And the second rule of Arsène club is...

You DO NOT talk about Arsène-club!

And the second rule of Arsène club is...

Addicted to power?

Warning: this article is the product of a diseased mind. The person who wrote this is probably dangerous. This could be written by the sweet but slightly weird-looking guy who sits near you on match days. This article could have been written by you. When did you last sleep?

Firstly, thank you for gathering here today. It is here and only here that we can fully escape from our petty problems and talk about the only thing that truly matters in each of our cookie-cutter, carbon-copy, mindless little worker-bee lives. You are not your job! You are not your age! You are not your bank balance, your national insurance number, and you are most certainly not who you imagine yourself or dream to be. You are not your television commercials, you are not your high-up tube-train advertisements. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. We are all part of the same stinking compost-heap. We are all the members of a semi-anonymous weekend club where we vent our weekly frustrations and pent-up rage whist forming an iron ring of angry Ikea furniture-owning men while some other dudes go at it 100mph in the middle of that beautiful ring. You are not your gender. Never ever question your sexuality. Pull a lever. Push a button. The first primates shot into space didn't understand any of it and then they just died. Alone and confused.

You are an Arsenal space monkey and I am Tyler Durden, and I am here to tell you the truth. I don't want your money. I don't want your friendship. I don't want your pity or admiration. I just want what exactly you want. I want to WIN and, yes, I want you to be part of that victory.

Wiser men than me have said "a people will always get the government they deserve." If you agree with that mightily profound statement, then you might just take a small leap of imagination with me and apply the same logic to the multi-million-dollar football club formerly known as Arsenal F.C.

For you see. my fellow Arsenal space-monkeys, the logic says that if governments can brainwash people into accepting a much s***tier deal in life, they will. They do this because it maximises their profit, wealth and level of power over you. Expectation management. And then you just die.

This is going to hurt. This is going to burn worse than you have ever been burned before, but I can assure you that the coming pain is a necessary step in your impending enlightenment.

Arsène Wenger has lied to you. That's right, face it! Face your fear! He told us he would step down when he realised that he could not take us any further. He lied to us because either he is addicted to the power that he has amassed at Arsenal over the years or he is just in deep denial. Probably both. Let us take a look at this collection of little quotes that just rolled off of his slippery, forked, politician’s tongue after the Norwich fiasco. I will then of course be adding my own haiku-writing, enlightened Tibetan Monk-style thoughts to each one.

Let me be the crashing yang to the delicate yin of Arsène.

“I feel mentally we were not switched on to play a game of that stature in the first half”.

I am Jack's complete and utter lack of surprise.

Oh...We were not mentally switched on! Well, that's ok then. That's just great! For a minute there, I thought we were gonna have a major problem. Just one question for ya, guy - who is responsible for the players being "switched on", as you call it? Last time I checked, it was your f***ing job to do that, you steaming, freshly-applied human butt-wipe! You better find the "ON" switch sometime soon, Monsignor, or the Arsenal-supporting waiter at your next lavish supporter-funded banquet might just pass an amount of urine directly into your soup, fart on your meringue or add a special ingredient to your peach cobbler.

“We were absolutely poor defensively today, which is quite surprising because recently we have been solid."

Take a look at our goals-conceded tally, and come back here and tell me that we have been solid. We concede on average more than a goal a game, and you are going to tell me porkie-pies like "we have been solid". I'm not sure if you believe in your own bulls**t or not but, when I hear those words coming from your lips, I start to worry. Your team has no defensive game-plan at all! The only decent holding-midfielder in the squad is inexplicably asked to play as an attacking midfielder, and our defenders are constantly let down by the players in front of them. Your whole game-plan is based upon your obsession with retaining possession, but you completely ignore the reality that you also have to have a contingency plan for when you finally lose the ball. If your midfielders are not winning the ball, or covering for defenders who are out of position when an attack breaks down, you will achieve nothing. Remember Petit, Vieira and Gilberto Silva? Anyone?

“We came back into the game, we had a great second half, but again we made the mistakes at the back which were absolutely unbelievable. It is a big disappointment because when you come back into the game like we did from 2-1 and then give a goal away in the way that we did. At the back everybody was absolutely horrendous for the third goal. It is just not acceptable. We can play them offside with a bit of intelligence and I feel that the way we conceded the goal was just unexplainable.”

Not acceptable? Yes. Horrendous? Yes. Unexplainable? What the f*** are you waffling on about? This is very much the house that Jack built now, or rather the squad that Arsène built, and the buck must stop with you right now. You simply cannot coach the defensive side of the game. Arsène. You are not going to catch everybody offside 100% of the time and to rely solely on the offside trap is simply pure and utter garbage coaching. Toilet management. 100% Recycled toilet-paper management system. Bring back Tony Adams, Martin Keown and Lee Dixon to do the work that you obviously do not want to do. You can develop Wilshere, Chamberlain and co into future superstars, but you are never going to produce a defender like Puyol, Terry, Ferdinand, Vidic or Tony Adams. It's just not your thing. Don't cry Arsène... It's ok... At least you are half a decent coach. Hey listen; if you want to see real pain why don't you swing by "Remaining men together", the testicular cancer group that meets at the Presbyterian church on Thursday nights?

