Spoilt brat approach is costing points

And a new approach will take time to work

Spoilt brat approach is costing points

Arsene: Time to kick the water bottle?

The last time I wrote an article, we were sitting ten points behind Spurs and struggling to see ourselves being above Chelsea as we faced a tough run of matches against other top sides. Since then, we have beaten everybody we had expected to struggle against, and lost against two teams who we were expected to roll over with ease. This cycle seems to be becoming the norm these days.

Here we are with four league games remaining, five points ahead of both Spurs and Newcastle with Chelsea a further two points behind those two. All three of our Champions League rivals have a game in hand of us after the recent shambles against Wigan. Would we have taken that situation a couple of months ago? Damn right we would have done.

It is so frustrating to lose against teams you know we should be beating on a regular basis, but, at the same time, it is very satisfying to see us finally starting to roll over the big boys again. It has felt like years since we could go into games of that stature with real confidence of picking up all three points. Why has this become the norm? I personally feel it is down to the type of personnel we have, both coaching the squad on a regular basis, and the type of personality we seem to have in spades within the squad itself.

The mentality of any football team comes from above. Just look at how Mourinho’s sides act up all over the pitch whoever he happens to be in charge of at the time. This approach does get the man results though, so who can really argue with it? Alex Ferguson’s United sides have always followed a similar pattern in terms of his steel and never-say-die winning attitude, and this has been the main reason why the trophy cabinet at OT has always been bulging over the past 20 years or so.

Sadly for us in recent seasons, Arsène has resembled something of a spoilt child more times than not. Arsène throwing bottles of water around the touchline is the one regular sight we have all witnessed in recent seasons. The attitude coming out has been one of ‘How can they do this to us? We are the good old Arsenal battling against the evil powers of the mega rich’ blah, blah, blah. It doesn’t really gel the team together with steel and grit does it? As soon as other teams get stuck in, as is their right to do so, we cry off like a little child and complain about the referee, the state of the pitch or the opposition’s goalkeeper wasting time at goal-kicks. Where is the backbone in any of that? What are we going to learn going forward with that kind of attitude?

When things go wrong it is never any good to look at others. You need to own up to your own shortcomings and improve on them to have a chance of getting better results in the future, and that is certainly one area in which Arsène has failed miserably. This spoilt-brat attitude has spilled over on to the field of play in recent seasons. Just look at how big Mr Song’s ego has become over the past 24 months. The guy struts around the field of play like Diego Maradona at times. Please remind me of how many winners’ medals he currently has on his mantelpiece? Where does this superiority complex come from then, if not from above? Aaron Ramsey has been talked up so much over the past three seasons, yet in reality he has not shown much on the field of play over a sustained period of time for any of us to get duly excited about. Hype does not win trophies, nor does technical ability alone.

Until we rid ourselves of this mentality, I can’t see any trophies coming our way anytime soon. It is this fact alone which is making us ultimately inconsistent, and inconsistency does not win titles, the last time I checked. Sometimes you have to take a step back to be able to move forward again. This is where I see Arsenal as a club at the moment - just at the very beginning of ridding the club of this poor mental attitude. A good start is to offload players of the ilk of Bendtner, Denilson, Almunia, Eboué, Diaby, Arshavin, Song etc and slowly but surely replace them with players who don’t instantly think they are the dog’s gonads simply because their bank account balance has more digits in it than an overseas telephone number. The players we bring in must realise that, until they start to win anything, the only people that will remember them after they hang up their boots is their own agent.

Who out of the current squad has this ability already? For me the candidates to stay would be Szczesny, Sagna, Vermaelen, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Jenkinson, Arteta, Wilshere, van Persie and Oxlade-Chamberlain. So that is a total of ten players from the current first-team squad that I would be sad to see go. The rest for me would not make much of a difference if they went now, as they are all replaceable, and the overall attitude of the squad would actually improve if they did go. Even taking into account one or two promising youngsters that we have coming through the ranks, it still represents a sizeable task to rid the club of this apathy towards to creating a truly winning mentality.

Even if the club go about this in the right way, it will take time. It won’t happen all in one summer. We are looking at a two-to-three year plan at best, in my opinion. We did make a promising start to this process last summer, but it must continue with gusto for some time to come before we really start to see the benefit of it all.

Is the current management team at the club brave enough to do all this properly and see it through? Time will tell. If not, then you can only see the tension between the fans and the club getting back to what it was a couple of months ago, and then getting even worse from there.

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  1. stevo

    Apr 24, 2012, 23:34 #21551

    Eboue not played for us this season cos we sold him. Keep up mate!

  2. Nick

    Apr 23, 2012, 11:11 #21487

    Ok lets debate Alex Song, yes he has made some telling contributions and a couple of wonderful passes , but and this is a big but, he makes simple mistakes on a far more regular basis, gets caught in possesion far too often, while trying to make his mind up with what to do with the ball, is always looking for the ambitious ball rather than the simple one and is far too often caught too far forward, leaving us unprotected at the back, hes supposed to be a defensive midfielder not a fabregas replacement, his best performances have come when hes remembered that fact, George Graham would have slaughtered him after the first wigan goal, hes not the only one who brickbats should be thrown at, but to my mind the lack of direction and leadership comes from the top.

