How those RVP negotiations might have went…

Not so much a fly on the wall as a fly in the ointment?

How those RVP negotiations might have went…

Will he stay or will he go

AW: Well Robin, thank you for a fantastic season as both captain and striker; just superb. You are, I believe, the best striker in the world at the moment and it’s to your credit just how well you have done following some difficult seasons with injury.

RVP: Thank you Arsene. Thank you for your patience over the years. I hope I have, with the help of the team, at last paid you back.

AW: You have Robin and I hope we can continue to work together for a few years more.

RVP: So do I Arsene.

AW: Good. So how are you feeling about the future?

RVP: Well, I hope you agree that after eight years of playing for you and the Club and now as a senior player and captain of the team, I can speak directly and honestly to you.

AW : Yes, of course.

RVP: Ok, well..I have a clear and simple vision of my future. In it I am the Arsenal captain, I am being paid well to secure my family’s long term prospects and happiness, and most importantly as a player, I am holding the Premiership trophy above my head and I am clutching a Champion’s League medal in my hand. And you Arsene are once again rightly recognised not just as a great coach but as a winning coach too.

AW: I have the same vision Robin. I also believe together we can do it.

RVP: Ah well Arsene, with respect to you and all you have achieved, this is where we differ perhaps. Because Arsene, while it is my vision, I do not, like you, believe it can happen; at least, not the way things are at Arsenal at the moment.

AW: But Robin, we came third this season, better than last season, I have already bought Podolski to improve our chances, we have Jack to come back, we have more experience in the squad, we are making good progress, and I believe the squad, with you in it, is now ready to make a serious challenge.

RVP: I agree there is cause for optimism but, and this is where you and I must talk frankly Arsene, I am not going to sign my next contract, probably my final big contract, my final chance to win medals, without me being absolutely certain that we have enough quality in the squad to achieve the success that we have failed to achieve over the last 7 years. And I am sorry to say, even with Podolski coming here to improve our squad of strikers, I am not convinced we will have enough great players technically or enough players with a winning attitude elsewhere in the squad to mount and sustain a real challenge. In my view, we are short by 2 to 3 players of this type. And again to be frank, the most important thing for me Arsene is that you and I agree on this and that you have plans to buy more players to boost our immediate chances of success.

Perhaps Arsene you will allow me to put this into the context of what might be on offer to me personally in my new contract and hopefully this will convince you just how seriously I view this issue.

AW: Yes, please carry on

RVP: I have actually asked my agent to be flexible in his negotiation on the personal financial terms of any contract you are offering me. I have said to him that my preference is to stay at Arsenal even though the club cannot offer me the kind of terms that some other clubs may be prepared to. To be clear, I do want a better deal in keeping with my talent and he will negotiate on my behalf to secure one but I am just as keen to ensure I do not use up so much of the available budget that it stops the club from acquiring other players. This would be, for me, biting off my nose despite my face. I am a real Gooner and I want success for Arsenal. I don’t want to bleed the club dry. It is not why I joined the club. I am deeply conscious that I already earn the kind of money that most Arsenal fans can only dream of. And yet they pay large amounts of their income, year after year without trophy success, to come and support us. I believe Arsene, that you and I have had enough chances now over the last seven years to have tried to make a youth oriented approach work and both of us have run out of time for that strategy to work.

Frankly, I want what the fans want; a return to the club I joined, a club made up of the best experienced talent around, taking on the best teams around and beating them to the trophies.

Although I am not the coach, I have precise ideas of how we can make that happen and unless we see eye to eye on these things, I am regretfully prepared to uproot my very happy family from London and join another club which has a greater ambition to match my own.

AW: You speak passionately Robin. The responsible attitude to your own contract is comendable. I am the Manger of this club and it is my job to make the kind of decisions you are talking about but it is so refreshing for a player to see the bigger picture and you are so obviously sincere about this, I am happy to hear your ideas and will reflect on what you say.

RVP: Ok, my ideas are very simple. Essentially, with Poldolski coming and Jack returning, I am sure our offensive game will generate more goals from more players than last season. But we have to, for once and for all, resolve our defensive frailties. It is this aspect of the squad and the way we play that undermines our overall effectiveness. When I first joined Arsenal, our defensive know-how was the basis on which we could play great football. It provided a secure platform from which to attack. I believe it was effective because a), the defenders and midfielders knew as a group where to be in given situations and when to cover for each other, and b), our defence and midfield was made up of physically dominating players who actually loved defending.

For me to stay at Arsenal, I would like to see the club acquire another central defender who is physically imposing and a defensive/holding midfielder who loves winning the ball and considers this to be an art in itself. I also believe we need a new experienced second goalkeeper to challenge and cover for Schzesny and another left back who has greater defensive prowess to compete with Gibbs and Santos.

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  1. Ron

    May 21, 2012, 13:19 #22723

    Joshua - Im pleased you ve accepted that youre not a businessman. Youre not a company lawyer or an accontant either i suspect. As fozzy suggests, youre posts are very condescending. A football Clubs success on the pitch doesnt actually directly impact on the Clubs value, it just doesnt do it any harm.Also, if youve fallen for the 'they never take dividends' ruse that Arsenal peddle, its a matter for you, but believe me, they dont need to take them so to make money from a Club run by and constituted as Arsenal are.There are many other ways to skin a cat basically. Your regular, oh so rational take on Arsenal is just your way of fulfilling your deep seated Arsene Wenger adoration need im sure, but you might like to ponder that whatever else it is, football has never been and never will be ran on conventional and strict business disciplines and i make this point even though the so called fair play rules are pending.If you actually knew about the use of company money, you would know that those rules can be and will be distorted and breached at will. UEFA and whoever else might try cannot override and tame what is company law and moreoever cannot curtail how a company finds and sources its funding. Arsenal is basically a bullcrap machine that desires nothing but the right to partake in a way it sees fit. Any 'success' (in the fans meaning of the word) is a bonus and not a fundamental requirement. They shouldnt be condemned for their approach. Its up to them. What i and mant fans resent is the myth they try and peddle year on year that theyre in it to win it when they clearly arent.If they want respect they should level with the supporters and admit what the Clubs become and state that theyre happy with it.They might have to take some flak and theyll no doubt lose some punters, but it will be short term and they ll get over it. The reality is that they all prefer to 'bottle it', (pretty much like Wengers teams have been doing for the last 5 years at least) so at least there is continuity running through the Club. Arsenal need people like you to apologise for them, so youre a great servant. Mr Gazardis and Mr Hill Wood et al will value you greatly im sure, in fact you might even be PHW, imposting on the Gooner forum, such is your haughty, superior, condecending manner of lecturing others who dont happen to share youre far from accurate views.

  2. goonerjake

    May 21, 2012, 11:32 #22702

    This comment is going to be highly unpopular but sometimes it takes strength to make unpopular decisions. AW:- Well Robin ive been listening to you for a while and let me tell you were im at (pause) I am the manager of this club not you. (pause) The club has been very good to you during the injuries you have suffered (pause) we do love you and you are no doutedly the best player in the world (pause)However you are just one man (pause) no one man is going to dictate to me how this club should be run... the team afairs are up to me and the finance is the boards remit. Here is the contract either sign it and prove your love of go into the final year of your contract unprotected. Because we will not sell you. You will be taking a huge risk doing this in light of any injurys you may never get another contract if anything goes wrong. Remember Robin no one man is bigger than this club.. even I have the board and fans to answer to.

