Can the old dog try some new tricks?

Change is needed, now!

Can the old dog try some new tricks?

Arsene: Surgery required

The draw against Norwich showed the glaring truths we all know and have known for some seven years now. Wenger is incapable of winning a trophy. He cannot or will not focus on the defence enough to have a cohesive back four, and it has cost us at least a few titles, and 47 goals this season alone. Half of our starting eleven just didn’t seem up for the game. Song cost us goals because he now believes he is the new Cesc. His licence-to-roam from Arsène has left our back four too unguarded too often. Ramsey I really feel for. He generally works his socks off, but yesterday he jogged back on defence during a Norwich counter at least twice. And his glaring miss only reinforces everyone’s opinion that he is simply not ready, nor good enough yet, to run our midfield. He is no Cesc either.

Szcz was at his worst, especially for the first and third goals. Why is it that every other team’s keeper seems to play like the best in the world at the Emirates? Just not ours. TV and Gibbs were all over the place, and now even our Dutch centre-back is looking like a rookie at times. And finally, how does the Ox not see more time? Gervinho had some decent second-half moments, but our young English winger has sat too long on the bench this season with poor performers in front of him. AOC at least has some spark, some energy, some directness. We need more of our players to play like him, and he is still a teenager! And RVP. There are those who say we are not a one-man team, but we would probably be mid-table at best without him. Take him out of our team and where would our goals come from? Park? Chamakh? Walcott? You’re having a laugh, right?

To fix all that is broken in our beloved club, some real surgery must take place this summer. No longer can we hold on to players who haven’t performed when given chance after chance. Wenger must show the fans and players a new side to his personality. A more ruthless side. One in which winning becomes paramount and money is used to guarantee that we compete in all the big tournaments and the league. He must learn some tactics and be able to adjust to win more close games. This is the mark of a truly great manager, one who understands that sometimes you just can’t play and win the way you want. Even Barça lost to Chelsea this year, and look where they are in the Premier League table. Does anyone really think they are one of the top two teams in the world this year? They just lost to Newcastle 2-0, remember, yet in the CL beat the best club team of its generation (one with our former captain, by the way!).

Wenger must bring in a better defensive coach, someone who has the nerve to stand up to him and the players and demand they work harder off the ball to get it back. We have too many prima donnas who Wenger reinforces with playing time and no criticism where and when it counts. Sure, we have talent, but do we truly develop it and a winning mentality at the same time? Or are these players cushioned, pampered, and living in a fantasy bubble of their own inflated egos with Wenger’s the largest of them all? I want to see Arsène next season yelling at his own players more than at the refs. I want to see players like Ramsey taken off when jogging back on a Norwich counter that leads to a goal. And Song benched the next game when he gives away the ball with a terrible pass that leads to the goal that could cost us the CL places. And our keeper rotated when his performances dip, to show him that he must improve and that his place is not without competition. That takes better players on the bench.

Is Wenger incapable of being a manager who can motivate the team to the next level? To a winning mentality? It sure seems that way. How many years has he had now to do things his way with no results? Does this club really only care about balanced books and profit? How boring, how uninspiring. Nobody watches any sport to dream of seeing their team or player finish third. Sure, many teams are nowhere near Arsenal’s level, but then their tickets don’t cost quite as much either, do they? I keep hearing from those that run the club and team that we are a big club. Then let’s start f***ing showing it! Podolski is a good start, but only if van Persie stays. Add Hazard, Vertonghen, and M’Vila and I think we could be on our way! Come on, let a fan dream of winning, not finishing third or fourth. We Gooners all know it’s possible - not even that far-fetched. But will the man who can change things change himself? Can he be courageous and intelligent enough to see that his methods aren’t working and form a new model? We’ll have to wait and see…what other choice do we have?

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  1. Tony Evans

    May 09, 2012, 13:19 #22069

    GoonerColesyboy - I just hope we get that 'other top striker' in the summer. Mind you it is the other end of the pitch that we really need to worry about - defending - what we used to be famous for!

  2. Brigham

    May 09, 2012, 12:21 #22068

    Everyone makes mistakes, the art to becoming a better person is learning from the mistakes you made. Something Wenger seems incapable of ever achieving.

  3. JER

    May 09, 2012, 12:18 #22067

    Gee - you seem to be playing Fantasy Football and forgetting about the home grown rule.

