Coaching was to blame for Monday evening’s defeat

Preparation - that's what we need

Coaching was to blame for Monday evening’s defeat

Wenger’s assistant managers… time for a change

I was unable to go to the Wigan game because of illness. My frustration is probably amplified by that. However, I'm starting this article at half time against Wigan. A farcical start left us 2-0 down inside the opening ten minutes, and the Verminator has halved the deficit. Now, we might win the second half 2-0 to get a come-from-behind win, but…

We were 2-0 down inside ten minutes to a team two points above the drop zone at start of play. We simply hadn't turned up. The team clearly didn't take Wigan seriously: they scored from our own corner. Too few players bust a gut, and Sagna's header and the corner were pathetic. Arteta is excused for obvious reasons.

For the second, no blame to Sagna, JD or TV, but Santos and a covering midfielder are static and either could easily have intervened. I am sure others will be harsher on the three I acquit, but the point stands. But these are the symptoms. The disease is that we have to have the best come-back record in the league. Why are we regularly falling behind? The lack of urgency that has been endemic in the club for years has found a new way of emerging.

Remember the season of one-shot wonders? We'd batter an opponent in possession but lose 1-0 to the only shot they have? Or those matches where we dropped points to late equalisers? Now our central midfield, and second-choice defence, is a little weaker than then, so a bit of early pressure leads to early goals because we aren't putting the effort in. Now, the AKB people are already rolling their eyes. We beat Wolves 3-0 due to early goals. True. But we also had to come from behind four times in a row.

The issue is the coaching staff. The lack of competition isn't the case today, as many of the team are playing for their place. Does Wenger's confidence in his team create complacency? Does the belief we can come from behind or score at any moment need to be tempered by a bit if steel? Do we have a culture of doing it by numbers: running through options in order that stifles the players? This is epitomised by the manager's use of substitutes.

My view a few months ago was a fairly standard sack-the-board, Wenger-out. I always knew the former simply wouldn't happen. I'm less sure about the second now. Perhaps the replacement for Pat Rice can provide some steel. Ideally, it will be someone to challenge Wenger. I firmly believe that a good scrap (in private!) between a manager and his number two helps. Look at Clough at his best with Taylor; or a different model in Ferguson changing his number two a few times.

If Wenger doesn't want it, then I want him to explain how next season will be different. More to the point, I want him to explain to RvP why he should stick around and play in a team who are so badly prepared that Wigan can score from an Arsenal corner.

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  1. Dave

    Apr 22, 2012, 8:09 #21432

    Blah, blah, blah. It's always been more fun supporting Arsenal when they're a bit rubbish anyway.

  2. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 21, 2012, 20:47 #21430

    @ Chris - apology accepted on the spelling of my name. I'm half Nigerian and proud of my African roots so I don't take kindly to anyone who gets my name wrong. I had to put up with that nonsense about my name in school from some ignorant people, so I don't want or need it on an online debate. As for Fabregas, look at the man's quotes. I haven't said what I think which makes my point invalid, I'm merely going by what HE said. That's why I initially said we should take heed of his comments. If such a comment had been said by Adebayor, I personally wouldn't have taken it seriously as I think he's got an agenda. Stoke away next week. Let's hope past failures are not repeated. They very rarely score from long throws these days (apparently a year since a Delap throw-in) but if they score from one, could you put that down to poor preparation on Wenger's part or were Stoke just bloody good? It's time for Wenger to stand up to an inferior team like Stoke on their turf just like Ferguson does. They are not the world beaters we to an extent make them out to be at the Britannia.

  3. Chris

    Apr 21, 2012, 18:58 #21428

    @ Gary Kekeke - I do apologise. Obviously learning how to spell your name is the first thing I should have done if I wanted to post on this site. And as for being offended by a typo on your name... well, I'm lost for words. Nonetheless, I'l striggle on. Basically, no I don't think that was what Fabregas was saying - you have filtered his words thourgh what YOU tihnk. Secondly, your evidence of Wenger paying no attention to the oppositon amounts to nothing - all teams have weaknesses that can be exploited more easily by certain types of players - have you ever played the rock, paper, scissors game?! I don't feel qualified to give detailed tactical explanations but if you listen to Gary Neville on SKy after a poor Arsenal defensive performance he'll say things like "the frustrating thing si that they have done the difficult things, like nullifiying x and y, superbly but they have fallen donw on the basics." NOT evidence of inadequate consideration of the opposition - inadequte defensive drilling perhaps ut that's another story.

  4. Bard

    Apr 21, 2012, 18:44 #21427

    Sorry Rob Lewis dont buy your riposte. Of course Wenger goes to conferences and 'apparently' knows his stuff but at this level its about small changes, being flexible and being able to think on your feet during the game. Wenger gets outwitted too often for comfort especially when it matters. He is not a bad manager and has in his time been a very good one but the game moves on. Underlying the occasional vitriol on this site is a self evident truth; he is in decline and I have seen nothing this season to indicate that this is mistaken.

