Your three choices as an Arsenal supporter

Views after the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust meeting on Monday evening

Your three choices as an Arsenal supporter

20th February, 2012 marked a turning point in my 35-year relationship with Arsenal Football Club. Nothing happened on the field that day (it was a boring winter Monday) but I did attend a meeting of the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust, of which I am a Life Member, in a nondescript meeting room at the London School of Economics.

The main discussion point of the meeting was the forthcoming interim financial results of Arsenal Holdings PLC, due to be announced before the end of February, 2012. However, my complete and utter frustration came from the other aspects of this meeting and also from what wasn’t said. Let me try to explain. Well over 100 people attended the meeting, in Central London on a cold, dark winter’s evening when there were a thousand and one other places that we’d rather be, such is our love for Arsenal Football Club. Everyone who spoke was eloquent, calm and rational, and it was quite clear that the vast majority are far from happy about current events at Arsenal and about the direction in which our Club appears to be travelling.

During the meeting, two topics other than the financial announcement came up time and time again:- 1. The future of Arsène Wenger 2. The Board of Directors. Mid-way through the meeting, a view was expressed from the floor of the meeting that Arsène is now holding the Club back and that he should resign or be forced to leave. This was not put to a show of hands to see exactly who supported this, but everyone around me (including me) seemed to agree with this and it has to be said that any support for the manager was in short supply. The view of the AST was that we don’t want to express any negative views while there is still something to play for, but the question will be asked before the end of the season. Sadly, it must be asked and, if results carry on as they have been, the answer will make for some uncomfortable reading.

There was much talk about the composition and size of our playing squad and about how on earth we have ended up with so many under-performing but overpaid players on the books. Hearing confirmation of the length of contracts and the salaries being paid to the likes of Bendtner, Denilson, Diaby, Vela, Chamakh and many, many others really felt like a punch in the stomach. It beggars belief that so much money is being thrown away on players that are so obviously below the standard needed to win trophies. Do they ever stop to consider how long it takes us to earn the money we spend on Arsenal?

There was also discussion about the Club’s current transfer policy and here a vote was taken. Roughly two-thirds felt that money IS available to Arsène but that he won’t spend it, and one-third felt that the Board is denying him the funds he needs. The crucial point here, though, is that even the board of the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust doesn’t know the truth – so much for transparency from the Club and so much for Kroenke’s undertaking to improve communications.

Moving on to the Board, questions were asked about the possibility of Alisher Usmanov/David Dein ever being invited on to the Board now that Red & White own almost 30% of the shares. It was made quite plain that the current Board will not even consider this option, and that Ivan Gazidis tells the AST not to bother even asking about it as it is not a matter for discussion.

The feeling expressed by the AST is that the fall-out from David Dein’s removal as a director was so acrimonious that the two “factions” cannot reconcile their differences or work together for the good of the Club. I find this incredible, as Kroenke, Gazidis and the other directors are putting their own interests ahead of the collective good. In business, a director should always do what is best for the Club, irrespective of their like or dislike of a particular person – this is, I believe, even more pertinent as the Club has gone backwards since Mr Dein’s departure.

There was also a very competent and plausible theory put forward by the AST that Kroenke’s financial position in relation to Arsenal doesn’t change if the Club finish first, fourth, fifth or even lower. This is because the Premier League “brand” is so strong and is being expanded across the globe, into markets that dwarf the domestic market. Arsenal’s attractiveness is pretty much guaranteed just by being a part of the Premier League. What a lovely position to be in, but it doesn’t strike me as a position that will inspire a ruthless hunger to win.

My frustration was compounded when I asked the last question of the night “What does the AST know/understand about Mr Kroenke’s long-term intentions for Arsenal FC? Is he in it for the long haul or is he looking to sell as soon as the right offer comes along?” I concluded by asking “Will we be having these same discussions in five years’ time?” The answer was that nobody really knows (except Kroenke, of course), but the AST board (who have met him) believe that he is here for the long-term, will probably hand the Club over to his son Josh, and the Kroenke family will control Arsenal FC for the next 15 years. Oh dear - I wish I hadn’t asked!

Having sat through the meeting, learning more about how our Club is being run and how Mr Kroenke runs his other sporting ventures, I am at an all-time low, supporting Arsenal. I know now that my loyal support counts for nothing; I know now that Arsenal FC care more about breaking even and enriching themselves than they do about winning trophies. Also, I know now that it will be painful if we are going to try to change this – painful but in my view necessary as the long term pain will be worse.

As I see it, supporters like me are left with 3 choices :-
1. Put up with it. By which I mean keep spending fortunes that I can’t afford to watch overpaid wasters strolling about the pitch before heading home to their multi-million pound mansions.
2. Stop going altogether. I’m close to this one but my 30-year support of Arsenal can’t just be given up. Quite simply, I love the Club too much.
3. Protest. Let the manager and the Board know that, for the money we have to pay, we expect much more on-field determination/ambition and that we will still be here long after they have drifted off to their platinum-plated retirements.

Apart from work and family, there is surely nothing else in our lives which means as much to us and into which we have invested so much time, money and emotion. Accordingly Option 3 will be painful, but I think it is unavoidable unless there is a marked improvement in results, ambition and communication from the Club.

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  1. Smithy

    Feb 24, 2012, 14:57 #19315

    Option 2 for me. It's getting more expensive to travel to see Arsenal yes less entertaining/ rewarding/ enjoyable. We hear the same platitudes every week as feeble attempts to excuse things and give hope. It's time to make a stand, temporarily, to best illustrate our feelings.

  2. johnnyh

    Feb 23, 2012, 23:27 #19276

    a lot being said and written about the board not giving wenger money to spend but that simply doesnt stand up to scrutiny.the problem is the quality of the recent signings the manager has made,with the notable exception of koscielny and the ox, the rest have been awful.when i hear people saying wenger should be given unlimited funds to buy players i really feel like screaming.for some reason he has quite simply lost his ability to spot a good player the way he used to. the most glaringly obvious example of this is when he loaned out our crab like brazillian denilson and replaced him with a crab like spaniard in arteta! i wont begin to list them here because we all know who they are but the amount of poor players currently on the wage bill is both shocking and depressing. the manager is finished and for me he should have been sacked the day of the 8-2 humiliation at old trafford. had that happened we could have had carlo ancelotti and who knows where we would be now. i cant understand how any arsenal fan can carry on defending wenger. time stands still for nobody in football and the only thing for sure is that if he is allowed to see out his contract then the bigger the mess the manager that follows him will have to clean up.

  3. tpm

    Feb 23, 2012, 22:35 #19275

    what am i protesting against?? well how about the manager and board for starters. the fact that AW has continually rewarded poor quality players with large contracts... why were rosicky and djourou given big new deals when they have shown they are not good enough???? it has been widely reported in the national media JD is on 50-55k now. what other club would pay him that??? is that good management?? why would theo get 80k a week, who else would pay him that???why cant we shift these players we all agree are dross?? the fact they have big contracts that no other club in a million years would pay out. look at our wage spend in the last 5 years. now we pay the 4th highest but we were 2nd. look at the return on that in final league places comapared with others....sure spurs spend more on fees than us, but they pay significantly less on wages. whose fault is it that AW chooses not to use all the resources available to him just for the sake of a misguided vanity project??? its the manager and board. whose fault is it the same problems; decent gk, CB, DM, goalscorer, have not been addressed for nigh on 5 years??? the managers. great to see you wheel out the great akb arguemnt of FFP....haha even the ast have said if we dont get CL football we will fail at FFP....get real it wont happen anyway, as if uefa will ban the likes of madrid, barca etc from euro competition. ffp is all talk and will never have any teeth, yet idiots say when it comes in we will be well placed, well the ast have said thats not true. as for the renewal of sponsorship deals bringing a windfall...well if we are playing as badly as we have then they wont be queing around the block. again, anyone who has seen us reguarly will know our football this season even when winning has been boring and poor, you cant even hide behind the good football arguement. slow sideways movement is what we are about know. happy with poor football if heart and effort are shown but bar a few we dont show basically thats what im protesting at gross mismanagement of the playing side of the club by a selfish, stubborn manager who is doing what he always does eventually (look at the monaco example) and going on a vanity crusade, and also protesting against a board who dont care about the football side of the club so let the manager get away with murder. i note you dont answer the questions about when you started following us.... how these jcls have ruined us with there tourist days out at the bowl. final poit an internet blog is hrdly the place where unadulterated support is needed. its a place to air grevancees so dont talk rubbish about this being bad for the club and making the situation worse. what makes it worse is people like mandy and gerry pretending all is rosy and not admitting anything is wrong, if we all go on like that nothing will ever get better, at least if people show they are not happy and would like a change there is fractionally more chance of change occuring than if we just ignore what right in front of us like you 2.

