Seven seasons and counting…

Online Ed: Another trophyless campaign for Arsenal

Seven seasons and counting…

Larsson: One that got away

The defeat at Sunderland was probably no great surprise to most people. The Gunners had suffered a midweek match in more ways than one and were always likely to lack the energy of the opposition on this day. And although they can claim an element of ill luck with the goals conceded, in the build up to both, they were certainly the architects of their own misfortune.

Whether it was due to fatigue, not possessing the right kind of players or pulling together as a team, there was a definite lack of drive in Arsene Wenger’s side for much of this FA Cup tie. They often seemed uninspired, pedestrian, predictable and got what they deserved in terms of a result. The big worry is that the players do not really care anymore, and that a rocket from the manager has little effect because there is no sense of fear. They do not take him seriously, and go through the motions out of a perception of professional obligation, a nod towards the huge wages he has awarded them. So like a spoilt child will behave badly if not disciplined appropriately, you can have a highly paid group players who will not perform to the limit of their capabilities. That is what we seem to have at Arsenal these days. Sunderland, picking up a damned sight less money, yet putting in a great deal more effort would seem to confirm that idea.

I wonder how much Seb Larsson picks up in his wage packet. Wenger decided he was not worth persevering with and allowed him to leave Arsenal in January 2007 for £1 million. He had Abou Diaby and Denilson at the club and considered them better options for the future. An example of how the manager’s judgment of players has cost dear in recent seasons. The club would have been better served by sticking with Larsson.

The other thing that Sunderland demonstrate is how change can be beneficial. Steve Bruce was working with the same group of players that Martin O’Neill has now and getting a lot less out of them. The conclusion is that things had gone a bit stale and that the team were not being motivated sufficiently. Sometimes, in all areas of life, change is needed to freshen things up and keep people on their toes. Arsene Wenger’s core coaching team is the same as that which were on duty in his first year at the club back in the mid-1990s. Players with enough quality and experience can overcome a manager who is not particularly good at organizing and motivating, as they can sort these things out on the pitch themselves. But once you are lacking enough such individuals, you will run into problems.

Arsenal play a lot of crab-like football these days. As time goes on, Cesc Fabregas’ contribution is being missed more and more. At least he attempted to drive the team on. Aaron Ramsey is a great tryer, but most of his passes seem to be more Ray Wilkins than Bryan Robson. Van Persie tries to make angles for a pass, but is usually outnumbered. When opportunities do arise, the midfield are often too ponderous to take advantage. There seems little in the way of cutting edge and only rarely does one witness an Arsenal player actually try and take on and beat his man. The team is quite easy to play against these days, which is why they often struggle for results against supposedly lesser sides.

It’s sad watching the decline at the moment. I can’t even get up the energy to feel angry at the manager, just sad that it has come to this when in all fairness, it was obvious his time was up after the 2008-09 season. How many times must we witness the season collapse? There is only fourth place to play for now, but the pattern is already a familiar one. Disappointing cup exits, injuries exposing the lack of squad depth and those still on active duty seeming to lose interest, inspiration and heart. The annual shareholders’ Q&A event with the manager was last held in the autumn of 2010 and it’s safe to say there won’t be another one until the manager is on more solid ground, which probably means never.

If he really had Arsenal’s best interests at heart, he would resign immediately and leave without taking the compensation payment (circa £16 million) he is entitled to if he was dismissed now. Let Steve Bould take over on a caretaker basis and organize the defence so that the team can at least try and carve out some results. Maybe bring in Martin Keown and/or Tony Adams to help motivate the players. Does anyone believe we would be any worse off than continuing with Arsene Wenger?

It’s not just the cup exits that have created the need for change. Teams go out of cups all the time. It’s the manner of the exits and the feeling that we have all been here before, but that every season, the chances of success seem more and more distant. Arsenal, as the quality of the players at the club has slowly declined, seem to be slipping out of contention generally. Change is needed to re-invigorate the players. If Bould did take over, then it gives some breathing space for the club to approach a decent target in the summer, and if he did excel, then he could be given another season to prove it wasn’t a flash in the pan. It has to be better than what we are witnessing now, which is desperately sad.

Can you imagine the reaction if Spurs win the north London derby next weekend? Perhaps, before we get to that horrible stage, it might be worth accepting the need to move on. The board are not going to sack Wenger because of the economic implications. But if the man from Alsace is big enough, he will know he’s reached the end and will hand in his notice on Monday morning. With him being as stubborn as a mule, I’m not holding my breath.

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  1. StuartL

    Feb 21, 2012, 20:44 #19130

    Its not the fact that it will be seven seasons without a trophy for me, its the fact that each year we regress, sell off our best players and play a far worse style of football and accept very meekly that we don't want to compete at the top table anymore all while charging top dollar and fleecing our fans at every opportunity. Wenger Out

  2. els

    Feb 21, 2012, 7:54 #19074

    Change is needed at all levels of the club, players, coaching staff, manager, management, board and most desperately the owner. I'm so glad we moved into Ashburton Grove so rich owners could become even richer by selling out to a man intend on asset stripping our club. Self sustainability suited the previous owners as they sold for a higher price and now suits one man only Stan Kroenke. He is meant to be in town for the board meeting, who knows he may even bother to turn up for the game, if so let's make sure we give him the reception he deserves "Kroenke out"

  3. T-boy

    Feb 20, 2012, 19:49 #19061

    I agree with a lot of the articles, what I would like to see is for the fans to unite and vote with there feet! With the game spuds game looming, I have never felt this low in confidence of my team facing the enemy in 30years. If we are behind with no sign of fight back I would like to see the crowd wave the White hanky as they do in Spain. When displayed in the thousands I see this action effective and extremely humiliating directed to the manager, booing will just drive RVP away!

  4. Paul

    Feb 20, 2012, 17:57 #19051

    Can't wait til the open top bus parade to Islington Town Hall celebrating 4th position. Wenger has turned bollocks up to "ultra" level.

  5. 71 guns

    Feb 20, 2012, 14:06 #19033

    I haven't missed many in the last 28 years but I don't think I can face it on Sunday...

  6. Ron

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:35 #19028

    Mr Huseyin - 'the worst manager ever'. What utter tripe. Have a go at the boss by all means, but at least try and keep some perspective will you!

  7. Dorset Gonner

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:48 #19022

    I can remember similiar articles and comments last year (& the year before that, &......). Whilst AW is manager things are never going to change! AW has let the fans down (but what do we know, not having spend a day in the game) Time to do something about it, instead of writing about it on here. If we want change; 1) Don't go to any of the remaining home/away games 2) Don't renew ST or red/silver memberships 3) Don't go to the Em**** Cup 4) Don't buy the new kits when they come out An emtpy stadium seems the only way for fans to voice there opinions! But I sure nobody will do anything and we'll be having the same discussions next year

  8. JER

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:23 #19017

    The good news is that we won't be on ITV any more this season! The bad news is we are total sh*te!

  9. Mem Huseyin

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:28 #19010

    We are a disgrace at the moment, Arsene Wenger is the worst manager ever.. instead of buying decent players, he goes and buys a load of donkeys that can't even kick a ball, and trust me there are a few in our team that can't play football, for instance.. walcott should be in the olympics as he can only run, he is a disgrace to football. We need to get rid of song, djourou, gervinho, walcott, andre santos, mertersacker, arshavin.. instead of buying these crap players which are just a waste of money.. if only he spent about 25mil on each player then he can have a decent squad, he aint getting no decent squad with buying 10mil players with no experience and that are 10 years old. He is a complete joke... GET WENGER OUT!

  10. Arsene is a liar

    Feb 20, 2012, 9:48 #18995

    A question for dumb AKBs : It has been established that if Arsene is sacked no one else can successfully and effeciently manage Arsenal, I wonder what will happen to the poor club if Wenger (God forbid) dies tommorrow?

  11. Merse69

    Feb 20, 2012, 9:36 #18994

    An optimist can hope that the Arsenal defy expectations (including my own) to secure fourth place. Over the summer, install Bould as a strong presence alongside Wenger. And, critically, recognise what has gone wrong and try and rebalance the side. Rebuilding the squad over the summer, rather than patching it up on the last day of the transfer window....

  12. lee armitt

    Feb 20, 2012, 9:20 #18993

    We should have kept hold of Larsson ha ha what a joke he makes mertesacker look like usain really do talk some rubbish at times Kevin.

