Why it’s hard to be a Gooner

Ambition of board does not match that of the fans

Why it’s hard to be a Gooner

RVP: Does anyone think he’ll be here next season?

From when I started watching Arsenal in the early '80s up until now, there has always been a fundamental disconnect between the fans and the people in positions of power at the club and between expectations at board level and expectations of every fan. Arsenal is now, and has always been, a very, very, conservative club. It delights in its reputation as The Arsenal, the Bank of England Club, Marble Halls etc. This invention of tradition was happily encouraged by Old Etonians on the board. There was always a certain degree of contempt from the boardroom for the working class boys on the North Bank. In the truest tradition of the classic English class-system dynamic, the fans were always condescended to. Association Football before Sky and the Premiership was a little bit vulgar. The arrogance from the board level manifested itself in a perverse sense of pride, and any ineffectiveness on the pitch was always tempered by the safety of knowing that at least the club did things “the Arsenal way.”

In the pre-Wenger days, this arrangement was tolerated. The expectations were relatively low because, historically, success was rare. In the '80s, beating Liverpool, United and especially Spurs, and finishing in the top ten, was a “good” season. Compare the elation of winning the Littlewoods Cup in 1987, and what it meant to the fans and the players, with the pathetic performance and behaviour of the players in last year’s final against Birmingham.

The current squad of players has no cultural frame of reference or appreciation for the traditional values of the club or the experience of the fans. When you are used to winning, as we were from 1998 – 2006, this didn’t matter. Our players, and even the manager, are unable to garner enthusiasm for “lesser cups” or even less glamorous fixtures. Amazingly, Wenger has consistently scorned the Worthington and FA Cup, or “chucked” it, like last year’s visit to United. Most of our current players see their relationship with the club as a temporary stop on the gravy train that is modern football. In fact we can’t even give away Almunia, Bendtner and Denilson, as they are on such ludicrously high salaries that are completely out of whack with the quality of the player. Wenger talks about our players being winners, but the reality is that most of them have won nothing, and only care about the Champions League, which is perhaps the hardest of all trophies to win. It is a great irony that the last trophy the club won was an FA Cup won with a most anti-Wenger football performance.

Historically, sheer determination, more than flair, won Arsenal matches and Arsenal had players who would fight. They were often local heroes that the fans could identify with and players who had a great deal of pride, if less skill compared to the modern footballer. A Peter Storey, Steve Williams or Paul Davis tackle was appreciated as much as a Rocastle dribble. We no longer have that type of player, and in a watershed moment our heralded passing game was outpassed by Swansea City.

The trick to on-field success had always been to combine a certain amount of steel with flair. The solidity of the back four and emphasis on defense could be artfully combined with the skills of a Liam Brady, Charlie Nicholas or Anders Limpar or, later, Overmars, Bergkamp, Pires. Remember how Pires and Overmars were criticized by Arsenal fans for avoiding making tackles or “getting stuck in”. This was palatable because Adams, Keown etc. would compensate. There is a reason rival fans called us ‘boring, boring, Arsenal’ as often, let’s be honest, we were. However, we celebrated it, and our most emblematic chant is still ‘1-0 to the Arsenal’. The reality is that many games were won in the '80s and early '90s by playing unattractive football and feeding the ball to Alan Smith and Ian Wright. Our win against Parma was one of the biggest spoiling jobs of all time. Tony Adams’ raised arm even became a part of popular culture.

As we all know, Wenger’s genius (and luck) was to inherit a strong defensive spine and a team drilled under George Graham to appreciate the defensive foundation of success and combine this with some extraordinarily talented attacking players. It was understood that attacking flair was ineffective without a solid defence. Even in the centre of midfield, Vieira and Petit’s partnership in the ’98 double-winning side was crucial for their physical presence and the protection given to an ageing back line. Under Wenger, we have not bought one world-class defender except for Sol Campbell. You could argue for Gallas, but we had to give up the best left-back in English football as part of the deal (even though he is a you know what).

Now we have a powder-puff squad, led by a delusional manager. The much-heralded attractiveness of our football is overstated. Yes, we play some lovely stuff, but often without creating any real danger for the opposition. Fans want trophies and trophies attract new players and give the club recognition, not just in England but - crucially - overseas as the game becomes more and more global. As Wenger told us, “when you eat caviar every day, it’s hard to return to sausages”. The board and the marketing men underestimate the cost of failure on the pitch and tout the season-ticket waiting-list, and we have a chairman who claims that finishing outside the top four is “not a disaster”. If any other senior people at Europe’s top clubs were to say this, it would be sacrilege.

