Renaissance Of The Little Mozart

In praise of ‘Super Tom’

Renaissance Of The Little Mozart

Rosicky: Starting regularly again

With the departures of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri (not to mention Jack's injury) I'd been telling anyone who would listen that Tomas Rosicky and Andrey Arshavin would both step up to the plate and deliver this season. While our Russian meerkat has opted to return to familiar pastures, our number seven from the Czech Republic is having an increasingly impressive influence on proceedings. Despite having played in the 8-2 debacle at Old Trafford, early season performances were encouraging as even if his ideas weren't quite coming off, Rosicky always put a shift in, often being our best midfielder when it came to putting in a tackle or three.

The settled midfield trio of Arteta, Song and Ramsey plus the odd niggling injury meant that we did not see a huge amount of "Super Tom" or "TR7" as he's often abbreviated to on Twitter but around Christmas that all started to change. Injuries, combined with fatigue and a lack of form on the part of Aaron Ramsey saw Tomas restored to the starting line up. And with the exception of the awful recent drubbing in Milan, I believe we have been a better team for having him on the pitch.

Whilst he is often guilty of looking to play one more pass rather than have a shot at goal himself, this is hardly a solitary accusation that is levelled at the Arsenal ranks. His running with the ball has improved week on week and even if he has flattered to deceive on some occasions, he always looks like a player capable of making something happen. The North London derby was the culmination and the pay off for the hard work Rosicky has put in over the last couple of months. As good as he was in harrying the Spurs players when they had the ball and making many tackles, it was the forward play in his game that really shone through. His runs were full of purpose and penetration. His passing was incisive, the ball floated over Robin Van Persie's head which then led RVP to put Theo in for the fourth goal was exquisite. Best of all the third goal - of which he was the scorer – saw him picking up the ball, driving at the heart of the Spurs defence and then busting a gut to be on the end of the return ball from Bacary Sagna for his first goal in a year. It was thoroughly deserved and the reaction told you everything about what it meant to him.

Arsene Wenger remarked after the game what a wonderful player our number seven is and how "everyone loves to play with Rosicky". It's not difficult to see why. For Arsenal to have their best chance of holding onto fourth spot in the league more displays of the level produced against "The Enemy" (trademark Bacary Sagna) will be most welcome. There is also the matter of unresolved contract issues; Surely Super Tom has done enough to earn another deal, even if it is the typically stingy one year offered to the elder Arsenal statesmen (he is only 30). Tomas Rosicky is slowly but surely reminding everyone why Borussia Dortmund paid £18 million for him all those years ago back when £18 million meant a lot more in football terms than it does today. He is having a personal renaissance, and long may it continue to aid that of the team.

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  1. Mike

    Mar 06, 2012, 7:55 #19871

    Whinger out now - I don't care who the manager is, but essentially correct - Chelsea are now becoming a absolute laughing stock, making a mockery out of the EPL after spending those billions. you have got to wonder - does anybody know what is happening long term there

  2. Joe S.

    Mar 06, 2012, 7:12 #19870

    Having watched Rosicky's regularly playing for Dortmund on cable TV, I can clearly remember what a wonderful high impact player he was possessing speed, ball artistry and enthusiasm.Him joining what was still a very talented Arsenal squad was a dream buy proof that even with theEmirates burden we still had the ambition to compete with Chelsea etc.The enthusiasm remains however the horrid injury was a turning point. You can't help bad luck. I don't think he will ever be that type of high impact player again. Whether or not he has turned a corner regained confidence and modified his game to suit the physical meltdown. Will this maturity raise him above the deadwood? It remains to be seen.I'm sure the next 11 games will provde an answer.

  3. Average joes

    Mar 06, 2012, 6:23 #19869

    Canada other clubs I don't care about what have they got to do with Arsenal? Wenger is the cause of everything that has gone wrong with the club and should be the first to go, the board is a problem we all know that buts it got to the point where I'd rather back the board to make a good decision on a manager than Wenger ever making one again.

