Arsenal need to learn from champions elect

Online Ed: Deserved win v Man City

Arsenal need to learn from champions elect

Arteta: Quality long range effort

First up, a lot of people have been asking about my fate with regard to my arrest at the Milan game for ticket touting, as detailed in pieces here and here. I will write a piece on this that goes into detail about some of the information I have gleaned since, ideally in the next few days, but for now I will briefly put people in the picture. The police offered me the choice of accepting a caution or going to court. I mulled over the situation with a solicitor expert in this subject area, who advised me that taking the caution was the best option. Technically, I was guilty by the letter of the law – one that needs revising, granted – and if I was up in front of the wrong judge, things might not go my way, with more serious implications, including a lengthy ban from attending Arsenal matches.

The consequences of accepting the caution would only be of significance if I was caught again, which is not going to happen as the events that led to the arrest will not be repeated. On principle I am not going to stop helping to match up fans that want to attend a game with fans that have a ticket for one but cannot go, ensuring a seat is filled at the stadium. But I will not get involved in any of the financial transaction stuff involved. And it is the sight of money changing hands that excites rabid police officers that need to make arrests to justify their presence at football matches. From what I have learned in recent weeks, the club did not get actively involved in the case, as the officer dealing with it after my arrest and interview could see the reality of the situation – I was not a tout – from the evidence involved. That didn’t make me innocent though.

The automatic policy as far as the club is concerned with such cases is a three match ban for the season ticket holder involved. This is agreed procedure with the police, and the club work closely in tandem with them on this matter. Arsenal counted the Milan match as the first of my suspension, with Newcastle and Villa making up the three. In fairness, I guess they could have started the ban when they were informed the ticket had been confiscated after the Milan match, so I am not going to waste too much energy questioning the policy. I was simply relieved I would finally be able to use my season ticket again, and received it in the post in the days leading up to yesterday’s game.

However, anyone wanting me to relay impressions of the first ten minutes of the match will be out of luck. I turned up a few minutes before kick off to discover my ticket had not been electronically re-activated. The club might have sent it back to me with a letter stating I could attend matches again, but no-one had bothered to inform the computer. I was sent by a steward (the long way round – these individuals aren’t the brightest) to the collection point opposite turnstile S, where I was then informed I would have to see the box office manager in the main ticket office on the level below. A long queue was there, but knowing I had to speak to someone specific who probably wasn’t serving, I jumped the bloody thing and was able to get a paper ticket printed out after Penny Downes, the individual I had been told to ask for, authorized it. Doubtless an admin oversight, but talk about twisting the knife. Due to my ability to sprint (and jump the queue – sorry to all those that were held up a little longer), I managed to only miss the first ten minutes of the game. The Highbury Spy informed me that Arsenal had started well and were all over the visitors. So with some relief, it’s back to the football…

And at times, it felt like both the Man City goal and Mario Balotelli were leading a very charmed life. City were a shadow of the team that we saw in the first six months of this campaign, and the signs that the wheels were coming off have been there for a while now. It seems astonishing that a team packed with such talent and experience could collapse in this way, although the bad apples in the camp phenomenon should not be unfamiliar to Gooners. The 2007-08 campaign saw factions in the dressing room, and opinionated players such as Gallas, Adebayor, Van Persie and Bendtner were unable to suppress their differences when the going got tough. Consequently, a season that could have brought the Premier League and/or the European Cup fizzled out in acrimony. The hangover lasted for another campaign as none of the individuals were moved on with the manager not strong enough to confront the situation. Making Fabregas the captain to bring together that particular bunch of egos was no solution whatsoever.

It will be interesting to see what happens at Eastlands over the summer. Tevez and Balotelli will presumably be moved on, and there is of course the horrible possibility that the Gunners’ current captain might follow other ex-Arsenal employees north to don the sky blue next summer. However, with United likely to land the title for a fifth time in six seasons, it is to Old Trafford that Arsene Wenger needs to look to take inspiration. Alex Ferguson has bucked the odds five times out of six to beat petro-dollar backed outfits, a demonstration that it is possible to overcome clubs that outspend you. By finishing in the top four, Arsenal are achieving what they should – specifically a fourth place finish – but by that logic, United should be in third.

There are things United do that Arsenal don’t. Rotation of coaching staff. Different wage structure whereby younger prospects have to prove their worth before being awarded anything like parity with established and proven stars. Not quibbling about a couple of million extra on a transfer fee. Defensive organization. Cutting adrift obviously below-par performers without sentiment. A switched on and focused mentality that gets results in matches when the team are not at their best.

All these things are possible with Arsenal’s existing finances but require a change in approach. The signings of experienced players on transfer deadline day last August was a step in the right direction. Let’s forget Ju Young Park, but consider the influence the other players have had in the dressing room, on the training pitch and in matches. I have no doubt there has been a more mature approach this season, which helped the team recover from a disastrous and self-inflicted poor start. The addition of more proven quality over the summer can only enhance the team’s chances next season, although the question of the retention of Robin van Persie may determine whether or not 2013 is too early to anticipate silverware again.

The contribution of Mikel Arteta was rewarded with the winning goal against City yesterday. Fans like to see shots like his attempted more often, and there were a couple of opportunities earlier in the game when such chances to shoot were spurned in favour of passes. If the forwards are switched on, such attempts can created chances for them via rebounds even if a keeper is not beaten. Such shots should be attempted more often. We even had time afterwards to see Aaron Ramsey’s party trick of sending the ball into orbit with the goal gaping. This is a technical flaw in the young Welshman’s game and it needs to be addressed in training. It happens too often for it to be accidental. The number 16 knows how to keep the ball down, he just isn’t doing it at vital moments through some habitual flaw that can only be addressed with practice and work on his powers of concentration. There is even an argument for hypnotherapy in my book, and that could go for a lot of the players as the idea of ‘mental strength’ the manager continuously goes on about means to this observer concentration for the 90 minutes of a football match which we don’t always see. Alex Song, too, needs to work on his tendency to give the ball away through trying to be too clever. Not every pass has to go on a youtube compilation. Sometimes, the simple ball is actually the best one, without any need to gild the lily. Song could learn a tremendous amount from Arteta in this regard.

These are minor quibbles, but even in victory, there are lessons to be learned. Lessons that could serve the team well if they are taken on board. To not acknowledge them smacks to me of complacency and an unwillingness to improve. The haters will bash me for having the temerity to write a critical word after a great win, but my focus is on how the team can do even better than third place in May 2013. I accept that some people are happy with third place, but I want better for my team. We have had a rollercoaster ride this season. Some very real highs and some terrible lows. It has rarely been dull, and dare I say it, for the most part unpredictable. Yet defeat at Loftus Road did feel a bit predictable for once. But surely, surely, Arsenal cannot drop any points at a sunk Wolves on Wednesday evening? Can anyone actually see that happening? It can’t… can it?

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  1. Wombledin

    Aug 17, 2012, 0:31 #25346

    Players want medals and glory. Do Ole Gunnar Solsjkaer and Berbatov regret their Man U experience? No way, they won medals and lifted trophies. RVP is hot, he rates himself and is quite rightly taking the risk of being a somewhat smaller fish in a bigger pond to win medals and trophies rather than be a huge fish in Wenger's goldfish bowl that is a continuous defensive leaking bucket. He's sick of banging in loads of goals only to watch keystone cops defending squander all his work. Hardly nuts at all...he'd be nuts to remain as the pearl amongst Wenger swine, just as Fabregas knew he'd be nuts to stay.

  2. Ronster

    Aug 16, 2012, 22:55 #25345

    Mike#1...runners up and near misses a plenty under Mee/Howe and Neill/Howe yet don't recall these honourable men earning the equivalent of £7 million a year and still being in a job after seven trophyless seasons.And while we're at it isn't it a disgrace that there's no statue of Mee and the great Don Howe never gets a mention on these pages?

  3. ed

    Aug 16, 2012, 22:18 #25344

    So much for the 3 players coming in.2 are already on the way out RVP is gone Song off to Barca.So many believed the signings were to strengthen the team but now we know they were replacements.Arsenal will never speculate to accumulate.Its all about balancing the books.Maybe we should change the wage structure.And giving average young players long term contracts.two days away from the season still no back up keeper

  4. MIKE #1

    Aug 16, 2012, 20:40 #25341

    Oh excuse me - we were sh!te from 99-02. We were 1 penalty and a nigel winterburn injury away from the double in 99. I supposed Bergkamp is crap b/c he missed it huh? We were 2 handballs away from the FA cup in 01 and lost the 00 uefa cup final on pens. We came 2nd in the league each year, all while we were rebuilding a team that won the double in 02 and went unbeaten in 04. The goalposts have moved with Chavs and Sh!tty. But if we were paying 75m interest every year and being floated on the NYSE this month, I'd be seriously worried - trophies or not.

  5. jjetplane

    Aug 16, 2012, 19:50 #25340

    I usually display little hope this time of the year but Somehow I can see this present Arsenal team finishing above Manure, and still only making third which leaves Persie battling to keep a club in the CL. Ground van Dog methinks and who can not see VP and Shrek flat out and groaning by xmas. It really is the money and I reckon the auld boy is finally feeling the years.