  4. Noz.

    Feb 23, 2012, 22:30 #19274

    I have two small boys whose names are influenced by my 33 year love and obsession of Arsenal (their names are Gunnar & George). it used to be my dream to play for Arsenal. Now my dream is for my boys to attend and love Arsenal as much as me. Despite money being tight I WILL NOT be forced out or lose sight of my dream because of an arrogant, out of date manager, dispassionate players or a greedy self serving board. This rules out no.2. However, except for match ticket money the club will not get another penny out of me, no food, programme, drink or merchandise. this goes for my kids as well. it may not seem much but if we all stuck to the plan in the very long term it will hit the greedy ....s where it hurts. One of the biggest disgraces of this regime is that it has turned Gooner against Gooner. The whole club and fan situation breaks my heart but we need to beat these b€stards and get our club back.

  5. CanadaGooner

    Feb 23, 2012, 21:42 #19273

    @Celine Dion; I've flown home for 8 matches already this season, and NO the tourist market isnt in decline, it's still difficult ot get Arsenal tickets on general sales. If some seasons ticket holders choose not to attend the game and do not offer their tickets up for sale, then those seats remain vacant. If the tickets are offered up for sale, they will always sell (there are still enough tourists coming to London for fill the emirates weekend in, weekend out)

  6. mark from Aylesbury

    Feb 23, 2012, 20:21 #19270

    To Gerry Lennon and others, Here is what I am complaining about. A manager who is trying to change the competitive enjoyment of football by suggesting that "4th" is a trophy (It isn't) that 4th is better than winning the FA Cup, a 130 year old competition written off just like that! Did Frank McLintock, Tony Adams think like that? A Manager who says that he wants to finish 2nd for the next 20 years! No wonder Mourinho was so full of scorn for Wenger. Funnily enough protest can work as discovered by Dictators in the past and present. If season ticket holders do not renew are we suddenly going to be filled up with tourists? Yeah right. If Wenger has been denied money to buy players than he should man up and resign, many managers have resigned in similar circumstances, or is it the salary of 7million a year that stops him writing that letter. If of course it is Wenger not spending the money then he becomes the problem and he should resign. Either way in my book he goes. It is impossible for a whole section of supporters to all have exactly the same viewpoint and same argument so of course there will be differing shades of opinion, It doesn’t invalidate the gathering discontent. I first attended in 1976, many here attended far earlier. Most of us are saying we would give a new Manager time to bed in and find his feet. I find it bizarre that we are being labelled as some sort of reactionary lobby who throw our toys out the pram at each defeat and would instantly call for the new Manager to go. I don’t know of a more patient group of supporters (Liverpool possibly). I ask you an open question if Wenger stays a further 3 years do you believe he will win anything? Because then you would be suggesting that the 6th Wealthiest team in the world having not won any trophy in a decade, would still keep the same Manager. Surely you would not be serious?

  7. celine dion

    Feb 23, 2012, 20:04 #19269

    Anyone who goes regularly will know that the London tourist element are in very steep decline, this season particularly.

  8. CanadaGooner

    Feb 23, 2012, 16:54 #19263

    If you all care to pause for a split-second you'll see that Mandy Dodd is the only one on 'planet reality'. Although I do believe something needs to be done; the petty stuff you're all talking about here (protesting, boycotting games etc) should only be discussed in jest. Do you really think any of that crap will work? dont be ninnies! Such tactics will only work for a northern club (and surprisingly perhaps Blackburn isnt further up north enough?); for London-based clubs tourists will lap up your tickets, if they dont, sell them to me!

  9. Gerry Lennon

    Feb 23, 2012, 15:55 #19261

    TPM, I realise, that along with a couple of others, I am swimming against the tide. You have a need to pour out your collective grief that things are not what they used to be. Fine. All I am trying to do is put a little more thought into this 'discussion', without getting hung up on the emotion of it all. When Mandy Dodds tried to pin down as to what you are all protesting about? ... The reply 'is it because it takes effort' or 'you don't care enough'.Weak! I do not know how you can comment on mismanagement without knowing all the facts? One of the points in the blog was to say you didn't get any? I couldn't agree more that there are a number of players that need to move out this summer, and I don't think we would be far apart on their names either? But unless you are going to let them go on a 'free transfer', which might still mean paying out money on the remains of their contract, which might be considered financial mismanagement? The alternative is to find buyers, made more difficult when the vocal minority are telling the world that they are rubbish? We had enough trouble getting some out on loan to free up squad places! Yes, we can all play Champioship Manager and assume we can do better than those who do it for real. Our mistakes, wrong team selection, wrong tactics, can be shrugged off. Back in the real world it does have consequencies, and suggestions that AW does not feel the pain and frustration of losing ... in 16 years he has aged about 30! Seeing what you want see does cut both ways, I agree. I want to see Arsenal play the way they can in some games ... beating Barca at home ... but come out in every game with that attitude. So I look to see, in the broader sense, what will change that in the future. In two years time, the loan will be paid off, the sponsorship deals will be renegociated on much better terms, and the much maligned 'self-sustaining' financial model will be working in our favour when many are tightening their belts. It is all very well people replying saying they do not expect to win trophy's every year, but when you talk through your pocket I say you are not being honest with yourselves. In this season we have a very good chance of getting 4th spot, if only because the main opposition are playing badly too. All the more reason to get behind the team now instead of trying to create civil war between supporters to the detriment of the players. Yes, that is certainly one thing you can affect, well done you! Criticism of AW on tactics, player positions, formations, etc, are normal things a manager has to put up with when things go don't well. I would put my hand up and say I've had thoughts on that too, but not with the media fed vitriol that seems to be all the rage(no pun intended) at the moment. I would love to see Dennis Bergkamp here as Number 2 next season, with a real possibility that he could succeed AW when the time comes. May be promote Steve Bould too, just to add a different voice in the dressing room. These are positive things to look forward to. Not an instant fix, but then ditching the manager now, showing contempt for the players, and general lack of support will not fix anything either? Perhaps it will make you all feel so great about yourselves as the Club sinks into a mid-table mediocrity you seem to think is the current state? Finally, all this rose-tinted glasses stuff about David Dean ... what are you(in the plural sense)like? Unless he has got a dog called Rosie he would not be able to do the deals he did then in this day and age. Let's not forget, he did walk away with his millions - far more than Silent Stan has taken out of the club - and in doing so, left a boardroom split apart when it was once united? Usmanov ... I don't even want to go there! JCL? Absolutely! Guilty, Guilty, Guilty. I was born 100 miles from Highbury, now live 200 miles away ... good grief, I've just realised, I could be an archytypal Man U supporter ... Where did it all go wrong?? Think before you act ... what you wish for could be a whole lot worse?

