Random thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Looking ahead to the North London derby

Random thoughts from the Barnet Hills

RVP: Provides some hope

Remember when we would look forward to our bi-annual spanking of Spurs? How times have changed, it actually feels like ages since we beat the Scum. I recall being at the E******s a few years back thinking how much Spurs had improved whilst sipping on my £5 half time cup of tea, only to watch Fabregas stroll through the Spurs defence in the second half to resume normal service. Last year having turned up slightly late I ran in as Nasri rounded the keeper to score the opener. Superb, I thought to myself, a nice easy afternoon, a belief which was strengthened as we went 2-0 up via a (now very rare) Chamakh goal. What followed as the team turned off and allowed Spurs to grow in confidence, was one of those turning points last season that went alongside the 4-4 draw at Newcastle and the loss to the Brums in the fizzy drinks cup final.

I hope you all know by know that I stand in the "Arsene doesn't know anymore" camp. However I really hope for his sake that we turn up on Sunday and show some pride. I am not expecting us to wipe the floor with them as we used to, quite frankly our under investment and inability to keep our best players over the past few years has allowed Spurs to catch up. However where there is a Van and an Ox there is hope, it is just a shame that Wilshere is injured and Henry is in the Big Apple as the presence of the two may have given me more hope. My verdict? A 2-2 draw, only because I refuse to submit an article where I admit that the Scum can beat us at home.

£55million cash sitting in the bank was one of the main points coming out of the annual results from AFC this week. Look back to my previous articles and you will see how I believe that holding excess cash is folly for two reasons

1. Inflation - which has risen in the past few years and despite recent falls due to the VAT effect being stripped out, will rise in the long tem. By keeping cash on deposit it will lose value in an inflationary environment.

2. Player prices have increased - £50 million 12 months ago will buy you a lesser player in the current football market. The "football value" of keeping cash idle, means under investment in the team and ironically the gap to spend to catch up will widen, as it evidently has with AFC.

Whether we qualify or not for the Champions League a cash injection is needed, either via Kroenke or Usmanov. Despite the new stadium (and due to it) the promise of keeping up with the top clubs has not materialised, something that David Dein realised in 2007 and was promptly kicked out for. In addition I would like to see new coaching ideas, via Steve Bould and Dennis Bergkamp whose Ajax side managed to do something we haven't recently been able to do, that is beat Man Utd away.

Sunday will also see the return in some form of Gervinho - his stunning goal in the African Nations semis was followed by winning a penalty in the finals only for Drogba to miss. For those that may not be aware the game went to penalties and the dome headed one's comical attempt at a spot kick contributed to the Zambia win. Still the way Theo is playing at the moment, not only is he not worth a new contract (which knowing AFC he will get), but some time on the bench and allowing the Ox and Gervinho to have a go, may be a welcome change.

Nice to see that season ticket prices have been frozen, however it will be interesting to see how many people will pay up to £1400 next season to watch a side potentially minus RVP. I don't believe that we will spend any more money this summer than we have done in the past and I suspect that sales will have to be made before any new blood arrives.

Did anyone see Henri Lansbury's effort in goal for West Ham in the midweek? He is a talented player with the right temperament, it still shocks me how the likes of J Emmanuel Thomas, Bartley and Lansbury have never been given a chance whilst Bendtner, Djourou and Denilson were given ample opportunity to continually disappoint.

That's enough doom mongering for this week, on the positive side perhaps the Scum will turn up a little bit too confident and we will turn them over. With Liverpool to follow the next two games will have a big say in our final league position.

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  1. EdfromLA

    Feb 28, 2012, 7:55 #19489

    Tiny Tots go DOWN,5-2 and the GUNNERS prevail!!! What's all this talk of replacing coaches? C'Mon Arsenal!!!

  2. Jason

    Feb 27, 2012, 1:03 #19400

    I agree with views expressed by your self in this article.Perhaps you can do a feature on the merchandisng.Noticed in the Tottenham programme,there was an advert for the club shops.One particular polo shirt is coloured in blue collars and sleeves with a white front chest.Looked ****ing awful.Possibly the worst piece of merchandise i have ever seen in a club publication or sold in a club shop,Should put it in the toiletries section as bog roll!

