Would we swap Champions League this year for better things next year?

Deal or no deal?

Would we swap Champions League this year for better things next year?

Podolski – Good signing

There are very few moments in my life that I get as frustrated as I do when watching Arsenal. Watching them on a blurry stream against Norwich, one thing was crystal clear - we just aren't good enough. As harsh and abrupt as it sounds, any team that concedes three goals at home to Norwich at the most critical part of a Premier League campaign deserves nothing less than a hammering. Arsène Wenger needs to tell them that their performance was unacceptable. FYI, Arsène throwing a water bottle at the ground does not qualify as a telling off.

The question I'm asking you is, would you take fifth place this year and get third place along with the F.A Cup next year? It's an interesting proposal. Obviously, some would ask why can't we take third now and get it next year with the Cup? My answer to that question is that we've been attempting to do that for seven years now, and the latter has constantly failed to deliver. So would we trade our reputation as the team who always reaches the Champions League just so we can finally put that hoodoo to bed? Finally acquiring a cup would be great to put in the E******s trophy cabinet, and would at long last shut the scum up about their heroic Carling Cup win, when they triumphed against all the odds to add to their illustrious history.

The game against Norwich was a series of defensive calamities. Tony Adams would be cringing at that back four every time he watches. Contradictorily, I am a big admirer of Koscielny and Vermaelen, so I don't have a problem in that area (that is, when they're both fit). I don't know what went wrong against Norwich. However, one thing I do know is that it's only the second time Norwich have scored more than two goals away from home, in all competitions this year.

Arsenal need to start standing up and helping themselves. Any team that does what Arsenal did today doesn't deserve anything given to them. There is no point droning on and on about how we need a CB or LB or whatever you individually think we need, because Wenger will do what he wants in the transfer-window, not what needs to be done. I am in full support of Wenger, but there must be a change transfer-wise. Podolski is arguably one of the best signings he has made; a fully-fledged international and a goal-ratio anybody would be proud of make £10 million a snip.

That solves our reliability on the van Persie problem - that is, if we blindly assume that RVP will dedicate himself to a side that lets his hard work go to complete waste time and time again. But we are in desperate need of another commanding centre-half and midfield powerhouse, and if Newcastle don't make the Champions League, we have got to go for Tiote. I rate him as the best holding midfielder in the Premier League right now. No, I don't include Yaya Toure as a holding midfielder.

We need a centre-back simply because Djourou is shocking and Mertesacker is the nicest 6ft 6 bloke in the world. With these two additions, we can really challenge for things next year and finally put an end to the trophy drought that has put us on par with Spurs.

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  1. JER

    May 11, 2012, 12:20 #22201

    Wenger is denying the M'Vila interest and insists that transfer activity will be 'quiet'. So don't hold your breath.

  2. Alastair Kerr

    May 11, 2012, 9:49 #22189

    Wenger has just said on Arsenal.CON that he expects a quiet transfer market. Podolski I fear will be the only big name signing, possibly as a replacement for Van Persie. Forget about M'Vila, Vertonghen etc, any other transfers will be the usual low budget material. Arsenal's philosophy re: Champions League football is solely geared to the financial benefits as we always fall short on the football field. I expect nothing to change next season at Arsenal, my faith has been eroded bit by bit over the previous 4 or 5 seasons.

  3. chris dee

    May 11, 2012, 9:18 #22186

    Shows how far we have fallen behind with this type of article. United,Chelsea now City are only interested winning trophies every year but us? Nah ! We're talking like Spurs and Newcastle fans who are happy just to be in the top four. Incidentally, Adrian Durham and Darren Gough on Talk Trash radio continue to ridicule,insult and demean our club on a daily basis for no other reason other than they loath and hate Arsenal.

  4. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    May 11, 2012, 9:01 #22185

    Certainly agree that Podolski, Higuain, Vertongen, and perhaps M’Villa (to be honest don’t know much about him) would be decent additions (Eden Hazard looks beyond our means, unfortunately). Problem is even if we got rid of the rubbish: Almunia, Mannone, Chamakh, Squillaci, Djourou, Denilson, Park - we would still be left with the substandard: Mertesacker, Fabianski, Diaby, Gervinho, Gibbs, Santos, Song, Bendtner, Wallcot, Vela, the players hovering around the questionable: like Jenkinson and Ramsey and those who will leave soon or are getting on a bit (like Benayoun and Rosicky). That leaves a squad – not a team - to be built around Sz, Sagna, TV, Kos, Jack, Arteta, Ox and RvP. Quite simply, such an undertaking is beyond our means. Beyond our means because since moving from Highbury to the Soccerbowl, the huge amounts of money pouring into the coffers has gone on ridiculous wages and Board members cashing in on their shares. To quote John Lydon (a fellow Gooner) at the last Sex Pistols concert: ‘Ever felt you’ve been cheated?’

  5. Gee

    May 10, 2012, 23:06 #22178

    Build a solid squad with quality cover. We've got Podolski that's a good start. Now get vertonghen, mvila, gotze and higuain. Flog dead wood of about 10 players keep vp and the squad is brimming. Sell squillaci, djourou, denilson, diaby, arshavin, vela, bendtner, park, chamakh. Replenish with vertonghen, mvila, gotze, Podolski, higuain. And we are roaring with talent and depth. Gk Szczesny/Fabianski rb sagna/jenks lb gibbs/santos cb verm, mert, kos, vert dm song/mvila cm wilshere/arteta/ramsey/rosicky att walcott/gerv/ox/gotze fwd vp/Podolski/higuain that squad would compete in 4 competitions for the full season

  6. Wombledin

    May 10, 2012, 22:40 #22175

    I'd take dropping out of the top 4 in a flash if it meant the end of Wenger's mouse wheel going around and around but going nowhere. And maybe a shake-up at the ownership level. Since when has being in the Champions League for the last 7 years enabled us to buy top quality, prime players, because we havn't, Wenger's just bought the same old type of player. It will be a few steps back in terms of revenue but it will usher in a new regime that will get the club challenging for top honours again, not just coasting it. Wenger out, no matter what!