The club’s move to a bigger stadium was billed as an opportunity to bring Arsenal to the top table in European football. The argument was that 60,000-gates would generate income for world-class players and provide the financial platform for domestic and Champions League success. But how many world class players have Arsenal ever bought? Vieira was an unused gangly kid and Henry was an expensive sulker that Juventus made play on the wing. Nobody would touch Overmars because of serious knee injuries, and Fabregas was a kid desperate for first-team action. Arguably, the only established star Arsenal ever bought in recent times was Dennis Bergkamp and even he was considered damaged goods and mocked by the Italians for his introverted personality and aloofness. When Bergkamp and Platt were signed by Bruce Rioch in the summer of ’95, no Arsenal fan could believe it. How un-Arsenal!

So why do Arsenal fans think the culture of the club should now be any different from what it always has been? Why do Arsenal fans think that today’s transfer policy should be any different? What evidence do we as fans have that there is real ambition at the club to win trophies? Even the “we don’t buy superstars, we make them” quote by Wenger means in reality that after they become superstars we sell them. The difference now is a serious lack of quality in the squad as a cycle of untested kids and prospects attempt to settle and develop while we desperately hope that more senior players stick around. There is no leadership on the pitch or elsewhere, as Wenger is the only voice allowed. But again, the club’s stance is not new, and it is behaving as cautiously now as it ever did. Wenger has the perfect argument (correct) about the declining world economic situation and can support his frugality by citing new UEFA requirements for debt etc.

The bottom line is that AFC is a club built to finish in the top six, not the top two, and this has always been the case. Success in the past was often due as much to sheer determination and luck than strategy. The determination has gone, as nobody believes in the Wenger strategy. The thinking was that we are the biggest club, in Europe’s biggest city. But then Chelsea, and now Manchester City, upset the balance further by being able to spend money to achieve success that outstrips any other club’s resources. How ironic that so many former Arsenal personnel are now involved in the higher echelons of Manchester City - David Platt, Brian Marwood and even Patrick Vieira, and on the pitch there’s Adebayor (on loan) Touré, Nasri and Clichy. They are using their Arsenal MBA somewhere where they can actually put it to use. Note, Yaya Touré was at Arsenal’s feeder club Beveren and Wenger declined to sign him after a trial, but took his brother Kolo and Eboué instead.

Why waste any energy worrying about transfers that will never happen? This is the same season that we have had for the last five years. Wenger said in August that a big club doesn’t sell its best players. A week later Fabregas and Nasri were gone. He didn’t replace them in the same way that he didn’t replace Overmars, Petit, Vieira, Touré or Adebayor. Instead, the club pocketed the money and panicked late in the market after the humiliation at Old Trafford, where the club offered refunds to the travelling fans! Can you imagine Barcelona or any other club feeling they should offer refunds. It was a complete admission of failure, and designed to quell a growing mutiny amongst loyal, paying fans. Buying ageing pros such as Benayoun, Arteta, Mertesacker and Park contradicted his prior strategy to the point of raising the question as to whether these were Wenger buys in the first place. You can argue the success or failure of these signings, but nobody believes Arteta is the same level as Fabregas, or Benayoun as Nasri. The time to buy was in July, and really buy, so as to keep the existing quality players and bring in some new talent to energise not just the squad but the fans who pay to watch.

Van Persie will go in the same way that Vieira, Henry and Fabregas did, as will Wilshere unless Wenger leaves first, as he will never admit his strategy is wrong. Again, this should not be a surprise. The club don’t care, as long as we keep turning up every week to pay the most expensive prices in Europe to watch one of the most mediocre squads in Arsenal history. The men in suits who don’t come out of their executive boxes until ten minutes into the second half will also start to think twice. The fan base is alienated and economically marginalised, so AFC have already lost a generation of young fans who are not able to attend the games. Thank God Man City are not in London, or half the boxes would be empty already. After all, how much longer can anyone watch these overpaid, mediocrities before you say “enough”. David Dein, a penny for your thoughts.

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  1. EdBlag

    Feb 15, 2012, 15:53 #18648

    We're in a transition, at least we're still (just about) competing. We've got to wait until the stadium is paid off and FFP comes in before we can truly judge the last 6 years.

  2. Dave

    Feb 14, 2012, 15:54 #18625

    The comment about having Yaya Toure on trial and Wenger deciding he's not good enough really irks with me, just like Scott Parker wasn't technically gifted enough (but Denilson has been for 5 years??!) so glad I don't pay money to watch this rubbish week after week

  3. Craig24

    Feb 14, 2012, 14:02 #18622

    The reason why Spurs are on the up is Daniel Levy wants to turn the club into a top English club that wins trophies, Unlike Arsenal and ivan gazidis who just want to turn profits. Eden Hazard now mentioned real or not Levy is the kind of character that can make it happen, which is why we miss David Deins passion for the club in a directors seat. Arsenal fans need to voice his return

  4. Brad

    Feb 14, 2012, 12:49 #18617

    Per is 26 for your guide. Hardly ageing

  5. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 14, 2012, 8:04 #18604

    Bloody hell I started to rech for the razor blades and then two things occurred. Firstly, Mandy Dodd arrived with a comment of hope and belief, like the first snowdrop in a winter of discontent. Secondly, I thought if you feel this badly about the Club with our record how would you feel as a Spuds, Man City, Liverpool fan looking at their last fifteen years? David, get your arse down the GP and collect your Prozac prescription.