  3. Jekyll

    May 21, 2012, 11:02 #22692

    Fozzy's Mate has explained this in a far more sophisticated way, but the simple explanation for the AFC business model is - stack up the cash reserve against the stadium debt whilst gradually driving that debt down, thus increasing share value, rather than invest in chasing on field success in order to increase share value. That's the model the club have clearly chosen. I don't see why that would be an incomprehensible model for businessmen to take. It's the safer, more conservative model of the two.

  4. Pottyman

    May 20, 2012, 18:41 #22656

    I think if rvp wants mega bucks sell him to somewhere he doesn't want to go for mega bucks ie Russia and tell him to **** off

  5. Arkar Phyo

    May 20, 2012, 14:51 #22655

    incredible ideas hope to be true

  6. Herts Gooner

    May 20, 2012, 9:21 #22636

    RVP will leave, probably for Man City, Wenger will talk of players coming back being like new signings, mental strength, blah blah blah...

  7. rufai babatunde

    May 20, 2012, 7:55 #22631

    hi gooners fan, i will lik to please mr wenger should concider want rvp said. am a through gunners fan i luv gunners, i wil b glad if wenger should buy a quality player.

  8. fozzy's mate

    May 19, 2012, 23:29 #22627

    Joshua - happy to agree to differ but as you have a final point to make do I. We all put our own spin on what goes on at Arsenal which is why we comment on this site. But the cash at bank figure is in black and white in the published accounts. No interpretation can change that figure. Another figure that cannot be disputed is that there has never been 44 games in a league season. Never, ever no matter what your interpretation. Many people believe football was invented when the premier league was formed and Arsenal when Wenger came to town, I don't know anything about you so won't comment on that as far as you are concerned. The most clubs ever in the top flight has been 22 with 42 games not 44. We conceded 49 this year in 38 so would have conceded many more in 42 or 44 for that fact! I hope RVP stays also but fear he won't due to what I see as a lack of ambition shown since 2004. You clearly revere Wenger and in a sense so do I. I just happen to think that a club of our size, history, fan base and finances (as per the published accounts) it is untenable to continue for ever without seriously challenging for an ultimately winning trophies. If you have read my posts and articles you will know in large part I blame the board and not Wenger. Let's adopt the self sustainable model by spending what we have rather than banking it. Only time will tell who is correct but after all football is a game of opinions and escapism from the daily grind. One final thought rather than criticise those who post articles, why not use your obvious passion and forthright opinions by posting one of your own? I look forward to further debate and will be delighted if further signings are forthcoming, that way you won't have to read me moaning about dough trousering any more.

  9. Joshua

    May 19, 2012, 22:07 #22626

    Fozzy's mate.... I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. To be clear I'm not disputing what you say about the published Arsenal accounts, I haven't read them myself but I'm willing to accept that what you say is in them is correct... what I am questioning is your INTERPRETATION of the figures. I basically fail to understand why any businessman or woman would prefer to have cash in a bank, especially in these low interest rate times, when the money could be fruitfully put to work in the business they run. I simply cannot get my head around the logic or sense of this claim. I also don't understand why Arsene Wenger will choose take all the grief that comes his way if there is money to spend. As I said the man has no shares in Arsenal football club. I don't know about anyone else on here but when I consider this whole thing about money in the bank I fail to see any kind of sense in it. It's either our board is the most stupid board around, which begs the question of how Kroenke, in particular, made his billion dollar fortune. Or there are important details that are missing from the whole money narrative which we, mere mortals, are unaware of... ........................................... On calling the article "childish"; I believe in politeness and respect but I also believe in honesty. Even as I acknowledge the courage of the writer in putting his opinion on the forum for us to discuss I also believe that we should say what we really think as politely but also as honestly as possible.So my position is that the fantasy represented in the article is really not tenable in the real world for a whole host of reasons and I shall give you just a few (1) Van Persie cannot define the kind of player he wants Wenger to buy in any position. He is not the manager and he is not a coach. To be blunt if the conversation went anything like the author imagined then Van Persie should be sold as the authority of the manager cannot be challenged in the way this article suggests. If the author doesn't rate Wenger's coaching he should have the guts to call for him to be sacked. The fantasy of putting the words of internet bloggers into Van Persie's mouth is, as I said, "childish" as it doesn't actually engage with complexity of Arsenal's situation. (2) The idea that one person coaches the defence and another coaches the attack is another of the internet favourites on Arsenal blogs. Association football is not Gridiron or American football... we don't have a team of defenders and a different team of attackers. Steve Bould may well be able to pass on his knowledge to individual players but the idea that we can graft on GG's defence onto AW's attack is another piece fantasy that has no basis in reality. Adams, Bould, Keown Winterburn and Dixon had to adjust their games once Wenger came in and that is a fact that no one mentions... it is to their credit that they were able to do it but let's not pretend that they played in exactly the same way as they did under Graham. The second point here is that this legendary defence once conceded 49 goals in the league, albeit in 44 games, and when you consider that the team as a whole scored only 52 goals you may begin to appreciate the sepia tinted nature of some of our memories. The way a team attacks affects the way the team defends. In any event the invincible defence conceded a mere 26 goals that season and the much maligned Pascal Cygan started 13 straight matches for that team and none of the ever presents of that back 4 were GG's signings. It is naive to assume that every thing that is wrong with our defence is down to the absence of a big lump of CB and a holding midfielder. Defending is actually the responsibility of every player, believe it or not, as everyone on the park has a role to play when we don't have the ball. (3)The idea that a clause of the nature the writer imagines is either plausible, enforceable or even desirable is not one that any serious individual can fail to be amused by. What does a player of "sufficient calibre" mean? Who defines the calibre that is sufficient and how do we assess this calibre? Is Torres of sufficient calibre at Chelsea? ... I could go on. So when I call the article "childish" I say so because I have reasons that I believe are valid for calling it "childish". Let me add that you have implied that I am so gullible and naive as to fall for what you call "Propaganda" from the club. In other words you believe that the words I write are not my own considered opinion but the result some kind of brainwashing by the propaganda machine at Arsenal FC... I find the idea rather amusing TBH. I haven't complained or made an issue of it because I don't find it particularly offensive or even insulting as I don't believe that it represents what I write... but each to their own. Finally let me make myself very clear.. I WANT ROBIN VAN PERSIE TO REMAIN AT ARSENAL AND CONTINUE TO BE OUR CAPTAIN. I just don't share in the fantasy that he should dictate team building policy. Let me also say that that I respect your position even if I disagree with it and I also respect you as an Arsenal fan. I have nothing more to add.

  10. fozzys mate

    May 19, 2012, 17:53 #22622

    Joshua - re usmanov - I believe he said that he would give 100 million of his own funds for transfers, when refused he suggested a rights issue. Any business can introduce cash to the business eg a donation but unless you are on oligarch with eye watering amounts of dough you want something in return ie. Equity. So that is where the suggestion of a rights issue comes in. Re the 41 million figure that was simply the profit on player trading as per the published accounts. We were told about 50 million was untouched in the player trading account before this 40 million was added. I repeat Kroenke and Usmanov have bought shares on the secondary market meaning their funds are not invested in the club in the pure sense. Like if I buy your shares in Tesco the cash goes to you not the company. The value of the company ie market cap is the number of shares x share price so if more shares are issued by the company that money goes to the company making the offering. Arsenal are more cash rich than Chelsea and Man city put together. They are funded by owners out right who inject cash against someone like the guy at Portsmouth who put funds in but booked it as directors loans. What the accounts suggest is a decision to increase the cash at bank rather than spend it on players and the team. If the publicly published figures are wrong then you may be right. But as a company listed on plus a regulated exchange I doubt it. The club have decided to operate a self sustainable policy which is fine if they spend the cash generated. Personally I see nothing wrong with multi billionaires putting in rather than taking out but my main complaint is that they don't use the resources ie cash at their disposal. Re you saying the author fish pie is childish, why? I don't agree with you but that doesn't mean your childish. Look at the spread of opinion re the piece, most agree some don't. Why just because you disagree is the article childish. I disagree with your believing the club propaganda re the finances instead of looking at the published figures. But I don't presume to say you are childish. The way you put your point suggests intelligence, you don't agree with me or the author there just different opinions. Let's discuss again as no doubt we will when we start the season and see how much profit we have made when the next set of accounts are published. I suspect the financial performance will again improve whilst the stagnation on the pitch continues. I've just renewed my season ticket and hope all fans want to see their hard earned cash spent on players rather than swelling the cash reserve. Would you not welcome, rvp staying and being joined by. Another world class player than a bigger balance? Is that a childish wish?

