Wenger Out…standing!

In praise of Le Boss

Wenger Out…standing!

Was he right all along?

(Ed’s note. I am delighted to run this piece for one simple fact. It proves the Gooner and the onlinegooner provide a platform for all views, and that there is no editorial line in selection of the submissions we publish. Even if I might not agree with the sentiments of them, it is always a pleasure to read a feelgood article, not least because I genuinely hope I am wrong in my own views about the club’s future under Arsene Wenger)

Bear with me a bit; this piece needs some sort of preamble. I'm guessing the majority of Gooners don't do poetry, although some may recall limericks by Marc Ollington back in the good old days of The Gooner fanzine. I'm definitely poetically-challenged myself, but recent events have put me in mind of Rudyard Kipling's 'If'. It's quite famous, as it would have to be for me to be able to quote it. I won't bore you with the Full Monty but it starts:

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

Put you in mind of anyone? It does me - the man who, this season, has inadvertently factionalised the Gooner Nation, the chap who has been given more stick this season than at any time in his 15-year reign. To the horror of many, the man who has had massive chunks of vitriol spat in his direction from many a disgruntled 'fan'. He's the one so many have blamed for absolutely everything, from Diaby's injuries right through to our current bank balance. The man who's had to keep our massive international corporation on course with changing CEOs, changing ownership, economic upheaval and a massive stadium-move. He's built up what have become megastars, and then seen the ungrateful feckers bugger off for bigger pay-packets and a season or two of bench-warming. He's been denied stability from above for years, but has still stuck to the task of building for the future as well as for the short term. He's taken all the flack and he's been the target for massive abuse, much of which has been totally uncalled-for, in my opinion. Wenger has taken it all and, at long last, it must feel like he's turned a very important corner on the pitch. It looks to me like we're coming out of a very dark tunnel and back into the blinding light of a team capable of a serious challenge next season. The injuries have temporarily abated, and most things in the garden are once again rosy.

This is not intended as a two-finger-waving exercise at those who continue to diss Le Boss's efforts. But whether you love him or hate him, you have surely got to admit he has some balls to stand by his convictions. Especially so when so many Gooners seemingly decided that he'd lost the plot. How on earth, for example, could he continue to back Walcott, a player with no footballing brain, who failed to deliver the promise to match the hype. Or Song, a kid almost destroyed by fans and who was, apparently, the worst player ever to don the shirt (according to some). Koscielny, yet another lightweight Frenchman not up to the Premiership. Szczesny, a kid who so obviously needed an older keeper to teach him his trade. Van Persie, a perpetually injured forward who should have been cashed-in on so as we could purchase someone who didn't live in the treatment room. Jenkinson, a ridiculous, cheap signing of a total nobody who couldn't even make it in the Charlton first team. The Ox, a massively overpriced teenager on whom we'd wasted money when we clearly needed an instant megastar. Rosicky, yet another liability remaining on the wage bill who, through sheer bad luck, would never play decent football ever again. Gibbs, just another liability to give some company to the rest of the injured wasters. And so it goes on. Le Boss disagreed, and I make him right to do so. So maybe he'll be right about Mertesacker, Park, Djourou and Diaby. Who knows?

It's not my intention to drive yet another wedge between certain factions within the Gooner family now that we're all, seemingly, rooting for the good guys again. But now is certainly the time for those of us who kept the faith to take off our tin hats and return to the venom-spitting forums previously overrun with Anti-Wengerites. Maybe, this time, we won't be told to 'f*** off, you AKB c***s'. We shouldn't crow, and we shouldn't get over-excited following what is still only a short, but very impressive, run of results. But that said, I'm so absolutely glad I kept the faith. I'm so utterly delighted I didn't join the baying herd and didn't slag off the man who has given us so much and who, despite all the tons of negativity directed at him this season, continues to provide top-notch football. I don't care what others think - this team’s prospects look decidedly good to me.

I'm also very much aware that, in what has now become a very exciting run-in for Gooners across the globe, we're not actually chasing down a title. We're not in contention for the big prize and we're out of all the cups. However, after all the s**t that has been shovelled in our direction this season, it certainly feels like we're in contention for a big prize, and it'll feel just a bit less likely for all the Totts who've been giving it large. It's not quite what we'd hoped for, but there is still shed-loads at stake. Should we maintain our current fine form and blag third place, it won't be a trophy. We all know that, but it will certainly feel like one.

Get in there Arsène, here's to you. Champions League footie in 2012-13 was never in doubt (coughs).


