The Beach Boys

Online Ed: End of season feel to Chelsea draw

The Beach Boys

Theo: Why couldn’t they tell he was in the ‘red zone’?

For long periods of yesterday’s goalless draw with Chelsea, Arsenal appeared somewhat lacklustre. Watching the highlights on Match of the Day, someone who had not seen the game in its entirety might have felt the home team had a good go at their opponents, yet it certainly did not seem that way in the flesh. In a sense, that is a credit to Chelsea. In an odd sort of way, this looked like a runthrough of what will be required at Barcelona on Tuesday evening, even if only three of Roberto Di Matteo’s starters are likely to be selected. Romeu, nominally a midfielder, played so deep that at times, it looked as if Chelsea were lining up in a 3-4-3 formation. Perhaps this is what will be used to counter Lionel Messi. Even if Arsenal did eventually fathom some decent chances, for the most part, the south west London side gave them a lesson in defending.

Not that Arsenal seemed to try particularly hard. The performance suggested that nothing was at stake. Yet, if Chelsea do pull off the required result in Spain, and then win the final in Munich, fourth place in the Premier League would mean Europa League football, with the attendant plethora of Thursday and Sunday matches next season. Granted, Newcastle have some difficult fixtures in their run-in, and Spurs can’t seem to buy a win these days, but if Arsenal do not improve on the displays at home to Wigan and Chelsea, they could find themselves at best in an August play-off for a Champions League spot and at worst out of it all together. That won’t help do good business nice and early this summer as even Arsene Wenger has acknowledged the club must.

I wonder what kind of difference Mikel Arteta would have made to the match? On one level, as a defensive midfielder, perhaps not much. Chelsea were offered plenty of encouragement, especially in the first half, but were unable to exploit it. Yet, perhaps what is not so obvious is that the Spaniard keeps the midfield ticking with his tidy and generally pacy short passing. He is a better link man than Aaron Ramsey, and certainly less wasteful than Alex Song, whose tendency to give the ball away when playing what would seem to be a simple pass has become increasingly worrying. So much so, that I am now of the opinion he would be better utilized as a back up player, or a central defender. The return of Jack Wilshere will mean Arsene Wenger has some choices to make next season, especially if he does strengthen this area with the signing of a player such as M’vila. Song can play some delightful through balls to the forward line, but his ability to do the simple stuff has become his Achilles’ Heel. He has been around long enough to master this side of his game, and the fear is he may never. Granted, even the greats makes mistakes – Vieira in the FA Cup semi-final replay in 1999 comes to mind – but not with the frequency that Song manages.

In one sense, it is a real achievement for the manager to deliver third place – assuming he does – with a group of players that many question the ultimate abilities of. And yet the counter argument is that for the wage bill the club spends, they could afford better players. It should also be remembered that, outside of the keeper and the centre backs yesterday, Chelsea fielded their second string and Arsenal were unable to beat them. Four points out of six at home to Man City and Chelsea would be a decent return if it wasn’t for the three dropped against Wigan. Next week at Stoke has become a bigger game than it should be.

It was also interesting to note that Arsenal were kicking towards the Clock End for the second halves against both Wigan and Chelsea. I know the manager puts a great deal of emphasis on routine so that the players can perform without distraction, but surely that can’t be a factor regarding which end the team are playing towards in which half. I would be interested if anyone can remember any other home matches in the last couple of seasons when the team was kicking ‘the wrong way’ in the second half, and whether the result was affected.

As for Robin van Persie, the lean patch he is experiencing has highlighted what we all knew. There simply aren’t enough goals in the rest of the team. Some of the chances he had against Wigan and Chelsea would have gone in earlier in the season. He was always going to hit a barren patch at some point, but it is a concern that others cannot step up to the plate. Theo Walcott – compared to past campaigns – has had a relatively injury-free season. Yet it was ironic that, having made such a policy of not over-playing Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, the manager witnessed Walcott break down. In the past, Walcott would have been habitually substituted not too long after the hour mark. But he has played a lot more full matches lately. I thought Arsenal’s new fangled fitness equipment was supposed to pick up players in the red zone? Still, at least it saves his being hacked down by one of Tony Pulis’ mob next weekend. The Ox is made of stronger stuff to these eyes, so I hope he gets another start at the Britannia.

Let’s hope we see a return to form there. Arsenal have taken seven points out of the last fifteen. To continue with that kind of run could make life more interesting than it needs to be on the final weekend of the season.

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  1. GoonerRon

    Oct 13, 2012, 8:06 #26882

    In the interests of balance....somebody is using an article in the Mirror about writing off Park's fee etc, I'm pretty sure it was reported in said paper last season that Mancini's new deal was worth £5m per year, making him the highest paid in the league. On that basis, Wenger earns nowhere near £7.5m per year. Also, if we are comparing with other managers, how many in England have presided over a self-funded £400m stadium? None of them, therefore we are comparing apples with pears as Wenger has been operating under unique circumstances. If you combine net spend on transfer combined with wage bill outlay I'd guess we'd be around 6th or 7th highest in the last 7 years, therefore constant CL qualification and three cup finals is we'll above par.

