Season’s Review

The 2011/12 post-mortem begins

Season’s Review

Marton Fulop – We owe him!

Well that was a poor season and no mistake. The team really put us through the ringer this season and I’m not sure how much more my heart can take. Finishing in the Champions League places (thanks to Fulop) cannot paper over the gaping cracks this term.

I’ll move past our goals conceded, which was the poorest for us in the Wenger era (1.29 goals per game), but I cannot ignore losing ten games in a 38-game season. That’s over a quarter of our league games, and, if you chuck in the seven draws, it means we didn’t win in nearly half of our league fixtures. That simply is not good enough. We dropped 13 points against the bottom five this season, and we were the only team in the top half not to complete the double over at least one of them. We finished 19 points behind the Manchester clubs, and we cannot expect to return to being championship contenders with a record like that! We also dropped points against all of the promoted sides. We were just as bad in the cups. We were awful at Sunderland in the FA Cup; we were a little better in the League Cup, but went out to a late sucker-punch from City. The capitulation to AC Milan in the Champions League surpassed the game at Old Trafford as our worst performance this season for me. We had a much stronger team in Milan but, individually and collectively, it was completely gutless. It could have been worse than 4-0, and I for one never want to see us perform that badly ever again.

Far too many players underperformed this season, and the manager was tactically inept at times. Injuries again played a big part, and a serious shake-up of our coaching and medical staff is required. I was very pleased to see that Arsène’s yes-man, Pat Rice, has decided to retire (again). He has been a good servant to the club. but he should have been put out to grass three or four seasons ago. Steve Bould will make an excellent replacement, and he should help us address our defensive frailties next season, if given a free hand.

My wishes for the coming season are first that we get RvP to sign a new contract. It’s of massive importance not just to retain our star players but also to send a message out to Man City and other clubs who come sniffing around at this time every season that we are not a nursery that grows players from saplings so that they can come along and take them off our hands when they are in full bloom. Also, it will help us attract other top players if our stars remain at the club.

Secondly, that we sell most of the players who were out on loan this season, i.e. Bendtner, Arshavin, Denilson and Vela (not sure about Lansbury), and that we also shift several of the other pieces of dead wood. Almunia, Squillaci, Djourou and Chamakh most instantly spring to mind, but there are also others I would like to see replaced (see player reviews below).

Lastly, I hope we add the necessary signings that will finally make us competitive again. Podolski is a good start, and I hope that all the rumours about M’Vila are true, as we need a quality defensive midfielder (although I still hope Frimpong will break through as our number one for that position). I hope the influence that the experienced players signed at the end of the August transfer window had convinces Arsène that buying young, unproven players all the time is folly. As already mentioned, Podolski & M’Vila will be a good start, but I also think we need one more experienced centre-back, a top-quality left-back and a back-up goalkeeper! I think we could definitely challenge next season if we can secure those players and we get another improvement from our existing players. Stopping the recurrence of long-term injuries would also take us a massive step closer.

Arsène has had a very mixed season. His usual reluctance in the transfer-window meant our title challenge was virtually over by the end of August, and the writing appeared to be on the wall with media and fans alike questioning if he was finished. Getting out of our Champions League Group and a good run during February and March silenced many, but it failed to convince me that he is able to turn his latest crop into winners. For many Arsenal fans, the time has come for a change, but I still want to give him one more chance to work his magic. However, I think he can only achieve this if he allows fresh voices and ideas into his little world. New coaches (specifically a defensive one) are needed to inject new impetus into the squad. A change of tactics, to work much harder when we lose the ball, is of the utmost importance. He also needs to spend less time berating officials and more time criticizing underperforming players. A more magnanimous approach towards others would also be a step forward; refusing to shake hands because you’ve lost is childish and only makes teams want to beat you more. Also, complaining about other teams’ tactics (e.g. Stoke’s) will only encourage them. Beating them will always be the best answer to their bully-boy antics. Arsène, I still love you, but you are in the last chance saloon. 7/10

Szczesny – Had a good season, but improvement is still required to make him world-class. He is prone to concentration lapses, needs to control his impulse to rush in to a crowd at set pieces, and he also needs to work on his kicking. 7.5/10
Fabianski – Fortunately, has warmed the bench most of the season; an accident waiting to happen, should be replaced with a more reliable number two. 3/10
Mannone – Not even good enough to play for Hull. Bye, Vito. 2/10
Almunia – I cannot believe this waste of space is still on our wage bill. Just pay him up and send him packing. 0/10