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  1. rudytel

    Mar 27, 2012, 23:37 #20666

    The question's been asked at the end of many a season now... Will the board release extra transfer funds? Will AW make the marquee signings?etc... Losing Fabregas and Nasri and then waiting till the last couple of days of the transfer window to witness the so called 'panic buys' was so disheartening. Last year Arsene/the board (who knows any more?) got it badly wrong and we've challenged for nothing this season as a direct result. Surely they realise this? Surely they won't make the same mistake this year? The past 7 games has shown that this 'team' has some real quality and steel to surprise us all and salvage something from this torrid season. It's the 'squad' that's lacking. Please Arsene replace the 'deadwood' and freshen up this stagnating squad! I believe AW is going nowhere soon..In regards of silverware who knows what, when and how? I

  2. GoonerRon

    Mar 27, 2012, 22:35 #20664

    I'm sick of hearing people say this run is only happening because the pressure is off. A month ago everyone was saying we were out of the top 4, we were 12 points behind our nearest rivals after a seismic shift in North London power, without CL football there is no chance that RVP will stay, financially we can't cope without CL football etc etc. And people say we've not been under pressure? Utter bollocks in my view. @ Gordon - you say 'no one is saying winning a trophy is a condition our support.Its being in contention for winning trophies not settling for 3rd and 4th best.' I'd argue that we have been in contention during the 'trophy drought.' CL final in 2006, Carling Cup final in 2007, one win away from the league title in 2008, Carling Cup final in 2011 and various semi-finals and league title run-in's in amongst too. You also state 'not getting knocked out of Europe as soon as we play the first decent team we get drawn against every year' - to be fair we have drawn Barca (widely recognised as the greatest club side ever) in 3 years out of 6 before this season and even if we didn't fook it up so badly against Milan would have got them again in the QF this year too!

  3. tpm

    Mar 27, 2012, 20:32 #20661

    haha all the short term, amnesia sufferers crawl out of the woodwork now the pressures off. i look forward to your excuses next season if we again fail to compete. buffoons the lot of you, always jam tomorrow. and brian, get real pal, we are not financially hamstrung, look at the wages look at the transfer budget. we juts choose not to spend, and waste what money we do on bendtners 52k aweek, explain that please. o you cant! sorry.

  4. bigchris65

    Mar 27, 2012, 12:21 #20627

    Wake up people - Arsene continues to work miracles with the budget he is given. Do you honestly believe he wouldn't spend money because he "likes" certain players? Would he risk our club through misguided loyalty?? Whether we like it or not, both he and the board are sticking to a business plan and building foundations for the future. Unfortunately for us, football is not about the "now". Great email by the way

  5. Ben Dover

    Mar 27, 2012, 10:04 #20623

    This has been a season when we have not challenged for one trophy.So it has been a bad season however much some fans try to dress it up as a great comeback after a poor start.Going on a run of games when the pressure is off tells you all you need to know about this team and our manager.We would not have been in the position we were earlier in the season if Wenger had been doing his job last summer and signing players early instead of gross mis-management telling us Cesc and Nasri were staying.Whats the odds Wenger will be blinded sadly like some fans into thinking this team is good enough on the strength of the last few results.

  6. Arsene is a liar

    Mar 27, 2012, 9:08 #20622

    We are on a good run of form at the moment but this should not hide the fact that we have had a terrible season and are criminally mismanaged. We have not won anything for 8 years and this squad is not good enough to win anything in the next 8 years. Unless the club change its ambitions and invest in the squad, we will not be successful and become a mediocre side like Everton, Spurs, Villa and others whose ultimate aim is CL qualification.

  7. Chirs

    Mar 27, 2012, 9:01 #20621

    @DWThomas - Wenger was not responsible for the start to the season or the New year's slump - the players were! And so it goes, ad mauseum. Beat your drum, my man, let your predudices fly. You can't have it both ways.

  8. Andrew Cohen

    Mar 27, 2012, 8:57 #20620

    The boundary between stout resolution and mulish obstinacy in the face of the evidence is a thin line to be sure. We'd all love to think that everything is ok and that we will go onwards an upwards. We could do, if only we could modify that stout resolution a bit.

  9. Oxy-Moron

    Mar 27, 2012, 8:38 #20619

    Yes, well done indeed. Start performing now the pressure is off (again). This squad is clearly good enough to compete and we don't need to strengthen (again). Still, renewals are rolling in nicely from the sheep (again). So, let's all look forward to "competing" next season when our mental strength and quality will be in abundent evidence when we play at Stoke in a cold November midweek (again). Roll on groundhog day (again). "THE DEFINITION OF STUPIDITY IS DOING THE SAME THING AGAIN AND EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT".

  10. Wombledin

    Mar 27, 2012, 7:35 #20618

    Oh for goodness sake. Suddenly Wenger had it 'right all along' and the AKB feel all vindicated just because of a few wins in a row and we might finish 3rd or 4th yet again, 20 points off the top. Woop de doo. When we are seriously challenging for major honours again, pushing top spot all the way for the title, getting to Cup finals, then and only then will Wenger be vindicated. Much credit to him and the team for hauling us back into 3rd place but its only the minimum he should be doing after the shambles last summer and terrible start to the season. Next summer RVP will go, untested Podolski brought in, and Wilshire and Diaby will be touted as good as 'signings' for next season. Same old same old for the next two years until Lord Wenger's contract ends.

