The Inconsistables

Online Ed: Wigan take the spoils at Arsenal

The Inconsistables

Arteta – His injury the cue for the floodgates to open

Firstly, my apologies to Bernard Dowling for nicking my title from his piece in the new issue of The Gooner that will be released next weekend. It was too good a summary of where Arsenal are now to resist borrowing. As for the game last night…

Mikel Arteta took a bad knock early in the first half of the match against Wigan, and within minutes, Arsenal were two goals down. He has become an important player for the team, and without him, an element of defensive discipline goes out of the window. As the Gunners took an early two goal lead last week at Wolves, so Wigan inflicted similar ignominy in north London. The away support was so insubstantial that when the goals went in, it felt like a minute’s silence ensued, perhaps in mourning for Arsenal’s chances of third place? Certainly a defeat to Chelsea this weekend might prove too much to bounce back from for a team that has shown confidence is lost too easily.

What was most worrying about Wigan’s strikes was the nature of the goals. The defending of Wenger’s team left a lot to be desired, and indeed, the visitors gave them a lesson in how to defend yesterday evening. Arsenal spent the remainder of the game trying to make good the deficit and their performance until the interval was encouraging in this light. At half time, you felt that they could go on to win the game.

Sadly, the second half performance saw Al Habsi in the Wigan goal rarely tested. Arsenal seemed to have little answer to being constantly blocked off. It didn’t help that Theo Walcott, last week’s matchwinner, had a stinker, and how he survived 60 minutes, never mind 90, is a mystery to me. Aside from being defensively cute, at times, the visitors beat Arsenal at their own game, with tidy on the floor possession football. And in fairness, they could have scored more goals after the interval, but for Szczesny belatedly finding his form.

Arsenal have suffered some poor and unexpected results this season, but as a rule, they tend to win the home matches you would expect them to, or at the very least, not lose them. But they played poorly last night, lacking determination and organization in defence, whilst up front, for the most part, lacking the wit to break through Wigan’s stubborn rearguard. However, we tend to see this kind of display more often on the road rather than at home, and it leaves you headscratching. Can the team not function without Arteta? Is it not obvious to the manager when a player is not on his game and changes need to be made?

The club have some breathing space. But defeat at the weekend would leave them in danger of being squeezed out of the top four if they then fail to win their subsequent two matches. Given Chelsea’s European commitments and Arsenal’s ability to play well at home to big teams, I would like to think we will see a happier outcome on Saturday lunchtime, and that Wigan was another blip as QPR was, rather than the start of another poor sequence.

However, looking ahead, Arsene Wenger has to try and fathom out how his team can drop so many points to teams in the bottom half of the table. Because until this problem is addressed, the Gunners will fall short in their quest for a first league title since 2004.

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  1. thatsimonrose

    Sep 19, 2012, 0:14 #26414

    It's amazing how often people exaggerate here what I have written, to justify them making an exaggerated response. People certainly like to put words into my mouth, to suit their own agenda! I genuinely think that some Arsenal fans just want to be negative. Personally I'd rather take heart from the positives in life. AKB? Never. I'm just an optimistic realist. Rose-tinted glasses? I don't even wear glasses!

  2. Fozzy's mate

    Sep 18, 2012, 12:36 #26403

    A reasonable and promising start especially in comparisons to last years debacle. But lets wait until post City and Chelsea before hailing our side. Those who criticise Simon (and I have done so many times in the past) should read his articles and bear in mind his unflinching opitimism. He tends to say we will win everything plus the grand national and british grand prix while the rest of us point to our empty trophy cabinet!

  3. Matt Schtick

    Sep 17, 2012, 20:18 #26395

    As others have said we have played and beat no one yet.None of our opponents so far have won one game.Now if we beat City and Chelsea then you can start dreaming but not before that.Mert has done well but i would have Kos back against Tevez and Aguerro.

  4. Dan h

    Sep 17, 2012, 16:29 #26389

    Cazorla & Podolski have hit the ground running with obviously bigger tests to come.The willingness so far for the wide men to track back & cover has helped the defence should not be overlooked.Arteta sits & prompts from deep and has also kept his discipline position wise promising start but comments about the next fixtures are fair.

  5. Dave

    Sep 17, 2012, 16:12 #26388

    There was a joke from the 1998 season, after Arsenal had beaten Manc U to the double double and had to do with the long unbeaten run in the last quarter of the season. It goes like this: Fergie, wanting to know how Arsenal’s players had maintained such high levels of fitness and stamina throughout, went to London Colney and asked AW what his secret was. “You Britishers understand ze importance of physical fitness, but you fail to appreciate ze importance of mental fitness,” replied le Boss. Fergie asked him to explain, and AW asked Dennis Bergkamp over. Turning to DB, he said, “I have a riddle for you, Dennis.” “Fire away, boss”, the Dutchman responded. “Who is your father’s son but not your brother?” The legendary number 10 paused for a moment before answering: “It’s easy; it’s me.” Impressed, Fergie left for Old Trafford and decided to use the same question on David Beckham. Calling him over, he said “I have a riddle for you that I picked up from Arsene Wenger. Dennis Bergkamp was able to answer it, and I want you to as well. Who is your father’s son but not your brother?” David Beckham paused, looked blank, and said: “That’s a tricky one boss; do you mind if I sleep on it?” “Fine”, responded Fergie, “tell me tomorrow in training.” That night David couldn’t sleep. He told Posh his problem, and she advised him to call Japp Stam, as he was Dutch and would understand the riddle. He called Stam up and asked the question: ‘Who is your father’s son but not your brother?’ Stam thought for a while and then responded: ‘It’s easy; it’s me.’ David was thankful and went happily to training the following day. When Fergie called him over for the answer to the question, David responded, ‘It’s easy boss; it’s Japp Stam’; to which Fergie responded, “Ach, ya fool; it’s Dennis Bergkamp”. The old AW is back.

  6. Dave

    Sep 17, 2012, 15:51 #26387

    For 76 minutes on a Paris spring evening in 2006, the future of Project Youth at Arsenal looked nerve-shreddingly rosy. 14 minutes and six seasons later the main objective, namely sustainability through home-grown talent, had atrophied. In reality, the lid was nailed firmly in place with the loss of Cesc Fabregas in 2011, the man around whom the legacy was to be created; the loss of RVP was the last shovel of earth dumped on the coffin. As the thousands of mourners drifted away, contemplating the waste of a young life unfulfilled and the prospects of a bleak future, the father of Project Youth, AKB (increasingly known as AMG), looked on as the leaden grey-skied north London rain chastened his greyed hatless pate. As the sobering rain dripped from the end of his beaky nose, AKB realised that loyalty, even when a boy had been mollycoddled by the club from an early age, could only be bought with at least five zeros on the end of a cheque. Of course, the thousands of other mortals now wasted at the wake, could’ve told him that four years ago when the loss of Cashly was followed by a succession of others offered more than AKB was prepared to pay. However, even if he was slow, he wasn’t stupid and even before RVP had left, AKB had figured out what to do. He went straight back to his wardrobe and, there, under a pile of Barcelona-like away shirts, was his magic hat. The new policy doesn’t have a name (Project Pragmatism?), but with his old hat firmly on his head, the ideas began to flow again: defence = Stevie Bould; transfers = Podolski, Cazorla; a firm line with the Walnut. Solidity returned to midfield, and gone was the candy-brained We are the World optimism of Project Youth. Arsenal looked like a real team again and slate grey skies had given way to an Indian summer.

