
Online Ed: Seven in a row with victory over Villa


Arteta: Deserved goal

The fear before the game was that complacency might undo Arsenal’s excellent run of results in the league. This was a game that the team should win, but in the past, this time of year has seen such a fixture become a stumbling block, often turning out as a draw. However, yesterday saw the appropriate amount of desire and the job was done. Kieran Gibbs' incursions into the Villa half were profitable, even if at times, it meant risks were taken at the back. The visitors though, were so poor, that even with occasional encouragement, they failed to trouble Szczesny. The fact they fielded Emile Heskey up front told its own tale. Alex McLeish’s Birmingham side went on a woeful run after winning the Carling Cup last season, and the way Villa are playing, you can’t rule out the slight possibility they might get sucked into the relegation battle. Although they have some decent players, spirit does not seem to be in abundance.

What a contrast with Arsenal. The desire and commitment – perhaps a consequence of some genuine competition for places? – that was absent in too many matches over this campaign, was symbolized by Gervinho’s willingness to track back and cover Gibbs, warmly applauded by a crowd who want to see the players care as much as they do. I thought Arteta was outstanding. He was never bought as a replacement for Fabregas, but to provide strength in depth in defensive midfield. In reality, he was the replacement for the failed Denilson. His role is a link man to keep the ball moving and provide an option for team-mates, whilst defensively, he helps the shape of the team look a little more solid. Alex Song invariably looks a better player when Arteta is alongside him.

That is not to say that there is not work to do on the team’s defensive organization. Carelessness is still a little too frequent, but when Villa rather than Manchester United are the opposition, then it is less of an issue. Manchester City will provide a sterner test in the next home game.

Once again, results elsewhere – or rather, the result elsewhere, with Chelsea entertaining Spurs – went the Gunners’ way, with both the other credible competitors for top four places dropping two points. Chelsea’s season has proved as interesting as Arsenal’s. And here’s a question for Gunners’ fans to ponder. Would you prefer to be in their position – five points off the top four, but with chances in the FA Cup and the Champions League, or Arsenal’s? We’ll get that up as an online poll later today so we can gauge opinion. It would be equally interesting to hear Arsene Wenger’s view on that one. Perhaps I’ll get John Cross to ask him that one at next Friday’s press conference. Not that the manager would give you a straight answer! (12.30pm update - the poll is now online. Return to the home page and scroll down to the bottom to cast your vote)

Interesting to hear a chant of ‘One Arsene Wenger’ emanate from the redsection yesterday. It’s been a while. And what about the weather? Give me summer football any day. A perfect day indeed.

Queens Park Rangers next up. Another match in which victory is expected. If Arsenal can win such games, the visits of Manchester City and Chelsea might not be such tense affairs for the home crowd.

The current issue of the Gooner can also be bought at the matches v Man City and Wigan, plus the away games coming up. You can also buy it online from the Gooner Shop once it’s been put there (not my job!). There is also an e-version of the issue available to read on your ipad/tablet/iphone/android. The app is free and you can download the first few pages of each issue as a taster before deciding whether or not to purchase the whole thing

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  1. Dan Newbini

    Jul 05, 2012, 5:39 #23821

    peter hill wood, ivan gadzis r ruining the club, we are a brand not title challengers, van persie is leaving because their is no appetite in the board room to compete for major honours this season, i am a huge fan of wenger as a life long gooner, but i am sure that he is not doing enougth to convince the board or the fans that we cant just aim for top 4 position every year. whos next wallcot ? wilshere? dot get me wrong van persie has been a great player for us over the years and was superb last season not only as a talisman goal poacher but as a leader of men, somthing we have lacked since henry and adams. i dont blame him for leaving as i think the hierachy wanted the money, but when do we cease to be a selling club? so arsenal please its been 7 years of pain and we are highest paying fans for matches in the country, stop taking us for granted and if robin does go, we need to make a statment and revamp the squad, my only concern is that the board dont care enuff.

  2. Gare Kekeke

    Jul 05, 2012, 1:18 #23818

    As per usual Simon you are very optimistic. I wouldn’t trust The Arsenal to change the nappies of my two-month old niece let alone doing what is required transfer wise this summer. We are still short of a quality DM, a dominant CB, a good back up keeper for Sir Chesney, a proper alternative LB and this before we mention the contractual situations to be resolved in our favour with regards to Song & Walcott. But to be honest I wouldn’t be sad to see the back of either of them. And all this without mentioning RVP. Personally I don’t blame our captain for not wanting to commit himself to the club long-term. He can see what fans like me having been saying on this site for ages and for me personally it’s about time and good that a current player, even the best one is not afraid to voice his concerns rather than take the blinkered view that all is well with our club. Wenger and the board have a lot to answer for with regards to the RVP situation. This is what happens when you tell the world that you are a club with great ambition when really it’s limited. The lack of trophies is not the issue but that Wenger is only interested in competing for two of them and annually we come up short to win any of them because we always have deficiences and he can’t be arsed to try his hand at the domestic cups. If winning cups is good enough for Mourinho & Ferguson then surely it should be good enough for Wenger too. I wouldn’t hold any bitterness towards RVP if he went to Man City. It serves The Arsenal right. Another captain soon to leave? Just where is our great club going? Up The Arsenal!

  3. Dave

    Jul 04, 2012, 23:21 #23811

    How anyone thought the club didnt know RVP was going is having a larf.He told them at their meeting he was off.Thats why we bought two strikers.Simon your rose-tinted views gets worse.Why cant you see what the rest of us can? When our captain and best player comes out and says the club lacks ambition you should listen and not take the club line.

