Where Did It All Go Right?

Has Arsene been rehabilitated?

Where Did It All Go Right?

Wenger: Great extremes

According to the late Harold Wilson, the last British PM to win a general election wearing red and genuinely meaning it, a week is a long time in politics. Similarly, six weeks in football is an eternity. Here’s me rather eloquently imploring Arsène Wenger to blow his professional brains out on this very website with not one word of dissent in the comments page. Nor should there have been, in all fairness; we were about to face Spurs ten points adrift, with a strong possibility of that being extended, as well as having been dumped out of all competitions bar one with a four-goal deficit. We were beginning to get that all-too-familiar feeling in recent seasons of the Spring feeling like the Autumn – in fact, the only Spring that was felt in the air on the day that article was published in late February was an ‘Emirates Spring’, similar to the one that set the Arab world alight twelve months earlier and saw a succession of long-term autocrats toppled. So, what of the picture now? Well, in words coined by Isaac Newton (and, were it not for Google, I’d probably still think they were coined by Bob Marley) for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction – and the Wenger question on these pages this season has literally swung like a pendulum.

Back in August, after the Old Trafford detritus, the Online Gooner was full of articles calling for Wenger’s head with an AKB opposition that, like Sonny Liston against Ali at the start of Round Seven, didn’t look like it wanted to come out for more punishment. By the time of the Battle of Stamford Bridge in late October, the pendulum had swung firmly back in the AKB camp’s direction, with the feeling that the threat of attack from the AMG brigade was seen off at least in the short to medium term, though with the New Year’s arrow-in-the-eye in the shape of the quadruple whammy of Fulham, Swansea, United and the San Siro débacle, it looked like the Wenger Question was finally conquered by the AMG crowd. Recent weeks, however, have given us all the unanimous feeling that Wenger’s ‘Ancien Régime’ may well be safe for a long while yet. However, although it feels like victory, we are exactly where we were twelve months earlier - in third place, albeit looking at those below while gloating with a sense of relief, rather than looking up with despair and a feeling of being cheated, as we were this time last season.

So, is what we’re witnessing in recent weeks the green shoots of recovery for Wengerism, or yet another false dawn? Well, of all of the acres of what’s been written on the subject on these pages over the last eight months, the most apt analogy was this one by Andy Franklin back in January. There were a few faux-liberal comments in response, stating that the analogy was distasteful, but let’s be honest: the rehabilitation of Wenger’s Arsenal is a lot like that of a recovering alcoholic. Like all addicts, Wenger himself is a person of great extremes – the most successful Arsenal manager of all time and yet overseeing the longest barren trophy spell of any Arsenal manager without getting the sack. This is also someone you once had great love for before they were struck down with the affliction in question - we would have kicked a Bruce Rioch to the kerb long ago for that 8-2 at Old Trafford, but then again, we never shared three titles, two doubles and an invincible season with him like we did with Wenger. That old person is still in there somewhere, and is often still fighting to get out – occasionally glimpses are still there (Chelsea, Tottenham, Milan at home and last Sunday against City being clear examples) to remind and taunt you of what it once was like before the rot set in. However, for someone who actually grew up above a village pub in Alsace Lorraine and prided himself on being a teetotaller after watching some of the antics of the clientele, Wenger seems to have miraculously acquired some of their afflictions without ever touching a drop – just think of last weekend’s falling off the wagon at Loftus Road! But also, neither is it deluded to believe the afflicted can overcome their problems – for every George Best and Paul Gascoigne, there’s a Jimmy Greaves or a Tony Adams, who seemingly did successfully turn the corner for good.

So, do I believe Wenger is finally rehabilitated? Let’s just say that, on the advice of the AA (no, not the fourth emergency service), I’m taking the recovery one day at a time. And. during this period in which we commemorate the Easter resurrection, I deem it appropriate to use a biblical quote (and, were it not for Google, I’d probably still think it was coined by Bob Marley) - ‘As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end’. I began this piece with a quote from Harold Wilson and here’s another of Wilson’s quotes to end it with: ‘I’m an optimist, but an optimist who carries a raincoat’. And, as the old saying goes, ‘Don’t cast a clout ‘til May is out!’

