We have fiddled while Roman has burned with desire

But when it comes to bean counting Arsenal are in a league of their own

We have fiddled while Roman has burned with desire

Kroenke – Lacks Abramovich’s obsession with winning

Of course Gooners can be pleased that Chelsea winning the Champions' League means that Spurs won't qualify for it next season - but frankly, they have as much chance of winning it as Arsenal now do. We can continue to amuse/console ourselves by celebrating "St Totteringham's Day" at the end of each season; or we can understand that this 'achievement' is largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Chelsea have a wealthy benefactor, for sure, and since he has been in charge he has invested heavily in the Club. It is fair to say that this changed the landscape of British football, and it is also fair to say that we could not compete with them in the transfer market without a radical overhaul of the way Arsenal operate. But let us be very clear that the owner's wealth is not what turned Chelsea's season round for them this year. It is his uncompromising refusal to accept mediocrity as is in any sense acceptable. While he may have been a little too trigger-happy on one or two previous occasions, he got it spot on this time. Replacing AvB with Di Matteo relatively late in the campaign made all the difference in the world to Chelsea's season.

Di Matteo brought back the experienced players that his predecessor had discarded and got the whole team playing with heart, courage and character in spades. The way that they came from behind against far superior teams in the face of huge odds in the semi-final and final of the Champions' League was so reminiscent of the essence of Arsenal as I recognised them for most of my life. It was a performance to stir memories of McLintock, Adams, Brady, Vieira, Henry... only their equivalents are now all in blue. Even their left-back (arguably man-of-the-match in Munich) somehow reminded me of someone I once remember playing with heart and soul (not cockney rhyming slang!) in a red shirt.

You can just imagine the AKBs' reaction had anyone dared to suggest in February that Di Matteo - or an equivalent in terms of managerial experience/reputation - would be able to take over from Wenger, and to succeed where he now cannot. Well, the proof of the pudding is that within three months Chelsea (who were enjoying a more miserable season than us up to that point) ended up winning two cups - including the biggest of the lot. Yes, they enjoyed more than their fair share of luck - but fortune favours the brave, not the over-cautious bean counters who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

I can only hope that this will prove to be the straw the breaks the camel's back, and will shake the Arsenal board into doing whatever is necessary to change the complacent, under-achieving mindset that has engulfed the Club for so long it has become a malaise. As fans, we seem to have very little influence, except at this time of year when we are asked to renew our season tickets. I suggest that the Club may find it harder to coerce unhappy punters to renew through fear of going to the back of a long waiting list as they have done in previous years - I would be surprised if such a list exists any more, and besides red membership is probably sufficient to get you tickets to most games you want to go to.

In case the board should be in any doubt, let us make it clear to them - simply qualifying for the Champions' League year after year is not an achievement, beyond balancing the Club's books. Winning the thing is. Getting back into the habit of winning trophies is a start. It won't happen under Wenger - it is time for radical change.

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  1. StewBoy

    May 25, 2012, 15:35 #22993

    Agreed on some points but the varying reports on the wage bill of Chelsea shows they are paying £40-50M more than Arsenal each year. Having an owner prepared to invest (ie write off) £0.75BN to date has been more than useful and Arsene's comments about 'financial doping" are spot on. What should not be ignored rightly as you say is spirit and togetherness. The Arsenal Team that reached the Champions League final was not one of our finest across Arsene Leadership; however they had the nous to grind out results in places like Madrid against superior opposition as Chelsea have done. We were not far away from an incrediable result that night as Chelsea achieved in Munich. One wonders whether more recent teams has the spirit of Flamini, Henry, Lehmann, Campbell etc what could have been achieved

  2. LJB

    May 24, 2012, 22:39 #22939

    So Mandy how many times have YOU been to see Arsenal over the past year? What have YOU sacrificed to follow the team you love,home and away?Did YOU go to Milan to witness the most embarassing shameful performance EVER by an Arsenal team in Europe? I bet the answer to all these is a big fat zero.Maybe if you actually spent some cash on following Arsenal your expectations might be a bit higher.This club is robbing the fans blind;we may not have a sugardaddy but who needs one when fans have to take out a second mortgage for a ST.Arsenal,the club only the priveledged can afford to support.

  3. Simon

    May 24, 2012, 19:21 #22934

    It was always worse for us if the West London Scum took home the cup with the big ears . Spurs being in it gives us an edge with the board, more players will go to chelsea small c, Spurs are inconsequential there is a chasm between us that is why i do not care what they do . That said they got to the QF`s of the CL in their first season it took us years we still do not know what we are doing we are tactically naive and this won`t change . EVERY TEAM WHO HAS A COACH TALK TACTICS EVEN BARCA WITH MESSI TALKED AT GREAT LENGTH ABOUT WALCOTS PACE . I WOULD LOVE TO BE PROVED WRONG I WOULD GLADLY BE PELTED BY CUSTARD PIES , BUT ALAS I THINK HE HAS TO GO , THIS HAS TO BE THE LAST SEASON .

  4. Jock Gooner

    May 24, 2012, 17:44 #22927

    Current owners out, Dein and Usmanov in, Wenger stays, all sorted, easy! Sorry, I just forgot that we're all busy renewing season tickets so there will be no change. Oh well, never mind, heres to another season of mediocrity.

