Nine Reasons to Be a Happy Gooner

Good news piece

Nine Reasons to Be a Happy Gooner

Bouldie – No ‘Yes man’ he

My Online Gooner friends seem to be largely in a slough of despond currently, and I do not understand why. Seven years without a trophy? I remember barren periods as long as this, and some truly dismal football in the past. The last season was NOT boring. But the sun is currently shining, so to try and accentuate the positive, here are my Top 9 reasons why Gooners should be feeling not-totally-devastated at the moment

1. We finished third in the League FFS.
Following a dismal start to the season, having lost our two most influential midfielders to big-spending clubs, and a young talisman to long-term injury. A midfield brutally shorn of its talent from the previous season, and we still managed to beat everyone other than the Manc clubs – “A poor league” I hear people say – since when has competitive football, with all teams able to beat each other, made it a poor league? We lost 10 games and shipped 49 goals – we cannot be this bad again. And surely we will not lose all full backs, play-making-midfielders and be so reliant on one man for goals again.

2. Robin Van Persie: Outstanding season.
As I write this on 23 May, we still hold Robin’s contract, and his destiny is in the hands of the Club – if we want to keep him one more season, we can. But if he goes, good luck – and £20m for a getting-on-a bit player who has managed one stellar season in 8 is not bad – wherever he goes, if it is for money, RVP needs to remember that there is no way he will be loved as much as he is with us. Medals are OK, but he will miss the depth of love. At the very least, we only have one major protracted transfer concern this season as opposed to the two last year. It’s an improvement. Maybe RVP leaving would not be the disaster we think it is – opening the door for Podolski, Walcott, Gervinho (dare I say Chamakh / Park) to HAVE to step forward and not rely on the big man. Let me be clear – I really want RVP to stay because I think he will make the difference between 3rd and a real Premier League challenge.

3. Steve Bould and the defence
I seem to remember that SB is a combative fellow who knows how defending works – I do not believe that he is coming in as an OGL yes man. He will surely want to stamp his own imprint on the club, and that will surely be at the back – Back us to ship fewer than 35 goals next season – that will be an extra 12 – 15 points which gets us close to the other clubs – then it is down to no collapse and actually DEMONSTRATING on the field the mental strength that OGL sees. We have outstanding personnel at the back (and I do not mean Squillaci and Djourou) – the right coaching and I think we have a solid back four plus back up personnel.

4. Deadwood Going
The contracts are expiring, Almunia gone, Denlison, Bendtner, Squillaci not far behind. Even if he stays, Chamakh can’t be as bad again next season can he?

5. Young Guns Delivering
Sir Chesney, Wilshere, The Ox, Frimpong, Coquelin, Jenkinson, Ignasi, Yennaris, Campbell …

6. Mixed with experience
Arteta, Rosicky (no longer Ro-sicknote), Podolski, maybe Benayoun?, the back four (again).

7. The Wild Cards
Ramsey, Gervinho – difficult first full seasons out of the way - make or break time for both of them – and they have the chance to rest, meditate and develop over the Summer unencumbered by Euro 2012. And then there are the enigmas that are Walcott, Song – capable of both great and terrible things. Change the balance to more great than terrible, and they will make a real impact. Then there is the possible new signing “Abu Diaby”. Maybe more than 42 minutes out of him next season? Although I am not holding my breath. Similarly Arshavin – give me first season Arshavin, and that is an immense difference to this squad over late period Arshavin – again, I do not expect it – but if it were to happen, it would be huge.

8. Tottenham, Chelsea, Liverpool in transition
All in transition, all going to have to come to terms with new personnel, new managers in the next season – at least third place looks good for next season, we should be worrying now about the clubs ahead of us, not those behind.

9. We will start the season top of the table
OK, only alphabetically – but we start the season with the opportunity to lead from the front all season. This is the time when we can look forward and dream – the time to get maudlin is 10 games in when it has all gone to hell in a handcart and nothing has changed. For the first time in several seasons, I am actually optimistic as I renew my season ticket.

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  1. GoonerRon

    May 28, 2012, 14:06 #23050

    I hear some of you say on here that nothing has changed from last summer. Was that last summer when people moaned about last minute deals, when people moaned about no proven quality to back up Van Persie? So Podolski being unveiled before the end of the season isn't different, no? @ Mick Appleton - you positively assert that Ramsey and Gervinho will not improve next season, and in the same breath positively assert, no GUARANTEE, that Liverpool & Spurs will improve. Can I use your crystal ball for the lottery numbers please? RJ - I commend you on a positive article, they have been few and far between on this site of late. I wish I was surprised but I'm not - some people cannot open their minds slightly enough to see that there is the POSSIBILITY that we can naturally improve next year by virtue of potentially key players like Gervinho, Ramsey, Santos, Mertesacker, AOC all having a year of PL football under their belts. Also, the automatic assumption is that Steve Bould will be another yes man, with no distinct possibility that Wenger has promoted him due to his specialism of defending. So negative it's not even funny.

  2. Arsene Whinger

    May 26, 2012, 10:21 #23027

    We have millions of reasons to be happy for next season. Just look at the Champions League Money??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

  3. Ronster

    May 26, 2012, 10:11 #23024

    So Mandy,when Wenger is finally carried out of The E******* in a coffin in 2042,I'm assuming you won't be bleating if the next incumbent goes almost a decade without silverware as long as Arse-ne FC qualify for the Solar System Champions League.