  10. terry wood

    Feb 23, 2012, 15:34 #19260

    i totally agree,wenger as assembled a squad and the majority are sub standard and the wages they earn are a disgrace.every gooner with an ounce of football knowledge was aware that we are in decline and wengers panic buys were a waste of money excluding alex. for the good of our club we need a new manager,back room staff and i believe that usmanov deserves a place on the bod based on his investment.

  11. tpm

    Feb 23, 2012, 13:05 #19251

    great attaitude mandy dodd, just because something takes a bit of effort, don't bother doing it. just let things drift aimlessly on. i cannot understand how people like you still refuse to accept that there is anything wrong at the club. surely the fact that we have gone from comfortable top 4 finishes to struggling for top 5 is evidence enough.

  12. Gooner1711

    Feb 23, 2012, 12:02 #19247

    Boycott the Milan game. It's a dead rubber anyway. maybe the sight of 15-20,000 empty seats may send a message?

  13. Gooner1711

    Feb 23, 2012, 10:50 #19242

    Mandy you actually enjoy seeing this current state of affairs? You really don't seem to care would be my opinion.

  14. R.A.P.H.A.E.L

    Feb 23, 2012, 10:08 #19239

    R. Meade, or may I call you Raphael? - fair point about the sainted D. Dein. We'd be at Wembley every fortnight if he'd had his way. Unthinkable. Still, I can't help feeling we, and more importantly Wenger, miss his drive and acumen in the transfer market. As others have said, it isn't necessarily Wenger that is the heart of all that's not right, it's the club's relationship with the fans. The feeling of belonging to a club that is at one with its fans and the sanitised and vaguely patronising 'match day experience'. It's hard not to feel like fodder for some enormous cash cow at The E*******. The club need to build some bridges or risk driving invaluable supporters away. And yes, let's put bona fide 'Clockenders' into the 'clock end'. ST holders in the lower tier. Together making 'home advantage' count. Move the away fans who have plum spot on full view of the tv cameras. They have the only spot in the ground where you can hang a banner without prior arrangement with the club. Short term pain, long term gain please Arsenal. I know the club listen to AST, REDaction, BSM, etc, which is admirable, but exactly how far do they act on their requests and grave concerns for our future?

  15. Tony Evans

    Feb 23, 2012, 9:55 #19238

    Another good point made by Ron and understood by older supporters like me is that going to matches is not fun anymore. I have said before that giving my season ticket up is going to painful because I have been going regularly for a very long time but it is made easier because I have no empathy with the current team and manager. Where are the characters like Sammy Nelson or Paul Merson, where are the good 'honest pros' like Geordie Armstrong and where are the inspirational leaders like Frank McLintock and Tony Adams. Wenger seems to think we can do without players like these and his contempt for us fans is there for all to see. Then we have a board of directors that also care nothing for our views and appear to be more worried that the corporate sarnies are up to scratch then they do about what is going on on the pitch. Add to all this the rip off prices and it is clear why so many of us are so disallusioned. All very sad and I hope for all our sakes that we are not stuck with this current version of Arsenal for too much longer.

  16. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 23, 2012, 9:46 #19237

    Great article Mark. I'm more of an option 3 person myself. I can't bring myself to go with option 2, yet. No way should ALL fans put up with this current malaise which has been going on for a few years now and say 'accept it'. But according to the likes of Mandy Dodd & Gerry Lennon, that's what we should do. Well excuse me for wanting my club to maintain it's status as the biggest and most successful in London and the biggest after Manchester United & Liverpool. Perish the thought of The Arsenal being the first club south of the midlands to win the European Cup. Please remember Wenger is the only manager to have lost the three UEFA finals. My all-time favourite manager Bob Paisley is the only manager to have the European Cup three times or more. But then I forgot, at The Arsenal, it's all about finishing 4th and all the revenue that comes with it. As for the JCL's. day-trippers and corporates that now take up a large portion of seats at stadium, blame the former MD Keith Edelman for that. The same Edelman who almost f*cked the club up over Highbury Square a few years ago.

  17. sparksy

    Feb 23, 2012, 9:41 #19236

    As much as i don't like the way the club is being run, the lack of quality signings and how too much money is spent on players who are quite clearly not good enough to play for Arsenal, i don't have too much of a problem not winning trophies if i could just see us competing properly for them. But the fact is there is no fight or passion, no will to win amongst any of the players or manager and that for me is unforgivable.

  18. R Meade

    Feb 23, 2012, 8:44 #19235

    Jcl's,corporates, tourists were they not invited in by good old we could be playing in Wembley David Dein and the wonderful bond scheme? That was the start and it's just gone on from there.

  19. Tony Evans

    Feb 23, 2012, 8:43 #19234

    Ron (21202) Couldn't agree with you more mate. Supporters that go back as far as the 60's don't recognise this current team as an Arsenal side. We don't expect to win trophies every year, our loathing of Wenger's Arsenal goes much deeper than that. He has created a powder puff team and his attitude towards us fans is shocking in the extreme. We appear to be an irritating nuisance to him and I don't believe any other manager would treat supporters with such contempt. As for you Mandy Dodd - you just stick to that tired old 'support the team' mantra and keep your head firmly stuck in the sand.

  20. Can we have a real Clock End back please?

    Feb 23, 2012, 8:10 #19233

    Jekyll - spot on mate. It's more fun in the pub. Home games are joyless. Who allowed the JCLs, corporates and tourists to call the shots? Being told to sit down and be quiet because we're spoiling their 'matchday experience.' (As they set off for the exits with 82 minutes on the clock.) I used to leave games with a hoarse throat and buzzing, now I mostly have the hump because I can't support the team as I'd like. Who invited these 'fans' in? The club encourages this type of 'customer'. THIS IS ALL WRONG. People used to tolerate finishing 9th because going to games was what it was about. It was fun. Take away top quality football on the pitch and what's left? Bring back OUR Arsenal.

  21. BNG

    Feb 23, 2012, 8:01 #19232

    Odd Mandy you're priceless, let's just sit on our hands staring into space and whistling until the summer shall we ?

  22. Jekyll

    Feb 23, 2012, 2:11 #19231

    I would say this about not going - it is more fun in the 12 Pins. You can have a pint whilst you're watching the game and no one will look at you funny for shouting out loud. And you don't have to spend £50 for the privilege. Lots of old school fans in there that have been priced out. I'm afraid though that AFC is now a product, the original spirit of Highbury is gone. You might as well support Sainsburys in their battle against Tesco. Again, pubs like the 12 Pins are the places to go for an approximation of the old atmosphere.

  23. Eddie Kuh

    Feb 23, 2012, 1:09 #19229

    Options 2 & 3 are not mutually exclusive at this point and should be linked together! Someway, somehow these people need to hear and respect our opinions as well. According to Le Boss, my opinion doesn't matter because I've never worked a day in football. Well, let's see whose opinion counts when protests & banners are put up at the emirates and Arsenal goods are boycotted!

  24. Mandy dodd

    Feb 22, 2012, 23:46 #19228

    Protest, protest, see ithat word on here a lot, but protest against what? Season ticket prices, merchandise, if you feel strongly, just do not go or buy, but ultimately futile as others will. Protest against the board, ok but against what specifically? Why would stan put his hand in his pocket when so many are saying there in 57m unspent? If he is depriving wenger of much needed funds, that is another matter but you need at least some proof. Protest against wenger, ok, but what aspect of wenger, seems to some he can do nothing right so you may have problems trying to focus on what aspect of wenger to protest against. You could protest against walcott, arshavin, denilson or whoever but not really sure what effect that would have. You could protest against hill wood or pat rice?? And how would you protest, a march, chanting, meetings, letters, blocking up urinals with a black scarf? Many want dein, usmanov in the hot seats,but it is unlikely that will happen, and you have no control over such matters anyway. Some of the protests attempted and suggested could come straight out of The Life of Brian. A novel concept, but isn't it worth just backing the team for the moment, and seeing them into the top four? Then letting the summer take care of itself?