  6. Ronster

    Aug 16, 2012, 19:39 #25339

    Mike#1 ...try '98 and from '02 to '05

  7. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 16, 2012, 16:59 #25334

    Hey come on, stop whining! Yo swallowed all the Wenger bull****, but you AKB's always knew that we would lose RvP, and Wenger may not be finished yet. Song could yet be a Barcelona player by the end of the month according to Graham Hunter and Guillem Balague. Oh how that will confuse the Song-haters! I’m sure you AKB's are all ecstatic about £24million for RvP, but don’t expect any of it to be spent. What you think we have already spent it? Nope, we haven’t even spent the fees from Fabregas and Nasri yet. You must know the plan by now and it's nothing to do with football, it's all about making the balance sheet look as healthy as possible to increase the value of Kroenke's shares. I heard the AKB’s quasi-spokesperson Tom Watt saying today he was prepared to wait another four, five, six, seven years for Arsenal to win another trophy under Wenger. Looks like all you AKBs better line up to hand over your £1000’s for nothing then, but be aware London bookies are already making a book on who will leave next year…

  8. Mike # 1

    Aug 16, 2012, 16:08 #25333

    I mean Wenger from '98 to '05 !!!! - typing dyslexia.

  9. MIKE # 1

    Aug 16, 2012, 14:27 #25330

    I just can't believe the number of negative comments here. I'm 48, been a fan for 43 years, much of which we've been crap and uncompetitive. Double in '71, 3 cup finals 78-80 and a CWC final in 80 (we lost 3 of the 4). League titles in '89 and '91, both cups in '93, CWC in '94 and lost in final '95. Then came Wenger. frrom '89 to '05, unprecedented success in our lifetimes. Then came Abramovitch. Then the oilers. There are 3 trophies worth winning each year (for 3 of the last 6 yrs, Wenger wasn't even interested in the FAC). There are realistically 6 clubs with a good chance of winning them. 2 have more money than sense, 1 is owned by a group that is steadily trying to bankrupt them. One are a bunch of cocks with nothing goin for them. The other haven't looked like realistically winning the title since 1991 (except once maybe). We don't have a right to the top trophies. If it means borrowing, leveraging and risking the club (which Van Persie demanded), it's not a good idea imo. Nani, Kagawa, Welbeck are suddenly so much better than our players ??? They didn't even make it out of the C/L group last season. They can only play 2 forwards. PLEASE, instead of coveting what we don't have, look at what we do have. Get behind OUR team. We need a bit of luck and a bit of confidence and we will win something (I don't count the CC - even if we win it !!). C'mon people, stop being so negative and righteous. We're a great team, always competitve and whatever anyone says, no-one looks forward to playing us as an easy game. We may have some mental block to overcome, but EVERY one of the players that have left us have had it too. Instead of fighting to overcome it, they've jumped ship to go somewhere where others will do it for them. Go Gooners !!!


    Aug 16, 2012, 12:03 #25323


  11. Eddie the Parrot

    Aug 16, 2012, 10:48 #25320

    Since Brady left in 1980 Arsenal have always been a selling club.Anelka Overmars Petit Vieira Cole Henry and Cesc the list goes on.Although some deluded AKB's like to believe we are big club we are not.We are a feeder club who sells its best players to bigger clubs no one can deny that. The evidence hits you in the face.The sad thing is the club hoodwinked the fans into convincing them that moving from Highbury would help us compete with the big boys.That is garbage.The Emirates was built to make money and lots of it for the board not to invest in the team.When a team that finishes 19 points behind a team then sells its best player to them what does that tell you?Just 8 years ago we were the Invicibles now we are also rans

  12. GoonerRon

    Aug 16, 2012, 10:32 #25319

    Do you know what, I don't begrudge RVP wanting to earn an extra £90k per week, over 4 years that's £18m so it would be foolish to say he shouldn't be swayed by cash. The thing that annoys me is how he went about it - his statement bought the club into disrepute and as an employee of Arsenal and captain of the team his comments were devisive and directly impacted our ability to realise the maximum market value for an asset we purchased, nutured and have probably paid over £20m in salary to. To dress up releasing the statement due to his love and respect for the Arsenal supporters and then going to Man U is an utter joke. I sincerely hope his time at Man U is a massive failure as a result.

  13. fab

    Aug 16, 2012, 10:26 #25318

    Rvp has gone. So be it. Some of you go on about loyalty as if you expect it. In case you hadnt noticed this is football. A lucrative global commercial entertainment business. Stay loyal as fans and shout for Better performances. But be clear that players who are good enough to make more cash and achieve more success elsewhere will go. That goes for fans of Any club. Players are not fans.

  14. Abhijeet

    Aug 16, 2012, 8:00 #25309

    Now i do believe tht there is no respect and loyalty in world. its real sad what has happened,,, loyalty is jst for fans and not for players!!!!!,, Comon its jst not a job,, its pride,, its passion,, its love,, and RESPECT,, RVP has lost all of it,, i know there are no traters in this game,, BUT RVP will always be remembered as a bonker a stooge a buffon,, a self centered individual.. He would have been a LEGEND at AFC but jst another striker at MFC,, Wellback, Harnandez, Barbatov and etccc,, would be cursing RVP and Ferggiee,, LOL,, RVP now ur surrounded by ur enemiess,, who want you to FAIL,, and as a loyal ARSENAL fan i wud say,, ARSENAL,,, Till I Die,,

  15. Quillie

    Aug 15, 2012, 23:55 #25306

    When the dust settles, we will remember him as the player who almost single handedly got us into the champions league last season, against all the odds. Now he wants to go one better and win the league, and really, who can blame him? As for him going to United, well who cares? We're in la la land if we think they're our rivals! They haven't been since 2005.

  16. Rorz afc

    Aug 15, 2012, 23:54 #25305

    So yeah he's on his bike, never mind hey the amount of times this has happened before and it's never really been a bad move unless you think of the what if's and what could of been's, if only's. Nonsense! The fact is he didn't want to be there so why keep him, he's done a job while he was with us and was fit and didn't cost half what we've sold him for, good luck to the guy I say as I stand by, no one man's bigger than the club! Times changing but we're still arsenal. come on you reds!!!!

  17. CaGooner

    Aug 15, 2012, 23:28 #25304

    Well, he's gone. Good riddance. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when his pissy attitude either pisses of Rooney or Fergie. Or when he comes back from Holland duty injured. Now we need to go invest that $24M wisely over the next week and keep Song in the process. Time to bring in m'Villa and Sahin.

  18. Joe S.

    Aug 15, 2012, 23:17 #25303

    Poor,foolish, selfish Robin Van Persie;his going to Old Trafford means that he will be lining up with the likes of Rooney, Nanni,Kagawa,Wellbeck as well as some of the best young talent in the Premier league. Then there are stalwards such as Giggs, Scholes, Ferdinand, Evra and Vidic who could really teach him something about club loyalty and being serial winners. Compare that to the team of ad hoc misfits and injury prone crocks he leaves behind under the guidance of the delusional le Boss who sits complcently on his seven million a year. You'd have to be Mandy Dodd not to see that he has made the right career choice. This doesn't mean everything will be roses, he may find himself surrounded by a bunch of bastards with Fergueson in particular prone to giving him a kick up the backside in order to follow the company line, although this is how winners carry on. It's going to be repulsive and sad to see RVP wearing the Manure. shirt and celebrating with Rooney but that's what Arsenal have come down to to. In a perfect world we fans would be clamouring at the gates screaming for change in order to make sure these transactions where the club has sold away it's future never happen again. But who am I kidding,we love the club too much to give up on it or to wish it harm. Ah, if only I were a simple souled AKB imbued with common sense, patience and trust life as an Arsenal fan would be so much easier

  19. Canterbury Goonerq

    Aug 15, 2012, 22:17 #25302

    Last time you picked the day he said he wouldn't renew to argue that he might well stay, and now you pick the day United agree a fee with us! Rooney would probably be a second striker and RvP the main man. Berbs got one lucky season, Rooney doesn't play as a lone striker anyway...

  20. Danny

    Aug 15, 2012, 22:17 #25301

    i have been saying for years, We will never win until Wenger leaves It is his policies which are wrecking Arsenal . Players want money but at some stage they want to win. RVP wants trophies, he just cannot see it at Arsenal. Good luck Robin

  21. Frank

    Aug 15, 2012, 20:41 #25300

    Yet more evidence that Arsenal are a feeder club to the big boys.Now remind me again we moved stadiums so we could compete with the likes of Man Utd Real Madrid and Barcelona.But what will the fans do about it?Nothing Just keep quiet and carry on being shafted by the club.We the fans are to blame.We do nothing get rid of Kroenke.Do you think back in Denver Kroenke is upset that for the 2nd year running we have lost our best player or is he rubbing his hands at the £20m.I think we all know the answer.Only Usmanov can save us

  22. just a feeder club

    Aug 15, 2012, 19:50 #25297

    Fergie cant beieve his luck for £13m less than Liverpool paid for Carroll and £28m less than Torres he has signed Europe's best striker.Oh well only another 12 months till the Ox leaves.And the highest ticket prices in the world

  23. Wenger Out

    Aug 15, 2012, 19:47 #25296

    Yeah, why leave a failing club to go to a successful one where you get paid more money and win things! Ridiculous article as ever.Wenger Out!

  24. C.Senor

    Aug 15, 2012, 19:04 #25295

    @GoonerPaul I gave up on us ever winning another trophy under Wenger in 2009 after the Man Utd CL semi final when we were battered he came out and said the first priority of the club is finishing in the top 4.And thats how he has managed the club since.We had one of the top 5 players in the world in Cesc but he surrounded him with Song Diaby and Denilson and sold the player who brought the best out of him for free Flamini(yet he gave Rosicknote a £70k a week contract after 4 good games last season!!).There is no winning mentality at the club.Look how we collapsed in the run in 2010 and 2011 look how we couldnt beat relegation bound Birmingham in the final.Last season we finished NINETEEN points off the top 2.But we finished top 4 and thats all Wenger wants because 4th place is a trophy.And like Nasri and Clichy did last season RVP will win the prem because of their manager and we wont because of ours

  25. Hafeez

    Aug 15, 2012, 18:32 #25294

    This is a brilliant write up which I wish Van P could read... He just wants to succeed in killing his own career! Enough about him tho n let's see d brighter side of d club... He aint bigger than d club... Fabregas seemed like wuz a mistake allowing him go but then afta his leave, Van P had all these goal wit d help of Walcott n odas. So will his own case be too... Others will come up!