Sagna – Steady as usual, badly missed during his injury absences. Defence improved massively on his return. However, two broken legs in one season is a very worrying trend; just hope he comes back stronger next season. 7/10
Gibbs – I keep waiting for him to go to the next level, but his constant injuries never allow it to happen. Suspect tactically & positionally; I hope we buy a quality left-back and use Gibbs or Santos as squad players. 6/10
Vermaelen – Another like Sagna who was a big loss during his injuries. His partnership with Kos is one of the few major plus-points this season. Unfortunately, had a really poor game in Milan that saw us knocked out of the Champions League but his goals, all-round enthusiasm and drive easily make up for his occasional lapses. 7.5/10
Koscielny – Has a great understanding with TV and has improved massively this season. Our most solid and dependable performer this season. He would be my player of the year if RvP hadn’t have been sensational. 9/10
Mertesacker – A back-up player whose lack of pace is a major obstacle in the Premier League. He turns like an oil tanker and is only third choice due to the lack of competition for his place. 6/10
Andre Santos – Just started to look better when he picked up his injury. Took time to get match fit and it will probably mean going through another six games of mediocrity for him to be fit again. Has good feet but is slow and is often caught in possession. A squad player at best. 5/10
Djourou – Simply not good enough. It looked like he might make it for a short while during 2010-11, but I have panic attacks every time he plays. He must go. 3/10
Jenkinson – Looked solid and committed prior to his injury, a good back-up for Sagna. He will not let us down when called upon. 6.5/10 Squillaci – Fulham away, nuff said. Taxi for Squillaci. 0/10
Miquel – Not seen enough of him this season to see if he has improved. He has shown promise so should be retained. 5/10

Diaby – The most frustrating player in our squad; has obvious attributes but constant injuries and a lack of urgency prevent him from reaching his potential. Should be sold. 4/10
Rosicky – Will the real Tomas Rosicky please stand up! After several below par seasons, Tomas woke up and started to produce some very good performances this season. He is still profligate in front of goal, but is one of the main reasons we saw the big improvement after our Champions League debacle in Milan. 7 /10
Arteta – I was glad to be proven right after being a fan of Arteta for many years. I wanted him to play along side Cesc, but alas they were passing ships. He came in and gave us some of the experience and stability we were badly lacking, has been a very consistent performer, and left a big hole when an injury finished his season. The fact that we didn’t win when he didn’t play sums up his worth this season. 8/10
Walcott – Continues to irritate me; outstanding one week, anonymous the next. Has contributed a large percentage of assists for RvP and has improved his own scoring record, but he needs to be consistent. I’m not sure that’s ever going to happen, but I live in hope. 6.5/10
Oxlade-Chamberlain – Excites me more than any player we’ve signed in a long time. Has the physique and power that Theo lacks and he’s not afraid to shoot from outside the box, a lost art at Arsenal. Just hope he plays more regularly next season, although I think Arsène will send him out on loan. 7/10
Ramsey – I was so happy when we bought him, but I now wish Man U had beaten us to his signature. Has no second-gear, kills the impetus of our attacks, and cannot keep the ball in the stadium when shooting. I think we should cut our losses and cash in. 5/10
Song – Another player who drives me to distraction. It seems impossible that the same player can play the ball he did at Anfield for RvP & then give the ball away with his next three touches. Looked well short when not paired with Arteta, good and terrible in equal measure. Definitely not a holding midfielder. 6.5/10
Benayoun – Was very good when he eventually broke into the team and, as with Rosicky, he helped speed the team up to a tempo much better suited to our passing style. Unfortunately, it looks like he will decide to return to Chelsea next season now they have a new manager. 7/10
Coquelin – Another player who had started to perform when injury interrupted. A solid squad member who can cover in a variety of different positions. 6/10
Gervinho – His talent, like his forehead, is greatly exaggerated. I can only hope that his lack of form (or is it ability?) is because he has had trouble settling into the Premier League. If not, it looks like Arsene has found another Reyes - plenty of pace but little else. Looks like Newcastle got the better half of the deal by signing his midfield partner at Lille, Cabayé. Worth another look, but he must hit the ground running next season. 5/10
Wilshere – His absence, in my opinion, was the main reason we came up empty-handed again this season. I just hope he comes back fully fit next season to fulfil his and our potential.