  11. Joshua

    May 19, 2012, 15:29 #22620

    Can I also just point out that 41m, if it for both wages and transfer fees, will not get you very much at all in the transfer market. If we are looking for a top quality player in the 20m range with a wage of around 70k to 75k a week on a 5 year deal... your 41m is pretty much gone. You can all do the maths if you doubt me. I'll just like to return to my original point here... anyone who imagines that RVP telling Wenger what to do at Arsenal football club is a good thing, in anyway, is sadly mistaken (for so many reasons) in my view. I don't want to sound superior but if anyone takes their time to think through what the implications of the fantasy portrayed in this article actually amounts to in the real world I doubt that they would consider the scenario anything other than very "childish" in the extreme. Again let me apologise for any offence caused but I honestly cannot think of a better word than "childish" to describe the scenario portrayed in this imaginary situation. I appreciate that mine is a minority view and I very much respect my fellow fans but sometimes you have to call a shovel by it's name.

  12. Danny

    May 19, 2012, 15:19 #22619

    Interesting posts. i want to add my bit though. if RVP leaves , good on him, CESC, Henry and company left to wein medals. we will not win anything under Wenger until he improves the squad and give world class p;ayers like RVP the chance. Working with average players like Gervinho, ramsey, diaby etc, will not get him anything. we the fans are not asking for a 100mill players, just sub quality players to supplemnet players like RVP. Until Wenger and the american idiots leave , we will not win anything, an dthey will continue to eat us dry.

  13. GoonerRon

    May 19, 2012, 15:10 #22618

    I think the premise of the article is good, and I think we'd all agree that for Van Persie to want to commit to a new deal we need to purchase sufficiently to enable us to close the gap on the top 2. It is impossible and unrealistic, however, to draw the clause you suggest into a player contract. Firstly, the club shouldn't (and wouldn't) put specific clauses such as this into a player contract. Arsenal don't have complete control of who we buy, as the player, the players club etc have to be in agreement. Also, terms like 'significant enough stature or quality' are so ambiguous and down to personal opinion that they could never be legally contracted - just look at how much debate went on these boards last year about Koscielny and this year about Mertesacker!

  14. Joshua

    May 19, 2012, 14:50 #22617

    Fozzy's mate... I apologise if I come off as "superior" as I can assure you that I don't feel, at all, superior to anyone. If you mean that I don't go with flow of views of the majority on here then I can only say that I like to think for myself as I suppose you do too. I also will readily confess that I'm neither a businessman nor an economist but even then I have read a few economic papers and listened to economic arguments and, for the most part, those were far more convincing that the stuff that I have read about Arsenal's finances on most blogs. I appreciate your long post in reply to my questions but unfortunately I still don't understand why what you say can begin to make sense, at least, to me. May be I'm just thick but... why would Kroenke, Gazidis and the other investors not invest money that is available presently in making the team even more competitive? What possible rational can they have? Running a cash rich business is no substitute, in football terms, for actual success on the pitch. In commercial terms alone the sponsorship figures we can command if we become Champions league or Premiership winners will dwarf any advantage that comes from running a cash rich business... so why doesn't Kroenke and others invest "free" cash in the team? To me it makes absolutely no sense. The even more bizarre thing is that, just like Dein before him, Usmanov is also saying that problem is a lack of ready capital to invest in the team. His argument is not that the board are incompetent in not investing what is available... his argument is that club should have a rights issue to raise money to invest in the team! So why would Usmanov, who is no friend of the current regime be saying what he is saying instead of attacking the board's incompetence and stupidity in hoarding cash when the team can do with investment? And finally why is Wenger being involved in budgetary matters? If the club have the money wouldn't it just make sense for them to set targets for the manager and reward him on the basis of meeting those targets instead we have Wenger constantly having to cut corners and juggle a ridiculously tight budget... and remember Wenger has no shares in Arsenal football club and his reputation and job satisfaction, just like that of any normal human being, will much greater if he had a team that could actually compete and win... so why does Wenger go along with this situation that you describe... what's in it for him? I'm really not trying to show that I know more than anyone else but I really believe in dealing with reality and when a particular narrative fails to accord with what I know of human behaviour generally it simply makes sense to ask ... why? That's all I'm doing and I really have no wish to offend anyone... that is the honest truth. ................................................................... PS It's not strictly true to say that neither Kroenke nor Usmanov have "invested" in the club as both men have 100s of millions of pounds tied up in the club. What is true is that they haven't made any "extra" money available but they can't do that without a rights issue... isn't that correct?

  15. eddie

    May 19, 2012, 11:25 #22616

    if was said would wenger listen?

  16. Crazy Gooner

    May 19, 2012, 10:46 #22615

    @Fozzy's mate... What a great response mate (post 24879) to Joshua and suuperbly explained in my opinion. Joshua has made some good points, but his arrogant tone and "I know better than you" attitude means he gets my back up whatever he says. Everyone's opinion on here is valid and over the last few weeks there have been some great debates and very little childish name calling or "f**k off to the Lane" comments. Let's keep it that way. We're the Arsenal - remember who you are and who you represent. Class.

  17. Bob

    May 19, 2012, 10:28 #22614

    fantastic post,but we all know that mr wenger is a very stubborn man,even if the obvious has been staring him in the face for years.we really need to be ruthless and get rid of the dead weight once and for all.

  18. fozzy's mate

    May 19, 2012, 8:12 #22612

    Joshua - further to my last. Neither Kroenke or usmanov have invested anything into the club. Despite Usmanov asking for one no rights issue was forthcoming and no share capital raised. They bough shares on the secondary market from existing shareholders the sellers being the only ones profiting as well as the buyer when the share price increases. Unlike other billionaire owners no cash has been introduced by the Denver Dough trouserer.

  19. fozzy's mate

    May 19, 2012, 8:03 #22610

    Joshua - I don't find you rude and enjoy the debate but find your comments perplexing. I do find your superior attitude re the majority of people on this site arrogant and in putting an opinion there is no need to categorise anyone as "not caring to understand what money is and what it does" much like the old etonian imbecile who is still embarrassingly our chairman. In my own career believe me I know a fair amount about what you assume I know nothing about. These figures are not made up or simply invented. Arsenal is a listed company, which means they have to publish accounts. At the last announcement the ceo aka Mr Self sustainable when talking about the cash at bank figure said it is not all available for transfers but the large part is. What someone who knows something about financial services can tell you is that if this statement was incorrect and misleading to the market the ceo of a listed company would be liable to prosecution under the financial services and markets act for making a misleading statement. As said previously Rothchilds a renowned financial institution who I think know more about money than either of us, concluded extra investment was not needed as plenty of cash was as you describe it sloshing around". Gazidis several times and remember what I said about the responsibilities of a ceo of a listed company, said that the reason we were not spending the 41 million profit announced at the last announcement said we were keeping our powder dry for future windows. At time he has also said the 40 million from the sales of Adebayor and Toure is still unspent. The propaganda which you obviously analyse in forensic detail pumps out your point re the non payment of dividends. However there is such a thing as capital appreciation and if you are the major shareholder one way of ensuring the share price rockets is to run a cash rich business. The cash at bank does not just sit there it is invested and churned making profit and increasing the figure whilst not being used to strengthen performance on the pitch. My point and that of many fans you appear to think you are superior to is that the intention of the outgoing board and Kroenke is and was to maximise the share price by maintaining the status quo rather than using the generated profits to improve fortunes on the pitch. You ask why this is the case and I hope I have provided some explanation into my thought process. Please debate with me and others like me who have attended in excess of a thousand games over the last 25 plus years but respect our opinions and don't presume to know what we do and don't know. Otherwise you will sound like Hillwood with his arrogant condemnation of the fans that are the club or Gazidis arrogantly telling us we are the envy of world football.