  6. Rocky RIP

    Feb 13, 2012, 23:25 #18603

    Whilst I take your points, let's be honest, life is hard for nearly all football fans. Endless disappointment for most. We are amongst the luckier ones. Arsenal have given me more joy in my life than I can envisage getting from being a fan of most/all other clubs. I'm f'ing proud to be a Gooner. I suggest you stop mithering and show a bit more pride. We are The Arsenal.

  7. Joe S.

    Feb 13, 2012, 23:11 #18602

    I wonder if David Evan's piece above is aimed predominantly at the directors or at the fans. I would say that most Arsenal supporters who are over 20 would be aware of a rich heritage of famous names, hard fought wins, years of decline and resugence as well as frustration iced over in recent memory by the early Wegner years where the club became synonymous for style and winning football. For older fans like me it's been a long strange trip indeed. I became an Arsenal fan in 69 as a 12 year old growing up in Ausralia after reading a Roy of Rovers football annuual which had a feature on Arsenal's Golden years, the marble halls and the W formation. More than anything I was impressed by the long drought since Arsenal last won the league I have always been a sucker for faded glory and empires in decline. I was instantly hooked. Of coursr things turned around within two years the club won the double, however as has been mentioned above the club has never consolidated it's success br creating another dynasty which relentlessly pushes to remain on top the way Liverpool and Manchester United have done. This has been the Arsenal way, to let good players leave and not invest in strenghening the sguad in order to dominate the league or heavan forbid Europe. Blame it on the caution or lack of ambition of those in charge. It has been frustrating but of cause those special moments have also make it rewarding.What annoys at the moment is the way in which a geat team pushing to dominate Europe was allowed to break up and the smugness of those in charge who treat the fans like idiots.

  8. Wombledin

    Feb 13, 2012, 21:56 #18601

    Interesting article, very well written but a bit dramatic and unfair in some parts. The problem with Wenger is he has not got the balance right with the squad in the last six seasons. He has become too risk averse in the market. He has turned us into the opposite of what Chelsea and Man City are. The latter are profligate, paying over the top money, while Wenger is too much the other way, being too cautious and spend-thrift in the market. We were the lowest net spending Club in player transfers last season in the premiership, for goodness sake! Thats not good enough for a club of our stature. Wenger's got to take more risks in the market, spend more. We are certainly punching above our weight for what his net spend has been on transfers (but not salaries!) but their is a growing tide of fans sick and tired of Wenger erring on the side of ecnomy all the time. He's got to tilt it more the other way, spend a bit more buying better players. Not like Man City or Chelsea, but nevertheless more.

  9. CanadaGooner

    Feb 13, 2012, 21:19 #18600

    @Seven Kings Gooner: it wont be easy catching Spurs, but it can definitely be done. they've had worse wobbles in the past. Besides the Feb 25 match, the have to play Everton away (if everton could do it to chelsea, they sure can to Spurs), they're yet to play Man Utd at the lane, Chelsea at the bridge, and not to mention the Mighty Swansea, Formidable Fulham and Naturally-gifted Norwich! These are all games where Spurs can certainly drop several points

  10. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 13, 2012, 20:27 #18598

    There is a lot here that agree with but "a team designed only to finish in the top six not the top two and this has always been the case" We have won 13 (Top division) league titles and only Manu & Liverpool have won more. However I have always thought the Board had far too much of a Corinthian attitude towards winning, almost as if it was a bit unfair, so they (The Board) broke up great sides to give the others a chance.

  11. Mark

    Feb 13, 2012, 20:14 #18597

    i think wenger will leave in the summer after we finish 6th and sell RVP for £25m cash. finishing outside the CL spot for sure RVP will leave and to barca or real madrid. have a look at spurs last 8 matches. i cant seem them losing. they are going to come too close for comfort this year to the top

  12. Harold

    Feb 13, 2012, 19:49 #18596

    "All the money the club generates is available for Arsene". Gazidis after the Villa cup game.

  13. peter Wain

    Feb 13, 2012, 19:08 #18595

    Not sure if I understand this but one thing I do agree with is that RVpPwill leave in the summer unless the manager gives him reason to stay. This does not include signing promising players but world class players who can improve the squad and are first tema regulars. However for this too happen it will require amajor change by the manager and I am not sure he can do that.