Van Persie – Was absolutely outstanding for the majority of the season; makes me wonder how we might have done in recent seasons with a fully-fit Robin to step up when we just came up short in important games. I think he will stay and that will be a massive boost and should help us encourage other quality players to join us. My player of the year for carrying us when we looked like a rudderless ship. 9.5/10
Park – Another who showed some early promise, but he lacks the physical strength to succeed in the Premier League, much like Vela before him. 5/10
Chamakh – A total waste of space, bears no resemblance to the player we saw in his first three months at the club. A one-way Euro Tunnel ticket for him. I’ll drive him personally if required. 0/10

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  1. Arsene Whinger

    May 19, 2012, 6:04 #22605

    To Mr. Kernoke, This season has been a huge success. We got our trophy of finishing third and above Spurs (Although I dont care much about that, only fans do). The other good news is that RVP is ready for sale and Man City are interested. I believe we can make huge profits for the next season. Mr. Kernoke please check your bank balances for profits and send me my shares. Yours truly Arsene Whinger

  2. lee Armitt

    May 17, 2012, 21:22 #22515

    The fact that you gave mertesacker 6 out of 10 proves you know nothing about football

  3. Ando

    May 17, 2012, 20:26 #22513

    can't agree about vermaelen and I don't know how people think he is a quality defender.He goes missing all too often and if you look at Man u home he allowed the attacker to get in front of him (for a goal) as well as other mistakes,basic defending first, look good going forward second.Perhaps then he will and can imrpove.

  4. JER

    May 17, 2012, 12:17 #22483

    Many people are targetting Song, Djourou, Ramsey and even Walcott as players we should get rid off. But I believe they are all classed as 'home grown'. Therefore they have to be replaced either by young talent coming through the club or English born players from elsewhere. Given AW's record in buying English players I don't hold out much hope of that.

  5. Tony Evans

    May 17, 2012, 10:57 #22464

    Re Wenger 7/10. Mick - your last comment backs up what I said in that Wenger does OK but never addresses the real problems we know are holding the team back from better, more successful times. We are always 3 or 4 players away from a decent squad and that is whats frustrates the hell out of most of us.

  6. Ron

    May 17, 2012, 9:54 #22457

    KC - You make some very accurate points, Hard hitting but smack on. Hill Wood s place at the Club is desecribed so accurately, but Arsenal still are a very conservative organisation notwithstanding him still being there, thats why they changed their mind about never present Stan, hes the same as them. Its a Club culture thats won Arsenal many freinds over the decades but one thats holding them back now. Youre right about Highbury too. they had the option of making it a 50000 seater stadium and should have gone with it in my view. Since the move the Clubs lost its substance and its fibre, sacrificed for a bit of glitz, glamour and glass in the bowl they now play in. The better visiting teams must love playing there as the place gives Arsenal no advantages whatsoever.

  7. Andrew Cohen

    May 17, 2012, 9:38 #22456

    Interesting piece. @KC. It isn't just about the money. We have a £140 million wage bill. This league like the previous 6 were winnable for Arsenal because the rest, even including those with loadsofmoney, dropped points all over the place. What we had to do was keep the goals out and that means having a solid defence and reliable defensive midfielders. This Wenger absolutely refuses to put into place. He's great for 65% of what we need at the club but he's just wrong about strategy. The more this is proved, the more upset and stubborn he gets. He should have gone 4 or 5 years ago and the suggestion that he should be given another year just defeats me. More of the same next year until the board wake up.

  8. Alister C

    May 17, 2012, 9:16 #22455

    What has RVP done to upset you? The season he has had, and you only give him 9.5/10? Tell me, for what did you deduct half a mark? The man has had a Torville & Dean, a Nadia Comeneci, of a season. Really!😉

  9. Mick Appleton

    May 17, 2012, 9:04 #22454

    The most common criticism of my article seems to be giving 7/10 to Arsene but I did that because dispite our poor start (which I know was his fault) we still managed by hook or by crook to meet what I thought was the maximum we could achieve this season. I don't think you could have seen us finishing above the Manchester clubs unless you were the most optimistic person in the world so third was our target which was achieved albeit by others teams failings. I know people will say that our squad short comings are his fault too but I'm willing to give him one more chance as I think we're 3-4 experienced quality players away from challenging again.