  26. Highbury Boy

    Aug 15, 2012, 17:50 #25293

    I agree with Tony (Post 27780). You have to question AW and the Owner not VP. Let's get real. Our business model of balancing the books dictates all. We cannot sell Arshavin,Squillaci and the other 10 so we have to loan out where we can and sell for top prices the products the customers do want. Which is why our player of the year and the runner-up are likely to be sold in the next few days. All the while praying for a continuation of CL football.

  27. Jodley

    Aug 15, 2012, 13:35 #25290

    What a great article, and a great web site. I only found your site today and have been really impressed.

  28. Laurence

    Aug 15, 2012, 13:07 #25288

    Robin Van Persie wants to end his career with medals and one last big pay day, which at the time of releasing his statement he didn’t think he could achieve at Arsenal. Despite how the press portray it and you lot swallowing it, he is an Arsenal man like Henry and Fabregas before him. Manchester Utd might appear to be his only viable option now, but RVP was not initially agitating for a move to another English club. Barca missed David Villa hugely last season and must know they need authentic forward cover for him. Who better than RVP? Arsenal will be happier to sell him abroad, and RVP would probably compromise on his own wage demands for the experience of ending his career at the marquee club. Seems to me a club who already possess Busquets and Machereno are more likely to be here for RVP than Song?

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 15, 2012, 12:38 #25287

    Jon it will certainly not be nice to see him in a man u shirt but to say you'd be extremely disappointed if one of our players didn't leave him something to remember the club by preferably above the ankle are you for real ? are you forgetting what it was like when the same thing happened to three of our own players thats if you are a gooner and not a trolling spud.Idiot.

  30. tpm

    Aug 15, 2012, 12:31 #25286

    it made no differnce to the price him coming out with that statement or not. clubs would relaise he would not be signing a new deal if we offered him to them, it wouldnt take colombo to work that out, so the imbecilic arguemnt saying that his statement has lowballed arsenal by undermining his potential fee is absolute rubbish

  31. Tony

    Aug 15, 2012, 12:30 #25285

    Simon ask yourself this why our best players by a million miles and captains Cesc and RVP left the club? Cesc and RVP had been at the club for 8 years they were there with the likes of Henry DB10 Pires Campbell etc they have seen the decline of a team that used to challenge to a team content to finish top 4.Cesc has gone to the best team in the world RVP is joining the biggest team in the world.While Arsenal are now a feeder club to both of them.Instead of crying because RVP wont stay you should be asking questions of Wenger and our Invisible owner

  32. Wenger muss jetzt gehen

    Aug 15, 2012, 12:20 #25284

    The RVP saga has clouded the fact that we have not signed one defender this summer.This comes after the worse defensive performance for 20 years.Surely we cannot go into the season with Flappy/Manonne as our number 2 keeper.Why does Wenger treat the goalkeeping position with such distain.The LB position is beyond a joke.It does my head in when i hear fans say Sicknote Gibbs and Fatboy Dim are great going forward.Who cares they are defenders.Lets not forget Djourou is still at the club!!!!No team has ever won anything without a good defence and that is why we will be potless again.Without RVP its 4th place at best this season

  33. GoonerPaul

    Aug 15, 2012, 12:18 #25283

    @kevin I don't know why some people think that under wenger we can never win anything again! It's crazy! Course we can! Last season was a great finish by us. Dont you think wenger would love to go out and spend 40 million on a player of course he would but at this current time it's just not possible untill things change on the board! As an arsenal fan I'm surprised you are not excited about the coming season as this looks to be the most promising team in years! If we don't win anything thus season I'll hold may hands up and say I was wrong but I honestly think this will be a good year for us. Van Persie will go to united As just another player and prob be injured in the first few months to be honest. When if he stays at arsenal would become a legend!

  34. AKB Basher

    Aug 15, 2012, 12:14 #25282

    Wow Simon Rose outdoes himself AGAIN in the AKB stakes. Fortunately, realists like me are around to dispel such myths and lies so here goes. MYTH 1: 'RVP could become a legend at Arsenal'. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? That a top player should just carry on at an uncompetitive club where he has no chance of ever winning the league or CL, just so he can become a 'club legend'?! What is this 'club legend' title? Who decides it? Is this how the best players in history are recognised? Cristiano Ronaldo is not a 'club legend' at ManYoo but he is still a European footballer of the Yera who has won everything. Matt Le Tissier is a 'club legend' at Southampton, who still has no medals to show for it. This is the argument made by fans of small-time clubs. Well done Simon. MYTH 2: 'Big strikers who play in lone roles tend to suffer alongside other star strikers'. Funny because Giroud played as a lone striker at Montpellier - I don't assume you now think he's gonna flop because he's playing alongside Podolski now hmmm? Ah course not. The argument will change! Pffft MYTH 3: I challenge you to find a SINGLE PERSON IN WORLD FOOTBALL who would choose a partnership of Giroud (who is he?) + Podolski vs RVP + Rooney. That you try and claim potential failure i laughable. MYTH 4: You have written a whole article about Manchester U and how they hould be worried about all those positions that need filling...while some of that may be true, it makes you ook a little foolish when that very team with all its weaknesses finished a grand 19 (yes NINETEEN!) points ahead of your beloved Wenger! 19 pts! And set to add RVP! I am a Gooner and I find Gooners like you quite pitiful. Instead of worrying about whether it'll work for Manure or not, how about you talk about all the areas of the Arsenal squad AW continues to neglect? You know: no quality keeper to challenge the overrated Chez, no top quality left-back, no suitable reserve right-back, no DCM of top quality, still no quality reserve centre-back! By my reckoning that's at LEAST 4 areas Wenger has screwed Arsenal on. And yetyour whole article worries about Manure. Conclusion is: this is anothe rlaughable AKB article. We have won NOTHING in almost EIGHT YEARS. And you are still too head-in-the-sand to realise that RVP is fed up of hanging around a team that wins nothing??!

  35. Danny

    Aug 15, 2012, 11:56 #25281

    @Jon you have got some chance more likely they will be lining up to hug him before the game.

  36. Ruud

    Aug 15, 2012, 11:35 #25280

    I am looking forward to alternating between: "He scores when he wants, Lucas Podolski he sores when he wants" and: "what's the score, Robin van Persie whats's the score" when we beat Manure at home and away. We can you know; I have a good feeling for this season.

  37. Jon

    Aug 15, 2012, 10:01 #25279

    Personally I can't wait to see him get absolutely clattered by one of our players next season. Once he pulls on that United shirt he's fair game. I'd be extremely disappointed if one of our boys didn't leave him with something to remember the club by. Preferably just above the ankle.

  38. Kevin

    Aug 15, 2012, 9:15 #25278

    @Gooner Paul Yes RVP is the main man the captain and the fans did love him.But he isnt going to win anything at Arsenal and thats the bottom line.Do you really think we would have bought Podolski and Giroud if he was staying?get real.Every Gooner with half a brain knows we will not win anything again under Wenger.At Utd they have a manager who looks on finishing 2nd as a disaster unlike Wenger who thinks a top 4 finish is like winning a trophy.RVP ws right no ambition to actually win trophies

  39. GoonerPaul

    Aug 15, 2012, 8:57 #25277

    I also think VP would be mad to leave! He's the main man at Arsenal! He's the captain the fans love him (well they did, and I'm sure will turn back on his side if he decided to stay) and after all his injuries arsenal have stuck by him and made him the player he is today! If he decides to leave and go to man utd, Im positive he will be yet another arsenal player to turn around in the future and say "damn I should never have left!" he will be just another player at man utd! He wanted ambition from then club and that is exactly what winger is showing this year with some of the signings he's made, with yet more maybe to come in! In my opinion we have a better squad than man utd this year! Who really would you want in the arsenal team from man u apart from Rooney, vidic and evra! Our midfield,when all fit, looks far better equipped than theirs! I think this is an exciting time and season for arsenal with or without VP! We will be winning trophies again in no time!

  40. Graham89

    Aug 15, 2012, 7:33 #25276

    Mr Rose what world do you live in?Arsenal are run as a business every penny that goes out of the club has to be recouped.Arsenals business model is self sufficiency.We spent over £40m on 3 players so that £40m have to be recouped.Gazidis has said we only make a profit from sales.RVP is gone Song is going and there is no way Theo will be allowed to go into the final year of his contract and leave for free.Anyone who thought RVP would be kept for his final year and let go for free knows nothing about business and nothing about the way Arsenal are run.I actually haer some Gooners say sell RVP for £20m and spend that money.You joking.The club is run on producing profits NOT winning trophies.Thats what self sufficiency is all about

  41. AussieRussianGooner

    Aug 15, 2012, 5:24 #25273

    Great article Simon. I feel he may have wavered since making his statement, but it's not easy to get back to the table now, with Arsenal having spent money on Cazorla. We may not be able to even match the original offer to him, let alone better it.

  42. GOD

    Aug 15, 2012, 0:48 #25272

    if Arsenal offered him 220 k a week he would stay! look at it from Van Persie's point of view players are earning that at city, united etc! same with Rooney he wasn't going to sign new contract until united pay what yaya toure gets at city! as soon as they did Rooney stayed! Van persie will get his big wages at United if he goes there! at Arsenal he won't! Wenger won't risk the wage budget he doesn't want to risk arsenals future!!!

