A Decent Point

Online Ed: Spoils shared at Stoke

A Decent Point

Gervinho: Will he come good next season?

Arsenal have had some mixed performances at Stoke in recent seasons, but as a rule, they have not been ones Gooners recall fondly. Too often, they have simply been outmuscled and left complaining about a lack of protection from the referee. Perhaps the early booking of Dean Whitehead early in yesterday’s fixture was a significant moment. Stoke still put in a few questionable challenges subsequently, but not as many as we have witnessed in the past.

However, Stoke’s opening goal was an example of how, at times, Arsenal are not quite tough enough in defence. Certainly, no-one is going to criticize either Vermaelen or Gibbs for their failure to outjump Peter Crouch but between them, they could have challenged the player in the jump enough to ensure he did not have such a comfortable header. Sometimes, you need to play the man rather than the ball.

Arsenal’s first half football was very good aside from this. They harried the opposition to force errors and created a number of decent chances. That only one was converted ultimately cost, as when the visitors were on top, they needed to capitalize. It was interesting to note how the balance of the team was different without Theo Walcott. It seemed a lot more even, with far more coming down the left hand side than is customary.

Gervinho had a busy afternoon, which encapsulated the good and bad of the player. There are moments where he turns on some magic, but ultimately, he seems to fail to make the most of the opportunities he works himself into. Some have argued that he needs more time to adapt to the English game, citing the example of Robert Pires. As it stands, this observer has him down as a serial waster of opportunities, and I am not convinced that is going to change. Four goals from 35 appearances so far this season is certainly a disappointing return for an attacking player.

It was a surprise to see Marouane Chamakh enter the fray as a substitute, but the manager may have been thinking of protecting the draw and his additional height when defending set pieces as the reason for his introduction. In attack he had little impact. I can see that Arsene Wenger wants to protect Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, but the youngster has a natural strength which makes him different from most teenage prodigies. As a sub, he could have added some beef to the side and a bit of drive.

Still, before the game, most Arsenal fans would have settled for a point and it leaves the team’s fate in their own hands, even if Newcastle and Spurs win all of their remaining matches, thanks to the former’s defeat at Wigan. The thought of Chelsea winning the Champions League is not one I wish to contemplate, but if Spurs did finish fourth and then had to take part in the Europa League next season, it would soften the blow slightly. It’s an interesting dilemma that one. I wonder who Gooners will be rooting for in the final if that situation came about.

Arsenal’s priority is to take care of their own qualification, and if they show similar application to that they did at the Britannia Stadium, they should secure the necessary points. It is unlikely Spurs or Newcastle will win all of their remaining matches, but if they do, it will make the visit to the Hawthorns a nervy afternoon on the final day of the season. Hopefully it won’t come to that.

If Arsenal do finish third, many will see it as a vindication of a manager that a majority of the fans wanted to see the back of more than once over the duration of the 2011-12 campaign. What a strange season it has been.

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  1. Gervinho's barber

    Oct 25, 2012, 7:58 #27121

    How will be the last one to turn the lights out at the Emirates John Cross Tom Watt or Simon Cross

  2. Same old same old

    Oct 24, 2012, 23:19 #27119

    Manonne Santos Ramsey Gervinho and Giroud.What more is there to say?.These players were bought by Wenger.Sorry Simon as everyone was saying earlier Norwich was not a one off.Its now becoming the norm.If Wenger really loves the club he should resign.Its sad a once great manager is now a laughing stock.Its the Groundhog season again

  3. Colin

    Oct 24, 2012, 21:57 #27118

    Thank God Norwich was a one off hey Simon?.Wenger out

  4. Peter Wain

    Oct 24, 2012, 18:45 #27116

    If you replace world class players with second rate dross and in Gervinho's and Giroud's case they are nearer third rate these results will always occur. Like Chelski we appear to have a one striker policy and unfortuately ours is Giroud. How he is classified as a striker is a big mystery when he quite clearly not up to the task Sadly although we always claim lack of money we have wasted the best part of £30 million on rubbish French strikers and if you add in a rubbish Brazillian left back and an incomprehensible purchase of a certain Korean you get close to £40 million during this trophy less period. If we had bought just one world class player with this mony how much better would we be. When you add in all of the unsalable rubbish like Denilson Bendtner Arshavin Squallaci and Djorou it shows how awful our transfer dealings have been in the last five years. Despite what our manager says we are no longer competing to win anything we enter. Just to stay in the champions league. Last year we were unbelievable lucky in that our world class striker stayed fit and played like a world class player does and the Scum bottled it. We soon remedied this by selling him. If Wiltshire has a decent second half of the season no prizs who the muppetts will be trying to sell in the summer. I think that lightining is unlikley to strike twice so I can see little prospect of a repeat of champions league next season or there after. No doubt this will all be swept under the carpet tomorrow with statements of how ambitious the board and manager and owner are and how we are the model on which all clubs should be run. Totsl garbage the club is run to make a profit for the owner, board, management and if that means screwing the supporters they think that it is a price well worth paying. Until we remove all of the management Arsenal will just be another PLC company intent on making a prfoti at the expense of its loyal supporters. Kroenke please go now and take Gazidis Hillwood and Wenger with you.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 24, 2012, 17:11 #27115

    billthered good point on bouldy it's something that has been touched upon before is bouldy no longer being allowed any in put ? are we back to arsene's way.

  6. Orson Cart

    Oct 24, 2012, 14:37 #27113

    So Mr Rose all the other posters are wrong and you are right.You have Wenger-rightus.Everyone of your articles is a defence of Wenger.If you do write another article can i suggest its about why Wenger has blantantly taken the goalkeeping situation for granted.You bring all the criticism rightly on yourself with your smug i am right replies.Take a read of Gooner ed's match reports and learn how to be critical of Wenger.Its called telling it like it is.Your articles treat your fellow Gooners like fools

  7. billthered

    Oct 24, 2012, 14:34 #27112

    Well I thought we turned the corner but it seems we are back to square one Diaby injured Arshavin on no worthwhile subs to bring on and gutless display.I have never felt so bad as saturday night as I thought we were on to something.Jesus Norwich did'nt even have to kick us.In the last few games is it just me or has Steve Bould taken a back seat.Perhaps he was getting to much praise and AW did not like that as it is him that should be getting all the plaudits well now its brickbats,PATHETIC.

  8. chris dee

    Oct 24, 2012, 14:30 #27111

    Si Rose, Yep my head is being done in when an Arsenal fan draws any 'positivity' from last Saturday.Or positivity from any of the other similar white flag jobs we have seen in the last 7 years. We are not talking about a team that has just missed out on the title or Champions League where of course you can take positives.We are talking about a team trait that consistently chucks points and games away through what looks like indifference. Do you need reminding of some, 4-4 Newcastle ,4-0 AC Milan etc. My football head being done in?Big time.