  10. Tony Evans

    May 17, 2012, 8:46 #22453

    The issue that splits opinion between Gooners who want Wenger out and those that don't is down to the fact that he always achieves a top four finish despite some rank awful decisions and team performances over the course of the season, and this is seen as relatively successful by some but not at all by others. In my opinion a third place finish this season would have been accepted as OK by all of us were it not for the fact that all the issues that have held the team back for so long now are still holding us back and probably still will be next season! If Wenger had sorted the defence out and the defensive midfield problem, brought in cover for RVP, an experienced keeper and had a massive clear out of the deadwood, we may still not have won the league, but at least we would all go home thinking that Wenger IS seeing what we all see and is trying to do something about it, and 3rd place is OK for now and it might get better next season. Instead 3rd place feels like nowhere because none of these thing happen and all supporters like myself can see ahead is more and more of the same failures costing us any chance of closing the gap at the top and may be progressing further in the CL. I know some will say we can't compete with Citeh and Chelski etc on transfers (self inflicted mind with Usmanov frozen out) but there is so much more Wenger could do that does not involve massive amounts of money, for example a decent defensive coach or Shay Given as keeper when he was available. This is why a great many of us despair of Wenger and desperately want him out.

  11. AussieRussianGooner

    May 17, 2012, 2:40 #22452

    Agree with most of player assessments, except on Mertesacker. I think his positioning and reading of the play make him a better player than many give credit for. I think he cost us less goals than TV at the end of the day.

  12. clockender1

    May 17, 2012, 2:35 #22451

    good review. i agree with pretty much all that. the midfield is where we lost it this year - the team can't carry Song AND Ramsey. We missed Jack, Vermaelen and Sagna too. Their replacements are just not up to it. I'd like to see AW follow Hodgeson's example and appoint a defensive coach, attacking coach and set piece coach.

  13. Fel

    May 16, 2012, 23:10 #22449

    While I agree for the most part, I will say for the first time in however many seasons, we gained heart. Even if it was mostly by Van Persie's doing, we finally started doing what we never had been doing, grabbing games by the scruff of their neck and fighting to win them despite the results in front of us. Granted we could have had more of them, but if this actually continues, I actually have hope for the future. We need Van Persie to stay, we need some new players, but the team now has confidence which makes me more confident for the future.

  14. simon

    May 16, 2012, 21:54 #22447

    we all agree there's a clean out needed, most will agree on who contributed and who didn't but I can't get the overriding sentiment of what a wretched season. that was It was nerve jangling but for the first time in 5 years we had something riding on the last game of the season - add to that we beat the champions convincingly and murdered, the chavs and spuds, came back to win in 8 losing games and won games late, so we had some real cheer especially at home which we didn't last year. Also, i wasn't ashamed this year at our lack of guts and bottle unlike the last two or three-we had some horrid performances (milan, manchester) but we kept our pride, our dignity and gritted out wins and results in places we often don't and look and feel like a more proper grown up team. So inconsistent maybe but sorry this year was the best for at least 3 or 4 years. We need to keep the good things in our side and add some back up which we've done upfront but imho we really need a number 2 keeper as scezney cost us a fair few games and at the death was struggling. Tactically we need to drop the high line and make our flankers work hard ala jose to close down and cover as it winds me up when walcott trots back like a dressage contestant!

  15. Gooner Ted

    May 16, 2012, 19:05 #22443

    Diaby 4/10 that has to be the biggest joke of all time.The Spud shirt wearer played 40 mins all season.Let me remind you again he takes home £60k a week.Minus 50 is to high a mark for this injury prone waster.Gervinho is the African McGoldrick.Last season i said we needed a massive clear out well dont forget we have Bender Denilson and Vela to return to join this years garbage.What joy.And still the fools blindly follow Wenger it does my head in

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 16, 2012, 19:04 #22442

    Mick good review of the players i,m not going to bother haggling over a couple of scores here or there out of ten.RVP certainly outstanding and player of the year.The speculation surrounding him has started already i've said all along i think he'll stay prediction or not but i don't think we want another drawn out affair like cesc and na$ri so the sooner it's sorted one way or another the better.

  17. Tom

    May 16, 2012, 18:43 #22441

    Wenger 7/10 you joking.The reason for the awful start was down to Wenger.He's signings with the exception of Arteta and Benny were poor.One more chance for Wenger how many more chances are you going to give the serial loser?.Gervinho(Eboues long lost brother) Squillaci Ramsey Djourou Arshavin Park Chamakh were all 3/10 or under players no club can carry so much deadwood.Without RVP we would have finished 8th.The 19 point gap is massive and nothing to be happy about.