  4. Dan h

    Jul 04, 2012, 22:32 #23809

    maguiresbridge gooner it's all so predictable isn't it if this is IG's 'exciting transfer news' god help us all.The contract situation of RVP was a situation the club were well aware of from last summer.The lack of a chief executive with a real football background does not help.IG is a number cruncher & would do well as a political spin doctor.On his appointment his boasts of having done hundreds of contracts in the MLS didn't fill me with much confidence must have been a real challenge negotiating Alexi Lalas new deal back in the day!The wording of RVP's statement seems to back up what a lot of us have been saying about our ambitions.I don't expect loyalty from players those days are long gone he may have only been totally fit this last season but i would put a lot of money on the fact he & his agents played on the point that without his goals CL qualification would not have happened.The fact he was injured for long periods of his Arsenal career he honestly won't feel he owes us anything sadly modern football is about the here & now loyalty in football can be described in one word 'supporters'.

  5. PK

    Jul 04, 2012, 22:29 #23808

    Joe Fitzpatrick.....why are you blaming RVP ? it is up to the management of Arsenal to tie in the RVP contract not the player! Blame the board and the French lap dog.Its now confirmed we are a FEEDER club

  6. PK

    Jul 04, 2012, 22:14 #23807

    Wenger out yanks out

  7. Wayne

    Jul 04, 2012, 21:49 #23805

    RVP's wife said she and the family loved it in London.Well dont be surprised if he does stay in London.Roman can give him £250k a week and the family wouldnt have to move house the kids can stay at the same school and he can take his mate Feo with him.You heard it here first.I heard Walcott is a done deal thats why there have been no talks at all about giving him a new contract but RVP as well makes sense.

  8. GREG71

    Jul 04, 2012, 21:49 #23804

    SO THE SIGNS ARE GOOD ARE THEY ? forget about rvp no surprise really,Podolski a replacement for any of rvp.arshavin or Gervinho who came from the french champs and did what to justify his transfer fee,which brings us to our french striker who was second/third choice in a national team who had trouble scoring and again played for the ligue 1 champs in 12/13 not exactly a strong league save for the emerging psg due to their new owners. It is only july but i have never known such a lack of expectation/anticipation for the new season,can anybody raise my lack of conviction .

  9. RJ

    Jul 04, 2012, 21:44 #23803

    At least we know to plan without him, and maybe now we will get a good bid for him before the end of the transfer window. Frankly, Mr Wenger - get him off the books. Yet more deadwood :-) Shame he is not staying, but thanks for the memories Robin, enjoyed last season but we probably deserved more from you after tending you through the lean years. You will not now be the legend that Henry, Wright and Bergkamp were. So Long, and thanks for all the goals.

  10. Red Mist

    Jul 04, 2012, 21:31 #23802

    Podolski is crap full stop. Crap at Bayern crap in euros not good enough for a decent side in Germany not good enough. Giroud we will see what I have seen oh no! They will not get half of the goals between them that RVP got Billy Bender will end up as our first choice striker! Oh dear oh dear where do we go from here?

  11. Taken for a ride again

    Jul 04, 2012, 21:29 #23801

    Here is the conversation from RVP's meeting with Whinger and Gazidis.RVP: Are you going to buy a LB?A DM who can defend? and a top class creative midfield. Wenger:Of course not we finished 3rd didnt we?. RVP:Well i'm off then Gazidis:Thats ok but keep quiet till all the season tickets have been renewed

  12. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 04, 2012, 21:24 #23800

    I'm so gutted. I'm absolutely fuming. We should be careful that this Van Persie announcement doesn't trigger an exodus led by Vermaelen, Walcott and Song. Why did he do that? He just knocked a third off from his value and is publicly forcing the move. I Thought he would have at least made sure that we got decent money for him. Poor form Robin. Very poor form.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 20:56 #23799

    Dan h good humorous post ref the deadwood but i doubt many of us have a sense of humor tonight who is being held responsible for letting the contracts of our top players run down to one year ? no doubt the usual suspects are sunning themselves on a beach somewhere well away from the flack.

  14. Don

    Jul 04, 2012, 20:41 #23797

    Arsenal offered £130k a week because they knew he wasnt staying.Same old bull***t from Wenger and Gazidis.Maybe know the AKB's will finally realise what RVP said is true.

  15. Dan h

    Jul 04, 2012, 20:29 #23796

    Oh well the truth comes out in the end the timeline for this goes back to last summer the meeting between RVP & AW.Like others have said no real suprise once you get into the last year of a contract & in demand by others the player holds all the cards.Those of us that have bored you all about lack of ambition i am sure i can speak for others on this forum it's just the reality of where we are going.We will see what happens the rest of this summer.On a lighter note if we want to get rid of the much quoted deadwood i suggest making Chamakh,Denilson,Squillaci,Djourou club captains in the pre season games the way we go through skippers should be rid of them in no time!Still once the D.D.Trouserer is told the profits to be made on an RVP sale 'Moneyball'Wenger & IG will no doubt get a call of congratulations job well done.

  16. Andrew Cohen

    Jul 04, 2012, 20:27 #23795

    I wish RvP well in bringing success to his career. It has been put to me that even if Wenger had offered to make the necessary acquisitions, RvP would not have believed him. This is the closest we have come to an ex player stating that Wenger is fundamentally wrong. In my view it shows that RvP actually cares about what happens to the club. Let's hope that next season is the last that we have to endure of a manager who thinks that the Spain team deserve to be criticised because they control and win their games.