  4. goonercolesyboy

    May 09, 2012, 11:14 #22066

    @Tony Evans...Messi scored 72 goals,Barca's next top goal scorer was Cesc with 11 goals, the mancs have someone with about 10 maybe?, not sure who that is, a guess though...only Real Madrid shared the goals around with over 100 between Ronaldo Higuain and Benzema. I agree we need at least to take the Madrid model as the one to follow so with Podolski RVP and Walcott or another top striker would seal the deal don't you think? My only query of La Liga is the poor defending that goes on there on a weekly basis.

  5. Tony Evans

    May 09, 2012, 8:24 #22065

    Goonercolesyboy - re RVP the point is that Barca, Real and Manure have other quality players to step up to the plate if Messi, Ronaldo or Rooney get injured. OK may be not quite in the same league as the aforementioned but certainly better by a million miles then our sorry shower. Wenger is gambling with our football club and this time he got lucky. We will be soon be hearing how Diaby will be fully fit next season (not that he is fit to lace RVPs boots) but it's the same principle and I am fed up with Wenger never learning lessons from past mistakes.

  6. Mark rice

    May 09, 2012, 7:39 #22064

    Nothing will change!

  7. Arsene Whinger

    May 09, 2012, 6:48 #22063

    We showed mental toughness, character and quality to get a draw against Norwich and I am sure we will get our trophy (top four finish) come end of the season. I am sure if the quality of pitches was good, referees were not against us and other teams didnt play physically against us, we would have had a few more (less important) trophies in our cabinet.

  8. Greg71

    May 08, 2012, 22:48 #22062

    Lets be honest and realise that the money needed to bring wholesale changes will not be spent (a torres and a carroll put together at least ! ) how much is being invested in the scouting programme and how frustrating must it be to find players only for them to land up at a rival due to the haggling, All the players mentioned as potential targets-the common theme nobody from the british isles-yet !

  9. Ronster

    May 08, 2012, 22:42 #22061

    Old dogs Bertie Mee,Terry Neill and Don Howe were not afforded the opportunity......the situation at Arsene Football Club is barking mad.

  10. Unbeaten 03/04

    May 08, 2012, 21:30 #22060

    But will the man who can change things change himself? Can he be courageous and intelligent enough to see that his methods aren’t working and form a new model?.....I'm not holding my breath....!!!!

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 08, 2012, 20:52 #22059

    @ Peter Wain your right about some of our players having to much to say especially the younger ones like chezz he's a good keeper can be a great one but not the finished article walcott's another always letting us know lessons have been learnt and then proving himself wrong in the next game they'd be better off concentrating on their game on the pitch than talking about it.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 08, 2012, 20:22 #22058

    @ goonercolesyboy your right about RVP thank goodness all the injury predictions didn't come true he certainly was a joy to watch this season and lets hope it's not finished yet.

  13. GoonerGoal!

    May 08, 2012, 19:43 #22057

    As long as the money is piling in Kroenke, Gazidis, Wenger and his backroom staff, will remain. However, with their total disregard for us the fans, their penny pinching bargain basement buys, and their annual selling off of our greatest assets; it’s only a question of time before the club finally slides into loss making mediocre mid-table anonymity that is its inevitable destiny. Then and only then, will they even consider selling up to Usmanov. Hopefully events will transpire to ensure that time comes sooner than later. I fully expect RvP to head off for trophies and riches this summer, and to be honest I have no problem with that. He’s done his best despite Wenger trying to hamstring him by surrounding him with the hapless and the inept, and he may not be the last to leave this sinking ship. I have read many criticisms of Song, but I heard a week ago that Real Madrid were considering a bid for him. Next thing I know, 209 news sources are carrying stories of not just Song, but also Vermaelen being Mourinho targets, and we all know that all he has to do is offer enough money and Arsenal will bite his hand off. No doubt over the coming months we can then look forward to the usual Barcelona tactic of unsettling our players to kick in, as Wilshire and Szczesny become their primary targets! Hear that sound? That’s the sound of the whole of the spine of our team jetting off to warmer more successful climbs, but no need to worry, apparently Arsene knows!

  14. Peter Wain

    May 08, 2012, 19:30 #22056

    For far too longer the management of the club have been fixated on finishing either third or fourth to the detriment of the club. We need decent investment in the first team and if that takes Usmanov billions so be it. We have to buy top quality player not sub standard players like Gervinho. Our goal keeper should be told to keep his mouth shut and concentrate on his keeping. The mistakes he has made this season could have cost us a champions league spot already. Our left back should be shown how to defend and what positional play is all about. Above all though we need change at the very top. We do not need an owner who vists the club quarterly at best but someone who is their permanently.