  25. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 22, 2012, 23:21 #19226

    Just additional side note to my previous blog, although unrelated, why did Lansbury go on loan to West Ham this season? The other loanees apart from maybe Ryo I couldn't care tuppence about but Lansbury can play so does anyone know the reason? I appreciate he hasn't played much but Fat Sam is their manager and wouldn't know a skilful player if he saw one. He is an Under 21 international in the same side as the how about Wilshere, Lansbury, The Ox and Ramsay, that might be an interesting midfield next season, playing 4-4-2 ?..players that go forward, take players on and have the energy and desire to succeed. Maybe RVP and Henry/Walcott/Arshavin up front? Just a thought....

  26. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 22, 2012, 22:43 #19225

    Do you think that number 2 would make a blind bit of difference to the board if there are enough in the waiting queue to take up your ticket? If you do then that is of course your choice, but don't expect to get back again when this team turns it around...we all care but to give up the chance to go just becasue the team is underperforming, do me a favour...if you cannot afford it or want to spend your money elsewhere then fair enough but don't just give a previous blogger wrote, support the team through thick and thin. How many teams have won the Premiership?, Man U, Chelski and Blackburn and look where they are right now...and what good are their protests achieving? Please don't misunderstand me as I am as frustrated by our lack of silverware as everyone else but as a supporter of over 50 years I have seen many ups and many downs, being at the Lane in 1971 to see Ray Kennedy head the winner was a night to never forget and to see us fold against AC Milan was a true low...however I am prepared to see it through as it will turn itself around and I will be there to see it happen...hard luck if you are not.

  27. tpm

    Feb 22, 2012, 22:29 #19224

    gerry lennon, the archytypal jcl supporter that our clubs now attracts, and what is contributing to our malaise...they simply dont care that the club is being mismanaged, and clearly getting worse year on year, gerry lennon is a fine one to talk about only seeing what he wants! i wonder when you 'chose' to support arsene, i mean arsenal, was it 98 by any chance?? get real, fans are not expecting trophies every year, you know that. what we expect is visible signs that we are doing everything we can to improve year on year and learning from past mistakes, this patently is not happening with the overpaid dross still at the club, the woeful tactics, and sale of our best players every summer. You sir, embody the modern day arsenal, basically you dont really care.

  28. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Feb 22, 2012, 21:34 #19223

    A mixture of two and three for me. Direct action, people power, is what's needed. Anything to make Wengers position impossible and the club to be hit where it hurts, in the pocket. The brand will suffer in an half empty ground, don't buy food/drink if you go and certainly no merchandise. Try selling that dream to the Asian Market. The ignorant yank could already walk away with a tidy profit if he sold out to theRussian. Good luck to him, he's an investor. But please people for the love and good of OUR club let's get him out now.

  29. LeoGooner

    Feb 22, 2012, 21:19 #19222

    Celine, you are so right, spot on. I'll be buying your records rather than spending it on AFC

  30. Ian M

    Feb 22, 2012, 21:01 #19221

    Actually it's not as bad as you think giving up going regularly. In fact it is liberating. It doesn't mean you don't support them any less, it just means that you are in charge - you pick and choose what games to go to, and save yourself a fortune in the process. There are lots of games on tv. Ok, not the same, but you will find that your support is not diminished, and there is a certain degree of satisfaction in not being ripped off by a corporate institution any more. And a huge satisfaction in not contributing to the excessive wages of a bunch of over-indulged clowns who could care less about you or the club. Free yourself.

  31. Gooner Pat

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:50 #19220

    I make ya right but you've gotta realise that the only way things will change is by following choice number 2. Money is the only thing that bothers these muppets so if we stopped going then they'd start to worry...and they could no longer afford to pay clowns like djourou 60k a week!

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:46 #19219

    @ move the away fans up stairs i assume your talking about a more vocal singing section sounds good in theory i sit in the clock end myself and have to say the atmosphere is always very good although at the minute i doubt it's much good anywhere i heard this discussed quite a few times since first suggested although personally it wouldn't bother me i do know a lot of silver and red members who wouldn't be happy about not being able to buy a ticket in the clock end hardly fair, i would assume there's season ticket holders in the section you'd want to send the away fans to, what if their quite happy where they are and don't want to move would it be made compulsory again hardly fair then you've got the home fans up stairs would they be happy with the away fans moving in beside them another factor the club would no doubt take into consideration is the family enclosure is in close proximity please don't think i'm being negative here i'm certainly not i would say its possible only after howls of protest no disrespect does being a season ticket holder make somebody a better supporter i,m as much a die hard gooner and vocal as anybody and being a season ticket holder hasn't helped me improve the atmosphere and enjoyment any more than a silver or red member but it would be very interesting to see as you say the club aren't interested so highly unlikely anyway.

  33. Adrian Wagenaar

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:44 #19218

    The soul and heart of a club rests with it's players and fans, it is the board's job to create the conditions to keep both parties vibrant and passionate. I was at Highbury when we won the Fairs Cup and that night the players,fans and board were as one in a wonderful outpouring of emotion. The heart and soul of our once great club left us when we moved from Highbury to "the souless bowl" that is the Em*rates. What love there is for the club is now only found in the fans and we need something or someone to rally behind - we have possibly a few players who love the club but we are missing a real leader of the team. We need a Mercer, a McClintock or an Adams, someone we can lift and turn into the heartbeat of the club, a talisman for the future. If we can do that and get a proper Arsenal man in the boardroom and lastly a proper "ballsy" Arsenal coach who can be as pragmatic as Graham away from home and as exciting as Wenger once was when we played the "twenty minutes massacre football" that saw us score 3 - 4 goals in lightning fashion before seeing the game out like a later day Brazil. - A lot to ask I know, but why aim for anything less for our great club.

  34. Dandy Mod

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:34 #19216

    Start protesting and fight back against this horrible board. It's not rocket science and it's never been easier to organise. If we sit on our hands and keep coughing up then they'll keep serving it up.

  35. tfsmudge

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:32 #19215

    Kroenke/Gazidis need to realise we're not settling for less. For a good 20 or so years we've been spoilt as supporters. Free flowing attacking football that set the premiership alight and that standard has to be maintained. For the younger gooners, I still can't overstate the debt we owe to David Dein, dispatched without even so much as a thankyou. He discovered Wenger, and we'll only ever know if it has affected him after he has resigned or been sacked. But of course he can't say diddly squat at the moment. As you rightly mention in your thought provoking article Mark, since we and Wenger have been without Dein we seem to have won bugger all. Take note Mr Gazidis, where are the deals that brought us the likes of Bergkamp, Henry, Pires, Petit, Viera and others. Never mind the bollox...

  36. Marcus

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:27 #19214

    There is so much about Arsenal these days that infuriates me but perhaps the worst is that we fans are treated like idiots because we "have not worked even half a day in football." We are politely told by Wenger and the board to keep our mouths shut, keep forking over the money and don't ask too many questions. This is our club, we will still be here long after they have all left and we deserve to know what is happening. Soon when tickets come up for renewal the papers will be full of stories of Arsenal having 60 million to spend in the summer, we will be linked to a host of top players, Wenger will come out and say that he will have a very busy summer in the transfer market etc. and when August comes around we will see we have been duped again. Enough is enough.

