Arsenal’s latest disgrace

The cost of Silver Membership goes up again

Arsenal’s latest disgrace

Silver membership – Price of long standing loyalty isn’t cheap

When Arsenal first launched the Ticket Registration Scheme (TRS) back in the Highbury days (since re-branded as Silver membership), the cost was £19 per season. And each time you purchased a ticket for a home match, you received a £1 discount, meaning of course that if you bought a ticket for every game, you would recoup your outlay of £19 and the scheme would be free.

How far they have sunk from that worthy beginning. Somewhere along the line – I forget exactly when – the price increased to £26, and the discount against each ticket bought disappeared, turning the now re-branded Silver membership into a nice little earner for the club. Of course, Arsenal never told us the discount would disappear, and neither did they tell us the cost was increasing; they simply sent our renewals in the new amount. This was a sign of things to come.

Having charged us £26 simply for the privilege of buying tickets for a few seasons, they woke up to this money-making opportunity in time for the 2011/2012 renewals, which were offered at £39 for the season - an absolutely whopping 50% increase in the cost. In keeping with the now established norm, when Arsenal kindly invited us to renew at this new bargain price, they once again couldn’t be bothered to mention the increase in the accompanying letter; it was simply stated as the cost for that season. You might think they would feel moved to apologise for such an increase, and to make some attempt to explain and justify it, but that most basic level of customer service was clearly too much trouble, so they didn’t bother.

When I wrote to complain, not only about this mammoth increase, but also about the sly, underhand way they had implemented it, I received what was clearly a standard response which, when you stripped away the window dressing, basically said there are thousands on the waiting list, mate, so if you don’t like it, kindly sod off and we’ll sell it to the next punter. When I pursued the issue with a further letter, challenging the weak and feeble points they had offered, I was completely ignored and no further correspondence was forthcoming from the club.

The team’s performances on the pitch may be frustratingly inconsistent, but that is not a failing of the faceless, corporate money-makers behind the scenes. Certainly not.

True to form, this year’s renewal has emerged and, yes, it’s gone up again. This time the increase is to £45 (for Silver lite – I believe it’s £55 for Silver…erm…heavy?), thereby contenting themselves with a mere 15% increase for the coming season. Still, when coupled with last year’s rise, it means the cost has gone from £26 to £45 in just two years. That is a quite breathtaking 73% increase and, once again, they made no attempt to excuse or justify it, or to offer even the merest semblance of an apology for the latest hike. The letter simply states the cost for the year, along with some marketing drivel. Naturally, I have already despatched my complaint to the club, but having emailed them over a week ago (at the time of writing), I have yet to receive a response.

Quite frankly, Arsenal’s behaviour in the whole matter is nothing short of a disgrace. Safe in the knowledge that fans are not customers – we can’t simply go to another club because it’s cheaper, the way you might shop at Asda instead of Sainsbury’s - they plan to abuse their position to the maximum. To paraphrase Denis Healey, the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Labour Government of the early '70s, Arsenal obviously intend to “squeeze the fans until the pips squeak”, and to make no apology for so doing.

The basic increases in price are shocking enough. Remember, Silver Membership doesn’t actually buy you anything; it simply buys you the right to buy something, i.e. a match ticket. The cost of that Silver membership now exceeds the cost of actually attending a match, which has to be unacceptable in anyone’s language. But if that were not bad enough, perhaps the most offensive aspect of all this is Arsenal’s total contempt and disregard for the fans. Never once have they made the increase public, made even the slightest attempt to justify or explain it, and certainly they have never troubled themselves to offer even the most insincere of apologies.

Arsenal is my club, as it was my Dad’s and my Grandad’s. I’m 51 and have supported the club for over 40 years through thick and thin. But since our move to Ashburton Grove, they think and act more and more like a big, faceless corporation, trading on fans’ loyalty to fleece them with ever-higher prices for tickets, memberships, food, drink and anything else they can think of. I used to love Arsenal with a passion. Identify with the club. Feel part of it. But since we left Highbury, they seem intent on destroying that connection with the fans, and the behaviour over the TRS pricing exemplifies that. The scale of the price hikes, the failure to be honest about them, to justify them, even to bother to apologise for them, is a shameful disgrace - an exercise in contempt for the fans of which the club should be truly ashamed. I can safely say I have never felt so disconnected from my club and so disillusioned with them.