  17. Bobby

    Jul 04, 2012, 20:24 #23794

    We all new he would go but you hope against hope that this time would be different. No chance the club F*** it up again. The way things are going with losing our captains any chance we can have someone Sh** as skip next year?

  18. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:51 #23793

    OH Mandy where are you? Come out of hiding and defend Wenger Gazidis £ Kroenke just once more please, as I want to be entertained and need cheering up!!

  19. tpm

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:39 #23792

    akbs, where are you? idiots, mark at ashstead, yeah who were u hearing this off, your m8s? haha pathetic. next season will be fun!

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:37 #23791

    Now we know why arsene ivan and RVP agreed to keep quiet and not discuss the out come of the meeting between them weeks ago.

  21. Treble Double

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:25 #23789

    Incredibly disappointed to hear the news we all feared. RVP would clearly have stayed if he felt the club were moving forward and were going to challenge for trophies. Same old bollocks I'm afraid and yet another captain who will leave. I would like him to stay for the final season but we will obviously sell him because that is what we are all about now. Hang your head Arsenal, no ambition but then you probably don't give a **** what we think because you have our season ticket money! Ever feel you've been cheated?

  22. Any Old Iron

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:23 #23788

    Wegner has signed two left footers. As Wegner does everything at a premium, it was obvious Rvp would go. More spin, cryptic spiel. Clandestine intentions. On it goes. The question: AVB OR AKB?

  23. The Dartford Gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:17 #23787

    Well now we know why Robin was told to keep his mouth shut till the season ticket money was in. After a meeting with Arsene and Ivan we differ on the direction the club is going, it tells you everything. No ambition no direction, well Mandy and friends defend our manager now. Our top player now says there are big problems within our great club and he should know.

  24. Theo Jensen

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:12 #23786

    Surprise, surprise!! he could at least have not announced it so we got a better fee. The fourth captain in a row to leave the club- our only hope now is that the 'Big Six' are still in a slump period...

  25. Graham

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:02 #23785

    The Arsenal board and manager should hold their heads in shame.The way our once great club is being run is a joke.We were told we left Highbury to compete with Barca Madrid Man Utd and Chelsea has now turned out to be competing with the Spuds for 4th place.Every summer are best players leave.Unless the fans lining Kroenke and Wengers pockets grown some balls and demand an Usmanov takeover the pain will continue.Well done RVP for saying what the majority of fans have been saying.Arsenal selling club no ambition

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 19:00 #23784

    Simon we both agreed we wanted to know the situation with RVP ASP i don't think any of us thought we would have found out quite so soon.

  27. jj

    Jul 04, 2012, 18:56 #23783

    Well there was no point in getting excited about finishing third now. All that does is give the board and manager an excuse to go on with the status quo. When the club captain says he doesn't agree with the direction those running it are taking us, it's damming.I suggest there's no way the two players coming in can replace what The Perse did for us last season and mid table mediocrity beckons.It's time for the fans to rise up against how our great club is being torn apart.

  28. fozzy's mate

    Jul 04, 2012, 18:50 #23782

    Oh dear simon - every season you stick resolutely to your optimistic position despite all the evidence to the contrary. Anyone with a less than totally pro blinkered view could see that Podolski was the replacement for RVP. Podolski and Giroud are decent but 2nd rate signings. The denver dough trouserer and mr self sustainables pathetic level of non ambition revealed for all to see. How many more world class players must we watch walk away? An accounting firm stands where a football club once did. RVP said it all I am afraid. Many have been saying it for 5 years.

  29. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 04, 2012, 18:37 #23781

    Well since I wrote my comments, I see that RVP will not be signing a new contract, which is not exactly shock horror news to most of us, and again that's why I need a pair of your "Rose Tinted" glasses!!

  30. jjetplane

    Jul 04, 2012, 18:27 #23780

    Now RVp has wisely decided to go - are we as good as Newcastle?

  31. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 18:27 #23779

    When I first went to Arsenal as a 10 year old, my first hero was David Herd - and the club sold him! The club have been selling my heroes ever since. So please excuse me if I don't get too upset about RVP going. In our house it was fully expected that he was off this year!

  32. Radfordkennedy

    Jul 04, 2012, 18:03 #23778

    Just heard the news and as we all expected RVP will not extend his contract,fair play that he wants to go to an ambitious club and win real trophies that you can actually tie ribbons on,but i dont really want to see him going through the motions trying not to get injured next season,he is no longer one of us so out him now.Thanks for the memories robin goodbye and good luck and think of us in three years time when youve signed for the third club since you left us and youve only played 30 games in three years and even the chinese dont want you.

  33. GoonerGoal!

    Jul 04, 2012, 17:57 #23777

    And it came to pass that the great goalscorer known as RVP announced today that after a meeting with Gazidis and Wenger about the club’s future strategy and their policy. "I have decided not to extend my contract... unfortunately in this meeting it has again become clear to me that we in many aspects disagree on the way Arsenal FC should move forward". And it doesn't end there! Barcelona boss Tito Vilanova sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta to step up attempts to sign a central defender after missing out on top target Thiago Silva, who has signed a new deal at AC Milan. Barcelona's new target? Thomas Vermaelen! Aren't you just so glad you renewed your season ticket?