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  1. Tony Evans

    Apr 13, 2012, 8:43 #21129

    Andrew Cohen - Completely agree with your comments on the lack of squad depth. Too many positions rely on too few quality players and we have been continually found wanting when those players are out injured. Wenger never seems to learn and must strengthen the squad in the summer for me to have any faith restored in his ability to get the team back to trophy winning ways. Also players like Diaby who are continually injured and Denilson who are continually useless have to be shifted off of the payroll permanently.

  2. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 13, 2012, 2:39 #21127

    @ Ronster; I've just read that online Guardian piece and it's a fascinating and insightful read. I urge all Gooners to read if you haven't yet. So much for my above mentioned call then for Wenger to appoint a strong No.2 who will challange him from time to time and is tactically aware. This might explain why the legend that is Steve Bould has ruled himself out of being Wenger's No.2 from this summer. He has seen it for himself like Campbell being a player of The Arsenal under Wenger that the other coaches have no say what so ever in terms of coaching and tactics.

  3. CanadaGooner

    Apr 12, 2012, 23:03 #21123

    @Ronster: and Sol Cambell being a leader of thoughts? (same fellow who signs for Notts County for like a week?)....

  4. Ronster

    Apr 12, 2012, 21:50 #21122

    Andrew Cohen....Arsene is a single minded leader who does not like to have anyone around who could threaten his authority,either by challenging his decisions or by being the person that will eventually take his job.Not my thoughts but those of Sol Campbell in an online Guardian article dated 6th April 2012.

  5. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 12, 2012, 19:31 #21120

    One wonders idly if the standard of the top teams in the league can fall below the standard of Arsenal inflicted by Mr Wengers negligence. We have ONE good goalkeeper, ONE defensive midfielder, TWO proper central defenders and ONE excellent full back. We have ONE proper striker. We are spending £130 million on wages. All that is fact. Here's the speculation. If history teaches us anything it is that he will not reform. Oliver Cromwell and Henry Ireton could have persisted with a King who was a waste of space. Instead they decided to kill him, and through the change they made made our country strong. Retiring Mr Wenger is the right thing to do.

  6. CanadaGooner

    Apr 12, 2012, 14:00 #21113

    @Jock Gooner: where else would he (dein) be if he didnt go to matches? (did he pay the same entry fees we all paid to get in?). you make it sound as though dein did us all a favour? (he did get paid didnt he?)

  7. Jock Gooner

    Apr 12, 2012, 7:38 #21087

    To be genuine title contenders this current Arsenal squad needs another proper striker to assist RVP, at least one more centre half (I never want to see Dodo in an Arsenal shirt ever again) and a continuation of the desire and effort suddenly displayed by the likes of Rosicky, Yossi and Arteta who have all been worth 2 of Arshevin. A settled back four has been a god send but we would still be extremely fragile if TV or LK were out injured. Ronster is right about AW needing another trophy post GG but the ghost he really needs to lay to rest is the defence he inherited from George not Dennis and Platt, who were the work of David Dein. Sorry, but I have to say his name again...David Dein - anybody remember when AFC was run by a man who knew what he was doing, loved the club, went to matches..anyone??

  8. Rocco

    Apr 12, 2012, 3:09 #21086

    Wenger is a football God. Nobody except the very elite in the history of the game are qualified to judge him. People whine about no trophy for 7 years...you are wrong, we have one of the best trophies in all of football the emirate stadium. Soon it will be paid for and cash will flow back onto the field and it will be our turn to dominate and all you skeptics will be hopping back onto the Wenger train. I got 4 words for you 'In Wenger we trust!"

  9. CanadaGooner

    Apr 11, 2012, 23:10 #21085

    @tpm: and what use is 'ambition' without substance mate? you can cry on here week after week, wont get you anywhere. Blackburn fans cried all season, their manager is still there and the team's probably going down. Every Arsenal Fan wants to win trophies and wants to see the team doing better, but some are reasonable and others can remain 'ambitious' as you say you are: wont get you anywhere.

  10. tpm

    Apr 11, 2012, 21:37 #21081

    oh how our ambitions have fallen, the ease with which fans accept not even 2nd best, or the merest hint of a title challenge yet certain fans are delighted with it and see no problems here. sure we are all pleased we look to have got top 4, but thats only because we were in such a god awful position to start with, inflicted by AW. Its funny how we win these games now the pressure is off...this run is meaningless, the only barometer of if AW has finally got the message is the summers transfer policy. quality, early on in the window is needed. top draw striker, DM, creative midfielder, and solid CB and backup keeper are needed. if the first 3 dont occur then AW hasnt changed. remember this is the Arsenal, we are not other clubs, its irrelavent that other fans clubs would give their eye teeth for our record as the likelong wengerist john berry says. we are not other teams, we are arsenal, one of the biggest clubs in europe. we are ambitious and shouldnt settle for averageness as the akbs seem to do.