  4. Rocco

    May 26, 2012, 6:53 #23020

    Spot On! All the signs I've read online point to encouraging spending coming up on needed players and Podolski is a real positive sign of a change of attitude. Yes there's the chance that they may mess that up but Arsene and the upper brass know they got lucky this year, if RVP had of gotten injured we would've finished maybe 8th or 9th, they won't let that happen again. The biggest challenge will be our apparent loss of RVP, we can't and should not pay his apparent asking price of £275,000/week, maybe with Robin gone Chamakh will find his confidence again? Regardless it'll be fun to watch the drama of the off season to see what kind of magic Arsene can come up with.

  5. Arsene is a liar

    May 26, 2012, 5:24 #23018

    Further points to be optimistic about next season:: 10- We won't get relegated because there are certainly three worse teams than us. 11- We won't get an 8-2 spanking at Old Toilet again. (why? I dont know, I just got a feeling) 12- We will not concede 4 against Blackburn rovers (why? because they are relegated) 13- We won't get a 4-0 spanking at San Siro (Because we will not get out of CL group stage, unless they are in our group).

  6. Mandy DOdd

    May 26, 2012, 1:03 #23016

    Shropshire, do not fear, I am here as always. Despite the views of some, I am not rj, if I were ever given the honour of writing a lead article on here, I would not have any reason to alter my name. But rj makes some very valid points. I can tell you very few on here gave us a chance of finishing third, surely wenger must gain some credit, especially from those who at times gave so much love to arry and triumphantly declared a north london power if! As mentioned, some youngsters coming through who will be guided by the likes of arteta. And rvp, wenger does have the ability to create the world class....time and time again....yes keeping them is difficult up against teams who spend over 130% of turnover on wages, and are prepared to lose 200 million each year....if you think that works over long term, ask a Greek about that, and that applies to Chelsea with their annual losses as well, anything happens to their owners these clubs are Leeds Pompey rangers over night. Good article rj. Frustrating, but with the city madness of 200 million annual losses, a Belgian kid unproven at the highest level demanding 200 kpw, is it really worth getting involved in such short term stupidity? Is it worth competing with clubs who will spend a billion to win a trophy? Doubt me if you wish but just look at the world and the eurozone for an answer, live beyond your means and it will catch up with you, as will trying to compete with those living beyond their means. I would sacrifice a few years of trophies in the current era of madness to know there will be a healthy arsenal in 20. 40. 100 years time

  7. 3rd isnt the new 1st...

    May 25, 2012, 22:21 #23011

    Apart from wasting a few minutes of my time, this article was a certan cringe-worthy read filled with hopeful if not naive conclusions. NOTHING has changed in the last 7 years apart from players letting the club down by merely turning up and collecting a pay check. Say what you want, Wenger loves this club.. Maybe his mistake is not seeing the unpassionate, weak and soul-less team that we now have who dont have the nerve or back bone to even win a carling cup.

  8. RJ

    May 25, 2012, 21:26 #23007

    @Reason Number 10: that article is fantastic - I have a mate who is a spud - have just emailed it to him!

  9. Hello

    May 25, 2012, 20:10 #23002

    u forgot the main positive - we have lots of money in the bank and thats all the club really care about achieving so they achieved it !

  10. AugustusCaesar

    May 25, 2012, 11:04 #22971

    On Park Chu-Young; did anyone see the feature on him in When Saturday Comes? Apparently he's been in court most of the season trying to prevent, or delay, his mandatory national military service. Which he's managed to do. Could explain partly why he's not featured very much. I stress the word 'partly'. But, who knows, maybe the lad will get more of a chance next season.

  11. fozzy's mate

    May 24, 2012, 21:55 #22938

    Cheers RJ - at one end of the scale are optimists like you and still a few board and OGL devotees like Joshua. Then you have people like me bleating on about things for years on end. But sod it. It gives us something to talk about anyway and as I always say better being at the soul less bowl than trailing around tescos with the Mrs! Even the most humourous of pieces would struggle to explain how Almunia played 175 first team games for us. I once penned an article which was well received on this very site. Please keep the comedy up and keep me away from articles about us wanting to sign Kalou.

  12. Shropshire Lad

    May 24, 2012, 21:41 #22937

    Mandy, where are you? I need to feel the comfort of your blue sky belief in our great and glorious club! No comment needed on progress until we reach September again. I think that when players cross the white line they only think of football and their performance (they aren't bright enough to multi task! ) so as long as we have capable footballers (and actually we do) it is merely about motivation and concentration to take us to the next level. Over to you Mr Wenger and Mr Bould - the sword of Damacles is poised for a September review.

  13. RJ

    May 24, 2012, 20:48 #22936

    Fozzy’s Mate - Ah, now I understand. But this does not stack up from a corporate finance / wheeler dealer basis. Take the £115m, divide it by the number of shares in issue (62,217) then the “cash per share figure is about £1,850. The DDT’s last offer was at £11,750 I think – so the cash pile makes up 16% of the share price. The rest is profits, brand etc. In any deal, the people buying the company will only pay for the cash at the rate of £1 for £1 – for obvious reasons (cash is very easy to value). The DDT does not really generate multiples of value by putting more cash in the bank – he generates more money by getting the regular punters like you and me paying more for tickets, keeping the stadium full, selling merchandise and catering packages – the extra profit will have a multiple applied to it (so £5m of extra profit would, say, increase the value of the club by, say, £50m but only put £5m into the cash pile). He also generates more profit by getting the tourists in, and selling memberships in Asia – captive audiences with repeatable sustainable income. IN fact, the tourists there are great – because every tourtist is likely to come to only one game, but probably drop £50+ in the club shop and concession stands, whilst we buy one shirt every couple of seasons and bring a packed lunch. Like a Sky subscription – once they get you in the door, they want to sell you more stuff to increase the revenue per punter. This is why the commercial aspects of the club are really important to the owners. You attract people to football by being successful, having the best players, etc – from that perspective, the cash pile is fairly useless to the DDT if he really does want to T the D back to D as all it does is make sure that the club stays liquid – important, but he doesn’t need £115m for that. The low interest rate he gets on it really does not help drive value. So I go back to the point that the fans and the shareholders interests really should be aligned. But you know all this. Hope Fozzy Mate Junior enjoys his Arsenal journey – how painful that we saddle our own flesh and blood with this love for the Arsenal! As to comedy - I am working on a piece that shows precisely how a starting 11 featuring the so called "deadwood" and Diaby would be the New Invincibles, and how letting Almunia go is the biggest mistake OGL has made so far.