  5. Tony Evans

    May 24, 2012, 15:07 #22923

    Well said Andrew Cohen - exactly the point and the cause of most (if not all) of Arsenal's failures over the last 7 years.

  6. Peter Wain

    May 24, 2012, 14:55 #22922

    The obssession which our board and manager gas for qualifying for the CL means that we have no chance of winning any competition. Teh cups are sacrified for the league/CL and the transfers are geared to young potential not players with proven experience. The flaw with this approach is that if the young player is world class he will leave before fully maturity and go somewhere where he can win things (Fabregas and Nasri). If the player faisl to develope we over pay him compared to his market and this means we cannot get rid of him (Bendtner Denilson Flapianski Diaby etc. I do not know why the yank bought rsenal certainly not to win things and I cannot see how he is recouping his money when no dividiends are paid. I assume thatis a trophy acquisition. The only way we will ever win anything is to give the manager a proper budget spend it wisley and to do that we need change at the top now.

  7. Andrew Cohen

    May 24, 2012, 9:07 #22911

    It isn't about how much money we have. We have £140 million to spend on wages from the self sustainable model (which is, in and of itself a great idea which will stand us in good stead). It's about organisation. Our defence isn't organised because the manager wants everybody save the goalkeeper in their penalty area for 100% of the game(I'm exaggerating to make a point). The significance of Chelsea's success is that a team with ability that can also defend resolutely can achieve great things. That is the history of Arsenal Football Club and in fact of any successful team you care to mention. The AKB's are committed to the cult of Mr Wenger and nothing will divert their hard core from their faith. If we were playing in the Conference under him, there would be talk of attacking football and financial probity and what he has done for the club. I don't care what he has done for the club. It's irrelevant (as in unimportant or meaningless ) to the situation we now face. You might as well say that we should exhume Herbert Chapman and have him manage the club for his undoubted achievements. Wenger has been fantastic and has written his own chapter in the history of the club, but that's what it is....history. If you don't know what you are doing, you get help or get out of the way. He won't do either.

  8. Wombledin

    May 24, 2012, 4:38 #22908

    "fortune favours the brave, not the over-cautious bean counters who know the price of everything and the value of nothing." You've summed up in one sentence all that is wrong with our club right now. Risk-averse, tight-ass bean-counters whose only passion is financial profits not footballing glory. Don't let them get away with it. Don't renew your season ticket and boycott the games.

  9. fozzy's mate

    May 23, 2012, 19:40 #22897

    Its amazing how so many have come round to what a few years ago was considered sacrilege. This board will stack cash as the last did to see their share price rocket. OGL is delighted as Canada gooner says because he cleverly moved into a position where his supine bosses are delighted with his statements about mental strength, spirit and the 3rd/4th place trophy. Some like Mandy or Joshua despite what the accounts say will believe that Wenger and board have no money to spend. In terms of transfers we are stuck in 2002, whilst the rest have moved on. We have decided not to compete, even if OGL stays he needs bosses who will insist on trophies or bust. Not every year but the current drought is not acceptable.

  10. GoonerGoal!

    May 23, 2012, 18:36 #22893

    We have seen the future approaching over the past 7 years and now we are living it. Arsenal have become firmly established as a profit making club scrambling each season for the position of 1st or 2nd also-ran, and it is a situation with which the Holy Trinity of Kroenke, Gazidis, and Wenger are utterly satisfied. Apparantly those like Mandy Dodd, who support those ambitions for the club, are equally satisfied. The Crest has already been changed, perhaps it's time to change the club motto from 'Victoria Concordia Crescit' to 'Pecuniam ante Honores'.

  11. Ron

    May 23, 2012, 13:55 #22876

    Mark of Aylesbury - Spot on. I happen to think that the Board at Arsenal has a limited shelf life. The shareholders on it will need to see the debt reduced further, while they hope and pray that OGL keeps them hanging in the top 4 by their fingertips, then just watch the fire sale of shares. Its going well for them so far as its a fairly rubbish league and the team will perhaps do enough. The problem is that now RVP is almost certainly going is where the next 'big' player sale going to emerge from? They will hope Wilshere gets back this season as hes the next intended big sale for sure. After him, it beggars belief what theyve got left. The Club is desperate for a big sale each Summer, whatever they say.

  12. Woolwich Arseholes

    May 23, 2012, 12:09 #22854

    A footnote to the beguiled: Eden Hazard has agreed terms with 3 English clubs. Guess what, Arsenal aren't one of them. A player who has been under surveillance by Arsenal for ages, is now up for auction. Once again 'bargain boy' Arsene is not in the running, and consequently nor are Arsenal ad infinitum.

  13. mark from aylesbury

    May 23, 2012, 11:56 #22853

    I could agree with many views on here, as I regularly swing between seeds of optimism and down right pessimism. Evidence suggests that no member of the board has ever gone public with the desire to win a trophy in the last 7 years. I think that allows Wenger an unacceptable comfort zone. Also Kronke shows such little interest in Arsenal that he fails to impart a vision. Cant think of any major business who wouls so readily hide in the shadows. Therefore the board radiates disinterest. Thatcannot last at some point a change will come.