Arsenal used to be a byword for class, for doing things the right way. No longer, it seems. I hold them out as a disgrace. I call them to account for their shameful, appalling, contemptible treatment of their supporters. I ask that they explain themselves, apologise for their shameful behaviour and undertake to start treating their fans with a great deal more appreciation and respect.

Unfortunately, since the move to Ashburton Grove, they act increasingly like a faceless corporation, and therefore I expect no such change and that my hope for improvement will remain unfulfilled.

Subsequent to the submission of this piece, the club finally got around to responding. Here is what they had to say…

Dear Mark Davis
Thank you for your email.
We do understand and empathise in respect of this matter. I do appreciate that your email is detailed and heartfelt and I do apologise for the brevity of my response.
In respect of this issue, there is a paragraph within the membership Q and A’s that addresses the increase in cost of Silver membership. This was a joint response issued by the commercial, communications and marketing departments.
“Why have we increased membership again?
Silver Membership provides you with a priority window for ticket access two months ahead of the fixture, and one month ahead of Red Membership. Silver Members have a far higher probability of securing a ticket for the match in the location they want than Red Members. Unlike Red membership it is a closed scheme and the maximum number of Silver Members remains the same from one season to the next. It still represents strong value for money, and its price reflects the benefit of the priority access.”
Once again, thank you for your Email. This matter has been logged and will be reported upon.
Arsenal Box Office SL
Highbury House,75 Drayton Park, London, N5 1BU
Tel: 020 7619 5000
Fax: 020 7704 4161

I think their response demonstrates clearly that they couldn't give a stuff. To simply cut & paste something from a Q&A - something that didn't even begin to answer my points - shows their total contempt for the fans. Interesting as well that the reply is anonymous. Further evidence that Arsenal has become a faceless corporation and not a football club. Very sad.

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  1. markymark

    May 30, 2012, 13:03 #23143

    When the origonal ticket registration scheme was introduced, i, like yourself purchased two of these, a good way of hopefully getting tickets for my self and my brother in law. I have been supporting Arsenal since 1969. I must say that we ALLWAYS got tickets using this scheme, this must have carried on for about 4 years. Then one close seaSON I DID NOT GET A RENEWALL LETTER THRU, so i contacted the club, only to be told that they had sent out a renewall letter, and as they had not heard back, had sold my memberships to other people. When i asked if it would not have been nice to have been contacted by the club and told we had x amount of time to renew, or lose the right to have the membership i was basicly told that it did not matter who came thru the gate, as long as the membership tickets were sold, a really good response to some one who had been coming to the club for many years, that was the day for me that opened my eyes to what the club was becoming and as you state, has now become. I still follow the club, but they are not the club i once loved !

  2. GoonerNad

    May 30, 2012, 1:36 #23129

    I'll have your membership gladly you ungrateful git. Been waiting for one for years. My team is worth £55 a season for the flexibility of picking which games I want to go to and having two months to sort the tickets. Just stay at home and watch online streaming. £55 is £1.05 a week over a year. It's nothing. One pint fewer in your local every month of the year will cover the cost. Get over it.

  3. Ian Essex Gooner

    May 29, 2012, 9:48 #23055

    Its pretty disgraceful to be honest.

  4. Andy Sunderland

    May 28, 2012, 21:43 #23054

    The club sold out years ago i've lost the hunger to go to Arsenal games now how sad but that's how i feel .

  5. bnill the red

    May 28, 2012, 21:42 #23053

    Last season we renewed our season tickets while Fabregas and Nasri were still on the books,but come the start of the season it was clear they were both on the move.If I went to a supermarket and the name brand I wanted to purchase was out of stock and I bought a lesser make or the companies own make I would expect a big discount on items purchased.But you see we have been taken for a ride again hoping that RVP signs and if he dont well we will be paying Harrods prices again whilst having Aldi products.

  6. Rich

    May 28, 2012, 19:09 #23052

    I got home today to find a letter from Arsenal on my doorstep inviting me to renew my season ticket. Well, I've renewed by season ticket - 8 days ago. I immediately checked my emails thinking 'crap the payments gone somewhere else... etc' but no the club have sent me an email confirming payment. I don't understand why, in this computer age, the club can't get this right. Why waste time and money posting this crap out. We support a club that we all love but when it comes to corresponding with us... they're truly inept. Did every other season ticket member get this rubbish? I bet they did. Yeah... Right.