  2. almunia is a clown

    Oct 12, 2012, 16:26 #26877

    More delusional drivel from a supposed Arsenal supporter, these people must exist in another segment of the Space Time Continium because they're not on this Planet1!!!!!!

  3. Ron

    Oct 12, 2012, 14:01 #26874

    Its been an interesting thread has this one. It could run forever, but the fact remains that Wengers 'failures' are only measured by looking at whos defining the word 'failure'. The fans or the employer?. If the latter, hes a massive success. If the former, hes failed badly since 2005.The truth is that the fans view doesnt really count (it never did) and we re left with decsions to make i.e to stop spending cash on the Clubs project (me and many others) or to stick with it and go to games and live in hope. Lastly, we can just accept that football has changed and as a result accept that Arsenals expectations are now lower and hence 'success' can only be measured by new and obscure methods ie CL entry and solvency. The Club have done this clearly. For me, its an acceptance that being an also ran isnt to be scoffed at and accordingly the romance and buzz has gone from football from an Arsenal perspective and going to games no longer carries any exitement so im not prepared to pay for tedium.To be honest, supporting a Club like Arsenal is arguably one of the worst type of clubs to experience following in the modern game as it involves acceptance of the Club having abdicated its once proud objective ie to genuinly seek to be the best team. Those who follow the WBAs, Toons and and Evertons etc are lucky. Being plucky challengers and ruffling the big guns feathers now and again has for decades been their sole aim. Sadly, as Arsenal fans we have to bite the bullet and do the same. Its a bitter taste but perhaps leads to enjoying the game again in time eventually? Its a fact now that Arsenal, cant seriously challenge the domestic and euro titans. Perhaps they never have, never intended to and never could anyway and that the new glittering stadium and Wengers early years of sustained success have distorted what our views on the Club should really be? Lets face it, we ve never had a long established dynasty and years and years of constant dominance. Im sure Wenger would draw on this if challenged on what should be the definition of the Clubs success or failure yardstick. The reality is that just as that arrogant guy at Glasgow Rangers has said, the game is heading towards a European League. Its nearly here in my view too. Arsenal in my view just want to be there when the shakedown comes, just as they did when the PL was going to be formed. This means aborting the FA Cup and Capital Cup and just being 'plucky' in the CL as long as we re in it all of the time. Its this Euro vision that shapes Arsenals policies and they havent the wish to admit it as they know how us romantic fans think. Theyve no real concern about title wins and Cups now. Theres no great money to made from doing so, but it involves a massive added cost to actually win those honours. Whos right? Im not sure, but footballs the loser for sure as many fans of my ilk and generation are deserting the game in droves for sure.

  4. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 12, 2012, 12:26 #26871

    A and F, I actually said it is a myth that only Wenger loses his top players to rivals when Fergie does not - citing Tevez as an example, I guess Real Madrid could also be seen as a rival to Man Utd. That is just one of many myths going around on things that Wenger supposedly does as a matter of course but it is claimed Fergie would never do..keeping faith in poor players, showing patience with injury prone players,whingeing over losing, giving into player power could be added to that list. If you really feel the need to seek out a stick to beat Wenger with, Fergie with his vast resources compared with Wenger is amongst the worst examples. If you must compare Wenger with Fergie, consider when they were on a more level playing field resource-wise.

  5. Tony Evans

    Oct 12, 2012, 12:17 #26869

    Mandy - of course it is 'open season' for comments on Arsenal and Wenger - this is an Arsenal website! I certainly wouldn't waste my time writing / reading about Spurs and Manure in any great length - my only concern is to see Arsenal winning a trophy again.

  6. Tony Evans

    Oct 12, 2012, 11:54 #26868

    Goonercolesyboy - I fail to see whether it matters a jot how many matches someone like 'Angry' goes to, or indeed whether they go at all. I have stopped going to matches for many reasons but after all my years of support I still feel my opinion is worth just as much as those of us who still attend on match days and probably more in a lot of cases.

  7. Angry & Frustrated

    Oct 12, 2012, 11:22 #26867

    @Mandy Dodd even by your normal blinkered pro Wenger stance your comment that it's a myth that Wenger sells our top players to our rivals does take the biscuit. There is no point in me even listing the numerous players that he has sold to our rivals, as no doubt you will argue they were crap anyway and we are well shot of them, thereby justifying your statement in your own mind! As I have said to you before Mandy I was also once a rabid pro Wenger supporter but unlike you have used the evidence in front of my eyes to realize he has now become well past his sell by date. Worse he has decided to become a bean counter as the method to judge success. That is why he came out with his happy to finish second for the next 20 years statement, because he knew it would equate to 20 years of guaranteed profits which in his eyes is our trophy! I don't doubt your support for Arsenal Mandy, but do wish you could be more objective by using all the evidence available these last few years. As for using Fergie as a stick to beat Wenger with, well I actually think he is the perfect stick to do that with!! @goonercolesyboy Since when was attending every game a measure of your support? I currently refuse to attend games (been a regular since the mid 70's) as I will not give a penny of mine to a regime with whom I categorically disagree with. It's called a principled stand, and if by doing that you view me as a secondary supporter whose observations are automatically inferior to yours, then so be it I won't lose any sleep over it!

