Adebayor, What's the score?

Two nil and they f***ed it up!

Adebayor, What's the score?

Arsenal started the game in what has now become known as the typical Arsenal style. In other words, there were enough holes at the back to keep the randy Mr. Tiger Woods entertained for months on end. We were trailing by two clear goals at home from what seemed like Tottenham's only two threatening attacks of the game up until that point. Typical Arsenal defending.

As Adebayor stepped up to convert their second goal from the penalty spot, I felt physically sick. Out of all the Tottenham players who could have scored against us, why did it have to be that lazy, greedy moron? The home fans were going loopy; their beloved Arsenal were two goals down against their most hated rivals at home, and I even heard some isolated individuals singing "you're getting sacked in the morning!" at Arsène Wenger, such were their frustrations with the way things were going. Little did we know that a Sunday miracle was about to happen at the Grove...

Arsène Wenger's decision to not start with either Oxlade-Chamberlain or Gervinho left most Gooners scratching their heads and wondering why he would leave two £11+ million players sitting on the bench. As it turned out, it didn't matter too much, because Rosicky and Benayoun were extremely effective while Theo Walcott had the best 45 minutes of his Arsenal career in the second half, and nearly had a hat trick at the Grove!

I don't want to be too negative after such a thrilling performance, but it has to be pointed out that Rosicky, Sagna and Walcott scored their first home Premier League goals in OVER A YEAR to help the gloriously unplayable van Persie secure a satisfying victory for us Smiling Gooners. Theo Walcott scored against Udinese in the Champions League at home this season, but the last Premier League goal that he scored at the Grove prior to the Tottenham game (that I can remember) was against Chelsea on the 27th of December 2010. Let's hope that we are not left waiting so long for the next one, as the boy obviously has ability and can surely, at the age of 22, only get better. It was so nice to see Rosicky and Sagna on the scoresheet but, as with Walcott, it would be nice if they could contribute a few more goals to supplement the avalanche coming from the man-mountain that is Robin van Persie. All in all, it was the best game that I have ever been to, as I don't think it can get any better than coming back from two goals down against the scum to win 5-2. The celebrations after the game ran well into the night for me, so I'm going to keep this short and not so sweet.

Now the dust and rose-tinted spectacles have cleared from the demolition of Harry's Tottenham, the question must now be asked... would Arsenal have conceded 37 goals in the league this season if we had some of George Grahams boys coaching the defence and goalkeepers? The answer surely has to be a resounding no. Bringing back Seaman, Dixon, Keown or Adams seems like the only solution for us now, as Stevie Bould obviously isn’t able to make himself heard. Bringing back some of the old guard would allow Arsène to do what he does best, concentrating on developing his attacking players and trying actually to get some consistency out of them. As a final point, I would like to say that I doubt that there would be any lack of effort or motivation being displayed by any of our players if they knew that Keown and Adams were waiting for them in the dressing-room at half-time

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    Mar 01, 2012, 21:13 #19690

    5-2, 5-2, 5-2, 5-2. Best spurs side for ages my FOOT-NOW THEY ARE RUNNING FOR COVER.Did you see Adebayor's face after the match- all the laughing when they were two up all varnished NEXT TIME AGAIN spuds fans THINK BEFORE TALKING ABOUT BEATING THE MIGHTY ARSENAL.

  2. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 01, 2012, 15:53 #19672

    RJ- only people with a sex addiction would see anything other than a golf reference when I mentioned the word "holes" and tiger Woods in the same sentence. Get yourself to a meeting Lad, I'll see you there. Let's hope we smash Liverpool on Saturday! Lovely banter.

  3. Dorset Gonner

    Mar 01, 2012, 13:38 #19655

    Why are Spuds commenting on this site??? I wouldn't type the word into google, let alone log-on to one of there sites! One session in the CL and they think there are a big club. 2 goal head start against the worst Arsenal team in years and you still can't win! Remember form is temporary, class is permanent!