  37. Fidel Castro

    Feb 22, 2012, 20:11 #19213

    Has to be optition 2.If not you are just burning your money.Because nothing is ever going to change under Wenger Gazidis and Kroenke.Championship quality players like Djourou Song Walcott Rosicky Arshavin Bendtner Diaby Denilson and Chamakh are all multi millionaires.Your season ticket money is just lining those bunch of losers pockets even more.Its times for Gooner fans to grow some balls and BOYCOTT games.Words mean nothing its time for action

  38. Gooner4Justice

    Feb 22, 2012, 19:54 #19212

    This is a very well executed article and thanks for the insight. What comes across strongly is the aching reluctance with which you draw these conclusions. The piece raises questions of the board and questions of the manager and they are all fair and reasonable questions. Arsene was at helm of our club for perhaps our most successful era ever; those few golden years of doubles and invincibility. However we must now start to face the reality that unless a miracle of unprecedented proportions befalls us, the soonest we can win a trophy is the spring of 2013. We are in an eight year drought, and no other manager in the history of our club has supervised as many trophy-less playing seasons (no one, not ever). As much as some might call him our greatest manager, we should also note that Arsene now bears the mantle of least successful as well. Yes that sounds ridiculous, but Arsene’s genuine successes are a distant memory, and fans have been fuelled by hope and sentiment for a very long time now. The downward spiral has been so slow that we failed to recognize it and arresting it now is all but impossible. As for the board, they have sullied a fundamental ethos of English football. No football club in the history of the English professional game was founded with the objective of returning profit to shareholders. Top flight clubs are and always have been really expensive train sets that are conceived for ongoing inward investment. Fans like us can press our noses against the shop window and admire, we can dream, and we can wish, but our pockets are not deep enough to afford a go at controlling the train set. These days they are the toys of Billionaires and strangely Chelsea and City fans are not complaining that their owners have invested in their train set. In contrast the Arsenal board has long forsaken inward investment in favour of some arbitrary concept called self-sustainability. What that really means is that instead of paying a regular and ongoing rent for the privilege of controlling the train set, as all of their predecessors did, the present board is claiming to have paid for the train set and resists overtures from any others willing to pay higher rent for the privilege of being in charge. There are two billionaire with interest in our club. One the board reviles for unspecified reasons, the other supports their self-sustaining model and so they love him. What would Stan have to gain from his passive majority ownership one wonders? I don’t know, but is it unreasonable to point out that Stan has a history of making money from his sports ventures. He’s not from Gillespie Road, he’s not even from England, and Association Football is not in his blood, so is Arsenal just his next cash cow? Certainly he shows no sign of making the traditional inward investment that would kick us up a level. Unfortunately the problem is wholly at board level and simply replacing Arsene will not resolve the underlying problems of our club. I would hazard a guess that if Dein and Usmanov were to assume control tomorrow, Arsene would soon be acquiring trophies again. That’s my guess, but it’s only a guess, and in the end it will have no influence whatsoever on who controls our train set.

  39. DAN

    Feb 22, 2012, 19:43 #19211

    Option 2 is best

  40. celine dion

    Feb 22, 2012, 19:33 #19210

    The (admittedly few) AKBs that have piped up on here with their standard issue 4th place, CL qualification mantra, are missing the point. The Arsenal of nowadays is corporate, exploititive, self serving, and not what we grew up with or signed up for. An incompetent manager or groundhog day yearly failure are simply a by product. Our objectives are not the clubs objectives, as evidenced by this article which illustrates startlingly that 100 of the best informed fans the club is likely to have, still cannot put their finger on its financial position or the boards objective. It might also be worth pointing out that Stan Kroenke did not build the Emirates, he probably hadnt even heard of it at the time of its conception. Therefore the 'board' is a shifting collection of venture capitalists with undefined ambitions rather than some guiding hand, taking us from the bad to lead us into the good, from beginning to end of the emirates project. The pro-status quo lobby seem to forget this. People who dont see this as a problem at least potentially, and speak of 'choice' either have no love for the club or empathy for fellow fans, or a very poor understanding of the state of the world in general.

  41. Geri Caulfield

    Feb 22, 2012, 19:14 #19209

    This comment is less as an addition to this thread than an idea for an article or should I say a plea to save our beloved club. The consensus seems to be that we the long suffering fans are powerless and that Kroenke is going to continue to take the piss as he has bought a club that has got a guaranteed profit margin. As a form of protest and an alternative to not renewing season tickets or not turning up is why not try and galvanise season ticket holders to exert the power that they have: I propose that all season ticket holders (or as many as can be reached on this and other popular forums) submit their tickets to the official ticket exchange for the AC Milan game or the game coming up against Stoke. Can you imagine Arsenal's reaction if 30,000+ fans were trying to cash in their tickets, hopefully the system would accept them without realising the volume and then were unable to re-sell them!! even if they don't accept them it will hopefully be aclnowledged somewhere in the system that 30,000 fans are pissed off enough to try and get a refund, especially for what surely will be a meaningless game against Milan and which should send them a message about how we feel to be out of this competition, I just think as Arsenal are being creative to get more money out fans to line Kroenke's pocket we the fans need to do likewise but in a way that might, just might make them sit up and take notice. I'm sure there is a huge flaw somewhere in my argument but hopefully the main gist is evident, WE CAN DO SOMETHING TO BE HEARD!!!

  42. fozzy's mate

    Feb 22, 2012, 19:09 #19208

    No2 is not an option as I don't fancy spending my saturdays trawling round supermarkets at least football is a from of escapism from the rigours of every day life. Its really of combination of all 3. Why be driven away from something you've done all your life by the yank tache and the man with an incredible level of arrogance and disdain towards his own supporters and anyone with an opinion other than him? Head up and protest if you want but be determined to beat this miserable soulless, passion less regime that treats its lifeblood the fans like the turd on their shoe. Most of us were here along time before Kroenke and will be after too. Don't let em replace you with far eastern tourists!

  43. Simon

    Feb 22, 2012, 19:07 #19207

    Firstly I stopped buying programmes three years ago , secondly stop buying food and beer , if you cannot do without a beer for two ****ing hours your an alcoholic , thirdly no more merchandise . After that it boils down to walking out at certain parts of the game it would drive the stewards mad as well as the club . WE LIVE IN AN AGE WERE WE CAN BE TOGETHER VIA ANY ELECTRONIC MEANS NECESSARY , MAN UTD STARTED ANOTHER TEAM AND WAVE THOSE NORWICH SCARVES SURELY WE CAN MATCH THAT SOMEHOW .

  44. Gerry Lennon

    Feb 22, 2012, 18:50 #19206

    Ron, I can understand your frustration and general dissatisfaction ... it comes from the heart. Please remember, I am responding to what was written in the blog, not your individual circumstance, okay? I choose to follow Arsenal. Perhaps it is me that is naive in thinking that the players don't go out on the pitch to play badly, just because they are paid a lot of money. Any more than they make the wrong decisions at times ... deliberately. I read so much garbage on this, when half the time people only see what they want to see. However, in amongst it all there have been some magical moments which still give me hope that it will come good again. I do not believe for one minute that AW does not know when the players under-perform, some of it down to how he has decided to play without doubt. What I cannot go along with is this thing of changing managership midseason. Make no sense to me. Likewise the critism of SS. If he were asset stripping the club that would be different. If he laundering his ill gotten gains it would be different. Surely we don't want to go down the same road as Portsmouth and Glasgow Rangers? I don't even want do go down the same road as Chelsea, with 5 managers in 5 years, and in not a lot better position than us ... and charging high prices and paying higher wages to players who are not performing to the best of their abilities? I see this collective negativity as being more damaging to the team, both now, and to future players. So yes, I will be one who will carry on, having my good days and bad days. I will try and see the overall picture and not pile in on one or two players who are having a bad run. If for no other reason than the young players we have coming through. I want them to step on the pitch seizing their chance, not listening to a chorus of boos for the player coming off. I want to look in hope that the next game will be something to remember the season by, and that game will lead to another one. We have these players until the end of the season. I am hopeful that we will have a better balance in the games to come with more players returning, as well as the youngsters like Yennaris, Ozaykup, Afobe getting their chance to shine. Negativity, I can do without. I want to have hope that fresh faces come in during the next transfer window, and several go out, but without the drama of last summer. With Pat Rice retiring, perhaps DB will leave Ajax? I want a side that the likes of Coquelin, Frimpong, and AOC all make next season a to remember ... but it may not happen. I'll still be supporting them.