  34. LJB

    Jul 04, 2012, 17:53 #23776

    Mark "i'm hearing encouraging rumours about RVP" Well he has announced hes off because Wenger and gazidis are a joke.I'd change ur sources.This is Wengers last season;he should have taken the french job because we don't want him here.

  35. Goonertom

    Jul 04, 2012, 17:53 #23775

    Bye Bye Van P, Thanks for the 1 whole season you gave us! only 1 true Arsenal dutch legend, We love you Dennis. Arsenal4life

  36. Angry & Frustrated

    Jul 04, 2012, 17:49 #23774

    Well I guess you don't have the nickname "Rose Tinted" for nothing Simon, as clearly your glass is always half full. Your counter argument to me would be that mine's always half empty, and that would probably be a fair observation also. You see I agree with Tony Evans's comments, and having now experienced the last 6 or 7 close seasons with Wenger at the helm, history tells me that he will not address his achilles heel, namely his defence. Don't get me wrong Arsenal's acquisitions of two forwards is a start, but worryingly as always his transfer dealings are with offence in mind. Even when he does acquire a defender, the most important aspect for Wenger is can he join in with the attack, rather than first and foremost can he do his job ie defend eg Santos (using the word defender for Santos I may find I have contravened the trade desciptions act!). Your method of chilling out because as you rightly say you have no control or influence at Arsenal anyway so why get stressed out is not for everyone, myself included. It's because I like many are desperate for the same mistakes not to be repeated ad infinitum, as we are sick to death with groundhog day, and just want our club to actually have a real realistic go at winning something. I am fed up with Arsenal being everybody else's second favourite team, which we can afford to be for them as we pose no real threat at the business end of each season. I am not getting any younger, having now been a Gooner for 42 years, and the one thing I still long to see before I kick the bucket is Arsenal winning the Champ League. With Wenger at the helm fat chance, especially if he continues with his only attack don't defend policy, as the moment we face a half decent European team it's as always arrivederci time. I guess summing up I want a more aggresive approach at the club not just in the transfer market, but with all the wasters currently on our books bleeding the resources dry. Coupled to this a manager who has more than one tactic, which is currently the same as you will find in most primary school playgrounds at lunchtime! So you see Simon in some ways I envy you your relaxed manner, being content with current proceedings as I don't doubt you ultimately want what I want which is for Arsenal to be succesful and winning all the big prizes. So could you post me a set of your glasses please!

  37. AugustusCaesar

    Jul 04, 2012, 17:45 #23773

    I'd like to see us bring in at least one more experienced player regardless of whether we keep RvP. I think defensive midfielders and centre backs have been touted but the area that gives me the greatest cause for concern is left-back. Unfortunately because Gibbs is still young and a work-in-progress and Santos is a fairly recent addition to the squad so I cannot see Wenger buying a new left-back. Personally I don't think either player are at the required level. What I do like about the two signings so far is that they are big blokes. Something we've lacked in recent seasons. Giroud is 6'3" but Podolski is no dwarf either and looks a presence. I think Podolski has been slightly misrepresented as a flair player and I expect him to give us the kind of professionalism, discipline and savvy that Ballack brought to Chelsea for a few seasons, rather than mazy runs and flamboyance (albeit from a different position). Which I think is exactly what we need.

  38. Frank

    Jul 04, 2012, 17:39 #23772

    Wrong about RVP weren't you Simon?

  39. Patrick

    Jul 04, 2012, 16:50 #23771

    The defence conceded 49 goals last season.Yet we have bought two strikers!!!!Let me remind you at the moment our two full backs for the start of the season will be Jenkinson and Fat Boy.Scary.But as we all know defence is an after thought for Wenger.We need a back up RB Jenkinson is not good enough and a top class LB.And a DM who can protect the back 4 unlike Song.Teams who cant defend dont win anything.And RVP will go, never in a million years will Kroenke turn down £20m for a player who can go for free next summer see Nasri 2011

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 16:36 #23770

    Yes simon a very good start i hope he hasn't finished he certainly needs to continue another two or three wouldn't go amiss starting with a keeper judging by arsene's faith in keepers i would say it will be a back up.Theres still a lot of debris floating about to much in fact i wish i had the same trust as yourself in arsenal and arsene in who should be sold as we all know he's not exactly ruthless due to fat contracts and extensions there might still be deadwood floating about come the start of the season.Your spot on regards RVP we don't want another long drawn out affair with all kinds of speculation for weeks and weeks on end i think we'd all like to know if he's staying of going.

  41. CT Gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 16:12 #23769

    I'm not overly impressed so far. I like Podolski, but what does that say about Gervenio? Didn't we spend ~12 mil last summer on him, and now we're replacing him for another 12 mil? As for Giroud, is he coming to compete for a spot, or replace our tallisman? And beyond Alumnia, who was out of contract, who have we moved on? So for me, our early business has not strengthened our known weaknesses or cleared room for new players; we still need worthy experienced competition for Schez, a holding midfielder to force Song to concentrate on his development, and a replacement for Cesc. And I fail to see how we'll bring in the necessary reinforcements with a bloated payroll and too many foreign players. Come on Arsene, get on with the long over due refresh....

  42. Superted

    Jul 04, 2012, 16:00 #23767

    RVP owes the Gooners. Almost 10 injury hit seasons and he has one full and brilliant season. What about all the other seasons when we stood by him? When are you going to repay our loyalty? Sign or sod off!!