  4. RJ

    Mar 01, 2012, 13:01 #19646

    I just don't think it is right that you started this article by mocking people with a sex addiction.

  5. Ong Thiam Hock

    Mar 01, 2012, 10:32 #19627

    Arsenal must continue this momentum of swift flowing and direct football. Their mid fielders and forwards should play with the same sense of urgency and confidence to run at defenders and most important the desire to shoot at the opponents goal. They should not be allowed to play the slow lateral and back passing game ofpossession football. This style will only allow a lot of time for the opposing defenders to maintain their defensive structure and make penetration very difficult if not impossible. Why do weaker teams look good and opposing goalkeepers play well against Arsenal. It's because the Gunners normally make them look good! Best wishes to Arsenal.

  6. Judge Fred

    Mar 01, 2012, 10:21 #19626

    FOREVER IN OUR SHADOW. I hope you enjoyed your two-thirds of a season in the top 3, its about to come to a very abrupt end. There will be tears...(of laughter from me) FOYS

  7. Dan

    Mar 01, 2012, 9:16 #19625

    Beating Spurs and Chelsea and losing to Blackburn Swansea and Fulham tells you all you need to know about our team of bottlers.They turn up when they want to.Just like last season beat Barcelona and lose the final to Birmingham.It all comes from the manager.Buying players who are happy to pick up £60k plus a week and turn in a shift every now and then.Would Fergie put up with it?

  8. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 01, 2012, 9:11 #19624

    Andrew Cohen- you are so right mate! posting here keeps them off the streets where they get up to all kinds of looting and pillaging! "You burn your own town!, You burn your own town!"

  9. Andrew Cohen

    Mar 01, 2012, 8:22 #19623

    Could Mandy be coming over to the dark side of the force? Have people who know about how to defend in charge of the defence? Surely that would interfere with Mr Wengers "plan" to have at least two of our defenders in the opposition's penalty area at all times. Of course we need to coach our defenders properly, but most of all we need to get rid of the idiot who doesn't think that the defence is important. As to the presence of Poultry on the gooner website, it's a free country and at least it keeps them off the streets where they would otherwise be a danger to themselves and to others. It's also a refreshing change from the verbal conflict between those who want to have Mr Wenger's babies and those who want him dismissed with extreme prejudice. I'm afraid that I have got to the point where I can't watch "the Day of the Jackal" or "Inglorious Basterds" without thinking of him.

  10. Aabbs7

    Mar 01, 2012, 1:19 #19622

    we will se what Spuds r made of in the next few weeks, personally, I think they going 2 go through a bad patch, hard games coming up and their due a dip in form. Saying that, You just never know what we'r going to do next, we could easily go on a unbeaten run, stay in the Champs league and finish 3rd, or we could lose every game through the whole of March... personally I do think Spurs will dip, but I can see us dropping stupid points, losing games we should draw, drawing games we should win, then winning games we should lose.....unbelievable.

  11. Mandy dodd

    Feb 29, 2012, 23:37 #19620

    In agreement in getting some of the old guard back, will be very interesting to see if Steve bould is promoted. Also in complete agreement with the post about Lansbury, would love to see him back competing next year. Still coming to terms with the weekends game, I have always believed this spurs lot are a reasonable team completely overhyped by the media for some reason. Does anyone actually know that reason? But ultimately this hype will do the spuds no favours. They simply cannot live up to the hype.When things go wrong, what the media give, they ultimately take away, unless you are David Beckham post 1998. I would imagine after that humiliation, arry must be thinking twice about the England job. After all , in tournaments, England will face teams who play like we did last weekend, and it must be questioned whether he can deal with it. As an England manager, I would guess he would stick mainly with the old guard. If he does, it will not be pretty when he comes up against a proper footballing team.

  12. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 29, 2012, 23:06 #19619

    goonercolesyboy- good shout on Lansbury, if The Hammers won't play him then we should loan him to a club where he will be gauranteed first team football. One more season and I think he will be ready for our squad.