  13. Oliver Chessis

    Feb 20, 2012, 9:19 #18992

    "The conclusion is that things had gone a bit stale". After a year and a half? Do we really want to be another club like that?

  14. mark from aylesbury

    Feb 20, 2012, 8:59 #18991

    If the daily mail is correct, granted that is a big if. Then Mandy Dodd will be happy but I think the rest of us will feel we are in the ****. Apparently Wenger has full board backing and will be granted 55 million. Or should I say the money that Wenger has always had to spend anyway. Either an outside influence like Usmanov shakes things up. Or its down to us. All I can suggest are letter campaigns and obvious public and legal protest (im getting too old to get arrested for a cause). Kronke has got to start feeling the heat. Anybody fancy picketing his Denver Nuggetts or whatever the hell they are called.

  15. bunch

    Feb 20, 2012, 7:16 #18990

    Kev, like you the anger has transformed into sadness about what has become of our club. Sadness at Wenger who was so great destroying his legacy. And Sp*rs on Saturday, shock if we don't lose.

  16. Herts Gooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 7:15 #18989

    If Walcott is given a new contract I'm off to Underhill to support Barnet.

  17. Ox Van Wishere

    Feb 20, 2012, 7:03 #18988

    why can't we just boycott a march to put the point across? the chairman said-during mid season- that it is not a disaster to loose the champions league sport, so why cant we show him that without the fans, then his pocket is empty?lets be realistic, 8 seasons and the script is always the same, come February, we are out of all the 4 trophies!!!guyz we need a match boycott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Joe S.

    Feb 20, 2012, 4:01 #18987

    The only good football news this week has been Ryo Miyouchi scoring for Bolton. Why was he not given more playing time? He may not be the great Asian hope however after waching the mediocrite of the majority of our forwards and the pride Wegner and his board place in our youth system as a means to devlope a cash cow for their personal profits, you have to question the managers's judgement when assessing his playes. There is also an interesting fancy creeping in that some of the "lesser" managers such as Bolton's boss can get more from these youngsters and help them to realise their potential than what has been happening at Arsenal. Who is to say tha given our club's recources Coyle couldn.t succeed.

  19. Jekyll

    Feb 20, 2012, 0:55 #18986

    It's reached the stage of feeling like a sick joke now. And yet again Wenger has told us 4th place is a trophy, blames injuries, tiredness and all is 'fine' if we win our next game. Is he not as sick of saying and doing the same old things as we are of hearing and watching them? How could a mentally healthy person not be?

  20. win AFC

    Feb 19, 2012, 23:27 #18985

    Why don't us gooner's write to the board and Gazidis and let them know as fans how we feel about the team and Wenger they may take action and sack the manager. Don't forget the more mail they get the better. send letters to HIGHBURY HOUSE N5.

  21. Feo Foley

    Feb 19, 2012, 22:50 #18982

    wenger has run out of excuses and it would seem that he has maybe lost the dressing room.For him to give JD another contract is utter nonsense.Rosicknote next..why ?? I was a silver member until this season but didnt renew as I am fed up with the way the club is run and the final straw for me was the way the nasri/cesc affairs were handled.a complete and utter farce..for me then only way I can see us getting out of this mess is by Usmanov now getting on the board which should hopefully be soon.Oh yeah and get rid of Theo Almunia Diaby Bendy Squill JD Sicknote Cham and Park.All leeches sucking money out of the club - wenger to blame for rewarding mediocrity.....Sad sad times

  22. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 19, 2012, 21:52 #18981

    Just finished a Skype with My parents which I am sure is of interest to you al! My Mother, 86 years old, said she watched the Sunderland v Arsenal game (on TV, obviously!). She said 'I had to turn it off, they  looked like zombies and were going sideways and backwards'.  Of course she has no right to comment, having not spent half a day in football, according to Mr Wenger. She only took me to my first matches at Highbury when I was too young to go on my own ( she thought Jack Kelsey was wonderful and later thought that Mr Mee was the first Manager she had seen with 'substance and a command of the English language!'). Wenger is starting to mimic my Dad. Loses his concentration, makes the same mistakes, repeats himself a lot but hopes (without any evidence) that things will turn out ok, love him. As Danny Kaye sang 'The King is in the altogether, the altogether........... But is anyone brave enough to tell him? NotSilent, not No Bollocks, not Sun-lounger. Mr Keown for Manager and, provided they get on, Mr Bould as Coach, please. The hunt for Silent proving difficult, ( Canada G fancy giving a hand?!) seems always to be in hiding in one franchise or another. If I find him and if he has any bollocks I'll get him to donate them to Ivan!

  23. Jason

    Feb 19, 2012, 21:39 #18980

    I've invested a lot of money over the last 7 years in season ticket money,going to away games, losing semi finals and losing finals.What return do i have? Nothing.Us fans don't deserve this.The board must move him out of his office and dump him on the street.You might say 'what has he done to deserve this treatment?' Nothing.But then what has he won for the last seven years? Nothing.He deserves nothing less.

  24. Judge Fred

    Feb 19, 2012, 21:23 #18977

    Losing at the San Siro can happen to any team. Losing at The Stadium Of Light, ditto. But losing both matches in the way we did (utter surrender) is not acceptable to Arsenal Football Club. Guess what? Arsenal were around before Wenger and will be around after him to. Time to move on, Arsene.

  25. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 19, 2012, 21:04 #18976

    IF Spurs win the north London derby next weekend? Are you seriously expecting this team, with this Manager, to beat them? For most Arsenal fans a single point would be greeted in the same way as a major victory so that we might maintain some form of dignity, but not by me. Fact is, I am closing fast on that point where I almost want us to lose every game, if only because each loss would be another nail in the Wenger coffin. But I am very aware that it is going to get much worse before it gets better. Better will only start the day Wenger closes the door behind him on the way out. The one thing I don't want, is to have him hanging around "upstairs" infecting the club any further with his 'beliefs'. “Pour l'amour de Dieu, GO!"

  26. Red Member

    Feb 19, 2012, 20:50 #18975

    it is in the hands of the season ticket holders whether they want change or not if everyone renews then this will continue next season Kroenke wont sack Wenger Wenger wont resign the sale of RVP will generate profits Europa League football will be billed as the great new adventure.

  27. Gee

    Feb 19, 2012, 20:46 #18974

    Good write up Kevin. My issue is not with going out of cup comps or not getting 4th place. It's the fact that for at least 3 years we have had the means to improve the playing staff with transfer funds aplenty. The fact he refuses to buy the players we need when we continually sell our best players has become a personal crusade that is now damaging the club. The summer was a disaster from start to finish. We're told no players are out there or are at inflated prices. Then after we get mauled at old trafford we buy 5 in 2 days! We are being told a pack of lies by someone that's for sure. We are told regularly by Gazidis that all the money is there for Wenger to spend. Wenger has also said he has plenty to spend. What is the F***ing reason for not using it?? It's not spending for spendings sake either. We've just rewarded Johan Djourou an extended contract until 2015 on £50k a week. Talks are indicating Rosicky will also be kept on for another year. What an earth is happening? We are spending money in all the wrong areas. Add to this the fact there is zero tactics. The manager doesn't even prowl the touchline anymore when things are going wrong. Wenger has taken us to a level now where we make millions of pounds in revenue. The stadium has secured our future for the long term. The problem is now he can not take us to the next step of building another side that can compete for titles. We have no divine right to win things, but we have the means to improve and don't. It's suicide and that is the most frustrating thing. Where is our money actually going?

