a whimper spouting financial success as a trophy. If the club/manager refuse to invest in top drawer proven players,invest in coaching and tatical knowledge to complement a style of play with the players availible,for every passing year without trophies Wengers legacy falls and one thing that we can all agree on is that will be a terrible shame for us all.

  13. Rocky RIP

    Feb 06, 2012, 18:22 #18281

    'Equally disappointing is the fact that our brightest attacking option at the moment, besides the phenomenal Robin van Persie, is a kid who was playing for Southampton last season' - so you are disappointed with the Ox? I grasp your point about the weakness up front without RVP, but to be 'disappointed' that we have OAC seems to be unaware of what a talent we have emerging. The guy just may well be the answer to a lot of our problems. A legend in the making. I'm also confused at the mixed messages. You seem as though you are close to being a boo boy. I've no respect for anyone who even entertains the idea of booing any Arsenal player. You are on the verge of tearing up your season ticket in disgust because you'd 'taken for granted' top 4 finishes which is now in doubt, yet are delivering a rallying call to everyone to follow your lead and support the team like good fans. Good fans don't turn their backs on the team in 'poor' times or talk of booing. (Fair enough if it's a financial decision, but if it's based on likelihood of success, then that stinks.) That said, us fans need to pressure the club, so good on you for the letter. We are not their lap dogs and they can't take our loyalty for granted.

  14. win AFC

    Feb 06, 2012, 17:39 #18280

    I want Arsenal to win silverware, I want Arsenal to be the best team in the world, I can't stand to see some of our players not giving 100%. On a cheerful note we are the best team in London just look at our history and records we have set over the years. ARSENAL IS LIFE

  15. CanadaGooner

    Feb 06, 2012, 17:32 #18279

    Joe, admirable conclusion by the way. if only everyone can see it as you do: Arsenal FC is greater than any individual, be it a fan for 60 years or 5 days! I dont see much difference between a fan who thinks he's bigger than the club, and a manager who thinks he's bigger than the club. The club is bigger than each and every one of us: so, support the club or shut up!

  16. lee afc

    Feb 06, 2012, 17:16 #18278

    inspector clueless......'i dont feel AW is capable of any astute purchases'....Does ALEX OXLADE-CHAMBERLAIN ring any bells?? The scousers paying £35m for Carrol, does that make them 'astute'.. I think not

  17. CanadaGooner

    Feb 06, 2012, 17:06 #18277

    Joe, glad to see you pouring out your heart, but it's wasted on people who have decided that the best way to support a club is by being negative. it isnt any club's birth-right to have it good all the time. And like a marriage, you only know who's committed, when things start to go wrong. Let's take Manchester City for instance: probably around a billion pounds (mind-boggling aint it?) spent in the last 4 years and they've won 1 FA Cup. They might end the current season with ZERO trophies. They've been relegated and back and havent really won anything significant in the last 50 years or so: do I hear their fans crying like babies? NO. They support their club and hope for the best. Arsenal do not have someone who can overlook the flushing of over a billion pounds down the toilet. Liverpool had it good (momentarily) with Benitez and won the CL + Carling Cup etc, then the clever-clog fans began moaning (just like you lot are now); with the cyber-bullies turning up enmass (and I'm sure the usual ones will be up in arms after reading this: thinking they can prevail) and now with almost 75million spent this season, they are oncourse to perhaps winning the beer mug (carling cup). No one will argue the fact that the current arsenal squad have had it way too easy: no objectives set (as the owners just want to make money in the CL and care less about anything else), no motivation, and thye have seriously underperformed and calls for the manager to leave the club may not be too harsh, but refusal to show-up at games and support the club + all the crap people type on here in defense of such attitude is simply regretful. I am yet to see a club that thrives from negativity: but then, do you lot care? you just want to have your way PERIOD. then what? start crying again when the next manager fails to perform miracles? grow some!!!!