  5. Peter Wain

    Apr 21, 2012, 15:14 #21426

    What is the excuse today. A truly awful performance from a threadbare squad with no creativity. The midfield was awful Ramsey has totally lost confidence he is slow looks for the safe pass and the crowd have lost confidence with him. It is impossible to beleive that both Walcott (againa dn again) and Gervinho was so bad. RVP had no help and if we finish in the top four it will be a miracle.

  6. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 21, 2012, 11:36 #21425

    @ Rob Lewis - my argument on us against Stoke is based on our trips to the Britannia where we have lost three out of four visits. And we always concede a goal from a Delap throw-in. My hope is that when we go there next week we don't fall for the same trap again from young Shotton. No argument on the strikers.

  7. Wombledin

    Apr 21, 2012, 9:52 #21424

    How deluded can you get. Sack the coaching staff but keep Wenger. The problem is Wenger and his choice of players and transfer activity in the last 7 years. For all we know, it is the coaching staff who have actually hauled us back into 3rd place this season and are the ones making Wenger look good. The quality of article on this website is getting worse.

  8. Rob Lewis

    Apr 21, 2012, 9:40 #21423

    @ Gare Kekeke In regards to your argument about Rooney and Drogba scoring against us, these guys are prolific strikers, who just happen to score against us a lot. As you pointed out Rooney scored against us whilst playing for everton, this has nothing to do with tactics. RvP always scores against Blackburn, Pires and Nasri always score against spurs, Henry always scored against Man U, Walcott scores against chelsea. Certain players just have teams they do well against. Your argument about stoke is also warped as we have beaten them 4 times in 6 league meetings.

  9. Rob Lewis

    Apr 21, 2012, 9:24 #21422

    Wenger has been managing too long not to know tactics. He goes to coaching forums and sits with the best coaches from around the world every year. To say we don't do tactics is naive. Trust me, at this level, every coach knows everything about every team and matches are worked on differently, with training devised according to the opponents. Not how to stop them, but how to beat them (this is why coaches say we focus on what we want to do and not the opponents). Don't be fooled when you hear Wenger doesn't look at opposition - he does. Think about this: everyone has moaned that this is the worst Arsenal squad in last 15 years, but just look at our league position and the quality of the teams below us. Have we really got to 3rd with motivational speeches alone? In saying that, I feel this focus on tactics is misplaced because 1- the opposition also alter their approach according to each team, so tactics worked on during the week become insignificant as line-ups vary 2- tactics don't mean a thing if the players aren't good enough in the first place 3- tactics can't help if the players lose concentration or don't have a winning mentality. Many would say, Mourinho is one of the best tacticians around, so why can't he beat barca? Where did tactics come into play when we got battered by liverpool at anfield yet won the game? Tactics is not the issue, it's just an excuse for failure.

  10. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 21, 2012, 4:44 #21419

    @ Chris – first of all learn to spell my name properly. I’m actually offended by that as opposed to your response. When you look at it, it’s not difficult. Secondly didn’t Fabregas imply or say that at Arsenal he didn’t know much about tactics (that’s not to say he knew f*ck all about it) whereas he’s learnt more about it since joining Barca? As for Wenger. I stand to be corrected but please explain why Didier Drogba has consistently been the thorn to an Arsenal centre back since 2005 when everyone knows he’s a threat. Yes, he hurts a lot of teams but bizarrely we suffer more than most. If Sir Alex Ferguson can get his defenders to most of the time keep him quiet, then why can’t Wenger? Surely it’s not beyond him right? The same goes applies to Wayne Rooney, a boyhood Evertonian & a Man Utd player since 2004 but for some reason he seems to love playing against us when really he should be scoring if not every season then most seasons against Liverpool. But his record against the Mersey Reds is appalling considering he hates them with a passion. And I’ve been to a fair few Liverpool v Man Utd games in recent years and most of the time, they keep him quiet. Why do Man Utd hurt us on the counter attack? Why do we still struggle against the aerial bombardment of Stoke City (let’s that won’t be the case next week otherwise we are screwed again)? And why did we allow Big Sam’s inferior Bolton team give us the run around over a three season period between 2004-07? And again, I repeat, spell my name properly!

  11. Joe S.

    Apr 21, 2012, 3:08 #21418

    Right on the nose Camgooner. Our midfield loses the ball too frequntly and after that everyone is caught out of position during the inevitable retreat. The defeats to Fulham, Swansea QPR and Wigan were never a total surprise. Most fans who follow Arsenal with unblinkered eyes can see the gaping holes in this teams' makeup and have stealed themselves for the inevitable disappointments.