  14. Theos ballbag

    May 24, 2012, 19:55 #22935

    Most expensive seat in the PL ? Like going to the Ritz and beng served up a donor kebab...What a load of ballacks !

  15. Reason Number 10:

    May 24, 2012, 19:10 #22933

    Darren Lewis's article in The Mirror entitled 'Why Spurs have bigger fish to fry than Arsenal' from just prior to the North London derby in February. If reading it doesn't make you happy, then give up.

  16. Sweeps

    May 24, 2012, 19:02 #22932

    Lies and more lies from Wenger. He treats us like fools and we take it and don't do anything about it. With the resources we have a top manager would have brought us 2 titles in the last 7 years. A couple of decent signings in that time like Shay Given and a defensive midfield player would have done the trick but we sold Flamini and Diarra in 5 months and didn't replace them.

  17. Eddie

    May 24, 2012, 18:54 #22931

    Vertonghen on the way to the Spuds good job we qualified for the CL and they didnt eh?

  18. win AFC

    May 24, 2012, 18:13 #22930

    We moan due to the fact we love our club ARSENAL if some fans are happy with Wenger and happy for the club to be in 2nd, 3rd or 4th in the pl,and win nothing then it's a very sorry state of affairs. I want ARSENAL to be successful and win silverware we need change NOW.

  19. Rocky RIP

    May 24, 2012, 18:11 #22929

    I admire the author's bravery. Trying to say something upbeat and positive on the Online Gooner is never going to go down well. Finishing 3rd is unacceptable - bordering on an outright disgrace - to a certain breed of Arsenal fans who feel they are entitled to be up in arms at anything less than title winners. Yes, we should be demanding of the club and wish for the best and not accept being fobbed off with below par players, show some pride, expect standards to be upheld, etc, but I do wonder if some of our fans have considered what it's like supporting nearly all other clubs across the divisions. We do not have a divine right. Nobody does.

  20. Pookins

    May 24, 2012, 17:57 #22928

    I dont visit the online gooner as often as i used to do because it was becoming far too negative - reading the comments on this article suggests nothing has changed yet. Well done for trying RJ, its good to see

  21. goonercolesyboy

    May 24, 2012, 17:37 #22926

    I am sure I put, most, of the posters on here so GaryFootscrayAustralia I apologise to you but still hold to my words...I am no Arsene lover or hater and if anyone reads my post I have been a supporter for 50 years and am no Gazidis in disguise...I have said before, whatever is written on here is not read by anyone on the board or in some sort of position of is good to get it off your chest I guess as stress can be harmful if locked away. And David the price is right, hopefully you find a team to support that won't disappoint you too much. The one common ground we have is that we have a passion for our team and express ourselves in different ways, but have the same yearning....trophies.

  22. rogerthegooner

    May 24, 2012, 16:22 #22925

    Very short message RJ. DREAM ON

  23. Mark

    May 24, 2012, 15:23 #22924

    Yes 7 seasons without !! from a position of strength we have fallen away , look how hard it is to retain top standard , offering one year contract extensions to over 30's started it , poor management , last seasons transfer saga's , Yes Arsene it did send out a message when you sold those two didn't it. Sorry not happy woth 3rd place and no trophies yet again

  24. Bard

    May 24, 2012, 14:50 #22921

    Reasons to be cheerful part 3! I don't think any but the mightily deluded really feel optimisitic about where we are as a club. Its fine to feel hopeful but at some point there has to be a reality check. My sense is that unless there is are changes on and off the field next season could be a watershed. If the rest of the arsenal faithful are feeling the same way as most on this site then the discontent will increase and the protests will get louder. Its got little to do with not winning trophies although that hurts. The club are deceiving those of us who love the Arsenal. The priority is making money not winning. Excellent manager though he has been and I for one have loved some of the football he has served up, he has become a parody of himself. The excuses pile up, the same ones week after week. He says we don't have money but splashes the cash on Arshavin, OX and others but he wouldn't pay a piddling amount when we've needed a keeper and a defender. The board piddle about; stan shows no ambition or leadership. As I have written before if we don't make significant progress at the front end of next season I predict the fans will revolt.

  25. fozzy's mate

    May 24, 2012, 14:21 #22920

    RJ - i have had this exchange with Joshua so wont repeat the whole story. What the figures suggest is over the last 10 yrs ish, the old and current boards concern has been forcing the share price up by ramping the cash reserve, hence achieving capital appreciation. The old board sold us the line about needing to move to a new stadium to compete. When in reality all they id was stack the cash raise the share value of then sell out. In my view that is what Kroenke is doing, attempting to push the share price up acheiving capital appreciation rather than investing it in players to tilt at on the pitch achievement. I agree of course he isnt actually stealing it, although morally some would say otherwise. He has not injected cash into the club but bought the shares on the secondary market, so given cash to outgoing shareholders who in turn injected nothing to the club (board not fans) but cashed in once the share price was pushed up. I hope you are right and like you will keep going as I have done for most of my life. and re your 2 season tickets, my father in law who sits next to me is talking about jacking it in and my 6 year old lad is talking about starting to go, so I think I will be feeling your pain soon. Lets hope the cash reserve goes down not up this summer but please keep the comedy coming!