  4. CanadaGooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 22:14 #19868

    Average Joes, I dont disagree with you regarding the need for change. But unlike some, I am prepared to accept that the timing of such change, in the current environment (with guys like Gazidis at the helm) will simply be a waste of time. How can it get worse? easily: we could become Spurs (watching others take part in the champions league season in season out) or we could start changing managers every year like Chelsea or spend millions on crappy players like Liverpool and still win nothing! Then, what would be the point of getting rid of Wenger? It will only be worthwhile if the club is truly ready for change and can bring in a good manager, clear out half the donkeys we currently call players, bring in a few experienced players and truly get back to being a football club and challenging for titles. But if you think the current board/owner's ready for that, then you're in la-la land. So, careful what you wish for matey!

  5. Average joes

    Mar 05, 2012, 21:54 #19867

    Canada how can things get worse than losing by 8 and not winning anything for 8 years as an Arsenal supporter? Knowing with Wenger that will not change. There's is always a chance that things may get better with someone else it's time to give it a go.

  6. Dale

    Mar 05, 2012, 20:48 #19866

    Guys rosicky is quality get your facts right! people saying he was bad in milan yes he sorta was but on the arsenal website he was voted man of the match and thats by the fans! He was brilliant against tottenham and against liverpool he was ok and set up sagan for cross for 1st goal! rosicky has tremendous techniqual ability and is worth keeping!

  7. CanadaGooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 20:37 #19865

    Whiner_OUT_NOW: nobody disagrees with the fact that Arsenal needs to do better; and some wont even disagree with the conclusion that Wenger has to leave at the end of the season. However, the crap about players salary and which players he should keep and all that crap is what really is petty. You see players once a week, compared to the staff who see them in training etc; and you think you can make those decisions? Arsenal have never been in the league of clubs who can just pick and choose players; we make do, and sometimes it works (e.g. Ox, Vermalean etc), other times it doesnt (e.g. Djourou, Chamakh). Chelsea had to wait almost 50 years to win the league, so the fact that they spent billions and won more recently than Arsenal isnt enough of an argument. You dont have a crystal ball, and you need to put your comments in context. PERPECTIVE my son!!! Come on you gooners!!!!

  8. Frank

    Mar 05, 2012, 20:02 #19864

    The guy should be playing for nothing.For 2 years he was on the treatment table earning top dollar.Now with his contract up for renewal he plays one good game and the soft fans say give him a new contract.And fans complain about ticket price rises when Rosicky is pocketing £3m a year.And Flamini who ran his heart out for the club was let go

  9. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Mar 05, 2012, 19:28 #19863

    The fact that Rosicky's played a couple of games recently to the standard and level that we actually bought him to perform to, should not mean that we cream our drawers whenever he finally delivers. It's a bit like writing to Ferrari to congratulate them that the new car you bought from them runs quite well when it's not in the garage for 95% of the time. He's made an awful lot of cash from us for doing not much in particular and is at an age where his best days are undoubtedly behind him. To reward him with a lucrative contract now would be folly - but then hey ho, le Prof is full of surprises in that respect.

  10. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 05, 2012, 19:00 #19861

    CanadaGooner, the examples you cite (Chavski and Barca) have both won trophies in the very recent past including titles. Whinger lats won a title 8 years ago and a trophy 7 years ago. At his salary and his team's salary, he needs a trophy much more than Barca do. 8 years is enough time for patience. He rewards Djourou with a new contract so his attitude is not going to change, so he must be booed out of the club. Would you give Djourou a contract extension? Would ANYBODY be daft enough to do that? Then again, he went out and bought Santos for more money than Enrique. Really covered himself in glory there, didn't he? This man has not changed in so many years, what makes you think he will change this summer? He makes the club have the worst start and the worst defeat in literally forever, gets helped out with Cheatski and Pool self imploding and all of a sudden that 4th place finish is looking bigger than the title, is it? And yes, fans with low expectation are the base for sub par performances