  14. Nick

    Feb 13, 2012, 18:57 #18594

    So were historicly crap are we ? read up up on the clubs history mate, the only decade that we havnt won a domestic trophy since the thirties is the sixties, only manure and liverpool compare favourably with that and outshine us, im gratefull for what wengers done for us in the past, but i question his ability to do it again under these financial restraints, either imposed by the board or by himself, i dont like hearing an arsenal manager saying were not a big club and we must accept 2nd ,3rd, or 4th place because were skint ,wolves are bloody skint everton are skint swansea, wba and the like are skint is he saying were on the same level as them ? we dont have to spend hundreds or even fifties of millions on one player, or pay them 2 or 3 hundred grand a week but we sure as hell, could get better value than we did this summer on some of the signings, i exempt the ox, and arteta, for that the last few seasons we were crying out for defenders, but wenger did nothing to our cost, this season the need for another quality striker is just as urgent, but again he does nothing trust my judgement he says, judge me in may, dont worry mate i bloody well will , and i hope against hope that i do not find you wanting AGAIN!!

  15. CanadaGooner

    Feb 13, 2012, 16:58 #18593

    why are folks wasting their time commenting on 'Adetobi'? the fellow's obviously new to football and the english language. Give him a break. David, good article but I find it a little strange that people fixate on Van Persie leaving: players do leave clubs you know? Ronaldo was banging in the goals left, right and centre when he chose to leave Man Utd for Real Madrid and I cant recall Utd crumbling thereafter. Clubs like Arsenal can cope and should cope: overmars, Petit, cashley, adebayor, nasri, flamini, fabregas, henry... list goes on. Life goes on, and Arsenal FC goes on (be it to mid-table). If the current squad of donkeys that we have can get their acts together, we have enough to beat most of the clubs we've dropped several points to this season (wolves, swansea, fulham, blackburn, bolton etc) and can avoid a similar disastrous start next season and we'll be back where our owners want us to be: top 4. What we wont have is a team that can challenge for trophies, you can blam Wenger all you want, the reality is that he doesnt own the club and as influencial as people seem to think he is, the owners set the tone and what they want is steady cash and if top 4 secures that, that's all they need (nevermind what the fans want)

  16. Adetobi

    Feb 13, 2012, 16:57 #18592

    @ ScaryRoger 14:37pm 13th Feb 2012 I'lll flip the question round since it's clear yo idiot Wengerites are too stupid to see: would you rather finish 10th (you've made this up. George Graham only once ever finished outside the top 4 and was top 4 every other season. Another pleb who doesn't know a thing of AFC history)...and win the occasion cup? Or would I rather finish 4th every year and never ever win a single trophy?' Answer there is I'd rather finish 10th and win the odd thing. Than finish 4th, and never win anything. 'Challenge for trophies'? Hahahahahah LOL. Another joker who cannot read a simple league table. Or I suppose you meant we've been challenging for the league and CL all these years ooops silly me! Ha ha the delusion of the AKBs is brilliant and worrying in equal measure!!!!

  17. Mandy dodd

    Feb 13, 2012, 16:36 #18591

    Surely the very building of the stadium shows at least a degree of ambition? We have built one and are a long way down the road for paying for it, a much better place than some. We have built the stadium without a benefactor, or without the classless and unedifying scraping around for public money.

  18. allybear

    Feb 13, 2012, 15:41 #18590

    Very interesting comments&while im not abig fan of Wenger his past record is very good. The Invincibles team was a one off&were a joy to watch&support,great memories. I personally think that he has stayed too long&has made big mistakes&his stubborness has held the club back. The board are like any big company in that they are only interested in profits!

  19. BrightonGooner

    Feb 13, 2012, 15:38 #18589

    Why the lack of acknowledging of George Graham's work? He did win a lot you know, a lot more than Wenger in Europe and gave Wenger half a defence that looked after itself. 6 trophies in 5 years is better than 7 trophies in 14 years if you ask me.

  20. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 13, 2012, 15:32 #18588

    @ Ron, spot on fella. How many football fans who started following the sport since 1992 are aware that The Arsenal were part of the clique that wanted all the TV money back in the 1980s? Hello! There is a reason why we have the lucrative Premier League that exists today. @ John - Post 20528 - 'Leave managing the club to people who know about it'. Are you implying that every Gooner should trust a board who don't put a wee bit of pressure on the manager and continously raise ticket prices when we are not seeing proper investment in the team? Should we also trust a manager who openly stated in April last year that he would 'sign up for 2nd place for the next ten years' and has stated many times that qualifying for the lucrative European Cup (I'm old school) by finishing 4th is a bigger achievement than winning the odd cup here and there? Wenger only wants European Cup football for the money that comes with it to pay the wages of the existing players (as he stated himself only recently) and attract new players, no doubt of the teenage variety plus the one experienced player per year. Compare and contrast that to Sir Alex Ferguson at OT. Say what you like about him but you cannot argue against his record for Man Utd & Aberdeen. He wants to win ol' Big Ears to equal & beat the competition's record of the late Bob Paisley (three wins for Liverpool in 1977, 1978 & 1981 for those who dismiss anything in football pre-1992). As for this article, some interesting and valid points made here. I'll continue to go to games and support the team as we all should regardless of our opinions towards OGL but the board deserve as much flak as Wenger gets also. Have some Gooners forgotten that we support the fifth richest club in world football and many of us are contributing to it? That's fact not fiction but then again we have no money eh? I still maintain that Wenger deserves credit for what he has done for the club overall since 1996 but he should also leave at the end of the season with dignity as I don't believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. Over to you Arsene and prove me and many Gooners wrong. Come on you Gunners!