  20. Mark

    May 19, 2012, 7:39 #22608

    Wenger would have known this ages ago that's why they got Podolski.... And we all deep down know that Podolski sadly is his replacement not to partner him upfront .... The board are all happy as they pay £10m for a German international and get £20m for VanP... The big worry is only Man City can afford him as the euro is on the brink so the likes of even Madrid just can't take the financial risk and our money savvy but football cluelessness American board will be more than willing to sell to them even if it means adding an extra 15 points minimum to their tally next season! Sadly were are man citys feeder club and the only way to stop the rot is getting our multi billionair 30% involved .... But again like Van P sadly we know that's never going to happen :0(

  21. Passcloud

    May 19, 2012, 3:13 #22604

    Sell this over rated striker and get some midfielder AW.

  22. Prabhlo

    May 19, 2012, 2:53 #22603

    Once we get shot of: Almunia, Djorou, Squallaci, Santos, Denilson, Diaby, Ramsey, Arshavin, Park, Chamakh & Vela - We may be able to win a trophy.... The above players are costing Arsenal FC circa £550K a week on wages! And all are diabolically poor to say the least... Anyone who disagrees....Ask yourself this.. How many of those players would get in to Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Spuds? errmmmm NONE! The sad fact is none of the above will happen while AW is incharge...

  23. Stel loizou

    May 19, 2012, 0:10 #22601

    Robin is right and I would do it.The club need to move forward now not backwards and I hope this is the turning point of the club AFC

  24. wendel adams

    May 18, 2012, 23:52 #22600

    Well said robin MR Gazidis should dig deep in he's pockets my give arsene what he needs to upgrade the defence an midfield we not a bad squed but we need some experience in the squed more depth so robin what u said made sence what ever happens ill always love u as a leader,captain and a rollmodel. Gunner 4 life.

  25. peter s

    May 18, 2012, 23:21 #22599

    Might have GONE. not might have WENT. Where did you go to school - Tottenham?

  26. Joshua

    May 18, 2012, 22:10 #22597

    Fozzy's mate... what you haven't told me is why the board won't spend money on players if they just have money sitting in some bank. What's in it for the board or Stan Kroenke? I'm sorry but a lot the kind of stuff that passes for financial analysis of Arsenal by most bloggers is really very weak sauce with little or no discernible logic... I hope I don't appear rude. People were banging on about Arsenal's so-called profits even as David Dein was courting first Kroenke and then Usmanov! If Arsenal had all this money slushing around why did David Dein not simply push for the club to spend the money instead of jeopardising his entire Arsenal career by seeking billionaire investors? Was he mad? Why would the board insist on getting Wenger involved in the financial side of things if the money was just sloshing around a bank account? Wouldn't the obvious thing for the board to do in that situation be to set Wenger targets to achieve and ask him to name the players he needs to achieve those targets? Why is Wenger being involved in budgetary matters... especially after the debacle with George Graham, if the club are not desperate to save every penny they can?.... I'm sorry to say that what some of you folks preach is very far from convincing to anyone who actually cares to understand what money is and what it does. Unless your money is working for you it is losing value, that is a basic tenet of any business. This basic tenet of business is apparently being violated by Arsenal football club for reasons that no one can tell us. Remember that the only way the investors in the club make money is if the "value" of the club goes up as they are not paid a dividend. The value of club improves with success on the pitch but you say that these guys are sabotaging their own investment... why? I am genuinely curious as to why they'd do such a thing. What you are saying, in effect is that a bunch of very savvy business men are taking the equivalent option of putting their money under a mattress... and for no reason?

  27. fozzy's mate

    May 18, 2012, 21:07 #22595

    Joshua where your considered but propaganda influenced view lacks is that we do not spend the funds produced by the ss model you rightly admire. We are 7 years and counting behind the manc 2 with a cash reserve of 120 million. As rothchilds said there is no need for external funding outside the SS model. But surely you would advocate using some of that resource in an attempt to narrow the gaop?

  28. John F

    May 18, 2012, 19:56 #22591

    I think the main sticking point is the length of the next contract.Rvp would want a five year contract so he can stay at a top club earning 100000+ a week untell he is 34.The board would be thinking can they risk paying that sort of money on a player who may be world class for a couple of seasons but afterwards his legs may go and he starts to pick up injuries.It has been reported Arsenal have offered him a 3yr contract but Rvp will be thinking what big club would sign him at 32.Only City could really take the risk of a 5yr contract at £150/250k a week.

  29. derrick

    May 18, 2012, 18:59 #22590

    Arsene should hear him out for his preferred players for defence.After all we need him and he is betting his future on Arsenal too.

  30. John A

    May 18, 2012, 18:43 #22589

    Very impressive post! My idea, as virtually every Gooner, is to sell the rubbish and give RVP what he deserves. Trouble is that would just leave Kos,Shezza,TV, Jack, Arteta the Ox,and Song. Let's face it he is out the door and who can blame him.

  31. Mike

    May 18, 2012, 18:02 #22586

    Football is about money - look at Dalglish, first year, one trophy, a final runner up and he is fired - why - the club invested millions and are not in Europe - had they finished in the top four without a trophy he would be ok - soory but the owners and boards look to be in Europe and the reasons are obvious

  32. Radford to George - He Scores!

    May 18, 2012, 15:03 #22573

    The current situation at the club where we count finishing 3rd, 20 points behind the Champions, as success is utterly desperate and the product of six years of progressive decline. One transfer window is not going to sort that out, even if we do buy the proven quality players we need. The priority has to be sorting out the defence. We conceded 49 in the league this year and this is double the amount that a title-challenging team should. Utd kept 20 clean sheets and picked up 60 points from those games, City kept 17 and picked up 49 points. We don't need experience so much as drilling and organization, which if he is allowed to then Bould should help bring.

  33. North Bank is now a Bank

    May 18, 2012, 14:27 #22571

    they knew he would go - thats why they bought Podolski - they will not pay him what he wants and more importantly they will not guarantee him that they are going to bring in 2 or 3 better players hence he is going to leave and before the EUROS. lets hope we Bank £25M minimum.

  34. Tony Evans

    May 18, 2012, 13:46 #22569

    Fozzy's mate - this reluctance / refusal to spend money at Arsenal does my head in and as you say I couldn't care less at how clever Wenger is in keeping us top four on a pittance. Qualifying for a competition we don't have a cat in hells chance of winning is farcical on a football sense and as the extra money and kudos generated never materialises in to some decent signings, that may give us a better chance of the title of CL, we the supporters get f*** all out of it.