  9. Seven Kings Gooner

    Oct 24, 2012, 14:23 #27110

    I have just read the "Arsenal Truth" blog and I urge every fan to read it because it does, as Tony Evans said "sum up the feelings of many a vintage Gooner" My Arsenal was castrated some 5-6 yerars ago by Wenger & the board. The fear of trying too hard and failing is now AW biggest problem, so he, with the help of supine directors has lowered the sights so that any criticism of the team can be countered by the money the club is generating, or the ludicrous FFP mantra. The team that went to Anfield that night in May 1989 did n't cost a fraction of the Liverpool team yet it came back with the spoils of a great victory. It's not about money it is about bottle, bravery and resillience, those qualities have been taken from our team and I fear it is only people of a certain age and background that can see it.

  10. Gordon

    Oct 24, 2012, 14:18 #27109

    Simon-After a gutless performance like saturdays tell me where in your artcle are you critical of Wenger?Other than of course not having Chamakh on the bench!!!!!.You are a defender of Wenger

  11. Ron

    Oct 24, 2012, 13:53 #27108

    Skooner - Quite true. Many games immediately before and immdiately after CL games have been treated the same by Wengers feinthearts for quite some years now. Its a disgrace and fans are often ripped off by paying to attend such games. Theres a definite pattern i noticed when attending them myself in the past. Wenger and his players should be ashamed. Norwich was just another for the list.

  12. Skooner

    Oct 24, 2012, 13:13 #27107

    As others have in their own way pointed out, I think a clear distinction needs be drawn between a defeat and a gutless defeat. All teams have off days and aren't going to win every match, the problem that this match (along with many others in the past) hightlights is that the attitude of the players is simply inexscuable. If that had been City, United or Chelsea, the last 20 minutes would have been an onslaught that Norwich would only have survived through a combination of luck, great defending/goalkeeping. As it was the players didn't fancy it, went through the motions and rarely troubled the opposition (who are strong candidates for relegation). Even if we win and win well against Schalke, the very fact that in the Norwich game the players effectively chose not to put in the required effort means they may choose to do so again in the future. We have a fundamental flaw at the club which stems from the top and there is absolutely zero sign of change on the horizon to fix it.

  13. thatsimonrose

    Oct 24, 2012, 11:55 #27106

    I fear for the health of some of the people who tend to reply to my blogs. If you want to notice only Arsenal's negatives and cling to them, that's up to you. We all know what the negatives are, but personally I don't want to do my head in over them. I'd rather look for positives. It amazes me how some people want to put arguments into my mouth that I haven't even mentioned, such is their desire to label me an AKB! I'm no AKB, I've been critical of Wenger since 2001 but people do seem to like ignoring when I am critical and pick out the positivity, criticising it and holding onto precious labels. Like I say, it's your health, perhaps you should get your blood pressure checked.

  14. Graham Simons

    Oct 24, 2012, 10:30 #27105

    There's this general view Arsenal are encountering another groundhog day season - that the players are perfectly capable of winning matches but they lack the balls, spirit or gumption. In previous seasons, this was certainly the case - we were despatched by the likes of Norwich due to their ability to grind us down. What frightens me is normally when the warmer Spring months come around we kick into another gear and do just enough to qualify for the Champions League. Despite hopes Steve Bould would turn the defence around, we have actually made our worst start to a Premiership season ever and the first touch of the likes of Giroud and Gervinho tells me the problem isn't lack of effort - these guys are just rubbish. The continued talent purge of our squad is finally taken its toll - we won't make top 4 this season.

  15. Joe S.

    Oct 24, 2012, 10:24 #27104

    Canada G., except for your resistance to the term AKB's and refusal to point the finger at management there is nothing else to seperate your opinions from those of the "idiots" you condemn.

  16. Manny

    Oct 24, 2012, 10:01 #27103

    I thought after coming out of Carrow road on saturday nothing could make me more angry then i read this.Not one mention of our clueless manager no we lost against a team who had not won all season because our bench wasnt strong enough.Does the Gooner Ed not read this tosh then delete it.Why does he let the author continue to write such drivel.There is nothing constuctive just write off the game as a one off.As usual the last person to get any blame from Rose is Wenger.As others have said this was NOT a one off.I dispair that there are still fans like him left.Total AKB Bull

  17. Dan h

    Oct 24, 2012, 9:59 #27102

    What we had or didn't on the bench was neither here nor there.You can defend AW all you want you are entitled to.However the same manager you have defended to the hilt chose to put Wilshire on the bench in the hope we would be streets ahead with 20 mins or so to go.The fact we were losing he said afterwards was the reason why he wouldn't put him on so looked like he also thought it would be a comfortable win.Complacent?

  18. Angry & Frustrated

    Oct 24, 2012, 9:55 #27101

    Simon please go to your doctor, because you have a chronic case of Wenger denial, and you require urgent treatment! Your symptoms include only seeing what Wenger's eyes see. Your excuses mirror image your leaders words, and fatally you write about them showing that one of his worst traits is present-spin! The only thing missing presumably is the circa £7 million salary, although I and many on here expect you are being remunerated by expressing your God's words by Gazidis & co!! Get help urgently Simon, as otherwise in your next article you will be writing that "This is our best squad ever"!

  19. chris dee

    Oct 24, 2012, 9:23 #27100

    Si Rose. Absolutely sod all to do with the quality of the subs bench. Commitment and team spirit in spades,which were the qualities missing, were not sitting on the bench itching to come on.Please don't try and offer any excuse for the depressing, mind numbing bullpoo of that performance.

  20. Highbury Diva

    Oct 24, 2012, 9:16 #27099

    I had a niggling feeling we would struggle in this game. Norwich were bound to fight back from their poor run and they had the interlull to organise themselves. Chris Hughton is a pretty astute tactician and although their goal came as a result of sloppy defending and poor goalkeeping, they seemed to have the measure of us. They looked more hungry than us and even though we had the lion's share of possession we were often slow to the ball when it really mattered.Remember Hughton was manager at Newcastle when they last beat us at home and nobody was really expecting that one either. Sure, no reason to panic just yet but it's as if the old wound has been scraped and it doesn't take much for us to wince. Bringing on Chamak wouldn't have helped. He is a striker only in name at the moment. He should be gone but we can't get rid of him. He's admitted he'd rather stay on big wages and warm the bench (if that). It was a bad day at the office and we have to hope they can bounce back. Still I won't hold my breath.

  21. TheManOnTheTube

    Oct 24, 2012, 9:11 #27098

    You do wonder don't you? I'll give you an answer, Chamakh is probably still in that drug bar with Abel Tarrabt!

  22. Tony Evans

    Oct 24, 2012, 8:24 #27097

    All - Please read the latest article on the Arsenal Truth website which sums up perfectly how most Gooners of my vintage and older feel. It might just open your eyes Simon!

  23. The Noise

    Oct 24, 2012, 7:40 #27096

    Simon... You should go in for a merger with Arseblogger. You'd be at home with that AKB outfit. You're blinkered work is wasted on this site.

  24. Kevin

    Oct 24, 2012, 7:38 #27095

    Simon Rose is the Gooner's version of John Cross.Embarassing.