  14. Fred the Red

    May 23, 2012, 11:39 #22852

    Mandy you would compare Chelsea's CL win with Greece's Euro win and Wimbledons cup win forgetting Arsenals win v Parma and the last time we actually won a trophy(can you remember that far back) when we got battered by Utd and won on penalties.You are just another AKB who when we win trophies with a backs against the wall triumph its a great achievement but if another club does it its a lucky win

  15. Bard

    May 23, 2012, 9:56 #22851

    The arguments here are totally confused. No one is suggesting Arsenal lash out squillions like Citeh or Chelsea, What we want is sensible investment in the team ( Newcastle ? ), solutions to our endless defensive problems and above all a club that shows ambition. Our lack of trophies has very little to do with lack of money and everything to do with poor management and lack of ambition All the tripe about finance is a red herring and distracts from the fundamental problems within the club.

  16. Gman

    May 23, 2012, 8:42 #22850

    We are in danger slipping into the realms of folklore history, our tally of 13 League Championships is the third highest in English football, after Manchester United (19) and Liverpool (18), while the total of 10 FA Cups is the second highest, after Manchester United (11).We’ve achieved three League and FA Cup "Doubles" (in 1971, 1998 and 2002), a feat only previously achieved by Manchester United (in 1994, 1996 and 1999), and in 1993 were the first side in English football to complete the FA Cup and League Cup double. This is history but I’m afraid like many other Gooners, that the future is looking bleak. Unfortunately with Kroenke at the helm we are doomed, in purgatory, plodding along making a pretty profit for the yank. Nothing will change while he’s at the club. It would be like him deciding one day to change ASDA into Fortnum & Mason, it just wouldn’t happen! I can see next season being no different from the last six. After all he got involved with the club to make money and not for altruistic reasons. Abramovich is a very rich man with a passion for his team and an obsession with winning.Kroenke is just a parasite.

  17. Tony Evans

    May 23, 2012, 8:18 #22849

    Mandy - I don't enjoy being negative but Wenger's / Kronke's new version of Arsenal is not one that is to my taste. I have watched with increasing frustration as poor performers are rewarded; our defence has more holes in it than a sieve and Wenger presides over it all with unbelievable arrogance. You are right when you say that I don't know much about Usmanov. I do know, however, that he is richer than Ambramavitch and has a real love of the club (unlike Kronke who counts his money from afar)and he has got to be worth a try. He just might inject some real ambition back in to our club. Are you really saying you are happy with all that has happened over the last 7 years on the pitch? Never mind my 'delusion' of hopelessness, you are in your deluded world of misplaced optimism.

  18. billthered

    May 23, 2012, 7:28 #22848

    Can you all remember last game of the season verses Aston Villa,Kanu scores and we are still in with a chance to win the league.This season last game and we beat WBA to finish above the spuds and we are now reflecting that as success.The point I am making is we are now turning into spuds where success is finishing above them and qualifing for champions league places and looking at their score and hoping they get beat when in the past it did not matter one bit because we would be first or second and they would be nowhere.Now they are challenging us for third or fourth place and call that success and we are now in the same boat.We have a group called red action but surely they should be called inaction.you see myself included are worried that if we give up our season ticket we would never get it back what we need is every season ticket holder to do something but time is running out for next season as our money is due anytime now.Next season lets have some action early and try somehow to get to a majority of ticket holders and let them know that from next season we will not stand for being treated like idiots.

  19. Unbeaten 03/04

    May 23, 2012, 0:34 #22847

    Who cares how much money Roman has spent....at least thier fans are happy about winning the CL. We will not win anything until the current regime at Arsenal!!!

  20. Mandy Dodd

    May 23, 2012, 0:15 #22846

    Tony Evans, you appear with each article with a negative view point on everything, objectivity is clearly lost in your own delusion of hopelessness, but that aside, how can you be so sure on usmanov? Yes he is rich and he may be a very nice chap and do all the things any arsenal fans may dream of..but he may not , how do you know and why do you want to gamble the clubs future on something you know nothing about? Are you so easily taken in by promises? Worth sacrificing longterm sustainability for a could years of trophies? Do you want arsenal to be Germany or greece?

  21. Mandy Dodd

    May 23, 2012, 0:02 #22845

    Strange, the arry lovers have become Di matteo lovers , forgetting that when we have played them this season, overall, we have got the better of both clubs. How did that happen if some on here are to be believed, I know we thrashed Chelsea under avb, but he still was in charge of a club with a billion invested in it in recent years, and how do you explain the pitiful parking of the bus by rdm at the emirates,? Balancing the books.....seems a bit of a failing to some on here, but looking around the world, the eurozone and certain football teams I could mention, maybe balancing the books is an under rated quality? Remember, Chelsea, city, if their owners get fed up , get hit by geoploitical events,or stop the funds for any number of reasons, they become a Leeds, rangers or even worse over night. Do you really want to expose,our club to that sort of medium to long term risk? Ask yourselves, are you really that short termist? Amused you compared the performance of Chelsea with the arsenal greats...I would compare it with Greece 2004 or Wimbledon in the Fa cup final. Overall,,far easy to destroy than create but chelsea were extremely lucky. Luck just happens that way sometimes, yet you chose to use that against arsenal? Bizarre.