You must finally see now that no one man is bigger than THIS little club of ours, Arsène. Nobody. No one.

Even as we speak, I have a team of Arsenal space-monkeys from project mayhem working on a plan involving bar-soap chloroform that will result in the thought-reform of one Sr. Josep Guardiola. Now all we need is a submarine.

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  1. Nick

    May 15, 2012, 11:46 #22362

    Singapore Dave liking Wenger or not has NOTHING to do with money , no one expects him to go out and smash the world transfer record and buy a Messi, or pay players over two hundred thousand a week, what i and others do expect him to do, is buy players who are WORTHY of wearing the shirt and get rid of the wasters and parasites that are dragging us down, theres no need to name names, we all know who they are, we also expect him to organise the team, in a fashion that doesnt see us lose 4 goal advantages or get hammered 8-2 by going all kamikazi at the home of the current champions when youve got a hugely inexperienced team out, in short get his tactics right, and may i add, not make hugely bizzare and sometimes criminaly stupid substitutions, to learn that if you cant win then dont lose and if as at old trafford your in danger of getting a pasting accept defeat but limit the damage , we conceded 49 goals this season 12 of them in two of our first 4 games without those goals our defensive record would have been 37 conceded, which dosent sound too bad, all of this could have been achieved without spending a penny but by ORGANIZATION and TACTICS, and no one is going to tell me that we cant improve our squad for the coming season by some distance, without breaking the bank, there are very good players out there that would jump at the chance to play for Arsenal, ie Dempsey, Baines,Jusskalienen etc along with Podolski and maybe an Mvilla, that if we keep RVP would make us a much stronger squad next term , its not just about money, its about changing our game to adapt to circumstances, to become more resilient more bloody minded, in short to have REAL MENTAL STRENGTH.

  2. Singapore Dave

    May 14, 2012, 18:50 #22343

    Fozzy's mate: I must admit, you've probably studied the club's finances in more depth than I have so please correct me if I am wrong (and I could well be) but as far as I know: 1: The current board members don't take dividends. All of the transfer profits you mention are reinvested into the club (to clear the debt, pay players, improve facilities etc) 2: Usmanov, (who as many people know, is a ManUre fan) is an advocate of paying dividends to shareholders (presumably because he is one). To answer your question, I don't like Usmanov and am greatly disturbed by his unsightly presence on the board. He is only interested in long-term financial gain. I like Stan Kroenke (Stan might be interested in financial gain as well, but I genuinely believe he will increase the value of the club, due to his sport's management/merchandising expertise at the same time as lining his pockets). He does not propose that shareholders be paid dividends. If the excess cash generated from transfers is used to clear the club's debt quicker than it otherwise would be, then I am happy with this tactic. We might well have the clout to spend more than we do, but in the current climate our competitors would still beat us to the superstars' signatures and wasting the club's cash reserves would not guarantee success (you don't need to look far for examples of this). If you had an Oligarch's/Oil-rich nation's money at your disposal then you would obviously expect to win everything all the time and Arsene is not the manager you would want at the helm. There are signs that Uefa are doing something about this poisoning of the game and when the club's debts are paid we will be in a stronger position financially than almost anyone. In short, let's enjoy the football we are treated to right now including The CL every season (something no other manager in the world could achieve on a net spend like Wenger's), while paying off the New-Stadium debt. Then in a few years, when clubs are forced to spend only what they generate not what's given to them, and when we have a manager capable of winning trophies but needs cash in order to do it (like all the successful managers in the world right now), we will actually have the money to do it. Giving the cash you have right now to a manager that doesn't want to spend it anyway, or sacking that manager to bring in someone with a track record of success but who is ultimately going to get outbid for the best players anyway would be suicidal.

  3. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 14, 2012, 18:17 #22339

    Jack the Gooner- there you have it, the website admin has spoken and I'm sure that you will soon show us all how it's done... If you seriously think I was actually comparing myself with Beethoven instead of making a point about critics then I think it's best if we just leave it there... Save your thoughts for your big debut article that will leave us all gobsmacked by your obvious brilliance.

  4. Wesbite Admin

    May 14, 2012, 18:04 #22338

    To Jack The Gooner... How on earth do you have any idea what we receive and publish? We've published, either on the site or in the fanzine, well over 95% of material we've received this season, so anyone who has submitted something and not seen it is going to be in a very small minority and the chances are it's not been used for a very good reason and is certainly not simply because the editor disagrees with the viewpoint expressed. We are always encouraging people to contribute articles because the more variety we have the more entertaining and encompassing of the Gooner family the site will be.