  25. fozzy's mate

    Oct 24, 2012, 5:07 #27094

    Simon it is one game but follows an alarming trend set over 7 years and the striking and goalkeeping dearth is unforgivable for a club with 153 million in the bank. How many times after one or two good performances have you posted saying we will win the league and OGL is god? We are in a strange malaise where some just accept the mediocre dross that we now watch year in year out. How many times have we heard OGL and co talk of a shock and wake up call? A drfiting club with an ambitionless board and a has been manager who has lost his way. The worst bunch of keepers and strikers around. Yes we will scrape past Schalke and QPR but Manure away?

  26. Simon Rose the AKB Agent

    Oct 23, 2012, 22:38 #27092

    Another shower of excuse making horse crap. Yet again the classic AKB nonsense "it's just one game", etc. Articles like this are an embarrassment, it's been EIGHT years now without a pot!!!! Yet as usual this article manages somehow to ask lots of questions, without asking the main one: why is the Arsenal manager making such incompetent decisions? Nah you'll never hear that one asked. It's not in the AKB guide to ask such questions. Another pathetic article from comical Simon Rose "win against Schalke and QPR bla bla and all will be rosy in the Wenger garden" Errrr. Even if that happens Wenger will STILL be about 10 pts off the league leaders!!!! DOH!

  27. Lee afc

    Oct 23, 2012, 20:13 #27091

    This piece is about hindsight and what could have been after the horse has bolted. To suggest that we should have played chamakh is pretty much telling me your mentality and where we are going as a club.

  28. Harold

    Oct 23, 2012, 20:08 #27090

    CanadaGooner- OK let's blame the players and not Wenger. What do we do next?

  29. Bard

    Oct 23, 2012, 20:05 #27089

    I get it. Let's not be too negative, after all it was one bad result. However I don't buy it. Following Arsenal is like groundhog day. The same trends, decent performances gradually undermined by spineless displays again poorer sides. The same problems on the field. How many crap goalkeepers have we had to endure, not just one but at least 3. Man U. Chelsea, City, liverpool, spuds. They all have decent keepers. You cannot win without a good one. Its not f****** rocket science.But does he do anything about it no. I could understand it if Chesney was Seaman but he's not he's average at best. Wenger's perversity and delusional management has become a liability.

  30. Gloster vvPgGooner

    Oct 23, 2012, 19:43 #27088

    Groundhog Day anyone...

  31. CanadaGooner

    Oct 23, 2012, 19:24 #27087

    All those idiots on here who spend more time talking about 'AKBs' are just like idiots who go to a football game and spend the whole 90minutes picking a fight with the opposing fans and not watching the match. Who cares about whether someone is an AKB or not, when our team just lost to a team that hadnt yet won a single macth this season?! And is this a new trend/ maybe for this season, but the past 7 seasons have all seen us lose to teams like Blackburn where they were rooted to the bottom (but they also beat Man Utd too that season). If you have players who are all largely on their national team squad and earn the kinds of money these lot earn, only an idiot will spend time talking about AKBs or Wenger. The players have to stand up and be counted! When we play Chelsea, Man Utd, Citeh or Spurs, one would look to the manager to pull something out so we make a difference and win; when we play Norwich, the manager should be in Hawaii taking a nap! The lose to Norwich was simply a really poor show by the players and one can only hope they feel some shame!

  32. Mark

    Oct 23, 2012, 19:01 #27086

    So Simon we judge Wenger only on this season and not the last 7.Youre like The Bobby Ewing death in Dallas the last 7 years never happened they were just a dream.Just judge Wenger on this season.OK 9th in the league 12 pts dropped out of 24 and you still cant see something is wrong.What more wrong does Wenger have to do for you to admit he must go.If you think another Norwich wont happen again this season you are seriously deluded.Last season we could have signed Mata we sign Gervinho instead!!!!No RVP to save us this season but dont worry Chamakh is still at the club

  33. Highbury Boy

    Oct 23, 2012, 17:15 #27085

    It's you Simon who have pre-conceptions. You still think we are a title chasing side with a top manager. Just think this season. We were poor against Sunderland and West Ham could have easily beaten us. Don't blame the bench. Wenger only uses the subs in the last 20 minutes by which time Norwich could and should have been out of sight. Their goal was caused not only by a weak gk but by poor defending in not closing down ,by a cb who was slow to react and by a full back who played the scorer onside. It's a poor team. We have gone from one of the best teams in Europe to presently 5th in London. You can't say it's down to no striker on the bench.

  34. Whinger_Out_NOW

    Oct 23, 2012, 17:15 #27084

    Simon, AKB's use the Romney's Etch A Sketch even better than him. Why should it be only about this season? WHy not last season's BlackBurn example? Or the Wigan one from 2 seasons ago? It's always about "this" season as if what happened at Norwich has never happened before and will never happen again under Whinger. The man is so tactically bankrupt that he was berating the 4th official by the 36th minute. Using "this season" as an excuse no longer holds water as we have seen this movie before and will see it again so long as Whinger is in charge. Can you guarantee otherwise? Yeah, thought so.

  35. AuRevior Wenger

    Oct 23, 2012, 17:05 #27083

    The AKB's have been very quiet on here since the shameful Norwich game even they couldnt defend that shower of s**t.But you can always rely on Wenger's apologist-in-chief Simon Rose to come on a write a load of rubbish.Dont panic Capt Mainwaring it was a just one-off it wont happen again.We should have Chamakh on the bench!!!Thats the point a player as crap as Chamakh shouldnt be anywhere near the club(as well as Manonne Ramsey Gervinho and Giroud) yet you are calling for him to be on the bench.Would he get in any of the top 3's squads?This is the same Simon rose who wrote RVP should sacrfice trophies and medals to stay at Arsenal.RVP knew what was coming.Take the rose tinted specs off Simon Wenger is finished and has been since 2008

  36. Angry Gooner

    Oct 23, 2012, 16:47 #27082

    Dear Mr Rose its fans like you who give Gooners a bad name.The last 7 years have a lot to do with saturdays gutless performance.Because it happens 4 or 5 times every season(Utd,Blackburn,Fulham,Wigan and QPR last season).I would have fined every Arsenal player who took part in the Norwich game 2 months wages.Wenger or Gazidis could have wrote this article.You do not speak for the majority of Arsenal fans who want our Arsenal back.We are a million miles behind the top 3.Its a fight for 4th place again.Is that what Arsenal is all about?

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 23, 2012, 16:38 #27081

    Yes simon no excuses can be made because there aren't any for such a limp display and we all know what went wrong.It's not just one match it's not just one crappy defeat if it was it probably wouldn't be a problem but it's happening all the time and has been happening for the last eight seasons and apart from a couple of displays at the start of the season which took us all in they still are with the same old and there's no evidence of it been sorted or put right.The keeper situation is a perfect example your dead right about mannone but dozy is being to kind i could suggest a lot worse but it's all being said before.Going one down shouldn't be a problem but on to many occasions it is as witnessed on Saturday because we never looked like coming back because the players hadn't it in them. A friend of mine who was there confirmed it when he said you could see it in their play and their body language but we didn't have to go to far from our tv's to see that.There are two many players in the team or on the bench on top money under performing or are simply not good enough. Big Big improvement needed how many times have we said that and how many times will it be said again ?

