The Democratic Republic of Arsenal

Are the ranks about to revolt?

The Democratic Republic of Arsenal

Kick over the statues?

It is with a great deal of sadness that you feel compelled to write an article with such a chastening title about a club you love.

Having witnessed our biggest league defeat in over one hundred years earlier in the season, even the sturdiest of hearts must have withered somewhat at the manner of last night's loss. For ours is a club to be proud of, one with an illustrious and glorious history, which has spawned both the battle-hardened and the majestic. Among the few glimmers, this has undoubtedly been shadowed by darkness.

It was unfair on one of the club's most rightly-revered and honoured players that it should end like this. It was unfair on the fans who give their all to support the club.

History teaches us that sometimes you must endure the toughest of times before revelling in victory and overcoming your enemies. While many will argue, including our manager, that harder times have befallen us, it is difficult to find a comparison in modern times.

Some will say we are ungrateful - that consistently appearing in the Champions League, and on occasion challenging for domestic trophies, is simply beyond the reach of the majority. That being over demanding and enticing fiscal mismanagement may lead us to ruin. Let us not forget Portsmouth and Rangers.

It is perhaps easy at such low points to lose sight of this and to remove yourself from true perspective. However, to those who do not follow the club as religiously, and do not share the same pain, I have but two words - "mental strength".

There are often accepted mantras in life which are questioned only by the philosophically blind. Just as when a country includes the word "Democratic" in its name, you immediately know that it has the electoral system of a FTSE 100 boardroom. It is this analogy which best suits our current hierarchy. Such countries may:

- Erect statues of leaders and generals past to instil fear and loyalty
- Celebrate each success as if it is the latest, and greatest advance, when others around them have achieved the same feat or bettered it
- Invent slogans and chants to indoctrinate the masses
- Censor and control the country's media so that realities are spun for their purpose
- Quell and suppress protest
- Tax the citizens without investing in infrastructure

This is evidently tongue-in-cheek, and should not be misconstrued as an attempt to compare our plight to the appalling atrocities which people of such countries suffer. It does, however, seem remarkably apt.

We have a right to ask questions, and to bring about change. If we do not, any remaining pride, which - based on Wednesday night's performance - appears minimal, will exit with our world-class Dutch striker. It is this that, despite the consistency, raises our ire and is easily misunderstood by the outsider. It is this which means you can't help but be left with a bitter taste, and a feeling that you deserve more.

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  1. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 22, 2012, 23:32 #19227

    to DixtaN17...see, just like all you lot down the road you are still worried about us more than your own team...write on your own site in future

  2. StuartL

    Feb 21, 2012, 21:17 #19133

    6percentyourhavingalaugh - That would be great, the new Arsenal could play in red and white, with a yellow and blue away kit, we could reclaim the old badge as Arsenal couldn't trademark it.

  3. 6percentyourehavingalaugh

    Feb 19, 2012, 23:20 #18984

    What's the connection between the banking crisis and Arsenal? Banking crisis: Something that seemed like a good idea (lending money to people to buy houses) went wrong - bankers made stupid decisions and ran off with the money. Arsenal: Something that seemed like a good idea (borrow money to build a shiny new stadium) went wrong - all the increased income is swallowed up to make profits and pay bigger wages to overrated under performing players. And who pays? Us - the mug punters. My season ticket costs £1400 a season and I have no fun watching theo and his pals continuously fall short and then have the cheek to ask for a new contract at £80000 a week. Are we mad???? How long until we all realise it would be more fun to spend that money building our own club. I took a look at FCUM and AFC Wimbledon and they started up on very little cash. If a determined group of Gooners got together and was willing to put the money we spend into forming FC Highbury we could try to recapture what made us love our team - because the Arsenal I loved is dead and gone, turned into a block of flats.

  4. Stevesam

    Feb 19, 2012, 23:00 #18983

    StuartL - Why did Usmanov not buy the Bracewell - Smith shares ? They were on the market for some considerable time. Did Bracewell Smith refuse to sell to Usmanov because of his link to Dein ? Nina Bracewell Smith sold to Silent Stan backed by those who threw her off the Board - Fiszman,PHW and Friar - why ? There is only one person to blame for our current ownership - Danny 'the grudge'Fiszman.RIP.