  7. Tony Evans

    Sep 17, 2012, 15:47 #26386

    Ron - it is almost unbelievable isn't it how Wenger has given the crucial position of keeper so little real attention for so long. Almunia was given years instead of months, then Wenger dabbled with Flappy and even now Scsezney is not the solid presence between the sticks that is required. He is a vast improvement yes but still liable to cost the team at crucial times during the season. Steve Bould has sorted the defence out it seems, now we need someone to tell Wenger about goal-keeping. I wish I could pass the buck like that and still earn £7M a year!

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 17, 2012, 15:34 #26385

    Certainly a decent start although a win against stoke or sunderland would see us top nothing significant in that at this stage of the season i know but it would have been even better for morale and given us something to defend and play for (even this early) going into the game against the blue mancs and the chavs.Yes Caz has had a great start to his arsenal career/season but for fans to be already saying he is better than cesc is premature indeed.You sound like we should be grateful we got a draw from stoke and sunderland and only have to face them once more especially sunderland with a world class player like fletcher in their side i suppose you could be right if previous seasons are anything to go by but there used to be a time when we would swot teams like this aside instead of being grateful to come away with a scoreless draw.Hopefully our new exciting team can raise expectations and wins this week and next would certainly do that but expectations have been raised before.

  9. HowardL

    Sep 17, 2012, 15:24 #26384

    What a load of negative claptrap! I'd go further than Simon and say this has been a very encouraging start. Some of the fluent football played against both Liverpool and Southampton took me back about 10 years. I was astonished that when we went 4 up on Saturday some of the fans around me stated talking about Newcastle's comeback (but not how much help they had from the spineless ref). No one's yet talking of titles but this time last year we had lost to Blackburn, in addition to the 8-2 massacre, so I think there is cautious cause for optimism.

  10. jjetplane

    Sep 17, 2012, 15:09 #26383

    OK - we all thought one way or another that Arsenal were dying a death season by season. But looking at bouldie on that bench you can see why things have changed. Wenger is now getting the respect from the players and they really are enjoying it so far. Almost thought for a moment the ghosts of Pires and Wiltord had returned for The Saints' awakening. Even Theo knows his place now and he had better get used to the pay packet too. When was the last time we were in awe of one man in shorts on the coach bench. Bouldie - you always were the main man - ask Tony Adams. And one for all the 'told you so's' out there - real Arsenal support has a right to a moan - even if its a seven year one.Rosie - your right. Cazorla is a midfield Messi - sorta makes Fab look one-dimensional. And as for Pursie - on the bench where he belongs by default.

  11. MarkH

    Sep 17, 2012, 15:03 #26382

    For F**ks sake. Did we not just win 6-1. At least enjoy that before you all start moaning and whinging.

  12. Roy

    Sep 17, 2012, 14:53 #26381

    Whilst I take on board all the views on this so far, all of which have merit I have to say, a quick shout here for a certain tall German. Ok he may be exposed as turning like a Trident submarine when the tougher games kick in, but then again maybe not. To me Mertesacker has hardly put a foot wrong so far, so credit where credits due. The Steve Bould effect again maybe ? Let's keep it going. COME ON YOU GOONERS.

  13. Belfast Gooner

    Sep 17, 2012, 13:58 #26380

    As always on this site, can never quite understand the criticism. Yes by all means wait until the end of September to praise, but don't quite seem the need to criticise when things are going well! Also, if you look at City's start to the season, they have played three of the same fixtures as us - Southampton (had to come from behind late in the game), Liverpool away (lucky to get a draw), and Stoke away (probably unlucky not to win). So against that benchmark, I'm happy so far.

  14. Ron

    Sep 17, 2012, 13:41 #26379

    Tony - Smack on about the Keeper. Hes reasonable to average at best, but because he once said something spikey and derogatory about Tottenham to some feckless hack who had nothing else to scribe about in a rubbish tabloid, hes held up as a cult hero! Wenger, get a goalkeeper! 9 years without a proper and reliable one is long enough.

  15. GoonerRon

    Sep 17, 2012, 12:53 #26378

    The title of Simon's article is 'a perfectly decent start' - how can anyone disagree with that? I wouldn't call it a rose tinted view but a very realistic, steady analysis. For all of those saying we've not played anyone yet, in any season Liverpool away is a tough game and I don't think Stoke lost to any of the top 7 at their place last year. I'd put those away games into the top 7 most difficult away games for us and on that basis our points haul is good at this point. Clearly even bigger tests are just around the corner but I'm pleased that the signs leading up to these big tests are extremely encouraging.

  16. Tony Evans

    Sep 17, 2012, 12:44 #26377

    Good to see a performance like that at long last but I do tend to agree with Mark's comment. If we are still challenging at Christmas and don't have half the team out injured like we normally do I may start to believe again. We do have the makings of a proper team for a change and much credit has to go to Steve Bould for his undoubted input with regards to defending but as Mark has said keeper, left back and striker are worrying weak points that could be the teams undoing.

  17. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 17, 2012, 12:43 #26376

    Hang on, Southampton are bottom with 0 points, Liverpool with 0 wins are 17th, Sunderland with 0 wins are 15th, and Stoke also with 0 wins are 11th. Not exactly what you’d call in-form teams are they? Definitely a decent start yes, but let’s wait until at least the end of September before you start shouting the odds. There's always one team in a false position at the top at the start of every season. This season it could be Everton, but then it could also be us!

  18. Richie Powling

    Sep 17, 2012, 12:18 #26375

    I am certainly no AMS but I am quite satisfied with our start to the season - there are reasons to be optimistic for sure. The team does have a better shape to it defensively and that is a good sign. With the (hopefully) returning players combining with the current first team, we will be a tougher team to beat. Whether we win anything or not remains to be seen - but I am feeling better now than for any time in the last few years. I still think we are 2 players short of being able to mount a serious challenge for the PL, but that makes a pleasant change from being 5 players short in recent times.

  19. Mike

    Sep 17, 2012, 11:49 #26374

    I can't believe the posts here - it is a perfectly respectable start- The defence has had it best start for 88 years. It would have been an all time record had they not let one in - Cazorla looks to be a gem - Padolski is showing more work ethic than anyone before him - Diaby has played more than one game and is looking good - Gervinho has scored two goals - I agree with Mr Rose - a perfectly decent start despite people trying to make out that the opposition is poor - they play as well as you let them

  20. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 17, 2012, 10:33 #26373

    The 'we won't have to face them again' part of your article doesn't really stack up. You could make similar arguments for any four random teams in the division. The counter-argument would be we haven't played anyone yet. We're about to though - Man C and Chelsea. In the longer term, let's also see if we don't once again collapse for significant parts of the season, as we have done for the past several.