  38. Kenny

    Oct 23, 2012, 16:29 #27080

    Simon why dont you start addressing we are not a good team.Saturday was gutless and a disgrace.We have awful keepers at the club,a LB who is not fit(fat)Ramsey Gervinho and Giroud.And a clueless manager.Instead of saying it was a one off and making excuses.How many more one -offs will we have to put up with this season.Arsenal will never win another trophy under Wenger.When will you get into the real world Simon.This is the worst Arsenal team under Wenger and its not going to get any better

  39. gooner30

    Oct 23, 2012, 16:21 #27079

    Time for Wenger to go. Had enough of his excuses, time for a change

  40. Ron

    Oct 23, 2012, 15:44 #27077

    Average to poor team (this remains the worst team since the mid 60s in my view - no change from last Season) Busted flush of a Coach. Dress it up however you want to Simon.

  41. thatsimonrose

    Oct 23, 2012, 15:17 #27075

    Leave your pre-conceptions at the door Frank and read the article. I'm not talking about the last 7 years, I'm talking about this season.

  42. Gary

    Oct 23, 2012, 15:12 #27074

    Simon why dont you mention Wenger is tactically bankrupt,He takes the goal-keeping situation for granted,his substitutions are **** and that he is well passed his sell by date.Your solution is get Chamakh on the bench.Laughable rubbish from Wengers biggest fan.

  43. Frank

    Oct 23, 2012, 14:23 #27072

    It is NOT one match it is NOT one result.This is the sort of game we have seen many many times in the last 7 years where have you been?.More AKB crap from Simon Rose.You should bring out a book of excuses for Arsenal defeats.When will you realise the manager and the team are not good enough

  44. Tony Evans

    Oct 23, 2012, 13:50 #27071

    Simon - it is not just 'one match' though is it? I've lost count of the number of 3 point bankers Wenger and his gutless players have chucked away over the last umpteen seasons. There will be many more too no doubt until Wenger finally departs.

  45. AugustusCaesar

    May 02, 2012, 13:17 #21840

    "substitutions typically Wengeresque" I was waiting for this from someone because when Chamakh came on I said to my mate 'at least Wenger won't be accused on The Gooner of making predictable substitutions', but, alas, I was wrong. Chamakh came on for the first time in weeks. AOC has usually been the man to come in with 15-20 to go and to be honest he's been inneffectual. For me the Ox should be given a run in the team from the start of next season on the right hand side. He was good when he was playing from the start. It's a big ask for a young player to essentially change the game against a seasoned, well drilled back four. Let him learn the game slowly by playing him from the beginning allowing him to grow in to games.

  46. Azeez Oladimeji

    May 01, 2012, 22:23 #21823

    I think the battle for third and fourth position in the premiership among Chelsea,Arsenal,Newcastle and Spurs is narrowed down. It will not only be a surprise but shock other fans if Chelsea should finish third. I believe in their current form. They will champ league and F.A cup. Up blues! Up Di Matteo. We are ready for others!!!!!!.

  47. HowardL (Glass Half Full)

    May 01, 2012, 10:42 #21807

    Agree with most of the negative comments in this thread but, come on folks, let's get behind the team and manager in these last 2 games, aim to finish 3rd, and only then worry about next season.

  48. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 30, 2012, 16:00 #21777

    If you believe that 8 out of the last 18 points available, when trying to secure a Champions League place is acceptable, then of course you will profess satisfaction with the current holder of the position of Manager. For me it’s just further evidence of our usual end of season slide into mediocrity. Hopefully, Arsene Wenger will see out the final year of his contract and then go take a job somewhere else that believes that no trophies in 8 years is an acceptable return for the most expensive tickets in the world. "But who else is there who will be available at the end of next season?” I hear the AKBs wail, well just think about that a while and I’m sure even they will come up with the answer…

  49. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 30, 2012, 14:21 #21773

    Also, a possible third place finish should not be seen as vindication of the manager. We finished third in 2008 & 2010 with more or less the same squad but were bona fide title contenders in each of those seasons. This season, a possible third place finish will see us the best of an average bunch in the Premier League. This season we didn’t even compete for honours. I find that totally unacceptable rather than the lack of silverware. There will be additions, but only minimal and not the radical overhaul the squad badly requires. The return of the loan players, providing we won’t get rid of them during the close season along with other members of the ‘deadwood’, the returns of Diaby (!) & Wilshire would ensure of this. I’m not expecting Wenger to appoint a strong and tactically aware No.2 either even though we all know he should. More of the same frustrations await us next season in my view. Up The Arsenal!

  50. Tony Evans

    Apr 30, 2012, 12:44 #21761

    Goonercolesyboy - re Diaby I think it is about time Arsenal said enough is enough!

  51. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 30, 2012, 12:20 #21754

    Just read that Diaby has picked up a calf strain and will miss the rest of the season...bad luck or has his body said enough is enough? Should have played the Ox instead....

  52. Tony Evans

    Apr 30, 2012, 10:47 #21750

    Did anyone else notice the recent rich list published? Usmanov is now ranked second ahead of Abramovitch! We are the 4th richest club in the world with the second richest man on the planet as a 30% shareholder and yet here we are all contemplating yet another season of bargain basement shopping. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

  53. Judge Fred

    Apr 30, 2012, 10:46 #21749

    Third represents a decent season. That in turn illustrates how far we have fallen over the years. As I have said many times before I can handle not winning anything - but I cannot for a second accept us not challenging for anything. This season we have been uncompetitive in all competitions - we have never looked capable of picking up any silverware. That is inexcusable and someone needs to be made to pay for such a poor season with their job. Oh and one final message - it will be a great day in football history when Stoke Rubgy Football Club get relegated from the PL. I look forward to that day with great enthusiasm and hopefully it will mean the end of their interminably horrible twat of a manager for ever and ever amen.

  54. Ron

    Apr 30, 2012, 10:27 #21747

    A truly chronic game. Sums this Season up in 90 mins. My last 'live' game and if thats Premier League football, they (and Arsenal for that matter) can keep it. Truly awful. Rotten place, rotten ground too. To call that rubbish non league standard would be an insult to the Blue Square Clubs, most of whom produce a more watchable product. Lineker? Needs the sack anyway and has done for some years, along with Hansen Lawrensen and Shearer. We can only hope that one day he'll be stifled in a giant crisp bag! His stupid mimic of the Stoke moron fraternity just underlined it.How stupid can a BBC 'man' ever look? I know the BBC has been dumbed down over the last 15 years but really, Hes hit a new low point. I bet the BEEB hierarchy squirmed.