  18. Gee

    May 16, 2012, 16:47 #22440

    I've said it before and I'll say it again CLEANSE THE SQUAD There are 8 players at least that could be cut from the bloated squad on monster wages and if we didn't replace them we would not see any weakening of the squad. WHY? BECUASE THEY DO NOT CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING AT ALL Almunia, Squillaci, Lansbury, Denilson, Diaby, Vela, Arshavin, Bendtner. That's without thinking too hard about it. If any of the above are on the books next year forget us competing as the same old garbage would have happened again over the summer period

  19. SilverGooner

    May 16, 2012, 16:46 #22439

    I doubt that Wenger would agree with your assesment of the squad. In fact he has just gone on record as saying "I feel we are not far from coming back to fight for the championship". Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we finish a staggering 19 points behind 1st and 2nd place? Not to mention the 49 goals conceeded! The man is living in cloud cuckoo land and it beggars belief that he is not being held to account or challenged by anyone at the club.

  20. Mike

    May 16, 2012, 16:34 #22437

    A slow Mertesaker at least stays in position- since he was out injured the defence has leaked even more. Don't discard Chamakh - how much playing time has he had since RVP was fit. If he played more than 180 minutes I would be surprised - that still gives him a goal ratio of one goal every two games

  21. KC

    May 16, 2012, 15:48 #22436

    Things will not change for us anymore as we we are no longer playing in the same league as the top EPL sides. To explain..... We do not have an owner who is prepared to spend 100's of millions to enable us buy the best players which is now the pre-requisite of the EPL. City have proved that it is big money that rules now, NOT the ability to wait 6/7 years and hope for a promising 16yo to come good, or hoping to make do with an average signing to fill a gap! The side we have is a makeshift bunch of average, a couple of above average players and one superstar. The squad in total is never going to challenge for top honours while players of the calibre of Gervinho, Jenkinson, Djourou, Chamakh, Santos, Ramsey (the list goes on)etc etc are brought into the club. The blame for this lies solely at the hands of Wenger who has shown for 7/8 years that he is not great at bringing in or even spotting the raw talent he found in his early days at the club when he signed Henry,Vieira,Petit & Ljungberg). The countless failed centre halves alone that Wenger has paid money for is quite incredible, and his ineptitude has continued unabated all apart from the success of Fabregas,and RVP. We have a majority owner billionaire (Kronke)who is famous for not ploughing in cash to the clubs he owns.... BUT we have a multi-billionaire shareholder (Usamov) who owns almost a third of the shares, who has stated on more than one occasion that he would spend the millions if he was the owner, he even offered 150mil at one stage if he was given a seat on the board - something which the "old boys network" on the board refuse to allow. Which is a joke highlighted by the Chairman of the club, who has a position and seat on the board even though he has NO shares, who has been a bloody disgrace for years with his mad comments and who has many times sneered down at the mindless mob (a comment he lablled at our North Bank fans in the mid 90's when the board was critised for not spending enough money, who only got a position because his bloody joke of a father ran the club like a Dorm room at Eaton while he was on the board and in charge, again refusing to spend money to allow us to dominate the league when we had all the potential and who sold off our best assets (Brady,Stapylton in the early 80's - Kennedy,Charlie George etc in the early 70's) By the way does that ring any bells??? Sorry guys - Long winded but this is where the problem at Arsenal lies, on top of which they have a manager who bolstered by misplaced bullsh*t about a new stadium being necessary to put us on a par with the best in the world, - What crap, we would have been better placed to buy top players if we had stayed at Highbury, built on the Invincibles side and earn the muti-millions that way, and then selling the majority of shares to Usimov which would have had us dominate football for another decade and beyond!!! What I will guarantee now for next season is more of the same, although I firmly believe that we will not by more than one more player in the summer we will finish outside of the top four and struggle as Man U, Man City, Chelsea (who will not have as bad a season again), all spend big money to push and improve on this season plus you will have Sp*rs, Liverpool & even maybe Newcastle pushing hard for 4th place and spending more money than us. Life next year is going to be very hard and it will not be pleasant for us unless big changes are made at the TOP of our club, and sad to say we could become another Newcastle, always wishing but never having the money to achieve!

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 16, 2012, 15:37 #22435

    Great review Mick i think there were also quite a few postmortems throughout the season yes another poor season and the cracks were there for all to see some of those results to those so called bottom teams were not acceptable a lot of players certainly underperformed.A lot of words have been used to describe the team and certain players after those results and displays inept, bottlers,just a couple.A shake up of the coaching staff goes without saying (and that includes the goalkeeping front) thankfully the defending side has been addressed I have been sayiny myself for a number of seasons now that a shake up of the medical staff wouldn't go amiss any body can get injured especially with the likes of stokes hatchet men but it seems to be the rehabilitation were supposed to have the best medical facilities in europe.Again it goes without saying that a clear out is needed some one on here described it as cleansing a good as word as any and along with RVP staying proper additions bought not more of the same we're of to a good start two or three more and we might be competitive again.