  21. Ron

    Sep 17, 2012, 9:48 #26371

    Save it until end of September. Liverpool are as bad as theyve been since the late 50s. Any decent team would have beaten Saints and Sunderland are nothing but a gritty team of battlers. The point at Stoke was well merited. Theyre a batter team than people give them credit for. Its too early by far to take a view that nearly 8 years of 'same old, same old' might be in the infancy of a reverse.

  22. chris dee

    Sep 17, 2012, 9:06 #26370

    Good solid start,but that's all it is, something to build on I hope. I also hope that Arsene accepts that there are periods during certain games when the team collectively has to slow down take a breath and concentrate on defending instead of attempting to attack for 90 minutes whoever we are playing. I still think we need an experienced goalkeeper because Sirchesney once again showed he is capable of schoolboy errors,his mistake on Saturday was cringeworthy,and the look of anger on Arsene's face was a sight to behold. The kid's obviously got talent but that ain't enough for a top class goalkeeper Concentration,concentration,concentration is the name of the game.Hopefully Steve Bould will give him a kick in the b******s to help him remember that.

  23. RJ

    Sep 17, 2012, 8:16 #26369

    Simon - another excellent piece of rose tinted joy - as a pure optimist myself, I am delighted with the way things are going. And to the naysayers - what is wrong with a bit of belidef 4 games into the season - Michael, Realist Gooner, Mark - maybe you will be proved right, but it must be a gloomy world you live in where things are bound to go wrong at any moment. Let's get behind the team, support them to the hilt (atmosphere at the Emirates is getting better and better) and maybe we can surprise even ourselves. This time last season we had already given up on the EPL, and came back for a gutsy and fortuitous 3rd - this season, we can actually still dream 4 games in. Top work. COME ON YOU GOONERS

  24. Joe S.

    Sep 17, 2012, 7:07 #26368

    The Liverpool result was a fine one,the others more or less went as expected points wise and the real test begins against City.We all want the team to do well but let's not get carried away.Arsenal seem to be on track for a fourth placed finish but are you really expecting more Simon? If Jack can get his fitness and team up with Santi,then I might hope for something special.By the way what happenrd to our editor? I hope he didn't have another run in outside the ground.

  25. thatsimonrose

    Sep 16, 2012, 23:29 #26367

    Ha ha! Thanks Michael! I said all last season that we'd finish in the top 4 and above Spurs. I was told that I was nuts and rose-tinted. I was still right though ;)

  26. Mark

    Sep 16, 2012, 23:00 #26366

    Arsenal will have a good start to the season up until christmas then when we need to strenghten in january Wenger will again fail to sign anyone except Henry on loan.We will suffer injuries in the 2nd half of the season and fall away as usual.Sadly we have been down this road before.I said we will finish 4th before the season started nothing has made me change that opinion.We still need cover at GK LB and striker

  27. Realist Gooner

    Sep 16, 2012, 22:48 #26365

    Simon Rose i would ask you to go back and read what you wrote about RVP in the summer.You said nothing of the sort that we would become a more democratic and balanced team.You were begging RVP to stay and become an Arsenal legend."Please stay Robin dont leave us and join nasty Man Utd" you cried.Not only are you the king of the AKB's but you suffer from amnesia.You will never get it into you head as long as Wenger is manager a top 4 finish is the height of our ambitions

  28. Michael

    Sep 16, 2012, 22:37 #26364

    Another mad article from Mr Rose.We have been here before in 2008,10 and 11.It will all end in tears

  29. Draiggoghh

    Apr 19, 2012, 22:23 #21370

    No other Club would lose three matches to breakaway goals from attacking positions. For that alone I blame the's called coaching,Wenger.This is the only site that really analyses the faults of our glorious team , without the silly 'Go and support Spurs' interjections of AKB's . Sadly AW now seems to know F all about beating 'Park the bus' teams. Of course it's easy to lose when you concede two early goals against good committed defenders. One vaguely heretical thought. What would certain members of the team score in an IQ test? Suspect way below 100. 2nd totally heretical thought. If he were managing Manure they'd be in fourth or fifth place as well,where I'm pretty sure we'll be at the end of the season. If SAF had been managing this team I think third or better would already be guaranteed. Sadly it seems that we can fulminate as much as we like, Wenger is going to be here for years to come.Perhaps we should just enjoy our triumphs and disasters like all the teams that have never won anything.

  30. johnnyh

    Apr 19, 2012, 20:15 #21368

    an unprofessional performance from an arsenal team that in my opinion thought they had only to turn up to win. the club and the players need need a serious shaking up and only a finish outside of champions league qualification will open the eyes of the club hierarchy.

  31. ATID

    Apr 19, 2012, 13:54 #21346

    A comment earlier on this thread talked about the touchline behaviour of Wenger during the match. I sit quite close to the home dugout and it really is a thoroughly depressing experience to manager watch during any game we are losing. For some matches he spends so much time complaining to the fourth official I am reminded of the angry pub drunk. On the way home after the Wigan game we were running a sweepstake on which excuse Wenger would use to explain the result. The result was announced in the manager's email to members and surprise, surprise we guessed right. Going back to the game I have also noticed that sometimes when AW subsitutes a player he totally blanks them as they come off the pitch. Bollock, console or congratulate might all be categorized as management but ignore? Is that a metaphor for the manager's approach to his sides flaws? As for blips I think pattern might be a better description. Last night was another vision of what our season would have been like if Wenger hadn't been forced into the 31/8/2011 signings and Van Persie had been injured. I don't even think a string of new signings in the summer will change things as the manager sets the whole tone for the Club. It has been time for a change of manager for a while. It still is.

  32. Wombledin

    Apr 19, 2012, 2:29 #21328

    10 losses and 43 goals this season and were still 5 points clear in third. Its unbelievable. How luck is Wenger this season with Chelsea being back (but looking dangerous again) and Totts completely falling apart like the fairies they are. Lucky lucky Wenger.

  33. Noz

    Apr 19, 2012, 0:23 #21326

    The truly shocking truth is that after a half time team talk from Wenger the team actually played worse in the 2nd half. Did Wenger simply sit in the dressing room staring and drinking from a water bottle like he does whilst sat on the bench these days? So many people ask me these days who I would replace Wenger with. Well, lets see, I want a manager with a good footballing philosophy, with premier league experience and with passion. I think I found him last night. Martinez!

  34. HowardL

    Apr 18, 2012, 23:04 #21324

    A small point but for historical accuracy I think Cesc missed the Carling Cup Final v Brum because of injury

  35. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 18, 2012, 22:38 #21320

    So we lose a game and all the old stuff gets posted and on another site if that is all you can say....what do you think Barcelona's site will say tonight after losing to the Chavs, when they should have stuffed them 5 or 6-1?

  36. CanadaGooner

    Apr 18, 2012, 21:51 #21319

    @Whinger_out_now: are you saying walcott, djourou and diaby are not good enough to beat wigan? or that a team with Fabregas, Nasri, RVP and others are not good enough to beat Birmingham (CC final)? or that the same team that stuffed Spurs 5 - 2 isnt good enough to beat Sunderland in the FA Cup?