  45. Wombledin

    Feb 22, 2012, 18:39 #19205

    Option no.2 is the best choice for you if its become that painful. Donate a portion of your saved money to a childrens charity. Its not a religion, its just football as much as we are emotionally invested in it. When Wenger goes and things improve, go back to no.1.

  46. Ron

    Feb 22, 2012, 17:21 #19202

    On the 'Sky' website, it now seems that as all of us have 'managed zero games, zero european games and zero clubs' that there is no right to voice a view according to Mr Wenger. To be honest, i can't think of any other boss who would ever say such a thing. Incredible. French arrogance nearly at its worst! Not sure who he quite thinks he is these days. Was he always like this or have i just closed my mind off to it down the years?

  47. Jeff

    Feb 22, 2012, 16:41 #19201

    @Gerry Lennon, Sorry mate, I don't read newspapers, haven't for years. I judge what's going on with my own eyes. I suppose 4th place is a trophy in your eyes too? Funny how AVB says that 4th is not good enough for cheatski, but ogl says it's a trophy...Wake up all you akb's.

  48. Greg71

    Feb 22, 2012, 16:32 #19200

    Interesting set of choices from Mark,already acting on number 2,seems most of the media is just starting to notice (finally ) that the vast majority of supporters are angry/worried/depessed etc etc about the club and are not going to accept it with reference to the latest from Oliver Holt in the Mirror and comments from Nutty on sky. Some respect must be given to Manu and their scarf protest,perhaps our colour should be black ! Perhaps a George Washington figure is awaiting our fate on sunday before leading a protest that will jolt many to action from top to bottom ?

  49. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 22, 2012, 16:21 #19199

    The noise which will be made at the weekend when Mr Redknapp's well motivated and well drilled team attack our demotivated and ill led youngsters will not be polite and sedate and well thought out and neither should it be. The commodity which the owner and his supine board sell is only valuable either inside the stadium or on tv in the wider world because of the thing that Arsenal was. A dedicated team supported by passionate fans. Do any of us think that Barca or Real Madrid supporters would put up with having their beloved team neutered and put to death by a thousand cuts? They would not. Are we lesser men and women than they are? We are not. It makes no difference to the board whether Wenger manages or not. We simply have to force their hand and make the stadium too hot to hold Wenger. He has become the de facto enemy of our club and we should make it plain that every time he sets foot in the stadium he will be shouted at loud and long until he can no longer stand it. The fact that this will happen to a man who was so loved by us is a mark of his own misguidedness in clinging on to power.

  50. sean not a happy gooner

    Feb 22, 2012, 16:21 #19198

    lets be real wenger is to blame , no doubt about it he kept players on the field without dropping them out of the team altogether .players that wanted to come here are being put off by the way team has been failing over the past 6 r 7 years

  51. BringBackDene

    Feb 22, 2012, 16:18 #19197

    Can someone please tell me if Kroenke and Co. get a copy of the AST minutes (assuming they exist). He may not be an Arsenal man through and through, but surely as a sucessfull business man he must realise his investment is looking decidely at risk. I am complety baffled by the current situation.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 22, 2012, 15:51 #19196

    Thanks for enlightening us mark were we not depressed enough ? it looks like what we've known for quite a while kroenke doesn't care to much about success on the pitch and there's the possibility of fifteen more years there certainly hasn't been any ambition shown by this club for a long time and can we see them changing their ways any time soon and the chances of a marked improvement from some of the second rate players/clowns we have is like posh spice very slim.

  53. Red Member

    Feb 22, 2012, 15:42 #19195

    Newcastle game has gone to general sale already the exodus has started

  54. marky mark

    Feb 22, 2012, 15:40 #19194

    Even though i stopped attending games just berfore we left our real home,, Highbury, i still follow the club and all that goes on. It pains me to see what is going on, and like most of you i cannot see it getting better any time soon. For me the club started being more about money than any thing else a while ago. I had been coming to Highbury since 1969, from the age of seven, right thru the north bank mural period, when the only way to get a ticket - other than being a seson ticket holder was to join the ticket registration scheme that was started, i must have attended approx 30 games a season along with my brother in law, another holder of a registration card. This was fine for a couple of years, then one close season i realised that my renewal form had not been recieved, so i phoned the club and was asked my number, this was given to them and after a shjort delay i was told that they had written to me the week before to renew my card, but as they had not heard from me, both mine and the brother in laws cards had been sold to someone else. I felt devastaTED BY THIS AND ASKED IF WE COULD HAVE TWO MORE - ONLY TO BE TOLD THAT NONE WERE AVAILABLE.I then had a couple of years trying to break the habbit of most of my life, expensive children came along, money was tight, i still want to turn up and support my team, but time has eroded that feeling that i must go, so the club have lost out on my money, the brother in laws and also both my kids, who would love to come./ My point is the club do not care aS LONG AS THE MONEY COMES IN, AND HAVE not for longer than some of you think. If you do want to protest at the shocking direction we are going in and refuse to renew your season tickets, it will hurt, but believe me time will ease the pain - and something has to be done !

  55. Gee

    Feb 22, 2012, 15:31 #19193

    Wenger will be here until 2014 at the least. Get used to it

  56. Chris Drayson

    Feb 22, 2012, 15:09 #19191

    Clearly option 2 & 3 are the same.Stop going to games is a protest that will be noticed more by the owner than a meting or march etc. SK is a business man who is accustomed to obtaining every last piece of revenue from his assett. Football & sport in general are far removed from the USA model where a franchise can be bought and moved 1000's of miles away. Football is tribal - once a Gooner always a Gooner. Next season it is highly likely that AFC will not be in the ECL and if the current trend continues then the Europa League will also be out of our grasp. The Emirates stadium will not achieve its full revenue earning potential and as well as individuals being priced out of season ticket renewals corperate customers will be thinking twice about renewing their contracts.The Emirates will become the Highbury of the mid seventies. SK already is aware that AFC is a global brand that adds to the overall value of the club. Unless swift action is taken to remedy the current situation then his assett will decline in value. Lets hope tomorrows board meeting will provide a solution - if not I fear the current decline will get to a point where a quick fix will not be viable.

  57. Jekyll

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:54 #19189

    John - your approach sounds very passive and 'unmanly'.

  58. goonersid

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:53 #19188

    Great article, as I can't see enough fans boycotting games, I feel protest is the only way realistic way to show our dissatisfaction. It must however happen inside the stadium in order to achieve maximum publicity, and it must be unapologetic, Wenger has to go and the sooner the better. As for the board, I've never met a yank who doesn't love money and loads of it, maybe it's time for Usmanov to put his money where his mouth is and make the yank an offer, he is after all a much more wealthy man than Kroenke so lets see him call his bluff.

  59. Move the away fans upstairs. Put season ticket holders together in the clock end. PLEASE.

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:51 #19187

    Gerry Lennon - you keep talk of choices. Fair enough, but some long-term core supporters no longer have a choice: they simply cannot afford to go any longer. They've been priced out by affluent JCLs who don't really care that much, fickle corporates who are more interested in the hospitality and a club that is more interested in tourists who come once a season and spend big in the store. That's part of the fans' beef with the club. They aren't looking out for the fans that care the most. Dangerous in my opinion. We're not allowed to support in the way we once did. Vocal fans are discouraged. A move to transfer the away support upstairs and put season ticket holders in the clock end should get all our support as it would improve the atmosphere and enjoyment of games immeasurably, but the club seemingly won't listen.