  5. Nick

    May 14, 2012, 17:36 #22336

    Jack the gooner are you a literary critic ? i found the piece entertaining, whilst making some very relavent points, it IS the team that Jack (wenger) built, so he DOES have to take the brickbats when they are deserved, ie the Chamberlain substitution vs manure , the sickening after match quotes and excuses , the blind faith in players who are obviously not up to it, even to the blindest person ,, and just how many times after a defeat or draw to a team in the bottom 8 did we hear "MAYBE WE LACKED A BIT OF FOCUS" WHOS BLOODY JOB IS THATS THEN?, ITS QUITE OBVIOUS THAT HE DESPERATELY WANTS THE BEST FOR US, SO I HOPE HE DOES THE RIGHT BUSINESS THIS SUMMER AND MAKES THE CHANGES IN THE FOCUS OF THE TEAM THAT IT NEEDS , SORRY NOT SHOUTING MY CAPS LOCK IS STUCK ON , ANYWAY COME ON YOU GUNNERS!!!!!!!

  6. Jack The Gooner

    May 14, 2012, 14:54 #22327

    Oh Joe, you may have struggled with humour in your articles but your comments are fanatastic quality, but ironically not for the reason you probably intend! To compare yourself to beethoven....brilliant, not said without even a drop of irony! To answer your last point, of course it is easy to critiscise you when you write such dross and your responses are equally as pithy. Your continued remark of "why dont I submit somethin" I think you will find that many fans submit pieces but the gooner only likes to champion its favourites, which to be fair they have earned that right but this season (much like our team) a clear out wouldnt be a bad idea! Nothing against you personally (believe ir or not) but if you look at the articles over the last 8months, the same negative, boring text is rehashed and represented and you are one of the worst culprits. Also you might want to accept that if you are going to submit something to the public domain you have to accept that not everyone might agree with you........shocking I know!

  7. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 14, 2012, 11:10 #22301

    Jack the Gooner- Beethoven had his critics too my friend, see if you can name three of them? That's right. You can't, can you? You may find it Easy to criticise me but I am yet to see you contribute anything of note to the Gooner. We're all waiting for you....

  8. Jack The Gooner

    May 14, 2012, 10:02 #22282

    Ahh Joe, I see you take critiscism as well as ever, mayne you should note that if your going to post your nonsense on here then people are going to air their comments, so maybe try to calm down a little. You may think your a clever writer, but as I have said you really dont seem to have a grasp on what you are talking about. Im just glad I dont have to sit next to you at THOF as "fans" like you do my head in kid. I would love some interesting insightful pieces on here, but instead its just the same recycled rubbish. You can dress your articles up in whatever way you like, put as many film references in as you want but your pieces are lacking in both content and humour my friend. Cant wait for your next tit bit, or are you going to do your usual and wait to see which bandwagon is rolling before deciding to jump on or not?

  9. fozzy's mate

    May 14, 2012, 8:25 #22277

    Singapore - admire the loyalty to the cause. But what is your opinion of those in the boardroom. Do you agree with large transfer profits year on year while the trophy room remains empty? Take wenger out of the equation as we don't know what the actual restrictions are. If the clubs accounts are accurate let's see some of it given to wenger.

  10. Singapore Dave

    May 14, 2012, 5:56 #22275

    I am completely baffled as to why so many of the contributors of this site are so anti-Wenger. Chavski, Citeh and ManUre have infinitely more resources than Arsenal and so finishing above any of them is over-achieving. Even Sp*rs and Liverpool spend more than Arsenal and finish behind us every year. Yes it would be nice to win the league again soon, and once the Financial Fair Play rules really start to take effect, we probably will, but until then, qualifying for the Champions league is realistically the best we can hope for. The Manager we have has achieved that EVERY season for the last 15 years. Yes he spouts a lot of infuriating nonsense after dissappointing results, but make no mistake Arsene Wenger is MASSIVELY over-achieving and at the same time, clearing the club's debt quicker than we could with any other manager in the world. I just pray that no-one inside the club with any clout ever starts taking any notice of you idiots.

  11. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 13, 2012, 17:32 #22264

    Unbelieveable!! We're in the champions league!!! Let's hope that we finally make some BIG moves in the Market and manage to flog our dead wood. Stevie stevie bould please sort out the defensive side of our team!! Please!!'

  12. nugs

    May 13, 2012, 11:46 #22262

    @andy sunderland, arsenal will not win another trophy under aw let alone the league!

  13. Wolfgang

    May 13, 2012, 11:13 #22261

    As long as Wenger is manager,Arsenal's defence is going to be the worst of all the big teams. As someone said of the 2006 final,the gunners could have won it playing on the defensive like Matteo.Howeve the FM would have none of it. His philosophy is attack is the name of the game and that's why dont be surprised the gunners could let slip a two goal lead at WBA. Be warned.