  7. GoonerRon

    May 10, 2012, 21:29 #22172

    It would be an interesting question to ask Van Persie, I rather suspect he'd prefer to be playing in the CL next season.

  8. rudytel

    May 10, 2012, 20:49 #22169

    No deal... 3rd or even 4th is the bare minimum requirement if RvP is to stay. Things are looking promising so far with Podolski already on the way and Bould as our new no 2. Would love to see Tiote sitting in front of our back four grafting and clearing up the mess that Song so often neglects. Quality CB needed but Djourous new contract really makes you wonder, back up for Sagna is a must. Attack Mid..there's talk of M'vila, Hoilett and Dempsey, anyone of these would be a refreshing and realistic signing. Sorry to 'drone on'.

  9. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 10, 2012, 19:20 #22165

    thats been the problem with this team over the years with the attitude there's always next year then there's always next year but never doing anything about it sticking with the same old dross then buying dross same tired coaching/tactics wrong attitude thats what went wrong against norwich and against the other's.Your right there's no point going on about who we need but podolski is a good start and with the news of bould hopefully times are a changing and with two or three more arrivals and the dross out maybe the emirates trophy cabinet will get a resident next season although i'm sure it's out of date by now and will have to be replaced also.

  10. allybear

    May 10, 2012, 18:08 #22160

    Agree with you Spectrum as i dont think Arsenal will change with Wenger at the helm. I know he is held in high esteem but i personally think that he needs to go,he has been in charge too long. Podolski could be very good&i think Dempsey would be a good addition too. As usual there is no mention of defenders. Maybe Steve Bould will shake things up!

  11. exiled&dangerous

    May 10, 2012, 17:44 #22159

    For me, it is simple. League title should be the priority, every year. Any other cups, including the Champions/Runners-up/Also-rans Gravy Train league, are just a bonus, regardless of your league form. And so by my perverse logic, finishing third and winning no cups should be better than finishing, say, eighth and winning the league cup, right? Well, not really, not when third is currently nineteen points behind first. To bring a little perspective, the day of the defeat at Blackburn, I traipsed into my local and said to a mate that my weekend was ruined and it was only half-past two on a Saturday - his reply - "oh, you poor bloody Arsenal fans." His team - WBA. I think he has enjoyed his team this season.

  12. bard

    May 10, 2012, 17:25 #22158

    Interesting question. You could argue what's the point of being in the champions league if we never have a team that looks like it can win it. Presumably to trousering the extra revenue is the answer.

  13. Mike

    May 10, 2012, 16:46 #22155

    Agree with a lot of your sentiment although sometimes things just don't go as planned. I am excited about Padolski, but he has had two phases in his career so far - one successful and one where he was a relative failure. That is the problem - people are looking at other clubs to see what they have got. There is nothing wrong with our squad once everyone is fully fit - granted we need some depth - we have now got Padolski - M'vila is on his way by all accounts - there is talk of Dempsey. Surely the squad is as good as anybodies - You quoted Tiote, who was never hear about prior to this season, but now he is one of the best midfielders in the league. Let see what happens next season when the opposition have his number. People wanted Demba Ba -prior to this season he was an average forward with a dodgy knee who played for a side that got relegated. And then there is Cisse - before the new year people didn't know he existed - all three played for Newcastle who are the surprise package of the season - will they continue this into next season - none of those players are brilliant - they didn't pay a fortune for them, they have had one good season and yet there are people wanting us to sign them. Song, Wilshire and even Frimpong are equivalent

  14. Spectrum

    May 10, 2012, 15:25 #22149

    "Challenge for things next year" ? Pull the other one. New players will only help if they have a competent manager that can get the best out of them, and who can adopt and adapt tactics to suit both them and the situation.Wenger is not the man to do this.He doesn't even play people in their correct positions F.F.S. ! He can't motivate, and in fact acts as a father figure to the players, rather than applying discipline and organisation. No wonder the squad is lacklustre and underperforms, especially in defence. We won't win the league until the ignorant board wake up to the fact that Wenger is tactically clueless, and is a poor man-manager, which results in us dropping points consistently in pressure matches, and against teams we should be beating.And either moves him upstairs, or preferably sacks him.Because he's too proud and egotistical to leave voluntarily. Maybe finishing 4th or worse might be the catalyst for this process to begin. Short term pain for long term gain.Hopefully Pep will be interested and available to take over when we inevitably collapse ( yet again ) next season.If not, press the replay button. "In Arsene we rust."

  15. RJ

    May 10, 2012, 14:50 #22148

    Interesting premise - my view being as frustrated by last Saturday as everybody else: not make Champs League this year => £40ish million less in the bank => (under self sustaining) we cannot invest in the team heavily => we probably lose RVP => we are less likely to make 3rd next season and certainly less likely to win Cup as it is not a Wenger priority. Personally, I am in the camp of Premier League and Champs League are the prizes - FA Cup nice to have but a lottery, League Cup - meh, but I would take it.