  43. Joe S.

    Aug 14, 2012, 23:46 #25271

    Gary your blog is poetry, there's not much more to add there, then there's alba. I hope your wrong my friend but I'm afraid this is where arsenal are heading. As for Ren Vassilliou, the berrayal comes from Arsene Wegner selling out to the commercial interests of the yank and the accountantant rather than focusing on making Arsenal the best team in the country.

  44. LJB

    Aug 14, 2012, 22:47 #25267

    Van Persie had a meeting with Wenger and Gazidis just after the end of the season.At this meeting the details of a new contract were NOT discussed because RVP told them he had no intention of signing a new deal and wanted to leave.All parties then agreed on a media blackout so that Arsenal could sell ST's,make signings (giroud) without being held over a barrel and Van Persie could concentrate on the Euros.However once the Euros were over,Wenger told the press that he thought RVP would sign a new contract,and PHW said that RVP was staying.This seriously annoyed Van Persie because they were making public comments that were plainly untrue and designed to mislead the fans.That is why he released that statement.Whether that was a wise thing to do remains to be seen.I can't understand why Arsenal fans don't question why our best players always want to leave.Bale signed a new contract with the spuds when he could have gone anywhere;now Agger is begging Liverpool not to sell him to City.Neither of these clubs have CL football next season yet it doesn't seem to matter to their players.There is something not right at Arsenal and it is about time plans were made for life after Wenger as he only has two yrs left thank god.I fully expect to see the old bugger at PSG,spending dosh like its gone out of fashion.Did anyone see that quote from him a few yrs ago when he said that what PSG needed was some serious financial muscle behind them?Lo and behold there appeared a Sovereign Wealth Fund to the rescue! Seems our Mr Wenger is not adverse to his beloved PSG (he is a fan BTW) buying top quality and being financially doped,but Arsenal have to make do with mediocrity.Cazorlas alright though.

  45. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Aug 14, 2012, 21:51 #25262

    Mike (post 27738): No, you haven't got your facts right. RVP came out with his statement BEFORE the Euro's and was put under pressure not to comment further until AFTER the Euro's by the club - probably because they feared it having a detrimental effect on ST sales.

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 14, 2012, 19:27 #25257

    Agree with Theo's Bikini-Line yes has any of the RVP haters stopped to think that maybe it's down to him that we've shown a little ambition at last (and i guess the R&W statement was a factor as well) that some of these signings were made and for the first time in seven or eight seasons can go into the season with a bit of optimism providing like i said in an earlier reply other weaknesses are addressed.Like TBL says he was only saying what most of us knew and thought.

  47. MIKE #1

    Aug 14, 2012, 19:13 #25256

    I am having a hard time understanding Van Persie right now. If he wanted a move, he should have kept very quiet and let Arsenal sell him, us getting a good fee and him getting a nice contract with Sh!tty or Juve for a lot of money. But by making that stupid statement, he's lowballed Arsenal's position and put us in a spot where we might end up keeping him b/c now everyone knows he won't sign a new contract, so he'll be available for free next year. But think what that means to him regarding his potential for a new deal with another club. He'll be 29 going on 30. He'll continue to make a "paltry" 80k/week, which equates to 5m in "lost" wages over a year. So wherever he ends up, his contract will be for 1 yr less (2 or 3 yrs instead of 4 or 5). Sure the money "saved" on a transfer fee will be added back but his value at 29/30 will be significantly less than today, so the max it will increase would be 5m/yr anyway and it's unlikely he'd get all of it (unless he goes to Sh!tty). But it's a huge gamble - he may get injured. He might be in poor form (he's certainly not going to play as many games unless he continues scoring at the same rate he did last season - if he even starts this season). I think he's really misjudged the situation, any club signing him for 15-20m and giving a 3 yr 180k/wk contract must be nuts, or Sh!tty.

  48. Kenny

    Aug 14, 2012, 19:06 #25255

    When RVP comes back next season he will be booed like Nasri was.Yet where are the protests against the 3 clowns who run our club messrs Wenger Kroenke and Gazidis.Its their mis-management of our club that is the reason why Cesc and RVP are leaving.When the ambitions of the club are a top 4 finish which both Wenger and Gazidis have both said is a trophy.And our owner who hasnt spoken a word about our best player leaving for the second season running.And take a look at the deadwood still at the club Flappy Santos Djourou Diaby Arshavin Park and Chamakh.RVP and Cesc are not stupid they jumped before the ship sank.

  49. 4th is not a trophy

    Aug 14, 2012, 18:51 #25254

    @TonyJohnson Those clubs will continue to cherry pick our best players because they know at the end of the day we always give in and sell.Kroenke is not interested in trophies he's a businessman.What does it tell you when the team that finishes 3rd in the league sells its players to the teams who finished above them and the teams we want to finish above.A fit RVP will win Utd the title.Nothing sums up the difference between Utd and us better than they buy RVP off us and we buy Silvestre off them

  50. thatsimonrose

    Aug 14, 2012, 18:10 #25253

    Interesting comments as always. You can never include every single argument, or you'd be writing indefinitely. I chose my words carefully. Paul, I didn't say that RvP would be an Arsenal legend if he stayed, but that given the amount of goals he's scored he could yet become one. But like I said after he released his statement, once that went down badly he felt like an ex-Arsenal player at that point.

  51. Peter Wain

    Aug 14, 2012, 17:57 #25252

    You cannot balame the players leaving to win things. The players we have had over the last seven years with a few more additions should have won the title at least once. The reason we doid not is poor management by the American owner poor management by Gazidis who is not fit for the position he holds, poor management by the other board memebers who spend all of their time counting Kroenke's money and poor management from Wenger who has given large contracts to too many ordinary players who we now cannot sell.

  52. Ron

    Aug 14, 2012, 17:26 #25250

    Honest Gunners fans can where RVP is at really. Its not hard to understand. You make some great points though. My view? Its time to sell. His age, his fitness as he approaches 30. RVP wont do a Shearer or a Drogba and be really good till his mid 30s He ll be done at the top at 31/2. 20 Million(ish) plus an add on or two is a good deal for him. His best has gone. It happened last Season before our very eyes. Like you, im surprised United want him. RVP as Rooneys 'No 2'/sidekick isnt a match made in heaven. Far from it.I suspect its just to spite Mancini to be honest and to show that Utd still have 'clout' more than what Van P can offer!I cdt care less hes going but as i say, can fully understand why the grass looks greener via RVPs eyes.I hope hes not making a massive error as ive always liked him, despite the limited returns for 7 years.

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 14, 2012, 17:04 #25249

    Yes Simon if the papers were to be believed he's gone to man u and a lot of man u fans i know due to his time at arsenal will never see him as a true manc just an ex gooner brought in to do a job with the help of arsenal cashing in on their best players every season but i suppose that could change if he were to help them win the prem or CL it would certainly be a gamble for him especially injury wise but how many times on here last season was it said it was only a matter of time till he got injured and he never did (thank god) I agree RVP if he wanted to could still rescue the situation and indeed his arsenal career it could be very exciting indeed if he were to have a change of heart and to see him linking up with our new signings providing of course some of our other glaring weaknesses were to be addressed.

  54. jj

    Aug 14, 2012, 16:56 #25248

    Anyone think Arsenal want to sell him? Podolski looks a direct replacement to me.

  55. Highbury Boy

    Aug 14, 2012, 16:54 #25247

    Let's cut out the emotion. Has VP got a better chance of winning a medal at Man U or Arsenal? Get your answer from the bookmakers' odds. There was a time,not too many years ago ,when it was the other way round. The signing of the extra forwards was never in addition to VP but instead of and there has been zero strengthening of the defence. What happens when SzCz can't play beggars belief.

  56. Mike

    Aug 14, 2012, 16:41 #25246

    Ian the gooner - if I have my facts right, attempted negotiations started with RVP started at the beginning of the year - he then said he wanted to wait until the end of the season - negotiations reopened at the end of the season with from what I hear a pretty decent contract - he then said he wanted to concentrate on the Euros - the Euros finished and then RVP came out with his statement which was totally unprofessional using social media,(it doesn't matter what job you do) -this made it clear that he wanted to go - no decent offers were made until about two weeks ago -RVP dragged his feet as much as Arsenal- it takes two to tango

  57. Bard

    Aug 14, 2012, 16:34 #25245

    Simon you raise some interesting points. Why would he want to go to Man U ? Barca, Real Madrid yes but United ? Despite their record they are a club in decline. Still having to play Giggs and Scholes is a sign of desperation In my opinion they are held together by Fergie's mighty personality. Does anyone really think they will anything this year ? They are desperate having been unable to compete in the transfer market for sometime, paying in the region of £20 for RVP with his injury record is desperate/bonkers or both. The second point is that United have no decent midfielders capable of supplying RVP. He is not an out and out striker so your question about how he will fit in with Rooney is a valid one. They also often play with one up when they play decent oppostion so where does he fit in with that system. He also thrives best when he is the main man; bit parts don't suit him. So the answer to the question why United becomes more clear; as so often these days he seems to have had his head turned by the opportunity to earn loadsofmoney.

  58. Arsenal Feeder Club

    Aug 14, 2012, 15:36 #25244

    RVP is 29 he has one big move left.He wants to finish his career with trophies he wants to be in team photo with a cup in front of them.Lets all be honest and take our blinkers off he aint gonna do it with us.And i dont class the top 4 cup or the Emirates cup as real trophies unlike Inspector Clueless

  59. Olesolks

    Aug 14, 2012, 15:28 #25243

    Very nice article, touching really! And this coming from A United fan should make you feel really good...keep Writing!