  55. Girl Gooner

    Apr 30, 2012, 10:10 #21746

    You say it was a suprise to see Chamakh enter the fray for tactical reasons, but I have another reason to be suprised. My husband is a black cabbie and at 6.50am on Friday morning, he picked said international footballer up outside a London casino with a friend. We assumed he must have been injured but was amazed when he was in the squad and then took to the pitch on Saturday. No wonder the overpaid waste of space has been next to useless for the entire season if this is how seriously he takes pre-match preparation. Here's hoping he's gone in the summer and we get a replacement worthy of the shirt.

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2012, 23:22 #21744

    I have no intention of commenting on the way the cave dwelling stoke fans treated ramsey their not worth it.And not on the way the same cave men and women mocked OGL we would no doubt do the same ourselves if it were pulis fergie or arry but i wish he would stop doing the penguin rap he would be better off shouting at the players as for Lineker real low class but what do you expect from a spud.

  57. Jason

    Apr 29, 2012, 23:00 #21743

    Bayern all the way,regardless of what it means for other teams.

  58. Carlos

    Apr 29, 2012, 22:13 #21742

    I fear 3rd will be seen as a justification of the manager's methods and don't see that there will be any change with regard to bringing in the signings that will enable a serious title challenge to be mounted. As people have said on this site we will have the habitual "new signings" and some youngsters given a high profile pre-season before being loaned out once again. It is to be hoped that the wasters will be given the boot, although only a lunatic will be paying the likes of Almunia £50/60K per week (Manuel Almunia gets £50k a week - the more you say it to yourself, the more you have to laugh at those who regard Wenger as a great manger). As for Gervinho; I would give him a second season, then if he's still rubbish, sell him. Personally couldn't care less about Spurs, Chelsea or the Champions League. There's enough to be concerned about at Arsenal without fretting about the neighbours.

  59. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 29, 2012, 21:07 #21741

    Big Andy....If you think that non qualification for the CL is what is needed then you are deluded....the big incentive to players is to play at the highest level possible not to journey around europe's backwaters on a thursday night. They are not interested in the World Cup or Euros anymore, the CL is the holy grail and until EUFA changes the qualification criteria then nothing will change...to suggest we shouldn't want that is a non supporter of your football team, as we will not get better. Through the good times and the bad times you do not wish the worst for your team you get behind them. Or else find another passionless sport to follow.

  60. simon

    Apr 29, 2012, 21:01 #21740

    we did well without having enough bite (gervinho's awful) to get the second goal. The subs were awful. Diaby stumbled about like someone who'd had 5 pints and was joining a post pub kick about and chamakh is just pointless. Also, we lose Song for the season now he has 10 bookings. Does anyone really think we'll win both? We need to as chavs are on course for 70pts and a better goal diff so we need them to draw one and spurs to do likewise.

  61. Fozzy

    Apr 29, 2012, 20:57 #21739

    No wonder why the Stoke fans behave in that way. They obviously feel that they have to boo the player who got his leg shattered and then try to ridicule our manager's penguin impersonations because they are starved of football. Imagine having to watch this lot, week after week, with them either lumping the ball up in the air or lumping the opposition. Then there is the ridiculous amount of time taken for a simple throw-in whilst the ball gets the towel treatment. Life would be so much better for every decent person who enjoys watching footie if this horrible assortment of thugs managed to accrue insufficient points next season to remain in the Prem.

  62. Mick Mahoney

    Apr 29, 2012, 20:55 #21738

    The majority of fans? Don't think so mate. The majority of people who contribute to this but that's still a very insignificant minority... Just so you know.

  63. norfolk gooner

    Apr 29, 2012, 20:06 #21737

    @Matt1202,You say that no other manager would do any better with the current squad,that may well be true,but this is Wenger's squad not one he inherited at the start of the season.He's the one who messed up pre season nobody else, so IMO that argument does'nt stack up,and to make him out to be some sort of hero after making the mother of all f--k ups in the summer transfer window is beyond me!

  64. Peter Wain

    Apr 29, 2012, 18:58 #21736

    I would wait until we finish 4th before any celebration. Lets face it the performance in last years transfer window determined that we were never challenging for any silverware and I cannot see that changing this time. RVP will wait until August before signing waiting (in vain ) for us to sign a world clss player or two( we need three of these but do not expect one). Gervinho has been a huge disappointment and I wonder if Wenger has lost his bottle in the transfer market. We are currentl being told that Podboski is signed and we are in advanced talks for the french player. However I think this is just window dressing to encourage season ticket renewals. As has been said already Wiltshire Diaby (well for 5 minutes) could be considered new players. As I have said many times before we need a change at the very top before we can go forward. That is not going to happen so 6 more years of not challenging for silverware beckons.

  65. Clockender78

    Apr 29, 2012, 18:16 #21735

    Decent point yes, but we should be motoring at this stage of the season, not stuttering into third place. Two points from the last nine, shows how bad the premier league has been this season that we are still third having lost ten games and one of the worst defensive records in the top ten. Can't wait for season to end where the real business of the summer starts. And I will be 100% firmly behind bayern!!

  66. Munchbaghat

    Apr 29, 2012, 17:51 #21734

    Write in to the beeb about the MOTD, I have, Lineker's an unprofessional obsequious prat, and would only pick on Wenger as he's too dignified to throw a Fergie-esque tantrum, and of course because he's foreign . What a pathetic cabal of small time charlies, no wonder they love 'arry so much.

  67. RJ

    Apr 29, 2012, 16:46 #21733

    @matt1202. Well said. Good result from another season of disruption

  68. DW Thomas

    Apr 29, 2012, 16:32 #21732

    Sure Stoke is a tough place to play, but I have one big question. If we can't deal with balls in the box very well, the least we can do is prevent the crosses more often with more effort to close their wingers down and not turn our backs as they are about to hit the ball. Why don't we defend crosses better? Let's hope Steve Bould or whoever replaces Pat Rice instills much better defensive habits and calls out the players on their performances when lacking. We have no plan B. Why was the Ox left on the bench the whole game when Ramsey and Gervinho continue to show their ineffectiveness? Chamakh? Really? We don't ever give him regular service into the box anyway, so what does he add? Santos before the Ox? Wenger cannot make effective substitutions anymore if ever he could. I feel for Ramsey, I do, as he was looking more like Jack before his leg break. But, he looks a fish out of water every game. He hardly ever sees ahead of the play before he receives the ball and consistently passes back or sideways. He is really becoming the British Denilson who can't be coming back to London, right? Rosicky was all over the place on offense and defense. Looking like the player he promised to be. And Diaby. Is it me, or does he just amble around looking a step slower all the time? He has talent and skill, but needs to add grit and strength. And Song. He does think he is the new Fabregas doesn't he? For every quality pass he makes, he gives away 4 or 5 others. He is sloppy and should let Rosicky or Arteta push forward to find RVP. At least we got a point, but we must win the last two games. Control our own destiny and all. I can't stand Stoke's style, but you have to admit they are effective, at least at home. And why can't we use that towel each time we throw in? Even if it's just to toss it a few yards? That, I think, would annoy them just as it does us. Next time we go up at the Britannia, we must do that and any other time wasting we can just to prove the point.