    Jul 04, 2012, 15:20 #23764

    the news is great to hear ,and yes we are moving forward ,the season before last we finished 4th and we had the likrs of Fabragas and Nasri [ weasel] and a couple of others, we need to stop showing as much support to to the dead wood and get them all out, the players that need to go once and for all are as follows, Mannone,Fabianski,Dejourou,Vela,Chamahke,Diaby,squillachi,Bendter,Rosicky,the man in brazil not that good i forgot his name .and there is maybe another two or three ,Denilson ... it's come to me what a player he turned out to be??

  44. Canterbury Gooner

    Jul 04, 2012, 14:20 #23763

    RvP should stay really. Even a class act like Aguero needed a full season to settle in to Man City. It can take a good season or two to adapt to new systems of play, style, players etc., but if you think we're likely to see any more signings then don't hold your breath- Wenger said we'll only make 'one or two' signings. We know that we need four-five additions for a competitive squad but it won't happen. We're a defensive midfielder and left back short of a trophy-winning team, let alone squad! Wenger won't get a much needed centre back or left back because he feels Djourou is a worthy back up, that Mertesacker is not a slow lumbering tank and is worth £10 million, and that Santos who has zero interest or understanding in defending was a great acquisition. If the big teams in the EPL weren't so weak atm I'd have written this season off already...

  45. Tony Evans

    Jul 04, 2012, 14:09 #23762

    When and only when Wenger's transfer dealings include a decent defensive midfielder (two would be good but let's at least try to be realistic), an experienced keeper for Sirchesney to learn from, a proper left back that knows how to defend and a 4th centre half to replace Djourou / Squillaci will I be happy with Arsenal's summer transfer business. I think I will be in for a long wait as all Wenger cares about is attack and never mind if we let a few in at the back.

  46. Mark at Ashtead

    Jul 04, 2012, 13:50 #23761

    Well said! I'm hearing encouraging rumours about RvP but who the hell knows the truth in any of this stuff as we're about to enter the height of "silly season".... Bottom line is to own the process, and do whatever needs to be done, quickly. Good luck Arsene...

  47. Okporo gift chima

    Jul 04, 2012, 13:32 #23760

    Its great to hear that the squad is improving and our new signings too,im glad also that from my view point rvp might stay with the squad or if he doesn't i wish him goodluck wherever and which ever club he wish to play for to achieve trophies or if its the money,then let him be like samir nasri,but my most worry is what the media will say concerning the club,im a gunner for life.

  48. jamesh

    Mar 26, 2012, 17:03 #20595

    I cant believe the sense of negativity on here from some. Obviously you have been blinded by reading the English media and unable to form your own opinions for too long. Its about time everyone got behind Wenger - he's made mistakes but who hasn't and we are a real joy to watch again.

  49. GoonerRon

    Mar 26, 2012, 16:26 #20593

    For those saying 3rd isn't good enough, what do we REALLY expect? I'm not saying we shouldn't be trying to win the league but when we consider the net transfer spending and wage bills of those above us (and some below us too) it is very difficult for us to demand the league title. What is clear from this season is that having such an unsettled pre-season and consequent bad start has meant we were too far out of contention to challenge the top 2 which is what needs to addressed next season. In fact, from game 7 onwards this season we have won as many points as Man City. As for the trophy debate (and I've heard comparisons with Liverpool), ask RVP or Podolski whether they'd prefer 3rd place, no trophy and Champions League next season or 7th place, the Carling Cup and Europa League next season.

  50. Ealing Gooner

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:27 #20575

    This was the sort of home game that we were dropping points in this time last year (Sunderland, Blackburn) so to win so comfortably is a good sign, but QPR at a packed Subbuteo ground (sorry, Loftus Road) might no be so easy. Good though to see us take advantage of others dropping points, again we didn't do that last season, maybe that mythical "mental strength" is finally being shown? I liked the earlier comment about the plastic gooners missing Arteta's goal, in these 7 wins, Arsenal have scored in injury time in 5 of them, and yet still people would rather leave early to avoid the crowds. As for the Chelsea question, they have no chance of winning the CL, and Roman doesn't give two hoots for the FAC. How about this for a question, if we finish 3rd and Spurs finish 4th and win the FAC, who has had the better season? I'm hoping for a Sunderland-Bolton final!!!

  51. chris dee

    Mar 26, 2012, 9:26 #20557

    Something has happened at the club that has instilled hard running,intense closing down,incredible work rate and team spirit. All the things that were so obviously missing during this seasons bad times and the reason that so many fans became angry with the manager and players.And despite what the profesionals may say the Arsenal fans are not stupid,we do know our football, and we could see that the togetherness and spirt was not there on the pitch. It does not matter how much talent the players have, without heart you do not win games. It's an old saying but the old 'one bad apple spoils the whole barrel' is wholly appropriate when it come to Arsene's decision to let Arshavin go back to Russia.He should have done it 2 years ago because it's been that long we have had to watch this lazy,non commited player picking up huge wages byjust going through the motions.

  52. Dave

    Mar 26, 2012, 9:03 #20556

    Fantastic atmosphere at Ashburton Grove recently. The noise and togetherness really make a difference. Long may it continue. Top club, top fans. Up the Arsenal!

  53. divingrooney

    Mar 26, 2012, 8:25 #20555

    Throughout the season, I was told how great spuds are. And how Rednapp is the messiah. Now, they are comparing us to Manchester teams, both of whom failed to get out of group stage CL, and got trashed in Europa. I am pretty sure, if we win the league, these people will bring out Barcelona, or treble or some **** to keep us down. Arsenal are going by self sustaining business model to create something that lasts for a 100 years. Abrahmovich could have invested 800mn pounds (that he lost till now) are bought a stadium like Wembeley. Instead he is stuck with a sub standard team that draws salary of 200mn a year, and still struggles to qualify for CL. They have won lesser than us in that period. Puts things into perspective.