  26. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 24, 2012, 13:03 #22918

    Goonercolesyoby, normally I don't have a problem with anything you post, but i'm not one of the moaning twats you speak of. Check back at my reply to this post, and you'll see i'm treating the whole shebang with a sense of humour. I'm bound to this because when I first started watching The Arsenal with any regularity, the team featured Colin Hill, Brian McDermott,and Raphael Meade. All better footballers than I ever would be, but when the likes of Barnes, Rush, Dalglish, Ardiles, Robson, Stapleton, Sheedy, etc. were turning out for visiting teams I quickly worked out where our team & club stood in the order of things. By the time of the Walsall home Milk Cup defeat I knew that I had better be comfortable blending a streak of dark humour with my football, lest I hand-wring over something that I have bugger all control over.

  27. RJ

    May 24, 2012, 11:41 #22916

    @Fozzy’s Mate – very pleased that I can raise a smile, and sorry for upsetting you with the “RVP good deal” comment. I am no expert in reviewing football club accounts – but page 17 of the Arsenal Holdings plc November 2011 interim accounts shows that for the previous six months – receipts from sales of players =£51m, payments for purchase of players = £50m . Now this is actual “cash flow” in the key period over the Summer – so doesn’t take account of any deferred payments etc, but kinda says that the club is balancing expenditure in real cash with the cashflow from the sale of Na$ri and Cesc. So what am I missing here? The club invests the money it receives. It may do it (in our opinion) badly (ie, contract extensions for Djourou, Diaby) but it does seem to match the cash in with the cash out. For the previous financial year to 31 May 2011 we actually spent £1.5m more on player registrations than we received in cash. So this surplus on the player trading account you mention – I think this must be “profit” in accounting terms and as a qise man once said “profit = vanity, cash = sanity”. Yes, those accounts also show the £115mill in the bank – but we can only spend that once, so we had better be damn sure we are getting value – the M’Villa situation I agree is disappointing. Arsene (love him or hate him) does have a track record of unearthing talent and value where none was seen by others – all those players you mention were bought cheap and sold high. Perversely, he has little track record of buying expensively well (Reyes, Arshavin, Gervinho so why do we as fans expect him to go and do well in the market now? We are stuck with Wenger for at least two years, this is not going to change. On the dough-trouserer charge, it’s a nice and amusing epithet, but I am struggling to see its reality – how does he trouser out the dough? He has not made any loans to the club, so he is not receiving interest or capital repayments, and the club has not historically paid dividends. The only way he can physically get cash out of the club then is theft or salary, which I don’t believe he is doing. So his only way to trouser dough is to increase the value of his shares and sell them on to someone else. And surely, the best way to do that is success and increasing “brand value”. So I do think that the Board and shareholders surely want the same thing as us. I suspect that they are happy with 3rd, but would be even happier with 1st or CL joy. FA Cup and Carling Cup – they are probably a bit m’eh and that is the only place where the views of supporters and the Board probably diverge (when it comes to success aspirations at least – let’s leave Diaby, Wenger, etc out of this discussion). Mug that I am, I actually am really optimistic about next year – more so with RVP than without him. And do not think the team is as broken as many on here make out. Come on you Gooners.

  28. Tony Evans

    May 24, 2012, 10:18 #22915

    GoonerColesyBoy - so you think this transfer window will be different to all the others do you? I am well past being depressed about Arsenal by the way (life is too short) and almost find it funny that we still have fans willing to give Wenger yet more rope.

  29. goonerboy

    May 24, 2012, 9:58 #22914

    did Gazidis ask you to write this piece? Or is it you Gazidis? show yourself!!!!

  30. sweeps

    May 24, 2012, 9:47 #22913

    Dream on.

  31. Mike

    May 24, 2012, 9:26 #22912

    It will be very interesting to see what will happen if RVP picks up a knock in the Euro's -would that change anything?????

  32. David the Price is right

    May 24, 2012, 8:24 #22910

    I note with alarm, that there's a significant band who are still bewitched by the Wegner(many have used this spelling) cult, and try to enchant by bursts of youthful exhuberance. Many on here are imparting their thoughts borne out of what you may articulate as wisdom. -(Don't insult calling posters 'twats', TWIT!) -Learning from past experiences. Don't insult intelligence 'BOYS'. How many told you so's do you wanna hear. Number 5/6 being lined-up. The taste is the same, coz the dish is the same. Auf wiedersehen.

  33. Challenger

    May 24, 2012, 8:11 #22909

    you can say all what you want, but for me, unless I see some changes in the players list, I care not. We need world class players to win anything, it is that easy IMO.

  34. Rohan

    May 24, 2012, 2:54 #22907

    You forgot 3 digit growth in CL money from next season. Spurs suppose to missed out on 80mil for loosing cl spot to Chelsea. This should enable us to spend some money this year.

  35. bilal Mariano. Durban. south africa.

    May 24, 2012, 0:11 #22906

    I'm sure we gonna take silverware this season.We have a very confident defence.The likes of Ramsey and Gervinho have to up their game.Last season they Gunned us down by missing open goals. Oh beware the refs they give Gunners penalties.