  37. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Apr 18, 2012, 16:12 #21306

    @CanadaGooner, I don'r know what to tell you mate. Plenty of others have tried to make you see reason that at the end of the day, Whinger has near total control of the club. The playing and non playing staff has been hand picked by him. If a player consistently underperforms, such as Walcott, who is the one that keeps giving him chance after chance? Surely, Walcott doesn't show up at Whinger's house every Friday night with a gun? Who gave Djourou a new contract? Who has been unable to judge Djourou in the last 3 years? It is Djourou's fault that he's still at the club? Who waited for a year to get Chamakh on a free?A player that can't even be brought on when Wenger FC is losing. Did Chamakh threaten Wenger with the wrath of God? Who has not been able to cut ties with Diaby after 6 years? Who will once again select Djourou and Ramsey and Walcott in the very next game if the need arises? As Joe put it, time to blame the architect. EVery AKB is willing to blame everyone, from God, to the Big Bang, to the earth's rotational speed to the referee except for the one that deserves 90% of the blame - Whinger

  38. CanadaGooner

    Apr 18, 2012, 15:22 #21302

    @ Joe Fitzpatrick - any permutation of the players Wenger has bought should be able to beat Wigan. So, yes, it's easy to try to blame the manager but as the saying goes "you can drag a horse to the river...... cant force it to drink". There comes a time when players on $100k+/week must step up to the task and beating Wigan at this time of the season should be a straight-forward task. How else can you explain it, when the same set of players beat Chelsea this weekend? ---- COMPLACENCY my friend, that's all it was.

  39. Brigham

    Apr 18, 2012, 14:38 #21300

    Truly awful display by us on Monday, but fair play to Wigan who worked hard and played well, fully deserving their win. I was also one of those few thousand who stayed to applaude them (Wigan) off at the end. On that subject, why do so many of our 'fans' trudge out 10 minutes before the end of the game? It happens far too much, although it had been much better of late, since the 5pur2 win! But on Monday it appeared to be that we had far too many tourists in the ground and the atmosphere also suffered for it. No need to mention anything more about that game as that has been well covered, both on here and other sites. Suffice to say we took the game too lightly IMHO and we paid the price for it. Marriner was crap though and 'lost at sea' and perhaps he took his mantle from that other twat Atkinson!

  40. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 18, 2012, 0:18 #21272

    Canadagooner- you are obviously very committed to this view that it's the players fault. In some respects you are correct but, surely you must concede that this is very much "the house that jack built" in as much as it is Arsene Wenger who has bought, trained, developed and man-managed ALL of our squad as it now currently stands. Did Arsene do enough to correctly prepare and motivate his players to defeat Wigan at home? No he most certainlydid not. The defence is a shambles, Oxlade-Chamberlain can't break Arsene's rigid pecking order even though he is absolutely fantastic and the managers substitutions are more like Avram Grant's than Jose Mourinho's. Time to Blame the architect and not the bricklayers.

  41. Michael Preston

    Apr 17, 2012, 23:54 #21271

    I never thought I'd have to complain about the Hon Ed being too kind!

  42. Uccello

    Apr 17, 2012, 23:53 #21270

    Judge Fred - you are spot on about our plastic fans, so many people in our ground who shouldn't be there. So depressing to think that the fat cats upstairs will be rubbing their hands with glee at the success of their plan to target and market towards this 'tourist/client' type who will leave the ground with a Club Shop plastic bag full of plastic crap. All at the expense of reall supporters. I've lost count of the number of times I know of or have heard of a real fan who has been priced out of their own club and now watch, slightly embittered, from a distance. I'm a teacher in a local school and none of our kids or their families could ever dream of affording to go to the Arsenal on a regular basis. This short-term thinking is so destructive for our club in the long term, as we sell another little bit of our soul for increased turnover, and the deciding factor to support is the size of your wallet, rather than how much one cares. This can be seen in how many people leave so early? Who are these people? What is wrong with them? We will get the results and success such fans deserve. Such an obvious difference with a crowd roaring you on to the final whistle rather than drifting off as if they can't wait to bugger off. You couldn't leave early at the theatre, at an opera, at the panto, or even at a bloody circus!!!! Far too many people in there do not deserve to be there. How many people in there would stare blankly if you asked them who David Rocastle was?

  43. simon

    Apr 17, 2012, 22:43 #21269

    rvp's off the boil midfield cover lacking for both goals ramsey is rubbish and we will not win any games with him in central midfield only coquelin and OX are technically capable of playing with song and rosicky bur wenger won't play them our nominee for young player of the year can't get on the pitch even when the team are playing rubbish hopefully gibbs will replace santos but i'm very worried about how we handle being without arteta. wenger must realise ramsey's incapable but will doubtless look to diaby next.

  44. itstartedin1974

    Apr 17, 2012, 22:41 #21268

    I think its clear that wenger is good enough to challenge for a top 3 or 4 finish but he doesn't look like a manager with a title in him.

  45. norfolk gooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 22:31 #21267

    Looks like we going to do things the hard way.Why when looking for goals our second and ONLY other striker is left sitting on his arse,to think a club of our size and stature going through a whole season with basically one striker is disgrace.And don't get me start on Gervinho apart from beating a few players resulting in no end product, what does he actually do? yet another overpaid average player. As for Martinez i think he will be a top manager just need a chance at a big club with some quality players,what do you think arsene!!

  46. CanadaGooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 21:55 #21266

    @ Kev: "...But defeat at the weekend would leave THEM in danger....". I see it's "WE" when we win and "THEM" when we lose? "Wenger's Team"? It's ARSENAL mate. And, yes, we were warned in advance when Wigan beat Man Utd last week. The result at the Emirates is simply unacceptable and goes to reinforce what I've been saying all season about player standing up to be counted! We have praised them when they've performed, but seriously, losing to Wigan at home, given how crucial this stage of the season is, can only be attributed to the lack of focus in the squad. Bunch of overpaid donkeys with minds on summer vacation and what they'll spend their ill-gotten wealth on! I'm sure they're go on to beat Chelsea like 4 - 0: story of our season so far! INCONSISTENCY as a result of lack of focus!!

  47. clockendjim

    Apr 17, 2012, 21:52 #21265

    After the two joke goals we let in last night I realise Wenger has created The Ministery of Silly Defending

  48. Pete Mahony

    Apr 17, 2012, 21:28 #21264

    The squad is still short on quality and anything less than our best 11 struggle to match any premier league contender. Santos offering no width at all we hardly delivered a cross from the left with Benny UNo and Gervinio both always opting to come inside at the same time as their full back, a problem we had for the first half of the season! Djourou isnour fourth choice CB and it showed, Koscielny would have denied both goals and por Aaron, whilst a fantastic player is not a match winner and is currently short of prowess in all areas to make a real difference. the Ox was the only option on an otherwise week bench and he was introduced too late with too much to do.... Arteta is one of those players who even when not contributing he solicits beter performances from his team mates..... you might call him a leader, and we need a few more. I believe in the first 11 and i believe we will get 3rd... has anyone planned what we will do when Vela, Bendtner and Denilson come back?