  69. Big Andy

    Apr 29, 2012, 16:27 #21731

    I hate to say this, but I honestly think that it would have been better if we had not finished in the top four. Third or fourth will, in the eyes of Kroenke and the Board, vindicate everything that Wenger has done since the end of last season. Now that Wenger is off the hook, we have nothing to look forward to next season except more mediocre football and underachievement. Had we missed out on CL football then the Frenchman would probably have been sacked - which is what we need to take the club to where it should be. We are going nowhere under Wenger. We are a million miles from a side capable of winning either the Premier League or the Champions' League. And Wenger is not the man to solve our problems.

  70. Martyn

    Apr 29, 2012, 16:15 #21730

    Two points out of our last possible nine is not good enough and it will go all the way to the last game. That loss at home to Wigan could come back to haunt us all at the end of the season. Quite frankly we barely deserve third place but to echo George Graham's comment after the Man Utd debacle it would be Wenger's greatest achievement if we did.

  71. Dave

    Apr 29, 2012, 16:03 #21729

    Are you kidding Kev? Arsenal fans cheering on Chavscum in the CL final if the Spuds finish 4th.I want Bayern to batter them 5-0 and see JT Cashley and Lumpard in tears.I never want another London team to win the CL. Now back to us,this season has proved why Wenger has to go.As others have said from the first minute of the season we were out of the title race and for a club the size of us that is unacceptable.to go into the season with a top 4 finish as our only ambition is a slap in the face to those supporters who had to pay 6.5% rise in their ticket prices.As for Europe another early exit in the first knockout stage.As Chelsea have shown if you get your tactics right.I still think we need 6 quality signings,last summers panic buys with the exception of Wiggy were stop gap signings.Kroenke needs to loosen the purse strings and Wenger needs to spend the money or else we will be having the same conversation this time next year as we have for the last 7 seasons

  72. CT Gooner

    Apr 29, 2012, 15:20 #21728

    We were dreadful yesterday. Didn't even look like we wanted to win the game. I think we ended up with 5 shots on goal! Where has the fast fluid brand of football gone? Oh that's right, to Barca with Cesc. This team is a shadow of what we should be seeing, the idea that we're still playing great football is a fallacy. Perhaps some one can tell me how this will end differently than Nottingham Forrest in the late 80s?

  73. Bob

    Apr 29, 2012, 15:08 #21727

    I don't think a third place finish in the premiership and no proper challenge for any of the cup competition can possibly be seen as a vindication of Wenger. Contrast with Chelsea, whose season was looking even more wretched than ours just after Christmas. They had the courage to change their manager (though I would be the first to criticise them for having done so to quickly in recent seasons)and they have reaped a huge reward. Their performance in Barcelona epitomised the spirit of a team I once knew and love, but no longer recognise. Qualifying for the Champions' League seems to be the limit of the Club's ambitions, and that in itself is scandalous. Yes, we experienced a very decent run of results when the pressure was off from February to early April, but if anyone seriously believes this squad with just a couple of new signings is equipped to challenge for trophies next season they are seriously deluded. We need a radical overhaul, starting with le boss.

  74. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 29, 2012, 14:47 #21726

    Three points yesterday would have made things more comfortable for us but i suppose the point is better than none at all as you say kev it still leaves it all in our own hands whether thats an advantage or not time will tell i can't understand why he wants to protect the ox at this late stage if it were the start of the season or half way through yes but its the end with the last six games important why not give him a run instead of bringing on out of form players who never contribute much gervinho has a hell of a lot of improving to do for next season as do a few others i agree it looked like arsene was settling for the point lets hope it doesn't come back to bite us but like you said it's still in our hands.It would be hilarious if the spuds finished fourth and had to play in the europa but of course the downside would be the chavs winning the CL so i think i'd rather see the spuds in the CL where they'd still have to qualify and do nothing anyway but hopefully the toon hang on to fourth and bayern do the biz.Kev if or when we do finish third it should not be seen as a vindication of the manager or indeed anything the way this season has went is unacceptable big changes need to be made for next season.

  75. Rob

    Apr 29, 2012, 13:57 #21724

    No vindication of Wenger this season whatever the outcome. Right from before the 'off' with last summers dire inaction and ineptitude, this has been an awful season, punctuated by some memorable games - Chelsea away, Spurs and Milan at home - but also some horrific humiliations. Wenger and Gazedis would appear to have learnt by last summers disasters as the suggestion is, that we will get our transfer dealings in and out, before the Euros start and avoid the usual supermarket dash down the aisle on August 31st.. Except I'll believe it when I see it. Seven years without a trophy does not vindicate this Manager and would get any other the sack at a club of comparable standing. But then winning trophies is not the Kronke /Hill-Wood priority, is it ? And therein lies the root of our problems. But something will have to give either next season of the one after. Either we win something. Or we change.

  76. Another trophyless season

    Apr 29, 2012, 13:34 #21723

    Who in their right mind would say it is a vindication of Wenger?.This has been his worse season at the club.Never in contention for any trophy.10 defeats, worse ever defensive record in a 38 game season.In all honesty its been an awful season.We are just fortunate the Chavs Spuds and Liverpool have been worse.But just take a look at the gap between us and Utd and Citeh.Thats the real story of how far we are behind them.Wenger has to adsmit he is wrong.Bring in a number 2 who will question him,a defensive coach who will coach defence because Wenger certainly doesnt.But we all know stubborn Wenger answers to no one.On the question of Gervinho we have bought a dud another Chamakh.He never was any good cut our losses and sell this summer but we wont get half the money back we paid for him

  77. Joe S.

    Apr 29, 2012, 13:30 #21722

    About the only thing we can agree on is that the Chavs are scum. It's an unfortunate but necessary expedient that we'll all be cheering for the Bavarians.It is also a sad indictment of loser fans when the only things we have to get excited about is watching our rivals lose in important games which we are not good enough to participate in.

  78. Frank

    Apr 29, 2012, 13:15 #21721

    A decent point but a poor performance to follow on from the previous two v Wigan and Chelsea.And like those two games we lost our way in the 2nd half.We really are falling over the line.But i just hope no one thinks Wenger has done a good job this season.Never in the race for the title and out of everything by March.Out of his panic buys only Arteta has been a success.I believe we need to rebuild to the bottom to the top and that means without Wenger.he has taken us as far as he can.

  79. Matt1202

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:50 #21720

    Terrible season. Spurs have been the darlings of the media for most of 2011-2 yet are scrapping to scrape a champs league place, Arsenal were 17th after 7 games, lost most of their midfield (the side's main strength 2010-11) in Fabregas, Nasri, Wilshere and Diaby, full backs all out for months, yet looking good for 3rd. Liverpool have spent over 100 mill and and could finish 8th - let's get some perspective. It would be nice to challenge for a trophy and Wenger has made some mistakes, but can anyone really claim that another manager would have taken this squad, with all the turbulence of this season, to 3rd place? And Lineker's mocking was poor form. Yes of course it was done in jest but would he have done anything like that to Fergie, Redknapp, Dalglish? 'King' Kenny has been laughable in most of his post-match interviews this season yet no mocking just blind defence from his old mate Hansen. Double standards...