  11. Agneis

    Mar 27, 2012, 7:19 #20617

    I've trusted Arsene for years, and am not about to change that now! Good article Brian - that's the stuff I would say in one of my clearer, more concise moments!

  12. Steve

    Mar 27, 2012, 6:34 #20616

    7 wins on the trot?No.We lost to Milan 4-0 and Sunderland 2-0.Since the start of the year we have lost 5 games.Whether we finish 3rd or 4th Wenger has to go.The culture at the club that a top 4 finish is good enough and forget winning anything is completely wrong for a club that considers itself one of the big teams in Europe.Where is the ambition other that increased profits every year?

  13. YvsCab

    Mar 27, 2012, 6:18 #20615

    The Best vibes that you can give to the team, that's our job as goners, as fans. Great writing, Let's go Gunners!!!!

  14. DW Thomas

    Mar 27, 2012, 2:19 #20614

    Wenger is not responsible for the turnaround, the players are. Battlers like Sagna and Vermaelen are what this team needs. RVP owes us too. He should have come out a long time ago and pledged his future to Arsenal. I mean come on, how many seasons like this one has he given the team anyway? The club's loyalty in him should be repaid without question. It would be like Diaby having a great year next season in CMF, scoring 15 goals with 10 assists, then talking about moving to Barcelona or Real Madrid. NONSENSE! Sure, Arsenal does a lot of things well, but, we have won nothing, NOTHING!, in 7 seasons. That is simply not good enough, not even close. Not if Wenger's dream is still to be the best club in the world. We must sign 2-3 quality players this summer, better quality than last summer and I liked most if not all the new boys (even Park if given a shot might be decent enough!). I agree with some who have said competition for places has improved our effort, what else could it be, the manager? I for one think not. And I really don't have it out for Wenger. But, you can't convince me a manager on $7 million a year salary who has won nothing for 7 years should still be given free license to do whatever he wants. No one I know would be given that kind of freedom in their job with such lack of success. Yes, the CL is a better trophy than CC or FA, but this team needs something to push on to further glory. Make some bold moves this summer followed by real success and then I might start applauding Wenger. What have you done for me lately, and all that.

  15. Ken Dodd

    Mar 27, 2012, 0:42 #20613

    Lay off Wenger.......I say give him a 20 year contract extension and double his salary!

  16. Mandy dodd

    Mar 27, 2012, 0:16 #20612

    Excellent article. Our recent problems have in a big part due to injuries, we now see what we can do,with a full squad. still, some would say our team in crisis is sitting pretty compared to a moneybags outfit on the outskirts of fulham, free spending on British talent...king kenny and then those neighbours, so highly rated by some. Some of our players have really come into their own lately, hope the positive effect of the support of the fans is not lost on anybody. The team still need our backing, we are currently aiming for third, but should we finish in this podium position, the benefits are obvious, what we will take into next season will be immense, and we may even provide some spurs fans with something priceless, the gift of humility......again.......but even more so this season!

  17. ekys

    Mar 27, 2012, 0:01 #20611

    Should never have sacked Rioch to be honest. I mean look at how well on course Arsenal were when he was in charge. They'd jumped from 12th to 5th in just one year!!!! That's 7 places!! Wenger has only ever manged to improve on Rioch by 5 places! Rubbish! Rioch had vision. He wanted to do what all the other clubs did, spend lots of money on players and put clubs in transfer debt to try and win trophies. Even Spurs managed this. But Wenger didn't realise this is how football works, he doesn't know anything about English football. Rubbish! I reckon a new manager can come in and probably win the title for about 150 million in transfers. That's probably less than City and Chelsea have spent, but you know, they were worse than Arsenal before they went spend-crazy. Big clubs don't really have to worry about debt anyway, Arsenal have Stan to be the sugardaddy now and it's only small clubs like Rangers and Leeds (and very nearly Liverpool in 2010), with no history, that crumble with financial burden. Another thing, the financial fair play rule is coming soon, clubs will need a manager that can work without spending. So Wenger should really go now, so Arsenal should get a manager who can spend quickly. When the rule comes into effect, if he can't win without spending big Arsenal can just fire him and trial and error a manager that can win things without hundreds of millions. It's working well for Chelsea. At the end of the day, football is about excitement and flair. With all the boring sensible financial approaches and the development and scouting of youth talent like Gibbs, Walcott, Ox, where do Arsenal fans get their flair and excitement from? Wenger out! Sooner rather than later. I look forward to a future when Arsenal behave like all those other clubs.

  18. In Arsene We Trust

    Mar 26, 2012, 23:48 #20610

    Arsene has and always will know best. Arsene for England!

  19. There's Only One Arsene Wenger

    Mar 26, 2012, 23:36 #20609

    Nothing makes me happier than to see the squad come good despite all the hate directed at Mr. Wenger earlier this year. His detractors are rather quiet after 22 league points from a possible 24. Reminder: The boys haven't lost in the league since falling to United two months ago! May it continue for the last eight.