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 06, 2012, 15:43 #18273

    interesting piece joe and i agree with you in getting behind the team but how do you lift players that simply aren't good enough i also agree booing players does not help and is not the answer.The answer is having players who are good enough in the first place and up their game when needed and know how to defend leads grind out results when needed unfortunately we have to many players not capable of that but that's what we have till the end of the season and yes we should all get behind them for the rest of the campaign.As for your stance on the letter and season ticket issue if by some miracle that a pile of letters did reach Ivan's desk i doubt very much that they would get read.

  19. Nick

    Feb 06, 2012, 15:22 #18272

    David Dein back!!! Ban any fans and re-advise any stewards who tell you to 'SitDown' at Arsenal, they totally ruin any atmosphere we have left. Steve Bould in for Pat Rice, its works for Fergie chopping and changing, fresh ideas. Change that horrific 'Wonder of you' song we come out to. WTF??? It has no passion, is emotionless, waste of time!!

  20. smee

    Feb 06, 2012, 15:08 #18271

    I can sit back and see all these comments about our team knowing that I am no longer considered as a supporter as I am retired and unable to afford the prices to watch our team. I quite often have negative thoughts about where our team is heading, but i am always optimistic about our results. No matter who we play, I always expect a win and am disappointed if we lose. It seems to me that if you do not express positive comments on here you are told to go watch the spuds as you are not a supporter. Are we as gooners not allowed to have our own oppinions and have to toe the AKB line?.

  21. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 06, 2012, 15:01 #18270

    Obviously this was written before the Blackburn game as I was afraid that we could have seen some ugly scenes at the Grove if we hadn't have bagged the 3 points. As Great as that result was, Ron Is right when he said that Blackburn gave up at 3-1 and rolled over. I will believe that we are back on track when we beat a top four team again and can produce those kind of drubbings to relegation fodder on a more consistent basis. All that truly matters now is beating Tottenham on 26th Feb. That would be so sweet after all we've been through this season.

  22. BringBackDene

    Feb 06, 2012, 14:38 #18269

    I think the Sunderland match at the weekend is a HUGE HUGE game for us, the result gould seal Wengers fate. All those travelling up please cheer your hearts out.

  23. Jayelljay

    Feb 06, 2012, 14:37 #18268

    Spot on comments again by Tony Evans. I am in exactly the same position after nearly 50 years. I just don't feel I can renew the season ticket any more...even after a 7 goal romp. I am sick of Wenger and sincerely hope that IF the France job IS on offer he can be tempted away.

  24. Inspector Clouless

    Feb 06, 2012, 14:25 #18267

    Astute purhcases is the key Joe - i dont feel AW is capable of these anymore. our procedures when buying these day seem to be slow, laboured and well flagged in the media. i personally feel arry, fergy, kenny are much more astute or canny than AW the foghorn. i am also certain O Neil will bring in some astute purchases in sunderland now

  25. Bouffant Gazelle

    Feb 06, 2012, 14:10 #18265

    Nice idea but fundamentally flawed. You won't give up your season ticket will you? Because then you'd miss out on the 'new dawn' that's just around the corner. They've got us all over a barrel.

  26. Herts Gooner

    Feb 06, 2012, 13:54 #18263

    I'd rather win the FA Cup than qaulify for the Champions League!

  27. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 06, 2012, 13:52 #18261

    to Highgbury Boy....if he CARES then he would stay and support the team, ok moan and say what you feel but to jump ship is not the actions of a man who cares...that is a cop out and not a true supporter...and by the way, the wages are high because tv companies pay and we subscribe to sky and espn...all players are now "worth" these exorbitant sums..yes let's buy Goetse and Hazard but don't moan if they don't make it in the Premiership and are on twice Theo's demands...

  28. Judge Fred

    Feb 06, 2012, 13:39 #18260

    I think its important to remember that just because you are moaning about AW/the team/Kronke/whatever it does not mean that you are not supporting the team. And you dont need to have a season ticket or have watched the double team from 71 to make you more of a supporter than anyone else. I was delighted by the performance and result on Saturday (for a change) but I'll believe we're making progress when I see it. Until then, the team will have my 100% support when they play but I reserve the right to criticize what is seemingly a poorly assembled (and over-paid) squad at other times.