  36. Big Dave

    May 23, 2012, 22:28 #22905

    Are you Ivan G son

  37. CT Gooner

    May 23, 2012, 21:48 #22904

    Like most, I'm struggling to find anything positive from our season. I know I don't agree with most of your arguments, but heh, if they help you sleep at night, great. Me I'm waiting for 3 quality new signings, in addition to Podolsky, as I'm not liking what I'm hearing about RVP.

  38. goonercolesyboy

    May 23, 2012, 21:45 #22903

    How do you lot, and that's most of the posters on here, all sleep at night, worrying so much over what you cannot change? At the end of the transfer window then comment, until then go lie on a beach somewhere and enjoy the sunshine, unless of course it is all too much and you decide to kill yourselves....moaning twats the lot of you...

  39. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 23, 2012, 21:40 #22902

    Ginger you could be right mate and then he can move on to his next investment a cowboy film set and remake a fistfull of dollars.

  40. Ginger

    May 23, 2012, 20:45 #22901

    Kroenke knows nothing about football.He bought Arsenal for one reason to make money.In a couple of years he will sell to Usmanov for a massive profit.And the Kroenke years will have been a total waste of time.He played us all for mugs.And we took it lying down without a peep of protest.The easiest money he will ever make.

  41. RJ

    May 23, 2012, 20:42 #22900

    "Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry". Too many good points to respond to on here. What I will say is this, as fans we spend a lot of time whinging - I have two season tickets, one for me, one for my son - I pay over £2,500 for this pleasure. I will not go into next season downhearted - until the team let me down again. This is what love is all about - unconditional love for what Arsenal stands for. While we have Wenger, Gazidis and Kroenke running things as they are, we only have hope for change - all the bleating we do on here will not make one jot of difference. That is why I am choosing the blind optimism route - what needs to change is so obvious, I truly hope the club are doing something about it. I will only pick up on one comment - @clockendpaul - what have I said that makes me sound unambitious for the club I have supported for 40 years? Blindly, childishly optimistic yes, unambitious no. I am setting out my hopes for how we can win the league next year - I am not moaning about how nothing will change until Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke go - because those things are not going to happen. Period. Frankly, there is more chance of us winning the league than there is of Wenger leaving before the end of his contract (or its extension). Come on you gooners!

  42. lee afc

    May 23, 2012, 20:33 #22899

    point number 8 about teams in transition..2 of those teams won silverware this season which is far more than we got...absolute rubbish post RJ

  43. Big Andy

    May 23, 2012, 19:48 #22898

    I love blind optimism. But the sad truth is that the club is stuck in a rut right now, and we all know the reasons why. We have an American owner who does not understand or love football, and is completely ignorant of the culture and history of our great club. He won't invest - he just wants profits. We also have a manager who is well-and-truly past it, and is incapable of spending our wage bill properly or coaching the side to consistently defend effectively. And he won't walk away from his 7-million-pound-a-year job. Next year will be more painful than this. If RvP goes then I can see us finishing 5th, 6th or 7th.

  44. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 23, 2012, 19:27 #22896

    The seasons only been over for ten days or so and already we're looking good for third next season. You couldn't make it up.

  45. fozzy's mate

    May 23, 2012, 19:25 #22895

    RJ - always good to see some humour injected mate and in this time of doom and gloom why not after all? One thing that does drive me mad is when people say selling a player like RVP, Nasri, Cesc, Henry, Vieira, adebayor, toure etc is value or a good deal/price. As I continually repeat to anyone (sorry Joshua) arsenal is a listed company with published accounts the last set which showed a cash reserve of 120ish million and profit on player trading in that period of 41 million. The last 7 years has shown us that selling a decent player is never a good deal for us no matter what price we get. None of the aforementioned have been adequately replaced. The money sits unspent. All this hogwash about needing the champions league dough to buy world class players. In the last 10 yrs of champions league money have we ever gone after and bought a world calss player! What a surprise we are not competing for hazard, Mvilla etc but lowering our sites to cheaper players. If RVP goes the cash will sit in the bank with the rest of it and eventually in one way or another be trousered. We are the rich mans villa, the crowd expecting one thing and the club settling for another. But a bit of light relief none the less...

  46. clockendpaul

    May 23, 2012, 19:22 #22894

    The reason we're in the stale mess we are is to some extent because of unambitious people like you RJ, content to keep the status quo, i bet its pork chop, peas and mash for you every tuesday.

  47. Wenger bought Chamakh and Park

    May 23, 2012, 18:19 #22892

    In 2011 we finished THREE points behind 2nd place.This season we finished NINETEEN points behind the 2nd place team and i am supposed to be happy.We have gone backwards big style.When are the AKB's going to realise we not going to win anything as long as Wenger remains.Stop deluding yourself that after the last 7 years as if by magic everything is going to turn around.Point 1 we finished 3rd FFS.Tell me one Gooner who wouldnt swap 3rd for what Chavski have won? Other than Wenger of course

  48. Graham Simons

    May 23, 2012, 17:07 #22891

    This one actually made me laugh. I'm sure if RVP stays and ends his Arsenal career sans a single, solitary medal - he'll say: "Yeah, but what about the love? I was loved, I tell yers." I loved Patrick Vieira more and he had a whole lot more medals too.

  49. Ronster

    May 23, 2012, 17:02 #22890

    Don't expect any news on Van Persie until his shins have safely negotiated the Euros.No club is going to blow £25 million plus on an accident waiting to happen.Don't expect our defence to miraculously shut up shop next season.In the unlikely event Arse-ne allows Uncle Bouldy to get his hands on the back four,we may see some individual technical improvement but the way Arse-ne sets up his teams will never materialise in consistent clean sheets.May I take this opportunity to once again remind all those crying out for change that the club will only sit up and take notice if you hit them hard in the pocket.The likes of the untitled Theo Walcott who could quite easily retire tomorrow and never have to break sweat(ha!)again is not getting a single penny of my hard earned dosh.