  22. CanadaGooner

    May 22, 2012, 23:23 #22844

    Bob, let's agree to disagree. I accept that your argument re; the need for change (which is always imminent), and I dont mean a change in manager, but a change in approach by ARSENAL, that has to come from the top: we want the owners/management to come out and join the fans in saying 7 seasons without a trophy for a club like Arsenal is not acceptable and that the whole nonsense about a viable model is all well and good, if we dont lose track of why the club was started in the first place: TO COMPETE IN FOOTBALL and win trophies. Such a statement will put Wenger in a position where he knows he has to either change things or leave. Right now, the fans can cry to the highest heavens till we're blue in the face, as long as Wenger's bosses tell him his job is safe and he neednt win any trophies, nothing will change. We have become a money-making machine and are no longer a football club

  23. Eddie the budgie

    May 22, 2012, 22:23 #22842

    @goognash Lady Nina sold her shares to Kroenke not Usmanov.If she had sold her shares to Usmanov he would have had over 45% of the shares and not be under the magic 30%.Things would have been a lot different.Thanks for nothing Nina

  24. Gee

    May 22, 2012, 22:09 #22841

    Season ticket waiting list is still huge my old man is at 34000+. They won't care until there is no list left. However wenger and co do just enough to sell us the future. The Podolski signing was a very very clever piece of business as he's been bought before vp has left which is just enough for the gullible to think times are changing. They are not. I'd be surprised to see another signing before the season starts.

  25. Bob

    May 22, 2012, 22:08 #22840

    Thanks for all your responses - as expected I have polarised opinion, and I was prepared for that. I just want to pick up on a couple of specific points if I may: Canada Gooner - if you look back at my previous contributions on this board ( I hope you will concede that I was certainly not singing a different tune 8 weeks ago! I have argued for at least three years that Wenger and his methods are outdated. I do take the point that it suits Silent Stan to have him in charge rather than appoint someone who would insist on a substantial transfer budget which he is unwilling to provide. Those who dismiss Chelsea's achievement because it was achieved through defensive grit and resilience rather than free-flowing football against far better teams: were you not as proud as I was when Arsenal won the 1994 Cup Winners Cup Final in Copenhagen, or even our last trophy,the 2005 FA Cup against United by the most pragmatic means at our disposal? Those who claim that Abramovich's decision to replace AvB with Di Matteo had marginal impact - get real, the change was critical. That isn't to say that Di Matteo is necessarily the man to take Chelsea forward or to rebuild the team, but leadership sometimes involves making bold short-term changes which achieve immediate results which lead to significant longer-term benefits.

  26. James

    May 22, 2012, 21:54 #22838

    @WHL87 Please explain how we beat Man Utd to win our last trophy in 2005.We had one shot.We played for penalties.Dont talk about Chelsea having luck.Take a look at how many goals the WBA keeper threw in for us in the final game.A Chelsea team in recent years would never concede 8 goals in a game.What Chelsea had on saturday is what Arsenal have lacked since PV4 left us.Fight courage never say die.Not pitty patty soft centre football.Chelsea have an owner who had a dream what is Kroenke's dream? To see the LA Rams win the Superbowl thats his dream.

  27. LJB

    May 22, 2012, 21:25 #22836

    One day all the clubs in the PL will be owned by big spending billionaires.FFP will have no effect whatsoever;the clubs will just form a breakaway league and negotiate their own TV deals.If Arsenal doesn't change its self sustainability mantra i'm afraid we will end up paying the highest prices in England to watch Championship football.I can't believe people are calling Chelsea "lucky".Jesus how lucky are we that we got third place;we certainly didn't get there playing attractive football.Last season saw some of the worst performances i have ever seen from Arsenal in 37 years.Man u away,AC milan away,Bolton away,Norwich at home,Fulham home and away were as bad or worse than anything served up by Chelsea.Self sustainability is based on fleecing the fans;the Emirates on matchdays is peopled by the middle class and tourists as the old traditional fan has been priced out.Thats why the atmosphere is so C**P;all we get is "stand up if you hate Tottenham "and "by far the greatest team" ad nauseum.To the person who said Roman should have spent his money building hospitals in Africa,he does,Drogba has built a hospital in the Ivory coast presumably paid for by the money paid to him by Chelsea.Usmanov has given 100 mill to charity in the past year,what has Stan done? What does Wenger do with his obscene 7 mill a year?He certainly doesn't believe in FFP for manager wages does he?

  28. goognash

    May 22, 2012, 21:21 #22835

    I think it might be handy to think about the situation that our beloved club is in. Both the optimists and the pessimists on here are right and therein lies the frustration. We have a brand spanking new (if slightly soulless 60,000 capacity stadium with a healthy season ticket waiting list. I think we have a great manager (lots of you think he's passed his sell-by date, though I think that's unfair.) The problem is that we have two very rich and powerful (foreign) men in stalemate over control of the club combined with an (English) old guard who look out of their depth in the face of this. Neither Kroenke nor Usmanov are going to invest in the club without knowing that they will control it (they are businessmen, after all). I wonder whether our frustration goes back to Nina Bracewell-Smith having felt that she was treated shabbily by the old boys' club on the board and having sold her shares to Ulisher Usmanov, thereby giving him a stake over which to tussle with Stan Kroenke. As somebody else pointed out here, Arsenal isn't Kroenke's sole interest and probably isn't Usmanov's either. Perhaps we really are missing David Dein!