  21. Judge Fred

    Feb 13, 2012, 15:18 #18587

    I dont think anyone can question Wenger up until 2006/7 - its between then and now that people are asking the questions. This is not a question of winning things - no-one can guarantee a cup, but it appears as though we are not competing in the latter stages or until the last few games in the league (Carling Cup excluded in 2011) I can just about handle not winning a cup, but I absolutely cannot take not being competitive enough to win one. I think Arsenal fans deserve bettrer than that.

  22. vladiziv

    Feb 13, 2012, 15:08 #18586

    I might agree with some of the stuff in the article but really don't understand the point you are trying to make... and there are so many contradictions in the article.. "In the '80s, beating Liverpool, United and especially Spurs, and finishing in the top ten, was a “good” season. " "The club don’t care, as long as we keep turning up every week to pay the most expensive prices in Europe to watch one of the most mediocre squads in Arsenal history." And we are currently 4th (probably won't finish worse than 6th.. how is that one of the most mediocre squads in Arsenal history??

  23. ScaryRoger

    Feb 13, 2012, 14:37 #18584

    Drivel. There is no argument or structure to this piece. Do you want the old way where we were content to be top 10, and occasionally won through nothing but determination and defending, or the new way where we challenge for trophies and are fiscally responsible?

  24. Alfred K Best

    Feb 13, 2012, 14:06 #18582

    Mate, Let me break this down for you in a very simple fashion. Some fella buys a house that he can just about afford the mortgage on. Having obtained the mortgate, he decides to cut-back on his luxury items in order to pay off his mortgage as quickly as possible. As a result, he now no longer has the ability to buy the Porsche Turbo that he's had his heart on. Other expenditures suffer too, like fine wines and designer clothes - he resorts to Primark and suchlike for his clothes, and buys a 2nd-hand Nissan Micra (I have nothing against Nissan) for his car. His mates on the other hand, decide not to move/buy a bigger or better house. They keep buying Porsches and Ferrari's, going on expensive holidays eating fine foods, and enjoying life to the fullest. The fella though, spends pennies and his weekends farming his 'vegetable patch' for food, and 'tuning' the Micra to make it a little bit competitive against those Porsches and Ferraris. ON THE FACE OF IT, the fella's friends are getting ahead in life, after all, they are showing all the trappings of success. Tragically though, they are spending borrowed credit on things that are very transient. The fella though, looks like things are not working out for him, and others are saying that he's down in the dumps, and losing it - even though he's working on acquiring something that is way more valuable than all the cars of his mates put together. Of the above two sets of people, who would you say is the more ambitious? For me, Arsenal are acting the same as the fella above - i.e., trying to secure their long term future, whilst other clubs are behaving like the fella's mates - spending their way into oblivion (if things carry on the way they are). Regarding spending a penny for David Dein's thoughts on getting rid of Arsene Wenger, don't worry, you don't need to spend a penny to get his thoughts - David Dein was on BBC Radio 5 Live's "Sports Week" yesterday morning (it's available as a podcast, if you want to hear it again). When asked what he/Arsenal would do if someone (England, France, Real Madrid, another club) came in for Wenger Dein replied: "Well, I would have two words for them, and it won't be Happy Birthday". And I agree with Dein.

  25. Jeff

    Feb 13, 2012, 13:21 #18578

    "No world class defensive signings" Hmm, I for one can't think of any other central defender that I'd swap for Kos or the Verminator.

  26. DavidjDavies

    Feb 13, 2012, 13:20 #18577

    To say that AW is "Lucky" is beyond me. See if this squad rings a bell...Lehmann, Lauren, Campbell, Toure, Cole, Ljungberg, Vieira, Gilberto, Pires, Bergkamp, Henry The only player in this squad inherited by AW was Bergkamp who was bought by Rioch, you could say Cole as well but AW was the one to give him his break in the first team. Whatever is going on with the current squad and tactics. "Lucky" is not how you can describe AW for the Invincibles team.