  23. Tony Evans

    May 16, 2012, 15:33 #22434

    I see that Wenger has been quoted as saying that he hopes his current squad can emulate or even surpass the Invincibles team! On reflection I think 7/10 is rather too generous a figure (even though we finished 3rd) to award someone that still exists in cloud cuckoo land and has done for the last 7 years!

  24. ed enough....

    May 16, 2012, 15:26 #22433

    Agree with most here, but Wenger??? 7/10??? 4 at best....We have finished 3rd for 3 reasons only....1)Robin 2)Van 3)Persie......He has saved Wengers Bacon this term...What's the betting Wenger will not reward him with £150/200k a week he deserves, and our best player will once again be allowed to walk away, probably up the the M6 to Manchester......

  25. Lord Froth

    May 16, 2012, 14:42 #22432

    Obviously none of us are happy with this season for all of the well documented reasons. However, considering that this team started the season terribly and many of the players are being totally slated by some of the fans they still managed to gain 3rd place. If you'll indulge me then I'd like to offer my opinion. Obviously I don't know which players are going to be leaving but I wouldn't be surprised to see a bigger clear-out than usual this summer of some of the fringe players. I can't see us buying many new players but I do think we'll be seeing at least one new striker and a midfielder. Of the current defence I believe that Squillaci needs to go but I think Wenger will stick with the other four central defenders bearing in mind that he occasionally playes Song in there too and we have Miquel & Yennaris lurking in the background. Next season should see some rotation between mertesacker (who I like and think next season will be better for him), Vermaelen and Kos. I'm hoping that should Djourou remain that he will play himself back into the form he showed a year or so ago. I think we have the personnel in defence as we do have a mixed selection of full backs but I am hopeful that Bould can get the best out of them. In midfield I think the trio of Song, Arteta and Wilshire would be competitive against most teams with cover from Rosicky, Coquelin and maybe Frimpong. I really hope that Diaby overcomes his injuries and we get a full season out of him but at the moment it doesn't look likely and I think he needs to go. We all had high hopes for Ramsey. He'll obviously be staying and hopefully will have a good pre-season and come back refreshed but he needs to improve the speed of his decision making when he receives the ball. I would like to see us buy another defensive midfielder as Frimpong is still quite raw. On the wings we all rate Oxlade-Chamberlain (when people call him AOC I always read it as Attack of the Clones in my head) but walcott has blown hot and cold although he has provided a lot of assists for the main man up front. I doubt we'll have Benayoun next season and Gervinho has been poor but I think Wenger will play Podolski in a wide position so I think well see a bit of rotation between the Ox, Walcott, Gervinho and Podolski. Up front we really, really need another striker whether RVP stays or goes. It's a shame what's happened to Chamahk and I have no idea whether Park is any good considering that he hasn't played in the PL but I can't see both of them leaving because they're probably cheap on the wages front so it'll be the Carling Cup for one of them and we need a reinforcement up front. Anyway, whatever happens over the summer, try now to get wound up and let's look forward to next season.

  26. Emmet Dalton

    May 16, 2012, 14:03 #22431

    RVP was excellent this season and we all know where we would have ended up without him. Outside the top 10 and possibly Managerless. The general consensus is that we need a left back but I think we could do with a right back due to Sagna's recent injury. Micah Richards anyone??

  27. nugs

    May 16, 2012, 13:47 #22430

    Spot on rob with regards to wenger but I also think giving song 6.5 is very generous! I personally would like to see the back of song he is slow,lazy has piss poor positional sense And going by the amount of free kicks he gives away not to bright a 5 at best.

  28. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 16, 2012, 13:44 #22429

    Who do we think won this years "Jon Sammels Crowd Least Favourite" award? This season's nominees appear to be Gervinho, Ramsey and Djourou. Previous winners include Eboue and Denilson. Hate to be another fussy nitpicker on this site, but we won away on the last day without Arteta, although that result alone obviously doesn't cover the results of the previous four matches.

  29. Dave

    May 16, 2012, 13:34 #22428

    Blah, blah, blah! How about a review of the posts on this website? More humour please. Arsenal fans used to be famous for it. I've loved every minute of this season x

  30. Deano

    May 16, 2012, 13:23 #22427

    "Not sure about Lansbury", who has looked average in the championship, but sell Vela, who has 12 goals in la liga? I'm convinced that he could score goals if given games. Probably a victim of our formation although I reckon that if he had as many chances and games as Theo - he would be more useful. Chamakh has proved that he can score goals when he plays regularly, but probably needs to move to do that.