  29. Mark

    May 22, 2012, 21:12 #22834

    i personally like fergy's passion for winning, that he is a sore loser and that he will go out and buy another 3 or 4 players this summer and come back guns blazing. i like roman's obsession with being the best, bringing the best to the club in players and managers. this is sport this is their drive. arsenal have to wish for others to fall / this is the new arsenal. bitter and twisted as know they cannot really compete and owners dont even want to

  30. CanadaGooner

    May 22, 2012, 19:49 #22832

    I'm trying real hard to find a basis for comparison between Kroenke and Abramovitch that could warrant this article, and I simply cant find it. One has heaps of money and can easily get much more whenever he wants it (Abramovich); the other has some money (largely controlled by banks) and he cant readily access more money willy-nilly (Kroenke). So, talking about ambition and all that tripe, simply isnt the issue here. Same for Man City; their owner has heaps of money and he only has to raise their taxes in his kingdom whenever he wants to, if he needs to buy another multi-million toy for man city. If you can find a Kingdom from Kroenke to rule, perhaps Arsenal will have heaps to spend and he can change managers like he changes his socks, to get trophies in

  31. fozzy's mate

    May 22, 2012, 19:34 #22831

    Anyone on these pages knows my view of the Denver Dough Trouserer, his henchman Mr self sustainable and the old Etonian Fart. But with them in charge OGL is the perfect fit. They are all happy with the 3rd or 4th place trophy/cheque. As my wag of a bro who sits next to me says we will soon be parading a bank statement and share certificate with the value stamped on as measure of our achievement. I think they should replace the big screens with the Hillwood cash reserve totaliser. I notice they have filled the embarrassing gap between trophy winning seasons with banners in the ring around the soulless bowl. They are currently striking trophies for the highest ticket price and most expensive stadium grub. An accounting firm run by an accountant and economist for a dough trouserer stands where a football club once was. Their theory is why bother spending to try to win when you can trouser and reap a similar economic result!

  32. SourGrapes

    May 22, 2012, 16:38 #22830

    Chelsea's ugly win only serves to remind me that football, like life, is never fair. We would SO love it to be fair. We almost make ourselves believe it to be fair. But it's not. And it never will be. How sad that we invest so much into football, and it can't even give us fairness in return.

  33. win AFC

    May 22, 2012, 16:18 #22829

    Wenger will not change tactics his only there to make money for the board we all know that. say what you will about Chelsea they won the fa cup and the cl, no matter what we say it's in the history books.No one likes Man city, Man utd, Chelsea, spuds, liverpool. But if it takes money to compete with them then so be it, I don't expect most people would agree with me but its a fact.

  34. Bard

    May 22, 2012, 16:18 #22828

    Not sure about the Chelsea argument. They rode their luck to an astonishing degree. What I do agree with is the Russian's desire. Unfortunatley Stan is quite happy to tread water and pocket the dosh. He has no ambition for the club. Its a money machine and Wenger ( plus us fans ) are the stooges. Conned into believing there is a master plan. If they buy 3 or 4 players this summer I will be gobsmacked. They are more likely going to try and rake in a hansome profit from the sale of RVP. I truly believe it will require an insurrection among us fans for something to be done. Liverpool fans got rid of the yanks. Food for thought perhaps

  35. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 22, 2012, 16:14 #22827

    AJ - did you miss the 2005 cup final?

  36. Mike

    May 22, 2012, 16:01 #22826

    Chelsea show the influence of the players on the results - the manager was no more than a mouthpiece, hence why they probably wont appoint him. The players are the ones that play the game and provide the outcome. Don't tell me that you need to coach international players how to play football. Once they are on the field it is up to the players. A manager can demand tactics ie. lets park the bus in front of the goals for 180 minutes and see what happens -maybe we get lucky and score a breakaway goal

  37. CanadaGooner

    May 22, 2012, 15:44 #22825

    What a daft article. I try not to be too critical of articles as the writer took time out to type it up. But the comments about AKBs and Di Matteo in the 4th paragraph is simply idiotic. Was DiMatteo ever Abrabrovitch's first choice? Only an idiot would think that. The minute they got rid of AVB they started talking to other potential managers (and that continued right to the CL final date); perhaps they're slowly changing their minds now (after the flukey CL win), but nobody saw DiMatteo as a long term manager (nevermind what AKBs would have said). The reaction of AVB's departure, which pleased the Chelsea squad and a combination of staring down the barrel at a season playing EUROPA galvanized their players into action at the critical moments. Their CL win has very little to do with DiMatteo. All he's done is to play the players AVB stupidly chose not to play (the same players who won them 3 league titles in jusyt 5 years); they had a point to prove and they did. End of. Their form in the league, that got them 6th place is a DiMatteo form, and if he's left in charge next year that's exactly where any sane person would expect them to finish again next season as the league isnt a one-off cup final and the likes of swansea, norwich and west brom will always turn up to expose your weaknesses Hindsight is great isnt it: BOB BAYLISS. Can we rewind and read what you were saying 6 - 8 weeks ago?

  38. Tony Evans

    May 22, 2012, 15:26 #22824

    Good post, Bob, and I hope more and more Gooners are prepared to do whatever they can to strike back against all that is wrong at Arsenal. Selling AST shares to Usmanov, as someone else has suggested, would be a good start.

  39. chrisy boy

    May 22, 2012, 15:25 #22823

    it wont happen with this board, getting rid of wenger is only half the problem, they both need changing

  40. WHL87

    May 22, 2012, 15:24 #22822

    What a load of b******s. You talk about guts. How much guts does it take to set up a side with the sole intention of not losing a game? At least Arsene, for all his faults, would have set up his team to try and win. Chelsea played for pens from minute 1. They didn't create a single chance that I can recall - even the goal, great header, came from a corner. Abramovich has laundered £1 billion to serve up that c**p! I despair at some of the "fans" who go to Arsenal games these days. Give me the old Clock End any day. Go on - call me an AKB - I dare you.