  28. SteveO 35

    Feb 19, 2012, 20:18 #18973

    Another stinker of a performance and what's more another total BORE in terms of our style of play and approach. Wenger hasn't even got the 'beautiful football' crutch to lean on these days. Yesterday's game reminded me of watching an England friendly - endless sideways passing, a total lack of creativity and a forlorn looking forward bereft of any service from the midfield. A rigid, workmanlike trudge against a side with supposedly less quality but a lot more endeavour and confidence. We've known Arsene won't ever win a thing again playing this way but at least it used to be fun to watch. I don't think I've been so bored since England's 0-0 draw with Algeria in the World Cup

  29. Nomoreexcuses

    Feb 19, 2012, 20:16 #18972

    No surprises yesterday...pretty much what most of us expected...sadly... I think what games like yesterday and midweek show us is that when discussing the causes of our deterioration as a team and Wengers role in that, there is no need to even mention or discuss his spending policies philosophies...Because as big a role as that plays in our deterioration there are far more fundamental problems that he is undoubtedly responsible for... Such as... lack of tactics, lack of preparation for each opposition, lack of desire in the team, lack of fight in the team, lack of leadership on the pitch and a lack of leadership on the touchline...And if all that is not enough, a level of arrogance in the team that would normally only come with great success and achievement and a level of performance light years ahead of where our massive under achievers are at...This arrogance is unquestionably Wenger..these guys really do believe that they are special and that they can just turn up and pass the ball around and teams will just capitulate to their brilliance and they are truely shocked when things don't go the way they expect them to, because they are not prepared for anything else by a manager living in his own little world of knowing ... Honestly, the manager can barely hide his disdain for teams like Sunderland who survive on a fraction of the budget he does and employ hard work and tactics to make up for that when playing the big boys, Wenger thinks they should just turn up and try and outfootball us with their inferior players and vastly inferior budgets...I'd bet that during and after yesterdays game in his mind he never got beyond blaming the pitch the ref and the disgraceful hardwork and tactics of those footballing heathens from up north..And of course this attitude is passed on to his players it's not them it's everything and everyone else...thats why he never learns and consequently they will never learn and will keep churning out the same and he will keep allowing them to do so....

  30. win AFC

    Feb 19, 2012, 19:06 #18971

    Kev you should have some t-shirts made up? WENGERS ARSENAL SPECIALISTS IN GETTING INTO THE TOP FOUR.

  31. gazza

    Feb 19, 2012, 17:28 #18969

    where was K Gibbs not on the official site as injured ?

  32. PerryG

    Feb 19, 2012, 17:10 #18968

    Make no bones about it Gooners, we are in deep sh*t. We either have 2+ years of watching this rubbish under Wenger, or a new manager who will have to overhaul a very very ordinary squad of players. This wont happen overnight and the road back could be a long one. Who would even want alot of the dross we have? These mercenaries are sitting on huge contracts and dont want to leave, look at Bendtner, Denilson and Almunia last summer, no one wanted them or could match their ridiculous wages. Wenger has rewarded alot of clowns with bumper deals, indulged them into believing they are gods gift to a football pitch. Also these Morons that sing 'Theres only one Arsene Wenger' need to lay off the drink & drugs. Anyone with a modicum of football knowledge knows that his time is up and we have been declining for years under him. I dont even want to think of the derby next week

  33. Ron

    Feb 19, 2012, 17:05 #18967

    Im on record on here for saying 'our name's on the Cup'. More fool me. Well, ive nothing left to say now about any of it. To try and liken the Club's malaise to any other period in my supporting memory is impossible and my first games were in the dark 60s. Ive not known any team in the red shirts bottle game after game and for so many years too, so comparisons are futile and everything thats needed saying has been said on blogs, sites like this and between fans at the ground. Go Wenger and take all of these disgraceful lightweight imitation footballers with you and i mean every one of them. Theres not one in that squad who is a cast iron necessity to hold on to. Those that are relatively free from being branded with the Djourous et al must wonder if theres a reason to stay at the Club. Last out, extinguish the lights will you! PS Even if a miracle win v Tottenham occurs, it changes nothing.

  34. Andreas

    Feb 19, 2012, 17:03 #18966

    Going out did seem inevitable. Disappointing show from all. Chamberlain was unlucky as he ran some 70 yards to make up for his losing possession. The biggest disappointment was that no Arsenal player consoled the young lad in his misfortune. If we succumb to Spuds at home next week then surely wenger will do the right thing. His own optomistic mental strength seems to have deserted him.

  35. Matt

    Feb 19, 2012, 16:50 #18965

    One word - Abject! Cannot defend the indefensible, no drive, no ambition, choked again! Time for change, end of. Want my old team back.

  36. Gooner1711

    Feb 19, 2012, 16:41 #18964

    goonerjon and ...... = if you are happy to carry on witnessing this dross then continue to go. I have my ST and will NOT be attending Milan. They have the money already but why waste another £50 on train, food, beer, etc. Maybe the sight of 15,000 empty seats at this match will make an impression. Probably not but what will? Nothing will change until we protest, in numbers, "what the f**k is going on?"....

  37. Highbury Boy

    Feb 19, 2012, 16:31 #18963

    Notice that Pravda (the official Arsenal site) is back to picking a MotM v Sunderland. Why not choose Coquelin? The only one IMO who didn't do much wrong.

  38. Rocco

    Feb 19, 2012, 16:29 #18962

    It's hard to comprehend a team with Arsenals resources hasn't won a single trophy in 7 years. The only thing left to play for this season is a spot in the CL but we're so uninspired I seriously doubt that will happen. Totally agree we need a change, love Wenger but we need a new manager and to spend some serious money for next season while we still have the reputation of a world class club and the resources that can lure the top players to the club. If we don't guarantee RVP new signings he'll be gone and we'll be a mid-table team with our highest aspirations being trying to win the FA or Carling cup instead of winning Europe. If we wait much longer we may never return the to the greatness of old.

  39. Oxy-Moron

    Feb 19, 2012, 16:11 #18961

    I have no doubt that Spurs will win the NLD at a canter. But those of you who think that this will "open the flood-gates" should pause and think again. Until those profits slide, NOTHING will change. The owner, board and manager all need to go. 2012-13 should start with a (literal) clean slate. But somehow, I still think we'll see interviews with Rosicky and Diaby on the official website talking about how we have improved and our mental strength. "Rob" has it spot on - it's difficult to see any more than 6 points from our next 8 games. It's a waste of time saying it but here goes - AMG!

  40. Graham Simons

    Feb 19, 2012, 16:04 #18960

    Too right Kev - I believe it was on this very site that I read about the last Arsenal manager that went 7 years without silverware - managed the club during the move to HIghbury and was consequently sacked.

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 19, 2012, 15:57 #18959

    There was talk a while back of a black bin liner protest a better idea would be to give certain players one with eye holes cut out and make them wear it while warming up maybe the shame would be enough to make them grow some balls.

  42. Jeff

    Feb 19, 2012, 15:49 #18958

    Good piece again Kevin, thanks. It can't be easy having to write effectively about the same issues over and over again. I had two tickets for yesterday and they're sitting in the bin. I feel bad that for the 1st time I decided not to go and support the club that I love, but it just hurts too much now. I feel I cannot attend against sp*rs either, not sure my health can take it. I felt after the game that at least he would admit it, just like after AC. But no, he said "we gave absolutely everything" Does he really believe that? The final straw for me was giving a new contract to djourou. How many times is he going to reward the average, weak willed bottlers that HE alone has employed? I also felt his "haven't worked half a day in football" comment was beyond arrogant. Now though in his latest press conference, when asked about Roy Keane's and other ex player comments, he spouts off about how they haven't managed at the highest level. The mans arrogance knows no bounds. Bergkamp, Veira, petit, Keane HAVE worked half a day in football and they're all winners! They can't all be wrong. Even SAF doesn't believe he knows it all, he regularly changes his backroom staff for fresh ideas. But not king arsene, oh no, he knows best and won't be told by anyone. For god sake, he even had the final say on who his BOSS should be. Finally about protesting, I and a few friends tried that after the man u game and got shouted down outside the arsenal shop. It's been reported on here. The vitriol, hatred and abuse the AKB's spouted at us felt like facing a mob of sp*rs fans. As I've said on here before it was all the young lot & tourists. Screaming about "legacy" & unbeaten seasons. Until the johhny come lately's realise too, we'll never get rid of the man. I'll always be grateful to him for the good times, but the time is now. If he really loves the club as he professes, please leave. At least then we can still (just) remember him fondly. There used to be a football club in N5!

  43. Paul R

    Feb 19, 2012, 15:35 #18957

    Well summed up Kev. It's got the stage now where these debates are pointless. The team lacks quality and commitment and has been in gradual decline for a number of years now.What really gets me is the arrogance and complancy of Wenger and the Club in that finishing 4th is seen as a great success. So succesful it has helped us win anything ? no, sign star players ? no, keep our best players ? no. There has always been an element of the 'Emporers New Clothes' about the new stadium and the teams that have played in it. Until the owner replaces Wenger and or the financial strategy of the club, we are only going one way, backwards.