  80. challenger

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:44 #21719

    again, sloppy playing from Aron led to the first goal for Stock. A young lad with a great chance to glamour but he simply not interested. Gervinho is not over for me, but one more season should be more than enough for him to produce something. Players like Chamakh and Arshavin are all the fault of no one but AW himself, because if you let them sit on the bench most of the season and madly insisting on playing Ramsy and Walcott every match, they will get to where they are now. Let's hope our OX won't get the same. If the spurs finished fourth then yes, I want chelsea to win the CL. And if Mr. AW continue with this squad, bringing only Podolski as an experience player, then our next season not gonna see more than 3rd place.

  81. chrisy boy

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:34 #21718

    a point gained on newcastle, will feel a lot happier if the scum or chavs drop points today or during the week, like to think 4 more points will be enough for 3rd place. I dont want the chavs to win the champions league even if it means the scum qualifying for next seasons competition. All that is bad within our game can be summed up with the way certain players act and behave at chelsea F.C a horrible and vile club.

  82. RJ

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:33 #21717

    To all those saying the league is a poor one - actualLy it is getting better and more competitive as the mid table teams are getting better and stronger and taking points off the big teams. Wigan a a revelation. Play good football how can they be fighting to avoid relegation. Swansea showing what can be done with nice football and not spending tonnes of money. We have had a bad season but still managed third because we have class throughout the team. On the point of booing I fear some double standards on the disgrace front. . Stoke fans are a disgrace for booing Ramsey but how many on this forum also slag the boy off? It is not so long ago that at the emirates we disgracefully booed Walcott. Get behind the team and consider this a good point well battled for

  83. Unbeaten 03/04

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:24 #21715

    We could have won that game yesterday but we didn't have enough depth in the team to win anything. I think stoke played c rap and so did we! As for 4th if it's not us, I for one would like to see Newcastle as they will go out during the play off and then it'll just us and the 2 Manc's team in CL. We will have the same purchase philosophy and always linked to big names that we can afford but won't pay!!! This team is one of the most frustrated team and I will not agree to see this as a vindication if we finish 3rd!!! We need a lot of changes and I wish Robin can pressure that!!!

  84. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:17 #21714

    Gee, you big cynic....A game we should have won but a point at Stoke is alright and for once we stood strong, the only blip being Sagna not closing down the cross for Crouch's header. I was going to watch the game at the pub but my record is not great so had the text on Arsenal tv and sky's reporting....walked up and down the house many times hoping we might nick it at the end but a point was ok. I agree that this league is not as classy as before but teams are far harder to beat nowadays so be grateful that we do finish in the top four after the disastrous start. Not in my wildest dreams having stood at Old Trafford humiliated did I think we would be here at least competing. My views on our future will be held until after the transfer window for all teams closes, as there will be a lot of movement contrary to what you think amongst and by all the top teams. I can't get my head around why our game is being played early on saturday as I might have to work and will miss the last home match....bonkers decision or what by the FA but should I be at all surprised?

  85. 600NER PETE

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:11 #21713

    Poor substitutions again (shows how poor our squad is when we need a goal and bring on Diaby,Chamakh and Santos) but not surprising anymore with Wenger in charge. I am not a Wenger supporter but I agree 100% with Guildford Gooner when he wrote "Having just watched the M.O.T.D.highlights am I the only one who thinks the presenters parting dig at Arsene was totally unprofessional and biased?" They wouldn't do that about any other manager. I thought it was completely unacceptable.

  86. Dan h

    Apr 29, 2012, 12:10 #21712

    On the face of it a very decent point it could now mean we need as little as 3 points to come 3rd or depending on how others do all 6 points.I will be cheering on Munich regardless of where we finish in the league for a number of reasons 100%.Still work to be done this season so i will hold back from joining in dissecting the season as a whole just yet.I will say at this point if the club havn't learnt from the mistakes of this season & last summer you can't really see how things will improve both in the short to medium term.No vindication of the manager or club board 10 league defeats & cup failures nothing to be shouting from the rooftops about.Lets just hope we finish strongly & don't have to rely on the other teams dropping points to get us over the line.

  87. iMac

    Apr 29, 2012, 11:45 #21711

    Gervinho is awful and will never make it. How is it that aw is supposed to know the French League yet buys him for 13m and yet Newc pick up Cabaye and Ben Arfa for less and they are far better. Just do not trust the managers signings, not to mention Chamakh and Park, joke.

  88. GoonerRon

    Apr 29, 2012, 11:44 #21710

    A fair assessment of the game. The jury is definitely out on Gervinho but it would be churlish to write him off after one season (as many did with Kos last season, and Pires in years gone by). I know some will think this season has been poor, others won't, but driving back from the match I found myself thinking how many clubs in the Premier League would change position with us at this moment? Not just based on our current performance but throwing everything into the mix - playing squad, infrastructure, finances, youth system, FFP readiness etc - and came to the conclusion that other than Man U, all teams would prefer to be in our position. Certainly gave me a sense of perspective on this seasons perceived 'failings'. On last thing - "the majority?" I think not.

  89. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 29, 2012, 11:27 #21709

    Not one person i know wants Wenger to stay but finishing third and making a profit means two things? Firstly, he has hit his unambitious targets laid out by the board? Secondly,the AKBs will havejust enough to cling on to. Dreadful season in a dreadful league. The slow death will continue next year because not enough people want to see Arsenal in the same league as united, madrid and Barca. If managers there dont do it they get fired, hence why Wenger stayed in the massive comfort zone also known as Arsenal where failure is rewarded. I honestly thonk some people dont care what happens to Arsenal as long as Wenger is in charge.

  90. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:52 #21708

    The editor is right. Some will see it as a vindication. Everyone knows that I want the manager out by any means whatsover, so I will try and sum up the season impartially. Our essential players stayed fit, our one real striker scored more goals than anyone else in the division, our newly signed old boys did some good, our team took responsibility for itself half way through the tottenham game. Van Persie emerged as a leader. Thierry Henry showed our players how to attack. We lost 10 games and over a third of the points we competed for. We overpaid our staff only a minority of whom are remotely up to it. The close season must be a very busy and effective one to put us in a competing position next year.Emperors new clothes denoument next term if it doesn't happen.