  35. Highbury Boy

    May 18, 2012, 13:37 #22568

    We don't need Vieira to tell us what message it gives out if we sell our last remaining international class player. If RVP wants a realistic chance of winning the PL or CL in the next 3 years he is with the wrong manage/club. If he wants to stay in London for family reasons with a possibility of winning the FACup or CC and a top 4 finish he should stay but Arsenal must make sure that he doesn't lose out financially. This must be possible because it's only his goals which have given us the possibility of £25m + from CL football for 2012/13. I still can't believe Wenger rewards less than average players like Djourou with new long term contracts. No-one at Arsenal has to my knowledge owned up to this yet. The money is there but is not being used to reward the right players like VP.

  36. Joshua

    May 18, 2012, 13:29 #22566

    Tony... I have never understood the logic behind the argument some of you make about our spending or lack of it. Why would not spending money on good players make Kroenke richer? It's economic illiteracy of the highest order. Arsenal's value increases with the success Arsenal have on the field... the more we win the higher our profile the better our commercial pull. It's very, very simple. Kroenke is a billionaire business man who understands money... Wenger is an economics graduate and a very sharp and intelligent man. So why would 2 such people have the same attitude to money as a semi-literate war widow? What Kroenke and the board have decided is that the resources that goes into building the club have to be generated by the club.s assets, that's what "Self Sustainability" is all about. Why should Kroenke spend his own personal wealth like Abrahmovic? Why should he become our sugar daddy and how much exactly should he spend... 10m, 50m or 100m? And what guarantee can Kroenke or whoever have that their money will win them a title or even take them above third? Unless we are willing to get into a stupid spending race with City we have to allow Wenger to build the team in a way that makes sense to him... otherwise sack him and get someone else in. All this moaning is just so short sighted. People are acting now as if Van Persie is some wise guru who should dictate Arsenal's transfer policy when in fact a lot of the same people were moaning about the same player's contribution less than 2 years ago! If Van Persie wants to go let him leave... if the choice was between losing Van P and losing Wenger then it's not even a choice for me. Van P can go and he'll my particular best wishes.

  37. Gbenga Odesola

    May 18, 2012, 13:20 #22564

    I agree with all our Captain Robin said, all Wenger needs to do is bring in 2 - 3 players who are willing to play for Arsenal FC. Players like Ajax Captain, Yann M'Vila, current highest goal scorer for FC Twenty and he might just add Holiet - Blackburn. And get rid of Chamack, Bendner, Silichhilli, vela, e.t.c.

  38. fozzy's mate

    May 18, 2012, 12:33 #22556

    Joshua I'm with Tony Evans. I agree Wenger does a great job given his average transfer net spend of 1 million per season. My argument is that a club of our size, resources and income and cash reserve should be using their resources. And before you ask where my figures come from last published 1/2 year accounts show profit of 48 million and cash at bank 120 million. We can all applaud wenger and Mr Self sustainable on raising this cash at bank figure whilst finishing 3rd but why should we? Frankly the dull merry go round is a bore. Usmanov offered 100 million or proposed a rights issue a few years ago. In response the board got Rothchilds to have a look at the finances. The report concluded a rights issue was not needed as the club had plenty of cash at bank. So where does the money go other than to the bank. Are we a football club or accounting firm?

  39. Gman

    May 18, 2012, 11:15 #22549

    If only the talks went along like that! If Gazidis has anything to do with it, it will be a total balls up. I’d give him £180,000 a week because without his goals there would be no £30 M form CL qualification and we would be in the same position as Liverfool. Additionally a buyout clause would enable him to escape if things remain the same with the deadwood at the club

  40. Judge Fred

    May 18, 2012, 10:38 #22547

    i reckon a lot of that is very accurate to what was said. Oh and Krish Naidoo - were you at Stationers School??

  41. Tony Evans

    May 18, 2012, 9:11 #22537

    Joshua - I am fed up hearing how marvellous Wenger is in keeping us top four by only spending a pittance and in the process making Kronke even richer. Bully for Wenger and Kronke but what about us fans? A lot of supporters don't like what is happening with regards to the daft amounts of money being thrown around by the likes of Citeh (apart from supporters of clubs that are doing just that) but I support a football team, not a business and I say if you can't beat 'em join 'em. What difference is Arsenal's holier than thou stance making to the bigger picture? Nothing that's what. To use an analogy it is like wind farms in the UK making no difference to reducing global warming - all they do is annoy the locals which with Arsenal is us THE FANS.

  42. Kirt

    May 18, 2012, 8:42 #22532

    Brilliant and well written, it's plainly obvious he has Arsenal in his heart and wants the best for our club, I just hope Wenger and co have the same desire and passion. I hope they pull their fingers out and get in the players that we all know we need and get this club up to where it belongs. I would have loved Robin to say "we have 8 to 10 to players who are not worthy of wearing this Arsenal shirt, sell them cheaply reduced the wage bill and get me the quality players we need and I will sign my contract gladly" over to you Arsene

  43. Fozzy's mate

    May 18, 2012, 8:41 #22531

    Nice read - and what a surprise, the headlines the is morning no decision in RVP deadlock blah, blah, blah. Oh and Wilshere needs another operation. So let me make another predicition, will he wont he and anothing boring saga until the 31st August when he goes for 30 million plus, but don't worry says OGL as the Denver syrup wearer trousers another 20 million or so of the clubs dough. and then yet again we synically explout the window by announcing on 1st September that Wilshere is out for the season. Ground hog day continues and platitudes/bull**** are spewed out by OGL, Mr Self sustainable and the old etonian fart/fool/imbecile as the man from Denver counts his dough. An accounting firm stands where a football club once was.

  44. Anna Mary

    May 18, 2012, 7:45 #22526

    Lol.... Its a nice read. The problem is with the board. They have never made it clear as to how much Wenger can spend. We have lost so many top players because of the stinginess of the board. If RVP leaves, then Walcott will leave next season & Wilshere the next after. Also we will lose Wenger who will refuse to sign a new contract beyond 2014. Wake up Silent Stan & Hill-Wood

  45. Joshua

    May 18, 2012, 6:26 #22521

    Brigham.... what do you mean that Wenger has not gone about his business properly? How much has he spent and where are Arsenal in the league? The funny thing about all this nonsensical criticism of Wenger is that Van Persie wouldn't even be at Arsenal if Wenger had followed the advice of a lot these people who claim that he hasn't gone about his business properly? What did Van Persie produce for the majority of his career at Arsenal till two seasons ago? It's Wenger that kept faith with him. The same folks who are now criticising Wenger for not giving Van P a longer contract are the same folks who are criticising him for giving too long a contract at too high a wage to the likes of and Ramsey and Gervinho... when they come good the same nonsense starts all over again. If Van Persie wants to leave, my own personal opinion, is that he should be allowed to leave... I don't want him to leave but if he thinks that the team around him isn't good enough then he can go. And let me be clear here; without Wenger to find us the talent, to take his time and polish that talent... without Wenger to manage our club... we will spend a whole lot more money on transfers and we'd still be mid table unless we get a billionaire owner willing to become our sugar daddy. There's no way we can spend what we spend (or even 5 times more) and hope to compete without a manager of Wenger's nous... if you dispute this show me a club in the premier league spending what we spend who is doing, even remotely, as well. The simple fact is that no one who has spent less money than us has ever finished above us in the league. That is the measure of how good Wenger is.... not even Alex Ferguson can say that no one who has spent less than him has ever finished above him because guess what... Wenger has. Bottom line here is that all our so-called stars were made by Wenger. We didn't spend 20 or 30 million for any of them. If Wenger took the approach that you suggest none of the so-called stars would be at Arsenal anyway... not Cesc, not Nasri, not Henry and definitely not Van Persie! So....if Van Persie doesn't want to stay let him go and please God let him go early.