  60. Ron

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:48 #19186

    Gerry - All quite sound logic but you miss the point somewhat. I dont know anybody that expects to win trophies each season. The Club has never had such stature as have Utd and Liverpool (at one time a day!). Its seeing stagnation, half hearted players and paying top notch prices (inevitably to rise again) to see it. Many on the board here were fans generated by our Dad'a in the 60s (me for one) and that was as black as black could be seeing Spurs hammer us for fun each season! The difference was we had a team then that gave their all but werent good enough in that era. The difference was there was never a general feeling of being ripped off. There is now and its Arsenals problem to resolve otherwise they ll lose fans. Its not the not winning trophies at all. Id venture to say that if Arsenal were making a real go of it in the Cups and working their socks off in the league without CL football, there wouldnt be half the scorn heaped upon them as now. What Arsenal are now is a Club that doesnt want anything beyond what its got at present as long as a select few make a lot of cash. Your adoration of that stadium and its imagery is one thing but irrelevant anyway. Many detest the place. I can tell you that as fact for nothing.Its 'choice' as you say, but your view that whats there is one that should never be subject to a demand for change is whats wholly naive and makes you a bit of a lemming to be honest. Arsenal love you fella! Your perspective is one that will guarantee stagnancy remains for years with all due respect. The media may be a bunch of idiots and stirrers in the main but theres a lot of good, genuine coverage of Arsenal in the media if you look close enough and the fact that many fans agree with many of them doesnt make them any the less intelectually aware than you. Youre a bit condescending to be honest.

  61. Peter Wain

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:45 #19185

    The simple truth is that the Yank does not care what we think or do. Nothing I have seen or heard makes me believe that whoever we had as manager would be able to spend the sort of money designed to attract top quality players at their peak. In the last window we bought at best second rate players who are not even that. We seem to like free transfers and loan players who we never play regularly because when we do they play like 4th grade championship players. The only solution as I see it is to agitate at the matches for the board to resign. We do not necessarily need a change in maager but a change in ownership and a new board is desparately needed.

  62. Come Together Gooners!

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:38 #19184

    Very well said. It's easy to simply blame Wenger, but our biggest problem is how the club is being run from the very top. Losing David Dein was the beginning of a decline. I personally align myself with the (often misunderstood) BSM on the whole issue. They speak perfect sense about the club's direction and its relationship with long-term core supporters who are being taken for granted/alienated/priced out/disillusioned. I think all fans groups should unite for the common cause of a love for Arsenal and make our feelings plain. So my answer is a version of 3, with BSM and AST leading the way. This is OUR club. In fact, the more I read from people like Tim Payton and Highbury Harold, I'm convinced us fans could run the club with more passion and ambition than some of the current jellyfish.

  63. Goonerforlife

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:25 #19183

    Great post! I heartfully (or is it painfully?) agree with your conclusions. Thanks also for giving us an insight into the AST meetings!

  64. Gerry Lennon

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:11 #19182

    Much of this is lost on me. You expect the Club to tell you all its inner workings, so what? So you can then publish this sensitive information to all and sundry at first opportunity. Get Real!! When you went to your first Arsenal match, only option 2 was available then. Because you've chosen to invest an emotional attachment to the club does not mean you own it. By repeating your experience it does open up two other options though. Again, your Option 1 is a chouce you make. Nobody is putting a gun to your head? The fresh Option, is No.4 - To have an opinion(which in the real world, outside of your overblown self importance, is really No.3?) I would guess you've never have supported a club that has had relegation hanging over them, year in year out, with only an occasional highlight? Never supported a club whose very financial plight is so delicately balance and could tip over at any momemnt? Of course not, your choice, I repeat, YOUR CHOICE, is a successful club that has achieved something no other club ever has done, or ever likely to do, gained access to playing the European elite for years on end, owns it's own magnificent stadium with some of the best facilities money can buy(and will be paid of in the next couple years, and with their financial integrity still in tact?) ... All this is somehow not enough for you? Are you so intellectually and emotionally stunted that believe what the media write? Arsenal Football Club does not have a God-given right to win anything. It has to be earned. Mistakes will happen. But to hark back to a time when the whole relationship between Clubs and the League, players and their clubs, managers and their integrity and reasposibilities (not least because their jobs are not as secure when they can be sacked by email?) were all very different is unbelievably naive. By all means have your opinion, but either enjoy watching or not. The choice is still yours?

  65. BERGKAMP10

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:09 #19181

    Mark, I 30+ year Gooner, I can only say what a great post. Your point 3 is probably the right way forward. Whether it makes any material difference is difficult to say. Even when Wenger does leave we'll be in for a couple of years of change, etc, etc.

  66. Ronster

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:07 #19180

    Not quite half a penny Mark,but I remember paying 20p to stand in the 'school boy' section............!

  67. CanadaGooner

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:01 #19179

    Mark, no easy option or combination of options to adopt as you know, fans that have been around long enough wont stop supporting their team regardless. even if you dont go to the games, everytime the prem is mentioned you'll hurt. I see very little changing at Arsenal; perhaps what we all need to do is stage a series of protests through summer, and definitely boycott all the summer exhibition games and stage several protests against the board, owner(s) and the manager. Not that it would solve anything, but you can at least try. I remain totally opposed to any form of protest that would be detrimental to the team, during an ongoing season. I'm sure some of the spiritless displays we've seen in recent weeks may be attributed to the waning support for the manager and the team (those kids do read the newspapers you know), and the harder they try, the more difficult it gets for them (a good example is Ramsay). They need to boost their confidence and we all need to do our bit; painful as it sounds. if the board/owner decide not to sack wenger, then by the time the new season starts, negative comments and calls to protest will only hurt the team and i'm told by some on here that they would love to see arsenal lose many matches just so wenger is fired and replaced; i'm not sure that logic is shared by many, and in any case, it's counter-productive. i sure dont have the answers and i'm sure some of you think you do, but our club really is at a dead-end right now and i dont see any light at the end of this tunnel. come on skysports; save us!! bring in a new trophy called THE TOP 6 (till we slide further back down to TOP 8, and Gazidis will still tell us how wonderful our self-sustaining model is) The only glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel we're in is if Red Rom gets fed up and ditches chelsea this summer and leaves them in administration, Harry moves to manage England and leaves spurs in tatters, sheikh munsor finds a new toy and leaves Tevez to manage Citeh. Then, and only then, will Gazidis be vindicated

  68. ATID

    Feb 22, 2012, 14:00 #19178

    Whilst I commend the general activities of the AST I began to have my suspicions that its leadership had gone native a few years ago. They had asked for comments from members on a particular subject. When I read the collated comments it was clear mine had been edited. There was nothing offensive in the comments they edited out but they did criticise the Club. I realised then that they were not truly indepedent. The AST benefits from its links to the Club but that also undermines its ability to be representative of those fans who do not have any links to lose. I also suspect that the current civil war between those in favour of the status quo and those against will only become more bitter and acrimonious until such time as we have a new manager and possibly a new owner. All the time Alisher Usmanov, playing the long game, sits and waits for his moment.

  69. Mark from Ashtead

    Feb 22, 2012, 13:54 #19177

    Good post Mark. I was there on Monday as well, and absolutely share your sense of frustration, anger and yes, shock that things are the way that they appear to be. I think we have to consider the protest option, either as the AST or as the wider fan base. However if we go this road we have to avoid accusations of unfair mud slinging and make sure that our arguments are expressed in a calm and rational way. Also my take on the meeting was that AW bears as much of the blame as the Board for the predicament we're in. Whilst I agree that the Board are unlikely to change anything (unless we mobilise successfully on the protest side) I wouldn't rule out the possibility that AW may bring things to a head by falling on his sword should one or two of the next run of games go badly pear shaped. With a few days' asdditional perspective on matters i feel more relaxed now as I feel clearer on what's happening. What we can or can't do about things is still to be determined....