  8. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 12, 2012, 11:19 #26866

    Sounds like I have touched a nerve with some...not for the first time on here! There will be nowt said against Utd...or at times last season.. the Spuds on here....but open season on Arsenal/ Wenger of course! BTW - Does anyone actually know what Wenger earns - I am talking reality, not hearsay or presumptions here

  9. GG89

    Oct 12, 2012, 11:06 #26865

    Ummmm... of course it would be prudent to add the financial reward of a title or two.... So is Wenger so cheap then? The cost of a world class goalie might just push the team into sucess but that would mean upsetting the balance of the wage structure etc.... We´re a victimn of our own rules, maybe...

  10. Kenny

    Oct 12, 2012, 10:59 #26864

    Mandy of course Fergie should be used as a stick to beat Wenger with.Fergie for all his trophies earns less than Wenger.How can anyone in their right mind defend that.Wenger was once a great manager but over the last seven years he has failed.Not even the most blinkered AKB can deny that

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 12, 2012, 10:00 #26863

    Rex, if as you say and i happen to agree that utd are not a great team, you have to ask yourself why that is with all their resources....which considerable outweigh anything that has been available to wenger. He is allowed a year without a trophy....really? With his resources? Guess you are also going to say he is allowed to lose 6-1 at home to the nasty neighbours, as well as go out of cups to the likes of Leeds and crystal palace in recent years. Then fail at the group stage of the Cl, followed very quickly by an exit in the Europa league. Sounds like a team and manager in decline to me.

  12. Joe S.

    Oct 12, 2012, 9:08 #26862

    Mandy, you sound like a scchool girl poking her tongue out at the playground bullies with your Na Na Na I told you so comments. Is it really necessary to defend Wegner at every instance. The Manure players you mentioned may be past it but collctively they have over the past five years done the job for thier manager. Oh and did you read the Mirror snipet stating that Arsenal have written off the 5.5 million over Pak Chu -Yung as bad loss. Now I wonder who should bear the responsibility for that?

  13. Joe S.

    Oct 12, 2012, 8:43 #26861

    Simon, I can't wait for your piece in three years time on why Wegner deserves a life time contract even though it then will have been 10 years with nothingg to show except the silent one's beeming approval and a fat bank account of course.

  14. Rex

    Oct 12, 2012, 7:49 #26859

    Mandy since 2005 how many trophies has Sir Alex won compared to Wenger.He is allowed one season without a trophy.By the way they lost the title on GD.Utd are not a great team but the reason they do well is they have a great manager.We have Wenger enough said

  15. barry

    Oct 12, 2012, 7:13 #26858

    @Mandy Dodd we punch above our weight?The last 7 years we finished 4th four times and 3rd three times.Who exactly are we punching above?the Spuds,Newcastle and Livepool?.Last year we finished 19 points behind the Manchester clubs and Chelsea won the CL and the FA cup.We are miles behind the top 3 teams.Punching above are weight my a**e

  16. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 11, 2012, 23:52 #26856

    Angry and frustrated, fergie was not a winner last year and the signs do not look especially good this year either. The myth is wenger sells top players to rivals, whereas fergie does not.......apart from tevez. Some say wenger plays poorly performing players that fergie never would, but maybe these persons do not watch recent performances of Anderson nani carrick Evans evra and others. Fergies achievements are there for all to see, but some tarnishing is going on, he should not now be used as a stick to beat wenger with.

  17. Ken Dodd

    Oct 11, 2012, 23:43 #26855

    By jove,by jove what a beautiful day to take Wenger and Gazidis up to Blackpool beach to watch me mate earn an honest crust performing his Punch & Judy act,then bang both over the head with a French stick and cry ''that's the way to do it!''

  18. goonercolesyboy

    Oct 11, 2012, 21:37 #26853

    Dear Angry and Frustrated, do you still go to Arsenal matches? or are you another one who sits at home and types until the red mist forms in front of your eyes?

  19. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 11, 2012, 21:17 #26852

    Good article. Under wenger , we punch above our weight, his methods may not be conventional to all, but the fact remains, in recent years, the only clubs consistently more successful have been so on the back of petro dollars or a long standing huge brand with no new stadium to pay for. Clubs have spent a fortune in trying to catch us up....and failed. All those years in the Cl, all he has won, I can think of very few managers who could have done that on wengers budget, especially in recent years. He is worth every penny, as you say, we cannot afford a managerial money go round like the current day fake football clubs

  20. usb

    Oct 11, 2012, 17:16 #26850

    'As I often say, there are a lot of stupid people in football' If you believe that Wenker is worth £7.5M then obviously football is not the only place where stupid people can be found

  21. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Oct 11, 2012, 16:58 #26849

    As you say, it's an argument. The flaw in your argument is we have constant player turnover anyway. Compare the squad now to the squad just a couple of years ago. AFC have less resources than 3 other clubs in the PL but more resources than all the other clubs. So what Wenger achieves each season in finishing 3rd-4th is par, nothing that any other reasonably competent manager could not achieve and it's certainly not worth £7.5 million a year.