  29. Half Full

    Feb 06, 2012, 13:22 #18258

    Agree completely about the underinvestment/evident lack of ambition and share your fructrations but what you're saying is that we should not go to watch the team until they become successful again - or at least until someone starts to invest serious money in the team. If that was a precondition to giving support then I should be attending at WHL because Spurs were the successful team, the team making all the money in the early 60's when I first got interested in football. For me it would be more painful not to go and watch the team than to watch them struggle because they've been mismanaged or inadequately resourced. I know we've seen some disappointing performances, by the team and by individuals and I entirely accept that ultimately the management of the club from Arsene upwards are responsible. But mismanaged or not they are still my team, a far bigger part of my life than they should be, and I can only imagine they always will be. I'd miss them too much to walk away. So I'm afraid I can't join your protest.Much as I agree with your aims I do question the means.

  30. Tony Evans

    Feb 06, 2012, 13:10 #18257

    This is my last season as a season ticket holder for all the reasons you gave and I am going to send a letter giving my reasons which are broadly in line with yours, Joe. In all my years as a supporter (nearly 50 years) I can not remember feeling like I do now. I still get behind the team each and every match but even after a 7 - 1 win the buzz I normally would have felt just wasn't there. All I could think about was that the result would pull the wool over our eyes for a bit longer. I can not ignore how the club has behaved towards its loyal fanbase. Ripping us off and lying through their teeth just about sums it up. This is a poor squad which even a 7 - 1 win can not disguise and I am no longer prepared to accept what the Board are selling us now.

  31. Camgooner

    Feb 06, 2012, 12:43 #18255

    I've been a season ticket holder since I sat in the west lower family enclosure when I was a kid. I'm now in the wrong end of my 30s. I really don't understand the reaction of those in the comments who criticised the author. He makes some good points, that you can certainly disagree with, but one criticism that you clearly can't level at him is that he doesn't support the team. HE MAKES A PLEA THAT OTHERS JOIN IN CHEERING ON THE TEAM! I'm not far from the same decision about renewal. It's a lot of money, and one decent win doesn't make up for the abject performances. I might try writing a slightly milder letter first though. I have a bad feeling I lack the strength of will to make a clean break.

  32. RJ

    Feb 06, 2012, 12:42 #18254

    On a technicality (and I daresay this was written before the Blackburn game) surely our lowest point in 16 years was getting t**tted 8-2 at Old Trafford. Things have improved since then - not a lot, but they have. But moving on. I respect your decision, after all it is yours to make. However, if as you have written have been "booing the players you don't like" you should be APOLOGISING TO THEM IN THE LETTER TO GAZIDIS. I am pleased that you are thinking about being positive for the rest of the season, and I urge EVERYONE TO DO THE SAME. Well done to everyone who was at the Emirates this weekend for making a really positive atmosphere - both players and true supporters. Come on you Gooners.

  33. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 06, 2012, 12:34 #18253

    Suffice it to say I have had my own ticket for 10 years and was a guest on my fathers and uncles tickets before that for 12 years. I am a Gooner born and bred but I can't help but think that a few astute purchases over the last four or five windows would have delayed the exits of Fabregas, Nasri and Now Van Persie. Just giving them the armband doesn't make them stay Arsene! Henry left us, Vieira left us, Fabregas left us and we should not wait for Van Persie and Wilshere to follow suit before we act!

  34. Jekyll

    Feb 06, 2012, 12:17 #18251

    I see from a couple of the comments already that some people still can't distinguish between supporting the club and supporting its current executive. I'm sure the author feels he is supporting by trying to push for change. In fact I'd say this is a better form of support than unthinkingly supporting the status quo that's taking us backwards.