  60. DW Thomas

    Aug 14, 2012, 15:12 #25242

    A fair weather player is RVP. One good season and he is off for more money and maybe better chances to win something. Can you blame him? Yeah, but the majority of the blame lies with Wenger. He is the most responsible for the situation at the club, at least if you go by his statements. He gives players chance after chance, talks of mental strength and spirit, but I don't see it. No one else does either. Sure he gets one right once in a while, say with Kos, but then there are the Almunias and Denilsons. His denial of the way things really are either shows he is complicit with the board or is truly completely out of touch with reality. Arteta was a panic buy last year, but at least he is quality and seems to really have heart. He left Everton kind of similar to what RVP is doing now. But, he did not go to a rival or Liverpool, did he. If RVP goes to United, there is no more evidence needed. We are a feeder club, a poser. Wenger is already talking about how we can challenge for the title. Let's wait and see buddy! He says the same s..t each season, only excuses. Yes, the signings are good, but we need a couple more for a complete, deep team. Hasn't Arsene learned over 7 trophyless seasons that the year is unpredictable with injuries and suspensions? I can barely stomach each quote from Wenger these days and never trust at all anything that comes from his lips. By the way, Bendtner, Squillaci, Denilson, and Park are still on the books, no? And what was the purpose of buying Park? He looked ok in the Olympics, I thought. South Korea had that grit and effort we see many Arsenal players lack. Bottom line with RVP: you are quitting on your team and club. When the going got tough, you got your rivals. Hope I am wrong.


    Aug 14, 2012, 14:53 #25241



    Aug 14, 2012, 14:31 #25240

    If Van Persie signs for Man Utd it will be the biggest betrayal of all time ... Judas for life ... go anywhere you want but not to your teams worst enemy.. that's putting the knife in..

  63. Paintballing with Daiby

    Aug 14, 2012, 14:22 #25239

    Firstly, I'm loving the new signings and subsequent feel good vibes that seem to be radiating throughout the club right now. However, it could all be very easily undone by this RVP saga continuing to go the way the it seems to be going. Although I agree that RVP should probably be sold, I am in all honesty one of those Gooners who is desperately holding out for the kind of disingenuous letter of apology and contract U-turn that Simon describes. The chances of that are admittedly slim and he probably will need to be sold before this window closes. But! with one huge great f**k-off caveat... we simply CANNOT sell to ManU! I can't understate just how absurd the idea of selling to them in particular is, especially for a measly £22m! Not only would that put them right back in the title mix but the message it would send to the fans and the psychological damage it would do to the players would be absolutely devastating (much worse than the Cesc to Barce). Selling to a direct rival, never mind Man U is just beyond asinine on so many levels. I can't believe Arsene or the board would be stupid enough to sanction such a deal. The long term damage would probably far out way any transfer fee we could recoup for a 29 year old player in the last year of his contract. Plus... we mustn't forget that Manchester United are the biggest bunch of narcissistic corporate whores in football, believing themselves to be gods gift to the game and humankind in equal measure. "Theatre of Dreams" F**k right off!

  64. Graham Simons

    Aug 14, 2012, 13:48 #25238

    Biggest club in the land you could be but what did you actually end up with last season? the same reward as us and we had our worst start to a Premiership season ever. He's giving up the captaincy of the biggest club in the greatest city on the planet to go off to not even the second city where no doubt he'll play second fiddle to Rooney. Our transfer budget is also set to be swelled by a new kit sponsorship AND supplier deal. We're well on track to repay the money on the stadium at which point what money comes in can go out again. And we have outspent your lot for the first time in years. We have had the overeliance on youth during the lean years but tell me honestly who really is the club on the up? Us or United? I say if RVP is stupid enough to sign for United let's get rid now.

  65. ren vassilliou

    Aug 14, 2012, 13:37 #25237

    I have said all along that once the door closes that would be it for Van Persie, the fact that really hurts is him going to The Arch Enemy, how could a man that was given all that support from Wenger decide that's it I'm off to Utd , how about the supporters of 8 years that nursed him and chanted his name on the stands ,does he really want to be more hated than Adebayor, he should reconsider his options and if he has any heart for the Club,the Fans and most important to the Manager that gave him all the support through all those injuries and stay with the club where he is loved, i am sick of seeing players kissing the Badge and then off they go as if it don't mean nothing, Think hard RVP and don't regret your actions......

  66. alba

    Aug 14, 2012, 13:29 #25235

    i bewlieve arsenal era is finished. they never gonna reach what they had before.they were very very lucky last season to finish top 3.this season i cant see happen it.i truly believe the will go down no matter happen with persi stays or goes i just dont see any good in arsenal any more.

  67. Simon T

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:53 #25233

    What on earth does RVP need forgiveness for? He has a chat with AW and is not convinced that the right players will be bought; quite rightly fancies a bit of real silverware before a stint in the USA and thus decides that his chances are better elsewhere. He expresses the same point of view as many of the contributors to this site and yet is castigated! I want him to stay but if he goes I'd say thanks and good luck.

  68. Ian the Gooner

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:49 #25232

    RVP should have been sold two months ago.When will Arsenal ever learn if a player wants to go sell them.We had it with Cesc we had it with Nasri.The way we run our club is a shambles.Simon instead of having a go at RVP you should be taking aim at Mr £7m a year Wenger.A manager who lets players run their contracts into their final year and then turns around to the fans and tells them that the players are going nowhere when we all know they are..And anyone who thinks Theo will sign a new contract dream on.He's offski.If Wilshire by some miracle comes back he will be the next one out the door

  69. John Gooner

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:46 #25231

    You cannot say that what RVP said a month or so ago was wrong. We looked a side lacking direction and lacking ambition - you CAN question his loyalty, but football careers are short and any of us would want to win trophies. Perhaps RVP's statement was a catalyst for change, I certainly hope so. The squad now looks stronger than it has at any time since the invincibles; if RVP leaves now, he will have to think of a new reason or face being just another disappointment. I don't think there should be any embarrassment in RVP staying, he made a statement and Arsenal have made one of their own - we await his response... I am relishing the kick off on Saturday - Cazorla, Song, Arteta, Podolski, RVP, Giroud?

  70. Tony Evans

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:32 #25230

    I would state the complete opposite in that he would be nuts to stay. He is 29, wants to win some medals and he obviously thinks that is not going to happen at Arsenal with the nutty professor at the helm. I can't really blame him for wanting to move. You may be right about RVP and Rooney not being a match made in heaven but Old Red Nose usually gets it right so who knows.

  71. Paul

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:15 #25229

    Simon you dont half talk some bull.You say RVP would be a legend if he stayed.What a player who has had one good season in 8.A player who has only twice played over 25 games a season for us.A player whose favourite position was lying on the treatment table.Legends are Adams PV4 DB10 and TH14 not one season wonders.This is great business for Arsenal.Lets hope the stories that Song to Barca and Walnutt to Scouseland are true as well

  72. Gary

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:05 #25228

    Yeah why would he join the biggest club in the country with the greatest manager ever when he could be playing for a club with the ambition of finishing 4th.I just cant believe it

  73. Wenger Lover

    Aug 14, 2012, 12:02 #25226

    Go to hell RVP ! You peaked last season,its downhill for you all the way down! Have him MU! We dont need him anymore!

  74. Football Fan 101

    Aug 14, 2012, 11:47 #25225

    Arsenal haven't won anything major in years, RvP has kept them afloat, it's the club that is holding him back. He needs a higher profile club to truly become one of the greats...something that Arsenal isn't at anymore.

  75. dee.groom

    Aug 14, 2012, 11:47 #25224

    noooooooooooooo jus get rid, time for change gives others there chance, he'll be paid far to much wen we've got players i think given there chance will b able to do the job, plus with he's injury recored? bye bye persie and forgoten :)

  76. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Aug 14, 2012, 11:32 #25223

    What's RVP got to apologise for? He was only telling it as it is. Remember how frustrating it was all of last summer not knowing if Cesc and Nasri were going or staying? At least with RVP's statement us gooners got used to the idea that he was unlikely to stay fairly early on in the piece, rather than having to wait until almost the last day of the transfer window before finding out that both were gone - despite the assurances of the manager!! One last thing, do you think we would have signed Giroud and Cazorla if RVP hadn't have questioned the club's ambition and threatened to leave?

  77. MRMROD

    Aug 14, 2012, 11:32 #25222

    Heart warming stuff Simon but it cannot be glossed over that RvP has shown his true colours in the form of disloyalty. I wont harp on about his abysmal fitness record or the one great season in eight that he has had but more that his statement in writing which raised two fingers to the club who stood by him through personal and professional troughs; only for him to bite the hand that has fed him so well. 'Its not about money its about ambition' but we clearly displayed true ambition this season with our acquisitions so far and at that point he could have quickly provided a new tail between his legs statement by way of a dramatic U-Turn. He too would be the highest paid earner in our clubs history on top of the week in week out honour of captaining the club and getting to live life in one of the greatest cities on earth! I agree, "lets love the club", and sell him, before the season kicks off, to the highest bidder and if he's willing to go to Manure for £22m then so be it. He can become their risk.

  78. Wombledin

    Apr 11, 2012, 21:09 #21080

    Yeah a great revenge win, a great goal, all credit to Wenger and the team, we just handed Man U yet another title. I just don't understand why so many Gooners get so excited anymore and seem to ready to forget and forgive Wenger all the time, when a few years ago we were winning doubles, we were the invincibles, a new era of glory was on the horizon. Now we are just the Valencia or Motherwell of English football. Despite the 'micro' level excitement at victories like this, at the 'macro' level my soul is empty. When the team are seriously challenging for real trophies again and not choking when it matters then I'll get really really excited again. But don't worry, Arsene knows and the AKB are crowing again. Hope springs eternal, maybe next season will be different...(he has said to himself the last 7 seasons).