  22. chris dee

    Oct 11, 2012, 14:59 #26847

    As much as we sometimes rant,snarl with anger and vent our spleens against Arsene when results go wrong,and I do it as much as anyone, there is no doubt in my mind he is the best manager in Europe. For Arsenal to take on this massive debt to build the stadium and to maintain a top 4 place and also maintain a challenge for trophies while not paying wages beyond the means of the club has been brilliant. And we are not far from achieving trophy success at this moment. Any trained monkey could, like the Chelsea managers or City's current manager, can spend millions without any financial consequences and bring a whole herds of good players and win trophies.

  23. Angry & Frustrated

    Oct 11, 2012, 14:35 #26846

    How much does Wenger & Gazidis pay you Simon for these never ending pro current regime articles you write? Will you ever realize that with those clowns running the asylum we will never win anything ever again. Many of us have been saying this for over 5 years now, and have been proved 100% accurate, and yet you still want more of Wenger, more best players leaving every summer, more profits generated via transfers year in year out, more ridiculous comments like "best squad ever", more clueless tactics in big games, more preordained substitutions after 70 mins which have nothing to do with actual events taking place in front of his very eyes etc etc. £153 million just sitting there doing nothing, why not give it all to Wenger and maybe then you could write an another article telling us it's good value for money and we should be happy and grateful that he has accepted it. Jeez when will the penny drop with you that Wenger is now all about profits and is not remotely silverware motivated, unlike Fergie who is the polar opposite and paid less to bring continuous actual success to Manure! Never thought I would say it, but give me Fergie any day over Wenger as he is a winner to the core. Whereas our manager would be "happy to finish second for the next 20 years" but is also happy pocketing his £7.5 million per year whilst overseeing our guaranteed failure!!

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 11, 2012, 13:01 #26843

    Congratulations to arsenal ladies on winning the continental cup their seventeenth piece of silver ware i think since the high paid stars of our first team last produced i doubt their manager is on 7.5m.

  25. trev

    Oct 11, 2012, 12:20 #26842

    nice article...pity the idiots on here who wont get it.

  26. Sam

    Oct 11, 2012, 11:12 #26841

    So we get rid of Wenger next summer pay him off his final year of his contract and get in Guardiola and you would be upset with that Simon?.Another pathetic "what will we do when Wenger leaves" article.Maybe we would win trophies has that ever crossed your mind? Wenger and Gazidis are bleeding the club out of £10m a year.Just think about that

  27. Graham Simons

    Oct 11, 2012, 10:28 #26840

    I appreciate your argument Simon. There's a lot to be said for consistency and having faith in a manager. Continuing faith in Wenger has resulted in continuous qualification for the Champions league. But look at a couple of clubs that have chopped and changed - namely Liverpool and Chelsea who both have a European cup to their names over the past decade. Our consistency through keeping Wenger is one side of the coin but if we had chopped and changed maybe we would be playing UEFA cup football but maybe, just maybe we also would have turned one of those quarter final Champions league appearances into a solid Champions league run and actually landed the trophy rather than being the team everyone wants to land in the semi finals due to our lack of backbone.

  28. Ron

    Oct 11, 2012, 10:16 #26839

    No football coach deserves that even if he wins the title and the CL every season. Its a disgusting salary! PS The players wages need capping too. A footballer s worth is highly debateable but not many (if any) 'put bums on seats' these days like Georgie Best, and many other players of yesteryear could. I cant think of one in the Premier Lge who i would bust a gut to go and see. Just a glut of ordinary Joes, all trying their utmost to fleece their clubs and the increasingly stupid fans for the top price they can get (i dont blame them with such idiots for employers) whether theyre entertainers or or not and whether theyve actually proved anything or not.Football is mental basically and i would go so far as to say that those of you still paying through the nose to watch it often, as opposed to once in a while, quite frankly deserve to get ripped off.

  29. Kevin

    Oct 11, 2012, 10:04 #26838

    @Simon You are missing the point completely.You say the club have to pay him high to keep him.Why would we keep a manager who doesnt win trophies and all our best players leave every summer because the club Wenger manages lacks ambition.Wenger is NOT paid £7m for being a football manager its for being a banker.His job has nothing to do with winning trophies its about making profits.Us the fans couldnt give a toss about profits.Arsenal are supposed to be a big club yet the manager hails a top 4 finish as a great achievement.Ask the City and Chelsea fans do they care what their clubs have spent.The best manager in the world will be available next summer.Will we be in the queue to get him?not a hope in hell.We will keep Wenger.Our policy as a club is to spend little and sell big.I'm sorry but blinkered fans like you who cheerfully say who would we get to replace him are doing the club more harm than good.I would get rid of Wenger if he was on £500k a week because on the pitch he has failed.And are you related to David Icke?