  27. Mike

    Feb 13, 2012, 13:06 #18576

    I agree, Arsenal have never been a big spending club. Barring Adams, the famous back four were picked from relative obscurity to replace bigger names like Sanson and Anderson. Seaman was a record signing for Arsenal at K1 mill. Arsenal have never had many marquee signings - they have signed a few big names but they generally became instant flops. Even Wright and Smith developed into players whilst at Arsenal - the difference now is, once developed they move off to the lights of the bigger paychecks clubs instead of forging a "career" with Arsenal. No player is worth K200 000 a week at the moment - one injury and he sits on the sideline - nothing is new except Man City and Chelsea are on the block. Spurs are around, but the man who once sulked around Arsenal and is getting paid by Man City gave five assists on Saturday. Everyone at Arsenal was glad to see the back of him when he left - we still sit in two cup competitions which is two more than Utd or City

  28. Ozil

    Feb 13, 2012, 13:06 #18575

    blind criticism!!! Arsene was 'lucky' to inherit a great defense from the Graham era?? REally?? biggest lie of the century and one that's so often repeated on onlinegooner, palmer and le-grove without challenge? The best ever defense in ARsenal history was the one that ended entire season as 'Invincible', was it inherited from Your Darling Boring Graham or built from scratch by Wenger? I think the author already mentioned Sol Campbell but he seems to forget another great defender Toure. In case you dont know, dear writer, I give you the best lineup in the unbeaten season: Lehman Lauren, Sol, Toure, Ashly, Vieira, Gilberto, Pires, Luemberg, Perkamp, Henry? Now tell me which of those defenders were 'inherited' as your twisted mind imagines by Graham? Your argument is baseless because you used your own faked facts, assumptions as fact or truth. The best defensive unit, in attacking team i should add, was the one I mentioned above, and unless you intend to belittle the 'Invinvible' I don't see any other reason why you ignore such obvious facts in our very recent brilliant history. A good writer builds his/her argument on facts and offers analysis based on his interpretation of those facts, a bad one just ignore the facts and fabricated their own facts. Next time you write something that makes sense.

  29. Gooner1711

    Feb 13, 2012, 13:05 #18574

    Frustrations show in many ways.......I am sure there will be many more before the end of the season. No, I don't think RvP will be here next season, and I couldn't blame him.

  30. Tony Evans

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:44 #18573

    I like many of the points you have raised, David, but like some other responses have stated I don't see exactly what you are driving at. I am totally confused by my club right now and I get the feeling that you are too. The great success we had in Wenger's earlier years has left a lasting legacy of joy but also disatisfaction because we have now gone full circle backwards again. Between 1998 and 2004 I had to pinch myself to make sure that I was watching my own club so good was the football and it was great to see us top dogs again after the title successes in 71, 89 and 91. Now we have declined back to where we (historically) usually are in the league and it is very difficult to take, especially when the ground move promised so much. There are a great many of us that are totally bemused by what has happened since 2006 and are despertately trying to make sense of it all, and in my case, failing miserably.

  31. GoonerRon

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:42 #18572

    @ Adetobi - You say 'You cannot understate what a disgusting influence Arsene Wenger has been on Arsenal since 2006 onwards.' Yes, so disgusting we have been to a Champions League final for the first time in our history, been to another two cup finals and numerous title run-in's. No, we didn't get over the line to win any of them (and he should take some responsibilty for that), but we were still competing at the very top. Doing this whilst paying for a stadium out of our own pocket (a once in century moment for him to deal with) and whilst supporting that financing by posting a net profit on transfers. Yes, truly disgusting. You also say 'extending the contracts of world-class losers like Djourou and Diaby, whilst selling Cesc and Nasris.' Who bought Cesc and Nasri in the first place? You can't bash him over the head for one and not consider the other. As for the article itself, merit in some of the points but I'd question the timing of it when we are about to embark on the most important week of the season (can't we just get behind the team) and that leads me on nicely to my final point. When supporting a football club there will inevitably be ups (which in my Arsenal supporting career have been significantly influenced by Wenger) and downs. Granted, my love for Arsenal isn't entirely logical (wearing every item of Arsenal clothing I owned before a match when I was a kid, or looking at the poster of the player on my bedroom wall whose name was mentioned on radio commentary in that second) but I personally prefer to focus on the positives and get behind the club and the team, irrespective of our success at that given moment.

  32. fozzy's mate

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:38 #18571

    Good piece but its been said so many times before. The supine hillwoods eh! They kronke and to some extent wenger see the fans as the lower classes. But it won't change.