  3. a.walters

    Apr 22, 2012, 10:23 #21434

    agree about the petulance and sloppiness . mertesacker i don,t believe is up to it either. i,m amazed song doesn,t get more stick for me he epitomises wengers arsenal overall he plays well week in week out but every match he makes 3 or 4 errors due to lapses in concentration or sloppiness against chelsea 3 times at least he put us in awful trouble in his own half .

  4. Arsene Apologist

    Apr 21, 2012, 23:37 #21431

    Wonderful article, spot on. Song is a funny joke, he ain't even as good as Eddir McGoldrick but standards are so low at AFC these days that a mediocre plodder like him can count himself untouchable. The attitude at the whole club has been rotten for years, arrogance from a group who have no CL and nothing in the past 7 years And it comes from the top i.e. Wenger. So instead of changing physios, players here and there, ethos, wholesale squad changes etc, new number 2s etc... Would it not just be easier, cheaper and quicker to cut the root of the malaise? WENGER.

  5. Ando

    Apr 21, 2012, 20:20 #21429

    good article in the standard the other night, just about sums up our squad ''too many average joes'' and post Chelsea we dont have the mentality to get over any winning line,other clubs poor results reflect where we are as much as our endeavours.

  6. george

    Apr 21, 2012, 8:43 #21421

    what's wrong with Song? more assists than anyone else in this so called "whiny arsenal team!"

  7. Arsene is a liar

    Apr 21, 2012, 6:38 #21420

    Agree with all your points but your assessment of Song's performances is wrong. He sometimes forgets his defensive duties because our other mid fielders keep passing sideways and he has to drive from midfield and add some penetration to attacks. Also there is no such role as defensive mid fielders in football. From two central midfielders, one of them stays up and defends and the other attacks and this is interchangeable. When Song goes into attack, Arteta sets back and vice versa. So I dont think there is anything wrong with Song's performances.

  8. Carlos

    Apr 20, 2012, 19:55 #21414

    Agree with most of what you say. However, do you think Wenger will bring about this change? I don't.

  9. Van de Ed

    Apr 20, 2012, 18:58 #21413

    @Ron 7 Gare Kekeke - spot on with your comments. Agree with most bits of the article but will disagree with the part (para 4) where Le Boss should be more like Mourinho. Maureen changes teams every few years which means he's able to galvanise his players for a limited period of time to achieve success. I highly doubt he can maintain such enthusiasm with his players over a sustained period of time winning trophies. To have a chance at winning trophies, the following must be addressed: a) Medical team at Vassiriky Diaby Medical Centre at London Colney need to do much better & try to keep players fit for more than half of season, b)1st XI players need suitable, quality competition for places, c) Le Boss should pick team & tactics based on opposition, d)Instill fear of 'Le Boss' into these players who've been cuddled for too long & let them know 100% is required in every game; win or lose!!

  10. Steve

    Apr 20, 2012, 17:09 #21410

    Very good article, agree with virtually every word, especially Song who is definitely NOT a holding midfield player. This position needs to be rectified for next season as Song is so often caught out of position, that when he tries to get and make a tackle, he invariably commits a foul in a dangerous area. He also does this when trying to be too clever around his own area when trying to dribble clear and is caught in possession. He is a good player, but not top class, and this is needed in this position. I also think that Ramsey could become a top class player if only coached properly and told what he is doing wrong, but as we know, there is little chance of that with Wenger.

  11. au revoir wenger

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:53 #21404

    as much as i would like him to do well i dont think ramsey is even a premiership player and as for song,well he is just thick

  12. Brad

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:32 #21402

    Song? I think not...

  13. Ramgun

    Apr 20, 2012, 14:29 #21401

    I am trying to work out why people still make contributions suggesting that we will find out in the future if Wenger will change? How can you still not know that he won't?

  14. Treble Double

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:34 #21396

    You wouldn't have slated Song if this article had been written after the Everton home or Liverpool away games or any of the others where he has made vital contributions. Wenger has shown this season that he is happy to lay into the team when they haven't performed. Have you considered that at other times he is deflecting from the team and trying to build them up for the next game. Granted at times it wears thin. I would have loved to read an article talking about the positive performances against some of the bigger clubs this season. Also fyi, Eboue left the club last season. Everyone who is going tomorrow should make sure the place is rocking. Let's smash the west London scum.