  20. Gooner1711

    Mar 26, 2012, 22:37 #20608

    Thank god for Saga and RvP goas v ****. Would not have liked half time reaction v ****. let us see if the transfer policy changes in the summer, convinced that is the only reason RvP will stay. Strange how things improved since Arshavin gone too???

  21. jjetplane

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:46 #20607

    Give me a break! This is a lovely little run now the pressure is off. Will it all hold when every players gets loads more pay and go back to default. If we keep Robin and sign some big names - maybe - but seven games in a row is not invincible and your tone on here will be ignored by real gooners.

  22. Don

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:40 #20606

    Brian this time last season we were still in the title race.Now we are fighting to finish 3rd or 4th.Is that progress?Someone made a great point that the good form coincided with us being out of all trophies and the pressure is off.There is a big element of truth in that.In 20 years time would you remember a 7 game winning run or a trophy in the cabinet?

  23. CanadaGooner

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:35 #20605

    Good article. But there needs to be a longterm plan for getting back to winning trophies and also for replacing Wenger. He cant be the manager forever. If nothing else, age will get him at some point. I think everyone would agree that the Fabregas generation was a waste as we could have definitely won several trophies if Wenger had blended in a handful of experienced players with the youth project. The only unanswered question (which is Wenger's defense) is how well those young players would have developed if they werent given the opportunity that Wenger gave them? (Fabregas was on the bench for ages, when we had Viera). So, if Viera had been replaced by another experienced player, would Fabregas have stayed? or would he have had his chance to excel? It's a really tough call, but what is clear is that the strategy to trust the young players on their own, failed. We havent won anything for 7 consecutive seasons. If the plan going forward is to steadily bolster the young team with players like arteta and we create a sensible balance, then things might get better and we may return to winning ways. But that doesnt constitute a vindication for Wenger's 'youth theory'; it would simply mean he was partly right and all his critics were also partly right. If the team can maintain the current momentum and transfer it on to the coming season, we should be strong enough to win something. AMGs, AKBs: you were all PARTLY right, and so was Wenger. Let's see what 2012/2013 brings....

  24. Gordon

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:24 #20604

    @Brian Dawes no one is saying winning a trophy is a condition our support.Its being in contention for winning trophies not settling for 3rd and 4th best.not getting knocked out of Europe as soon as we play the first decent team we get drawn against every year.Which is what this club has become.We pay the highest ticket prices in world football FFS.As for the scintillating football i was at Swansea to see them pass us off the park.There can be no excuse for the humiliating performances at OT,Blackburn,Swansea and Milan this season.

  25. Big Dave

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:18 #20603

    Here's my reason to get rid of Wenger: Before Wenger arrived, Arsenal fans didn't believe they had the god-given right to win trophies. Wenger upped expectations and now getting in the top 4 every season and competing in Europe is not good enough. If we get rid of Wenger, within a season or two, we will only expect mid-table mediocrity and we'll all be happy.

  26. Mike

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:13 #20602

    Wenger is doing the job better than anyone else could within the constraints - Man City had two bites at European glory and stuffed them up - they will walk away with nothing this year - Chelsea in freefall without a manager - the next one will have the highest get out clause in history - Dalglish complaining that the cup competitions are responsible for the poor league form - Harry doesn't know what to say - all of them have their problems - SAF also had two goes at the European comps and f--ed them up

  27. Exit left Arsene

    Mar 26, 2012, 19:08 #20601

    Short-termism that sums up some Gooners.Rosicky plays 4 good games in 4 years now he is our saviour,Wally Walnutt plays 3 good games in 6 seasons and is the English Messi.We win 7 games on the trot and creep pass the Spuds and next season we will will the quadruple.And Arsene is the worlds best manager.Get real will you misguided AKB's.Take a look at the big picture.In the last 18 months we have suffered some embarrassing defeats.None worse than that shambles in Milan.But that game has been mysteriously erased from history by the AKB's.It just didnt happen.Dont dare mention it.As others have said Wenger should be judged on the last 7 years and he has failed.I said before the season started and i will say the same now.As long as Wenger is Arsenal manager we will never win another trophy.He's a loser.After tonights game we could be 15pts behind the worse Utd side under Fergie.That tells you AKB's all you need to know about this season rather than 7 league wins on the trot


    Mar 26, 2012, 18:53 #20600

    If a third place finish (enabling us to compete in a competition we have no chance of winning) and meekly getting knocked out of cup competitions year after year is what you're after when supporting a football club despite paying the highest prices for your ticket and having too many players to mention that shoudn't be anywhere near an Arsenal shirt.........Arsene's your man!

  29. Ando

    Mar 26, 2012, 18:41 #20599

    and RVP will stay next season? will the hot dog salesman want us to hang on to him? lets wait and see (again) what the clubs real ambitions are.