  79. ppp

    Apr 11, 2012, 0:01 #21053

    I'm sure Kevin is a nice boy in real life - but I have to agree with Jim, Angelo and the majority of match going fans. It's Kevin and his Tottenham sleeper friends (you know the ones, the same names saying the same things as if they've been paid to push a point) that are the "haters" as you call them. If being positive and seeing the good things going on at Arsenal is "hating" then what the hell is what you're doing?? Constant negativity even in the face of a good result like Sunday's is pathetic. You are not helping the lads you are hindering them. Criticism is fine, constant unrelenting criticism is a flaw in your character. Do you really think Arsene is an idiot who knows nothing about football? Really? Do you hate Ramsey so much you're prepared to write him off despite all the evidence to the contrary that Arsene knows a player and knows how to bring them on? You will have to accept that it's you that has the problem, not Arsene. And if you can't take the "haters" having their say, bear in mind what you are doing to Arsene. Are you not pouring your "hate" all over him? If you give it out then you have to be prepared to take it back. Having said that I'm glad you're not in jail or anything for this ridiculous touting charge which - negative g*t or not - you didn't deserve it.

  80. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 10, 2012, 18:28 #21048

    @ CanadaGooner; agree with you on Fergie. He is a one-off the in his era just as Paisley was in his. Let’s hope that when Fergie is finally pensioned off, Wenger’s successor can be the best in his. Agree with you on Wenger after the 2003/04 title win too. I thought he was too hasty in discarding the experience and it eventually bit him. Let’s hope he has learned from it. I have my doubts but am happy to be proved wrong.

  81. gee

    Apr 10, 2012, 17:29 #21045

    Yawn. Even Barca have flaws. Every team has flaws in every game that we could concentrate on. Why you have more negatives than positive after every positive result amazes me. I bet you moaned at drawing too many games in the invincibles season

  82. Luke

    Apr 10, 2012, 17:12 #21044

    You're just a man with an agenda, incapable of any impartial view on games. I like how when we have big results, you find ways to avoid talking about the performance. Write about ticket touting else where.

  83. CanadaGooner

    Apr 10, 2012, 14:15 #21040

    @Gare Kekeke: thanks mate. I meant he has won 20 trophies I care about. How about 37 major honours since he took over utd? whichever figure you choose, the fellow is a one-off, whichever era you wish to compare him with. the rest of your rebuttal simply goes on to support the same assertion. I wont bother dragging this out, as i'm sure you know what i mean, and i'm quite happy to agree to disagree. fact of the matter is, fergie's achievements wont be repeated by anyone anytime soon, and as i stated, sme of his wins have been through sheer brilliance, others can be scrutinized (ref assists etc) and some are simply as a result of him sticking with the OBVIOUS: use players who know what they're doing (scholes, giggs etc) and have won it over and over again. Arsenal on the other hand went one season unbeaten and wenger suddenly thought he is a genius and that the success was all down to his genius and suddenly we start to see all the experienced players: pirez, edu, henry, parlour, keown, viera (the list goes on) shown the door (some of them with 3 - 4 good seasons still in them), to be replaced by a bunch of hopeful kids, thrust out there all too soon, with zero experience of closing the deal. That, my friend is the reality.

  84. TK

    Apr 10, 2012, 12:00 #21033

    i think comparing our financial position to united is ridiculous. sure we can learn a lot from them, possibly off the field and in terms of wages, but they spent heavily in the summer, and are likely to spend a significant amount again to replace scholes/carrick etc. Its quite clear our policy is keeping a low profile and going for players with only a year left on their contracts. Expect more of the same in the summer. I feel podolski transfer will only go through if we make champs league

  85. Ron

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:04 #21027

    Well reaasoned post. Great to beat City. Well deserved. The Club still needs a top quality extra striker(2 if RVP leaves). A quality LB, quality goalkeeper cover, a quality CB and a top quality box to box midfielder, plus very possibly a defensive midfielder too. We need a less gung ho approach and an acceptance that defence and a greater focus on stopping other teams playing is essential sometimes. Without the above, not much will change and they wont raise their own bar from being a 3rd or 4th placed Club which as things stand is likely to be consistently occuring qualification (with the odd worry here and there) while the general overall quality of the Prem league remains as low as it is.

  86. Nick

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:04 #21025

    A fantastic win and a great performance , Kevin makes some salient points regarding pre season and the need to change our spending policy and tie up transfers earlier in the summer, it could make all the difference to next season, i do have one critical comment regarding the city match however , why on earth with two wide players on the bench, ie the ox and freaky fred ,(gervinho)did the manager take off Benayoun (who for me was playing far better than Theo ) and put a central midfielder on and play him out of position out wide ? im sorry to seem negative about it but i dont think anything wenger "did" won us the match , it was a moment of brilliance from Arteta, clearly disobeying protocol and just letting fly that did that.

  87. AugustusCaesar

    Apr 10, 2012, 10:45 #21024

    All the euphoria I felt after the win against City evaporated after reading this post. Did we really just more or less outplay the team what many people thought would win the title not so long ago? I think we just did. Everyone knows we are not the finished article but credit where credit is due. Many on here bemoan Arsenal for: not winning games they dominate ; relying on RvP to score goals and win us games ; our lack of defensive stability ; our lack of team spirit and effort. None of those things were in evidence yesterday yet still the editor can't bring himself to say so. Instead he homes in on a Ramsey miss that, which may have been galling but was also was academic. Kevin, were you even excited by our victory on Sunday? Doesn't sound like it. It's a good job the players aren't looking towards next season as a lot of the fans seem to be - otherwise we'd be in mid-table.

  88. GoonerRon

    Apr 10, 2012, 9:25 #21021

    'The haters will bash me for having the temerity to write a critical word after a great win.' It's not the critical words that grate with me, it's the virtual lack of anything positive to say after our 8th win in 9 games, wins against some of the best teams, the form teams, in the league.

  89. DW Thomas

    Apr 10, 2012, 3:53 #21015

    Once again, Kev, you have given us a reasoned and spot on analysis. And I disagree with many people on many things. We played well, but, Ramsey, oh dear, what a miss. Theo went missing a lot again as well. Yet, Arteta stepped up and won the game. It could have been 3 or 4 to 0. Still, City are a team with the wheels coming off and a shadow of their early season selves. Again, when we win something, not by default either, then I will sing the endless praises of this team. How do players like Ramsey and Vermaelen have such bad misses? I know we're all human, but they are paid to win football matches are they not? I do still have a big smile on my face though from so many things: Balotelli's red, Arteta's goal, and the sound of the crowd cheering the team on. How great was that win? Despite this roller coaster season, it was pure joy seeing us beat the mercenaries that are City! Nasri and Clichy, that's what you get chasing the money you ungrateful...

  90. dan

    Apr 10, 2012, 1:53 #21014

    we saw what happend at q.p.r the other week,if they don't turn up,it's simple,we won't win.

  91. Greg71

    Apr 10, 2012, 1:45 #21013

    Good balance between enjoying the win v city ,whilst not forgetting what has gone before. The squad need to remember that you get three points regardless of who you play in the premier league that is one factor always remembered by utd,otherwise the gap would be smaller.What chance making Benny a signed up member(can he stay fit though )? Big chance on wednesday to get some daylight ,the quicker third is secured the more chance our transfer targets can be signed nice and early ready for next season (fingers crossed)!

  92. Charlie Charlie

    Apr 09, 2012, 23:59 #21012

    Just in case you missed it Kevin, Arsenal won yesterday in one of the best games of the season. Still, why should that interrupt your stream of negative posts. Keep it up Arsene. Keep it up Arsenal. The vast majority continue to support you.

  93. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 09, 2012, 23:56 #21011

    Yes, a much better team performance aided by the fact that the team had more balance with the exclusion of Ramsey in the wide left postion. However, OGL wasnt going to miss the chance of trying to prove a point by making him our first substitute and placing him in the very same position once again. Where I would add, once again he offered very little in terms of contribution. Stubborn? Can't be told? Sûrement pas!

  94. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 09, 2012, 22:45 #21010

    @ CanadaGooner; a bit of a correction; Fergie’s success is not a one-off as you have claimed. In his nine years as Liverpool’s manager, Bob Paisley won six league titles and three European Cups in an era when to be champions of Europe; you HAD to win your league. And unlike today, draws in European competition were random, not the like seeding you get today. And Ferguson hasn’t won the league 20 times, it’s actually 12. Well 15 if you include the three he won at Aberdeen. It is widely accepted that this current Man Utd team is not a vintage one, but they will retain the league title because they have a great manager who always wants to win and never tires of it and has proved that overall good management gets you far. That’s what stands Ferguson from any other British manager, with the exception of Paisley. We all know that this is at best a decent Arsenal team and nowhere the great Arsenal teams of the past. For me, even the 1997/98 collective is better than this lot and this current is technically superior. Add to the fact that most of this bunch couldn’t even beat relegation fodder Birmingham in last year’s League Cup final tells us all we need to know about the current mentality in the players and perhaps more importantly the manager. It’s not all down to money as many people claim. Good management is the key and sadly Wenger at times has been guilty of mismanagement in recent years. Let’s hope he opens himself to change this summer with regards to the squad and Pat Rice’s successor. But if recent years are anything to go by, it’s wishful thinking. Up The Arsenal!

  95. simon

    Apr 09, 2012, 22:39 #21009

    My non arsenal supporting mates reckoned city were dreadful other than in defence and I think that's valid but heck we should have been home and hosed way before Arteta's strike. I reckon yesterday was one for the football god's so am grateful but I am again left to wonder why one of the best attacking talents in the game is left on the bench in favour of an out of position, out of form and technically substandard midfielder and a lightweight journeyman who at best just linked play well but hey, i've never spent a day in football. I think Kev's sentiments on where we need Arsene to push on are well made and critical. Our squad is our weakness we know that. Our centre backs get injured we ship calamatous goals, our first team creative options run out of juice like with the Milan game and we are screwed-sure we have injuries but we always get injuries and so do United, its just that our bench is awful. I mean yesterday who on the bench would you bring on other than Ox and Santos?? So whilst pride is being restored and the Emirates is becoming a great home for us, we badly need to look forward and hope we can avoid defeat against the chavs and squeak out 3 more wins on top as that should see us top 4.