  14. Mike

    May 12, 2012, 12:05 #22253

    At last a site for the new FIFA manager game - I bought it last week and can't stop playing it. @Gee, I did exactly what you said and cleansed the squad - but I bought established players in, not M'villa and Goetze but the likes of Messi and Schneider - and guess what @Wombledin.. it was dead easy - I just had to offer enough money -on top of that I got Pep in as coach. I couldn't believe it because I did the double the very next season, won the league in January already. Small problem though - I ran out of money - I had to sell the big players - Pep left and the stadium and pitch conditions deteriorated ( got several fines for it). Never mind though, I am currently almost in the playoffs for promotion to the second division. We play Man City next week for that spot - but at least I won some trophies two seasons ago. Would you believe it, Everton to the EPL - I give this game the thumbs up ...

  15. fozzy's mate

    May 12, 2012, 10:35 #22251

    Joe - good to see our sparring continues. Your piece gave me a laugh. Some of your detractors and mine who are in love with OGL, Gazidis, Kroenke and co are extremley sensitive to any criticism of the club heirachy. The overiding question is how long do we go on with the current model of pumping out propaganda and the board extolling love for Wenger while the trophy cabinet remains empty. We are not everton but utilise a similar transfer budget - an average £1 million yeraly net spend under Wenger. Some like Joshua want it to go on forever but eventually something has gotta give?

  16. cyril

    May 12, 2012, 10:24 #22248

    Mr Durden - very funny. I do believe that serious attention needs to be drawn to the defensive shape when we are attacking. I sit near the halfway line, just opposite the dugout in the lower tier, so i get a ‘birds eye’ on where they are, when they are on the move. For me, we are left far too exposed when we are attacking, and i understand it is to do with they way they set up and it does loook terrific when it works. However, i saw on one occasion on saturday against Norwich where we actually did not have a defender in our own half because everybody had bombed on. That is criminal! . As we know you can’t be offside in your own half on the ‘counter’. We just need to be a bit more disciplined about how many we defend with when we are on the attack. We seem to be far more in control when we squeeze the distance between defence and attack, but i do also accept it is easier said than done as most teams come to counter attack. The 4-2-3-1 formation is great with arteta in the team as he is the ‘discipline’ i am talking about. I want my full backs to be a little more aware and the attacking players to be a bit more canny about using the space between midfield and attack instead of going straight for the edge of the box. Maybe we can swap it to a 4 4 2 at times. Just so wish, ya ya toure had scored that sitter in pre-season friendly at Barnet all those years ago, which by the way i miss so much now. I have been screaming and shouting all year but as usual will pay up next year. Come on Wenger, have a word with the board and cheer us all up next season cos i am going grey quicker than philip schofield…..

  17. Arsene is a liar

    May 12, 2012, 9:44 #22243

    To be honest I didnt find the article very interesting and well written but I agree that Wenger is a loser and we are not going to win anything with him at the helm ever again. BTW, I am hopeful the Top Four "trophies" will be coming for years.

  18. Tyler Durden (it's not really, it's still just Joe F. Being silly really)

    May 12, 2012, 4:28 #22239

    Joe M- ok I'll tell ya, but you promise to just keep it just between the two of us right?... Yeah you do?... You promise?... Now remember that was 3 times that you promised!! Ok... Here goes... You take one lavender and Rosemary soap bar (retail $25 a bar) from my personal soap factory, you lace it with some chloroform that I prepared in the same kitchen earlier... By the way, Did you know that you can make all kinds of things from simple household chemicals? I will use some of my space monkeys to pose as Hotel porters and carry Sr. Guardiola's bags to his room. One distracts him with the Cable tv or minibar or whatever while the other switches the rubbishy old hotel soap for some of my beautiful smelling soap. They copy the hotel keycard with a mag stripe reader, they leave. Sr. Guardiola as we all know is a very well groomed man.. He had a long journey across Spain... He can't resist the expensive looking soap. He showers... Vapours release.. Space monkeys return 15 mins after exit to extract Guardiola. That is where your submarine comes in my friend.. that's why I need your submarine... I need him to listen to my thoughts on why it's best for everybody if he just takes the job at Arsenal. He'll listen. Don't worry... Fight club has ways of making you see things slightly differently. I'm gonna make him kick Wenger's ass basically!!