  7. Ron

    May 28, 2012, 14:35 #23051

    johnnyhawley - Great points mate. Last Season i took the trouble to actually work out how much i spent on football, home and the away games i used to do (admittedly far less last season than in years gone by). It was horrifying. Ive ended it now. Ive not been since January home or away (QPR at the bowl was my last last game and garbage game it was too, like more or less all of them in truth!). Youre right about the 'cold turkey', though to be honest it lasted only a week or two for me as i had thought about it the season before. Im relieved not to bother now. Football just isnt worth it, not just Arsenal. I reckon some of the games are fixed as well. Ive suspected it for some years, but more so since the vested interests got a serious hold of the game in the SKY era.Very sad.

  8. gunner_ace

    May 28, 2012, 13:56 #23049

    Some people have made comments along the lines of its a privilege to have silver membership, and if you don’t like the price, don’t pay and let some red members get a chance. I think they have wholesale missed the point of the article and many of the concerns of silver members like myself. I don’t mind paying the membership fee whether that be £10, £30, £55 or even £100 IF I knew that money was directly being channelled into signing top players for the club. However as this manager and board continue to scrap around Europes bargain bucket bins then why should we pay more when that money is going straight into Kronkes back pocket?

  9. Mark Davis

    May 28, 2012, 13:27 #23048

    Thanks for so many responses to my post. Many of you (too many to mention..sorry!) made good points in reply, and of course I'm grateful for all the supporting responses which re-assured me I'm not going mad and not the only one who can see how shabby this all is. To those who wrote suggesting I stop moaning/give up my membership/accept the club's abuse of their position etc etc, I can understand your self-interest but you miss my points and you miss the bigger picture entirely. Suffice to say there were no serious and cogent counter arguments offered. 'Nuff said.


    May 28, 2012, 11:04 #23047

    £30m on the way from the sale of RVP so perhaps prices will have to go up alot less next season....

  11. Gooner

    May 28, 2012, 9:24 #23046

    Dont renew then??? Its only a tenner or whatever it is. If you dont renew there will be plenty of people who will. I am not well off at all but we havent got a sugar daddy so I am happy to contribute if that means we are secure as a club.

  12. Roy Hall

    May 28, 2012, 8:36 #23045

    @ed enough - one of the least intelligent responses to an article I have read. It doesnt matter a f**k if there are plenty of fans who would take up the membership, there is a serious point to be made here and the author has made it very well. If you can miss the point as easily as that, then I agree - it's a job in the clubs marketing dept for you. Apply now !

  13. Martyn

    May 28, 2012, 7:19 #23044

    The increase last year was sweetened by 'free' access to Arsenal Player online for members. The smaller percentage increase this year would suggest no extra advantages, just normal inflationary increases as with most things these days. Personally, as someone who attends live matches infrequently, the increase is difficult to sustain. If it tops £50 plus at the end of next season it may be the end of my membership. As someone once said, football has gone from the public bar to the wine bar!!

  14. celine dion

    May 27, 2012, 13:06 #23043

    One of the biggest pities about modern day Arsenal apart from the blood sucking corporates that run the place, are the amount of apologists there for them. I dont run into them on match days, but there are certainly plenty on the internet. Look at these glib responses to this perfectly sensible thread, that no right thinking football supporter could possibly disagree with. Market monopolies hiking up prices when and where they can is not to be celebrated, it is practically destroying working class life in the UK. There is nothing different from what the club is doing here, to your local supermarket suddenly deciding a loaf of sliced bread can and will cost £1.65. And yet here we have quite a selection of people going 'if you dont like it dont go', 'stop moaning', or the fantastic 'supply and demand innit'. I really dont know where this new breed of support came from. But I'm glad I dont spend time with any of them.

  15. Vince

    May 27, 2012, 12:26 #23042

    I agree this is just a means to take more money from fans, most of whom have supported the club for a long time and great loyalty. A shame that loyalty seems to be taken for granted.

  16. UTU

    May 27, 2012, 10:44 #23041

    Good article. The Arsenal are longer longer a Football Club but a Corporate Brand that operate to make PROFIT at the expense of the Customers. The Club are having problems selling their season tickets, regardless of the waiting list, FACT. Stick to the Away Games, much more fun. Don't give them your money, they will get the message in the end.