  30. thatsimonrose

    Oct 11, 2012, 9:15 #26837

    It looks like Skooner is the only commenter so far who has understood this article. It often amazes me that so many others fail to read an article for what it actually is and instead come armed with their preconceptions and fixed opinions. Be open-minded, read the words. It's an argument. Yes, Wenger's salary is clearly absurdly high. Why not £5m? Perhaps the club feel they have had to pay him high to keep him, rather than Wenger having necessarily stayed out of loyalty. And what would he be on if he won something? To think that we missed Alonso for an extra million.

  31. Frank

    Oct 11, 2012, 7:58 #26836

    Think about it we are paying Wenger £7.5m to finish top 4.Thats his job description.To our owner 4th is good enough.Would Sir Alex still be in his job if he went potless for 7 years and finished either 3rd or 4th in those 7 years?.Wengers wages sum our club up.We reward failure.Its the story of Arsenal post 2005

  32. The Noise

    Oct 11, 2012, 7:46 #26835

    Absolute drivel! Yet another pathetic piece telling the masses we'd be up **** creek if we sold Mr. Arsene FC, YET AGAIN forgetting the fact ARSENAL FC was the 3rd most successful team in English football history before Le God came along! Yet another sheep petrified of change... Baa off!

  33. Don

    Oct 11, 2012, 7:08 #26834

    This is without doubt the most stupidest article ever on the Online Gooner.Is the author serious or just a WUM?The prime minister earns £140k a year less than Wenger in a week.We are in the worst reccesion in over 80 years yet the author says are we paying someone £7.5m on the cheap.The next two articles by this author are "Should we give underpaid Gazidis £5m a year" and "The cheapest tickets at the Emirates should be £100".I really do give up on some of our so called fans they definately dont live in the real world

  34. Catch22

    Oct 11, 2012, 3:12 #26832

    If Arsenal had attempted to match the spending of ManC, Chelsea or even ManU they'd be winding the club up by now. Even so Arsenal have still managed to get to three cup finals in the last seven years including the Champion's league final. But your heroes Fabrigas, Song and the others Arsenal intelligently offloaded DIDN'T FINISH THE JOB ! They've now gone to clubs where they hope that someone else will finish the job for them. Three Premierships, four F.A. Cups and a top four position every full year that Wenger has been at Arsenal adds up to a loser, does it ? Yeah, right ! You guys are nuts !

  35. Skooner

    Oct 10, 2012, 23:43 #26830

    Perhaps ask a slightly different question, do Wengers wages need to be that high to keep him? If Slur Alex only gets say £5m a year then would Wenger not be happy with that? Even if you think Wenger is doing a good job I still think he is over paid compared to his peers. I get your argument that having one manager has saved a lot of money, however, Wengers pay packet seems to reflect the a general club trend of over paying for not achieving. What's really odd is if people do achieve we then refuse to pay them the going rate. It is a mad system and possibly the biggest problem the club currently faces.

  36. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 10, 2012, 23:22 #26829

    Arsene wenger is not worth £7.5m a year obviously the person/persons that sanction that amount (thats if he doesn't do it himself) think he is as they've certainly struck gold alright and it's a rich vein and its making them and the other fat cats richer.With his massive salary it's a pity he couldn't have struck silver over the last eight years and then maybe just maybe his £7.5m could be justified.

  37. Ian Ures comb

    Oct 10, 2012, 21:43 #26828

    There are Gooners losing their jobs and having to make cut backs in there living standards and you ask is a football manager is worth £7.5m a year.What world do you actually live in?Unbeliveable and insulting article

  38. Lennie

    Oct 10, 2012, 20:51 #26827

    Sir Alex Ferguson earns his money.Our fraud of a manager doesnt.Wenger wouldnt last 6 months at Madrid or Barca.They demand trophies.Thats why he stays at Arsenal.In any other walk of life if you were not delivering results you would be fired.We all know why Wenger is still our manager.He delivers profits it has nothing to do with performances on the pitch.So Mr Rose the answer to your question on football reasons is a big NO

  39. Gary

    Oct 10, 2012, 20:23 #26826

    Are you related to David Icke?

  40. Orson Cart

    Oct 10, 2012, 19:40 #26825

    Simon you are the king of the AKB's but this article takes the biscuit.Loser Wenger gets paid more than serial winner Sir Alex.I dont need to carry on

  41. au revoir wenger

    Oct 10, 2012, 18:08 #26824

    keep taking the tablets

  42. Wombledin

    Apr 25, 2012, 6:59 #21553

    What a pathetic yawn this game was, two of Europe's best teams apparently. Its too easy for teams to get away with this boring rubbish that so many mugs pay top dollar to see. The game is loaded in favour of defending and negativity. FIFA needs to shake things up a bit. For a start, teams who get 0-0 draws should not get a single point. And teams who score 3 goals or more should get an extra half a point. No goals no points. Lots of goals extra points. Incentivise things to stamp out dull, boring, negative football with no goals and overpaid players and coaches not interested in entertaining the fans. Football needs revolutionising, like rugby and cricket already have.