  11. Ice cream man

    Mar 05, 2012, 18:35 #19860

    As long as we have the likes of Rosicky and Diaby at the club we will continue on the road to Trophylessland.As other have said too many are looking at the Spurs game and thinking thats how Rosicky always plays.He doesnt.In fact i have tried to name 5 good games he has had in his time at Arsenal i cant.To me he is another Hleb a player who flatters to decieve.1 goal in 2 years tells its own story.Sell him Diaby Chamakh Park and Squillaci in the summer.Clearout the deadwood now

  12. Nick

    Mar 05, 2012, 18:26 #19859

    What all you Rosicky detractors do not seem to get, is that it is only in the last couple of games or so that he has been played in his favoured position of central midfield and not out wide cutting in, he is always a busy player and i believe if he gets a run in the team in the middle we will finally see the "real" little motzart

  13. Dandy Mod

    Mar 05, 2012, 17:53 #19858

    One of the many 'dead wood' in the side but he'll be offered another year because he comes cheaper than actually investing in the team. The message to Frimpong, et al doesn't bare thinking about. What a state we are in!

  14. Average joes

    Mar 05, 2012, 17:08 #19857

    One more good game than Denilson this season! Let's praise him indeed.

  15. Ron

    Mar 05, 2012, 17:01 #19856

    The team needs 2 top midfielders, a creative one and a destructive one, both who can chip in with goals here and there, the creative one especially. Rosicky isnt either. Hes done OK since he got on v Villa a few months back but hes not going to drive the team to the top. Hes no longer good enough. He never was. Good squad man though. Song would gets a similar summary from me, despite his gift for finding RVP this Season a time or two. A good sqaud man though.

  16. Objective

    Mar 05, 2012, 16:51 #19855

    Sorry but Ramsey isn't part of a settled midfield. Overrated, underperforming player, for whom fans too readily pull out the excuse "tired", even when he had been dropped fora couple of games. Doesn't score enough goals, doesn't create a lot (Song is miles better),and doesn't pass or keep the ball that well. Rosicky has overtaken him in the pecking order and played ahead of Ramsey when fit. Drive, energy, passion, looks always to make something happen. Well done, Super Tom.

  17. CanadaGooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 16:49 #19854

    @Winger_OUT_NOW: matey, your posts have been brilliant in the past few months, why the relapse into your old mindless crap? No arsenal fan AKBs or AMGs want to see Arsenal finish 4th, but some reasonable folks like Mike, infuse a bit of perspective. If you think running around boo-ing the team or singing "You dont know what you doing" is helping anyone, then you really as a class-fool! Barcelona are currently 10 points or so behind Real Madrid; are those not the same players that just couldnt stop winning a few moons back? (or is that not the same manager?). Chelsea have now spent millions and tried 5 managers and are looking likely to finish without a single trophy yet again, have never won the CL (same as us) and have wasted millions more in compensation to those 5 managers (add on the 15million they pasid to ger AVB off Porto); similar situation for Liverpool when they could and should have kept Benitez. where has the changes in manager and millions spent got them? (the lofty heights of the carling cup? and months playing teams we've never heard of (in the europa!). We all want Arsenal to do better, but we have to remain sensible. If you think this is bad, it can get much worse matey; so, get real!

  18. QuartzGooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 16:46 #19853

    He has worked harder on the pitch this year than at any time since his return from his lengthy injury. He also looks to have added a bit of muscle. I think when he plays forward in midfield, nearer Van Persie and the wide men, he is able to play better, than when he is used deeper in midfield if deputising for Song or Wilshere. His game is about passing, short runs and creativity, which can be of greater use further forward. The more defensive tackling qualities needed deeper in midfield are not really what he is about. When his contract runs out, I would be happy to see him get a one year deal with an option on a further year. I do not see him as a regular starter, but his experience can help control the pace of a game. Quite probably Diaby and Benayoun will leave, as will Arshavin, so one experienced midfielder is no bad thing in a young squad. If he does leave, then we will always wonder "What if?" his career would have been, had he not suffered such a serious and lengthy injury.