  5. greengooner

    Feb 19, 2012, 21:35 #18979

    we do not pay some of the biggest wages in the world, our wage bill as a lump sum may rival other clubs but it the bulk does not go directly to the performing talent ie rvp, its appears to be spread across the board, that is wastes of space like diaby, Almunia, Chamack et al get wages far above what they achieve at other clubs thus draining much needed funds away from players we should be trying to retain/sign

  6. StuartL

    Feb 19, 2012, 17:54 #18970

    I really don't get the clamour to have Dein back - it was he who went behind the board's back to get Kronke in the first place, now Kronke is head honcho like Dein envisaged so why would it be any different with him back ?? Re the share price - don't Rangers have a 0.2% or something giveb to them in 1910 as a bond between our clubs ? They will be forced to sell them and Usmanov may well be able to get to his 30% to have a proper inspection of the books that he craves for. Wenger is rapidly running out of credit, his last two boasts left look very fragile - he has never finished below Tottenham and never not finished in the Champions League positions. Tick tock Arsene, time is up.

  7. Gman

    Feb 19, 2012, 14:04 #18952

    With every epoch there is a rise and fall. The Roman and British Empire, Reginald Perrin and now Arsene Wenger. Then there’is a need to have a period of radical change, that time is now and the sooner the better. Kroenke the clown can double his money and sell up to Usmanov, and then sack Gadizis for all his bull**** and failure to deliver top notch players. Wenger should do the honourable deed and resign for his failure over the last 7 years and then make Bergkamp the manger. Only then can we move on to the next era.

  8. Brian

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:58 #18909

    Arsenal have £160million in cash and short term deposit in the bank and have debts of £250 million, the accounts show net depts of £93 million, year before £135 million. Our depts do not have to be repaid for approx 20 years. In the chairmans report 2006/07, he stated that the revenue from the emirates £93 million was over double that of Highbury. ie £45 million plus. How did we buy world class players in the past and not now due to the cost of the emirates. Do not believe the spin put out by the club, such as we have to make a profit of £15 million to pay the debt on the Emirates, could well say we need a profit of £80 million to pay the players wages. The net debt has reduced each year, and it has been reported that in the last six months we made £50million, making the net debt £50 million.

  9. Steve Justice

    Feb 19, 2012, 2:08 #18891

    It is clear that Wenger has failed completely.The only option he has to resign first with his players hence arsenal needs renovation.

  10. Jason

    Feb 19, 2012, 1:15 #18890

    Absolutely amazed that he is still in a job.He should thank his lucky stars.97-05 were brilliant years.06-09 were full of semi's,losing finals,and near misses.Now we are not getting anywhere quarter final stages.Time to sack him as he has dragged us from the champions league final 06 down to losing to a pathetic relegated team last year.Now we lose to a pub team like Sunderland.He selects captains who are only there for the £ and have no love for the club.Were only given the capaintcy to justify their high wages and to keep them at the club.Yes,that includes,Gallas,RVP and Fabregas.The medical staff need to be sent back to school because they can't come up with any way of treating injured players properly.Always seem to be wrong diagnois 9 times out of 10.When they do manage to get an injured player treated properly,they break down 2 games later and not seen for months after that,(Gibbs,vermaelen,Rosicky,wilshire) So please wenger,go a.s.a.p and take your backroom staff with you.

  11. Rocco

    Feb 19, 2012, 1:07 #18889

    How much more patience can be asked us us? We're not a mid-table team, we expect trophies and we pay good money for out seats. I never thought I'd say it but maybe it's time for a new manager providing that it's him and not the board refusing to spend $ on signing needed talent. I wonder if Ferguson would still have his job if Man U hadn't won a thing in 7 years? For sure their fans would be calling for change as well.

  12. WHL 87

    Feb 18, 2012, 21:35 #18888

    so the word is goodbye, makes no difference how the tears are cried, it's over. Au revoir Arsene. Merci pour les memoirs.