  44. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 19, 2012, 15:24 #18956

    'Au revoir Wenger', perhaps our away fans have learnt the use of irony. Sadly, I have to say that all that I and others predicted, results wise by the end of Feb is coming to fruition. when we lose to the Spuds next week the dam will burst. The impact will be just too great even for Silent Stan. Think of the Spuds as a potential bouncing bomb. Bloody annoying, but if it shakes all who currently own and work for AFC out of their complacency, so be it. The enemy without dealing with the enemy within!

  45. allybear

    Feb 19, 2012, 15:23 #18955

    Colin as you know Wenger does not like players like Parker. AW only likes "technical" players! As to there being no defensive training i find incredible but not surprising. Also i think i did see an Arsenal player on the bench sneering at AW,not absolutely sure who it was though.

  46. DW Thomas

    Feb 19, 2012, 15:11 #18954

    Bottlers. All of them. Since Cesc left there has been no one to play forward passes consistently and not sideways or backwards. The lack of movement offensively to support the man with the ball reminds me of school age teams I have coached. Absolutely pitiful! Inexperience and lack of quality. Djourou on a new contract? We'll see his best now that he is back to central defense? What a joke our team has become. And not one player besides a teenager for the reserve team bought in January. There have been serious failings for years now from players to manager to board. How can Arsene even begin to say we "gave everything" with that kind of a performance? So what if we had 3 games in a week. Isn't that what you want if you are in all competitions? We can't compete not just because of a lack of squad depth. OUR FIRST TEAM IS NOT UP FOR IT! I wasn't pissed after Milan, but now I am mad. Our manager, board, and team take us fans for mugs. Sure, injuries have cost us key players, but then how can you not attempt to fill the gaps if just for the half season? There should be no more patience with the team or Arsene. Win and we'll support you. Lose like you have been and it must be time for booing and calling for change every way we can! You can't polish a turd, as they say. As usual, spot on Kev. But, I would like to see an outsider come in to manage with more competition for players and an ambition to win all competitions, not just compete. Pep would be ideal, but an Ancellotti or Hiddink might suffice. g

  47. Nick

    Feb 19, 2012, 14:58 #18953

    To all those denigrating people who want Wenger out, i would say this , i liken him to Neville Chamberlain , a very likeable man who loved his country and did his best, but in the end refused to accept it was time to go untill it was too late, deluding himself that his way was best, history records the consequenses of his dithering and stubborness.

  48. Colin

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:55 #18951

    Not signing Scott Parker for £5m was Wenger's biggest mistake.He would rather pay double for Arteta.Spurs got Parker on the cheap and havent looked back.Parker could have been our leader.Its crackpot decisions like this that show how Wenger has lost the plot.Maybe signing Parker would have killed the careers of Song and Diaby and we could have that could we?

  49. IMAC

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:51 #18950

    Possession stats yesterday show we had 71%. But this was only because Sunderland let us have the ball in our own half and middle of the pitch where we can't hurt them and where we go sideways and backwards. Completely incompetent in final third. Most teams do this to us. Then what happens when we haven't got the ball the other team run at our fragile defence have one attempt and score. It is happening all to frequently and has been for years now, it's no coincidence. As Bergkamp stated this week we are predictable, weak and don't have a strong mentality. If he says it, it must be correct, and that is down completely to the manager. He simply has to go.

  50. Jamie Hunter

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:38 #18949

    Excellent article as ever Kev, thanks. I had a particularly early night last night, partly due to the dross served up yet again by our 'team' and when I got up today, I was convinced I would turn on the TV to find that Wenger had finally done the decent thing. But no, apparently we haven't quite sunk low enough yet. It has got to the crazy stage now where we are imploring people to boycott games, hand in season tickets and even hope that Spurs do the board's job and force the man out next week. I think you are spot on suggesting he was done and dusted 3 years ago. Personally thought so before that, but there you go. The fact that he still wants to stay in the job merely confirms that his primary concern is money. I have long suspected that he is as much part of the money making cartel running the club as the likes of Kroenke and Gaz-useless. No way has a man of his intelligence really believed we could succeed with this policy of selling crown jewels and replacing them with, well, what you see right now. We are exactly where we knew we would be, and without Van Persie's goals to dig us out next year, the future is frightening. Another good point in Kevin's piece is the theory of another manager getting better results from the players we have. There has certainly been no lack of talent in the squad these past few years, but talent doesn't quite cut it against talented teams with motivation, pride, fighting instincts, hunger, organisation and tactical awareness. For me, Arsenal started to die when the 49 game run ended with Rooney's dive at Old Trafford. The manager went on and on about it and destroyed the confidence of our best ever team. He just didn't have it in him to get THAT group of players to move on and get back to what they had been doing. Since then has been a gradual downward spiral. He says he loves the club, the time has come for him to show it. LEAVE.

  51. Chris Drayson

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:37 #18948

    There is doubt that the board will condone payng up Wengers contract - a £14M hit is a lot of money however there is a solution - threaten to melt down his statue - he is so vain that he would resign immediately - hopefully before the next book - the cdemise of a super club.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:16 #18947

    Good piece Kev you said you can't get up the energy to get angry that must be the case with your piece to, because you've let them off far to lightly i hope these players stayed in bed this morning and all week it will save them having to look in the mirror but no they will probably be pictured at the training ground tomorrow laughing and smiling an absolute disgrace i'm expecting to hear all we have left to play for is pride, Pride? pride is something this team haven't had for a long time and wont get back until a complete clear out occurs this team is not fit for purpose. I'll tell you what should happen now only the rules and system would probably prevent it the reserves should play every game from now till the end of the season or at least half a dozen promoted to the first team could they be any worse ? (no disrespect to the reserves ) i bet they'd show a hell of a lot more commitment and fight and yes pride.

  53. Herts Gooner

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:16 #18946

    We are a championship qaulity side in a premiership stadium, paying champions league wages to championship players.

  54. BringBackDene

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:10 #18945

    A big respose to your article Kev as can be expected after last night's performance. I look at our fixture list for the rest of the season and wonder were any more points are comimg from. At least we should have enough to stay in the Premiership. This team are now beaten before they go on the pitch. Sunderland have proved you don't need 'worldy' stars for a performance.

  55. Dan

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:06 #18944

    People will be angry next week when spurs beat us,you can be sure of that,surprised,no.another note,when was the last time spurs were favourites to beat us at our place,i suspect a long time ago,but what year was it kev,help us out m8,good read btw,keep up the REALNESS.

  56. Dan h

    Feb 19, 2012, 13:00 #18943

    @Cloggs spot on would also add some of us on here remember back in the original days of fanzines what great time & effort people like the ed put in to giving US a voice.That is forgotton a forum is that opinions differ facts do not. THE GOONER was along with two other now defunct paper fanzines our only voice a history lesson for the newer fans of our great club.It seems people are scared of change players come & go so do managers.The owner SK well look at the teams he owns average at best & less said about his NFL side a laughing stock LA Rams.Look up the new mooted home shirt for next season looks like an NHL jersey!

  57. Highbury Boy

    Feb 19, 2012, 12:35 #18942

    Also now feel more sad than angry. It's like watching an elderly relative die slowly. Thought yesterday for the first 10 minutes we were going to be up for it,passing it around much quicker than recently but then when Coquelin pulled up injured and we went down to 10 men until the sub came on it was like a balloon being punctured. So much for mental strength.

  58. jjetplane

    Feb 19, 2012, 12:31 #18941

    Watching the highlights i noticed Rosickee and Arteta catching Wengers eye as though 'we are doing what we can' and they are older and clever enough to know come incessant rain, if Wengers safe, so are they. Your 'crab' allusion is spot on Kev and i remember saying at the start of the season - wait till teams like Sunderland find their feet. Well they have and they have just taught this dull, unimaginative squad a more pertinent lesson than AC did. Did I not also notice someone on the Arse.... bench sniggering behind the economics lackey's back. Get that on youtube - it says it all. Oh well done Black cats - good to see a team so well drilled and playing for their shirts. Remember thgere is only one song now ..... 'Hes got no hair/we dont care/STEVIE sTEVIE BOULD .....