  19. Joshua

    May 12, 2012, 0:13 #22238

    Joe Fitzpatrick... I honestly find it difficult to know whether you seriously believe what you are saying or whether you are, as they say, just trolling for comments. If you know anything about football you'll know that suggesting that Sol didn't need coaching in how to play in a different system with different players, playing in a totally different way to what he was used to... such an assertion cannot be taken seriously. The troubling thing here is that you wrote the blog post in which you chose to criticise Arsene Wenger's abilities as a coach but you seem not to understand the basic principles involved in what you are criticising. I don't want to be rude but... are you serious? Even sillier is the idea that Martin Keown was responsible for Arsenal's defending during the invincible run... Do you have any evidence for this? Was Martin Keown coaching at the time? Or is it just another one of those made up things that we get on the internet? Are you aware that GG and his defence conceded 49 league goals in the 1994/95 season and managed to score just 52 goals... so it's not like we can say that GG threw caution to the wind and attacked our opponents. That season we finished behind not only Spurs but QPR and Wimbledon too! Where was the fabled defensive nous then, if we only scored 3 more than we conceded? I'm sorry to say but what you wrote is just the usual ill-considered and poorly informed fodder that sadly predominates a lot of football blogging. Joe, the simple fact about football is this... the way you defend and the way you attack as a team are deeply intertwined. No one who actually understands the game will suggest that defending is something that Martin Keown or any back 4 do on their own... the Invincibles defensive record owes as much to Patrick Vieira, Freddie Ljunberg, Gilberto Silva, Edu, etc as it does to Kolo, Sol, Ash and Lauren. But I'm guessing you already know that (even if it is not mentioned in any way in your blog post). Good night and good luck mate.

  20. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 11, 2012, 22:21 #22235

    Fozzy's mate- I never deny that I used to be the biggest AKB around. Why you always feel the need to bring it up when it's already public knowledge is puzzling but I've said it before and I'll say it again... You were right and I'm sorry I took so long to catch up, wake up and realise what the game was... Tyler says..." On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world and the board don't care if we live or die as long as they can "trouser our dough" as Fozzy's mate says!

  21. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 11, 2012, 21:05 #22234

    Joshua- ok I'll play... But first I want you to hit me as hard as you can... ; ). The invincibles defence? Arsene Wenger signed Sol Campbell which was the biggest no brainer of his career.. No coaching required. Big sol was a colossus and he Kolo, Cole and Lauren still had the benefit of the George Graham influenced players being around the first team such as Martin Keown who could teach the boys the real art of defending. You rightly talk about midfield cover, When Vieira and petit first arrived at the club it was Tony Adams, Steve Bould and Martin Keown who made them do more defensive work and taught them how... NOT Arsene Wenger. But then again I'm not going to slaughter Wenger's previous work. It's just strange that now he's doing IT ALL himself now with yes men behind him we can't defend for toffee and have no shape at all. Then again what do I know? I've only been going to games for 22 years and still as you put it know nothing about the basics of the game! Haha if you read my Tongue in cheek article again you will clearly see that I went out of my way to mention Petit, Vieira and Silva as good holding midfielders. It's a shame that they WERE NOT 100% Wenger produced players as some would believe.

  22. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 11, 2012, 20:22 #22233

    GaryFootscrayAustralia- I can see why you emigrated now! There are a lot of miserable sods in old blighty but luckily I manage to swerve them 99% of the time in real life! The trick is to smile at them... It's like kryptonite to a miserable sod. To answer your question... Yes bro... I've got the hook-up!!

  23. Gooner S

    May 11, 2012, 19:11 #22232

    The Gooner has been treading the bottom of the barrel for some time now but this really is very poor.

  24. Fozzy's mate

    May 11, 2012, 18:53 #22230

    An intriguing piece. But Joe you along with cohorts, Mandy Dodd, Mr Exley and Simon Rose were until last season the ultimate AKBs. If anybody was conned it was you mate. The pumped out Arsene FC propaganda for the boards cash cow was like that pumped out in a dictatorship and you swallowed it! Like so many drones swallowed OGLks nether region.

  25. MGJ

    May 11, 2012, 18:22 #22229

    @Gee I agree with El Bodego, and also want to add that you need to find people to actually take those players on!

  26. Gee

    May 11, 2012, 17:34 #22228

    El Bodgeo - I'm not saying pay them that I'm demonstrating even at the high end of salaries we can afford it within our budget. these caveats were clearly laid out. Again I'm not in the championship manager world, just demonstrating that top quality targets can be obtained by cleansing the squad of the dead wood we have. Let's face it EVEN if we got rid of (permanently) Almunia (yes I know hes' going already), Squillaci, Djourou, Denilson, Diaby, Lansbury, Arshavin, Vela, Chamakh, and Park and DIDN'T EVEN REPLACE THEM. Would we even miss them? NO. Because they have contributed nothing what so ever all season. Yet they are bloating the wage bill to the tune of £16m per annum. SO as I say CLEANSE THE SQUAD. Even if it means releasing the lot of them on free transfers. Again realistically this wouldn't happen, but I'm just demonstrating that if we can't get whatever asking price we want just take a little less in order to free up wages. We all know we are funding pretty much all of the loanees wages as it is. SURELY Wenger with his economics degree would want to NOT PAY SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVEN AT THE CLUB!!!

  27. Andy Sunderland

    May 11, 2012, 17:00 #22226

    Arsenal won't ever win the league again under Mr Wenger that's all i have to say .