  41. Highbury Boy

    May 22, 2012, 15:03 #22821

    One of the main reasons for keeping Wenger as argued by his supporters (don't let's say AKBs) was that without him we would lose the star players he had brought to the club. I never went along with that but anyhow we are now down to just one class player who wants to leave so even that argument has gone. There is no ambition to win anything but come in the Top 4 and that attitude filters down.

  42. lee Armitt

    May 22, 2012, 14:51 #22819

    Yes let's concede penalties in two games running and call it fortune favours the brave if they miss them. what rubbish you spout

  43. Sweeps

    May 22, 2012, 14:25 #22818

    Wenger has destoyed our club with poor signings on large wages. In 7 years Chelsea have won 9 trophies with at least 6 different managers while we struggle. We have lost our soul no passion no fight no steel no leadership.

  44. Gare Kekeke

    May 22, 2012, 14:23 #22817

    It’s just over a year since the Dough Trouserer (thanks to Fozzy’s Mate for that superb title) became the majority shareholder. Whilst I didn’t expect this to lead to huge amounts of spending a la Chelsea & Man City, I thought that at the very least it might put a bit of pressure on Wenger to truly deliver on the pitch. I felt this way because I didn’t think the DT would settle for the club being football’s bridesmaids having paid a small fortune for his shares, especially after the death of Fiszman (God rest his soul). Having said that, he’s getting a slight return on his investment. Imagine what it would be like if The Arsenal had won a trophy? With the exception of his MLS team, the Colorado Rapids, none of his sports franchises on his native US can point to any glory in recent years. Those who know the DT well say he views our 3rd/4th finishes in recent years as success. Possibly this is the reason why Wenger is lauded by him so much as well as other board members and why Wenger is seen as irreplaceable/indispensible. I’m all for the self sustainable model but I think at times we have gone too far with it. Being financially prudent is not a bad thing won’t matter one jot if you can’t back it up with glory on the pitch. Man Utd did so pre-Glazer. There’s a sign at White Hart Lane that says ‘the game is all about glory’. Some folks at The Arsenal should heed that message. I’m no fan of Abramovic or those similar to him but you can’t fault the man’s ambition. Regardless of how it was achieved, the record books will state they have won the European Cup and are London’s most successful club in Europe along with Tottenham. And that’s a fact that can never be taken away. And expecting FFP to save the day borders on desperation. The Arsenal right now reeks of complacency and it’s not a pretty site. Thanks to many the club is in a decent shape but change is required for it to be better. Either that comes from within and someone from the outside to do this. It’s naive to think that The Arsenal is the envy of football clubs worldwide because to an extent we’re not. Summer 2012 could be very uncomfortable but let’s see what happens. Up The Arsenal!

  45. cj

    May 22, 2012, 13:49 #22815

    @Kenny-great comment.I totally agree. @timao.What rubbish.If Abramovich sold out tommorow,he'd get all his money back and more.That's what the Arsenal board don't get.You invest, you gain success, you do bigger deals, the value of the football club increases.All our board have done is invest in the stadium with our money, not there's. And people like you are happy with that?

  46. ATID

    May 22, 2012, 13:40 #22814

    Strikes me that the AKBs are getting ever more vicious in their attacks on the AMGs. Why is that? Simply railing against AW's critics and hoping things will get better next season is is puerile. In the meantime the ring of cardboard trophies currently staring down on us at the Theatre of Broken Dreams is fast becoming a pictorial obituary of a once great club.

  47. This Place is Revolting

    May 22, 2012, 13:40 #22813

    Don't underestimate people power. To the barricades, mes amis!

  48. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 22, 2012, 13:37 #22812

    Your right the head chav certainly doesn't accept mediocrity or failure the same cant be said about our lot they've been accepting it for years right down to players on the pitch it's probably their favorite word only after self sustainable of course.The days of this team with the likes of adams vieira playing with heart and courage are long gone and if the bean counters continue to accept mediocrity it will be a long time before they return.I, like yourself and i'm sure a hell of a lot of others hope this will shake the board/owner manager into doing whats needed doing for a long time.But will any of us be really surprised when next season arrives and nothing's changed ? and we're still stuck in the same old rut with the same old mediocrity.

  49. mitch

    May 22, 2012, 13:08 #22811

    as a massive arsenal fan who reads these boards and others all the time i find it unbelieveable that arsenal fans fail to remember that we are the 3RD most successfull club in England..Not the first nor the second and thus we have little right to stake claim on title challenges season in season out. This has been a poor 7 years however Arsenal continue to deliver the same inconsistancy that has been what we have seen over the last 50 years with some great runs...we are not Man Utd and the sooner all of the fans unite to get behind the club and manager perhaps then and only then will a) new players want to join our beloved club b) old players feel they play for a club that wants to keep them and feel pride in the shirt and c) will we challenge for titles. In essence lets not wait for the club to play for us before we clap and cheer but lets drive our club to success, as the 12th man we are consistant, we can be at our best every week yet a huge proportion of arsenal fans this season seem to have taken it upon themselves to show as much passion for the game and the club as the players that they choose to berate! It is proven that without dramatic external financial investment that new managers have little bearing on a clubs success at the top of the game and in many cases changing has been only detrimental...Think consistancy, Alex Ferguson, Davey Moyes and AW...