  50. John Lynch

    May 23, 2012, 17:01 #22889

    Nine reasons to fear the worst . Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger , Arsene Wenger + Arsene Wenger

  51. Highbury Boy

    May 23, 2012, 16:57 #22888

    The only reason I wouldn't argue about is no.9. We will start the season top and that will be the last time we will be in that position. We have just ONE repeat ONE class player and he is very likely to leave. End of. Get real RJ.

  52. Mick Appleton

    May 23, 2012, 15:37 #22887

    What if my aunty had a penis she'd be my uncle, what if most of what you said is pie in the sky that will never happen? Chamakh,Ramsey & Arshavin will not get better, neither will Gervinho if this season is anything to go by. However the same can not be said for the Manchester clubs, Chelsea, Liverpool & Spurs who I guarantee will improve. We will have to improve to keep what we struggled to get this year, we will fall further off the pace without at least 3 quality purchases and I really can't see Arsene spending the cash to do that. You are deluding yourself if you think one new player, a major improvement from pub team players and a step up for Bould will make us a side that can challenge.

  53. Sebastian

    May 23, 2012, 15:29 #22886

    Reason Number 10: We're not Liverpool fans.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 23, 2012, 15:27 #22885

    Your right RJ we finished third (only just scraping over the line again)it looks good on paper or sounds good said quickly but doesn't paper over the cracks and thats why so many are despondent nothing has been done about the cracks season after season after season relyiny on dead wood, young guns, and wild cards.We all want RVP to stay although its looking less likely but we can only hope but if he does go and then we have to rely on walcott, gervinho, chamakh, park God help us.I'm also optimistic about bouldy and hope he'll be allowed to stamp his authority on the defence and not be a cone man.You can be sure the spuds chavs and pool will strengthen next season and strengthen well not to mention the two mancs we've already started lets hope we're not finished and have to rely on deadwood and wild cards it doesn't look good on the young guns front either with the announcement arsenal are only optimistic that jack will be fit for the start of the season.But why should fans that are despondent and p****d off over the last seven or eight seasons worry as you've stated already third place looks good for next season.

  55. piken79

    May 23, 2012, 15:12 #22884

    Chamakh is going to be worse next season if he stays. I have more faith in campbell who was on loan..we have a lot of average players at Arsenal but the main problem continues to be defense. Wenger seems to have forgotten how to organize his players to defend. Until that is addressed, new players won't help us

  56. Vinayak

    May 23, 2012, 15:07 #22883

    Arsenal is a top club and deserves to be at the top. Winning things. Since when did we start settling for 3rd place?! And to celebrate another trophy less season?! Is there no desire left in the club?! We all should be mad at ourselves for having such low expectations from the club we love. With Fabregas gone, and no real replacement bought in his place, Rosicky who's old enough to retire is spearheading our midfield this season. Is that what its come down to?! Why do we always settle for second best?! I AM SURE AS HELL WE WONT WIN ANYTHING NEXT SEASON IF WE DONT BUY SOMEONE WHO IS ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF DOING FOR US WHAT FABREGAS DID FOR US. i can bet my life on it.

  57. CanadaGooner

    May 23, 2012, 15:04 #22882

    Better get a bodyguard now RJ! Majority on onlinegooner only want the doom & gloom articles. I dont see Steve Bould making much of a difference though. We have a rotten culture at the club right now. The players are relaxed and happy with a 3rd place finish (I bet they partied well into the night) and Gazidis is ONLY interested in bringing in the CL money and building a model that keeps Arsenal viable for the future (perhaps not a bad thing?). The question is: can we keep this viable model and also find some rich fellow who can pillage his country (or do whatever he needs to get the money in) and spend some 100million on new players this season + DEMAND SOMETHING IN EXCHANGE (trophies)?! That's the only way Arsenal will win anything. Right now, our players dont even care about the Carling or FA Cup; as long as they finish in the top 4, they get a pat on the back from Gazidis and everyone's happy as Larry (except us fans). If Steve comes on tough with the players (particularly the defenders), they will trun into sulks like Arshavin did, and Gazidis will hold their hands and they'll undermine Bould till he leaves or gets replaced. That's the story of modern day football. Ruthlessness usually brings success in football (Abramovitch was prepared to fire as many managers as he needed to + change the team around as often as need be, to get what he wants), but it's also a luxury you have to be able to afford, and only a very few can, and neither Kroenke nor Usamanov are in that cadre. So, what do you do when you cant afford such ruthlessness? ANSWER IS VERY SIMPLE: you hang in there and keep a fellow like Wenger, who will show a great deal of promise and flashes of brilliance at some point in the season, but can never close the deal because of the lack of ruthlessness at the club. The other option is to punch above your weight and end up like Leeds Utd (and countless other examples). So, fellow fans: feel free to moan and groan as long as you want, but the reality is simply as it is

  58. Lord Froth

    May 23, 2012, 14:52 #22881

    I like the article because RJ is trying to be a bit positive instead of just moaning about the same issues that have been covered time and time again this season. I don't agree with all of his conclusions but I can see where he's coming from as I also tend to be fairly optimistic (or deluded maybe) at the start of each season. We all saw in patches how good the team can be so it's down to the manager and team to try to get some consistency. Some of you assume that all of our rivals will strengthen their teams but not all of them will be able to necessarily add quality to their squads and some of the big names that have been bandied around might not even want to play in the Prem. All teams have some outstanding players and some dross and none of them will ever be able to totally eliminate having some dross becuase you can't fill a 25 man squad with world class players because they're not going to want their turn on the bench and that leads to other problems. The reason I don't tend to get on Wenger's bakc too much personally is because he's not going anywhere. The club is privately owned and the owner wants Wenger so we just have to deal with that and move on hence trying to be positive. I really wish people would stop calling others AKBs or AMGs as there is middle ground and I know because I'm standing on it right now. At the end of the day when the season starts we will have a team on the pitch so let's see how the transfer window pans out as getting our panties in a wad and bickering amongst ourselves does not achieve anything.