  15. Ron

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:32 #21395

    Good article. It misses salient points though i.e Wenger having lost his mojo, the Boards lethargy and attitude etc etc. Many factors have combined to make Arsenal an also ran moderate force. The attitude in the Club has been chronic for years, so has the chemistry in the squad. Since its been hi jacked and become a foreign imports creche, theres nobody with any local guts and fervour to address the yellow bellied, 'superior' flavour that runs through the Club like a cancer that started from the top. Agree with your sentiment on Song. Whats it come to when hes supposed to classed a top Arsenal player? Him and many others in that mundane sqaud are along for the ride knowing that their places arent ever going to come under serious scrutiny never mind threatened. Bunch of cry babies most of them, yet are still convinced they can take it easy v Wigan. Its a sickening joke, yet i cant laugh at it!

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:15 #21393

    agree with you some players have the wrong attitude and think they have arrived and it's been well documented that a clear out is needed whether it is on the scale you have mentioned and we all want is something else.Its great we're beating the big boys even though we're supposed to be one of them ourselves but it doesn't mean much when we then go out and get stuffed by relegation fodder and like you said hampshire this is down to attitude.

  17. Wenger can't defend

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:11 #21392

    Yet another article full of blue sky 'if we did that, if we did this' speculating. How many of Bendtner, Denilson, Almunia, Eboué, Diaby, Arshavin, played in the last few pitiful results. None. The hard fact that is slowly dawning on gooners is that Wenger doesn't understand defence. Strikers win games but defenders win trophies. The whole modern game favours defenders and if you can't build from the back up, you won't win trophies. George Graham understood this and got the balance right but Arsene Wenger is the antithesis of that. You are right that Wenger is a spoilt brat..like a child that won't eat its meat n vegies before it wants the pudding, Wenger doesn't think that defending really matters. All we need is to be great going forward, playing beautiful, aesthetically pleasing football. Defending is a chore and overrated. He's a French aesthete who has lost his way. Thanks for the good times but on your bike Monsieur.

  18. alan

    Apr 20, 2012, 13:03 #21390

    nothing wrong with song, he's been great he does need competition though, players like theo and aron "side passer " ramsey need to have a good look at themselves. hopefullu podolski on the left next year with miyachi as back up, chamberlain on right, hernanes or erikson in midfield. Theo should go, ramsey on laon to bolton or wigan ( which ever stays up) maybe we take moses ?

  19. sly

    Apr 20, 2012, 12:45 #21388

    You dont even know that Eboue left the club last summer ?

  20. Tony Evans

    Apr 20, 2012, 12:22 #21386

    I couldn't have put it better myself. Wenger's histrionics, excuses, failure to give the opposition any credit and habitually blaming everything apart from himself are mirrored by too many of our players. The powder puff nature and casual contempt of first team for the so called lesser sides of the Premiership must be making the greats like McLintock, O'Leary and Adams shake their collective heads in disgust.

  21. John

    Apr 20, 2012, 12:09 #21385

    When you mentioned spoilt brats in the title I thought this was going to be about a large portion of the fans, alas...

  22. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 20, 2012, 11:50 #21383

    Good article. For any changes to happen though it must start at the very top; the board and then Wenger. Until all of them accept that The Arsenal’s remit (well the manager’s really) is to properly challenge for trophies and not merely finish in the top four, go far in the European Cup because of the revenue that comes with it without actually trying to win it and sacrificing domestic cup success then the last six years (I don’t really count 2005/06) will continue into the foreseeable future. I’ll also reiterate that the squad must develop a winning attitude. This is where Wenger must bring in proven winners. Not win at all costs like Mourinho but more like Ferguson. The culture of Wenger that being 2nd, 3rd or even 4th best is acceptable must also be eradicated. I agree that there are too many arrogant players in our squad too. You’d think the lack of success would make them much more humble. This I believe comes from Wenger who drills it into them that they are great. It’s a manager’s right to build up his players but not in the way that Wenger does. Wenger has the nucleus of a good squad so he must sensibly add to it with a mixture of youth and experience and not think that untried youth is the way forward. But Wenger has to open himself to change too on so many fronts. Recent history however suggests he is unwilling to do such a thing. I do hope I’m wrong but if he doesn’t the inconsistency will continue. Up The Arsenal!

  23. Gee

    Apr 20, 2012, 11:43 #21382

    Good article but have to completely disagree with what you say in Ramsey. He gets stuck in all over the pitch and never hides. He is a Gerrard/Lampard type player not a like for like replacement for Cesc. He makes lung bursting runs into the box and fights like mad. The lad is getting way too much stick. He'll be another the "fans" force out of the club who'll go onto have an excellent career in the upper echelons of the game.

  24. Go Wenger Go

    Apr 20, 2012, 11:19 #21379

    Spot on article.Fans talk about Almunia Flappy Denilson Bendtner Arshavin and Vela as the deadwood but it goes deeper than that.Song Diaby Mertesacker Squillaci Djourou and Chamakh are players who have played games this season who are not up to it.We are carrying too many passengers.And how many of the players i have named are not taking home £50k a week?Wenger rewards failure.Diaby has taken home £3m for a half an hours playing time.The point about Song perfectly summed him up.An average plodder in midfield who has been called "the new Fabregas" by those at the club.What a sick joke that is.I have said it many times before nothing will change until the manager goes.Its him who picks these players.