  13. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 29, 2012, 22:24 #19618

    I wrote a while ago asking what Henri Lansbury was doing at West Ham, on loan and not even playing apart from in goal? He scored two quality goals tonight against Belgium with the Ox scoring as well...I sincerely hope he is back next season as Wilshere, Lansbury, The Ox in midfield could be rather useful.... and Lansbury is our lowest earner in the squad at 5 grand a get rid of Denilson, Djourou, Bendtner, Squillaci and Vela and save their wages of over 2 hundred and fifty grand a week, yes you read that right 250,000 a week and put it to RVP's wages , a wage increase for Lansbury and go get Goetze and Podolski and then we shall be challenging for the league and trophies in general. Any thoughts out there in goonerland? PS Arshavin was next best earner after RVP....

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 29, 2012, 21:52 #19617

    @Any old Iron you forgot Sir trevor mc donald

  15. Carlos

    Feb 29, 2012, 20:56 #19616

    Spurs fans come on here when their team take a hiding but didn't really show up when they won earlier in the season - funny lot. Ironic that all their finest team in a generation can aspire to is 3rd place, and that the worst team we've seen under Arsene Wenger's leadership is only half a dozen or so points behind them.

  16. Mark

    Feb 29, 2012, 20:39 #19615

    you can win great matches in spite of your manager sometimes. especially when at 0-2 down and you hear the passion of your own fans who know they are more than equal to spurs fans any day of the week. that transmitted onto the pitch on sunday and the winners we do have in our side, RVP,LaSagna, TV stood up and fought and we go to 2-2. our dressing room was then pumped up after 2 excellent goals and spurs were a bit in shellshock. we then rode the wave of emotion that was with some of the players and most of the fans and the rest is history. Fact is however do we have enough winners in our set up (players and staff) to do that on a celebrating, swaying, singing Anfield ?? the answer is I dont know I still worry. Wenger doesnt do rock-solid, doesnt do defence, doesnt do motivation, its up to the players to work it out for themselves

  17. Walthamstow Joe

    Feb 29, 2012, 19:53 #19614

    Did i see Diaby with his Spuds shirt on crying when we scored the 5th?

  18. Ronster

    Feb 29, 2012, 18:31 #19613

    Guys...the Spuds spot these articles via Newsnow.

  19. Ed enough

    Feb 29, 2012, 17:57 #19612

    Why are so many spuds on a ARSENAL blog.....are you all that should be use to being humiliated by Arsenal by now surely...All we have heard all season is, this is the best Spuds team for the last 50 years and the worst Arsenal team for....well 7 years...and we still beat you out of sight you morons.....sod of back up tottering high rd you sad Harry for England.

  20. CanadaGooner

    Feb 29, 2012, 17:46 #19611

    and I've had enough of reading posts from Spurs fans on this site! can we have a whip round and raise some money for them to go and setup their own online forum so they can leave ours alone??????????!!!!! go away SPUDS, we dont want to hear anything you have to say. BYE

  21. Andrew

    Feb 29, 2012, 17:07 #19610

    The bigger picture is 61 Never again.. Or the worst Arsenal for a long time against the best Tottenham in 50 years. We are still just behind you, in 4th.

  22. Ichi_1

    Feb 29, 2012, 16:31 #19609

    John do you have mental problems? And you're going to win what this season? The fact you lot are all over this suggests you are collectively ****ting your pants as you prepare for your teams annual choking. We'll beat Liverpool and you'll lose to UTD. We then have two home games and you have away to Everton and away to Chelsea. Not ridiculous to imagine the gap could be down to nothing within a few weeks.

  23. CanadaGooner

    Feb 29, 2012, 16:00 #19608

    Good article, but I'm moving on now. Beating Spurs was great and the celebrations sweet but it's not the defining moment of our season (that would probably be the FA Cup loss to Sunderland and several league points dropped against wolves, swansea, blackburn.... and the list goes on).