  13. Inspector Clouless strikes again

    Feb 18, 2012, 21:26 #18887

    Aug 31 the day wenger ran out and did his panic buying and we have been on the backfoot ever since - in fact we went into the close season on the backfoot and absolutely nothing was done until panic day aug 31. shambles. no plan. no hunger only angst and complaints. an out of control tyrant. a club that has lost its way more than any other in the premiership. a board motivated ONLY by profits. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE LOST WHAT WAS ONCE ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB RESIDING AT THE FAMOUS HIGHBURY STADIUM

  14. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 18, 2012, 20:03 #18886

    What other clubs fans don't get is that most of our frustration is with the stubbornness shown by Wenger and the Board. We don't want to break the Bank but last January (2011) we were in four competitions and all it would have taken were a couple of decent experienced players to be brought in (a Keeper and a Centre back for starters) and I am sure we could have come out with a Trophy at the end of the season. And what happened this year.? Were lessons learnt? Nope, same old same old. season over and another run of defeats on the card but this time resulting in no Champions League place. Still, lose next week to the Spuds and change may be forced on this weak and neutered Board and Owner.

  15. dixtaN17

    Feb 18, 2012, 19:30 #18885

    v interesting post. i view your club from 4 miles down the 7 sisters road and have noticed the pravda-style attendance figures when red seats abound, the rebranding of your club with the bar scarves, happy clappy isn't theo great nonsense, statues, goonersaurus..and the total lack of transparency about your finances. you all assume the bank balance is bulging but i dont recall your board ever proving it. maybe you are in trouble financially as well as on the pitch? anyway, enjoy the europa league next year and maybe we'll do you a favour and smash 5 past you at the library next week and finally see off le prof...

  16. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2012, 19:26 #18884

    I bet the Ox is feeling itchy already! Arteta would obviously want to stick around for as long as he is paid bundles along with the rest of them. Wenger should realise he has made enough money and go now! Persie has to go because 1 more year and he will be forgotten. Wenger already is.

  17. Noz

    Feb 18, 2012, 18:26 #18883

    Spot on regarding the money Chris Dee! Money is NOT the issue it IS an arrogant, out of date, uninspiring manager and a board that doesn't care as long as pockets are being lined.

  18. DW Thomas

    Feb 18, 2012, 17:18 #18882

    Start by getting Hazard even if he is overpriced. Gotze too. And one more utility bAck and one other decent striker who is proven. Maybe with ambitious buys RVP will stay. If hecgoes we are officially a joke of a club and only willing to feed others.

  19. Trevor Pallas

    Feb 18, 2012, 16:53 #18881

    Just seen the team 16/50 hrs.Convinced our Manager has lost it big time, talking Goalkeeper.

  20. He is not the Messiah, he is a very naughty boy

    Feb 18, 2012, 16:40 #18880

    it is a myth that Wenger was ever considered to be a "great manager" and i would challenge anyone on this site to tell me why he ever was considered so ? Arsenal was a great club and Highbury was a very special place and when Wenger arrived we had a very special group of players and a spirit that had been forged after 9 years of GG/DD. For every Henry or Anelka there was a character like Ian Wright who influenced their way. Wrighty would rather die than lose. for every Petit/Viera there was a Parlour who would go in a tackle with anyone. Cole and Campbell and Lauren learnt it all from Winterburn/Dixon/Bould/Adams/Keown. you didnt mess with any of them. Highbury was a cauldron with these players waiting in the middle for the opposition to come out and so so many times were the other team torn to pieces. I do not know why everyone was so gullible to give Wenger the credit for all of this ??????

  21. daveC

    Feb 18, 2012, 15:54 #18879

    What do you expect when Ivan the Terrible is in charge Interesting he has supported Man City since a boy! Clearly his ONLY interest is the bottom line He doesn't give a flying .... for the supporters

  22. Have things steadily declined since the day Dein was sacked by PHW?

    Feb 18, 2012, 15:23 #18878

    April 2007. It's hard not to believe Wenger is less of a force since Dein went. Our manager needs to be managed. To have an ally on the board, doing his dirty work. Leaning on him a bit. Someone with drive, genuine passion for Arsenal and ambition. Dein brough AW to the club. He flew to Milan and signed Dennis Bergkamp. He has a massive network of contacts in the game. Without knowing the full details, it's hard not to feel we miss him. What's the plan, Stan? I notice there is a petition to re-instate DD on a Facebook page (save Arsenal FC, Bring DD back to Arsenal.) Futile? Possibly. Is DD the answer?

  23. Comrade Carlos

    Feb 18, 2012, 13:24 #18877

    I am in total agreement comrade. Is the manager the mad monk in all this?