  28. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 11, 2012, 16:44 #22225

    To be not switched on mentally for an important game like norwich is not acceptable where has all this mental strength arsene kept telling us about suddenly gone i hope they find it before sunday.Your right this team hasn't got a defensive game plan and if they have it doesn't last long (hopefully that will now change)were all fed up with the same old excuses after every game i don't think there's one fan regardless of the out come on sunday who couldn't predict what he'll say post match and what words he'll use at least he placed the blame after the norwich game where it belonged.Lets hope there'll be a hell of a lot more positives than negatives to talk about on sunday evening and beyond.

  29. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 11, 2012, 16:07 #22223

    Jack the Gooner- well excuse me for trying to have a bit of the old craic while commenting on the Arsenal! Fair enough if you don't like my style but I always try to inject a little humour into my pieces to bring a smile to my fellow Gooners. Sorry for being an idiot and we are all waiting for your next riveting treatise on all things Arsenal.

  30. El Bodgeo

    May 11, 2012, 15:18 #22220

    Gee - You are playing too much Championship Manager my friend! 75K a week each for Gotze, M'Vila Higuain and Vertonghen? Dream on. Stick a 1 in front of that figure and they might fly over for a chat. Podolski has been snapped up in budget due to the fact that he's currently playing in the 2nd worst team in the Bundesliga having previously been an expensive flop at Bayern. He will still represent the best incoming player in what will prove to be a timid, lightweight and, most importantly of al, cheap effort by our club this summers transfer market. Suggest that you set your sight lower, much much lower than your euro dream team, probably best to start with picking the carcass of Wolves, Blackburn and Bolton and the return of our newly educated and experienced loaners and fit again crocks!

  31. TravisGooner

    May 11, 2012, 14:56 #22218


  32. goonerjake

    May 11, 2012, 14:54 #22217

    What a LOAD of self indulgent rubbish I have ever had the missfortune to read... in fact i stopped reading 3/4 of the way through. You seriously need to watch less films. Also when you reference a film heres a good idea it makes it so much more interesting for the listener (lol my own film reference to plains trains and automobiles) Right that covers the journorlistic side to your poor article. Next... Listen pal you sound like a spoilt brat, NO ONE has a right to sucess that includes football clubs. I am sick of saying this to so many people we as a club are now competing against not only Man Utd but also mega big spending Chelsea and mega big spending Man City we have Tottenumb who are doing better and a fortunate in my opinion Newcastle. So do the maths please, we cant compete on level terms with the self sustaining way the club is being run (and we dont own the club so it is up to them, even though we are more important, again my opinion) so realise that what Mr Wenger has achieved this season is his greatest achievement scince the unbeatables. Please please and please again (slight Invictus film reference substitute please for never) get behind the boys including the boss and his bosses. Victory Through Harmony

  33. Realistic

    May 11, 2012, 14:49 #22216

    Lots of fans nowadays are probably exposed to managerial games of some sort. To naively say "cleanse" the squad. And Buy This, Buy That, If you Remember The real world is not like Championship Manager. E.G.Vertonghen..He wont come if he doesn't get 1st team assurances. Higuain, why would someone leave Madrid on the verge of winning streak to join arsenal?? and Madrid in the real world might just suggest Okay. You want higuain lets trade with Van Persie or we'll close talks now. So what now? Please people..The real world isn't as simple as Championship Manager. So stop saying ridiculous things such as CLEANSE THE SQUAD. BUY THIS BUY THAT, ITS NOT THAT EASY! Players are human beings with FEELINGS not STATS on COMPUTER SCREEN. Speaking of ARSENE not developing defenders. SORRY Mate. KOLO WAS AMAZING in the unbeaten SEASON. and he is 150k! Tell that to ALEX FERGUSON who BOUGHT mind you BOUGHT Ferdinand for 30 Mill to fix his defensive GAP after selling Stam. ( He didn't develop Ferdinand ) KOSCIELNY has DEVELOPED! let me repeat DEVELOPED! into a better defender this year and might I boldly state that he is one of e best in the Prem. So Fact is Wenger is capable of developing defensive players. #FACT# Even ADAMS was ****e when he first began, Fans had been patient through the bad times and he delivered later on. Patience is needed in Development. I do however agree with the lack of fight from the squad. The thing that is most lacking in Wenger's young players are their will to fight! Players in this team that will run their as off and fight is wilshire, Rosicky, Benayoun, Kos, Verm, Sagna, v.Persie, ARTETA. The rest are pretty boys who wont fight. And without the fighting spirit the team will continue to leak goals. I always see Ramsey running towards a teammate asking for the ball. But when he loses it.. He Rarely tracks back! So much for ARTETA cover.. Arteta would have chased back, hassled or foul if needed. But you wont get that from the pretty boys..and the opponents are free to drive @ the defense. Its no wonder the defense leaks goal. This season, sadly, is always going to be another rebuilding year after losing important players in all that mess in the transfer market earlier in the season. Having gone through all that early season troubles to the possibility of achieving 3rd is commendable. Not impressive but commendable. Although I do crave for more cup glories. Cheer up fellow mates. We all felt the ups and downs of this team. I'm sure the future will hold more of the same ups and downs but as long as Arsenal are challenging @ the top and for trophies, I'm pretty satisfied.