  11. R Meade

    Apr 11, 2012, 14:16 #21073

    Is a manager who can get us top four and can do it by spending less than others, good enough for Arsenal? We may not have the money of certain clubs but the way we have no issues paying silly wages to any Tom dick or Harry, would make you think money is there if needed. We are the 5th richest club in the world, competing for a trophy is not to much to be asked.

  12. Chris

    Apr 11, 2012, 13:17 #21072

    Totally with you John. I've not been a supporter as long (end of Terry Neil era) but can't say I've ever seen Arsenal better than those glory Wenger years. To think he managed that success in the same period that Man U have had the greatest manager of all time (yes we have to admit this sadly) makes it even more impressive. It's for this reason that it's folly to compare with Man U. Why compare with a prodigy, it will always disappoint.

  13. Judge Fred

    Apr 11, 2012, 9:54 #21062

    @Shayan, my point is a real one - we are 18 points behind Man U, whether you like it or not. You are the one comparing sides from season to season - I am being factual, you are guessing at best. Bottom line is we have never remotely looked like winning a trophy this season. Again thats a fact. Stop me if cold hard facts are confusing you.

  14. John berry

    Apr 11, 2012, 8:12 #21056

    Arsene has given us a top 4 finish every season since he arrived, a new stadium and a club in a good financial state without any sugar daddies money. On top of that we have had some fantastic football to watch. 7 years without a trophy is hard to take but do recognise that the competition is much tougher now than it was pre 2000. Supporters of most other clubs would give their eye teeth for that record, so a bit more patience please. I,ve been a gooner since 1945 and with all his faults Arsene has a lifelong membership from me. The last 15 years have made up for most of the past misery! AKB

  15. Short-term memory loss!

    Apr 11, 2012, 5:24 #21055

    We will start believing in Arsene again if he builds a strong team for next season and wins a trophy (even Carling Cup is welcome}.

  16. simon

    Apr 11, 2012, 0:12 #21054

    this is a weird piece. i can't see how "where did it all go right" got answered as a question! IMO we've won some tough games coming from behind and with late goals because our midfield has been better with rosicky rather than ramsey as its focal point, because RVP stayed fit and in form, because we have sagna back and because we have some confidence and spirit best shown by arteta and TV4 but many others to. When we break the formulae or play the back up (ramsey, djourrou) we falter. If he starts ramsey wide left or as the point we'll probably stumble again tonight and just wait for djourrou to get mugged by fletcher. Therein lies the answer to the "is wenger redeemed" question-no because he still favours his pets and until he stops overplaying those who aren't in form and rids his squad promptly of the weaker players we'll remain flakey. Kev wrote in his editorial ask more what would Fergie do questions of Arsene and his squad and he was right. Sure Fergie is stubborn and sticks with his instincts but he also knows when to take a player out the firing line (DeGea) whereas arsene screws them up deeper by persisting in playing them when out of form and favour (Ramsey) and destabilises the one who should be playing in his stead (Ox) by making them think **** i must be doing something wrong!

  17. Dan h

    Apr 10, 2012, 19:15 #21052

    We can either learn from the last summer window & start to really go forward or all the deserved mistrust of all things Arsenal management will again rear it's head & the cycle continues.Should the season end with us in hopefully 3rd or even 4th i actually think we will see some good quality signings in the summer no more than three in but a few will be moved on of that im sure.Our record signing is around the £15m mark that will be broken this summer M'Villa being the player AW really wants & it will need to be done quickly before the euro's.Podolski to Arsenal is done Cologne are the ones not wanting it announced worst kept secret in German football.Still we need to finish the season strongly hopefully 3rd my opinion of the season is well documented the chance of winning something was written in the summer.Overall it has been a poor PL this year good luck to Utd too good domestically but exposed in the CL the top teams being defensively poor.Ferguson instills belief in his sides & adds what he needs to constantly compete.AW divides opinion mine being he has always had an eye for young talented players of that i won't argue.The wage bill use aside if you give young players the experience around them they learn to handle the pressure better which we have become guilty of.The youth project was always going to be flawed without being supplemented with players that have dealt with both success & failure.The Birmingham final is always used as the case in point on this forum yet around a month before we won 4-0 at St.Andrews!AW will again get a chance in the summer to add what we need the rollercoaster of a season isn't quite over lets finish it off & move forward big game tomorrow lets not let complacency become our biggest opponent.