  24. Mike

    Feb 18, 2012, 12:05 #18875

    Sounds all a bit communistic - people like Chris Dee getting upset about the money aspect - that is what it is all about - a couple of shares were sold the day after the defeat to Milan at a higher price then ever before - Arsenal brand is now worth over 1 billion at those prices -Stan will be patting Wenger on the back - he can now sell his shares at a very tidy profit - Arsenal's net spend on the transfer market since moving to the Emirates is negative. Football is secondary and I believe it is a result of the owners. It may be frustrating but that has to be the truth.

  25. tfsmudge

    Feb 18, 2012, 12:01 #18874

    Fellow gooners, harsh truth is things don't turn bad overnight. Since moving from Highbury we've gained sweet FA except profits. So apart from the stadium what has changed? Well, if David Dein hadn't been shafted and thrown out of the club, maybe we'd all be looking at a well deserved statue of him outside the Emirates. Wenger is seemingly nothing without him. How pitiful that a man who ate, slept and drank Arsenal was stabbed in the back by his own top brass then discarded after promoting club and country for years. REINSTATE DAVID DEIN NOW. Never mind the bollox...

  26. Fidel Castro

    Feb 18, 2012, 11:47 #18873

    The revolution must begin NOW.There will be no change unless the fans want it.BOYCOTT season tickets thats the only way Kroenke and his puppet Gazidis will listen.We support a football club not a business.The fans dont care how much profits we make we want trophies.As for Wenger banging on about qualifying for the CL for 15 years what is the point when as soon as we meet the first decent team we get knocked out.It happens every season.One of Europes top clubs dont make me laugh

  27. JF

    Feb 18, 2012, 10:53 #18872

    In simple terms without all the words (which were well said) we are Fuxxed chop.

  28. Stevesam

    Feb 18, 2012, 10:19 #18870

    The Arsenal has always been a Dictatorship the Old Boys Club ensured that. My analogy would be of Health. The Club has a Cancer, which if not dealt with at the early stages, shall lead to a very painful and slow death. The Cancer needs to be cut out (the majority shareholder and his puppet Board )or endure very prolonged intensive treatment (by the peasants, who shall revolt )Remember Billy Wright,Bertie Mee, Don Howe and Terry Neill,etc. Can the Club be saved or have we left it too late ?

  29. Arsene is a liar

    Feb 18, 2012, 9:45 #18869

    FOUR RECORDS SET BY WENGER'S TEAM IN THE PAST TWO SEASONS: First ever team to lose 4 goal advantage and drop points in PL: First ever team to lose a cup final to a (to be) relegated team. Arsenal's worst defeat in over a century (100 years): Arsenal's worst ever European defeat.

  30. chris dee

    Feb 18, 2012, 9:37 #18868

    Will people please stop mentioning the frigging money aspect of the club. We pay big wages that are only matched by a few other clubs in the world.The wages are big enough to entice and hold some of the best players in the world. Repeating the fact that we live within our means (brilliant)over and over again by Gazidis is just a clever way of deflecting the fact we haven't won anything for 7 years. There have always been clubs paying higher wages than Arsenal and paying higher transfer fee than Arsenal. It was the case when we won the double in 1971,it was the case in Stroller Grahams time as manager and it was the case when in a galaxy far far away,Arsene's only aim in life was to be a ruthless winner of trophies. I betcha if we had won the League or the Champions league or a couple of domestic trophies in the last few years Van Persie would not be looking to leave even for more dosh. Our club is big enough,strong enough,supported enough to compete for every trophy every year. The longer this winning trophies 'occasionally' is accepted by the board and the fans then we must face the fact we are always gonna be a second tier club, always behind Barca,Real,AC Milan,United,Bayern Munich etc. If Arsene and the players showed as much ruthlessness and stubborness on the field as the board does in financial matters we would have had a few more dates of glory showing around the Emirates.

  31. darma

    Feb 18, 2012, 9:25 #18867

    I quite agree with you, and I my opinion, the primary change arsenal require is Mr wenger. He should honourably resign.

  32. Cawillemat

    Feb 18, 2012, 8:52 #18866

    Well said. There'll be 60'000 at the Milan second leg of course! The Pravda-like nature of the club's utterances has been evident for some time now. Expect to be told that tractor production is up 500 per cent at the next AGM.