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 29, 2012, 15:24 #19607

    Joe sunday was a great day but your right this defence is still suspect and it needs to be put right i can't believe we're still saying this after all this time its clear that it will never be put right if left to arsene alone again its clear pat has no imput that was proved (if we didn't already know)when arsene was banned he wasn't even allowed any say you could count on one hand the number of times this season he's been up of his seat why isn't he at least shouting instructions now and again probably because he knows he'll be told to sit down it would be very interesting to see if arsene did leave or was sacked and the position given temporarily to rice would the defence suddenly start performing like it should after all he has experience in this field himself as for his replacement bould has been mentioned as have TA MK i really can't see arsene employing somebody that knows more about something than himself especially the art of defending and would tell him where he's going wrong then that would rule out TA MK and if the rumors are true that bould is a yes man that probably gives him a shoo in. But regardless of the rumors i would love to see bould promoted no doubt he'd put the defence right and as you said he'd put them right in the dressing room at half time.But one question remains would he be allowed to do it, or would he be just another pat rice.

  25. Ek is nie Kaput nie

    Feb 29, 2012, 15:17 #19606

    Agree TV and Kos don't work - too much of the same as in Arteta and Ramsey together - think that the BFG and TV looked better - get in Padolski, and Goetza undt ve vill hav a glorious team with a good spine - no one will dare march onto ze Polish keeper zen -just don't mention ze war -and pleez don't mention ze EPL to any Spurs people, zey get a liitle angry

  26. David the Price is right

    Feb 29, 2012, 14:45 #19605

    How do I prefer my spuds? For mash get smash-ed!

  27. NickThe Yank

    Feb 29, 2012, 14:01 #19603

    I'm all for bringing back Dixon, Adams, or Keown to help sure up the D. It was a good win for us and a very much needed morale boost. The only way to keep it going is to beat Liverpool. On Adebayor's lazyness, he just disappeared in the second half. Just like he used to at Arsenal. He shows up for a few minutes, poaches an occasional goal and once he's got one thinks he doesn't have to play anymore. Glad he's not our problem anymore.

  28. Any old Iron

    Feb 29, 2012, 13:42 #19602

    Adebayor-the facts: All players have their value. He/his advisors obviously felt he had his. The stats bear this out. He did shamefully during the latter stages at Arsenal attempt to hold us to ransom though by his unprofessional conduct. He talks too fast to. A good player? Without doubt! Now...''Ralph Coates, Alfie Conn, Michael Macintyre, Bruce Forsyth, Chas 'n' Dave, Alan Sugar, push 'n' run, 1901, Tottenham Hale, Gareth Bale, your boy's took one hell of a beating.'' They like gooner sites coz we're better!

  29. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 29, 2012, 13:37 #19601

    Fozzy's mate- yes the "lazy" comment was referring to his latter displays for us when he just stopped trying. I hated him so much for that.

  30. fozzy's mate

    Feb 29, 2012, 13:12 #19600

    Joe my old sparring partner. Much as I dislike the man I don't think Adebaypr is lazy. Ehen he played for us initially his major attribute was his workrate, often chasing lost causes and long balls down the channels. I remember one particular game V Pompey when he came on at two nil down and turned the game with his effort and endeavour. Granted after his 30 goal season he did become lazy and lose much of his effectiveness but that was also down to his ridiculous spats with us regarding him being better than Henry, deserving to be paid accordingly otherwise AC Milan would buy him for 60 million. For Spurs he works hard in the games I have seen anyway. He may have found himself in the Anelka position (when he joined Chelsea) of realising he wasn't Maradona and had to knuckle down and that his club wasn't simply about him. I agree with rest of your points, the proof will be in the remaining games re what Sunday means. People forget Chelsea away not leading to any sustained results. In some ways these high scoring games are freaks. I was at the 5-4 game at the lane and came away thinking of poor defending from them and us (mainly Cygan). I dunno why Spurs fans seem to want to read this site? But good luck to em if theyve got nothing better to do.