  59. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 23, 2012, 14:21 #22880

    Eton Old Boy Network, you are cracking me up. Reading your comments makes me laugh hard enough to loosen the soot from my hob - nailed boots. By the way, if anyone wants cheering up from The Arsenal, get on YouTube and watch the 92/93 season review uploaded by a character called RomfordPele15. The football's inconsistent, half the players (from both Arse and opposition) are still half - pissed from the night before, but everyone's enjoying themselves nonetheless. Excitable goal celebrations from Wright, Rambo and Merse, bonkers reaction from the Clock End when the goals go in, compensating for the mural's lack of appreciation...there's even two cups at the end!!! I'm well aware that solves none of the club's current problems, but then again none of our rambling one way or the other is going to do that either, so you could do worse than have a look and a laugh...

  60. Dan h

    May 23, 2012, 14:19 #22879

    Sadly most of us have felt so let down by the lack of ambition shown in the transfer market who really does feel confident for next season?It will be a case of wait & see this window personally if we can at last get some of the parasites feeding of the Arsenal wage bill it will be a start.To those that believe we will then sign up to 6 players it won't happen.Two more players maximum & a back up keeper if lucky.To those doubters it does seem the ed is correct about the Vertonghen deal falling through for the reasons stated.We really don't learn do we?It goes back to the Cole situation he has been hated since by all of us hasn't he?The funny part thats forgotten is we did actually backtrack & give him a payrise & 1 year extension before he did jump ship...what im getting at is by acting cheaply it does end up costing us more!We will see how the summer develops the relief at coming 3rd will be replaced by frustration & anger if another summer of stagnation develops.

  61. Gare Kekeke

    May 23, 2012, 14:10 #22878

    Decent article with valid points. A few things I’d like to pick up on. Don’t think for a second that getting rid of the deadwood is going to be so easy. The likes of Bendtner, Denilson & Vela are earning anything between £40-60k a week and no other club would pay them that amount or even more. And the board/Wenger would charge top dollar to any potential suitors too on the basis of their relatively young ages and experience. Only time will tell whether the club would accept reduced fees for them or any other methods. Here’s hoping too that Wenger would implement a better defensive structure to our game via Bould. Defensively in recent years we have been found wanting rather than just 2011/12. Successful teams are built with a solid foundation at the back. Even Guardiola’s Barcelona is less likely to concede than Mourinho’s Real Madrid. And apparently Mourinho’s teams don’t concede. If we’re not going to score and there will be games that we won’t score, at least stop our opponents from scoring, something that in recent years we have not been very good at. Getting Alex Song to act as a proper DM wouldn’t go amiss either, but then we can’t ‘kill him’ eh? So a much more disciplined DM would be welcomed. Don’t write off Chelsea coming good in the league again too. Being European champions could give them the spring in their step to be English champions again. But I do agree on Liverpool & Tottenham to an extent. We must be the only club in England at least who places way too much optimism on very young players. Yes, we have a few with great potential but they should be seen as the supporting cast not the main acts. These players should develop gradually and not rushed because we are trying to prove a point to the ‘petrol-dollar’ clubs. A few of them could do with a dose of humility. Yes, I’m looking at you Szczesny & Frimpong. After all, wasn’t Denilson, Vela & Bendtner seen as The Arsenal’s future a few years ago? Don’t forget too that RVP isn’t the only one whose contract needs to be resolved. I don’t have a problem with fans being optimistic but at the same a sense of realism is required. We won’t improve overnight and our rivals have no plans to regress or stand still either. Up The Arsenal!

  62. Mike

    May 23, 2012, 13:59 #22877

    I like it - most of the people on the website will be tearing their hair out - keep it real I say - most of the surplus players will go - problem with new signings is that as soon as we start talking to anyone and it starts looking promising along come Man City/ Utd and start interfering.

  63. Joe S.

    May 23, 2012, 13:54 #22875

    Just another rehash by those in denial.It all serves to depress me more as to why this club is in decline.My view is RVP told Wegner and The accountant that he is going but wants to focus on the Euros before moving ahead.Your list of experienced players really worries me. They are not world class. Regarding the youth there are too many Ifs.With Wegner in decline in all points to an average season for an average team. The must frustrating aspect of all this is that with all the available coaching / managerial talent available in World football so many people believe the club would be lost without Wegner.

  64. Ron

    May 23, 2012, 13:42 #22874

    C'mon now Mandy, we know its you. Arsenals marketing is said to be poorish. You should apply for a job.Some of this bull crap might just wash with anybody that knows nothing about the Club. PS 'Third place looks good' Deary, Deary me!

  65. Steve

    May 23, 2012, 13:40 #22873

    To the Author - I ask one question. What has changed at AFC to make you believe next season will not be exactly the same as least season, which was the same as the one before, which was the same as the one before that??? Same old, same old I'm afraid.

  66. Tony Evans

    May 23, 2012, 13:39 #22872

    I had better not say too much or I will have Mandy after me again for being negative. You are right there are always teams worse off then ourselves and the sun is shining!