  54. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 26, 2012, 7:19 #20554

    We've all got our gripes about the current motives of those running the club, and our own opinions regarding the squad and who should be retained, let go, or signed to bolster the current list. Some valid, some not. The issues concerned can be debated on here until we've all contracted RSI, but one thing's for sure - it pales next to what long term Villa fans must be thinking about the state of their own club. Let's not forget that they are on the list of European Cup winners, but due to a miserable tight - arse of a chairman, frittered away the chance during the 80's and 90's to be sitting at the big boys' table, even enduring relegation. It must be galling for them to have seen Doug Ellis move on, but now instead have to watch the slow motion car crash of having Alex McLeish as Villa manager. There's a bloke who can't grasp the concept of playing to the strengths of talented players such as Agbonlahor, Ireland and Albrighton (yes I know the last two are more than a bit nobbish, but they are decent players nonetheless). It appears McLeish's number one managerial skill is to enforce a policy of rotational fouling. The Holte End regulars must be doing their piece, just as our lot were at home to Liverpool, and the league matches against United. Thankfully we're now looking up the table instead of over our shoulders, so let's at least enjoy a sound home win and look to keep the run going.

  55. Dave

    Mar 26, 2012, 6:54 #20553

    We will finish 3rd Wengers job is safe and nothing will change next season.Fans who talk about 7 league wins on the trot forget we lost two cup games during that run when we didnt turn up when we conceded 6 goals without reply.the performance in Milan was worse than the 8-2.My worry is that Project Wenger is back on.We are still 4-5 players short of being title contenders

  56. ed enough

    Mar 26, 2012, 6:52 #20552

    It seems no matter how well the team plays, some fans will just never be happy.....You don't have to support Arsenal you's a free country.....Why not try and support the best Spurs team in 50 years, or the billionaire playboys of chavski..they have much better teams than....oh wait...their below us....Sorry your in for long weekends away in manchester if you want to carry on glory hunting....

  57. CanadaGooner

    Mar 26, 2012, 1:18 #20551

    looks like Gazidis gets his way yet again:CL football. in 2012, hopefully the fans will get something: a trophy. when CL football came under risk, the club responded and we played better, and looks like we'll secure one of the 4 CL spots. hats off to the manager and the players as i will sooner take 3rd than 7th, but we must have a team B next season so we can still **** with 2 or 3 injuries. the club needs to show more ambition and desire to win trophies. we've seen from chelsea and moreso, liverpool, that going out there and spending millions on half-baked players isnt the answer. but adding podolski and 2 other decent players his summer, and bringing them in early so they can be part of pre-season, should get us the FA or Carling Cup next season and we can build from there on Come on you gunners!!!!

  58. Greg71

    Mar 25, 2012, 22:48 #20550

    The sun has come out,the clocks have gone forward more to the point have Arsenal ? Le boss has got another year (at least),will he kick on and purchase the required proven talent we need (along with the teenagers ) or will he bask in the glory of the third place trophy ( touchwood ) and fiddle again while our trophy hopes go up in flames for another year ! For all our delighted supporters,apologies for raining on your glorious parade,but i am getting old and impatient and can,t bear anymore missed opportunities and wasted seasons.

  59. DW Thomas

    Mar 25, 2012, 22:46 #20549

    Let's be honest. Good win against a not so good side. Problem is, even if we go undefeated with all wins the rest of the season, best we can hope for is 3rd. So don't tell me to get all giddy about one decent run. I always support the players. Yet there are still many things to criticize as well. I don't think we should have to choose between league position and trophies either. We should demand top 2 each year or thereabout and at least one deep cup run. If we want to be that top world side. And for pity's sake, show some intent early this summer. If you get those top 2 or 3 players, keep RVP, and clear the deadwood...we can all get excited. And no matter what happens next year, we can say we tried to build the right kind of team to win something and compete for everything!

  60. Unbeaten 03/04

    Mar 25, 2012, 20:58 #20548

    I think there has been a good positive and negative on this site but to the defence of the so call negatives, I think they are the most realistic (which offend see you on the negative side) person since they don't forget the past or in a more direct way they learn from their mistake. Yes we are playing well but we shouldn't have been in this position in the first place. So if certain people like a short relationship then by all mean enjoy the short good run (which is not to say that I am not) but I would like us to maintain a scrappy win if that what it is just like ManU (like someone stated here. So really we should be a lot closer to the top! All I can say is that if we don't get players of the same standard as Hazard then it will be a very good reason to carry on the negativity as some stated!

  61. Fozzy

    Mar 25, 2012, 20:31 #20547

    Felt compelled to add to the miserable comments and include my own thoughts. I had a brilliant day yesterday choosing to sit (and constantly stand) for the first time right by the north east corner flag, just to give Percy my advice about staying at The Arse next season whenever he came over to take a corner. I also got a great sun tan (in March, whatever next?) My reading of the game was that everybody in red played as though they really wanted it. Djourou performed with confidence and played as well as he did last season. McLeish’s lot, in contrast, looked like Birmingham in disguise, and it would do us all a favour to see Villa being sucked into the bottom three as they were abject, epitomised by that useless oaf, Heskey, took ages to amble off the pitch when he was eventually pulled off, which just about sums them up. Delighted to see Keiran get his first league goal and "Eboue-with-a-syrup" tracking back when Kieran forged forward. Plus the way that Pele Song played an astonishing through ball for Walnutt for the second goal which Walnutt took well, it was all a thing of beauty. Then finally, in injury time, an immaculate free kick by Wiggy Arteta, a real belter and something he'd been close to achieving all season. Made me laugh at all the plastic Gooners who buggered off early, and missed out on seeing it for real. Next stop, QPR. This will be their World Cup Final so we need to maintain our focus, please.