  31. ken goodale

    Feb 29, 2012, 12:58 #19599

    why do arsenal want to get in the champions league there rubbish anyway nor do they win anything, the only thing they get is red faces to match their shirts

  32. PerryG

    Feb 29, 2012, 12:19 #19597

    Spud fans must be gluttons for punishment, get annihilated on sunday then come onto an Arsenal website to read our opinions on the game, what a bunch of idiots

  33. Robert Exley

    Feb 29, 2012, 12:05 #19596

    John - Should have had a man sent off? Even though video replays prove he never touched Tom, sorry Gareth Bale. Face it, your best side in 50 years and you still got spanked! No wonder you need the taxpayer to fund a new stadium! Q. What do you call a team at WHL capable of winning the title? A. Arsenal circa 1971 and 2004!

  34. stujam

    Feb 29, 2012, 11:43 #19595

    It was good to see Adebayor score after the foul-mouthed abuse he had to take from the usual moronic squad. I believe if you look at the facts you will find the he is the only players in the Premier to have double figures in both goals and assists, hardly a confirmation of your comments.

  35. Sean Cork Ireland

    Feb 29, 2012, 11:42 #19594

    Good article Joe. 1961 and still no title for the sad spurs ha ha ha

  36. Nick

    Feb 29, 2012, 11:17 #19593

    Why do spurs fans come on this site ? their own ones must not be very interesting, i wouldnt know ,i fear my eyes would burn out and my pc explode if i ventured onto the site of the nefarious ones, and in reply to some of the tripe being spouted on here by the satans spawn, Bale the orc dived for the pen and should have been booked for simulation , he seems to be a serial diver, maybe he plans on joining the British olympic diving team, just an aside but why are the press not villifying him for his cheating in the way they did to Eduardo? who it should be remembered had just come back from a sickening injury,of course hes one of Arry the teflon mans boys isnt he and we all know how much the media love arry boy , i wonder why ? hes won one fa cup and steered the creeps to a cl place ONCE and probably played a large part in the demise of Portsmouth football club with his wheeling and dealing, great credentials wouldnt you say for the job of England manager, so little spuds to sum up ,BUGGER OFF TO YOUR OWN SITES YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE !!!!!!

  37. Peter Wain

    Feb 29, 2012, 11:00 #19592

    Adebayor as is his wont disappears in big games. If the scum can afford him they will come to realise this next season.

  38. AJ

    Feb 29, 2012, 10:37 #19591

    Our season is far from over just as yours. We need to concentrate on what lies in front of us and overhauling the difference between us the spurs! an out of sorts spurs??? give over Arsenal have been terrible the past couple of weeks and we needed to bounce back and we did just to make Harry realise why he will take the England job. Yes tottenham have had a great season but it only looks so great as Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool have failed to turn up yet. 12 games to go we will see if Tottenham manage to hold out or crumble and we will see if Arsenal and Chelsea can make a push for the last part of the season

  39. Denzo

    Feb 29, 2012, 10:24 #19590

    Who the hell are you John , are you pope or a saint you know nuthing about football.Harry and spud are overrated the wiil finish sixth.

  40. Defending is an art

    Feb 29, 2012, 10:11 #19589

    Wenger will not bring back Adams Keown or Bould to coach the defence because he is too stubborn and it would be admitting he is wrong.Which he will never do.Bould is already at the club and is stuck coaching the kids Wengerball FFS.Why hasnt he been promoted to defensive coach?.Gone are the days of putting it in row Z defending.So many of the goals we have conceded this season have been down to defensive errors.And am i the only one who thinks TV and Kos dont work as a partnership?