  30. Andy

    Mar 26, 2012, 18:30 #20598

    Reading this smug article you would have thought we were still in contention for the title,still in the CL and the FA cup.We are not.This season has been a rerun of the last 7.We made £55m profit and had a 6.5% hike in ticket prices yet we never challenged for any trophy.If i was Gazidis reading this article i would be laughing my head off and saying "suckers".Winning 7 games does not replace 7 years of hurt.

  31. Brian Dawes

    Mar 26, 2012, 18:19 #20597

    As an attending Arsenal supporter with over 50 seasons regular viewing I find it quite pathetic how many of our fans make winning a trophy a condition of their support. We are still currently watching scintillating football during a season that has been essentially crap. Wenger is massively under-funded due to Stadium repayments and Edelman's piss-poor Sponsorship deals and yet he's slaughtered for a weak squad. What part of long-term is not understood? We're financially hamstrung till 2014, that has always been the case since the move - why is that so difficult to understand?

  32. sparksy

    Mar 26, 2012, 17:06 #20596

    While on a decent run of form over the past month or so and with a little helping of lady luck to, lets not get away from the fact that 7 games don't make a season. This year will be no different to the last 6 seasons. No trophies and a 3rd or 4th place finish. If this little run had come in January and then we fell away like we always seem to do the reaction at this time would be different. And as we're talking deja vu, we seem to have been here before with the talk of big signings again come season ticket time??? Lets wait and see.........................

  33. au revoir wenger

    Mar 26, 2012, 16:39 #20594

    When we are out of every competition and there is no pressure the team start performing .what does that tell you about this squad

  34. billdodgin

    Mar 26, 2012, 16:02 #20592

    i punch myself in the face and say what a twat i was to doubt wenger.? Was I always wrong through this season? No I dont think I was ? He's a lucky man and the rise has coincided with a crisis at chelscum a crisis at tott -scum, and liverpool and and newcastle fading away( and at home). There may have been an effort on the training ground with defending, as some say. I'm glad if there has been - and also a settled back four, with coaching, coming together.But don't let the arsene -doubters this season be over-ruled by the AKB brigade. He doesn't, and he's had the biggest jolt of his Arsenal life this season.

  35. Dave

    Mar 26, 2012, 15:46 #20591

    Let's be honest here, beyond the PL and CL trophies no-one really cares about the other two. If you can name me the last 5 F.A Cup winners without using google i'd be very surprised. Carling Cup? I'd be surprised if anyone cares about it even the day after. Some of you just don't want to admit you were wrong about the boss, and wrong about this team. You keep moving the goalposts to suit your own ends and to enable you to carry on criticisng. "We won't get 4th!!!" "We won't get 3rd!!!!" Now we're 3 points clear in 3rd "We're not gonna win the title!!" "we're too far from United & City!!!". Absolutely pathetic.

  36. rabbyx7xafc

    Mar 26, 2012, 15:30 #20590

    Awesome post...Beautifully written. And thats right bitches! ARSENE KNOWS!

  37. Frank

    Mar 26, 2012, 15:23 #20589

    A club the size of Arsenal and who charges the highest ticket prices in world football and with a wage bill of £115m really should be in contention to win trophies every season.Have our standards really dropped that far that we now willingly accept a 3rd place finish and getting knocked out of all the cups early.Not only is it 7 seasons without a trophy it is 7 seasons since we have finished above 3rd place

  38. Wenger muss jetzt gehen

    Mar 26, 2012, 14:58 #20588

    So Wenger has done a good job this season has he?.Well here's the facts.Never even challenged for the title.Out of all cup without getting passed the quarter final stage,worst defeat in 115 years,worst result ever in Europe.Thats what he should be judged on.Nothing else.Now has he done a good job?

  39. Jekyll

    Mar 26, 2012, 14:38 #20587

    I personally don't feel that winning 7 league games in a row vindicates the Wenger way after 8 years of being also-rans. We might - and it's still only might - finish 3rd or 4th for the 7th season in a row this season, that's the bigger picture. We haven't challenged for anything at any stage this season. It's stagnation at very best. Yes, Wenger has stuck by many players when fans wanted them out, some of whom are currently in good form. However, he's wasted actual whole seasons persisting with some of these players - was it worth it? I'm aware, however, that for some supporting Wenger comes first and so for them, I'm sure 3rd would feel like a trophy as that's what their hero tells them.

  40. Alexthegooner

    Mar 26, 2012, 14:30 #20586

    Sorry but a very smug article which is also premature as we have 9 games left in the season and a gap to 5th which can disappear as soon as it has been created. I'm not sure why critics of the manager should be referred to within inverted commas - 'fans'- as though they are somehow imposters. I have supported the club since 1968 and revelled in wengers inspirational leadership as all gooners. During that time I sang his praises to anyone who would listen even though there were elements in our play which prevented us fully realising the teams potential. The trophy count should be far more than 7 under Wenger and our european exploits were disappointing with the quality of the squads assembled. Nevertheless the manager was a breath of fresh air to the Gooner nation and beyond. The criticism by most of us has been relative to this high standard set. The fact is the past 3-4 years has seen mistakes being made and repeated. This is undeniable and foolish to challenge. Without the repetition of these mistakes we would have won at least 1 and more likely 2 premier titles. The quality of the prem is decreasing each year yet we are getting further from challenging. This is a fact. Pointing this out and holding the manager to account doesn't make us 'fans'. It makes us concerned and frustrated supporters who see a club not fulfilling its obligation to make an absolute and utmost challenge for honours. We dont have divine right to win anything but given the capabilities of the club we as loyal supporters have the right to expect a serious challenge. When this is not forthcoming we also have the right to criticise. Please show us this respect.