  70. gooner exile

    Feb 22, 2012, 13:39 #19175

    Good article, Mark. I saw my first game at Highbury in August 1961. So I've seen several Arsenal teams worse than this one. In the past though, the board eventually made changes to try and improve things. But the current board don't seem interested in trophies as long as the club makes a profit.

  71. Ramgun

    Feb 22, 2012, 13:30 #19174

    Option One is a non-starter. It is an option for drones. Option Two is the only one that will mean anything. Only by stopping all spending on Arsenal-related products will Kroenke and his cohorts take any notice. Option Three is OK, but will not, on it's own, change anything. As for Scravaldio's petition, I wouldn't sign anything put forward by anyone who still wants The Arrogant Autocrat to remain as manager. It seems that because of their previous devotion to Wenger during the early years that there are lots of Arsenal supporters who cannot bring themselves to say that Wenger should go. Kroenke is a disaster, but he does not decide who makes up our squad, team selection, tactics (what tactics?) or substitutions. If Wenger stays then nothing changes.

  72. Skooner

    Feb 22, 2012, 13:19 #19173

    Jekyll, you've hit the nail on the head there and this is what I have been telling others for ages. Of course there is a debate about how much Wenger is given to spend, but our wage bill is now well in excess of £100m and the way we are spending that money is appalling. That is nothing to do with the board, Wenger decides which players to keep, the buck stops with him. Last Saturday was my last away trip this season, the players attitude was awful, no effort during the match from many of them and hardly any of them ackowledged the fans at the end (only RVP, Theo, TV5 and the Ox came over). I'm considering whether to renew my season ticket next year. What I simply can't understand is the absolute refusal of the board and the manager to publicly admit we've got major problems. I can only assume they are concerned that it may impact the share price. One thing is for sure though, if we get trounced on Sunday, the fans won't hold back on letting everyone know what they think. It's bad enough to get hammered away in places like Manchester and Milan, but defeat against the lot up the road will get a far bigger reaction.

  73. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Feb 22, 2012, 13:12 #19172

    Thanks very much for this, Mark. The description you give of the meeting is very telling. REAL fans, the long term supporters, those of us who can remember when there was a Board who wanted success on the field and showed a little respect to us - are all seemingly of the same mind set. Sorry for sounding so un-Arsenal like, but full-on demonstration is a weapon we can adopt quickly and relatively easily. Don't underestimate the impact such demo's can achieve. Just look at the response by Tesco's in the last few days to small demo's outside their stores. Demonstrations would not be anti-Arsenal, but a show of force with the message that we will not tolerate our great club to become mediocre.

  74. ppp

    Feb 22, 2012, 13:01 #19170

    It sounds to me like you just want something to protest about. You should join TFL! No club is ever guaranteed to win anything. The closest you can get to that is supporting a club like City, Chelsea or United who are happy to spend fifty million a year or more on new players. My own theory is that the main thing leading to all this "up in arms" nonsense is the fact (PAINFUL PAINFUL!!!) that we're worse than Spurs this year. If we weren't worse than Spurs most people would be able to take the pain with more grace. So i don't really blame you.

  75. Tony Evans

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:40 #19169

    Mark - I have been a passionate fan since the late 60's and you are correct when you say that Arsenal are second only to my wife and family when it comes to how much I care. Even so I will not renew my season ticket that I have cherished for many years. It is painful but I can not bring myself to financially support the current regime at Arsenal. To all of you that just can not bring yourself to do this, no matter how much you hate what has happened to our club, you must protest loud and clear each and every match.

  76. Jekyll

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:28 #19167

    The debate seems to be polarised over whether Wenger won't spend or the board are denying him. There is another aspect to it. Wenger has misspent whatever funds he does have on long, highly paid contracts for mediocre players. So he needs to go regardless.

  77. Rob

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:12 #19166

    Very nice post Mark. Your dedication is more than mine as I took option 2 after over 40 years of doing otherwise in 2010. What is frightening about what you say was you final question and answer received. Our 17 year hiatus between 1953 and 1970 could look a blip compared to what might be coming. I am assuming that Gazedis was actually in attendance for this ? How nice of him to make the effort. We should all be grateful for such small mercies. The only hope any of have is that the remaining fans hit the button marked 3 and keeping hitting it louder and louder until something gives.

  78. HighburyJD

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:07 #19165

    don't understand what you want: seems from 1. that you don't want prices going up but from 3. that you want more investment...

  79. West Upper, On A Downer

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:03 #19164

    Option 2 for me next season I fear. Well over £2500 for 2 season tickets just does not represent value for money. Its not entertaining and its not been fun for a large part of the last four seasons. It will be the end of 32 consecutive years of my family owning 2 season tickets. I sense my late father rolling in his grave at the current plight of our beloved Arsenal FC. So very sad, the Board and the Manager should be utterly ashamed of themselves, but they are too far up their own arses to care. End of an era, and it's killing me inside.

  80. Gaz

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:00 #19163

    I feel your pain Mark! I lost faith in Arsene after the Birmingham Cup final defeat and everything that’s happened since has simply compounded that opinion. Looking at your last point though (option three so to speak) I sadly think the time has long since gone that we can hope for ‘any improvement in results, ambition, and communication from the Club’. Either you want Wenger and/or the board to remain and everything remains the same-or you want them out and there’s at least the hope of change.

  81. Ron

    Feb 22, 2012, 12:00 #19162

    Bit of 1 and bit of 2 for me. I'd have partly given it up anyway even had we been topping the table. Partly i can't afford it any more, but mainly ive become disillusioned with football generally sadly. First NL derby in 1967 and maybe the last this week end. Hope it ends the same. 4-0 to the Gunners, though i doubt it guys. There s nothing like the Radfords, Frank Macs, Grahams, Sammels's and Wilsons in that team of heartless pansies on show there at the week end.

  82. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Feb 22, 2012, 11:58 #19161

    By the way Mark, a viable fourth option could be a combination of options 2 and 3: don't renew AND protest. it's the only way that we stand even the remotest of chances of making the powers that be listen.

  83. John

    Feb 22, 2012, 11:51 #19160

    Oh ffs, what a cry baby article, stop feeling sorry for yourself, man up. With supporting any sports team you'll have good times and bad times. We're going through a bad time, live with it. If your fragile ego can't take this, look for another hobby, I recommend train spotting for you.

  84. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Feb 22, 2012, 11:35 #19159

    The only option that they will understand is number 2, but you've already made clear that you will not follow that path. Therefore the truth is that nothing will change (do you think Kroneke would even hear about the protests back in the USA, never mind take notice of what it was about?) precisely because they can rely on loyal fans like you continually renewing your season ticket regardless of what happens on the field. As the saying goes: 'It's all about the money'!!

  85. Scravaldio

    Feb 22, 2012, 11:34 #19158

    Mate I have felt this way all season and I think you hit the nail on the head. Kroneke! This man is the worst possible person we could ever have as an owner. All of his USA clubs are mid table and he invests NOTHING. That's right $0, a Rams fan said that they 'curse the day Kroneke came in' and that's sports he actually watches. We need him out immediately and so a petition has started to get him out of our club. The petition is on petitionbuzz and if you google SAVE Arsenal FC and you'll find it. I think protesting (outside of the match day) is a good idea as these people really think we can do nothing. You can tell by the statements they come out with. The AST is being treated really poorly in my opinion as the communication between the club and fans is a joke. AW has my backing but the board have to go. As you said there putting there own interest's ahead of the clubs.