  62. The Frase

    Mar 25, 2012, 20:31 #20546

    7 wins on the trot, solid and creative performances, 3rd in the league. With a strong financial standing and the high probability of CL football next year, the footballing world are waking up and realising how good this team are. We will bring in some class next year guaranteed. So to everyone who thinks 3rd is not good enough and its doom all the way then take your head out of the sand. The sun is shining over the Emirates.

  63. Treble Double

    Mar 25, 2012, 20:02 #20545

    Im just glad the atmosphere in the ground is better than the atmosphere on this site. We all know we are paying top dollar for our season tickets and the whole point of the move to Ashburton Grove was to compete for the major prizes, but why not just enjoy the run we are on! We had a disastrous start to the season and a dodgy January but to be in 3rd place now and playing as a team to a packed stadium where the atmosphere is very good is a great turn around. I think this form will get us a top 3 finish and convince RVP to stay, I just wish it would stop some of the endless bleating on this forum.

  64. lee afc

    Mar 25, 2012, 18:37 #20544

    Currently on form we are the best team in the leaugue at the present moment. The issues are that while this is the case, the AMG's resent this fact and have to come up with the excuses of not won anything for 7 years, out of all cup competitions and 3rd is not a trophy. The AKB's are thriving on the tidle wave of 3 points per game for the last 7 games and we are on the crest of the wave. Unfortunately this means Wengers job is as safe as houses and the board are sitting tight counting the money with very little backlash, and black bin liners aren't being sold very quickly. Is 3rd good enough or has Wenger done a great job considering our jaded start. Pretty sure only time will tell but lets get one thing straight....Life aint dull being a Gooner.

  65. pearty

    Mar 25, 2012, 18:16 #20543

    Dont get me wrong I'm as chuffed as the next gooner on how are season has turned around.But for me 3rd is still not good enough.Other teams would love to be in our position and we would love to be in other teams positions(both Manchester clubs comes to mind).so until we get back to where we used to be like winning trophies I for one will not be entirely happy. COME ON YOU REDS.

  66. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 25, 2012, 16:33 #20541

    Yes the great run continues i expected nothing else after gibbs first goal as villa were very poor i nearly choked on my pint when the news came through that djourou was replacing kos as villa were so poor he didn't really have a chance to make a balls up according to reports kos will be ok for the next game and your right kev city will be the test of how far we've come especially defensively and if we can keep this run going against QPR i would certainly fancy us to beat them.The chavs and the spuds sent us a small present earlier in the day it wasn't all that long ago we weren't accepting such presents but i'm glad to say times have changed and we said thanks very much and it's good to send that excuse for a manager mc leish away with a beating as for your question it's a hard one if we were still in the FA cup with the run were on and the form we're in i'd say we'd win it but would our form be good enough to win the CL with the teams still in it i would probably go for the FA cup and the CL.There's still a lot of football to be played yet and still a lot of work to be done but lets keep this run going till the end of the season.

  67. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 25, 2012, 16:20 #20540

    Well said Angelo and Dave...I can hardly imagine the lives of those that still deem to criticise, they don't have a positive bone between them. Same old same old negative rubbish...let's enjoy the resurgence of our great club and the slendid weather too. Plus Jack will soon be back, imagine Man U without Rooney all season or City without Yaya all season.

  68. muzzlejuice

    Mar 25, 2012, 16:15 #20539

    seven straight wins ,the team is playing well, a fully fit first choice back five,sicky and theo both playing well and still some people have to bitch and bicker,no pleasing some people.whilst i am aware that this will be yet again another potless season i sure as hell am enjoying it now a whole lot more than at the beginning of the season,remember that do you haters? then we really did have something worth complaining about.

  69. elgooner

    Mar 25, 2012, 15:59 #20538

    @ Angelo Yes its true some just nned to have a moan and spread their negativity. Endless talk of 7 years without a trophy. Would you rather be a liverpool fan, Carling cup 2012 winners, in 7th in the league, or Arsenal?

  70. Dave

    Mar 25, 2012, 15:30 #20536

    Angelo - Spot on mate. Some of the people that post on this website are a joke. They've almost become a parody of themselves. Their disappointment when we win is so tangible, i'd suggest they give up on football, because if you can't enjoy what we've done in the past 4 weeks then you should follow another sport.

  71. Angelo

    Mar 25, 2012, 15:15 #20535

    Unbelievable - 7 straight wins and all you see are negative comments. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be an Arsenal fan.