  49. K. Mercer

    Apr 17, 2012, 19:24 #21262

    I agree with Mr. Jolicoeur. I’m tired of hearing about Ramsey’s age as the primary defense for his continued slide in form. The golden child can’t get by on what might be for much longer. What Ramsey actually is, needs to get better, real soon.

  50. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 17, 2012, 18:47 #21261

    Whoops.....that was a bit plop, wasn't it? I must admit I didn't watch it live, it was on at 5am Melbourne time, but I nearly always get up for those. Usually if I tell dad that I missed an early morning kick off, he asks what the matter is - this time, he simply sent a text message saying "right decision"....

  51. Gee

    Apr 17, 2012, 18:40 #21260

    27/33 aint to bad a run we've been on. My worry from the entire season is that we struggle to snatch the odd point here and there. We've lost 10 league games when quite a few of those we were leading in only to come away with nothing. It's either **** or bust with us and that's why the consistency is in the toilet. Euphoric highs to gut slumping lows. Story of the last 3 seasons and we just aren't moving on from it. No progression what so ever

  52. Dean

    Apr 17, 2012, 18:32 #21259

    Pat Rice wanted to quit last year but Wenger convinced him to stay.Why?because he is a yes man and not a threat.Wenger will not get in a number 2 who will question him.Thats why Rice has been his number 2 for 16 years while Fergie changes his number 2 every 5 years.there is no one at the club who is strong enough to stand up to the dictator.We need a new manager a better scouting team (no more **** signings from France)and a new medical team who dont make our injured players worse.Will it happen?not a hope in hell

  53. fozzy's mate

    Apr 17, 2012, 18:13 #21257

    To lose 10 out of 34 league games at almost 1 in 3 cannot be looked upon as a blip. Even forgetting the disastrous start we have lost 5 in the last 15. Santos the fat slow albeit skill full fullback was more interested in trying to be a centre forward more than a left sided player. I agree with the earlier comment about wanting to strangle both Gazidis and the old etonian/fart. Our supine board have convinced themselves that we have a wonderful young team on the edge of glorious times. I also agree with the comparison between the serene Martinez and basil fawlty like 0GL, who ironically Once traded on his own serene disposition. In an article on the bbc web page the other day "sols a gooner" questioned whether Arsenal actually want to win anything. I concluded a few years ago that those in charge of our great club do not. They have redefined success as top 4 followed by the annual dough trousering season where rumours are spread regarding transfer targets that we are not prepared to pay for. Will it really be any different this summer?

  54. Jude Jolicoeur

    Apr 17, 2012, 18:12 #21256

    Potential doesn’t pay the bills in the Premiership. Ramsey’s dithering and lack of ideas is quite tiresome. For me, with each game he gets, he’s more exposed as being not good enough.

  55. martyn

    Apr 17, 2012, 18:02 #21255

    the most important signing in the summer will be a new assistant, god i hope its adams or keown.

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 16:36 #21254

    if pat rice retires at the end of the season could arsene make sure his replacement as well as being a good defensive coach also has the ability to coach players on how to take corners i'm sure it was three corners we took last night that didn't even make it over the nearest defender enabling him to head it away even kick it unacceptable from professional players on 50 60 70k a week.

  57. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 17, 2012, 16:30 #21253

    Last night we definitely got what we deserved. A poor second half creating very little against a well organised and decent passing team....However, the professional side of the game has gone barking mad...the time wasting was appalling and to add only three minutes in the first half absolutely ridiculous, seeing as they had two "injuries" without all El Habsi's time wasting antics....and then the ref who was poor all night and pedantic to a fault gave him a yellow card in the 93rd minute....bonkers and pointless, who says the big clubs get all the decisions?! Again we were poor but if Arteta had sat down when injured before the corner from which they broke away and scored then we could have got 11 players on the now we have an even bigger game on saturday and one we need to get three points from as Stoke away does not fill me with confidence. Let's get behind the team and save all the moans and groans for the end of the season.

  58. Lenny

    Apr 17, 2012, 15:57 #21251

    @Tony Evans Spot on the Wenger who is managing us now is an imposter compared to the pre 2006 Wenger.Remember that was the Wenger who got rid of Wright Merson and Hartson without blinking an eye.Yet he keeps dross like Diaby(30mins gametime all season!!!!) Djourou and Chamakh and buys rubbish like Santos Gervinho and Park.Surely he can see that these players are not good enough.The trouble is without David Dein Wenger is all powerful.And he knows he will never be removed.Mark my words we will not win anything again as long as Wenger remains as manager.What a way to run a major football club

  59. aj

    Apr 17, 2012, 15:52 #21250

    Koscielny was a great miss.He is always bailing out his teammates with covering tackles and last gasp blocks.Djourou is a nice guy but honestly should be knowhere near the Arsenal squad.As for Ramsey I feel sorry for the guy.He clearly is out of his depth but is constantly asked to be a key player in the midfield.Maybe he will improve but he should be taken out of the action for all our benefit.Why not play the Ox against the chavs in midfield? Wenger used to make bold substitutions when he first arrived now you can call 90% of them.Easy meat for the opposition.

  60. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Apr 17, 2012, 15:40 #21249

    Same old, same old. Can't be arsed to show up against the Qigans and prefer the spotlight of top 4-5. The team is a refection of Whinger in every way - soft bellied, lazy, inconsistent, accepting of second best and most importantly, graceless in defeat. Martinez is a fine chap and he drilled his team well - something that Whinger is incapable of. For how many more seasons will we keep pretending that Song is a DM? Hip pushes, trips and keeping your hands back while skipping from side to side is not being a DM. Walcott is a luxury bit part player and at 80k+ pop/week the "fiscally responsible" Whinger FC cannot afford him. Plain and simple. Djourou with a new contract? What a joke. Incidentally, where are the AKB's?

  61. dan

    Apr 17, 2012, 15:07 #21248

    the best thing that could happen is to get rid of the manager,he's the reason that all these problems persist,he never does anything about them,we now have lost ten games this season,YES 10,and are set to concede the most goals under wenger,and what does he do about this,NOTHING.WENGER OUT W.O.B ARMY.

  62. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 15:03 #21247

    your heading is putting it mildly ed another blip ? or just complacency either way unacceptable display we can beat teams in second fourth fifth but not a team in seventeenth no team has a divine right to win a game but as well as wigan played last night their down there for a reason their fighting relegation for a reason and we blew another three points because we were outpassed out defended outplayed and yes out thought.Take nothing away from wigan they deserved their victory and a few of our players could learn a thing or two from them. We have been hearing for so long about lessons been learnt have they really ? after the qpr blip we had walcott telling us as much no doubt he'll be doing the same before saturday theo would be better of letting his feet do the talking because your right ed he had a stinker again he should have been hooked earlier there's no point going into to much detail as there's not many who done themselves credit the same old story switch off, concede, can't break a defence down drop three points against relegation fodder unacceptable.

  63. HowardL

    Apr 17, 2012, 14:30 #21246

    Shouldn't the title be 'Inconsistentables'? What's in a name, we all know what it means and it sums up the season perfectly.