  31. CT Gooner

    May 16, 2012, 12:59 #22426

    Really, 7/10 for Wenger??? Sell your two most potent goal creators, don't replace either and then have a terrible season. Think your being too generous there. I also think jenkinson needs time on loan, he was Terrible at WBA. For me, we need an experienced playmaker, if nothing else to ensure that Jack and Alex are kept on their toes and develop into the class players we know they can be.

  32. Judge Fred

    May 16, 2012, 12:49 #22425

    Yes we had a poor season, but there are supporters who will be happy with third place (I am sure they will say as much in the replies to follow) For me, finishing third is never acceptable for the fourth richest club in the World. Maybe as a one-off season we can accept third but generally this is our peak position and its just not good enough.

  33. Tony Evans

    May 16, 2012, 12:41 #22424

    Great review, Mick, and I agree with all you have written. Just wish it was Wenger that had written it! Hope your thoughts are wrong about Oxlade-Chamberlain going out on loan, though nothing Wenger does surprises me any more now. I especially agree with your views on Alex Song - he is meant to be a holding defensive midfielder and he isn't, which exposes our already suspect defence to even more pressure. Whether this is down to the player or Wenger's lack of concern over the defensive side of the game giving Song too much licence to play further up the field is the big question.

  34. Ron

    May 16, 2012, 12:26 #22423

    RVP apart, theres nothing worth saying about this Season. Chronic.Its a very, very average sqaud and without major surgery wont win so much as an egg cup. PS Your value put on Vermaelen and Koschielny is misplaced. Theyre both world class relative to whats behind them but neither will ever form part of a team that wins anything major. As average as the rest.Lihgtweights both.

  35. Dave

    May 16, 2012, 12:17 #22422

    My simngle biggest point of contention with the above is I do not believe the Koscielny / Vermaelen partnership works. By means of most recent example I cite the WBA match. Sadly I think Vermaelen's Roy of the Rovers attributes in front of goal mask a significant number of times he has cost us this season. The author mentions Milan. In addition to WBA I remember Norwich and QPR. I also love his attitude, but I believe in the cold light of day that Koscielny needs a new partner. That may well be Mertesacker, who again contrary to the above script I believe was showing signs of being a truly class act. I wish we had Kompany and maybe Vertongen is worth a look, though I don't claim to know much about him. Certainly a left-footer is going to be needed if we are going to keep hoping for Gibbs to come good.

  36. Clockender78

    May 16, 2012, 12:15 #22421

    Mick-Good/interesting article. Disagree with some of your ratings though. Wenger 7/10??!!

  37. Colonel Mustard

    May 16, 2012, 11:12 #22417

    park 5? Andre Santos is a fine player. He is winger like Malouda. should be played that way.

  38. Steve

    May 16, 2012, 11:09 #22416

    Szczesny-7 Good season but still very raw.Needs an experienced back up keeper to keep him on his toes.He didnt get that from Flappy and Average Al Sagna-7.5 Top class.Missed badly when he was injured Jenkinson-4 Will always give 100% but has looked out of his depth Santos-4 He cant defend.Good going forward he is not fit.And he cant defend!!!! Gibbs-5 Another LB who cant defend and is injury prone.LB really is a position that we are weak.Buy Baines Djourou-1 Awful season yet Wenger gives him a new contract.Tells you all you need to know about Wenger Kos-8 Our best defender this season.Still prone the odd error here and there.But what a difference from last season TV-7 To me TV wasnt great this season something was missing.Seemed to be out-muscled too easily the the likes of Zamora and Holt Mertesacker-5 This guy has nearly 80 cap for Germany.How? Oil tankers turn quicker and is **** in the air.He is 6ft 7ins!!! Song-5 Yes he made goals for RVP but his job is of a DM and he failed badly.Bad tackler and too many misplaced passes.Should be replaced next seasom Artea-8 he is no Cesc.But who is?But he does a job and did it well.And scored some great goals Rosicky-6.5 Good comeback from the dead.But i cant beieve we gave him a new contact off the back of 5 good games Ramsey-4 Probably the biggest disappointment of the season.He looks totally shot.Really dont know if he will make it at the highest level.Next season is make or break Diaby-0 A total waste of a first team squad place.When is Wenger going to realise he cant play 2 games in a row.Wenger insults our intelligence by saying he will be like a new signing next season.Oh no he wont Benayoun-7 The complete opposite to Diaby.A player who waited for his change and took it with both hands.Well done Yossi you wore the shoirt with pride The Ox-7 This kid is the real deal as proved v Man Utd Chelsea and Milan yet Wenger wouldnt play him v QPR Wolves and Wigan!!!!Miles better than Walcott at the same age Walcott-7 His best season but still goes hiding in games,Cant cross a ball to save his life.If a decent bid came in i would sell.The OX will overtake him next season Gervinho-2 Rubbish.Started badly and got worse a shocking signing.Needs a Sat Nav to find the goal.Headless chicken Arshavin-1 A sad end.Lazy overweight.Never played in his right position Chamakh-1 he did score this season.One goal!!! The only thing you can say is he was worth every penny we paid for him Park-0 Why?Who? Shergar was seen more that Park RVP-10 without him we would have finished 10th.He carried this team