  12. rudytel

    Apr 20, 2012, 23:50 #21417

    The performance monday was really puzzling after watching us outclass Citeh in every department just 8 days previously. Song was outstanding in that game, so aggressive and dominant, bossing the midfield. Against Wigan it looked like he simply could not be bothered, the rest weren't much better bar Rosicky n Benayoun. I can't wait for tomorrow, the Chavs are getting ironed out... I just know it... C,mon you Arsenal!!!

  13. simon

    Apr 20, 2012, 22:51 #21416

    goal one happened in slo mo. you could see for 5-10 secs that no one was reacting and frankly santos was too slow to be the cover, that said szches was either unlucky or at fault for not clearing.we've conceded that goal many times in the past. goal 2 came from us not having 11 and moses skinning sagna. a lucky bounce and again szches was either at fault or unlucky losing the ball when in his hands. our bigger problem was not scoring for 77 minutes and for the last 50 never looking like scoring. putting gervinho on in 61 for benayoun was truly pathetic and killed us stone dead as both flanks were populated by pansies. can't see how any of that's pat rice's fault.

  14. Chris

    Apr 20, 2012, 20:27 #21415

    @ Gary kekekek - eh? I might be missing something here but wasn't Fabregas simply saying that at Arsenal he was given more or less a free role whilst at Barca he now has a much more discipled role to carry out? And as for Wenger not looking at the opposition - he actually has said many times that this is not true. Anyone who thinks you can beat Barcelona at home and come within one Bendtner kick of knocking them out witout at least considering the opposition is ten times more barmy than the worst of you like to imagine Wenger is!

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 20, 2012, 17:48 #21411

    its friday evening and we're still dissecting and having a postmortem (something we've been doing all week) on the wigan game on monday (and rightly so)but it has happened time to move on.We have a very important game tomorrow lunch time against the chavs who will certainly be on a high and well up for it and lets hope arsenal are also i want to see the same display as against the spuds and city it goes without saying the fans have been fantastic of late especially at the games mentioned so more of the same tomorrow lunchtime from ourselves and the team we'll have something good to discuss tomorrow evening.

  16. CanadaGooner

    Apr 20, 2012, 16:51 #21409

    Camgooner, an alternative view to the now so boring "it's all wenger's fault, sack wenger' monotony we hear on here all the time, is very welcome indeed. I cant say I agree 100%, but I surely do not disagree with your observations. There's much more to this mess than just a manager. Players earning what we pay our players should be able to stay focused for more than just a fraction of the season. It wasnt as if we werent warned in advance: Wigan had just come off shocking Man Utd, and we should have been at them in the first few minutes of the game and battered them into submission, but our prima donas had other ideas and now we're back looking over our shoulders. The only piece of good news is that I do not see Spurs winning all of their remaining 4 games; they will drop points again, whether or not we dont go on to drop more points than them is what's to determine where we finish this season

  17. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 20, 2012, 16:48 #21408

    @ Gee, spot on dude. Fabregas’ recent comments should be heeded by every Gooner. And remember people, Fabregas was the poster child of Project Youth and one time captain. We should forget the notion too that Wenger will appoint a strong and tactically aware No.2 to replace Pat Rice this summer as it’s well known that Wenger does not like being challenged on the training ground. Wenger or his coaches never scouts the opposition that’s why every year it’s the same teams or players who hurt us every season. @ TK, if we have such a financially secure model as trotted out by Gazidis more than you, why do we just about break even? Most of our profits come from player sales. The model would be a lot better if our team was a lot more competitive and if our wage bill this season wasn’t close to £140m. And that’s a fact by the way from AST members who have looked at the books. I for one don’t trust Kronke & the board. You are right to mention that Ferguson has constantly changed No.2s because they are offered managerial jobs elsewhere but fail to mention that he has brought in coaches from the Europe. One of the current coaches at Old Trafford is from Holland. As for the youngsters coming through, well we’ve been before haven’t we? Wasn’t Bendtner, Denilson & Vela et al meant to part of The Arsenal’s brave new order? Contrary to popular belief, we are not the envy of top clubs. Bayern Munich is a much better run club than us and there is less money in German football than there is in England. Up The Arsenal!

  18. Bard

    Apr 20, 2012, 16:09 #21406

    Completely agree with Gee. We can bang on all we like about the players but most of the blame lies with Wenger and the coaching. He doesnt do tactics or strategy. It works when you have players like Bergkcamp, Viera or Henry but when you dont we come unstuck. The game has moved on it is much more tactical and strategic. Young managers like Pep and to some extent Mourinho Rogers at Swansea, Martinez have left Wenger behind. We got pasted by Swansea if you remember and we never really looked like we knew what to do against Wigan. It was interesting to watch the 2 managers on Monday, Martinez was on his feet directing his players and the teams tactics, Wenger spent his whole time berating the 4th official over time wasting. Agree with the post we need coaching changes but we are not going to get them.