  96. CanadaGooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 22:00 #21008

    Dempsey? maybe Joe Fitzpatrick was right and this fellow needs looking at. He's scored again today, almost as consistent (if not more) as RVP. either him or papiss Cisse please (Cisse already speaks french, so he'll fit right in)

  97. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 21:48 #21007

    @ canada your spot on about this arry love in i've brought it up a couple of times myself the love in he had with the press would make you sick thats all finished now he's been found out when he jumps ship for england after a couple of poor results the same press will be hammering him your right when arry and the spuds have won as much as arsene and arsenal then maybe we'll listen.

  98. Anita Harris

    Apr 09, 2012, 21:30 #21005

    Word of advice Kev for your Wolves match report just write Wenger is God.That will satisfy the saddos who are content with just finishing top 4.they are already planning the open bus tour to the town hall with the 3rd/4th place trophy

  99. CanadaGooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 21:11 #21004

    wow! dead silence? I recall reactions to my article "Let's talk about Spurs" a few months ago when Spurs were several points ahead of Arsenal, and onlinegooner was bombarded with comments about how arsenal fans should forget about history and talk about the present: OK FOLKS, LET'S TALK ABOUT THE PRESENT! ooops, sounds exactly the same as the PAST: spurs finishing behind Arsenal while huffing and puffing again? oh dear! Job's not done yet, come on you gooners! 6 goals at wolves please! let's give them a parting present ahead of life in the championship (not that i have anything against wolves: they simply have an abysmal management who chose to send them down to the championship)

  100. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 21:01 #21003

    A fantastic win i don't think we ever looked like losing still some serious shooting practice needed from ramsey agree with you kev its happening to often any body can miss or balloon the ball now and again but he does it all the time thought benny had a good game couldn't understand waiting till the last ten or so to hook walcott he was anonymous your spot on about young players not being given high wages till they prove they deserve them to many like that at the minute hopefully they'll be going in the clear out i think RVP will stay only if the proven quality you talk about is purchased.Well done to the fans who mimicked the city fans silly goal celebration i think its called the poznan hilarious we're very lucky we're not talking about another broken leg to one of our players the player who nearly caused it doesn't even deserve a mention was very surprised arsene hadn't more to say about it.We have got wolves next and with the spuds losing to norwich third place is in our own hands as far as wolves are concerned we thought the same about QPR.

  101. MarkH

    Apr 09, 2012, 20:49 #21002

    aws&kevin I agree with the law regarding the selling on of tickets.For years touts, made serious money out of ordinary fans by getting tickets they did not want, for teams they did not support,just to make a fat profit. I paid a grand for a Champions league ticket that never turned up. Some fat pile of **** calling himself an 'agency' from Blackheath did actually give me the money back,by then it was too late. I am surprised that the Editor moans about this when he declares himself to be a supporter.I am a red member,my mate gets me tickets for the bigger games but we exchange the money out of sight of the coppers and away from the ground. The coppers cannot tell at the time of the deal,if it is for face value or a profit.It's simple, do the business where you aint seen,but the law is designed to help the true supporters,so applaud it. It definately not like selling a motor,or a bag of sugar!

  102. Mike Stefan

    Apr 09, 2012, 20:17 #21001

    I have to say, I don't agree that the team was "excellent" yesterday. Sure, some good football was played (and I hope that the improvement continues) BUT we were very profligate in front of goal, some of our players are very inconsistent (Theo, Song, Ramsey) and the game frustrated the hell out of me. Sure, it was an amazing feeling to score right at the end, and it's no more than we deserved, but let's not forget that Citeh were a very poor team as well.

  103. Kilkenny Cat

    Apr 09, 2012, 20:06 #21000

    Please leave ramsey alone. He has suffered in what is,lets be honest an average team. And playing left wing hasn,t helped his confidence. 3rd place is in our hands now,if they do their job it should be ours. This is not success,but after the early season shambles,and the pathetic january,is at least something to build on

  104. Ken Dodd

    Apr 09, 2012, 19:58 #20999

    We've won the Champions League qualification trophy so many times,shouldn't we get to keep it!?

  105. Andy

    Apr 09, 2012, 19:48 #20998

    Up until 2005 Wenger stood shoulder to shoulder with SAF.But then he became obsessed with "The Project".I will not celebrate a 3rd or 4th place finish.We should be fighting it out for the title.Once you start to settle for 4th place you become a 4th place team.It will still be 7 years without a trophy

  106. A. Jobim

    Apr 09, 2012, 19:20 #20996

    If by "technical flaw," you mean Ramsey's not good enough for Arsenal, I agree. Otherwise, I can't envisage him playing next season given our current choices in midfield -- not to mention Jack's return, the apparent return of Ryo and the myriad summer transfers the manager is considering in midfield. Time to sell.

  107. Chris P.

    Apr 09, 2012, 18:58 #20995

    Welcome back to the Grove, Kev. Couldn't agree more that we “cut[ ] adrift obviously below-par performers without sentiment.” Ramsey is by all accounts a lovely chap; however, I respectfully suggest that he be included in the list of proposed players off-loaded this summer.

  108. Angelo

    Apr 09, 2012, 18:37 #20994

    goonergeoff - Gibbs: "we need a proper defender, because someone is going to find us out, and soon." Yes, just wait until we play one of the big sides with £20m plus players all over the pitch - they'll murder us. Oh wait ....

  109. CanadaGooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 18:21 #20993

    @Merse69 and Mike - spot on lads. If Fergie was that easy to copy, most of his disciples (ex - man utd players) who have dambled into management (at one time we had 4 or 5 of them in the premiership) would have done wonders. Fergie's success is a one-off and it's unique. A lot contributes to that: united easier games at the end of each season, which is supposedly 'coincidental', crazy refereeing decisions like the one this weekend against QPR, a lot of money spent, longevity (same fellow at the helm for over 25 years) and most importantly, desire to win and the reliance on players who have won it so many times, they know how to close that deal. Many have tried at Liverpool, Spurs etc and they cant even win a single premiership: why? because the same fellow has won it 20 times (it's not rocket-science) To end an article with the sort of paragraph you have in there is really regrettable, but quite understandable. And yes, arsenal can go off beating man city to losing to wolves, a team that hasnt won in 7+ games. We need our players to remain focused, something they havent managed for better part of this season (and the last 7 seasons). Let's hope for the best though

  110. Elirob72

    Apr 09, 2012, 18:20 #20992

    Great commentary...Arsenal can only become better if Wenger & Co. take heed of your focused critiques...

  111. CanadaGooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 18:09 #20991

    I just want to see those HARRY WORSHIPPING gooners! please show your faces. Let's have some more sanctimonous crap out of you please? It's quite unimaginable how Harry suddenly became a hero before actually winning the premiership and top 4 was supposedly conceded to Spurs by so many yellow arsenal fans on here. well, let's see your yellow faces now please....

  112. goonergeoff

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:50 #20990

    am i the only person who thinks Gibbs is a total liabikity in this side? He hides as far up the field as possible, on the touchline, absolving himself of any proper defensive responsibility. when he actually is somewhere near the action in the defensive third he is usually on the wrong side of his player ( at corners and free kicks) or too far away to prevent a cross. his effectiveness in attack is severely limited by his total reliance on his left foot, and he invariably cuts inside and lays the ball back, so interrupting any forward impetus. santos is no answer either. we need a proper defender, because someone is going to find us out, and soon.

  113. HowardL

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:49 #20989

    Great game and fantastic finish! The Ox should have been brought on earlier but hopefully that much fresher to deal with the Wolves. Go on Arsene, feed the Ox and he will score. Good win for Norwich today - and hopefully Fulham this evening - but we just have to win on Wednesday.

  114. Paul Huston

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:40 #20988

    Who says we're a one man team?! Brilliant response and result overall. Ramsey couldn’t score in a brothel with a fistful of tenners. It's becoming painfully obvious that he's not first team quality.

  115. Mike

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:38 #20987

    Another downbeat tone. What more do people expect from the team - they sunk Man City and it could have been 3-4 nil. City didn't have a shot on target (fact)- people kept saying that the team was in trouble if RVP didn't score - now what? - just finished watching Spurs getting totally outplayed by Norwich - they are now in danger in falling out of the top four to 6th. Well done Harry- (Ron and Winger out now) The team deserves credit - since September it has achieved more points than city. At the beginning of the season and even in the middle people were saying that 61 points was maximum - looks like we have to lose all the games from now on - then again this site would love that

  116. Jim

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:34 #20986

    Kevin, you're becoming a bit of a joke. This website used to be a place where fans could read good reports about Arsenal by someone who really knew the club. Why you feel the need to mention Man U in your headline after an amazing Arsenal performance is beyond me. It gives me immense amounts of pleasure that you're stuck with Wenger, because he ain't going anywhere. And thank the heavens for that. You, and your pathetic little friends, who no matter what you write, are on this comments section with the same remarks every week "good point, Kev"... "Couldn't agree me, Kev" are in the minority of Arsenal fans. You're the haters. Your prediction earlier in the season that Arsenal wouldn't qualify for the Champions League this year is up there with your "scoop" that Arsenal had signed Cahill and Jagielka. Keep up the good work.