  39. Martyn

    May 16, 2012, 10:53 #22415

    Good review. I agree with the Chamakh conclusion but I have to say that he got ditched as soon as RVP was fit. Up till then he was doing well. I will, however, act as a reserve car in case your's breaks down!

  40. andym

    May 16, 2012, 10:51 #22414

    Agree about Ramsey. Last few games when he replaced Rosicky showed how rubbish he is. God only knows why Chamberlain hasn't figured more - particularly when we need a more physical approach oop North. Be glad to see Frimpong fit again for the same reason. Definitely time for Chamakh, Park, Squillaci, Almunia, Arshavin (unless he comes back as the four-goal Anfield version), Park to go. Hats off to RVP, Rosicky, Arteta, Kos, Sagna, TV and Szczeny. All made good contributions this season - Song almost makes the hats off list. And I liked Santos' goal at the Bridge.

  41. Gare Kekeke

    May 16, 2012, 10:43 #22413

    Excellent article Mick. A superb read. Although I am of the opinion that Wenger’s time as manager is up and should leave the club with dignity, I will never lose respect for him for what he has done for our club and I have always said that he deserves credit for his overall outstanding contribution to our club. I agree with you that he is in a last chance saloon, certainly with a lot of fans. Hopefully Steve Bould would have input in terms of our defending because sometimes it’s a joke. And it’s our defending, at times comical which have contributed to us not winning nearly half of our league games and certainly losing too many despite the 3rd place finish. Having a brilliantly coached and organised defence does not cost a fortune. The most damning thing about us this season is that we didn’t compete for any trophy. That hurts me far more than not winning one. Excellent analysis on the squad too. A slight correction. The only bottom half team we did the double over was Aston Villa and they were poor for most of the season as emphasised with the sacking of McLeish. But yes, it’s damning that apart from Villa, all of the strugglers took points off us. Let’s hope we do get rid of the deadwood because their extortionate wages and that the club will demand top dollar for them will make it extremely difficult for them to be offloaded. Although granted, some will leave due to the expiry of their contracts. Sensible additions (I agree that Podolski is a start) would be most welcome. All in all, a major squad overhaul is required. Only time will tell whether it will happen. And contract extensions for a few players would be most welcomed. Here’s hoping that summer 2012 is nothing like 2011. Up The Arsenal!

  42. Peter Wain

    May 16, 2012, 10:30 #22412

    How can you give Squllaci 0 and Diaby 4? Diaby should be sold he is injury prone and a total waste of space. We definitly need a new left back who has positional sense, a holding midfield player and two more strikers. What we will get is Diaby and Wiltshire fit equals two new players and another stiker if we are lucky.

  43. Dwangoon

    May 16, 2012, 10:10 #22411

    Szczesny - Over confident at the moment, one of the lowest saves per shot. Lack concentration at times. Vorm hinted he don't want to be number 2, unless Szczesny can up his game next season, he could be better of on loan somewhere while Vorm is the number 1. Of course GK is not the most worrying position for us, and there are higher priority signings needed in the defence and midfield. --- Pretty much agreed with most of the other ratings.

  44. Rob

    May 16, 2012, 10:08 #22410

    7 out of 10 for Wenger ? After that summer ?? Very generous by my reckoning. This has been a horrible season and I'm glad its finished. My concern is what happens this summer. And I'm far from optimistic.

  45. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 16, 2012, 9:16 #22406

    I heard Wenger is interested in signing Fulop as back up - apparently he reminds him of someone!