  43. Gooner SA

    Apr 23, 2012, 16:43 #21502

    Arsenal kicked towards the Clock End in the second half against Wolves and Birmingham last season and won 2-0 and 2-1 respectively. The team wasn't up for it against Wigan and Koscielny should have scored the winner against Chelsea with his header, simple as!

  44. Tony Evans

    Apr 23, 2012, 12:09 #21492

    Goonercolesyboy - I made the decision not to renew my season ticket a while ago after nearly 30 years as a season ticket holder and nearly 45 years as a supporter. My decision is more about becoming disallusioned with The Premiership in general than about Arsenal. I will still get to the odd game or three hopefully, and will be an avid armchair fan when I am not. Up the Gunners.

  45. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 23, 2012, 11:35 #21490

    I would like echo the point made by Gare Kekeke on getting behind ramsey against stoke he hasn't had a great season and badly in need of a rest but i'm sure he'll play what kind of a reception he'll get is anybody's guess knowing their idiot fans anything is possible and the way they play football is a disgrace so give him your full support he definitely deserves it there.

  46. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 23, 2012, 10:40 #21486

    @ Tony glad that you won't be renewing your season ticket mate, a true supporter or what? Admittedly it wasn't the best game or end result we wanted but I was watching in a bar in Budapest on a stag weekend and the beers made it ok, especially watching those spuds losing...after about 20 pints it was more than fun, it was hilarious. Keep the faith, keep supporting the team and then in the summer make a rational comment.

  47. AugustusCaesar

    Apr 23, 2012, 10:27 #21484

    To say we failed to beat Chelsea's 'second string' team is the sort of lazy, boorish anti-Arsenal statement I find so exasperating on this site. They have a big, strong squad full of internationals. We carved out enough chances to win the match. We hit the crossbar and had a good penalty shout. So some might say we were a bit unlucky. RvP had an off day in front of goal and I agree that it's a worry that when he doesn't score there aren't enough other candidates to put the ball in the net. But hopefully the expected acquisition of Podolski will go some way to addressing this.

  48. Ron

    Apr 23, 2012, 10:16 #21483

    A ganme that typifies the Season. Being honest, Arsenal only have the fact that that its a poor prem season overall to thank for being 3rd in it. Your comments on Song are so right. Hes hopeless and has only ever been 'back up' material for use v weak teams. A few of us have said it for years.

  49. TK

    Apr 23, 2012, 9:37 #21482

    i seem to recall the spuds making us kick off in the other direction once if not twice, to no great affect in the first couple of seasons against us

  50. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 23, 2012, 8:59 #21480

    A possible 3rd position and strongest, powerful side in London. Somehow doesn't feel like it though. I think it is the overall caution within the club that grates most. That and the fact that a lot of us spend as much time looking at the balance sheet rather than the team sheet. The present regime is sucking the romance out of our marriage with Arsenal. For all their business savy someone in the board should have some intelligence to realise it's about the glory. Lets hope the balance starts to change. We need a big vision man involved. David Dein springs to mind.

  51. Tony Evans

    Apr 23, 2012, 8:21 #21479

    A good summary of the match as always, Kevin, and if that is the best we can do in a match we needed to win I will not miss my seasson ticket next season.

  52. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 23, 2012, 7:40 #21477

    Theo Walcott has an obvious strain on his hamstring. People see the way he is moving and say to each other " he has tweaked his hamstring". Diagnosis by crowd (as opposed to doctor) through experience of what a hamstring pull looks like. But taking the player off as a precautionary measure is not bon chic bon genre. It is not in the plan. It would be pro-active. It would be sensible. So Walcott goes back on the pitch and hurts himself really badly, and entirely predictably. I know that because I and everyone else around me ....predicted it. This has happened many many times before with Monsieur and he never learns. It is one example of why he is not competent to manage our team. This was a dismal performance against a weakened Chelsea team, and of course during the game, Wenger weakened our team further by taking Rosicky off. He is locked into the mindset that he can affect the game favourably by making substitutions. Not when the players on the bench are not good enough to come on Arsene.

  53. Andrew

    Apr 23, 2012, 7:35 #21476

    Just to add, we played the wrong way against Liverpool and lost too.

  54. Basil

    Apr 22, 2012, 21:37 #21474

    @Big Dave - What would you like The Gooner or AISA to do about it? The Gooner has always said that it isn't a closed shop, so if you want something done (whatever it is), why don't you get in touch with them and get involved yourself? You can be the "Big Dave" on here, but have you got the big balls to match? I somehow doubt it.
    @aj - Great point about RVP not having played a whole season - surprised this hasn't been mentioned before. It makes perfect sense that he's tiring at this stage having played 50+ games and really Wenger should have seen this coming and prepared for it.