  50. JER

    May 22, 2012, 13:02 #22810

    Chelsea Football Club represent everything that is wrong with football today. It's just a plaything for their billionaire owner. Just a fraction of what he has spent could have saved thousands of childrens lives in Africa, the man has no decency at all.

  51. Joe S.

    May 22, 2012, 12:59 #22809

    I agree with everthing you say about Chelsea's luck, it will become legendary in future references.. But those trophies on the mantle piece sure must look good and in this year of British pride they have become the toast of London. I'm sure those bastards believe they earned everthing they got and aren't giving a damn what anyone else thinks.At the same time we Arsenal and Spurs fans seem united in our dismay, in my case too afraid to switch a TV on in case I see more celebratory images of that victory parade and that trophy being held up high by the likes of Terry, Drogba, Co.. No I can't go on, Won't go on.

  52. Only seven years without a trophy

    May 22, 2012, 12:30 #22808

    @divingrooney Where was the luck in knocking out Barca after going 2-0 with 10 man?Yes they had luck on saurday but they were playing in Bayerns back yard FFS without Terry Ivanovic and Rameries.Some Gooners forget our last trophy was won with 10 behind the ball and having one shot in 120 mins.And what about Copenhagen 94 looked on by most Gooners as one of our greatest ever performances.What Chelsea showed in the Camp Nou and Munich was guts and courage which this Arsenal teams hasnt got.Calling Chelsea lucky is just burying your head further in the sand than Wenger

  53. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    May 22, 2012, 12:24 #22807

    I have been arguing a similar point for a while now. Is it a myth that to be succesful you need to give a manager time? All the evidence points to no as all the top teams with the exception of United chnage managers the munite they don't deliver. Madrid, Barca, Milans, Munich, Chelsea. All won European cups. We haven't so how are we right? Replacing the manager when they don't win things sets out clear objectives for the football club. Winning is all that matters. They simply wouldn't except the comfort zone that Arsenal work in. Its ouyr fault as fans that we have let this happen at OUR club. What do we do apart from whinge and moan. People power makes a difference.

  54. Bill

    May 22, 2012, 12:17 #22806

    After one year as Chelsea owner Roman sacked Ranieri a manager who had finished 2nd only behind the Invincibles.But that was a statement of intent from him.2nd was not good enough.And that winning the CL was the Holy Grail.That is why great managers like Mourinho and Ancelotti lost their jobs.Yet Wenger who hasnt got a team in the top 2 in 7 years is as safe as houses.We have a billionaire who is twice as rich as Roman who has nearly 30% of shares.Yet he has no say in the club.The only way to compete with City Chelsea and Man Utd is to behave like they do and spend money.With our present owner and manager we have as much chance of winning the premiership as West Ham.Wenger would last 6 months as Chelsea manager.And that tells you all you need to know about the difference between both clubs.Chelsea have a winning mentality(10 trophies in 7 years) we dont.Our rivals are no longer City Utd and Chelsea but Spurs Newcastle and Liverpool.

  55. Clockender78

    May 22, 2012, 11:54 #22804

    Rory b. I have red membership and got tickets for spurs and man u home games last season. As for our board/manager..I don't see anything changing as regards our policy, so get used to fighting for that "trophy" that is third/fourth place!!

  56. leo zis

    May 22, 2012, 11:40 #22803

    Hear hear..!

  57. Ron

    May 22, 2012, 11:20 #22801

    When it comes down to it, Chelsea arent that much different to Arsenal. They invested heavily in players 6-7 years ago while Arsenal bought a glass fronted theatre.Players get on with winning trophies while the theatre glints in the Spring sunshine and us mugs have hitherto carried on attending at the theatre dining on a la carte mediocity.

  58. Danish Gooner

    May 22, 2012, 11:14 #22800

    Forget it,as long as the current board and Wenger are in charge no serious money will be spent.This FFR is their mantra.

  59. David the Price is right

    May 22, 2012, 11:14 #22799

    Good piece fella, very good. For the life of me I don't know from where any positives can be gleaned about Ar$3nil at the moment. Perhaps Deloitte's and Forbes' can console one. We are doin' alright. Get the drift....

  60. Chris

    May 22, 2012, 11:04 #22798

    "You can just imagine the AKBs' reaction had anyone dared to suggest in February that Di Matteo - or an equivalent in terms of managerial experience/reputation - would be able to take over from Wenger, and to succeed where he now cannot." What huge leap of logic have you taken, Bob, to be able to suggest that what di Matteo has done at Chelsea is "proof of the pudding' that 'someone' could have come in and done the same at Arsenal?! I'm with you on the idea that Kroenke and Abramowich are chalk and cheese and that we'd be much more likely to win stuff under Abramowich (especially if Wenger was still with the club) but after that you seem to descend into a an ill-thought out anti-Wenger rant that doesn't hold any water.

  61. Gooner1711

    May 22, 2012, 11:02 #22797

    Spot on, totally accurate and completely reasonable. Only issue is, nothing will change. The current regime is obsessed. So the question is: HOW DO WE CHANGE THIS? We need a groundswill of revolt. But how?