  64. Tony Evans

    Apr 17, 2012, 14:10 #21245

    I sometimes wonder how Wenger managed to win all those trophies in his first 7 years! His dreadful substitutions, lack of tactics, defensive blind spot, awarding crap players fat contracts, persistance with 'pet' players that should be dropped (and sold) and his daft idea that a player can play in any position all adds up to a disaster.

  65. Peter Wain

    Apr 17, 2012, 14:07 #21244

    yet another example of why this team will never win a trophy. The defence non existent mid field no ideas and no back up striker. The lack of striking options never more apparent. How Walcott was not subbed instead of Benayoun is beyond me. Also I think someone should tell our goalkeeper to concentrate on his job of saving goals rather than predictions of what we will win next season. He should have stopped the second goal and this is not the first costly mistake he has made.

  66. Ron

    Apr 17, 2012, 14:06 #21243

    Arsenal will always lose games to teams who you might be excused for thinking they wouldnt lose too, as well as the truly top sides who see us off more often than not.Why? Because the defence is utter garbage and it wont change with no real defensive coaching and with a Coach who thinks Djourou and Vermaelaen are quality defenders. The former is useless and the latter is a midfield type, pretending to be a CB. The Club needs a totally new defence and the Keeper isnt as brilliant as hes cracked up to be either. In front of them, there is no real 'shield' either. Ive never joined the Song love in (for the right price id get shot of him today in fact). Defensive organisation is totally absent at Arsenal and im not kidding when i say i see better defensive nous in Blue Square football, its not just Arsenal, in the Prem League generally its defensively dire. I see a team there that in truth needs 7 players to genuinely create a title hope. Underlying that, theyre still thinking theyre good enough to take teams like Wigan lightly. Not just arrogant, but its delusional. This disease has gripped the Club since the 'invincibles' days (and before that too) and a Coach who's never discouraged it. In fact, it comes from him to a great extent.

  67. Judge Fred

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:45 #21242

    When we needed support the most (in the last 15 minutes) half the crowd buggered off. But then thats the penalty you pay when real supporters are priced-out, only to be replaced by plastics. We used to laugh at Man U and their plastics - we are now the same as them (except for the success of course) How sad. I want my Arsenal back.

  68. Nick

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:44 #21241

    PHW called the people calling for change "mindless" what an arrogant git the bloke is, those mindless people help pay for this clubs existence, and are bloody well entitled to an opinion , even more so considering the debacle that wenger has overseen for the past seven years, and it was a case of same old same old last night , ex players members of the last great side weve had, are treated with barely concealed contempt, when offering an opinion on the club that differs from the party line, i used to revere Wenger and was proud of the CLASS of our club no longer, how can you be classy when making such crass comments about former loyal servants of Arsenal and denigrating supporters who are the lifeblood of the club, for daring to want glory on the pitch, and questioning a leadership that has overseen failure after dismal failure, yes other clubs would love to be in our position but we are not other clubs, we are THE ARSENAL !!!!!!!!

  69. foxinthebox2001

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:34 #21240

    Wenger is fond of the car analogies, playing with the handbrake on, not enough petrol in the tank, when will he get around to 'our sat nav only knows one route'? We could not play our way through, why not try going around the side, or the over the top? It led to TV5's goal.

  70. Nick

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:24 #21239

    Credit to Wigan they outfought us and deserved the points, i thought the ref didnt help the flow of the game and was definitely not a homer, the blatant shove on Walcott when almost clean through was an example, however we were the architects of our own demise, not helped by the inability of the manager to change things at the right time , and when he did, he made the wrong choices, ramsey for arteta was probably the obvious choice but in my opinion the wrong one, we didnt need 3 in midfield against a team intent on parking the bus and hitting us on the break (which they did very well) i would have brought the Ox on for walcott instead, got song to drop back and do what hes paid for and BE a defensive midfielder (did anyone note that as arteta pulled up as the move developed for their first goal, that song was ambling back from a position far in advance of both arteta and rossicky)and let rossicky pull the strings in midfield, in my opinion we needed more width last night, instead of trying as always to pass it through a packed defense, and walcott as is almost always the case, is innefective against such a tactic. admittedly we missed Koselny, and Gibbs also, who in my opinion is a better full back than santos both defending and going forward, we lacked fight, thought and direction, we have the nucleus of a good team and the returning players and 3 or 4 quality signings in the summer should give us an even chance of trophys, but i doubt the present managerial incumbent will buy what we need, or get rid of who we dont, and he is, again in my opinion , for a man who has worked more than half a day in football, tactictly inept, and too bloody stubborn by half, now thats off my chest, COME ON YOU GUNNERS LETS STUFF THE ODIOUS CHAVS!!

  71. Jekyll

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:17 #21238

    The subs were no mystery - Wenger decides them before the game, excepting injuries. He was always going to take Benny off and put Gervers on, so he did. His substitutions have nothing to do with what's going on on the pitch, they never do. Just as the opposition have nothing to do with how the AFC team are tactically set up to go out on to the pitch. Wenger just sends them out to 'play our game'. He has his rigid system and beliefs and pre-match decisions and that is that. And results like this aren't 'blips', they are part of who this team is. Expect more 'blips' on a regular basis next season.

  72. Website Moderator

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:12 #21237

    Ron (post 23404)... You might be interested to know that Kevin does not play any part in the moderation of comments on the site. Your point regarding Walcott's run late on is valid, but Kevin is not writing a match report here as they are widely available elsewhere and therefore there is no need to report every detail. He is merely giving his view, as you and many others have done in the comments. Nothing wrong with that providing it's respectful, which is why I have not needed to moderate yours or anyone else's comment on this article thus far.

  73. AFC14

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:08 #21236

    Sending Gervinho on before Ox was shocking..

  74. Mark

    Apr 17, 2012, 13:01 #21235

    The game last night was a shocker. Walcott was abysmal even by his own low standards. And surely Ramsey's future is in serious doubts. He's had a stinker of a season and was truly awful again last night. To be honest, I saw this coming on the basis of our performance at Wolves. The scoreline shouldn't hide the fact that we were rubbish for much of that night against a poor Wolves team. Oh yes, let's not forget QPR.....

  75. Challenger

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:50 #21234

    Thanks Kevin for the lovely article. What shocks me the most is AW himself. Can you not see how Wigan couch was standing all night long communicating with his team while our couch didn't. he seemed to fancy shouting at the 4th man but not at his players. Arsenal are so good when things go right, but when things go wrong ... we sit and watch. A win against Chelsea? without Arteta we are not even close, let alone Rambo is playing mid field ! and they are way off better now than before. I, for an example, can not remember when was the last time I was so confident in this team .. who to blame?

  76. Tony Evans

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:43 #21232

    I have been trying to be positive recently, especially after a decent run of results bar QPR and last night but I just had a feeling that Wigan would turn us over. It is the same old storey with Wenger's post 2006 teams. Complacency and poor attitude - we just dont turn up in games like last night and it happens far too often. I think we are at least 5 players away from a title winning team and with the likes of Djourou being offered a new contract and with Wenger's persistance with certain players not playing well (Walcott last night) my hopes for next season are fading fast.