  35. ''we continue to be in excellent shape financially''

    Feb 06, 2012, 11:59 #18248

    Usmanov is desperate to be let in. he would provide funds. I am not saying we do a chelsk or a city but i am saying we need to come up with a very decent contract with VP and we need to tell him we are bringing 3 or 4 other top players not ''potentials or youth projects or stop-gaps''. otherwise VP will leave in the summer as a £25M bid is just too much for our greedy board

  36. Highbury Boy

    Feb 06, 2012, 11:43 #18247

    A good post Joe and to all those who tell him to stop moaning and support the team it's because he really CARES. At least his criticism is constructive. Despite the big win on Saturday let's not kid ourselves this is without doubt Wenger's weakest squad since he arrived and they are all his signings. Who will be surprised that on the back of one decent performances it is announced this week that "Arsenal are delighted that Theo Walcott has signed a new long-term contract". And that's where the money goes. On high wages to a bunch of very average performers (VP excluded but if he has any sense he will follow Nasri and Cesc)

  37. lee afc

    Feb 06, 2012, 10:59 #18245

    Surely by being a season ticket holder it gives you a bigger voice platform than being a non season ticket holder or armchair pundit. By giving up your season ticket (which I question whether you will do come push or shove time) you are giving in to the club that you state you support because once that season ticket is out of your hands, how do you 'focus on supporting the team and lift the players at the club'. They cant hear you while sitting in front of the tv. Your ticket will just be sold on because Arsenal are a big business. I totally agree that we are back to a low point of the clubs history but complaining in your letter stating that the spuds are likely to finish above us, while it is a fact, ask yourself, how many times has it happened over the last 30-40 years? Your reaction is knee jerk to say the least. I, for one will be a gooner for many a year after the current manager and board have vacated my beloved Arsenal.

  38. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 06, 2012, 10:54 #18244

    Another fair weather supporter...out of curiousity Joe, how long have you supported the team?...a season ticket holder for ten years I read but a follower?...I shall await your reply before adding your team, please.

  39. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 06, 2012, 10:44 #18243

    Joe, I don't think the fans have been doing anything differently other than attended and supported the team and probably still will. Us as fans are limited in what we can do apart from supporting the club/team and our hard earn money but the question is that this problem of not spending correctly has been around for a long time .... and the fans have enough! It's simply that!

  40. wenger please go

    Feb 06, 2012, 10:44 #18242

    Good article. I have been a season ticket for 15 years but am fed up with paying the high prices and watching sub standard players. All the best players want to leave because Wenger has refused to buy players, why?? Wenger thanks for the memories but time to go with the other AKBs.

  41. aj

    Feb 06, 2012, 10:13 #18239

    If Kroenke buys the LA Dodgers he will surely need to raise some money.Maybe he will sell to Usmanov.It seems significant that Usmanov has kept very quiet this season,as if he's trying not to upset the board.Previously he's been critical of the club.One things for sure,if there's movement going on behind the scenes,we'll all be the last to know.

  42. Geoff

    Feb 06, 2012, 10:01 #18238

    Having 4 full back out for a very long time, plus No Wilshere, plus Cesc and Nasri going and disrupting our new season have all been very negative factors...add in Chelsea & Man City moneybags and you start to see why Arsenal are where they are, trying to prudently maintain financial control...BUT you sound sooo negative. I have supported for over 50 years and I see real signs of optimism emerging. They still grace the premier league whatever you say and will continue to do so... just watch.. Man City & Chelsea moneybags emerging has also

  43. Rob

    Feb 06, 2012, 9:58 #18237

    Good letter Joe. I walked away 2 years ago and haven't regretted the decision. In fact financially I feel much better off. I am sure others will follow and have already done so. No one should be fooled by Saturday's result. This is the poorest Arsenal side in a long while. And even when we were poor in the League under GG we still put great Cup runs together. This side will - bar a miracle that makes Liverpool in Istanbul look prosaic - win nothing for the next 7 years and beyond without serious changes. Deadwood removal and three or four players who are more like Wilshire and the Ox than Arshavin or Chamakh. I can't see Hill-Wood or Kronke going quietly and I fear it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

  44. Ron

    Feb 06, 2012, 9:53 #18236

    Fair points. Its never as bad as you might think though. It might take a while longer but the catalyst will come and change will follow Joe.

  45. nutntiddy

    Feb 06, 2012, 9:36 #18235

    Here we go. Another moaning so called supporter. SHUT UP and support the team you claim to support.