  19. Dan h

    Apr 20, 2012, 16:05 #21405

    Of couse you focus on your own preparations first but there is a yearly trait with us & complacency is the current buzzword.It was a strange night monday the crowd were more up for it than the players & the lack of focus & concentration cost us the game.The players took it for granted & that has to stem from the coaching side what Arsenal will turn up tomorrow?Wigan were not given enough respect from us yet their result against Utd should have been a large warning sign.

  20. Pessimistic Ron

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:39 #21403

    preperation is what we need - but how do we prepare against Mike Dean, 1 win in our last 13 with him as ref. I was looking forward to tomorrows game :-(

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:20 #21400

    I dont know about the lack of competition still players in a comfort zone players who know their going to get picked no matter how bad they play no body to push chezz maybe if the ox was let loose or when jack and diaby come back but there will still be plenty of room for competition/new signings.I agree on the coaching staff with rice reportedly retiring a strong number two is needed i think we can all agree on who we'd like whether it's somebody who can/will stand up and challenge wenger is something else and while we're on the subject of coaching i think a couple of fresh faces on the goal keeping front wouldn't go amiss the present setup hasn't exactly helped almunia fabianski mannone and chezz is certainly not the finnished article.

  22. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:15 #21399

    we will see if mistakes have been learned from this summer when Pat Rice goes. if a top man is appointed who will have influnce, (DB10 please), something man u are not afraid will undermine their manager, or coneman Mk2 is promoted. this is just as important as a new forward.

  23. TK

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:03 #21398

    another useless article. Ferguson changes his number 2 because they are offered management positions. Wenger is his own man and won't suddenly change overnight so get used to it. yes tactics were poor defensively monday but that has been the same for years. Any new no.2 isnt going to question wenger. As petit said on goals on sunday, wenger doesnt want a coach/former player that causes a shadow. Precisely why vieira wasnt hired, he has shown with his stupid and unnecessary comments a few weeks back why he wasnt chosen. AW tries to run a smooth cohesive club and it works the majority of the times. Its about time arsenal fans woke up and smelt the coffee, our club is run very well for a top club, and we have a financially secure model, with a stream of youngsters coming through our academy. Nothing is going to change so get used to it!

  24. Jeff

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:26 #21394

    Don't hold your breath regarding a tactically astute No2 who will stand up to wenger. We all know it will Be Boro Primorac, another yes man who has been with wenger for years. Sigh!

  25. sjlittle

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:01 #21389

    Wenger does not convince me he has learnt from his mistaken dream that a lot of skilful players making accurate passes to each other is ever going to work. Worse still his disbelieve in proper defenders who can keep the ball out is still over written by wanting defenders who can take the ball out. For the future Arsenal need expereinced keeper, two top full backs.a real midfielder, a striker and two ATTACKING wingers and most important of all a REAL TOP CENTRE BACK. The only players worth keeping really are Cesney,Vermeulen,Arteta,Wilshere and Rosicky, and for squad maybe Song,Sagna,Gervino. As for Van Persie might be worth selling if they got an enormous price for him,enough to purchase two replacements.

  26. Tony Evans

    Apr 20, 2012, 12:45 #21387

    It appears that a good many of us are totally fed up with the lack of mental strength and mental preparation (despite Wenger's insistance otherwise) shown by the team and we can almost predict which games we are likely to lose. I for one confidently predicted losses to QPR and Wigan because I knew they would be 'up for it' and our players would not be. Whose fault is that if not Wenger's?

  27. Gee

    Apr 20, 2012, 11:54 #21384

    Wenger is an arrogant man. He openly says he does not look at the opposition and only focuses on how Arsenal play. When players leave Arsenal they all openly say the opposition is not looked at by Wenger or even mentioned. Detailed tactics are not discussed. This is why we see such Chaos on the pitch. No one knows where to stand or what to do when we don't have the ball. Even Arteta who was tactically drilled at Everton is starting to wane - just look at his performance for QPR's second goal allowing Diakite an unchallenged run to score the winner. This will never cease while Wenger is in charge and only bringing youngsters through.

  28. Akeem

    Apr 20, 2012, 11:24 #21381

    Ox or diaby better for our midfield anytime than ramsey.when ramsey is good, he is been used and now that he is not good i think we should use our best.

  29. hugh jardon

    Apr 20, 2012, 11:14 #21378

    Complancency again. Sky commentator observed just before kick off "If Wigan win they are 5 points above relegation, I've just watched them in the warm up and they're up for this. Arsenal on the other hand were just tippy-tapping around". 0-2 after 8 mins backed his comments up.