  15. goonercolesyboy

    May 08, 2012, 19:17 #22055

    I do get tired of the what would we have done without RVP this season bollox...he didn't get injured and scored a ton of goals....what would Barcelona have done without Messi or Real Madris without Ronaldo or the mancs without Rooney?....we should just enjoy the fact that we watched a special player playing for us and winning us football matches...stop playing that tired he might get injured card...thanks.

  16. goonercolesyboy

    May 08, 2012, 17:48 #22054

    I take all the points onboard regarding moving players on. If we have to let them go for free then let's do it and free up the squad for the players we need...once again easier said than done. When their contracts expire is the key to this puzzle as when we let them go then they have to take whatever is on offer contract wise from other clubs surely, as they are no longer an Arsenal player? Just because we paid them too much is not our problem anymore and for them to get the best they can get, plus I would hope as they are young that they want to play, unlike Bogarde all those years ago at Chelsea who was on 35 grand a week and didn't even play.

  17. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 08, 2012, 17:43 #22053

    Ok chillax gents! He obviously was just thinking of "Dutch" because we signed him from Ajax and to be honest he might even have gotten into their side if he were actually born in Holland! Good solid article with a lot of strong points.

  18. Gee

    May 08, 2012, 17:42 #22052

    Agree with your final paragraph. Podolski is a decent start. If we were to add M'vila, Hazard/Gotze, another striker (Higuain?) and Vertonghen I think we are onto a winner for next season. The wages for all these lot can be funded by Almunia, Squillaci, Denilson, Vela, Bendtner, Arshavin, Djourou, Diaby, Park, Chamakh. Clean the squad aggressively. Bring the fresh steel in mentioned above and we are ready to challenge with a strong squad throughout. a 1st XI of Szcz, Sagna, Vermaelen, Koscielny, Gibbs, M'Vila, Arteta, Wilshere, Podolski, VP, Gotze. With a bench of Fabianski, Vertonghen, Rosicky, Ox, Ramsey, Higuain, Gervinho. Power, pace, strength, depth. And you'd still have players like Walcott to come in. We've always got injuries every season. this year we averaged 6 players out per game. Next year will be no different so the likes of Walcott, Ramsey, Ox will still get 15-20 starts each. This keeps everyone nice and fresh to compete for all 4 competitions until the late stages

  19. Nick

    May 08, 2012, 17:36 #22051

    Heres a question for you all , who, would you pick in our midfield next week, if you couldnt pick from Song and Ramsey ?, both players have been more than dissapointing recently, and should, if we could, be dropped. i guess our only options bearing in mind our injury list , would be Chamberlain and Coqqelien, the latter being employed as a defensive midfielder, with Rossicky as the main man, i believe that says a lot about our strength in depth, our two best players in those positions are both out injured, and our other option Diaby is seemingly perrenialy injured, the fact that all season we have been understrength in these positions, is in part misfortune and a larger part mismanagement, Wenger Gambled on Diabys fitness, and lost, in the same way he gambled on not replacing Vermallen last season , and he has gambled on going through the ENTIRE season with only one proper striker worthy of the name, i do not believe i would take a tip from him, to bet 50p each way on the national, in my view these gambles have cost us dearly, and if not for a remarkable return from RVP we would be sitting mid table right now, Wenger backs his own judgement to the hilt, even when it has been conclusively proved he is wrong, nothing is ever his fault, its the ref, or the pitch, or any other ludicrous idea that pops into his head, i believe the man to be a meglomaniac, albeit a well meaning one, therefore he is incapable of changing his ways, everyone else is wrong never him, i sincerely hope he proves me wrong but i honestly elieve we will never win so much as a tube of smarties in a raffle under his guidence ever again

  20. CanadaGooner

    May 08, 2012, 17:18 #22050

    Arsenal will finish 3rd this weekend only becaise Tottenham will fail to beat Fulham and Newcastle will fail to beat Everton. And that pretty much sums up this season. Question is: shall we continue to rely on other clubs failing to perform, to get us our cherished champions league qualification trophy? I'm sure sooner rather than later, some of these clubs will correct their mistakes and we just have to hope that by then Arsenal would have decided enough is enough and that we need to get back to being serious about winning things

  21. Passcloud

    May 08, 2012, 17:05 #22049

    Defense needs strengthening but as a whole the team has done well this season. RVP is not good by himself he relies on team for service. RVP was ineffective until chamakh came in to draw defenders away from him. This team reflects Wenger's good managerial skills. And please layoff the "our" syndrome! It taints your judgement against others.