  59. Bob

    Feb 19, 2012, 12:31 #18940

    The saddest part of all of this is that, in the eyes of many of us I believe, Wenger has largely ruined his legacy by staying on as long as he has past the point when he should have accepted his time was up. In my view, that time was in at the end of season 2007-08 when the last remnants of his last decent side blew the Premiership after being in a strong position. One more season might have been tolerable, at a push. Four more is pure self-serving vanity. When he does finally go, I will wish him well, and a part of me will never forget the first part of his tenure and the success he brought us, but because he has so overstayed his welcome to the detriment of the Club I will not be so hypocritical as to wax lyrical about the man. There should certainly be no statue to him outside the ground. He does not - and never will - compare to Herbert Chapman in terms of his legacy to the Club.

  60. Ronster

    Feb 19, 2012, 12:11 #18939

    Should we fail to overturn the 0-4 deficit against AC Milan, Wenger will match the record set by manager George Morrell (1908-1915) who oversaw seven consecutive seasons without a trophy.

  61. Che Guevara

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:48 #18938

    Kev nothing will change.In a couple of weeks we will annouce massive profits.And thats all Kroenke wants Wenger to do.And those profits will go up even more this summer when RVP is sold for £40m.What happens on the pitch is just a by product.As long as fans turn up at games it will carry on.Wenger is not a man of principle or he would have walked when DD was removed from the board.By the way just heard Ray Parlour say he wants Wenger and Walcott to stay next season.How thick is he?

  62. Rob

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:48 #18937

    You are right on the money Kev - all bar the last bit. Like a politician fixated with Office, Wenger won't leave voluntarily for anyone. The ' he loves the Club' myth is just that. He loves his own ego and £7 million per annum a whole lot more. The really frightening thing is not that we've seen it all before - frequently. We have ! The really frightening thing is that we are going to see it again and in glorious technicolour to boot. Spurs, Newcastle, Chelsea, City at home; Stoke Liverpool and probably West Brom away don't look like there is three point between the lot, let alone three points each game. I heard Gazedis was 'on holiday' for the Milan game ? Is that not a disgrace ? The Chief Executive absent for a match like that. Was Hill-Wood there ? Probably but only for the hospitality. Was Kronke fussed ? He probably watched a recording somewhere, way after the event. Wenger certainly needs to go but you look around you and this Club is in dire straights when it comes to leadership and direction. How it has come to this, the Lord above only knows. And if you had said on that unforgettable last day at Highbury, 'here is you future' there isn't a single Gooner who would not have dismissed it as a work of fiction inspired by the likes of Spurs and Utd. But here we are all the same !

  63. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:38 #18936

    Another great article Kevin. First of all, credit to Sunderland. As you said Kevin, they have proved a managerial change can actually be a good thing when done right. What a sad decline we are witnessing. Wenger is so much better than this. I'll maintain that he deserves credit for his overall contribution to our club but the time for him to leave is at the end of the season when he can leave with dignity. It's the least deserves. I said on Facebook after the European Cup humilation to Man Utd in May 2009 (and that was painful to watch) that Wenger had to leave and surprise, surprise I was shot down by AKB's and a QPR fan who thinks the sun shines out of Peter Crouch's backside (and he also says that Adams, Winterburn, Dixon & Wright were **** Arsenal players) . Almost three years on, I think it's safe to say that people like me who saw this decline coming have been proved right. And I take no pride in saying so. As for who would replace him? Why can't we aim for Guardiola? Some of these Arsenal 'fans' (methinks they are more Wenger fans) have to realise we are bigger than Chelsea & Manchester City but oh no they are 'bigger' because they have more money. And whilst I'm on it, check out the views of the Daily Mirror's John Cross if haven't done so yet. The biggest AKB you will ever find, even when theer a fair few on this site. League title count as of 19/02/12; Arsenal 13, Chelsea 4 & Manchester City 2. And remember folks, when we were winning the 'double' ten years ago, City winning English football's 2nd tier and when we won the league at Anfield in 1989, Chelsea won Division 2. Time for a change at coaching and boardroom level. Love reading all the comments regardless guys. Come on you Gunners!

  64. Tony Evans

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:38 #18935

    Can only agree with you Kevin. I didn't go to the game and had the 'mental strength' to stay firm to my decision to bin my ticket and not even bother to watch it on the TV. I could not believe I was in a pub without a TV during a live Arsenal FA Cup match but that is how disallusioned I am now. Some chap at the bar announced the result and it meant nothing to me. Fully expected it and I will not go to another match with Wenger in charge.

  65. Gman

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:35 #18934

    We were absolutely pathetic yesterday. Djourou gave away a silly free kick for their first goal and when we play Squillaci he’s an accident waiting to happen. We had no bite and the players looked lost, we wouldn’t have scored even if we played for 3 hours. Why do we have so many injuries? Apparently we don’t practice defending so players don’t toughen up and get prone to injuries in real games, so much for Wengers sports science approach. We were better off with the ‘Tuesday Club’ when players were on a liquid diet!!and virtually the same first 11 players played all season

  66. Paul

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:32 #18933

    It seems that Wenger will leave a team much weaker than the one which he inherited. I feel sorry for the next man in the job.

  67. allybear

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:30 #18932

    Good article Kevin&why oh why will that man not resign. He is becoming a laughing stock&is proving that he was lucky in the past but now he is bereft of ideas&his true qualities are there for all to see. I truly believe that the club will blossom without that stubborn fool at the helm!

  68. Slaine

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:20 #18931

    I think you're missing some key points, Kev. Firstly we will post some healthy profits again (and at 3 PL points per £5m profit we can rocket up the league). Secondly we play lovely looking football. Although when printing out the battle plans Pat keeps selecting 'landscape' resulting in lots of sideways passing.

  69. Cloggs

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:19 #18930

    Kevin, great post mate, we feel your pain. We knew it already some years ago but The Wenger era has definitely come to an end. Next sunday the ones down the lane will be hungry and ready to seal his fate. I think they'll hammer us but nevertheless, I'll be there, once a Gooner always a Gooner but it won't be acceptable for me if Wenger sees out his contract. I believe we showed patience and commitment over the past 7 years but enough is enough. To the "...." idiot that couldn't even put up a decent nick; I know Kevin Whitcher as a nice bloke, a true Gooner by heart, who spends lots of time being highly involved with the Arsenal Community, The Gooner, writing great articles and books, who has the guts to speak out for his opinion, whether you may like it or not. You must be a really cheap pathetic creature to spew such vitriol towards him. When Wenger goes I hope your sort will follow him too as you blindly did over the years.

  70. nugs

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:10 #18929

    @aurevoir wenger, in answer to your question neither loyal or idiots I would say clueless ****s as being more appropriate, unfortunately our club seems to attract these non football educated mongs more than any other club and these people buying every bit of arsenal kit/clothing and merchandise standing there singing theres only one aw that are helping the greedy ****s on the board rape our club. I dont feel the need to walk round in my afc underpants defending everyone and everything to do with my club to prove my loyalty, in my eyes these fans are as much to blame as kroenke,gazidis, and wenger simply because not only are they turning a blind eye to them destroying our club they are wholeheartedly supporting them.

  71. smee

    Feb 19, 2012, 11:09 #18928

    Look on the bright side. At least we scored 2 goals yesterday.

  72. Mark

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:47 #18927

    I can't remember feeling worse in forty years of supporting Arsenal. I had a ticket and had paid for my travel to the Sunderland game - but didn't go. I can't take any more of watching my team just give up without a fight. It makes me physically sick. This season has felt even more groundhog day than ever. Swansea away - here we go again. Sunderland away - here we go again until Arshavin decides to actually try and we score. Villa away - here we go again until a we steal a win. Fulaham away - here we go again. Virtually every game at the N5 Concrete Fridge - here we go again. You just know what's going to happen. You just know Djourou is going to make mistake after mistake. You just know Ramsey is going to back heal it to the opposition and then miss an open goal. You just know Mertesacker is going to think he's auditioning for the latest Dumb and Dumber film. You just know Arteta is going to run up and down the half way line like he's a greyhound rabbit on fixed tracks. And they're just the good bits. We could create another record - the worst premiership eleven to ever take the field. Fabianski, Squillaci, Djourou, Diaby, Arshavin, Park, Chamack, Walcott, Denilson, Jenskinson and Benayoun. We are in such a state that I bet there are thousands of Gooners who wish we still had Eboue.... Enough said? We are going to need £100 million to build a decent side. God knows how much it's going to cost us to get rid of the fifteen or so players who shame the club with their ineptitude. Happy days.