  62. timao

    May 22, 2012, 10:55 #22795

    yeah whatever. in fact abramovich has personally lost over one-thousand-million pounds to get chelsea to the position they are in. this cannot be sustained under ffp rules. so now we prepare to watch them crash and burn.

  63. divingrooney

    May 22, 2012, 10:53 #22794

    Ridiculous article. They deserved FA cup triumph but Man City and Man Utd had been eliminated by others. Luck... They won CL due to luck and only luck... They lost to NewCastle, drew to Spuds and should have lost to Wigan, and were crap in the league. One swallow does not make a summer, even if the swallow is CL. They have the worst squad in the top 4, and if Roman does not spend 100mn again, they would finish lower than Liverpool next season. I do not begrudge Chelsea their success. Roman deserves it for the very fact that he has squandered his ill gotten fortune for it. But lets keep perspective. Chelsea have been crap all season, and were it not for three penalty saves and goal given without anywhere near the line, they would have finished potless and 6th. Only Moaninho Porto had more luck in winning CL...

  64. Graham Simons

    May 22, 2012, 10:53 #22793

    Let's be honest. If we had played West Brom at Christmas we probably would have been stuffed. It's amazing what the prospect of not having the Champions League money to pay the stupid wages of our players and management does to propel them into gaining three points.

  65. Kenny

    May 22, 2012, 10:38 #22791

    Arsenal come well down on Kroenke's agenda.If you asked him would he rather Arsenal win the CL or the Rams win the Superbowl what do you think he would choose?.C'mon he turns up at the Concrete bowl once a year.Kroenke hasnt sacked Wenger because he makes money.Winning trophies does not come into it.Chelsea have had 7 managers since 2005.Yet have won 10 trophies to our none.Changing managers at Chelsea has not stopped them winning trophies.But we keep a losing manager.Wenger is still our manager for non footballing reasons.To Wenger and Kroenke 3rd is as good as first.Nothing to do with the glory of winning.In a season when we had our worst defeat in 115 years and our worst ever european defeat another London team beating up to winning the CL really puts the cherry on top.There needs to be another Russian revolution in London

  66. Mongo

    May 22, 2012, 10:03 #22790

    Board out, Wenger out. The we can start talking about change. Until then, it will be more of the same where we finish 3rd/4th if we are lucky, our best players will leave and others will pick up the silverware.

  67. AJ

    May 22, 2012, 10:03 #22789

    The author says "The way that they came from behind against far superior teams in the face of huge odds in the semi-final and final of the Champions' League was so reminiscent of the essence of Arsenal as I recognised them for most of my life. It was a performance to stir memories of McLintock, Adams, Brady, Vieira, Henry... only their equivalents are now all in blue." What a joke! Brady, Vieira and Henry would have been disgusted by the 10 men behind the ball for 90 minutes - score from a set piece strategy employed by Chelsea. Yes I know the chavs won the cup but please dont compare their rearguard back to the wall football to the stuff we played in the invincibles era - its an insult to our greatest ever team. The author has nothing new to say and is like a broken record. A waste of time.

  68. Roryb

    May 22, 2012, 9:55 #22788

    Waiting list is still 40,000. Red membership unlikely to get Spurs, United or Chelsea tix. Sorry. That's plain wrong.

  69. A Usmanov

    May 22, 2012, 9:52 #22787

    Nonsense - Roman hired AVB remember...Where is the money for your plans ?

  70. under acheiver

    May 22, 2012, 9:49 #22786

    Spot on Bob. We can only hope that Steve Bould will add steel to this team but that is probably wishful thinking. Until Wimpy Wenger goes very little will change.

  71. MarkH

    May 22, 2012, 9:41 #22785

    I think you are being over generous to Abramovich. He took a young coach on with a long term vision,to build a new team from scratch playing in a certain way. The sacking of the coach happened because the old guard refused to accept it and nobody had the guts to carry it through. What they achieved after the sacking is to be admired, but do not make it out to be some master plan by a footballing genius.It was a knee jerk reaction, which could have as easily ended up a disaster. Having said that,it does not excuse they way Arsenal is currently being run.

  72. Alastair Kerr

    May 22, 2012, 9:31 #22784

    I don't think Chelsea winning CL will have an impact on our board and their self deluding model - as long as the money keeps rolling in. Wenger keeps pointing out that we are one of very few teams to qualify for CL for the last 15 seasons - yes that is a worthy achievemnt. However, if you look at our performance in the competition , it is less impressive - 1 final (in which we lost) and 1 semi-final in which we were comprehensively outplayed (by Man U). Compare that with Chelsea, who in the last 8 years have reached the semi finals on 3 ocassions and the final twice, winning it on one ocassion. I am not jealous of Chelsea just hacked off at our lack of ambition, all with the back drop of the most extortionate ticket prices.Arsenal fans expected to pay top dollar, AFC refuse to pay "over the odds" in transfer market - whatever over the odds is.

  73. JJBergkamp

    May 22, 2012, 9:30 #22783

    It was a decent read up until the point you used used the tired and boring term "AKB". It juts serves to hilgiht a level of ignorance from the user and Im sick of this imposed divide by supporters like you! Why cant you just submit an article without having to split our fanbase down the middle! Any fool using AKB or AMG should be sent into exile as you really dont have a clue......NEXT ARTICLE PLEASE!