  22. Ramgun

    May 08, 2012, 16:50 #22048

    Wenger will not change. Given that obvious fact, unless you are a barking mad Wenger disciple, you must know that nothing can improve until Wenger has gone.

  23. Theo Jensen

    May 08, 2012, 15:37 #22046

    Couple of people criticising Vermaelen here: Vermaelen has only had about 3 bad games this season and other than that I'd say he's been almost world class. If you watch him closely during matches when you're in the stadium you see how intelligent a player he is- he's been a massive part of the defence this season. I know he tries to get forward a lot, but to be honest, considering how many important goals he's scored it's probably Wenger telling him to do that! The same goes for Song- appears to have done far more work in training on through balls than the defensive side of his game. Wenger is an offensively-minded coach so this is what we can expect. I think it would have been better this season to play Song in the creative role of the Midfield three (instead of Ramsey who lacks creativity) with Arteta & Frimpong/Coquelin in CDM roles.

  24. harshil kachhawa

    May 08, 2012, 15:28 #22045

    Seriously, we need to have all the players on their toes when they are not performing. I mean how many times have we seen Walcott giving frustrating performances. I do not have a count of the no of games he was not seen on the pitch. But he has always been on the starting XI. And this is just one example, there are a host of players secured of their first team places without a doubt and can perform in any way they want as they'll not get any sticks from our beloved manager. This is the only thing that has kept Man U in the driving seat this season. Everybody knows ManU were playing with a very average squad but still they are at the top and we are not gonna reach them even if we get 10 extra games. Wenger has to be harsh on his players, there is no other choice. Bould would help him sort out the defense a bit but not the attitude of our players.

  25. Highbury Boy

    May 08, 2012, 15:23 #22044

    It doesn't work like that Goonercolesyboy (Post 24258). Players like Almunia have simply refused to move out because they have long term contracts (I think his expires this month) on high wages and they refuse to take a wage cut. It seems last week-end he even refused to go out on loan for one match. All within his rights. Arsenal's policy in recent years to free up a squad place and to hope to entice a buyer for an unwanted player has been to put them out on loan in the shop window sometimes paying a big chunk of their wages. Unfortunately what's happened is that players like Bendtner have only shown to the market what we knew ,but Wenger and/or Gazidis seemingly didn't, is that these £12m + rated players on £52k pw are not worth anything like that. The policy of giving lucrative long term contracts to a great number of young players in the hope that in a rising market some could be sold at a big profit has backfired spectacularly. The market for the "super stars" who are wanted by the rich clubs is still there and rising. We saw that last year with Cesc and Nasri. No doubt VP could command a top price despite his age,just one year left on his contract and his past injury record but the majority of clubs cannot afford to take our surplus squad players without a massive incentive from us in the form of perhaps zero fee for Bendtner ,down from around the £12m asking fee last year or in many cases us contributing to wages and/or being content to a proportion of any sell-on fee. Without Arsenal biting the bullet we will continue to have players and wages clogging up our system preventing us from signing players and paying market wages to the VPs of the world.

  26. Graham Simons, Gooner

    May 08, 2012, 14:36 #22043

    I actually think our defence is better than our famous back four in terms of ability. The problem is they haven't been coached effectively and show no signs of ever reaching their full potential. As for Cesc, I'm not sure our league position would be much improved had he stayed. The key stat is we tend to lose points in matches in which Arteta has not played. There's a lesson in that. Arteta, who was managed by Moyes, works 10 times harder than any of his midfield mates. That's why we don't tend to lose concentration or ship stupid goals when he's in the team. The lesson for Wenger is either to sign players with a strong mentality a la Arteta or drill this in the players themselves. The fact that these guys repeatedly make the same mistakes over and over again reveals that either they don't listen to Arsene or they aren't afraid of him. I vote that Arsenal replace Wonder of You with Iron Maiden's 1986 song Deja Vu

  27. Nick

    May 08, 2012, 14:36 #22042

    Can Wenger change ? NO !!!

  28. DW Thomas

    May 08, 2012, 14:11 #22041

    Sorry. Meant Belgian defender when referring to TV.