  67. Judge Fred

    May 23, 2012, 13:19 #22871

    Next season will be like this one - trying to scrape into the Top 4. We have no ambition to challenge the Manchester clubs, therefore 3rd is the pinnacle of our league season. I want to be positive (honestly I do) but have had my fingers burnt too many times.

  68. Eton Old Boy Network

    May 23, 2012, 13:18 #22870

    Damned fine piece - good show! Now the rest of you frightful wretches get those wallets open and stump up that season ticket renewal lolly. Despicable shower.

  69. Peter Wain

    May 23, 2012, 13:14 #22869

    Lets wait until the transfer window is over. If it is like last year which I fear it may be then we will have learnt nothing and will win nothing next season. As far as Chelski and the Scum if they invest we could be staring at no champions league. It seems to me as the management does not manage to win things and only strive for fourth place. Once again the most expensive premership tickets are not buying the best entertainment. Only a change of management and ownership can sort this out.

  70. Dave

    May 23, 2012, 13:14 #22868

    The most expensive ticket prices in the league, a club out of touch with it's core support and supporter's groups/associations/fanzines who say and do nothing about it. I have been burdoned with a love of this football club and i have never felt more alienated. Winning things isn't, necessarily, the issue. I also remember long spells without success but i always felt those terraces were home.

  71. Angry & Frustrated

    May 23, 2012, 13:11 #22867

    Dear oh dear oh dear, you remind me of Neville Chamberlain with his "peace in our time" deluded optimism speech, except I see you waving a piece of paper with our annual profits forecast. How much did the board pay you to write this drivel, or do you actually believe any of what you have written? It must be season ticket renewal time! Nice try Stan/Ivan/Arsene but no cigar, and certainly no more money from me!

  72. Crazy Gooner

    May 23, 2012, 13:10 #22866

    Sebastian (post 25139) - I suspect the author was referring to Joel Campbell, the Costa Rican striker who has been on loan at L'Orient this season and who will be part of the first team squad next season if he can get a work permit. It's James Campbell who has been released.

  73. Jekyll

    May 23, 2012, 13:06 #22865

    Desperate stuff, not at all grounded in the reality of the season we've just had or how Wenger manages the squad or the club.

  74. Any Old Iron

    May 23, 2012, 12:55 #22864

    Well done agent RJ-your club level season ticket is assured. A 25% reduction should see you all right. Keep up the good work old boy!

  75. Down Under Gooner

    May 23, 2012, 12:52 #22863

    What's with all this Szczesny love? Boy, has he been putting one over some of you lot. Goalkeepers are supposed to close down shooting angles, not open up chasm's and encourage opposition players to pick their spot. As an example of this, just take a look at our last two games. Szczesny is not up to Premier League standard and he is the reason we haemorrhage goals. Anyone that knows anything about the game, will tell you that even the best defensive players look decidedly shaky if the 'keeper behind them is ordinary and Szczesny, apart from Kenny (arguably), is the worst goalkeeper in the EPL. One gets a pretty good idea, over a period of 38 games in the season, if you divide the amount of goals conceded by a 'keeper by the number of shots on target he has faced. Do the mathematics, compare the numbers with other 'keepers and be prepared to be shocked. Szczesny is deficient in a number of areas that decent goalkeepers at this level MUST be proficient in.

  76. Dandy Mod, ageing Rocker

    May 23, 2012, 12:41 #22862

    Nah, not enthused. Try Mandy, she'll buy it!

  77. MB

    May 23, 2012, 12:37 #22861

    Our defense has got worse year on year yet suddenly we expect it to improve, why? The teams around us may be in transition but you can bet they will buy what they need to improve can we honestly say the same? Also the young guns delivering have we not been living on this promise for the past seven years, where are the golden generation? Either sold or out on loan the latter being the norm as nobody has wanted to buy them. Your misplaced optimism is fooling nobody.

  78. Kevin T

    May 23, 2012, 12:34 #22860

    Do you really believe a single word you have wrote?Typical AKB bull****.Reasons to be worried 1.Wenger is still manager,2.Kroenke still owner,3.RVP will be gone,4.We wont sign the 6 players we need,5.The deadwood wont be gone who is going to buy and pay £60k a week to Bender Denilson and Vela,Squillaci and Djourou? 6.Long term injuries.Our medical team should be shot,7.We will still have inconsistent players like Song Walnutt and Forehead and of course super crock Diaby,8.Wenger is only worried about a top 4 finish and not trophies,9.We pay our manager £7m a year!!!

  79. mahones

    May 23, 2012, 12:32 #22859

    how much dead wood are we really going to be able to ship out? Rvp will go because we wont sign enough talent. Wenger already pulling the 'wilshire and mert will be two new signings' nonsense!

  80. Sebastian

    May 23, 2012, 12:31 #22858

    Nice positive article, i like! 2 points though, on point number 2, Walcott is in the same situation as RvP, 1 year left, and is yet to sign, people havent seemed to realise. and on point 5, Campbell has just been released lol. But all in all, youre right! So much potential. Also, I don't think anyone saw Jack Wilshire coming when he did, maybe we'll suprise everyone again with a youth player. (watch out for Gnarby, he's going to be out of this world)

  81. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    May 23, 2012, 12:27 #22857

    Good post Arsene. Now stop writting articles and go and sign some quality.

  82. chrisy boy

    May 23, 2012, 12:22 #22856

    Your article has not done much to feel my with joy and confidence ahead of next season. Sorry mate

  83. Henry

    May 23, 2012, 12:15 #22855

    Steve Bould and Defence.I presume you havent seen the youth team play.They are as bad as the first team.Pat Rice was a defender.But as we all know Wenger does not do defence