  34. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 11, 2012, 14:07 #22214

    Waiting to see how many precious souls bite and take this article the meantime, can you flip me a bud of what you were chopping when you wrote this?

  35. Gee

    May 11, 2012, 14:03 #22213

    Decent article by the way. Clever stuff. And a great film

  36. goonercolesyboy

    May 11, 2012, 14:01 #22212

    Until a business model comes out that says you shouldn't make a profit then and only then shall I listen to all this tripe that is posted about our are in business to make a profit which in football hardly ever happens, so get used to it and stop the blame culture. We need to buy quality players I agree and get rid of the rubbish we have accumulated in our squad....but I suggest this is easier said than done.

  37. Joshua

    May 11, 2012, 13:55 #22211

    This kind of article is always good for a laugh. The invincibles defence never happened? It was Arsene Wenger's team that conceded all of 26 goals in an entire season? Or wasn't it? Lehmann, Lauren, Kolo, Sol and Ash never happened at Arsenal we all dreamed it! And its not outrageous to say that for the most part we have been solid defensively after the early season wobbles... if it isn't true how did we go from 16th to 3rd? Our goals conceded tally includes the 8 we conceded against United in on match in which we had half a team and most of them callow at that! But let's not let facts get in the way of a good whinge... But funniest of all is this idea that a defence is just about the back 4 or 5... it really isn't. Association football is not Gridiron or American football defending is not about the so called specialist defenders and there's really no such thing as defensive coach in football... what would such a coach do? Coach the back 4 on their own? What about the midfielders, what about the wide players who need to track back, what about the fact that your first defender is your forwards? It would be nice if people who write blog articles took the necessary time to understand the very basics of the subject which they seek to address.. it would be nice but there's no chance it would happen.... both attacking and defending is done by all members of a team in football and it has always been true of all great sides so when the author of this article starts to talk about John Terry, Rio Ferdiand, Vidic, Kompany and Co he also has to understand that those players have formidable and intelligent cover in front of them most of the time. Our overall defensive play and organisation haven't been as good as it should be but there are very good reasons for that... reecently Arteta's absence has affected our balance in midfield for instance but who wants to talk about squad depth when ill thought out streams of conscience are much more fun and easier to do. Oh well,this seems to be the world of Arsenal nowadays... lazy writer berating a hardworking manager for not doing the impossible. Ho hum.

  38. Marla

    May 11, 2012, 13:05 #22206

    funny, innovative and you managed to work in a lot of references from the movie. Ignore the haters at least you aren't boring!

  39. Angry & Frustrated

    May 11, 2012, 12:45 #22205

    Addicted to power yes, but also addicted to his reputed £7 million annual salary, with no pressure to actually deliver a trophy which is what's expected yearly at any other big club worldwide. Nice work if you can get it, especially as so many continue to hang on to every piece of utter garbage that he spouts from his serpent politician lips. "Mental strength", "Best squad ever", "Like a new signing", "Finishing 4th trophy", "Only looking at super super quality" etc as you say in your joint article, Arsene speak = utter and total bollocks. He gets away with it because he helps the board make profits, which is the only thing they want (shame on them), and because far to many supporters, especially the jcl are gullible hang on every Wenger word fools, with IQ's so low they probably don't even register on the scale! These new fans are blind, hero worshiping, the Emperor's new clothes sheep, whom have infiltrated into the club and see Arsene as Arsenal. The more the pre Wenger Arsenal fans leave in anger and frustration like myself, the more the Wenger disciples take their place. This suits Wenger and the board 100% as it dilutes opposition and enables the gravy train to continue, with the masses so easy to fob off, with yet more jam tomorrow hollow promises!

  40. divingrooney

    May 11, 2012, 12:39 #22204

    Son, if you were a Man Utd fan, you would killed all the players for dropping a 2 goal lead to Everton. What do you expect Fergie to do? Post one article for that, after all he is the messiah or isn't he?

  41. Tony Evans

    May 11, 2012, 12:38 #22203

    Nice one and oh so true - how much more of Wenger's bull do we have to swallow?