  29. CT Gooner

    May 08, 2012, 13:55 #22040

    Alan Greenspan is an intelligent man, but it took a global meltdown for him to see how flawed his ideas were. Unfortunately Arsene seems to be following the same path. This season has shown me that for us to compete with the elites, we need to use our "limited" resources for more wisely. To me that means paying appropriately and not holding players you have no intention of playing

  30. Paul

    May 08, 2012, 13:49 #22039

    Who is this Dutch Centre Back? he must be bad i didnt even know he was on the pitch. I saw belgian centre back...

  31. Ron

    May 08, 2012, 13:38 #22038

    Goonercolesyboy - Youre dead right but seriously, if you were a coach somewhere would you really look at any of them and think 'I might buy him'? Im not sure anybody would, certainly not at the top level in the game anyway. In truth, a new coach (im talking here of a top coach working unfettered by the Board's dictat)would almost certainly gut that squad of Wengers and get shot of many, if not most of them. Id venture to say, that RVP and Wilshere might be the only ones guaranteed to survive a cull. Theyre that weak. The words 'mental strength' should be electronically removed from Wengers brain. Hes either having a sinister laugh, tongue in cheek when ever he says it or he is truly and totally disturbed. Any fan who has watched Arsenal over the last 5 years at least knows that Wenger has accumulated a sqaud full of chokers and carefree bottlers. Last Saturday can be added to the massive litany of evidence.

  32. ATID

    May 08, 2012, 13:36 #22037

    Only the AKBs should have been surprised at this result. Pre-match discussion in the pub focussed on the current squad's inability to motivate themselves for early kick offs and games against run of the mill opposition. Without RVP's outstanding season we would be in the bottom half of the table. Why should things change next season when this season has seen all of our failings of the previous few come back to haunt us? When it is eight, nine or even ten years since we last won something how many AKBs will there be left? Only one team in London? yes, but they happen to play in blue.

  33. Jimmy

    May 08, 2012, 13:33 #22035

    @goonercolesyboy (Post 24258) Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your point, but a player under contract does not HAVE to accept a new contract for less money at another club. He can just refuse to leave, which I suspect is what has happened with a number of players in recent years. You can argue that they should show some ambition and leave to play more regular football, but they have been brainwashed by OGL into believing they are world beaters so why would they not think they could still succeed at Arsenal?

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 08, 2012, 13:18 #22034

    Your right DW we've all known the glaring truths for far to long unfortunately the only person that doesn't know is the manager or he does know and is to stubborn to do anything about it and it has certainly cost us over the years some of the players are actually getting worse.Its all been said before a clear out has to happen and that includes coaches steve bould is supposed to be not interested then a rumor started to float about that he is to be the new assistant manager that would be a good start but we're all used to rumors. I agree why players keep getting picked when they are completely out of form and not even looking like improving doesn't make sense.Anyway big changes are needed and that is obvious but will they ? can the manager change or does he even want to ? the last seven years tells us no.

  35. goonercolesyboy

    May 08, 2012, 13:09 #22033

    The only arguement for awarding contracts that I can see is to be able to sell them for a fee at some point and recoup some money. Of course who wants to buy them is your question and that is a problem but surely some team will buy Denilson, Vela, Chamakh, Bendtner, Djourou etc....the player will then have to take a new contract as part of the deal and get paid less or am I in cloud cuckoo land?

  36. Tony Evans

    May 08, 2012, 12:58 #22032

    I keep coming back to the fact that Wenger put all his faith this season in one decent striker (RVP obviously), who is injury prone to boot; and you wonder what is going on at our club. Add to that the virtually ever present defensive disorganisation (particularly defensive midfield and left back) and you despair of ever seeing an Arsenal team again that we can be really proud of. Ron is right, in my opinion, with his comments about Szcezney, who only looks good because we are comparing him to a keeper like Almunuia. I think he will be a great keeper but he needs an experienced pro to learn from. Where do we go from here with Wenger and Kronke at the helm? Can we expect any different next season? Sadly I don't think so.

  37. divingrooney

    May 08, 2012, 12:42 #22031

    Amazingly, we are third in the league. Yes, ahead of CL finalist Chelsea, who spend 100mn pounds a year, and the best Spuds team in a generation. Just think and enjoy... PS: Till Fergie retires Man Utd will always be ahead of us, by hook or CROOK. ManCity like Chelsea, deserve to ahead of us due to sheer amount of money power they have. So, why does anyone think we should be third. And if you want to point to ticket prices, then well don;t buy the bloody ticket

  38. goonercolesyboy

    May 08, 2012, 11:56 #22030

    Not seen any footage of M'Vila but he is a good player apparently? and that seems like a done deal too....about time Song has someone to push and or replace good as his assists have been his defensive awareness has recently been shambolic. The whole squad needs quality competition for places so Vertonghen next please and one more experienced keeper....if that happens then we might get back to challenging properly or at least keeping up with both mancs.