  41. Gary

    Mar 26, 2012, 14:28 #20585

    This article sadly reflects how easily pleased the modern day Arsenal fan is.Whether Wenger goes should be judged on the last 7 years not 7 games.Its like saying Walnutt is a good player after being average for 6 years.There is no major club in Europe who would put up with a manager who has gone trophyless for 7 seasons.His mad project has failed.Finishing above the Spuds something that we have taken for granted is now seen as a superb achievement.Ferguson used to look on us as a rival do you think he even knows we exist now?The charge sheet against Wenger should be the last 7 years and what or really what he hasnt done.Yes he makes profits but every manager should be judged on the success on the pitch.And that is where Wenger has failed big time.And the awarding of a new contract to Djourou says stubborn Wenger will not change.Remember folks Wenger is on £7m a year dont be fooled by this false dawn

  42. Alex f

    Mar 26, 2012, 14:12 #20584

    I am one of the fans that want wenger out and regardless if we finish above spurs will sill want I'm out. Let's look at the facts 7 years with out a trophy some humiliating defeats, imagine a company has 55million worth of assets, would your company start trading without them when you have all summer to arrange this. Regardless of 7 wins WENGER OUT

  43. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 26, 2012, 14:07 #20583

    As one of Wenger’s critics, I’ve got no problem in giving credit to him and the players for the recent revival. Long may it continue. But at the same time we must be cautious. We don’t want be like the Spuds after one decent run don’t we? Since 2006/07, we have had a tendency to go on either an impressive winning streak or a long unbeaten run (and half of those runs are draws) with no real tangible reward at the end. European Cup qualification must also be achieved with an aim to win the competition and not purely to generate revenue. Four Round of 16 exits in 8 seasons is not the hallmark of greatness. Even Liverpool’s recent record is far more impressive than ours and we have been in it consistently since 1998/99. Although I admit that until the appointment of Mourinho, Real Madrid’s recent record had been dire to say the least. The current winning streak shouldn’t cloud our judgement of what this team potentially can achieve also. The imminent return of Wilshire (Diaby’s imminent comeback is no real bonus for me) would improve us but not immediately see off the Manchester Two amongst others. In terms of the summer, as we all know the deadwood still needs to cleared out and that won’t be easy, although I believe youth should be given a chance to blossom, experience must not be neglected in favour of it, e.g. snubbing the chance to sign Xabi Alonso because of the (non) development Denilson was a dire move by Wenger, a strong and tactically aware No.2 who will challenge Wenger from time to time is a must and a new mentality wouldn’t go amiss either. The culture of 2nd, 3rd or even 4th best has to end if we are to properly compete with the odd piece of silverware as the net result. The late great Bill Shankly once said ‘first is everything, second is nowhere’. Remember that Gooners. Up The Arsenal!

  44. David Stewart

    Mar 26, 2012, 13:58 #20582

    Very well said Brian and it is good to see that some of the regular commentators on this forum, who have spat blind vitriol at Arsene, are starting to tone their comments down too.

  45. Jeremy C

    Mar 26, 2012, 13:57 #20581

    All very entertaining, but just as we should not be making judgements after a run of bad results nor should we do so after a run of good ones. We should take a cool rational look at where Arsenal are overall. The key concern of those who do not think Wenger can take the club forward such as myself is our managers ’s refusal to deal with fundamental problems with the team (poor defensive organisation, mental frailty, inability to learn from mistakes, lack of squad depth, sticking with and worse offering greater rewards to players who just were/are not good enough) over a number of years which has led to the sustained weakening of the quality of the team over the past three or four years. Arsenal will probably get away with it this season, thanks to the brilliance of Van Persie and the continued falling quality of the premiership, but we cannot expect that to go on forever. The question is, will Wenger acknowledge this and actually make the fundamental changes that the vast majority of fans think the team needs. If you look at his past track record and his more recent pronouncements one should not be holding ones breath and that’s why so many fans want him to leave as they no long think he can take the team forward.

  46. ATID

    Mar 26, 2012, 13:43 #20580

    I didn't keep the faith and I am not ashamed of that fact. Wenger's sides have flattered to deceive for a number of years and I don't see why the current run of good form should be seen in any other light. Where you see balls I see stubborness. AW didn't have to make any changes because he didn't have a plan B. If you really think things have changed you are just setting yourself up for a big fall when we get to the beginning of next season following a lack of decent summer signings and dead wood clear out. Our greatest ever manager? Yes, but football has moved on since the glory days. Has Wenger?