  73. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:42 #18926

    This disaster was entirely predictable way before the 2008-9 season. Mr Wenger will not resign unless we make him do so. It is a complete mystery to him as to why we are not doing well. We must get rid of him as rapidly as possible and although it feels very much as though "we stab it with our steely knives but we just can't kill the beast", we can in fact make him go. Next week, when we "play" Tottenham, we must make it abundantly clear to him that he is unwanted, and I am afraid, disgraced.

  74. Sarge

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:32 #18925

    Simple truth is the players and the manager doesn't know how to win big games anymore. An entirely predictable outcome. We are on course to lose about a third of our games this season and concede the highest amount of goals for a long time. No amount of spin can refute the evidence. This is a team in a steep decline and has been so since this time last year. At best Wenger has managed to slow the decline down in patches but nevertheless it's a decline of signifcant proportions.

  75. Fozzy's mate

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:19 #18924

    Real Madrid! The white hankies would be out after 3 months. They demand the best players in the world, what would they do when he sells Ronaldo and tries to replace him with Park?

  76. Website Editor

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:14 #18923

    Goonerjon - "seven years without a trophy isn't our worst run, get the record books out Kevin and learn something about our club". Can you just get those record books out and tell me when the last time the club went seven trophyless seasons without at least trying to do something about it by changing the manager, excluding World Wars?

  77. lee afc

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:11 #18922

    Excellent article Kev. We need to cut the ties between Wenger and Arsenal. Stevie Bould as caretaker could probably, just probably ignite a spark that we need at the club. What is the worst case scenario? We finish outside the top 4. Well that's going to happen anyway!

  78. Dan h

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:09 #18921

    You can see big changes are needed it has been coming after the Milan game we were told there would be a response there wasn't.The manager should now do the right thing for the club he has served for a generation & step aside it's the end of an era.He would leave the club with the legacy of a new stadium massive financial muscle & memories of some of the greatest football i & am sure the rest of you feel we have witnessed.I can say hand on heart i have witnessed worse cup defeats was there at York for example & night game at Luton on the plastic when only Rocky wasn't told to **** off by our travelling support such was the lack of effort!Last night was nearly on a par heads went down & acceptance again of defeat their GK was vertually redundant.This season was done in july/august those of us on here that said it im sure take no pleasure in it would love to have been proved wrong.RVP as i said at the time asked the manager who we would be signing the manager gave no response the only signings were then made in panic after the OT rout those are facts choose to believe it or not.Top players contrary to popular belief don't just play for money they want to see ambition if we showed some players like RVP would stay what would you do in his shoes?Again don't care if i get slaughtered for this but guess which club has said they would beat any offer from any other club to sign him?City?Chelsea?Real?Barca? nope Anzhi Makhachkala wages tax free his response no thanks again believe it or not this will be common knowledge in the coming weeks.

  79. eli

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:09 #18920

    its a sad sight.. AFC in shambles. For those arsenal fans who keep talking about low budget, board problems, stadium repayment, and the likes, i have one question: "what is the excuse for a team of Arsenal's caliber losing to Birmingham in a cup final?" do they have a bigger transfer budget than us? Do we think manure would have kept SAF for 25yrs if for 7consecutive yrs he had won no trophy and lost to a team like Birmingham in a cup final witgin that period. Lest i forget Birmingham is relegated. How did such a poor team beat arsenal to a cup? For me a drastic change is needed, either a change in mgt and coaching staff or a change in club's football philosophies and ideologies. Either way, a change is needed.

  80. AFCasap

    Feb 19, 2012, 10:09 #18919

    great post...another shambles and wengers post match response was......“I believe we had a spirited and committed performance. Sometimes you want to give credit to the players even when you lose a game and I think today is one of them,” said the Frenchman."....thats right wenger always pat your **** players on the back whatever happens....they probably went home happy after his team chat....yeah screw the fans!!!....delusion and arrogance without limitation.....i don't believe a word of this reported "hairdryer treatment" post milan....we are being held ransom, trapped by this ego maniac nutter and his crap self sustaining vanity project which goes backwards year after year...its knackering

  81. .....

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:55 #18918

    On line ed seems like one of the many new 'fans' that turn up at the emirates wanting to see the team lose/then gets straight on his high spec costly apple lap top at home to blog about it:remember wenger bought Viera,Petit,Henry,Ljudgberg,Anelka,Fabregas,Nasri,Wilshire,now Oxlade Chamberlain to arsenal and is the best manager in Arsenal history winning amongst other things 3 premier leagues (including a season unbeaten) and 4 FA Cups plus securing champions league football on a routine basis on a shoe string budgetHe has shown loyalty to the club even though he could probably walk into Real Madrid anytime.Read what Martin O'Neil,someone who probably knows a little more than 'on line Ed', said about Wenger.very much doubt any new manager would respect his record of success,ESP with the clubs financial problems.

  82. au revoir wenger

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:54 #18917

    Arsenal fans still chanting there's only one Arsene Wenger yesterday.Loyal supporters or idiots,please disscuss

  83. John Abrehart

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:40 #18916

    I remember a newspaper article from a few years back when a 'Director of Football' had been installed above the manager at a certain Premier League club. A journalist asked Arsene Wenger what would happen if that situation existed at Arsenal. He replied, 'that it would be the day before that I walked out of the Club.' Problem solved then.

  84. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:38 #18915

    All the time I have posting on here no one has managed to answer the above question and sadly least of all Arsenal FC and Wenger, the highest paid manager in the league. Around four seasons ago people like myself were shouted down and basically abused for saying the manager was finished. How right we were. Year on year decline has led us to this. The new broom will inherit and poor starting 11, an attitude that defeat is acceptable, a shocking squad on high wages and long contracts, top players looking to leave and youth system that doesn't produce any players. Think back to what Wenger inherited from GG and you'll realise that maybe Napolean was right about it's better for generals to be lucky rather than brilliant.

  85. HowardL

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:35 #18914

    Spot on Kev. And very sad to watch. Any change must be worth a try.

  86. Martyn

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:33 #18913

    Fully agree with article. The club have great players but are lacking inspiration from the manager. A change would invigorate the players and fans. Under Wenger AOC will become just like Walcott, hugging the touchline and ineffective in most matches. These players need releasing from the shackles imposed on them.

  87. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:32 #18912

    Good article! Everything is almost being said but I'd like to point out about our medical team!!! Seriously, are they really medical team or not!!! I can't believe the amount of injuries sustained without even being tackled by other players. Unless the whole Arsenal is jinxed but Ireally can't exaplain. I feel sorry when I look at Wenger yesterday but it was too obvious that S'land wanted it more than us. Why can't we play like that, closing down the opponents. We need a whole new team and we miss Cesc so so so much!!!

  88. don froth

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:25 #18911

    Spot on Kevin,i thought Roy Keane was absolutely fair to call this the worst arsenal side he had ever seen!It was woeful from start to finish, i cannot believe how ordinary we have become, our workrate these days is a disgrace and our lack of creativity is hard to watch, he has signed too many pedestrian footballers,he also put them on good wages, he has to hold his hand up....and i cringe now everytime i watch a once great manager make excuse after excuse in his post match interview, have a bit of pride in yourself man! These are very black days to be a gooner! As i understand it, he has just put Djourou on a new 5 year deal????? Well that sums our club up, under his reign at the moment!!!! That should be a sackable offence in itself!!!!

  89. EborGooner

    Feb 19, 2012, 9:06 #18910

    Pretty spot on article. It's the predicatability of things. All of Goonerland knew we would lose at Sunderland, as we all knew we will lose to Spurs. We also know how we are going to play. Plenty of possession, passing in front of their back 4, waiting for them to make a mistake, finally attempting to slip RVP in with a wonder pass that the current midfielders are simply not good enough to make! We will NOT try anything different, wide men will NOT cross, or attempt to get to the by line and a disciplined and organised defence will not be troubled. We haven't looked like scoring in our last 2 games. At the defensive end a lack of teamwork and discipline, coupled with poor defensive effort from the midfielders, and the inevitable individual error will mean we are likely to concede a few goals. It's becoming harder and harder to remember a time when opposition teams feared playing Arsenal. It's all very sad and Wenger is only tarnishing his legacy more by staying on any longer.