  18. Shayan

    Apr 10, 2012, 19:09 #21051

    @Delboy;nice point:worst premiership ever;I agree totally,of course with the help of referees(their recent wins against Fulham and QPR,for example)!but about the Ferguson and Wenger,I don't think so.Ferguson wait 7 years to became champions with Utd, in one of those seasons they were 14th!!

  19. Ando

    Apr 10, 2012, 18:32 #21050

    The team only seems to get motivated for the big games, the QPR's/Stokes of this world are hurdles we do not seem to be able to overcome especially away from home (fingers crossed for tomorrow night). Weng still has a lot of work to do, and missplaced faith (the wenger madness)in some players needs to be addressed, as does a clear direction on who's in and who's out this summer. Any repeat of last years fiasco transfer business and his head should roll.Considering his handsome salary I do not think that this is too much for us to expect.

  20. Delboy

    Apr 10, 2012, 18:31 #21049

    @Shayan this is the worst Utd team in 20 years.you only have to listen to Utd fans saying it themselves.The reason they have 79pts is this is the worst premiership ever.City had the title on a plate but blew it. Arsenal Chelsea and Liverpool have all had poor seasons.Spurs are falling apart when the heat has been turned on.If Ferguson was managing any of the other top 5 teams they would be champions could you honestly say that if Wenger was manager of Utd?

  21. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 10, 2012, 18:08 #21047

    Robert- you have captured the gooner zeitgeist perfectly. It's so Strange to see how far our standards have slipped and we are not looking at the gap between ourselves and top spot in the premier league any longer.. A club of our size needs to be challenging for the title, anything else should be considered as failure.

  22. Shayan

    Apr 10, 2012, 17:58 #21046

    @Judge Fred;Worst Utd team in 2 decades??Which Utd team in the past had 79 pts of 32 games?Yes, they outplayed by Basel,Bilbaeo and Benfica in Europe and exit the cups very soon, but when no team in the league could resist against them,what could other teams do?Remember,the invincibles finished the season with 90 pts!So please stop this comparison that we are 18 pts behind worst Utd team etc!

  23. GoonerRon

    Apr 10, 2012, 16:36 #21043

    I think the jury is out on whether Wenger is 'rehabiliated' until pre-season. I sincerely hope the manager and board have learned the lesson from last summer where we were significantly de-stabilised by the transfers not being wrapped up quickly enough. I fully expect this summer to be different if the Podolski rumours are a sign of things to come. It's clear there has been a change in tactics in the past few months - defensive organisation is muhc improved and our work off the ball is immeasurably better. For those who knock Theo and say he hasn't improved since he joined us (a) check his goals to games stats in his first three seasons and compare to his last three seasons and (b) watch his work off the ball and how much better he protects the full back.

  24. CanadaGooner

    Apr 10, 2012, 15:35 #21042

    @Chris; spot on mate. It's usually out of cowardice. it's always a bunch of cowards who find it easy to hide behind the anonymity of a forum like this to spew out nothing but blind hate. it's one thing to show dissatisfaction: and we all do (nobody, not even wenger, is happy to see arsenal go this long without a trophy), but it's quite another, when people come on here to bully others into a position where some now feel it is their duty to criticize and spew hatred regardless of the results. I dont see any problem with people changing their opinion based on events: when we lose, we're all angry and show our anger; when we win, we should be decent enough to give praise when due; be it to the manager, players or whoever else. But hey, that's NOT the onlinegooner way: we're expected (by some) to carry on spewing hate regardless. Apparently, once you're an AMG you have to keep saying the same thing regardless (and even after we win a trophy, they'll say it's the wrong trophy, or we should have won all 4), and when you're an AKB you're equally expected to carry on singing wenger's praise even when we lose to blckburn, QPR, Swansea etc. It appears, we have to be brainwashed drones to be popular on this website. Thanks goodness there are some of us who are happy to be criticized when we embrace change. I will criticize wenger, the player, and the board etc when necessary, and if things appear to change, I will heap proportionate praise as deemed necessary. I wont be a zombie just on here to maintain a single, blind stance. Right now, wenger still has some work to do, but the current squad have recently shown some promise and perhaps with a few additions next season we may eventually win something. As for the owner, board, gazidis: there needs to be some changes there (we're not being led in the right direction); as for the players: yes, still far too many donkeys in the fold! come on you gunners!!!!!