  33. Chris

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:26 #18569

    "Under Wenger, we have not bought one world-class defender except for Sol Campbell. You could argue for Gallas, but we had to give up the best left-back in English football as part of the deal (even though he is a you know what)" Wenger regularly gets negative criticism for his supposed lack of quality defensive signings, yet he is the only manager in 115 years of English football to preside over a defence unbeaten in a league season. He put that unbeaten first XI defence together; with low key signings like Lehmann, Lauren and Toure, a youth team graduate in Cole and a free transfer, Campbell (albeit one of the most high profile transfers ever) - bought them, coached them, managed them and sent them out to make an unparalleled achievement all for little under £8m. There have been poor defensive signings like Cygan and Stepanovs but at the same time some astute ones like Clichy and Djourou - but all for low transfer fees. In terms of world class or big name defenders signed, fair enough, there are few on the ground, but Thomas Vermaelen arrived for £10m as the captain of Ajax and Belgium - hardly unknown, cheap or second rate. Also Silvinho and Van Bronkhorst were great signings of established players, with both moving on to be champions league winners with Barcelona. It will be interesting to see how the new defence of Szcezsney, Sagna, Koscielny, Vermaelen and Santos does, when they're all finally fit! "But how many world class players have Arsenal ever bought? Vieira was an unused gangly kid and Henry was an expensive sulker that Juventus made play on the wing. Nobody would touch Overmars because of serious knee injuries, and Fabregas was a kid desperate for first-team action. Arguably, the only established star Arsenal ever bought in recent times was Dennis Bergkamp and even he was considered damaged goods and mocked by the Italians for his introverted personality and aloofness. When Bergkamp and Platt were signed by Bruce Rioch in the summer of ’95, no Arsenal fan could believe it. How un-Arsenal!" Firstly is it rather the lack of a £20+m signing that is the problem? a need to be part of the big-club gang making expensive, headline grabbing signings? I for one would rather take a punt on 'gangly unused substitute Patrick Vieira' than spaff 35 million quid on a geordie cart horse. Cash is no guarantee of success. That said, Arsenal have made expensive big-name signings; Wiltord - fresh from scoring in the Euro 2000 final was hot property in Europe and wanted by many other top clubs - was signed for around £13m. Arshavin, signed for £16m was one of the outstanding players at Euro 2008 and man of the match in the uefa cup final that year. See also Nasri and Reyes. Wenger regularly makes great signings from the lower end of the transfer market, with an extensive scouting network and long term projects, but he is also a good opportunist, signing players like Gilberto Silva or Freddie Ljungberg after a couple of good performances. And were Arteta and Benayoun panic buys? we have been linked with Arteta for years (and Mertesacker for that matter) - Benayoun was a loan signing to give the squad depth if Wilshere was out for a long time. Panic buying is a cosy media short hand term. Surely 'last minute panic buying' would really entail splurging 30 or 40 million on a big name? Arteta and Benayoun were clearly not signed to replace Nasri and Fabregas - Gervinho and Wilshere were given that responsibility, and the style of play in general has changed. I'm no arsene apologist, the guy makes plenty of mistakes, can be tactically naive and sometimes infuriating, but the general trashing of his career does the wenger-out brigade no favours.

  34. Evadztif

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:20 #18568

    @Adetobi Wenger has been a 'disgusting influence' since 2006???? Grow up mate and realise what you are saying - does the man have faults? No doubt but a disgusting influence??? Go home....

  35. Gunner

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:13 #18567

    First ,we cab't disagree what wenger did he made the history and legend 49 matches unbeatened also his way of buy or sell players also brought many profits for our club when we were in the debt of stadium~Also he made many super star~But the problem is that why we can't use many money to buy the player we need also keep some gd player in our team we can see that Henry although he is 34 now but his experience is really gd for the growing of the young player if wenger only sell the player who over 30 but didn't think before that .And continue his policy only buy young player but not buy the superstar or some experienced player to help to building up the team and get the trophy I think this team will be worsened..in the future.Remember IF WE GET TROPHY WE WILL GET MONEY AND SUPERSTAR Than why don't we use money at first !To build one more unbeatened Arsenal!!

  36. don froth

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:07 #18566

    intersting piece, also Ron, interesting reply.....good points fella's, this is what a forum's all about!!!!

  37. Robert Exley

    Feb 13, 2012, 12:05 #18565

    'There was always a certain degree of contempt from the boardroom for the working class boys on the North Bank' - I'm afraid that's a bit of a lazy generalisation if ever there was. The board were told to fence the fans in or lose the right to host FA Cup Semis back in the 80s and the income it brought. The board told the FA to get lost and that the safety of our fans (generally well behaved during the 80s) was ****ount and they were proved right with Hillsborough. We owe them eternal gratitute for that - old Etonians or not!

  38. supergeorgegraham

    Feb 13, 2012, 11:06 #18564

    What do you mean winning from only 1998 to 2006. Have a look at what George Graham did for Arsenal FC.

  39. bops

    Feb 13, 2012, 10:57 #18563

    So what exactly is your point? Do you want to buy superstars and compete with Manchester City and Chelsea in the market?? You are running around plucking instances from air for this article to make any sense.

  40. Oliver Chessis

    Feb 13, 2012, 10:25 #18562

    Very interesting article, even if I don't agree with a lot of it. The idea that it is only the Arsenal board that takes all it can from its fans is ridiculous. Do you think Daniel Levy cares about Spurs fans? Will there prices not go up this year, just because they have got back to where they were two years ago? Will Randy Lerner lower Villa prices having seen them fall from fighting for top four to being in a relegation scrap? No. I do agree however, that this contempt for fans is nothing new, at Arsenal or anywhere else.