  47. foxinthebox2001

    Mar 26, 2012, 13:27 #20579

    Wenger admits it was a bad summer, transfer wise. “You want to make me say that last year was bad and I agree with you – last year was terrible for us because we finished on August 31 at 11.55pm and we do not want to repeat that, of course," No other explanation offered though, despite AW himself being responsible. Lets not get too carried away, just over a year ago we were competing for a title, so in effect we have gone backwards this season. The big question is does AW still have the ability to build a team capable of challenging for the major trophies? Jury remains out.

  48. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Mar 26, 2012, 13:22 #20578

    It's apparent that for some people feedback and constructive criticism means vilification scattered with foul insults. Very much not the Arsenal way. Let's be grown up and civil. Jusk ask yourself this and give an honest answer: Are you satisfied with the way Arsenal have been managed in the last 5 years and are you content that there will be at least an 8 year gap between trophies? If you answer honestly and say to yourself yes I'm happy with Wenger and the way we're being led, fine that's your opinion. But I'm sorry, for me 7 straight wins (extremely welcome as they are) don't nearly make up for 7 years without something in the cabinet.

  49. jackthegooner

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:37 #20577

    so pleased to at last see a pro Wenger articles on this website. Fed up of seeing rant after rant slating his tactics. Whilst ther are still problems you only have to look at chelsea to see sacking the manager does not resolve everything

  50. Arsenalson

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:34 #20576

    This article is nonsense, I don't kow what universe the author is from but third feels like third to me. Yes were on a good run of form but lets no forget we haven't won a trophy in 7 years. This is almost as stupid as Ivan Gazidis quotes, the stadium is a trophy, Man city are jealous of Arsenal, Fourth is a trophy, absolutely ridiculous

  51. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:25 #20574

    Given long enough even a broken watch tells the right time twice a day!! You could also look at it another way: If he hadn't persisted with some of those players you mentioned and instead replaced them with better quality players earlier, then perhaps Wenger wouldn't have got half the stick that he received - which in truth is nothing compared to the abuse he would most likely have got anywhere else - and we wouldn't have gone 7 years without a trophy?

  52. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:21 #20573

    Please can we bear in mind that we will finish third and have been knocked out of the cups in the early stages. Is this what now qualifies as success? If so I would suggest that the complete lack of ambition at the club has now spread to the terraces and the attempt to brain wash us into believing fourth is a trophy has worked. Is this the blue print we were sold when we left Highbury? Is this why we pay the highest ticket prices in the world? Let's not forget the issues in the summer were caused by the manager. As for standing by beliefs it's called stubbornness. That's why poor players are being paid a fortune, that's why we can't defend still and haven't brought in a defensive coach, that's why we had the goal keeping fiasco for years, that's why our squad is too small every year, every year we have a crazy amount of injuries, we have no plan b and I could go on.

  53. Jason

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:18 #20572

    @Judge Fred you hit the nail on the head.We HAVENT challeged for any of the four trophies this season.Thats the bottom line.Its alright saying the last 7 games have been good but Wenger should be judged on the whole season and even if we get 3rd place overall it has been poor.When our title challenge is over before a ball has been kicked serious questions need to be asked about the manager.The only winners have been Kroenke and Gazidis with that lovely CL money rolling in that of course wont be spent

  54. Santa

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:13 #20571

    Great article to read, but there are still games to play, so lets reserve judgment until May. For a ST-holder in Block 4 this season has been the most extreme I have experienced in terms of ups and downs. I'm neither AKB or AMG, I just want the club to do well and in my humble opinion Arsene must deliver a real title challenging team next season. He is in the last few years of his tenure with us and he is smart enough to know it. For his sake and the club's I hope he can finish on a high.

  55. Ron

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:08 #20570

    AW wouldnt have it any other way fella. Id lay odds on that hes privately criticised himself in exactly the same way as many of us have done.Id also wager that he knows only too well that this squad wont do better nest Season than they have this Season without new, quality players being added. Hes a Coach, hes well paid, he knows the score. AW having the courage of his convictions has never been doubted, his stubborness has and in my view hes still a bit stubborn about quite a few players. This run has been welcome and credit due, but dont think he hasnt reviewed his position about a few in his squad either. All of this so called anti Wenger and pro Wenger 'faction' stuff is overstated by far. Its right for fans to have a go at the boss sometimes. They need it. Its part of footie culture. It doesnt mean that his head has to roll. The self congratulatory bit of your post is a bit too dramatic for me.I very much doubt that AW thinks aything other than this sqaud has got out of gaol (perhaps). Your post underestimates him id say.