  25. Chris

    Apr 10, 2012, 14:25 #21041

    Some people dislike Wenger so much that they can't even admit the facts - Wenger is the most successful manager in Arsenal history - it's a fact guys, the trophies prove it. .................. Now that football has changed such that we are a middle spending club, we can't compete at the top anymore. That's another fact (which hopefully UEFA rules will change). ........... So I guess you will call me an AKB, but you'd be wrong, I don't think he knows best, I think he IS best. At least for Arsenal, for now. Yes he's frustrating but any other manager would have us languishing in mid table with the money we've spent (or lack of). Just accept it and enjoy. Chris (AIB).

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2012, 14:02 #21039

    I'd hate to think there's anybody not delighted with the recent run of results as your headline says it's certainly all going right (apart from qpr)there's still six games left and we'll certainly know by the end of may if that has continued.Has arsene been rehabilitated ? we'll he still continues to play players who are out of form and not start players who are in form but we'll find out for sure when the season ends because a clear out is required three or four top players are required a couple of coaches are needed and most importantly RVP needs to be persuaded to re sign we dont want another nasri fab situation if he does all the above then he will be a changed man.

  27. CanadaGooner

    Apr 10, 2012, 14:01 #21038

    Arsene is nowhere near rehabilition. His experimenting will continue but hopefully if the donkeys we call players can step up and be counted (afterall they each earn more than some of us earn in a several months in just one week!), then I really do not see why a manager at a club the size of arsenal shouldnt be allowed to experiment. we blam him each time he makes a change or starts a player ahead of the Ox, but seriously, should a team the size of arsenal have to rely on an 18 year old? should any permutation of arsenal players not be good enough to beat QPR? or a team that has lost 6 on the trot (wolves tomorrow)? like most of us, i think arsene is starting to come to terms with the reality of modern day football; we just hope he does so before we go 10 years without a trophy (or before he's forced to resign and perhaps leave arsenal in worse hands). OPEN ADVICE TO AARON RAMSAY: Ramsay, mate; you're not thierry henry, and probably will never be (no harm in aspiring though); please try and score simple goals first, before attempting the spectacular. you're simply not good enough (yet?). beign the captain of wales is just like me being the captain of my 5-a-side team at work (no offence intended to the welsh), so, get over yourself mate and spend more time on the training ground just trying to roll the ball in the net! stop attempting curving it in or stroking it in or whatever it was you were trying to do last sunday matey! when you bang in 10 to 15 simple goals each season, you can start trying the heroics! I know you'll read this (when you google yourself as you do daily, you vain donkey!). like many arsenal fans, i am prepared to give you one last chance next season, but you do need to finish this season on a high! starting tomorrow at wolves!! come on you gunners!!!

  28. Ron

    Apr 10, 2012, 13:39 #21037

    Won nothing. Not even got close to a genuine challenge in anything. Prem was over in September and the Season was finished effectively in Feb. They ll end up 3rd in a p--s poor league, light years behind champions in waiting at their weakest for years and propped up by 'pensioners'. To even ask the question of whether 'rahabilitation' has now manifested itself or not is like asking if the taking of an aspirin today has yet cured a broken leg suffered the day before! Not much will change at Arsenal.

  29. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 10, 2012, 13:23 #21036

    We totally outplayed City and deserved to win by three or four so a great day and the Posnan was sight to behold shame the media didn't pick that up a bit more. To the knockers of Theo, admittedly he didn't have a great match but I can count once or twice that Clichy got forward in the whole match and so their out ball was a hoof forward in the direction of Aguero, likewise Benayoun's contribution was similar. But why not give the Ox more than 5 minutes again, a mystery? Maybe he doesn't want him to go to the Euros and overexpose him, that can be the only thought I have on Wenger's decision to keep him on the bench. Looking forward to going to Wolves tomorrow and hopefully see us put the gap between us and the rest at 5 points....I appreciate the doommongers on this site are getting fewer but the same old posts get tiresome, so unless you have something original to write then let's enjoy the recent results....we all know what needs to happen but to keep going on about it is boring.