  46. Brigham

    May 17, 2012, 21:50 #22519

    @ CanadaGooner - I think you are missing the point Fishpie is making in this post, in that RVP would be questioning why Wenger has NOT purchased quality players to improve the team. Yes, I agree with you when you talk about how we have stood by RVP during his 'childish' days and troubles. This post is not all about RVP really, it is stating a fact that Wenger has not gone about his business properly regarding increasing the depth of our squad, surrounding our 'stars' with better players. Instead, Wenger has a lovely fillet steak on his plate and then surrounds it with Aldi chips and out of date veg! All washed down with cheap Tunisian plonk.

  47. Colin

    May 17, 2012, 21:36 #22517

    Joe-As long as Wenger remains manager and Kroenke the owner every year our best players will leave.Why would they stay?To finish 3rd or 4th.Because that is the ambition of Wenger and Kroenke.Just get the CL money in.Until Usmanov takes over which he will we cant compete with the manchester clubs.And thats why our best players will leave because we cant compete.Nasri Clichy and Cesc all won trophies since they left last summer.RVP is not stupid enough to believe we will win the title and the CL in the next 5 years

  48. CT Gooner

    May 17, 2012, 21:29 #22516

    Very interesting article. Obviously we all have different opinions on the "right" thing for RVP to do, but I can't forget why we are here. Wenger has let his squad stagnate, so RVP doesn't see the strength around him that will let him compete for medals. While I would love him to stay, I won't say anything against him for leaving, as I feel our club are alienating players who want to win.

  49. simon

    May 17, 2012, 20:57 #22514

    man city's forward line cost £120m and is paid £1m a week. if he truly wants a good chance of medals he should go there. full stop. i know it, he knows, wenger knows it, anyone with an interest in footbal knows it.

  50. CanadaGooner

    May 17, 2012, 20:09 #22512

    Fishpie you must have gone for a quick cuppa and missed the segment of the conversation where AW said: Robin, remember those weeks you were banged up in a dutch jail accused of rape and Arsenal stood by you? And while you're remembering that, hope you also remember the 8 - 12 weeks of each season since we bought you that you got paid while you laid on the surgeon's table? When you're done remembering those, I shall restate my question on whether you want to stay or leave Arsenal

  51. kzGooner

    May 17, 2012, 19:59 #22511

    i'd like that it will be true.. I hope ;D

  52. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 17, 2012, 19:33 #22509

    Colin- you make a fair point but i do wonder what might have been if Cesc and Nasri would have stayed on AND RVP still had the same kind of phenomenal season that he just gave us. At some point the club are going to have to make a stand and hold onto these players like the scum did with their want-away rat faced Modric. I agree that we will need at least 3 more £15-£20m signings to keep RVP happy though. Who's next out of the door though? Wilshere? Oxlade-Chamberlain? Walcott? Song? when is enough going to finally be enough?

  53. Agree Wenger

    May 17, 2012, 19:06 #22508

    RVP doesn't have a bad point, in fact I like what he said he doesn't seem money hungry, is a true gooner and just wants the defence to be better so we can compete for trophies. Hope wenger listens and adds a Central Defender, Defensive Midfielder & an Attacking Midfielder with known qualities. Come on Wenger don't be tight

  54. Colin

    May 17, 2012, 18:52 #22507

    @Joe Fitzpatrick so you want RVP to stay as loyalty to Wenger.RVP leaving wont cripple the club. Its surrounding RVP with mediocre signings that will.What must RVP make of the likes of Forehead and Santos? players not fit to clean the boots of the players we had when RVP joined us. C'mon get real.RVP is in the same position as Cesc a great player in a team of dross.How must RVP have felt seeing a player less talented than him,Nasri pick up a premiership winners medal at City as well as £90k more a week than him.Under Wenger RVP will continue to win nothing except the bronze medal(3rd place)

  55. Michael Preston

    May 17, 2012, 18:49 #22506

    Good question, Jim. Fishpie, where's the "tense and tetchy"?

  56. Jim

    May 17, 2012, 18:10 #22505

    Who's editing this site? "might have WENT"? Come on

  57. Alastair Kerr

    May 17, 2012, 17:58 #22504

    Let's not dwell on what was or wasn't said - none of us know. What will happen? Same as every summer. We will sell our top players - RvP in this case, we will be linked with a variety of quality players, these will be discussed on various forums and we will wait up to midnight watching Sky Sports News hoping for a big signing - that big signing has already arrived - Podolski. Any further additions will be the usual low budget players and Wenger will tell us he is happy with his squad - we will not win anything next season and so on......

  58. chrisy boy

    May 17, 2012, 17:39 #22502

    good article mate and if RVP cares about Arsenal as much as we are led to believe i can imagine your piece is not far from what actualy went on. As club captain Rvp should have a voice and allowed to make his views freely to wenger. Trouble is would wenger listen im not to sure.

  59. R

    May 17, 2012, 16:53 #22501

    Nice post. I am one of those who wants Wengers to stay to the end of his contract. But if this is really how the conversation went, make RVP manager now.

  60. Joe Fitzpatrick

    May 17, 2012, 16:28 #22500

    I find this whole situation absolutely disgusting. Captain after captain seems to leave us to move on to the next level and the players show no loyalty to Arsene Wenger at all. Van Persie should remember how the club developed him and stood by him throughout his injuries. If he leaves us now it will cripple us for a long time and ruin our chances of securing top talent in the future.

  61. Just Go

    May 17, 2012, 16:25 #22499

    Does anybody really think with £130k in his pocket RVP trusts Wenger to bring in the players we need?.Didnt he tell the same load of bull to Cesc 2 years ago.I'm sorry i dont trust Wenger.While on the other hand RVP could join City get £220k a week and play with talented players every week.One day the penny will drop with Wenger as to why our best players want to leave every summer.Not until he leaves in 2014(we hope) will Arsenal start to be contenders again.Get Van Basten and Bergkamp in that may make RVP stay

  62. Gare Kekeke

    May 17, 2012, 16:03 #22498

    Hilarious article. And the scary thing about it, some of it is probably true. Remember when we Gooners used to claim in recent years that players who left The Arsenal under Wenger would do nothing elsewhere? Well, that in recent years has not been the case. Cole, Campbell, Hleb, Henry & Flamini to name but a few and that list is getting bigger and will continue to increase unless the board & Wenger wise up. Although I accept that some of those players and more have left for monetary reasons. I’m of the opinion that RVP is not motivated by huge sums of money like some of his peers and genuinely wants to be a trophy winning skipper for The Arsenal but understandably wants assurances that the club are making moves to fulfil the desires of not just himself but his teammates too. If he was to leave, I wouldn’t begrudge him. He has to put himself and his family first. Our net debt has been significantly reduced which should free up more funds and if we clear the deadwood..................well, easier said than done! Spending lots of money is not necessarily the answer to solving all our problems, but when spent efficiently, especially on players wages combined with other factors then yes, The Arsenal can be force again. But if we retain the status quo and think it’s just a bit of tweaking here and there, we will continue to fall short. Up The Arsenal!

  63. Peter Wain

    May 17, 2012, 16:02 #22497

    RVP will leave if he wants to win trophies becuase we cannot do this under the presewnt management structure and he must know this. We will again fail to deliver in the ransfer window the type of top wuality signings we need and with Diaby playing a 20 minute season again we will rue our bad injury record. Get rid of the yank and that snake oil salesman and get some decent investment in the first team squad so we can at least be closer to the tow Manchester clubs.