  90. Jason

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:49 #18908

    I wasnt suprised at all.Its become totally predictable.It happens every year.Sunderland wanted it more.They played for their manager.Our bunch of mercenary losers have giving up sweating blood for our clueless manager.Squillaci and the Swiss Stephanovs two players who are not even championship quality playing together in the same side.The stuff of nightmares.Arteta is Denilson reborn sideways 5 yards balls no pace.Song is brainless we have known that for years.We bought a pup in Gervinho and Walcott can f**k off.I wish we were playing Wigan next week instead of the Spuds there would have been a half empty stadium.

  91. Aj

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:43 #18907

    Seb Larsson is proof that the project is totally flawed. He did little to get a first team place when he was a youngster but now he would walk into our team. News flash ,players are more effective over the age of 25. Experience and especially character are two things that Wenger has fundamentally neglected in choosing players,to our cost.

  92. Wombledin

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:38 #18906

    These are indeed disillusioned times at our Club. The whole thing is just becoming a huge drag. What makes it worse is a feeling that the owners don't care and a morbid fear that Europa League football will suffice for them so long as we continue to turn a profit. The 'mental strength' Wenger bangs on about is once and for all revealed as bravado, always melting like candy floss in the sun at the business end of the season. I'm half anticipating the rest of this season to be like last season when in our remaining 11 or so games we got a paltry 12 points or something, literally relegation form. Surely we can't be that bad again but I won't be surprised. At least don't lose to the spuds next week boys, come on, show some pride.

  93. Sansom_2_Rix

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:36 #18905

    He has not had reputable board of directors to answer to for far too long. According to this morning's Mirror the infrastructure is about to be reformed. We need a complete overhaul throughout. I believe that Le Boss will reinvent himself but just not down The Arsenal. Time for change.

  94. seenitallb4

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:34 #18904

    shock at spunks beating us?no longer a shock when did we last beat them in the league?.i cannot see a full on wenger out on the strength of only this one game.lokk at what we fans have come to expect,this year is a replica of last season..why?because of the same rather poor quality squad,who did we add the BFG and arteta neither however good were going to turn this average squad around.when the going gets tough the tough get going..wheres our tough?in life you reap what you sow..and we are now seeing the product of buying very cheap,very average players

  95. Hatfield Red

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:26 #18903

    I think we had one shot on goal yesterday. Your right we have three Ray Wilkins in midfield. Where did the Fabregas and Nasri money go. Oh yes and my extra 6.5%. These players are not good enough. Interesting to see the crowd reaction next week.

  96. Goonerjon

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:25 #18902

    Same old question..who would replace Wenger? You seriously want him to quit on Monday morning ? So he quits, we still have a chance (however minimal) of making the top four and you want us to carry on under Pat rice and Bould until the end of the season? I fear we need what we had after GG went...a decent bloke like Rioch in charge to show us what we are missing and then get someone lese in...but let's not forget when the decline really began weh ndavid dein's power was cut back by the board and he eventually went...oh,and he's the mane who saw the potential in Wenger when no one else did...You might want to look at history, this isn't the worst Arsenal team I have seen by a long way, this not the worst season I have seen by miles it hasn't always been success , seven years without a trophy isn't our worst run, get the record books out Kevin and learn something about our club.

  97. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:23 #18901

    "So like a spoilt child will behave badly if not disciplined appropriately, you can have a highly paid group players who will not perform to the limit of their capabilities. That is what we seem to have at Arsenal these days. Sunderland, picking up a damned sight less money, yet putting in a great deal more effort would seem to confirm that idea." - Perfectly sums up the lack of motivation and effort from these players. how sad to think that we pay so much money to watch these useless idiots... Van Persie will leave and we will have to start again.

  98. chrisy boy

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:20 #18900

    kevin, i expected you to come out with all guns blazing and give wenger, the players, the board and everyone else that is bringing our club down a real slagging in your article, but like most of us fans now is there anything else you can say that has not already been said by 95% of us make that 99% by the end of today with just mandy dodd fighting wengers corner. My misses sat with my watching the game last night, and she knows nothing about football and she said " look at that poor kids face he looks so upset" she was talking about alex ox and yes he did look like hd was going to cry and seemed up to be realy hurting as for the rest of them they didnt give a toss. I am lucky enough to be in a box next week and will make my entrance via the diamond club with my mate who is a member, i just hope i bump into wenger , ivan or better still stan because i can no longer hold back my anger at the way OUR club yes OUR club not theres is being run, and if it means being thrown out so be it.

  99. fozzy's mate

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:12 #18899

    Kev - I agree with your effective date of the end of the 2008/9 season. Heavy home drubbings by Manure and Chelsea 4-1, should have spelled the end of OGL, with the effective no show in the champ league semi final in either leg the low light. At that satge some dignity would have remained and he would have left with head held high. When you look at forthcoming league games coupled with current levels of morale and as was inevitable a collapsing "squad" I fear for ugly scenes to follow, which will start with a poor show next week. Along with Almunia I categorise Djourrou as the worst ever player to hold a long term place in our squad. How those 2 amongst others have been around the first team squad for 7 years is frankly beyond me. But Djourrou and his new contract say it all. A huge wage bill and severe lack of quality, heart, desire and pride together with an arrogance at the top with Gazidis spouting about the world being envious of us while actually we are a laughing stock. 3 years too late we will realise our buy cheap sell dear policy while being a financial success is an on field disaster and try to rebuild. But even if we revise our derisory offers and outdated wage structure will top players want to join a club whose sole ambition is to come 4th, scrape through the group stage of the CL only to role over at the first knock out hurdle? Its amazing how in 8 years we have gone from the club everyone wanted to join to the one nobody does.

  100. Steve Andrews

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:11 #18898

    Great comment other than I believe most of the board should go too along with the American owners.

  101. Gooner4life

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:01 #18897

    Djourou was substituted during halftime after a terrible display against ManU, and within 15days AW gives him a 4year contract.AW Travels to a champions league match in Italy with ONE DEFENDER in bench and again he travels to a away match in FA cup with ONE DEFENDER (Squallichi) in bench.And every time Arsenal goes down with a goal, AW substitutes a defender with offensive player and pushes Song to defence.So who will pass the ball if song is in defence? Untill the Milan match it was Song who made more tackles(33) and passes in Champions league. And still people say "IN Wenger we trust".Milan had 10 players injured b4 match and their captain was injured inside 10mins, that makes it 11.AW cant show injury as reason.Why do we still have many players in loan atleast bartley should have been called back or atleast Yennaris should have been used.If walcot cant start a match , he isnt needed at bench too, coz he is not a class player to come off bench and score or pass.In short We dont need a inconsistent sprinter in Arsenal jersey.For those who worry that club wont stand strong if AW leaves should realise that we arent strong already and we should live at present and make changes, instead of worrying negatively if someother takes in charge.And dont come up with comments as "no one can replace Wenger", world population is in some billions guys.

  102. JC

    Feb 19, 2012, 8:00 #18896

    Yesterday definitely felt like the end of an era game similar to the last days of Bertie Mee, Terry Neil and George Graham. Whereas I said in my comment after the Milan game that I was past caring, now I am angry and want the old Arsenal back, which by the way was always a mixture of steel and skill, not just skill. I was even angrier when I heard Wengers post-match interview, giving credit to the players and saying we were unlucky. Shocking.