  39. Highbury Boy

    May 08, 2012, 11:16 #22026

    Unfortunately leopards do not change their spots. Wenger's most recent complaint is that the limit to the size of the PL squad means that he just cannot go out and buy a player without an existing squad player leaving. This summer it is highly likely that most of the 19 players out on loan "to gain experience" according the the official site will be returned as not wanted. This includes Bendtner, Denilson,Vela and probably Arshavin. Only a new manager will be ruthless and get rid of at least 12 players even if it means offloading at a loss and possibly having to pay off the balance of certain players contracts.Whilst I am sure that Chamakh, Park ,Mannone, Benhayoun and Almunia will be going it is very likely that in addition to the 4 above coming back there are others like Diaby,Squillaci,Djourou and Fabianski who he will be reluctant to let go. He is very loyal to his players and has secured high wages on long term contracts for them. Only a new manager can look at these players objectively.

  40. Gare Kekeke

    May 08, 2012, 11:12 #22025

    Change is required in so many ways. Wenger has to start being more ruthless to his players. Song is a good player in his own right but should remember his role in the team. Hopefully a fully fit Wilshire will see this. But then Wilshire himself is still relatively unproven as he’s only had one full season in our first team so we shouldn’t expect too much from him, especially as he will be recovering from a long-term injury. He’s still developing. If players aren’t playing well over a period, they should be dropped. Simples. It’s not rocket science. Wenger shouldn’t feel the need to over-indulge them or protect them. Other managers don’t do it, why should Wenger? A new winning mentality is badly required. Games like Saturday have been too common in recent years and should not be treated as the exception. A team driven with a desire to win, which comes from the manager would have seen it out as soon as RVP made it 3-2. Instead the players rested on their laurels, thinking there was no way back for Norwich. Us fans knew it wasn’t over, but not the players. Regardless of whoever is the No.2 after Rice, he must be allowed to have a say in terms of tactics, coaching and challenging Wenger from time to time. If he can improve our defending, Wenger should appoint him without a doubt. But the board have to recognise too that our remit as a club with a great history and tradition is to compete for honours and challenge Wenger to do this. Boasting healthy profits should not be the be-all-and-end-all for OUR club. And most of those profits come from player sales. An overhaul is badly required in so many ways but personally I can only see just a few changes which is likely to be just a few new players and not the many changes required meaning we could be talking the same thing this time next year. I hope I’m wrong but I’m not holding my breath. Up The Arsenal!

  41. Jason

    May 08, 2012, 11:01 #22024

    Bad start and a poor finish will sum up the season.3rd place should've been wrapped up a few weeks back.We can't afford another slip up on Sunday.It will be a party atsmophere at W.B.A.Our players are far too easily distracted.They don't concentrate enough.

  42. southcoastarsenal

    May 08, 2012, 10:58 #22023

    Podolski is left sided & tends to play up front on his own. We play one up front & even teams that play 4-4-2 would tend not to have 2 left sided strikers. RVP has refused to discuss a new contract, was not accompanied by anybody from Arsenal to receive his PFA award & stayed out later than Wenger's 9pm curfew. I think Steve Palmer is deluded that Wenger has started to spend & there is more to come. There will be more spending, again dwarfed by transfer fees received including RVP. And simply looking at our steady decline is testament that we are not "on the up"

  43. rudytel

    May 08, 2012, 10:46 #22022

    AW is an intelligent man so you would really think and hope that he would be able to admit to himself that his footballing ethos is no longer effective and that he needs to alter and adapt his philosophy on the game. He is coming under ever increasing scrutiny and criticism from fans, media and expert pundits and it would be such a shame if he allowed this to continue to snowball until he is openly ridiculed by the media and hounded out by the fans. Everyone on tv is having a sly dig at him lately, Lineker is just a helmet but Kamara is beginning to P**s me off. Goals on Sunday for two weeks in row they analyse a clip of AW's reluctant end of game handshake and they all snigger blah blah. To be fair his demeanour could be a bit warmer but who cares. He is fast becoming a joke and it's not nice to see. I hope he can change because I fear that he is with us for a long while to come.