  42. Gee

    May 11, 2012, 12:04 #22200

    Cleanse the squad. There is plenty of room for us to carry out the needed squad cleansing this summer. People like the AST have said there is £40m available in the transfer kitty. I will give my approximation of the squad cleansing that can quite realistically happen with very prudent estimates of the sales and purchases including that of outgoing and incoming wages. The format will be that of “Player, Transfer fee, Weekly wage” OUT Almunia, Free, £40k Squillaci, Free, £40k Djourou, £2m, £40k Denilson, £2m, £40k Diaby, Free, £40k Song, £10m, £40k Lansbury, Free, £10k Arshavin, £3m, £70k Walcott, £10m, £40k Vela, £2m, £40k Bendtner, £2m, £40k Chamakh, £2m, £40k Park, Free, £20k Total Outs: £33m, £500k. This is very conservative as Song, Walcott and Arshavin could well attract more. Add this £33m to our £40m and we got £73m for transfers, plus we’ve got the £500k per week on wages to spend. Don’t forget this £73m is CASH. We do not pay up front CASH for deals. Indeed looking at our recent accounts for 6 months close of November 2011, we still owe £22m in transfer fees to other clubs. Also note this £73m does not include the £20m CASH we will receive for the sale of queensland road that is due to be received this summer 2012 (assume after transfer window closes to be prudent). With the incomings I will go high end transfer fees and wages thus giving us the worse case scenario on expenditure IN Podolski, £11m, £75k Vertonghen £10m, £75k M’vila, £18m, £75k Gotze, £35m, £75k Higuain, £25m, £75k Total Ins: £99m, £375k. This gives us net spend above the £73m of £26m. With £125k a week surplus in wages which half of it could go to VP. I really don’t see why this is a problem in a one off clear out of the squad. Having a net spend for transfers is no bad thing at all. We generate significant revenues and service the debt on the stadium with ease so a £26m net spend for a club our size is not a danger to our self sustaining model. And as I said earlier this still does not include the £25m we receive from selling queensland road. This in essence makes our net spend zero. Add to the mix I have been conservative with our sales and very generous with the purchases. For example Madrid are looking to offload Higuain so I don’t think he will attract quite as much as £25m. Probably £15-£20m. Clearly we can not do this every single year but look at what the squad now looks like: GK: Szczesny/Fabianski RB: Sagna/Jenkinson LB: Gibbs/Santos CB: Vermaelen/Koscielny/Mertesacker/Vertonghen DM: M’Vila/Coquelin CM: Wilshere/Arteta AM: Goetze/Ramsey/Rosicky ATT(wings):: Gervinho/Chamberlain ST: Van Persie/Podolski/Higuain This squad has great flexibility. Vertonghen can play both CB and DM. Goetze can play AM or ATT. Rosicky can plan AM or ATT. Chamberlain can play ATT or AM. Podolski can play ST or ATT. Again I am not including the promising prospects like Frimpong, Miquel, Aneke, Afobe, Campbell or Miyaichi in this. I’d suggest a loan for these players for the entire season at PL clubs. If after a full year of game time in the PL they are no upto scratch then BOOM out the door they go. 1st XI GK Szczesney RB: Sagna CB: Vermaelen CB: Koscielny LB: Gibbs DM: M’Vila CM: Arteta AM: Goetze ATT: Podolski ST: Van Perise ATT: Higuain That is phenomenal. We are constantly ravaged with injuries so the likes of Wilshere, Gerv, Chamberlain, Vertonghen, Mertesacker will all get plenty of game time. If we want to compete on 4 fronts every season until the late, late stages we need that type of quality squad. When it comes to April and we got FA cup Semi-Final and CL Semi-Finals to play we’ll need to potentially rest players, but we can look at the bench and think we have the quality to replace the likes of VP.

  43. Wombledin

    May 11, 2012, 11:59 #22199

    Take it easy on the wacky baccy man, but I hear you. Strikers win matches but defenders win trophies. Wenger is clearly a poor defensive coach. Pat Rice was probably a superb defensive coach frustrated at Wenger's laissez faire philosophy about defending. Steve Bould will suffer from the same ("But Arsene, the full-backs are not wingers, they are defenders! And Djourou is ****e!". "Ferme Le Bush and do what ze are told"). It should be perfectly obvious to all by now that we are incapable of ever winning a major trophy again, including the F.A. Cup, as long as the current philosophy continues under Wenger that defending takes care of itself provided you keep possession and score more goals.

  44. zizi

    May 11, 2012, 11:55 #22198

    Spot on. Our only hope is that someone on the Board has the nous to tie uo Pep as our new manager starting Jan 1 2013 which will give Pep the break he needs and a transfer window to bring in a few players. I personally cannot stand most of AW pronouncements which the media receive as words delivered from on most high. His demeanour during games also leaves a lot to be desired. His time is up. The fans should let the Board know it.

  45. Jack The Gooner

    May 11, 2012, 11:43 #22196

    Oh my god, what a pile of self indulgent nonsense! At least be original without having to use fightclub to draw a tenuous comparison. God, Im so bored of idiots like you,with your ignorant short termist views. Fair enough, you want to express an opionion but you guys on here think you are like preachers talking down to your umble servants! We dont need to be spoon fed this trite! Your posts are repetative and dull, your not adding to the argument, your not saying anything new, you probably wrote this piece and patted yourself on the back! Well you shouldnt mate, you should learn how to construct an argument that can be discussed! Getting really bored of the stuff on here......where have all the engaging contributors gone?

  46. Joe M

    May 11, 2012, 11:21 #22194

    Dude I can get you a Submarine what's your plan lol