  103. aj

    Feb 19, 2012, 7:57 #18895

    Great Post! I have not got to the point until now in saying Wenger needs to go. Yes he has done wonders with Arsenal FC and we will always look back and see the huge changes he has made. What would be a shame is everyone to remember him as a failing manager due to his inability to make changes away from his stubborn views. Everyone can see, every pundit, ex Arsenal players all can see the changes need to be made. If Wenger does not resign then he needs to be making the changes himself let Pat Rice go now (he has wanted to retire for 3 years) promote Steve Bould to assistant manager bring in Tony Adams and drill the defence. If I was Wenger I would even try and get Bergkamp in to coach too. He is failing the youth players but not giving them mentors to be the best you need to learn from the best. Theo a prime example of being failed 6 seasons with us and in those 6 years who has he had to mentor him? Senior players like Arshavin and Rosicky are not good examples to follow. These players need a kick up the rear and a reality check. BIG wages demand BIG performances but our players seem happy to play sub standard then praise Wenger then look at their bank accounts! They have no fear of senior management we need a manager that will read them the riot act when they start to slip we need a manager who will get in the heads of the players and command respect and we need a manager that is not scared to make decisions that are risky, after all management is about making the hard choices and trying to succeed. Before anyone thinks I am another Arsenal fan moaning we haven't won a trophy in 7 years you couldn't be further from the truth. Not every club can win everything all the time its a competition at the end of the day but to see 3/4 pass you in quality in the space of 3 seasons suggests that the ambition has gone! Lets move now Wenger change the back room staff NOW go and sign players NOW so they are ready to move on the opening day of the transfer window, show RVP the club want to win and challenge and they want him to be a part of it! The board wont listen while bums are on seats so we need to think of a way to get the manager to listen and act now!

  104. Fidel Castro

    Feb 19, 2012, 7:51 #18894

    Kev the only way they will be change is to boycott games.Kroenke doesnt care about what goes on the pitch.If we lose the CL money we will get bit back by selling RVP.But if ST hloders dont renew and the stadium is half empty then he will take notice.As Gazidis said Wengers fate is in our hands.For once what he says is true.But one thing Kroenke and Gazidis have learned in thier time running the club is that Arsenal supporters are apathetic.Just look how they paid up after the ticket rise last season.If you want change vote with you feet and boycott if you dont turn up like sheep and sing "one Arsene Wenger" you have a choice.Dont blow it Gooners

  105. Theo Jensen

    Feb 19, 2012, 7:47 #18893

    Great post Kev. I didn't watch the replay for our penalty claim but given the tiredness and morale-lowering feeling which resulted from the Milan game (which was Wenger's and players' own faults) we couldn't have scraped more than a 1-0 win or a draw yesterday. As you say, we don't have any incisiveness in our passing without Fabregas (why didn't we just bid £35m for Mata?), and the general apathy amongst the players makes you fear a traditional spring collapse might be being set in motion. But hey, Chelsea's old squad are seemingly weak and divided, so fourth place is still a possibility- oh the joy -_-

  106. Peter Wain

    Feb 19, 2012, 7:45 #18892

    Yet another example of a poor squad playing poorly and getting beaten. No one player can taken anything from their performance either on Wednesday or yesterday. The limitations of this squad are easy to see that even Roy Keane can become a pundit. A lack of fight coupled with a lack of ability and topped off with no pride in performance and a manager eager to promote the tiredness card. Quite how Djourou Rosicky and Walcott are premiership quality plaayers I am not sure. To be honest we need more than 6 players (probably 10) to make a half decent squad and all we have to look forward to is the transfer window endless sepculation. We will be linked with every one sell RVP in the last week of the transfer window and spend the last days frantically searching for panic buys who are simple not good enough. Sounds familiar? I suggets that the away support start dusting off the road maps for the championship which at this rate of decline seems inevitable. Yanks out now

  107. Pat N1

    Feb 12, 2012, 17:09 #18537

    Harry thanks but no taxs.

  108. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 10, 2012, 11:50 #18475

    @ Andrew Cohen; spot on dude. We are screwed of Jose ends up at The Lane and we still have OGL not just the forseeable future but potientially long-term too. Would anyone Gooner trust the money-orientated board and Wenger to see off the Manchester clubs, Chelsea & a Mourinho-inspired Tottenham? I certainly won't. How sad that a once really good manager in Wenger only wants regular European Cup football for the huge revenue that comes with it and not do something stupid like winning the damn thing that the likes of Ferguson, Ancelotti, Guardiola, Mourinho & Paisley have done more than once.

  109. fozzy's mate

    Feb 10, 2012, 8:25 #18469

    I agree red knob could be good for theo and the oxe but I also fear the jose to tottenham scenario. The man is the polar opposite of ogl, in that he is obsessed by winning. Can you imagine how the voyeur would feel if spurs lifted silverware? Maybe he wouldn't care as his definition is different. Different clubs, different philosophies. The cycle of life goes on.

  110. Jekyll

    Feb 10, 2012, 1:20 #18465

    The Spurs boss taking the England job and the Arsenal boss taking the France job would be an beautiful and entirely welcome symmetry. Let's all move on.

  111. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 09, 2012, 23:53 #18463

    For us to get Jose Mourinho, with his boring winning football and never losing at home scthick, we would have to pay out, gulp, real money. Mourinho wants the Man United job, but if he takes the Tottenham job, we can say goodbye to seeing another St Totteringham's day for quite some time. The Board's capacity to get things wrong is potentially limitless, so it is hard to see us profiting from the present hiatus. I'm afraid that I admire Harry and what he has done with the thin sick chickens. If the most we can hope for to save us is that Spurs lose their manager, then that is just about the litmus test for how far we have fallen.

  112. Joe S.

    Feb 09, 2012, 23:20 #18459

    I'd rather have Maurinho at Arsenal, but as it looks unlikely I can also see the positives of his going to Spurs as it could be the catalyst for Arsenal to realise that they are in a serious fight for any credibility. Without investment in the team we would clearly be seen as third best confirming our status as a second tier club going nowhere.

  113. jko9

    Feb 09, 2012, 20:13 #18450

    With Redknapp as manager, England will win a World Cup.

  114. Shareholder

    Feb 09, 2012, 20:11 #18449

    i was so so pleased to see we came 5th in the league today. sorry ed ? yes we came 5th in the richest clubs in the world league. delighted. my share values are going up. we have a great stadium. a track record of making money on transfters and about 45,000 stupid fans who come to see us come what may and 250,000 who float in and out but spend on merchandise. it is brilliant set up we dont even have to win a trophy or have a decent football team

  115. QuartzGooner

    Feb 09, 2012, 19:12 #18447

    Walcott on the left, has to be worth a try. His good work for England Under 21s was on the left where he scored for fun at times.

  116. jamie hunter

    Feb 09, 2012, 16:14 #18440

    Give the job to Wenger. Please!

  117. Wenger out

    Feb 09, 2012, 16:06 #18439

    Would be happy to see Redknapp take the job if it means that lot down the road return to their losing ways. Next best thing would be for Wenger to get the job so we can be free of him. Get Wenger out!

  118. Mike

    Feb 09, 2012, 14:44 #18435

    Well done to the Ivorian winger, Gervino for his wonder strike that put Ivory Coast through to the Africa Cup of Nations final - Now if only he brings that form back to Arsenal, AW will at least start to have some decent options

  119. aj

    Feb 09, 2012, 14:15 #18430

    From an Arsenal perspective,if the filth manage to get Mourinho it's a nightmare.There is no way Redknapp could win the title.Just look at his caution the other night at Liverpool.But Mourinho is another problem.Our board and manager seem determined to stick with the policy of not investing in the playing staff.If they don't wake up soon the last six or seven years could look like a result.

  120. Mark from Ashtead

    Feb 09, 2012, 13:23 #18426

    Interesting post. I do think we need to try and avoid focussing too much on what Spurs do. I for one don't care if they come above us this season as long as we get at least fourth and of course as long as they don't win the league! Your angle on the effect of a Redknapp England era on Arsenal players is intriguing. However, for those of us gloating over the effect that any of this would have on our near neighbours, I refer to my opening point, and also pose a question: what do we think would happen and how would we feel if Mourinho went to N17?! Just a thought..

  121. Deal is Done

    Feb 09, 2012, 12:34 #18418

    the plan had already been agreed. Rednapp to England. Jose to Spurs. The FA will have to pay Spurs £20M for Rednapp and Spurs will advance towards a new stadium helped by the fact this they are in the Champions League 2012/13 so they will find financing easier. Jose hates Whinger and Arsenal and Spurs will thrive

  122. Lewis

    Feb 09, 2012, 11:36 #18403

    Two problems playing Walcott off the left: You think his crossing is bad on his right foot?... "place the ball across the keeper a la Henry" Really?...

  123. Oxy-Moron

    Feb 09, 2012, 11:05 #18402

    I have never seen so many supds go from cloud 9 to rock bottom in the space of 8 hours! Let's hope that this is the start of an N17 slide not holding my breath!). Still, enjoyable watching them all blow steam this morning: "****** conspiracy!".... "The FA have always hated Spurs"....