  77. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:36 #21231

    Same old problems surfaced last night and always will under Wenger unless he appoints a top number two and gives him some say. Poor defending, no plan b, failiure to motivate, poor subs or lacjk of them early enough and when we have a number of squad players (Djourou, Santos, Benni,maybe Ramsey) playing we struggle as the depth of the squad is poor. The first goal looked like we were throwing men forward in the last 5 minutes trying to rescue a point not the home team in the 7th minute at nil nil. Such a poor goal on so many levels. When Song plays like he did last night you really do wonder if he has ever had any instruction in his life as he clearly doesn't know how to be a defensive midfielder and to some degree you can't blame him. Ever since Wenger turned "winger" Henry into a centre forward his obsession with playing players in positioons they didn't grow up playing means we have a team that don't know the finer points of their current role. For instance Gibbs grew up as a winger so is it any wonder he can't defend?

  78. AugustusCaesar

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:35 #21230

    Is this defeat a blessing a disguise? If we'd have cruised to 3rd place with no further defeats would Arsene had definitely kept the cheque book closed thinking this current squad can challenge for the title next season? He still might of course. If we can still get 3rd spot then this defeat may actually have some worth. I think those that say the commitment wasn't there and our attitude was wrong are talking in cliches frankly. It was a freaky couple of minutes, lets be honest, one of which you're unlikely to see again and can we just remind ourselves we carved out two good openings before they'd scored. Does that sound like we were switched on from the start? We clearly had a problem from the corner with Arteta injured and Benayoun signalling to the bench and it doesn't amount to great professionalism when you analyse the situation. But very few would have predicted they'd go the full length of the pitch and score from our corner. But...there were certainly some individuals found wanting last night. Ramsey is clearly struggling - the crowd getting on his back certainly not helping, Gervinho looks inept (also struggling with confidence) and Santos, while blessed with skill, needs to improve his decision making and positioning. It's like playing with Diaby at left back at times. Walcott, too, had a poor night. One might call him an enigma but his inconsistency is oh so predictable. Lastly, credit to Wigan - they played well.

  79. Clockender78

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:32 #21229

    @GareKakeke. Agree with a lot you have said. Wigan fully deserved the win last night and deserved applause from the Gooners in the West stand as they left the pitch. One of the best sides to visit Emirates this season for me, don't know how they are at the bottom. Our defence were a shambles, and we missed Arteta. Ramsey had a stinker, as did Theo, Gervinho did nothing after coming on. For me only RVP and Rosicky could emerge with any credit from last night. What it showed was our bench isn't good enough, and we will need 2/3 top,top quality signings in the summer. Whether this will happen, i still have my doubts...

  80. Joe S.

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:23 #21228

    Depressing stuff isn't it? methinks ground hog year will be upon us again. As well as Chelsea I'm also worried about Stoke and West Brom. As much as the players attitude I think our manager has learnt nothing about preparing for each game seperately and choosing players and systems based on the opposition. At heart the boss is a slacker who is comfortable in what he has achieved and remains unwilling to learn.

  81. Gerry

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:19 #21227

    Still can't believe how bad we were last night. Spot on about arteta kev, the lack of know how shown by his team mates when he went off was scary to say the least. Wigan went through on goal straight from a throw, in their own half, defending that would make a Sunday league team blush! I wish rvp had shown the same determination to shrug off Caldwell b4 the final whistle, rather than after it for the handshakes. The scum were on suicide watch on Sunday night but good old arsenal have given them a tonic, we have to beat the chavs now. PS how the feck did Theo manage to be that bad on a football pitch and get paid thousands for it?

  82. IMAC

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:07 #21226

    Definitely agree with the Arteta comments. Both Wigan goals scored with him firstly off the pitch then with him on the pitch but unable to walk. No coincidence. Niall Quinn on Sky Sports stated that when the teams were warming up he noticed Wigan looked serious, focused and working hard. Arsenal on the other hand were smiling, laughing and gently knocking the ball to each other. Sums up what eventually happened on the pitch. Is AW still able to motivate the players prior to a game or are they just complacent no matter what he says? Did the fact that Wigan turned Arsenal around at the kick off psychologically affect Arsenal as we usually prefer to attack the North Bank in the 2nd half. I know this shouldn't matter but these players do like to be in a comfort zone. The 2nd half was just awful to watch with Arsenal clueless in the final third which we have seen a number of times in the last few seasons, not being able to penetrate a packed defense. I don't mind being beaten by a better side but not to make a keeper make a save in an entire half at home is extremely disappointing.

  83. Stevesam

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:04 #21225

    As one of PHW's 'mindless' supporters, I would like the senile old fool to explain why AW took Benny off when he looked our most positive midfield player, Song and Ramsey were poor last night, but they were not alone.Rosicky only played for the first half when we really needed him to make an impact in the 2nd half. Walcott, words fail me, sell him and get a big profit while we still can ! Thankfully Kos is back for Chelski, but Arteta shall be a big miss. While Emperor PHW fiddles the Emirates shall burn.

  84. Gman

    Apr 17, 2012, 12:02 #21224

    Well done Wigan, you taught us how it should be done with passion, a thoroughly brutal display of counter attacking football and rigid defending. Seriously now, Arsenal really do employ some utterly ****e footballers, don't they? A spuds mate of mine reckons “The Brazilian left-back does stepovers so slow, Emile Heskey would be embarrassed by them. “I don't know why Arsenal deem it necessary to scour the earth for mediocrity like Santos. Both goals were avoidable with more concentration and aggression with Djourou showing his usual useless self. Vermalen needs to be taken to one side by Wenger and told( conjure up Brian Clough) “you're a centre half, so bloody well play at centre half, I’m paying you to be a centre half so stop acting as if you're an attacking midfielder, learn to stay in bloody position”. Failure to get class backup in defence has cost us dear. For sixty minutes, the only thing that was stopping Walcott looking like the worst footballer ever to appear in a PL match was Santos, and then Gervinho came on and managed to make them both look good. Ramsey was just a passenger in the team and offered absolutely nothing; I mean what is the point of all that running? Oxlade Chamberlain really needs to play more, Walcott was ****ing useless and it was if we were playing with 10 men all night. When the Ox came on Wenger played him in the middle? Crazy substitution! How Gervinho and Ramsey are ahead of him in the pecking order is a mystery. What are we ever going to achieve? 3rd, last 16 in the CL, next year we'll be 3rd, and get knocked out in the CL last 16. We are going nowhere. Got to pick ourselves up for Chavski at the weekend, not looking forward though to Drogba v Djourou, hopefully Koscielny will make a welcome return after his 2 match suspension. If Wenger doesn’t learn he needs quality and depth in defence, then he hasn’t learnt anything from the last seven years. It’ll be Groundhog Day again or a touch of Déjà vu, Monsieur Wenger

  85. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:57 #21223

    So that's 5 'blips' out of 15 league games since the start of the New Year. When does it stop being a 'blip' and become conformation that the team, some of the players in it and Wenger himself are just not up to the job?