  55. ex akb

    Apr 22, 2012, 21:07 #21473

    What are you doing about it Big Dave? Dont you get it! The Gooner and AISA and whoever else you want to blame can change nothing. Nothing will change until we do not quailfy for the CL and even then if he stays on, he may get a season to get us back in. As far as Kroenke and the board are concerned OGL is doing a great job. The only thing that will change anything is bums on seats or not as the case may be. Even then you will be pillored by the media....15 seasons champion league etc, so go on, give up your ST, silver membership, red membership, going once a season or even just being a keyboard warrior because it wont make any difference at all

  56. simon

    Apr 22, 2012, 20:31 #21472

    Blimey kev, this is a bit passionless. i was livid, spitting pips at the last ten minutes. Too many of our outfield were scared of losing and that attitude sees you miss out to others more brave. We have three games to get six points and win third place. We have to do that with no back up striker, no control in midfield and no gamechanger and we start at Stoke, our nemesis who will delight in costing us three points and injuring as many of our players as legally possible so that they can't help us get the two wins we need in our last two remaining games. If this isn't a crisis situation I'd like to know what is. Me, I'd be seriously tempted to rest RVP at Stoke and keep him fit for Norwich and West Brom and hang that pussy chamakh out to dry in front of the good people of Stoke.

  57. Big Dave

    Apr 22, 2012, 19:50 #21469

    Lets all wake we will sell R.V.P and most likely Song get Poldski and may be a 19 year prospect. And surprise surprise come 3rd or 4th next year Wow that will be fun won't it. PS The Gooner and the A.I.S.A. will sit on there Arse again and do nothing

  58. The Happening

    Apr 22, 2012, 19:31 #21467

    A sober assessment Kevin, what else can we say? Chelsea came off better garnering a point after a spirited game against Barcelona? That would be cynical! There are two aspects to all clubs now in this 'SkySports' era of football, the league, then the transfers, I hope we finish top in the 2nd!

  59. Peter Wain

    Apr 22, 2012, 19:16 #21466

    Anyone who thinks we will sign the players mentioned is deluded. It is just the hype to make season ticket sales. Wenger will claim that with Wiltshire returning that is a new signing. He will also say that buying a defensive midfield player will halt Fringpong and Coquelin's progress. Also he will claim that with Diaby now fit that is another midefield option so he does not need to buy. As we will have Bendtner Denilson and Vela returning we will have options up front. So although Chamak no Podborski. Once the season tickets are renewed expect this sort or scenario. We may but a player who may be upfront but he will not be world class or like Campbell we will not get a work permit for him so off to Spain. In a fews years we will have a team in the Spanoish third division at this rate. Wer need a massive clear out starting with the owner and that idiot chief excutive and some serious investment in the first team squad. No chance of that happening with this lot running the club.

  60. IMAC

    Apr 22, 2012, 19:08 #21465

    Kevin, in answer to your question about us playing to the clock end 2nd half. The ones I remember are 1. Jan 2008 v Birmingham finished 1 all with Adebayor scoring a penalty. 2. Oct. 2006 v Everton 1 all with rvp scoring an equaliser with a free kick. Can't remember any more recent than these.

  61. aj

    Apr 22, 2012, 18:40 #21464

    Thought Kos and the Verminator were excellent at the back With them and Sczezny I feel more confident at Stoke than in recent times. The problem is Van Persie is out on his feet,having never played a whole season before and apart from Rosicky were showing very little drive up front. Maybe Santos wide left is our best option in the last few games. 5 or 6 points should be enough though.

  62. Bard

    Apr 22, 2012, 18:39 #21463

    Good post Kev and like you I am concerned about the next few games. We have had paper thin squad all season owing to dross being loaned out Bendtner, Denilson et all and poor signings Chamankh, Park. As a consequence we have to play moreorless the same players every week and they looked worn out on Saturday. The answer to the Song conundrum is that there is no competition for places so he's a shoo in every week. Stoke could be a make or break game and we have lost our last 3 games up there I believe.

  63. norfolk gooner

    Apr 22, 2012, 18:08 #21462

    Agree Kev,I've said on here before, Arsenal have basically played the whole season with only one striker and with no quality backup.Being the fourth richest club in the world that's totally irresponsible.Unless we keep RvP and bring in two quality forwards i don't see us challenging next season.

  64. gary

    Apr 22, 2012, 17:33 #21460

    Don't understand the credit chelsea are getting..some of the squad players that came in..tiered 70mil..essien 17mill, bosingwa 18mill..all would b record signings for us and these are squad players...

  65. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2012, 16:59 #21458

    Your right kev highlights very rarely tell the full story even though the chavs made sweeping changes they were still a very strong team could we have made as many changes and still have such a strong team ? but they were there for the taking yes it looked at times arsenal were easing off whether this was fatigue i don't know under the circumstances i hope not we weren't to know the spuds would remain in free fall against qpr and as you stated if the chavs do win the CL fourth place will be no good arteta is certainly been missed.Could the players be that superstitious that they worry about not kicking off into the same end every game surely they have better mental strength than that.We had our chances kos very unlucky with his effort against the bar he had a great game don't know what to say about diaby a bit rusty hence the booking but at least he got through uninjured as for RVP going through a bit of a lean spell yes but we can't hold that against him he had his chances and on another day could have had a couple it was good to see the ox getting a start with walcott out that will probably be the case for the remainder going back to RVP i hope and pray his head isn't somewhere else.