  44. Tom

    May 08, 2012, 10:30 #22021

    Yeah our defence have been poor but it has no protection from midfield, perhaps the solution is to invest in a solid holding midfielder and give Song a licence to get forward more. He has provided some quality assists for Robin this season so give him a licence to do that and have player who is more disciplined behind him. The idea that we are going to sign Hazard is comical and M'Vila is going to cost a lot of money too. Someone like Felliani from Everton is more of a realistic target and he is used to the prem so would fit right in. Personally if someone had said to me we would be in third with one game to go after we got beat 8-2 i would have laughed at them. Wenger has his flaws no doubt about that but it could be worse and if you want to spend loads of cash then look at Liverpool and the amount of money they wasted last summer, solid signings are needed.

  45. Ron

    May 08, 2012, 10:19 #22020

    The Keeper isnt that good. He s an OK reserve. Nothing more. Perhaps a few more have now at last seen through him and his media bluster. Hes not alone though in fairness. Ive never seen a more weak kneed, flaky sqaud since the mid 60s. Wenger is so lucky to be working in a pretty average League.

  46. Moscow Gooner

    May 08, 2012, 10:11 #22019

    Park is a mystery wrapped in an enigma framed by a riddle... A truly odd signing - and given no chance to prove himself one way or another. Surely you need a minimum run of 10 to 12 games in the Premiership to make a proper judgement? On Chamakh: always believed him to be pretty useless - given the style of football we play. Against Norwich he looked fairly useful as a counterpoint to RvP when he came on. But it s hard to see that he has any future with Podolski around. I m probably in a minority of one in hoping that Arshavin comes back: he s looked very good at Zenit - helping them to win the league. Played in the right role, just behind RvP (and/or Podolski) he could do a good job for us... Even in his last game (at Sunderland) he created the winner.

  47. Mike

    May 08, 2012, 9:43 #22018

    It strange calling for Hazard and M'villa. These will be typical Arsene signings -has anyone actually watched these guys week in and week out or are you going on newspaper reports about how good they are. Didn't see too much of them in the CL, nor in the World Cup, so maybe they come to the fore in the Euro's. They are showing great potential but they are not established players - much like Ramsey - how much longer does Arsene persist with him. Song was the young african player of the year when he was bought several years ago and also had potential. Be careful as to what you want - is it established players or potentially good players. Padolski is at least coming in with a track record

  48. Dominic

    May 08, 2012, 9:42 #22017

    The Ox is still young, 18 or 19. Too many games before he is fully grown and we might end up losing him for a season, like Wilshere.

  49. chris dee

    May 08, 2012, 9:42 #22016

    Chesney was awful. Wenger has stuck him in goal without a shred of dfenesive organisation to protect him. He is a very talented kid who should be slowly introduced into the first team. The pressure on him is intense as he does not have a competent defence in front of him like another young goalie, Joe Hart. If we had had an experienced goalkeeper our goal against would have been far better as it is also a goalkeepers role to make defenders aware of their defensive positions. Even Fat Boy Paul Robinson or Brad Freidal would have improved the defence giving Chesney valuable time to grow into the role. But no, Wenger will keep him as number one until his confidence is shattered and we will have to look for another goalie. Can't let Saturday go by without a comment. I have often been left speechless and stunned in recent years by some of the lackadaisical,laid back and indifferent performances by the team when even a smidgeon of expectation is placed on them but Saturdays match was a humdinger. The buck stops with the manager.

  50. Judge Fred

    May 08, 2012, 9:41 #22015

    We defended horribly against Norwich but I am less inclined to blame the defenders than I am the supposed cover they should be getting from midfield. I could not work out who the defensive midfielders were against Nowrich, as all of them were trying to play centre forward with RvP. Hence the back four were hopelessly exposed on the break time and again. The team has no discipline in midfield and therefore no shape or balance. I cannot believe how awful the rest of the PL is - we have been treading water in 3rd place for weeks now and no-one has been good enough to take advantage.

  51. Arsene is a Fraudster

    May 08, 2012, 9:34 #22014

    You will get comments like Pat's and others who will only focus on the glaring mistake that TV is of course Belgian. But to get back to the main point, you are correct however you have said nothing that hasn't been said a million times before. Seeing Wenger yet again moan and go on like the world is against him and his team last Saturday was simply embarrassing. We have left it to the last game of the season and it is squeaky bum time indeed. We could easily finish 5th and it will only be his fault, due to the insisitence with the mediocrity in the squad. He's bought Podolski, can he buy others quickly before the summer is out? If he does, and with our legend from the Potteries that is Mr Bould maybe, just maybe we could be seeing what we should of seen years ago: Arsene admitting that he got it very very wrong. Time to push your ego and silly little pet project to one side once and for Mr Wenger all and start doing what you are paid millions for, which is doing the absolute best for the club, not yourself.