  56. Kenny

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:06 #20569

    Sorry Brian but the mess we were in at the start of the season was all down to Wenger f**king up last summer.No one else.He knew Cesc and Nasri were leaving.Its no coincidence that Fergie had all his business done by July 1st.And look where they are now.Sadly too many Gooners have now accepted what Wenger keeps saying that a top 4 finish is a trophy.We are still an injury to Szczesny and RVP away from disaster,look at the back up to those two..And it no coincidence that the team has started playing well when the pressure of actually winning anything has gone.I said before the season started Wenger should have gone and i havent changed my opinion.We still have too much deadwood Almunia Flappy Djourou Squillaci Diaby Chamakh and Park at the club plus Bender and Denilson to come back

  57. Mike

    Mar 26, 2012, 12:00 #20568

    Since September, the point spread between Manchester clubs and Arsenal is 5 - After the start we had, we were never going to win the EPL, but what we have done is kept the gap the same. People are calling for good signings like Goetze and Hazard - I agree but has anybody watched these players on a regular basis - they are no better or worse than the midfield we have got - what it does do is re-enforce the midfield for injuries - Padolski is a short player but has something to offer as a re-enforcement - again he is no better than RVP - Wenger has kept faith with the players he has, and they are beginning to prove that they are not a bad lot

  58. Goke Fawole

    Mar 26, 2012, 11:07 #20567

    Very well said. Disgruntled fans should criticise whatever failings persist at our club but the extremely foul abuse that some vented on Arsene was in my opinion utterly disgusting. Some former players with an axe to grind have also been manipulated by the anti-arsenal media unsavourily to distort facts.and. I do not consider Ian Wright to be a fan anymore since his hatred for wenger eclipses his love for arsenal. Shamefully, I have never heard him say anything good about our greatest ever manager.

  59. divingrooney

    Mar 26, 2012, 11:00 #20566

    Wenger is irreplacable for the next 2 years, as we cannot afford to sack him and more importantly the new manager wont have any money to invest. The club consistently loses money that Wenger makes through player sales. But after 2 years, new shirt deals mean that any manager would finally have money to invest. Also, the money in the bank account can be used as we can afford higher wages. So, Wenger is the messiah who is digging his own grave...so we should be thankful to him, and not belittle him. He still knows...

  60. Judge Fred

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:47 #20565

    I dont doubt that Wenger was the right man for the job - if he changes his transfer tactics. If he maintains his 'Youth Project' is still the way forward, then I believe we should get rid. If this Summer we embark on serious squad strengthening - then yes, he should stay on. But I do refuse to leap up and down as to how wonderful we have been in recent weeks until we have something tangible to show for it - and that does not include finishing above Sp*rs. In 99.99% of other seasons, that would be a given. We are currently playing very well and I am delighted, but we have not challenged for a single trophy this season and we cannot let this happen again. Arsenal till I die.

  61. John

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:45 #20564

    Reality check:Its 7 years without a trophy.The worse defeat in 115 years the worst defeat in Europe ever.The reason we had such a bad start to the season was because of Wenger.We as far away from winning the title as we ever are.Our performances in the knockout stage of the CL are still poor.

  62. HowardL

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:34 #20563

    You forgot to mention Squillaci...sorry Brian, just teasing! What you are saying is absolutely true. He has made mistakes (don't we all?) and I too became convinced Arsene had lost the plot when he infamously substituted the Ox, but I cannot dispute your Kipling analogy. He could easily have left but for now I'm glad he didn't. Arsenal are again great to watch and finishing 3rd will not be a trophy it would be a great feeling.

  63. Rich

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:31 #20562

    We need to be careful with celebrating too early like The Spuds fans were. We all need to keep our feet on the ground, and remain grounded until it is not mathematically impossible for us to not, finish in the top 4, and, above The Spuds. That being said, I am loving the run we are on at the minute. Well done all. Keep it up.

  64. Aidan

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:13 #20561

    Arsenal are 3rd in the league, 12 points behind top spot. The club has suffered humiliating defeats at Blackburn, United, Milan, and Sunderland. While delighted with the current form, maybe just maybe the team should be further along after 7 years of building?

  65. MB

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:05 #20560

    Wow I must of been sleeping for the past eight years and missed our trophy haul! Rosicky has been delivering over the past four years for his supposed 50k a week, Diaby has not cost us in excess of 100k per game played and Gibbs is playing his 25 game on the bounce. We have had seven wins on the bounce which is great and should create a feel good factor however this is on the backdrop on a number of mediocre years yes years. Let us see if in the summer we have learnt from our mistakes before crowing too much, I somehow doubt it though.

  66. John Gee

    Mar 26, 2012, 10:01 #20559

    [Can you not "name and shame" those muppets who constantly derided AW? Can you not get on YouTube the idiot sitting to the left of AW at the ManU game screaming obscenities and "you don't know what your'e doing" rants. He should have his season ticket cancelled. John Gee

  67. Quirksmode

    Mar 26, 2012, 9:56 #20558

    Great article, a third place finish will be incredible given the start we had and if we can hold onto our players whilst adding a few more then I see no reason why we can't challenge for trophies next year.