  66. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 22, 2012, 16:21 #21457

    Plastic Bertrand looks decent for his age...

  67. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 22, 2012, 15:56 #21455

    Not a great performance against Chelsea but it’s good that we’ve kept the distance table wise between them and us. For me the positives were a better defensive display particularly from the back four; the return of the much improved Koscielny making a difference as opposed to Djourou and a clean sheet. Negatives; a lack of creativity, Walcott & Ramsey. Walcott should have imposed him against an inexperienced Bertrand. Yes Theo is only 23 but the lad has had more than 200 games for The Arsenal now so surely he should be showing some sort of consistency. The raw ingredients in him are there. You do wonder how much coaching he is given or how hard he works in training to be so erratic. I’m not a Ramsey knocker but I feel for the guy. As I mentioned a few weeks back, his development is being rushed by Wenger. I get the feeling he badly needs Wilshire to take some of the heat off him. A message to the Gooners like me who are Stoke bound very soon. Get behind Ramsey. The Stoke fans hate him with a passion even though the villain of the piece that night was their captain. One last thing. In recent months we have been linked with Kalou & Sturridge. Maybe I saw them on an off day but no thanks to either of them. Kalou is 100% similar to Gervinho who could still improve and not because they are both Ivorian and Sturridge is too selfish. Up The Arsenal!

  68. Theo Jensen

    Apr 22, 2012, 15:44 #21454

    Such a dour game- i genuinely felt sleepy! I really don't understand why the performances are becoming flat again? Didn't the players enjoy their winning streak? They've had long rest periods between all of the recent games but just not showed up. You're right Kev, they have to turn it around- even if Chelsea lose to Barca (not unlikely) and fourth place is still available, finishing there could affect contract negotiations with RVP and even make Wenger more cautious in transfers, since he's unlikely to spend £25m before it's actually been paid for CL qualification, knowing him.

  69. Ronster

    Apr 22, 2012, 15:40 #21453

    ''God only knows...''...sorry...''Arsene only knows'' sang the boys from California...!

  70. Dan h

    Apr 22, 2012, 15:02 #21450

    We may well get over the line to 3rd or 4th but may well need the other teams around us to drop a few points & Chelsea failing in the CL.It has been a strange season allround in the PL imo.I think it's been the weakest PL in my memory terrible defending the normal.The match was poor yesterday the passing slow & we need to play at a high tempo for our passing style to open teams up.The season nears an end lets hope we realise nothing is set in stone yet.

  71. Rob

    Apr 22, 2012, 14:30 #21449

    Awful game The sort that we are always told, by Wenger's acolytes, of the type we witnessed, before the Alsace Messiah arrived. But it's what we saw last season as well, with third to play for, they witlessly imploded and handed that position to City. They could yet do the same for Newcastle this year. This team reflects the Manager and lacks conviction at so many levels. When they have the chance of claiming something - last years CC springs to mind - they choke. And I'm far from hopeful they won't do so again. This squad needs radical changes. But the biggest of all - a new leader - is the one we are least likely to get. Seven years and counting. Will it change next year ? I'm not holding my breath.

  72. Nick

    Apr 22, 2012, 14:00 #21446

    To put things into perspective, this is the first season in a long while, that we havnt lost to chelsea at least once, having said that it was a tired performance and i believe it showed up the weakness of our bench, compared to our rivals , we could not have made 8 changes yesterday and been confident of a result, we MUST get in some QUALITY in the summer or we will win nothing next season either, and when oh when will we shoot instead of trying to thread the ball through the eye of a needle, there were occasions yesterday when the ball was crying out to be hit and hit hard first time, ala Arteta vs City, i agree with the autor , Song is fast becoming a liability , he is ponderous and dwells on the ball while looking for a killer pass to enhance his reputation, rather than doing the simple safe thing, he is NOT,Fabregas and never will be, hes supposed to be a defensive midfielder, someone should remind him of that

  73. challenger

    Apr 22, 2012, 13:53 #21445

    Well written Kev. It was a disappointing performance yet again and can't believe how did we took only a point when we should have nailed Chelsea another 5 with the squad we faced. AW surely is losing his magic but that is not a new thing. I saw Madrid yesterday celebrating their league and remembered what Mourinho had to say when he joined them "Judge me on my second season" and needless to say he done it again. what was that "Judge me in May" all about again?. I agree that Arteta could have done something more but to take Rosicky out was just wrong ! This was our last big game we have and I just can't see a need to rest him now. It is sad to see Walcott having an injury without me feeling any thing to him and why did he not at least kick the ball out? It has been ages watching Arsenal without winning anything and as for me I have only supported this club for 7 years now so that's sums it all up to me.