  41. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 13, 2012, 10:19 #18561

    Phew! An excellent well-written piece stating the fundamental truth about the Arsenal for most of the past 50 years. In reality, only the David Dein years offered us a chance to dream, and as we now know his desire to ensure that the quality of the players on the pitch took precedent over everything else ultimately cost him his position. “You see things; and you say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say, Why not?"

  42. Adetobi

    Feb 13, 2012, 10:17 #18560

    Wonderful article, says it all. You cannot understate what a disgusting influence Arsene Wenger has been on Arsenal since 2006 onwards. Arsenal need to get rid of him and fast. He has created a bubble, surrounded by yes-men, arrogant and extending the contracts of world-class losers like Djourou and Diaby, whilst selling Cesc and Nasris. It's shocking. Our players are mercenaries, when they are class they leave, if they are crap they stay. It's a shocking culture and it is all down to Wenger. He talks about wages in football being OTT then picks up his £7 mil a year! As for the board? Unambitious clowns. It amazes me truly how stupid some Arsenal fans are though. The MOST EXPENSIVE TICKETS IN EUROPE to watch one of the most mediocre work-shy boring teams. How can anyone be so silly as to continuously give their hard-earned money to such rubbish! Stop paying for these tickets. Don't renew your ST. Stop attending. You will note a huge change immediately when they see your monies stop rolling in. As things stand, Spuds play the best football in the league and win matches. Arsenal corporate boxes will be emptier and emptier. Kroenke will learn the hard way.

  43. NelseMcStuff

    Feb 13, 2012, 10:02 #18559

    totally incoherent. Do you want the old way or the new way?

  44. Ron

    Feb 13, 2012, 10:00 #18558

    I stopped at football being considered 'vulgar' pre the Prem League and SKY! Utter rubbish. Vulgarity started when the greedy 5 inc Arsenal decided they were all 'better' than the FA and the old First Division and no longer needed them. This started the rush for money and ultimtely spawned your Chelsea's and City's. Most of the Clubs dragged along by the decsions of the few forecast the disparity of SKY funded wealth between haves and have nots and still feel the same, as well they should. Its them who are entitled to feel annoyed and excluded, not our Club. Im an Arsenal fan for 4 decades, but my view of their moaning about not being able to compete with the 'doped Clubs' is one of 'tough luck Arsenal', you made your bed back in 1991- 1992 when you thought you would leave the pleb Clubs behind and didnt care a monkeys either. That you cant live with them now isnt our fault and fans unreal expectations are also a side effect of your rush for a slice of the SKY stained readies. Its ironic that Everton and Tottenham were also part of that rotten clique who couldnt welcome SKY and the Premier League quick enough and yet Everton now bleat they have no cash! Tough luck to you too! Theres no sympathy from me. From an Arsenal perspective, they were stupid enough to think that there would only ever be Man Utd to contend with when they dreamed up this ground move. For you fella, you need to get real. Arsenal are now what they were always going to become. Its took longer than they thought, that all. Hopefully, the tourists and flakey types who think the Club should win EVERY week end will bugger off back to whereever they came from and the 'disconnect' you speak of can be healed as prices fall to match the product, assuming Arsenal can be humble enough to allow it to occur organically as it should.

  45. John

    Feb 13, 2012, 9:57 #18557

    Do you actually enjoy going to football games? You know, Supporting your team, the thrill of a win (we won this weekend, in case you didn't know). The anticipation of Wednesday's game against Milan. Unfortunately with supporting any sports team also comes the disappointment of a loss and bad years. Boohoo, live with it, deal with it. Leave managing the club to people who know about it. Just last one thing; why do you feel the need to call Wenger delusional? He is not, you're disrespectful. Very poor form!

  46. divingrooney

    Feb 13, 2012, 9:54 #18556

    Not sure what you are driving at? You seem to potray that everything Wenger did was luck and inheritance, while the Board did nothing. And what should the supporters do? Nothing and wait for Arsenal to get lucky again. Its a long, stupid article combining hearsay with Wenger-out logic. The Board and Wenger did not have the foresight that -- Property market will go bankrupt -- Abrahamovich effect will double/treble the wages of players -- Football related deals like t-shirt etc will also explode The above points means that Arsenal earn half of Madrid and Barcelona, and 100mn lesser than Manu. In spite of this we have challenged for the title for so many seasons is a miracle named Wenger. If he leaves, then Arsenal will be fighting relegation. Chelsea have lost more money on transfer/wages, than what we spent on the stadium. And where are they now? Arsenal have a better squad than Chelsea today, and if we can put of a full team then idiots like you would able to appreciate what Wenger has done. And things like Stadium are built not once in a lifetime but something like once in 3 generations - so don't expect immediate payout. Your children might see a better Arsenal team than you, and they would appreciate what Wenger did for Arsenal a lot more than duffers like you....