  91. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:51 #21707

    A decent point for us and a fair result to boot. Personally, I thought we matched Stoke. For just the second time against them at the Britannia, tactically Wenger got it right. The old physical intimidation from them, not much evident allowing us to play our natural game. The Stoke threat from set pieces, what threat? Except towards the end with the Delap throw-in surprise, surprise. There were times when they couldn’t even get the ball off us too, just like Guardiola’s Barcelona do to most of their opponents. Good. Kudos to the travelling Gooners who gave so much support to Ramsey which was backed it up with a decent performance. As for who I will be supporting in the forthcoming European Cup final, Bayern Munich 100% thank you very much. I’d rather have Tottenham finish fourth and qualifying for the European Cup than Chelsea to win that trophy. Could you imagine all the ribbing we’ll get from the classless Chelsea fans next season if they were to win it? I wouldn’t say it’s a majority who were calling for Wenger’s head either. At best 50/50. One last thing, for all of my CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of Wenger in the past, Gooners like me who are critical of him never lose sight of the great things he has done for our club. I don’t buy into the ideology that I have to be biased towards my club 100%. I love The Arsenal, but I love football even more and have no problems in giving credit to non-Arsenal FC personnel. So the inane mocking he got from the cretin Stoke fans, similar to what he got from Birmingham fans at St Andrews in March 2010 was totally uncalled for. Maybe Wenger doesn’t do himself any favours with his touchline antics but to me that’s not banter, it was serious mocking and nowhere near what Sir Alex Ferguson gets, who is not immune to a touchline rant himself. Is it biased to say Wenger get’s it more than any other manager in the country because of the vile songs he gets from the ‘fans’ at Old Trafford, Stamford Bridge & White Hart Lane either? The man deserves far more respect and people outside The Arsenal should stop kidding themselves that ‘great’ British managers like Pulis, Allardyce & McLeish are far superior. Let’s end the season with a high. Up The Arsenal!

  92. Treble Double

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:48 #21706

    Not a bad point but felt that we should have kicked on and won it. Need to win our last 2 and not rely on other teams to continue to drop points. The Stoke fans were a disgrace (as usual), how the f@&* can they boo Rambo? Typical of that twat Pullis to claim he heard nothing. Norwich next week should be 3 points, but most of us thought that about Wigan! Surely the ideal scenario if the scum finish 4th is that the other scum lose the CL final and the scum lose their CL qualifier?

  93. Kenny

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:43 #21705

    The Ox starts against Man Utd AC Milan and Chelsea but doesnt even get on the pitch v Stoke behind Santos!!! How is that protecting him.As for Gervinho he is hopeless a total waste of money up there with Jeffers and Reyes as money thrown away.We may finish 3rd but we are crawling over the finishing line relying on others to cock up.And one stat that should not be forgotten is we have conceded more goals than we ever have in a 38 game season more than Sundeland in 11th place!!!! Major changes need to be made this summer (it should be the manager but wont be).We cannot have another repeat of this season

  94. Wombledin

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:42 #21704

    Arsenal will probably finish 3rd with 11 losses and about 45 goals conceded. Has any team finished the premiership in 3rd conceding this many goals with 11 losses? It goes to show how crap the premiership is, and how cack our rivals for 3rd and 4th have been. Newcastle are cack, lost to wigan 4-0 today. How crap is the premiership when Newcastle are 4th and lost 4 zip to Wigan. Spuds are, well, just a bunch of fairies as usual, can't buy a win, they choked big time..I'd be embarrassed to be a spuds supporter, as they always should be. Chelsea..the laughing stock of London...what a clown Abramovic is...worse than Wenger. Liverpool..another joke. KKKenny is cack, would be sacked by now if they weren't still in the F*ck All Cup. To finish mid-table below Everton, how can any member of the Kop tolerate it. How lucky is Mr Wenger that RVP stayed injury free and all his rivals fell to pieces, the luckiest manager in Europe right now. He should be called Wenger Houdini, not Harry.

  95. Guildford Gooner

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:27 #21703

    Having watched the game online I agree that a point wasn't a bad outcome.Plenty of noise from our away fans as usual but dissapointed with the stoke fans booing Aaron Ramsey,although taking the mick out of the bosses gesticulations was fair game.Having just watched the M.O.T.D.highlights am I the only one who thinks the presenters parting dig at Arsene was totally unprofessional and biased?

  96. chiedozie

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:16 #21702

    I am really worried that some fans will think AW is vindicated when we get third, because we have had a really poor season and nothing like this should ever happen to Arsenal again. Just imagine how many points we are behind the Manchester clubs. AW must have learnt his lessons and must do what he must to avoid the this repeating. Clearly a lot of the players that played this season do not deserve to be in our first team, but as it is not my job, I won't mention names.If AW can't change the situation then he should honourably resigne.

  97. Jekyll

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:16 #21701

    Line up and substitutions typically Wengeresque I thought. Out of form Gervinho ahead of the in form AOC (though he's played so little recently he's rusty now), then Santos and Chamakh brought on ahead of the teenager. Benayoun and Rosicky played quite well, tried hard and were not cowed by the Stoke orcs. As said by others above, a poor season overall but not much will change this summer, Wenger is already telling us the transfer market is 'locked' and 'there will not be much movement', citing the 25 man squad rule. The real reason is he can't move many of these players on to make space for new ones even if he wanted to, for the reasons we all know.

  98. Jack

    Apr 29, 2012, 10:07 #21700

    What a stupid question Kev.There can be no real Gooners who would want Chelsea to win the CL and become the first London club to win it instead of the Spuds getting 4th place.there is a big difference between the Spuds getting into the CL and having no chance of winning it than the Chavs actually winning it.As for yesterday a poor game only made better because of the Newcastle result.its now 2 pts out of 9 from the last 3 games.I just dont get Gervinho He wears Eboues 27 shirt and has the same talent.Song does my head in with his careless passing please let it be true that we are after M'Villa.The subs yesterday were a joke.The Ox cant get on before Chamakh Diaby and Santos.We may well finish 3rd but we are a million miles behind the top 2 and i just dont trust Wenger to bring in the quality to close the gap.Remember he spent £13m on Gervinho last summer!!!!!

  99. captain spiff

    Apr 29, 2012, 9:50 #21699

    Majority of fans? I beg to dis agree sir

  100. baz

    Apr 29, 2012, 9:50 #21698

    "majority of fans" - I think not! The majority who have never been to the ground and jumped on the trophy bandwagon maybe.

  101. stevus

    Apr 29, 2012, 9:50 #21697

    Having seen Stoke City a few times now it occurs to me that Dean Whitehead is a far bigger animal than Shawcross and on a more consistent basis, not in any way to excuse the thuggery if the latter. As for their supporters, the booing of Aaron Ramsey exposes those involved as boneheaded numbskulls in the precise mould of that reprehensible doughnut T.Pubis.

  102. Clive the Gooner

    Apr 29, 2012, 9:44 #21696

    Don't have any confidence in Gervinho myself. He has been far from impresive and missed three great chances yesterday. We need to get in players who know where the goal is and are not afraid to shoot if we are to challenge for trophies again. We always seem to miss chances when we are on top and are not ruthless enough.

  103. Gee

    Apr 29, 2012, 9:42 #21695

    Limping over the line. Need to win both games but I don't think we will. It's been a poor season all round thus far limping out of all competitions and only ever turning it on when the pressure has been zero. Fans who say we will finally see some decent purchases in the summer should prepare to be disappointmented. Wenger will cite diaby, wilshere and mertesacker as new signings, bringing back Joel Campbell from loan and promoting benik afobe. That's your defender, 2 midfielders and 2 strikers right there.