  64. Brigham

    May 17, 2012, 15:42 #22496

    Funny and probably nearer to the mark than most of us would care to think. Trouble is, this is old ground though; Vieria, Henry, Fabregas and probably now RVP have all said much the same thing or were quoted as such. To be honest, I would not be surprised to see Man City attempt to lure him away. For those of us Gooners who bemoan 'that lot with the money' over and over. Take stock and think that is how life is, those with money can afford the best things in life, it happens. If he does go, lets just get over it and move on - WE ARE THE ARSENAL.

  65. Goonanana

    May 17, 2012, 14:40 #22495

    If Man City pay him another £120k a week on top of what we are offering then he doesn't need to move, he can commute by chopper every day!

  66. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 17, 2012, 14:30 #22494

    well the players agent may say what makes you think you have to uproot your family? You will be loaded, buy/rent a house in manchester and/or fly down to london to see them. he might also have asked the names of top players targeted. either sign him up or sell him before the week is out and get someone else in. him sulking around a year does no one any good. if he does go, the he must be replaced by a player just as good as him. what would AW say? well i now think AW and the board have been honest with us,AW thinks Diaby will recover will be a new signing etc, instead of as a bluff for transfers and ticket sales as i first thought. he thinks it and the chairman and board then back his judgement

  67. Ron

    May 17, 2012, 14:28 #22493

    AW - eeerm i hear all that you say Robin, but i can give no assurances and eeerrrrrm you know how i feel about stabilty and eerrm financial doping, but i hope that your desssiirre and mental strength will always be with you at your new Clubbe. Is it Madrid you are heading? If so, give my best wishes to that nice Mr Mourinho or is it Manchesterrrrr? If so, tell Samiiirr, that his cluube would have won the championship without his paltry contribution and i doubt he ll be there much longer once they buy real players who can puuussh for the CL, so he must enjoy what is a good moment for him. Goodbye Robin.

  68. Joshua

    May 17, 2012, 13:52 #22492

    Managers manage and players play. No club that allows it's specific transfer policy to be dictated by any player, no matter how talented, has any chance of success and it should never be tolerated. To do otherwise (which is suggested implicitly by this post) is short-sighted and will be ultimately ruinous. If the manager is so weak that a player is going to dictate to him which areas need strengthening then he shouldn't be managing a club like Arsenal. Having said that Van P has every right to demand that if he is to commit his talent to us for what remains of his career then he should receives assurances that the club and manager expect to compete for the highest honours. He shouldn't however be so presumptious as to dictate who or what players should be signed or in what positions. It is within his rights to wait and see what Arsenal and Wenger do before committing himself to the club... but if the conversation goes anything like this writer imagines then Wenger should sell him and rightly so too. I have to say that Van Persie arrived at Arsenal as a troublesome and immature young man and spent a serious amount of time on the treatment table... he deserves a lot of credit for what he has become but he has been given the space to become the player and man he has become by Arsene Wenger and Arsenal; therefore the idea that he should now dictate what Wenger and Arsenal ought to do in realms of signings is beyond silly to me. Van Persie is a very good player and no Arsenal fan would want to lose him, more especially after losing Nasri and Fabregas but if the choice is between having a player dictate transfer policy and having the player leave... then the player should leave and no right thinking person would suggest otherwise IMHO.

  69. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 17, 2012, 13:48 #22491

    One of quite a few fly on the wall takes of how the negotiations may have went that i've read over the last few days and the serious ones like this one all point to one thing ambition there's no doubt RVP'S ambitious and wants to win cups and medals before he retires but does silent stan and the so called board have the same ambition ? (they've never shown it) question is even being asked does arsene ? not on the evidence of the last three or four seasons with project youth, signings made, lack of signings made, tactics/coaching.I don't believe its about money money will be a factor yes after all it's his last big payday but not the stumbling block no its all about ambition. So its over to you stan ivan and arsene have you got the balls to do what needs to be done to keep robin ? to show some real ambition ?

  70. Bard

    May 17, 2012, 13:46 #22490

    Pretty convincing conversation.Unfortunately the answer will be the same as previous seasons. A summer fending off predators followed by scramble to sell RVP and buy one unheard of 18yo and away we go for the new season. Defensive mistakes blight early season form despite glut of goals. First major injury about October. First crisis around November, by new year still 5th or 6th and hoping for a top 4 finish.

  71. Nick

    May 17, 2012, 13:44 #22489

    Personally id give him all that he asked for and maybe a bonus player as well, one of REAL quality , to excite the fans and the rest of the team, ie Baines , Vertonghen, (sorry no idea how you spell the guys name) Jaskelinen, Mvilla, Dempsey and the icing on the cake Eden Hazzard, but he wont do anything like that will he ? i know thats 7 new players coming in, 3 with fairly hefty price tags, but surely to god we can ALL name seven players from the present squad that simply are not good enough to wear the famous colours, and im also sure with the money from selling and savings on wages, we could finance such ambition without straying too far from the clubs financial ideals, but its a pipe dream, it wont happen and im almost resigned to saying yet another emotional goodbye to yet ANOTHER top top player

  72. Gee

    May 17, 2012, 13:43 #22488

    Not sure it would be that specific but I imagine Robin is asking what are the plans for improving the squad? If Wenger says we got Podolski and Jack and Diaby are coming back then it is a joke. Especially as news has now broke that Jack is going to Sweden for knee surgery this week... We need a squad that can cope with 6 players per week out with injuries as over the last 3 seasons that is the average number of players out injured per game. Every single year we have a player or sometimes two that are wiped out for the entire season with injury. We desperately need a squad to cope with this. Buying M'Vila, Vetonghen, Gotze, Higuain and Matias Suarez and cleansing the squad of deadwood would go some way to beefing up the threadbare squad we have already. Do we care if Wilshere has to fight it out with Gotze, Arteta and M'Vila for a starting spot in the squad?? NO Strength and depth is key yet Wenger will not do it

  73. Guildford Gooner

    May 17, 2012, 12:24 #22486

    If I was Arsene Wenger I would already have been planning the changes RVP would like to see so there would be no problem.In reality I fear that Mr Wenger will be his usual stubborn self and insist that the squad will be strong enough with Podolski and the players coming back from injuries,so RVP will leave.

  74. Deacon j o idowu

    May 17, 2012, 12:20 #22485

    Robin has done well in terms of signing another contract, it now left with wenger & the board to act according to his wish. Signing of a central in mould of ventonghen & Yan'nvilla as denfensive/holding Midfielder to complement Song & Arteta are enough to convince Robin since we have acquired the services of podolski even with £130k he will stay

  75. Tony Evans

    May 17, 2012, 12:19 #22484

    I think you have got this spot on (mind you only the most blinkered AKB would not have) - RVP will want assurances from Wenger that he is finally going to sort things out and Wenger will come back with his usual deluded comments on how good the squad is and that he does not see the need to bring in anyone else during the summer. RVP will (quite rightly) say OK I'm off then; and in my opinion it will not be down to the money he can earn at Citeh but purely and simply down to his complete frustration with Wenger and the prospect of finishing his footballing career with a team going nowhere fast.

  76. Rhys on the tube

    May 17, 2012, 12:07 #22482

    This is interesting. I hear all of the time from RVP that he loves London and wouldn't dream of moving. In ways, yes. This should act as a wake-up call to Wenger. Still think we need a decent CB as while Kos and the Verminator are good, I just feel we need someone else as well on backup and to challenge for a place in the starting XI. Let's be honest, we should have never, and I mean, NEVER offered Djourou another contract, I'd rather have Eboué over him! However I just feel that the addition of Podolski could act as the sign that Wenger expects him to suddenly be RVP and act as an excuse to let RVP head off somewhere else. I don't know, nobody does at the end of the day. I just pray for RVP to stay because who else would be worthy of the captain's armband? I know Walcott would probably injure himself putting the band on. Still, if all comes where RVP does get sold then give the armband to Szcezsny.I rest my case, and pray Wenger does the right thing.