  30. Peter Wain

    Apr 10, 2012, 12:59 #21035

    The only way we willknow is after this transfer window. Personally I hve my doubts and feel that all the talk of siginings is to boost season ticket sales. Personally I would sack Gazidis today and get rid of the yank as both do not have the best interest of the club at heart.

  31. Colonel Mustard

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:43 #21032

    No doubt in my mind, Wegners gigantic ego will get notions yet again and fail to buy quality....

  32. Nick

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:20 #21031

    Im not convinced we will win silverware under Wenger again , im not convinced hes changed at all the summer will tell . he was at it again on sunday fiddling while the empire was in danger , WHY ? when Theo was being non productive did he take off benayoun, who was playing really well and put on Ramsey out wide, instead of the ox or freaky fred gervinho, who are wide players ? his team selections , use of subs, and handling of players who just dont deserve to be in the squad has been bloody awfull, i would hope he proves me wrong but we havnt finished this season yet and the unseemly crowing from some quaters about finishing third are premature, we have 6 games left if we negociate them without mishap and do indeed finish third then praise will be due and perhaps cause for optimism, but not yet

  33. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:18 #21030

    The real test of this so-called ‘resurgence’ will come not just the final weeks of the season, but during the close season. Will Wenger bring back Project Youth having seen what a mixture of youth and experience can do to a team? Will Wenger appoint a strong and tactically aware No.2 like Ferguson did with Carlos Quieroz ten years ago? Will Wenger accept that as a manager of one of the biggest clubs in England and by some distance the biggest in London, his remit is to challenge for major honours and not just merely qualify for the European Cup because of the financial rewards that come with it? Will the board that are equally to blame for our decline for a variety of reasons start putting some pressure on the manager to repeat his earlier triumphs? And will they start putting football before profit? It goes without saying that the run since 1st February is impressive to say the least. But let’s tread carefully here. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; since 2006/07 we have had a tendency in the Premier League to go on either an impressive winning streak or on long unbeaten run (and half of that run tends to be draws) with no real tangible reward at the end except for qualifying for the European Cup with no real chance of winning it. That amongst other things has to change come summer. Wenger has the nucleus of a good squad that can challenge the weakest Man Utd collective in two decades so it’s time for all for us to ask Wenger to show good management all round; a combination of many good things and not just merely money spent. If 2012-14 is 2006-12 reloaded, then the Wenger dissenters will emphasise their argument yet again with much more aggression. Up The Arsenal!

  34. Jekyll

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:14 #21029

    All that's happened is Arsenal have had a very good run in the league once it's too late to challenge for anything. It's the bigger picture that counts - we have at no stage this season challenged for anything. My faith in Wenger went permenantly last summer, I just don't believe he could or would do whatever it takes to make us actually challenge properly for honours again. For the executive of the club, top 4 is good enough, Wenger says it's good enough and improves the players' contracts when they achieve it. Where is the drive for more going to come from as long as the status quo remains?

  35. mickey

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:12 #21028

    ronster i agree with you..would add to the mix tho bertie mee landing the double and euro trophy as well as a cup final defeat..also terry neil..4 cup finals in 3 years..yes we lost 3 of them but to get to the finals and have a shout in an era with small squads and one sub should not be forgotten

  36. Kenny

    Apr 10, 2012, 11:04 #21026

    Have we really turned the corner? Knocked out of all competitions before March.Out of the title race before a ball was even kicked.If we are to say things have really drastically changed they havent.We still lack quality in vital positions,cover for Szczesny a LB a DM Song has done ok but gives the ball away too much,a Dempsey type player who will get 15 goals a season.And two strikers or maybe 3 if RVP goes.We have been so lucky with RVP staying fit.My biggest fear is Wenger will look at third as success.It doesnt take away the fact that it is still 7 years potless and in Europe we are out as soon as we play a half decent team.Wenger has a long way to go to say we have turned the corner.And he must clearout the deadwood

  37. Judge Fred

    Apr 10, 2012, 10:38 #21023

    I am of course delighted by the last couple of months results, much more like it. But do me a favour, we have not competed for a single trophy this season. Not winning cups and leagues I can handle, not competing for them I cannot. Playerwise, are we really 18 points worse than Man Ure? No, their manager with his unrelenting quest for success and unquenchable desire is 18 points better than ours.