  117. Merse69

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:33 #20985

    Great - "Wenger out" has metamorphosised into "copy Ferguson"... That's genius! If management of a major club was that simple, you'd think it might have been tried before...... Whatever you do, don't tell Spurs, Chelsea, Newcastle, Villa etc or it's going to get pretty tight at the top of the league. Alternatively, you could recognise that Wenger has turned this season around, hugely improved the defence and signed some experienced players (presumably including Poldolski) which bodes well for next season.

  118. Jude Jolicoeur

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:28 #20984

    Correct, Kevin. Well-deserved three points. Outclassed Citeh really. RvP will continue to score when he wants despite being kept out lately by Stephen Warnock in the Villa match, and Vermaelan and the post yesterday. Rosicky, Song and Arteta were massive. Benayoun put in a shift. No surprises there. Seeing Ramsey come off the bench prior to the Ox, however, was surprising. Ramsey simply can’t be trusted. His debacle in injury time sums it all up for the player. Fingers crossed his inability to score, or make a proper decision, doesn’t cost us this season. We know better than most clubs (see, e.g., injury time winners at Anfield and against Newcastle) that it’s never over until… Is there any doubt after squandering yet another chance that he’s not of the required quality for the Arsenal? Nevertheless, c’mon you Gunners!

  119. PaddyLondon

    Apr 09, 2012, 17:20 #20983

    Kevin, Welcome back. Really concerned and confused about the "touting" incident. As you say it is commonplace for people to swap and share tickets - I know some people who retain a season ticket, but "lease" it for season, or buy tickets on silver memberships for friends and family. Is that really touting and a criminal offence? Look forward to reading your piece on on this iwth information you've gleaned - along with more tales of stirring Arsenal victories. Regards

  120. jack

    Apr 09, 2012, 16:58 #20982

    Spot on about United Kev.We used to compete with them.Ferguson even when United win the league will strengthen in the summer and bring in quality signings.Wenger will look as a 3rd/4th place finish as a justification of his methods and back this team.Because to him and the board its all about finishing top 4.And thats why Fergie is celebrating his 5th title in 6 years while we are fighting to finish top 4.Miles apart

  121. CT Gooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 16:52 #20981

    For all those slagging this post (primarily Angelo & Fonzy Gooner) what positives did you take from yesterdays performance? I thought Arteta played one of his best games of the year, and Song decided to run (which was better than QPR), but we didn't create on the flanks. Benny worked hard, but what did Theo do? Made Clichy look good is what. and what changes did the gaffer make, oh that's right wait til there's 20 minutes left and bring Ramsey on on the left, what genius! And then bring the hapless Walcott off with 5 minutes to go. I'm sorry, I spent 25 minutes of the last 30 wondering when they would score, given that none of our chances fell to RVP. All I can say to those that want to keep their rose coloured glasses on, go read the clubs official postings, you'll find what you want there.

  122. Jego

    Apr 09, 2012, 16:32 #20980

    Pretty good article I should say. I think what happens to Arsenal in May 2013 would directly relate to what happens during the coming transfer window. Wenger admitted that things haven't worked out well with some players and he'll be getting rid of 8 players (I guess Arshavin, Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh, Park Chu Young, Diaby, hopefully Djourou and + Almunia and Squilacci leaving on free transfers) and as media roumours - bringing 4-5 decent players (Podolski, M'vila, Vertonghen and more). I hope it's true. Such a sell off would generate at least £30 mln cash + Wenger already has £70 mln available already. If he wisely spends, £50 mln would be enough to buy quality players to build a team capable of winnig premier league, FA cup and Carling cup. Next season will be a very difficult one - as Newcastle and Sunderland are getting better and better - there will be no mercy for being foolish during the summer transfer window. But let's be positive, I have a good feeling that we will see the Arsenal level of late 90's - early 2000's very-very soon !

  123. Will

    Apr 09, 2012, 16:11 #20979

    Excellent post Kevin. Yes a great result but you are quite right Utd have won the title with arguably their worst team for years what can we learn from them ? Sadly the short answer nothing.I have written here before the problem is that Wenger will not change and that is his achilles heel. There is a perversity here that defies explanation. There wont be a change of policy or the appointment of a creative and exciting number 2 to replace Pat Rice. We wont be buying 2/3 quality players. We will probably sell RVP but the saga will go on all summer. I will put my mortgage on the fact that we will go into next season short of the 3/4 players we need to challenge for hons. Yesterday was one of those days when you see how much potential we have had over the last 5/6 years but done little with it.

  124. keeming

    Apr 09, 2012, 15:55 #20978

    wouldnt be able to catch 2006 Arsenal Vs CSKA moscow match without your help back then. Hope you don't get into too much trouble. Fan from Singapore.

  125. Fonzy Gooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 15:33 #20977

    The "haters" as you dub them are simply bored of yet another negative article after a great arsenal win. God I am sick of the continued trite on this board, new contributors PLEASE!

  126. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 09, 2012, 14:48 #20975

    Another good post Kevin. And good to read that there is some light at the end of the tunnel with regards to your personal situation. Credit to the players and the manager yesterday for a thoroughly deserved win. Last week, many felt that the attitude of our players at QPR was poor and for me we got our just deserts. Against City, you could see that everyone was up for it. This has to change next season if we are to properly compete for honours. Every game must be treated with the utmost respect to our opponents but more important, with a desire to win. Spot on too that Man City’s collapse wreaks similarities with ours from 2007/08. Spot on about Ferguson too. I love George Graham but how many of us secretly wish that the board should have waited for Ferguson in 1986? Can we also finally kill this myth that’s its wealthy backers that win trophies and not great/very good managers? The main difference between Ferguson & Wenger is a winning mentality. Ferguson has this insatiable habit to win. Not necessary at all costs like Mourinho but he is driven by he thought of being better than everyone else. The bigger the challenge, the more he thrives on it. At Aberdeen it was the Old Firm. At Utd, if it wasn’t knocking Liverpool “off their f*cking perch”, it was constantly putting one over jazzy foreign managers like Wenger or it was dismissing the expensively assembled teams at Blackburn, Newcastle, Leeds, Chelsea & Man City. That’s not to say that Wenger doesn’t want to win but far too often, particularly in recent years, Wenger lives in the ‘everyone must respect the rules’ mentality when very few do. Again, that’s not to say he should bend the rules himself but he should stop thinking everything he does is right and everyone else is wrong. Roll on Championship bound Wolves on Wednesday. Up The Arsenal!

  127. Treble Double

    Apr 09, 2012, 14:40 #20974

    Cant say that I'm surprised at the tone of this post. It seems that there is always something to have a moan about eh? Yesterday we were excellent and fully deserved the 3 points. The team was well balanced, defended as a unit, kept going to the end and if we had a bit more luck could easily have won 4-0. The place was rocking as well and you can really feel the positivity about the team now at home games - it makes a nice change. That sort of positivity would also be a welcome change from some people on this forum.

  128. divingrooney

    Apr 09, 2012, 14:18 #20973

    Utd have spent 100mn+ on transfers in our 7 trophy less years. We have made a profit of 60mn odd. This after they fleeced Real of 80mn pounds for Ronaldo. Utd pay at least 20mn more in wages * 7 trophy less years = 140mn. So, that a difference of 160 + 140 = 300mn i.e some minor change easily found...where exactly. Yes, its lesser than 600mn spent by Chelsea and Man City, but its not insignificant cash. Utd are still one of the biggest spenders, and we cannot compete with them.

  129. Website Editor (i.e. Kevin Whitcher)

    Apr 09, 2012, 14:05 #20972

    Angelo - by haters i mean the people that just lay into me and just dismiss what i have to say because they perceive it as negative and thus not worthy of print. i am all for reasoned argument.

  130. Dan h

    Apr 09, 2012, 13:59 #20971

    Well got our reward in the end great to see Arteta trying his luck from outside the box great hit it shows sometimes we don't have to overplay around the area.I was interested to hear Arteta talking about 'there will be some changes' talking post season it is what i have heard this is regards to signings.If we do come 3rd or even 4th my view is RVP will be with us next year new contract or not & i am not just going on my own opinion here.

  131. johnyhawleylovinggooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 13:43 #20970

    top post kevin,the sunmmer also reguires a top no2 to be appointed. DB10 or TA please, not a cone man, or progress will not be made. i dont know what i enjoyed more ; the goal,the display or the sending off. well maybe the sendup off citys fans goal celeblations. that was really funny

  132. aws

    Apr 09, 2012, 13:41 #20969

    I have never understood this business of banning people from selling tickets to sports events. If I buy( legally) a car, a painting, or even a bag of sugar, I can resell it for whatever price I like. If I buy (legally) a ticket for a sporting event why should I not be allowed to sell it on for whatever price I like?

  133. Clive the Gooner

    Apr 09, 2012, 13:39 #20968

    Agree with your comments Kevin. A great win yesterday, but you can't help but think where would we be if we hadn't mis-managed the summer so badly and effectively handicap our start to the season. Let's hope that finally Wenger will have learnt the lessons from previous seasons and spend on some quality this summer and get our deals done early.

  134. Ikenna

    Apr 09, 2012, 13:38 #20967

    Fair enough Kevin. All those issues you raised must be addressed before we can challenge for title. Ramsey,Theo, and Gibbs are not fully mature to be starters in a title chasing team. But you cannot convince AW of this. More quality is needed in ramsey and theo's places. else, I am sorry we will have to wait another 7 years for title

  135. Angelo

    Apr 09, 2012, 13:37 #20966

    Kevin, Are people really "haters" if they disagree with you? Yes, I do find it disappointing that, yet again, you have written an almost entirely negative column after a great win. I don't disagree with all of your points but it's a pity you can't seem to bring yourself to acknowledge the great work that has obviously been done off the pitch. Still, glad that your ticket problem is close to resolution.