  52. harshil kachhawa

    May 08, 2012, 9:12 #22013

    Nothing on your post is worth reading EXCEPT for the 4th para. This is one thing that can do wonders, Wenger should start yelling at them or rather make them sit on the bench for the next game and introduce them in the second if things are not going well. I am definitely sure Coqulein can give Song a competition for his place if given a chance. And playing Aaron in so many different places and also in every game, how stupid can you be. He should be made to sit for 3-4 games and given 10 mins in the end. He'll have the desire to fight for his place. And i guess this goes for a lot of them - Vermalean, Ramsey, Walcott. I hope Bould gets a new dimension to the team otherwise we can only hope for a trophy for more Wenger years to come.

  53. Steve Palmer

    May 08, 2012, 9:08 #22012

    You make our manager sound like he is a complete fool, what you have failed to say is that if we make Champions League this year it will mean we have finished in the top four for sixteen years on the trot, look at the managers below us are they all fools as well. The two teams who are above us are wealthy clubs who have spent millions to be where they are United who have built their stadium over many years and City who had the nation build theirs we on the other hand built ours the hard way with no help whatsoever not even Islington council would not help and how much have we given them, we are now in a good financial position and Wenger has started to spend one player so far and no doubt more to come, in all that time of building and moving we have maintained our position in the top four a magnificent achievment and you criticise one of the alltime best Arsenal managers ever, shame on you. This man has kept us up there and we are on the up.

  54. Flintstone

    May 08, 2012, 9:07 #22011

    A new owner,definitely,who is business minded but will share the fans vision,even AW will like to see his shackle broken free from the old regime. AW used to have vision that the new stadium will bring financial clout to compete with top clubs in the league and Europe but AW has worked financial miracles to keep the owners in the black now it becomes a greedy owners's habit. So only a new owner who has the clout,vision and love of football will propel Arsenal back to its rightful place. The present owner loves his investment,but not a football club.

  55. Angry & Frustrated

    May 08, 2012, 9:02 #22010

    Change may well indeed be needed, but don't hold your breath cos this leopard can't and won't change his spots. Nothing will change until Wenger has gone, and the ony way for that to happen is to stop attending games. The club are only interested in our money, and by starving them of this commodity is the only way to ultimately get our club back from this revolting money grabbing happy to finish 4th regime.

  56. 555

    May 08, 2012, 8:50 #22009

    Why everyone keep sticking Park? Effectively, the guy didn't play this season. Why scapegoating him over again? There is no reason to say he uncapable to score goals, because nobody knows it, that simple. I don't know, you don't know, nobody knows. BTW the only full match he played this season he scored.

  57. steve

    May 08, 2012, 8:36 #22008

    it is the midfield players not picking up there players, no back four can handle that. but martin keown as def coach would be the nuts

  58. Dan h

    May 08, 2012, 8:31 #22007

    Hazard no chance too much money & will be like Nasri will jump ship at the first opportunity.M'Vila is the player AW wants a lot does seem to rest on CL qualification.Vertonghen as well there seems to be some truth in that player as well.If we sign both as well as Podolski we have much more strength in depth.Release or take minimal fees for our squad players who we know we won't be giving new contracts to & maybe we will be going in the right direction.I also believe we are looking for an experienced back up GK but so much of this does seem to rest on sundays outcome!

  59. Fozzy's mate

    May 08, 2012, 8:29 #22006

    Song and TV are classic Wenger. Song took 5 years to become a decent holding player. Personally for a club of our stature I don't think we can wait that long. However with OGLs admitted blessing he now charges forward leaving the back door open. If he is to be the playmaker fine but someone else has gotta defend and if forward thinking where are his goals. In his first season TV looked a class centre back. But at times this year he has been all over the place, Milan, QPR and sat are just 3 examples. On saturday at One nil how many times did he pass the ball and charge into the centre forward spot? This led directly to their 2nd goal. Defence is of no concerns to weng evidenced by his defensive players wanting to play up front!

  60. Pat

    May 08, 2012, 8:27 #22005

    "our Dutch centre-back is looking like a rookie at times" As far as I know, we do not have a single Dutch defender in the first team, in fact the only Dutch player in our 25 man squad is Robin.