  38. Ronster

    Apr 10, 2012, 10:15 #21022

    ''.....the most successful Arsenal manager of all time and yet overseeing the longest barren trophy spell of any Arsenal manager without getting the sack.'' There's the conundrum! More successful than Herbert Chapman without whom there would be no Arsenal as we know it today and whose premature death denied him the silverware his genius deserved? More successful than George Graham who bagged 6 pots in 9 seasons and who let's not forget toppled the mighty Liverpool empire to deliver the League title to Islington for the first time in 18 years and who has a European trophy on his CV? Wenger certainly deserves to be lauded alongside Chapman and Graham but would need to deliver another major trophy without Graham's and Rioch's boys (Bergkamp and Platt) to be considered the greatest.That's one heavy monkey he needs to get off his back.

  39. halfempty

    Apr 10, 2012, 9:12 #21020

    the simple fact is that wenger's stock is judged by the results the team get. we've been fortunate enough to get a number of very late winners that give everyone a huge lift and consequently wenger is seen as a demigod by some again. reality then kicks in against qpr and we see his true colour: a man devoid of any tactical nous, failing to inspire any sort of fight or spirit into a team that just turned up expecting to be given the points. how often has that happened? too many times for it to be simply a bad day at the office. he surrounds himself with lapdogs; there doesn't appear to be a single 'coach' worthy of the name. certainly he can't be called one: the limit of his tactical ability is to bring on a sub between 60 and 70 mins, always like-for-like, and then a couple of panic subs in the last 10 mins like the bumbling chamakh in the forlorn hope that something might bounce off him into the goal. the team performs on instinct week in, week out. good enough ( at least this year) to finish high enough for european football next year, but that appears to be the limit of his ambitions nowadays. nothing much will change until either he goes or proper coaches and leaders are brought in. i pray i'm wrong, but it won't surprise me too much if we don't get 6 points against the bottom two teams in the next two games.

  40. Norms

    Apr 10, 2012, 9:05 #21019

    I agree with Tony Evans - I would love to think that we have turned the corner, permanently, but it is not sufficient to just do so on the pitch. To sustain the improvement Arsene himself needs to have turned the corner...in his thinking. Yes, in players such as Frimpong (with reservations as to his temperament) and Coquelin (no reservations) and others we have young talent that can easily play in the Premiership, but Arsene needs to demonstrate his change by bringing in the established players that we need to finally start winning trophies that count. It's a fine balance but it can be done and he needs to buy early and well. Having said all that the present team have shown more than a glimpse of what they can do....and this promises to be the most exciting end of season that we have seen for several years. All credit to them, to their skills and fighting spirit.

  41. Mike

    Apr 10, 2012, 8:55 #21018

    The resurgence of the last two months has come from players that were in last year's squad - the only common change is Arteta - apart from him, all of the players, including Ramsey playing above the Ox, are all players that Wenger had/has faith in - he still is using the same formation and the same players from last year, same coach. IMO it is becoming clearer that all the buys over the summer were stop gaps (except Arteta) - the project is alive and well and shows promise again. With the return of Wilshire and Diaby and with Padolski and M'villa in the wings, the project suddenly has a new life.

  42. chris dee

    Apr 10, 2012, 8:53 #21017

    Where did it all go right? Dunno yet, we'll find out after the next five games. Nothing has gone right unless we finish in the top four.After all the s*** we've been through this season nothing is guaranteed. But what a sight for sore eyes at the Emirates on Sunday,Benayoun,not the most talented player we've had,showing that it's more than talent that wins matches. The guy was up and down the left side attacking,helping Gibbs and Santos defending and throwing his body into tackles that he had no right to win. Were you watching you lazy skiver Arshavin?Were you watching Arsene because you should have got rid of him two years ago because that's how long he has been a passenger in the team.

  43. Tony Evans

    Apr 10, 2012, 8:42 #21016

    Never in all my years as an Arsenal supporter has there been a manager that has inspired such conflicting emotions in me. My over-riding feeling now is one of mistrust. There are indeed signs that Wenger has finally seen the folly of the last seven years and this summer will go a long way to see if these 'green shoots' do come to something this time. I just wish I believed that they do, but it is more hope than belief.