    Apr 17, 2012, 11:56 #21222

    Once again this bunch of losers have failed when it counts. 2 wins and 3rd would have been certain,but as usual arrogance and lazyness took over. This all comes from the manager,but as there is no chance of a change for at least 2 years we are stuck with it. Prepare for 10 years at least with no trophy and 2nd rate signings,coupled with the best players leaving to more ambitious clubs. Wenger has ruined this club and im not sure how long it will take to recover. Sorry to be so negative but its just gone too far now

  87. Ramgun

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:43 #21221

    Our team always fails under pressure. What is inconsistent about that?

  88. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:43 #21220

    Fair play to Wigan, they defended stoutly and attacked with speed, precision and determination. Our players tried extremely hard and were making efforts to get on top of the problem set for them by Wigan. Enter Monsieur. Not content with having one lame duck on the field, Mr Walcott, he then swapped Benayoun, who had another excellent game and who was driving the team forward, for Gervinio. In his first season for the club and having mostly been shocking, this was just like pulling the team down to 9 men, and the wind came straight out of our sails. These disastrous substitutions continue year after year and are part of the reason why no one of any substance wants to stay with us.

  89. halfempty

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:24 #21219

    the problem, as its been all season, sits on the bench. Our Glorious Leader is anything but that. He rants and raves at officials and the unfortunate Pat Rice, but how often is he up there galvanising his team to perform? Martinez was prowling the line, instructing, cajoling and encouraging, whilst Wenger simply sat and frowned. It was clear that a radical change was needed, and pace would be the key, along with continuous pressing, as proved when TV5 got his goal. So how was it allowed to slip back to the pedestrian pace we have grown to expect and hate, when possession for its own sake seems more important than the aim of the game: to score goals? leadership, on and off the field is lacking whenever the desire seems to have slipped away. qpr,wolves and now wigan have seen the team play as if simply turning up is all thats needed. and don't even get me started on his substitutions.....

  90. Clive the Gooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:23 #21218

    We will never win a trophy while we continue to lose to poor sides. Nothing seems to change, last season we had second place as good as sewn up only to finish fourth. This year again near enough have third in the bag then another awful showing against Wigan. It seems Wenger has turned us into Spurs as all the players and us fans talk about is how we'll win this and that next season yet it never happens. Can't wait for this awful season to end.

  91. Tommi Gooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:21 #21217

    Love the title by the way. Even after winning 7 straight I wasn't getting too carried away with our form. The secret was to continue on it and not prematurely celebrate having that 3rd spot. It beggar's belief that Wenger took off Benayoun who actually fancied it last night and left Walcott on for the full 90 - you could tell he wasn't even close to being at the races yesterday. Sums him up so much - one good game - 5 shocking ones.

  92. Moscow Gooner

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:19 #21216

    Disappointing to see 20 000 or so leave (very) early last night at the Wigan game given our recent propensity for scoring late winners. What sort of message does that send to the team - if we ve lost confidence in their ability to recover the game it can t do much for their s can it? And no doubt it was a huge and helpful boost to Wigan to see banks of empty seats opening up(they re well used to that at home anyway...) indicating that the clock was running down. Those who stayed did their best to raise the team: but in forty five years of following Arsenal I ve never left a game early no matter what the score. Just can t understand or forgive the mentality of those who do. Why don t you give up your seats to someone who s prepared to go the full 90?

  93. ron

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:17 #21215

    All your talk about how bad we were. didnt our goalie have two hands on the ball ? What happened on 84 mins when theo had a run through ? wasnt that a foul? wasnt that exactly the type of situation that theo scores from! Again, you cant wait to beat arsenal. i wouldnt mind if you were accurate. Wigan did what they had to do and good luck to them but that involved rolling around and time wasting. Enough with you agenda, call yourself a supporter; then report it as it was rather than how it suits your argument. yeah now moderate this answer.. pah

  94. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:13 #21214

    Full credit to Wigan for the win. And fair play to the Gooners who stayed behind after the match to applaud their players off the pitch. And I’m not ashamed to admit I was one of them. Not including myself and I could so easily be wrong here but methinks that those who were sporting towards Wigan last night have not been caught up in the hysteria of the run of victories since 4th February. Yet again the attitude of the team was wrong. Defensively the whole team were a shambles yet again. It goes without saying the back four lacked cohesion and solidity. Victor Moses had our back four in his pocket and yet nothing was done by Wenger to combat his threat. If Santos really is our best left-back then God help us. How can we go in six years from Ashley Cole to him and some fans to claim he’s top draw? For many years, it was a position of strength now it’s almost a joke. The midfield, non-existent especially after we lost Arteta and the front three, impotent. Until Wenger alters his coaching methods on how we defend or brings in a No.2 who can implement a proper defensive system then defeats like Wigan at home will continue to remain the norm and not the exception. And if Wenger is not careful then there is every chance his final decade as manager will pass off without any trophy. It’s telling that this season alone, the current Premier League bottom five as of 17/04/12 have all taken points off The Arsenal let alone mid-table teams such as Fulham & Swansea. It’s not rocket science to suggest that is not how you win titles. Those who were laughing at Carling Cup winners & FA Cup finalists Liverpool & champions-elect Man Utd for their recent defeats have egg on their faces now. Some of us on this site were wary of the danger Wigan posed and sadly it came to fruition. Let’s all hope for a positive response against Chelsea. Up The Arsenal!

  95. Leo zis

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:12 #21213

    a stinker last night..key observations: 1. Walcot is not consistent enough to start. He needs to come off the bench. We need an attacking winger who gives the opponents hell...Moses for Theo anyone who watched yesterday? 2.Douro (forgive the spelling) is a sign for disaster everytime i see him start for us in central defense. Please Kosicelny, get better soon :( 3. Rambo...oh comment :( 4. Wenger needs to change the normal late substitution routine when things are not going well. Its no use keeping players on if they are not performing please :( 5. Can't wait for Chelsea on Saturday..i am feeling a bit deflated but a loss will end all the good form recently discovered. Advise to Wenger....BUY AND BUY GOOD FOR NEXT SEASON :(

  96. Ian

    Apr 17, 2012, 11:11 #21212

    Just a blip.Like Fulham Swansea QPR and Wigan were.The reason we lost last night as in the other games was attitude.We walked on to the pitch thinking the game was already won.A serious fault in this Wenger team.What was shocking was we created nothing in the 2nd half.We still played our pitty-patty sideways football.It was a poor team performance but some of our players Walcott(100k a week,you joking)Song Santos Ramsey and Gervinho need to take a long look at themselves.Are they really players who are going to take the club futher than 3rd place in the future.Moses took Sagna to the cleaners, when was the last time Feo beat a fullback like he did?And it tells you something when we are 2-1 down at home we still cant bring Chamakh on because he is crap.Also Wenger gets paid £7m a year but he cant motivate his players at home against relegation strugglers.Our 10th league defeat of the season.We have lost nearly a 3rd of our league games

  97. Charles & Eddie

    Apr 17, 2012, 10:48 #21211

    Wenger's team of losers do it again, a third place finish there for the taking and they've blown it with a brainless display from all 11 players. Can you take down that gooner referendum that says we're comfortable in 3rd place?