  77. ochigbo innocent

    May 17, 2012, 12:00 #22481

    If I were wenger I will just go ahead to get more expirienced players to strenthen my deffence and mildfield as he rightly suggested since its not like the club lack the finances.except if wenger and gazidis re not interested in the club winning trophies or they both want to cash in on the sale of our captain and just make the money.sign thode players wenger.

  78. Julius Moses

    May 17, 2012, 11:58 #22480

    i will agree to the terms because he has the interest of the club at heart. The issue now is, will the directors of the club make the founds available for Arsene to use? thats the question!

  79. Charlie

    May 17, 2012, 11:58 #22479

    RVP:Will you be buying 5 quality players that will help us win the league. AW:No we have the best squad we have ever had.We are not far away.RVP:Sorry Arsene i beg to differ,we are 19pts behind the two manchester clubs and we get knocked out as soon as we play anyone decent in the CL.I look at Cesc Nasri and Clichy and see them win trophies.AW:But we have won the Emirates cup recently.RVP: What time is the first train to Manchester?

  80. harshil kachhawa

    May 17, 2012, 11:51 #22478

    good one.. this would be very near to what actually would have gone in the meeting.. but this simply explains Robin would not be with us next season.. i'll wait for the year when we actually have the team to win titles.. with miser owners and a stubborn manager(doesn't mean he is bad at all) we would never get a title..

  81. dan

    May 17, 2012, 11:48 #22477

    what a great article... if only you could personally forward that to RVP and Arsene......

  82. macshow

    May 17, 2012, 11:39 #22476

    I wish this is exactly how the discussion went and i be the most happiest Gunner fan. Spot on RVP

  83. Peter Bowler, Woodford Green, Essex

    May 17, 2012, 11:34 #22475

    Further to my previous comment, not quite sure who Assimov is - I meant Usmanov (those Russian oligachs are, of course, terribly difficult to tell apart!).

  84. Twig

    May 17, 2012, 11:31 #22474

    "I am afraid Robin that I cannot guarantee that Arsenal Football Club will bring in the kind of players you desire. Buying players is determined by several factors which are not entirely within our control. I believe nurturing Wilshere and Diaby to fitness will be like two new signings and..."

  85. Debasish Gara

    May 17, 2012, 11:30 #22473

    Although I am a man city fan but I love Arsenal too becoz of the football they play. I totally think what you have said of RVP is true and I would like him to stay at Arsenal and fight with MAN U AND MAN C for premier league. But Arsenal has to spend some money in the market to get 3 good players.

  86. Dennis

    May 17, 2012, 11:23 #22472

    Well-written. Hats off to the author :) I could imagine something like this would be happening in a contract discussion session.

  87. Peter Bowler, Woodford Green, Essex

    May 17, 2012, 11:17 #22471

    Whilst understanding, sympathising with &, perhaps even, sharing RVP's concerns & his approach to dealing with them, Wenger & AFC are in no position to provide the guarantees that such a proposed clause determines. Short of raising significant funds via a rights issue (already proposed by Assimov & rejected out of hand), there is no way that AFC can remain true to their self sustainable financial model & committ the necessary funds which would be needed to strengthen the squad as RVP (&,it should be said, the great majority of Arsenal supporters) desires. Consequently, AW finds himself over a proverbial barrel & although he might point to the (unguaranteed) hope of UEFA Financial Fair Play rules bringing about a more even playing field over the next few seasons, there is no way he can realistically honour RVP's proposed clause or compete financially with the Man City or Chelski's of this world. If I were AW I would, though, promise not to hold RVP to the year remaining on his contract if he pledges not to join another Premier League club. At least in that way, AFC would secure a reasonable transfer fee & RVP would not come back to haunt us in the manner that Nasri & Clichy have this season. Probably not what most Gooners want to hear, but that's the most likely outcome as I see it to this hypothetical scenario.

  88. lance peters

    May 17, 2012, 11:08 #22470

    excellent. i believe if wenger does not sign players now he will never. i wish van persie all the best no matter which step he takes. and if van persie had to leave we as fans should protest and not attend games. for 7 years wenger has been taking us for granted.

  89. Spelling

    May 17, 2012, 11:01 #22469

    It's cutting your nose off "to spite" your face...not "despite"

  90. @djdaymos

    May 17, 2012, 11:01 #22468

    Brilliant!! Probably 95% true to what really happened lol

  91. MK Gooner

    May 17, 2012, 11:00 #22467

    Do you know what? There is nothing more in the world that I would love to be true as much as your post. I bet you that RVP has stated facts very similar to what you write and I bet you any money that Wenger really really wants to be stubborn this time but it would be him cutting of his nose to spite his face if he did. RVP will only sign if he really feels that he can win everything with Arsenal and that includes having a squad to BEAT not just challenge Citeh and Man Yoo. Lets see if Wenger will axe all the players that we want him too and replace with hungry, experienced fighters. Players with heart like Frimpong, with honour like Jack and commitment like Yossi. If we sign M'Villa to compete with Song and a defender to replace Djourou with Bartley as back up and get rid of the chaff inc Bentdner, Squillacci, Almunia, Vela, Chamakh, Park and a few youngsters out on loan and sell Arshavin and Denilson to free up more money for salary and promote Afobe, Campbell, Wellington and Ryo. Then We can challenge for the title. Fingers crossed lol

  92. Francis Ofojua

    May 17, 2012, 10:58 #22466

    I supported what Rvp Said.We need to buy more experienced players to help boost the club expecially a center defender,defensive/holding midfieder,an experienced goalkeeper.I think with those kind of players,we can challenge for trophies next season.Please Mr Wenger act fast and help bring our glory days back.I supported what skipper Rvp said.Thank u.Gooners Forever.

  93. James

    May 17, 2012, 10:58 #22465

    I wish this were the case!! I would still like RVP to suggest maybe another creative MidFielder to come in. Would love hoillet (who is very cheap & young) or Kagawa (again very cheap & young) Gervinho & Walcott are so inconsistent is unbelievable & having 2 players like this on either side of our flanks is only going to mean 1 thing. Inconsistent performances throughout the season, like we have shown this season!!!

  94. Nt

    May 17, 2012, 10:56 #22463

    Offer to drive Robin to the station en route to Manchester. Great article, would bet serious money I plays out this way...

  95. Goonerfrommalaysia

    May 17, 2012, 10:55 #22462

    well said mate. spot on! + i'd prefer if we offload fringe & below-par players, if u know what i mean.. :)

  96. Krish Naidoo

    May 17, 2012, 10:53 #22461

    Well scripted, and there is no arguing about RVP,s thoughts. RVP is nearing the end of his career depending if he stays injury free in the next 4 years and its only fair being a damn good striker he wants to win medals with Arsenal. For once in 7 years, please AW listen to your captain. We want silverware

  97. Toby

    May 17, 2012, 10:49 #22460

    Amazing imagination...I can assure you that 65%-75% of what you have said is how the discussion transpired...

  98. Angry & Frustrated

    May 17, 2012, 10:44 #22459

    In answer to your question at the end, what I will do, is continue to lie to RVP as that's what I have been doing for years now. I can't quite frankly believe how gullible most Gooners or players are, hence why change my winning formula!! Besides I have learnt to thoroughly enjoy sausage and mash, and strongly recommend it to all!!

  99. Bill

    May 17, 2012, 10:43 #22458

    He off to City