  3. gunnerbriggs

    Feb 26, 2012, 22:10 #19399

    Great show, the only thing that is not a surprise is that it needed a combination of two terrible performances, the possibility of losing fourth spot and a game against the enemy to get wenger and consequently the team motivated If only he could do that on a regular basis. Normaly he is in his 7 million quid a year comfort zone.

  4. Clockender78

    Feb 26, 2012, 21:58 #19398

    Alex Ferguson said that HowardL!! Great comeback, we finally showed some character/spirit/mental strength!!! Crowd were great too today, spesh where i was sitting. More of the same please next week against Liverpool..

  5. Half Full

    Feb 26, 2012, 20:54 #19397

    Wow, where did that performance come from? When they collectively put in the effort like they did today you realise how talented they are. You could see they really wanted the win. A joy to watch , a joy to support. More of the same please next week.

  6. HowardL

    Feb 26, 2012, 20:32 #19396

    I still can't believe it - one minute we were 2 down and out - barely 45 mins later we were 5-2 ahead. Football? Bloody Hell! Now, who said that?

  7. mad max

    Feb 26, 2012, 19:28 #19394

    great ending spuds title hopes,my only gripe is why cant wenger get them to show that passion week in week out.

  8. Pradeep kachhala

    Feb 26, 2012, 19:28 #19393

    It was a superb performance today - we made spurs look ordinary - that is 11 goals scored against Chelsea and spurs this season - rosiky was terrific today and walcott has probably gone far in getting a new contract - lets see who comes back unscathed after the internationals - liverpool next Saturday and we can close the spurs gap to 4 points if they lose to UTD and we beat scousers

  9. CanadaGooner

    Feb 26, 2012, 19:28 #19392

    game at a time. i recall my previous article about spurs never going to be worthy of tying arsenal's shoes. all you harry worshippers: up your you know what! harry this, harry that. we've only been outperforming spurs for the last 20 years! suddenly, they're doing well in 2012 and harry is supposedly so much better than wenger? arsenal still have a lot to do to get better, and this result doesnt mean wenger should stay on; but what is undisputed is that harry will never be a better manager than wenger: not today, not tomorrow, not ever! he will need to win 3 league titles, a few fa cups and play in the cl for 15 consecutive years to get to a level where he can be compared with wenger. enough said! well done arsenal, do keep it up.

  10. Mike

    Feb 26, 2012, 19:01 #19390

    Hell no, what are we to say now, 5-2 after being 2-0 down. Rosicky brilliant, Walcott sublime, Defense solid, RVP on top of his game = guess we have to be quiet for the week

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Feb 26, 2012, 16:31 #19387

    Well well. Our twelve men gave theirs a bit of a spanking today despite the best efforts of Mike Dean.

  12. Joe S.

    Feb 26, 2012, 9:55 #19384

    Shocking is the word Pradeep. For a club touting a youth policy we have given too many promising players a bum deal, or is this just a coaching failure to recognise raw talent and nurture it. Certainly I'm terribly depressed. This morning there was a short clip on an Aus. sports programme of the Arsenal team preparing for today's game . At the centre of everything by Arsene's side frame after frame was the mighty Roscinsky. The horror . I guess this epitomises what's left of mid field creativity in 2012 at Arsenal

  13. Welcome to AFC

    Feb 26, 2012, 6:11 #19380

    Welcome to Arsene's Financial Corporation (AFC). Here we produce best footballing talent who are available for sale at the peek of their careers. All we want is money and don't give a darn about what ignorant, silly, sentimental people(Fans) think.

  14. Reapwotusow

    Feb 25, 2012, 23:43 #19379

    Was our decline signposted by Cashley's departure? Hasn't left back provided a great moving metaphor for our club and our management? We had the best and now we barely have anything. And what of Van Broncks departure and CL medals? Role on the derby, Bale v Walnut......hmmm....

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 25, 2012, 18:31 #19373

    Your right Pradeep an overhaul of the coaching staff is badly needed it will be very interesting to see who they'll be but a complete waste of time if their not going to be listened to.I saw the Africa Nations final myself although the final wasn't great the penalty shoot made up for it as for Thomas Bartley and Lansbury could they have been any worse than the three stooges and one of them has a new contract and still continuing and will continue for the remainder of that contract to disappoint.