  19. CanadaGooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 16:31 #19851

    Not too dissimilar to the current situation with Diaby, who could still come good, but the lynch mob wants him out. If the lynch-mob had it's way all the time RVP would have been chucked out ageas back, when he was injured season after season. There's much more to football than just piling players on. Barcelona are currently 10 points or so behind Real Madrid in the Spanish Liga Anyway, a few months ago I did an article comparing Arsenal's defense to the other top 5 or 6 clubs; and at that time, minus the crazy-8 goals we shipped at OT, we were same or better. But if you look at goals conceded right now, we almost as bad as the teams in the lower half of the table and actually worse than some of them. So, RVP's 25 goals has definitely made the difference and Wenger really does need to get someone in to help organise our defense. We have conceded so many own-goals this season: a trademark of a defense that lacks confidence. Injuries has caused chaos and we havent had the same defensive pairing in several games (especially earlier on in the season), but the ones we have should be taken back to basics of defending and really must do better Come on you gooners!!!!!

  20. PC

    Mar 05, 2012, 16:07 #19849

    For the people saying he was bad against milan (in a game where we needed aggressive wingplay), he was played out of position. Against Liverpool, he was the player that released the ball to sagna (the 1st assist maker) and then to song (the 2nd). The reason why he sometimes makes mistakes is that he tries to go above and beyond his role. It is not neccessarily a bad thing, but it gets exposed, when song and arteta are having stinkers (liverpool comes to mind, and no one amazing assist does not make up for all the terrible positioning in the 1st half)

  21. Ha ha

    Mar 05, 2012, 15:48 #19848

    Well done praise a player who's played one good game more than Denilson this season!

  22. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Mar 05, 2012, 15:46 #19847

    Someone else has commented on here saying "How easily please are you?" and that hits the nail on the head. Come on mate - one half decent game doesn't make up for a hugely disappointing 6 years since he signed for us. Rosicky sums up all that has been bad about Arsenal over the last few years - he is technically brilliant but that is far outweighed by him being lightweight, under-performing, over-paid and inconsistent. Have a look back at the 8-2 defeat and watch how Rosicky walks away without looking ------- not after a goal but as Man Utd are taking and scoring from a free-kick. Sunday morning players would do better than that. Think back to recent players that have worn our No.7 shirt - Brady / Robson / Rocastle / Pires . . . . Rosicky is not in the same league as those men!

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 15:44 #19846

    Jamie TR7 had a great game against the spuds but lets not forget the games he didn't turn up he certainly has to be more consistent and hopefully we will see more of the same displays as against the spuds starting tomorrow night and that not only applies to TR7 three or four other players are going to have to be a lot more consistent but yes lets keep this run going and there's no reason why we cant get 3rd.

  24. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 05, 2012, 15:35 #19844

    Mike, so you want to be fourth for the next 10 years "hopefully with a trophy or two". Are you Whinger in disguise? It is because of fans with low expectations like you that the club gets away with charging the highest ticket prices while throwing away money on the likes of Diaby and Rosicky. For a club with the highest ticket prices, fourth highest wages and one of the highest paid managers and management team in the world, they should be winning a minimum of a trophy every season with the title or CL every 2 or 3 seasons at a minimum. But no. Fools like you will be happy to part with your hard earned money to see the likes of Song and Djourou get richer than you or your next 7 generations ever will, all the while chanting "One Arsene Wenger".

  25. CT Gooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 14:13 #19843

    I agree he's one of our better midfielders playing this year, but that just says he's the best crap player we have. Sorry we need jack fit and a world class holding midfielder. I understand us wanting a second world class striker, but I'd settle for an up and comer and rvp with a new contract.

  26. Tony Evans

    Mar 05, 2012, 14:06 #19842

    Agree with Joe that Rosicky is a decent(ish) back up option but we need better than this if we are going to return to the very top or at least start to realistically challenge at the top again.

  27. Dan h

    Mar 05, 2012, 12:42 #19837

    Rosicky is out of contract at the season's end if nothing else will motivate a player that will.If we decide to keep him or not he is in the shop window for other suitors.For me he has flattered to decieve again injuries have affected his time at Arsenal.@Joe is right his goals/assists ratio should be higher.