  41. Jack The Gooner

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:52 #19588

    HAHAHA! Good these sp*ds are worse than city fans! A few motnhs above us and they think they are a big club! Well one swallow a summer doth not make ladies! You bottled it on Sunday, you turned up thinking it would be easy and your boys fell apart.....Still 12 games to play and I think a few bums are going to be twtiching at WHL, a couple of losses are we will be right behind you. Your still a small club over achieveing, your one england application away from losing your manager and then bale, modric et al...If your still above us next season when you actually have champs league football to contend with (when you cant play your reserves) then we might give you a bit of credit! Everton had a freak season in 2006 remember? Any club can try and pull up a chair at the big boys table, the only thing that really matterss is staying there. You spu*ds do make us laugh...and never ever forget.....WE WON THE LEAGUE AT WHL!!!

  42. Steveo

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:52 #19587

    To all the Spurs fans. Our worst team, for at least 15 years, gave your best team since 61, one hell of a good kicking at our place. Enough said!!!

  43. Kevin

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:43 #19586

    What sunday did show yet again was our defence is **** even with TV playing CB.Another two goals conceded even though Spurs were poor.Thats now 37 we have let in the league which is nothing short of a disgrace for a top 4 team.But we all know Wenger doesnt do defence.

  44. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:40 #19585

    Adebayor was and still is Lazy! He stopped trying for us because he wanted a mega-bucks move away to Italy as he couldnt believe that Arsenal were not prepared to pay him "Thierry Henry" money! He then soon stopped trying at Man Citeh when he had to fight for a place with Tevez and co! Real Madrid didn't want to keep him because his attitude stunk out the bernabeau and Harry has even gone out and got Saha as he is aware that Adebayor could give up at any minute now!

  45. Leggsy

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:28 #19584

    Fair Point and one we all subscribe too,and yes we need to tighten up the back four big stylee. All Season we have heard how this is Spurs best team for ages,well this is our worst team for roughly the same period but we played them right off the park ,out of sorts where they poor luvvies ,should have stayed away from the la sagna ! ! ! ! !

  46. Professoregit

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:21 #19583

    Spurs have got a difficult series of fixtures coming up, starting with Man U and without Parker. Then it's Everton and Chelsea away. We'll revisit your 7 point lead at the end of March and then we'll see how good you really are!!

  47. smiles

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:04 #19580

    bringing back tony adams will be perfect for us, we all saw what he did with portsmouth defence when he was with them, i thinks he (adams) should be allowed to come in and work on our defence cos he knows that areal like the back of his hands and please wenger should listern to peoples advice and stop begin and island.....gooner4life.

  48. moe

    Feb 29, 2012, 8:57 #19578

    You are not being very intelligent if you call Adebayor lazy. I've watched spurs on tv many times this season and Adebayor is one of the hardest workers. In any case, both your teams won at home and lost away. They are still 7 points ahead of you and can afford two more losses than you still. I wouldnt start singing just yet.

  49. del coys

    Feb 29, 2012, 8:48 #19577

    Give it a rest, well done you beat an out of sorts spurs side,we even managed to get two goals playing so badly, the bigger picture is that you lot have mountain to climb, and that is just to try and get that 4th spot, you have had your cup final, now leave the rest to the leaders.

  50. John.

    Feb 29, 2012, 8:41 #19576

    Your seasons over la la la la la, your seasons over. Arsenal fans suck up! Spurs beat you this season, you beat Spurs. But face it Spurs were well out of sorts on Sunday and you should of had a man sent off after the pen was given. Come on Liverpool at the weekend. And remember the song goes your seasons over la la la. Love it!

  51. Tony Evans

    Feb 29, 2012, 8:22 #19575

    Too right Joe - it's always been the defence that's been our undoing since 2006 and I can not understand why Wenger seems to think that this side of the game is unimportant. He may not like 'shutting up shop' or 'parking the bus' but boy if you've got players that are capable and are coached properly what a difference it can make. This is the main reason why we are so inconsistant. Yes we play some good football but we need to be able to snuff teams out as well.