  72. Mike

    Mar 25, 2012, 14:55 #20534

    oh no. We now have won seven in a row. Has to be the pathetic opposition, wait till the next home game and then I will be proved right - that is the sense I get from the writer ffs - just give the team and manager its credit ( a really hard thing for you to do Kev) - Man City are busy bottling - I wonder if it is beacuse all the ex Arsenal bottlers are there? Oh I'd rather be in our position right now

  73. Steve

    Mar 25, 2012, 14:07 #20533

    This season has been an exact reverse of last season.last season we collapsed in the run in when contenders this season the bad start ruled us out of being even contenders.What worries me though is the acceptance every season now that just finishing top 4 is good enough and forget about ever winning anything.The way the two cup defeats v Milan and Sunderland have just been forgotten is scary.When the dust settles its still going to be trophyless season number 7

  74. The Happening

    Mar 25, 2012, 13:23 #20532

    Credit due to the team! I'm only concerned with our results and performances, if anything during the previous weeks is anything to go by! However, we've been successful in one thing and one thing only this season and thats being inconsistent! Looking at the previous years I can clearly see that we don't have the squad to compete in all competitions, so until that is addressed, 3/4th place will be our trophy each year as we pick up the pieces after exits from the FA CUP, Carling Cup and Champions League. The spirit of the Club should not be mis appropriated as an end of season safety net but something carried from the begining of the season to the end of the season, in every game!

  75. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Mar 25, 2012, 12:46 #20531

    Not sure 'comfortable in 3rd' is the right terminology, given this team's recent history and ability to capitulate at a moment's notice. 'Currently in 3rd' would probably have been a more accurate (and 'safer') option.

  76. Gman

    Mar 25, 2012, 12:42 #20530

    I’d rather be where we are than Chelski, they’ll win nothing this season and they are a fading team of has-beens. We, with only a couple of players needed to be added in the summer, will be the real deal next season. This momentum and a good finish to the season will persuade RVP to stay.

  77. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 25, 2012, 12:42 #20529

    The phrase ‘routine win’ springs to mind from the win against The Villa and credit to all involved. In all aspects it was a good performance but I also agree that defensive we still have a few faults. Just a few but no doubt it’s better than say even a month ago. Arguably Villa were the worst side to visit The Grove this season. I can’t decide between them after two visits and Blackburn. It will be very interesting to see what happens with Arteta next season with the return of Wilshire and Wenger’s unflinching support towards Ramsey. And that’s before the talk of us supposedly signing Mario Gotze. Having said that Arteta’s Premier League experience has shown and is beneficial for us. Although I can see why he has yet to and will never win a cap for his country, he is in his own right a good player and much more humble and likeable than the arrogant self-proclaimed ‘winner’ Denilson who is to my knowledge still waiting for that elusive first senior Brazil cap. Keep dreaming son. And the possibility of Denilson and other ‘fat on the wage bill’ duds back with us next season shouldn’t be ruled out either, with no other club willing to pay the extortionate amounts in terms of transfer fees and wages to take them off us. But then we know who is to blame for that don’t we? As for that chant, the word hypocrisy springs to mind. Was it only two months ago that half of these people singing that song were telling Wenger to ‘spend some f*cking money’ and that he “didn’t know what he was doing”? I personally didn’t join in as I still think serious questions have to be asked about the manager with regards to our decline since 2006 and I still have doubts long term but the team would always have my support. But these winning streaks and unbeaten runs which have occurred since 2006/07 must one day lead to something more tangible not just European Cup qualification with no real chance of winning it. Still, up The Arsenal.

  78. Peter Wain

    Mar 25, 2012, 12:31 #20528

    Great tp see the boys p[erform this way. I am a little worried by Arsene's comments about the transfer market in the summer. Although we want quality we need a few more players than he will buy and I fear next season we will still not be challenging becuase of this. Need anoth defensive mid field player back up goaly and new centre back as well as two strikers in my opinion.

  79. Jekyll

    Mar 25, 2012, 12:25 #20527

    Admittedly this is a bloody miserable comment but ultimately all this run of results means is we'll be seeing more of the same next season - fighting for 3rd or 4th and potless. Whether the team starts badly or collapses at the run in, the season looks the same in the end every single year. We'll have the same injury problems and a squad unable to deal with them next season, the same lack of defensive organisation, the same over-dependence on one or two players, all of which mitigate against consistency over a season and therefore challenging for a season, and Wenger's already come out with the same old comments about 'quality not quantity' (then he buys the likes of Park) and players returning from injury regarding his summer transfer intentions. The reform needed won't be coming now.

  80. Gooner SA

    Mar 25, 2012, 12:21 #20526

    Good win. Fully deserved. As painful as it would be to be five points behind Spurs I'd rather be in Chelsea's position. Third place isn't a trophy, it just gives you a chance to win one!

  81. Colin

    Mar 25, 2012, 11:50 #20525

    Yeah lets forget the rest of the season and just talk about the last 7 league games.With Wenger its all smoke and mirrors.Have we improved from last season?No.Last season we were title contenders.Now our fans are looking at 3rd as a great achievement.Wenger really has succeded in convincing the fans that a top 4 finish is a trophy.the downside of finishing 3rd is Wenger will not strengthen in the summer.In Arsene We Rust

  82. Realistic Mike

    Mar 25, 2012, 11:02 #20524

    Sorry to spoil the party but this is the worse Man Utd team under Fergie but after tomorrow nights game they will be 15 points ahead of us.Thats the reality check the manager,the board and the fans have to take.We are further away from winning the title under Wenger than we ever were.Oh well 3rd is the new 1st

  83. Dan h

    Mar 25, 2012, 10:19 #20523

    The excellent run continues & good to see the goals spread around the team.There is still work to go this season no time to take anything for granted with 3 points for a win the table changes quickly.Finish the season strongly & take it from there we should all enjoy this good run but lets not rest on our laurels we did at xmas & came unstuck.Really good solid team performance again focused & back to playing the slick passing & pressing game that worries the opposition.