  28. Indian Gooner

    Mar 05, 2012, 12:04 #19833

    A really good player. Have liked him since i saw him in the 2006 world cup at germany. But he's had too many injuries and he has never been quite the same after he had that one year lay off due to injury.

  29. Kenny

    Mar 05, 2012, 11:58 #19832

    Cant believe this article.One good game in 4 years(Spuds)and all of a sudden he is a great player.He was awful in Milan and invisible at Anfield.If you are a good player you need to dominate games.Rosicky doesnt do that.Its like saying Theo is good because of the Spuds game as well.I find it sad fans are writing Ramsey off when he has been run into the ground by Wenger.If it was up to me Rosicky and Diaby would be shown the door in the summer

  30. Trevor

    Mar 05, 2012, 11:44 #19830

    He had a great game v Spurs he was **** v Milan Sunderland and Liverpool.How easily pleased are you?

  31. Mike

    Mar 05, 2012, 10:47 #19829

    To all those who think finishing fourth is not important - the season must be really boring now, I guess you are not even interested in looking who won now - to all of you wishing that we do not finish in the top four -keep on willing the team to fail - to all of us who still want us to finish in the top 4 and reel in Spurs to third - get behind the team. As most of you say despite having a squad of average players and a disaterous start to the season we are still one of the big four - Chelsea's days are numbered. The team is full of OAP's - the owner will not re-enforce the team to the extent he has done in the past - I have a feeling he is getting a bit bored of it now. Liverpool are essentially out of it despite spending a fortune. Meanwhile we will still be around in the top 4 in 10 years time ( with hopefully a trophy or two)

  32. don froth

    Mar 05, 2012, 10:15 #19827

    lets not get carried away by his performance against tottenham, he had a magnificent afternoon but the boy has just missed too much football over the last 4/5 seasons, your only ever going to see glimpses of the rosicky of old, good squad player to have but thats it.

  33. Rob Guppy

    Mar 05, 2012, 10:05 #19826

    This really is poor journalism or blogging or whatever you want to call it. Firstly you pull out the 'I told you so' card. Potentially the most annoying journalistic tool around. Secondly, you and most of your blogging chums seem to have let one (admittedly very good) performance. 'TR7' has been one of our worst players this season, culminating in a performance in Milan where he gave the ball away for 3 of their goals. His reactions to Wayne Rooneys and Seba Larssons free kicks also genuinely made me embarrassed to be an arsenal fan. Please for once stop being so smug and one-eyed.

  34. Judge Fred

    Mar 05, 2012, 9:46 #19823

    His running with the ball has certainly improved. I also recall that he had a decent shot on him, we need to see more of that. Currently he is ahead of Ramsey and deserves his place in the starting XI.

  35. TM

    Mar 05, 2012, 9:10 #19821

    I agree fully with the article as a whole but in particular with Ian's comment ..... Rosickys introduction away ro Udinese was what shaped the team and ultimately got us over the line. If he did nothing else all season (obviously not the case)TR7 was the one who got us into the champions league proper this year and in doing so secured the millions gained in revenue.

  36. Ian Byrne

    Mar 05, 2012, 8:57 #19820

    Well said Jamie, I thought that his return to form started with his performance against Udinese (away) where Tomas was fnatastic, also his performance against Sunderland (away in the league NOT the FA Cup) was first rate.

  37. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 05, 2012, 8:38 #19819

    He was a great player, no doubt. But he lacks the kind of return in terms of chances created and converted by a world class attacking midfielder. His Goals and assists per match ratio is far too low for a club of our size and I think that he should be a back up option at best if we have any ambitions of lifting any silverware in 2013.

  38. Goonertom

    Mar 05, 2012, 8:35 #19818

    Spot on jamie, when jack is back our midfield 3 could be a tough choice for le boss, if TR7 stays in this form also with song/Arteta/Ramsey, only 4 points of 3rd, we are coming to get you 5pur2!