  17. mad max

    May 27, 2012, 10:14 #23040

    cant believe people are slagging you off mark,i gave up my membership in 2011 like you i feel nothing but loathing for the bloodsuckers that are running our once great club including the deluded french manager.people paying 2,500 dollars to watch one game,what are you a millionare or something there,s a recession on most people are skint after paying my bills i get about 30 qid to live on each week.most of the people who attend the soulless owl are wealthy tourists and yuppies who only know 2 songs.back in the old days pre-arsene f.c the club lived in the real world the travel club used 2 run cheap train and coach travel 2 away games now we,ve become a corporate entity.and meanwhile we have to stomach the oedious chavs becoming european champions.shame on you arsenal.

  18. jjetplane

    May 27, 2012, 9:55 #23039

    Well said Tony Evans. Who would go on an 8 year wait for that football circus. I gave up in 2005 having been there since the 60s. Whatever happened to football fans! You want to see football - go to the Blue Square! Emirates - what a souless affair. The only thing good about the PL is the laughs it brings when the mighty tumble. My guess is Arsenal may well finish 3rd again without a trophy! happy days!

  19. The Noise

    May 27, 2012, 9:52 #23038

    The fact there's mugs on here actually sticking up for the club and their disgusting price hikes and actually slating the author of this worthy peice, says that AFC PLC's money making scheme is safe for a few more years yet... Just glad I gave up giving the club a single penny 2 years ago! Doubt I'll ever be back now, as it's pretty obvious Silent Stan & his penny pinching way are here to stay!

  20. JM - LONDON

    May 27, 2012, 3:46 #23037

    Pretty much agree with all MD's comments. As a matter of interest I have been on the waiting list for a silver membership for some 8 seasons now as well, I recently enquired where on the list I now stood and was advised I was 17000 (and then some!). Is it any wonder they charge what they want??

  21. wrag

    May 27, 2012, 1:26 #23036

    okay, i agree arsenal are taking the piss ..and yes you can make a difference but some arsenal fans aint got the balls or the guts to do it . stay away from the games ,fans join together make a stand and show we wont be taken for mugs ! they dnt invest wisely in the team and really they dnt give a **** about us .wenger is a stubborn old fool who's clearly living in the past in the terms of spending on a player . its pointless even writing this , because we all know you will be there with your " in arsene we trust " banners . just want to know can anyone tell me why they still trust him ? please reply ..i wanna know kinda in the dark on that one .

  22. lee afc

    May 26, 2012, 18:19 #23035

    Mark...try being a season ticket holder mate which is the highest in the premier league..kick off sat 12.45..sat 3.00..sunday 1.30..sunday 4.00..mon least you can pick and choose your games

  23. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    May 26, 2012, 16:54 #23034

    you would feel better about it if we were linked to The Hulk and not some 26 year old "prospect" from France.mind you how does a club £70million in debt manage to find £32 million for a player and stay inside the fair play rules as they said they would.You are 51 and can see other things to do with the money. do what i did after they sold our last two star players with out replaceing like for like.Don't go,don't buy the shirts for yourself our your kids,cancel sky,follow Arsenal through the BBC and ITV and the blogs,you will have a bit of cold turkey but with the money i saved i am going to Venice in september wit my wife.I am not going back untill we start buying ready made players of the same level or better,when a star goes.(or if a player is really ready to step up and not need two years) I do not want to end up like Liverpool or, heaven help us Rangers,but to get away with this sort of pricing the club must be seen to have made a better use of its resources

  24. Marwood On The Wing

    May 26, 2012, 15:29 #23033

    Really good article Mark which I totally agree with. Original TRS was a good idea and ensured fans at Highbury got a chance to get a ticket. The rise in ticket prices last summer and the two Silver/Red membership increaes are hard to stomach and are both massive PR mistakes by the club in the middle of a recession. Unless fans get together and say we arent going to pay for this then nothing will happen. Judging from some on the comments are here sadly you can see there a numpties just waiting in line who are happy to pay whatever Arsenal decide to charge. To renew or not to renew...that is the question.

  25. Dorset Gooner

    May 26, 2012, 13:52 #23032

    As a red member l was able to get tickets for Man u, Man chity, Liverpool, Chelsea plus a few other games this session. So not sure why other red members are moaning about only being able to get Carling Cup games? Silver members have earned there membership by attending numerous games over the year's and the club shouldn't really be taking the p*ss like this, as you've earned the right to buy tickets 1 month before us red members. As for the waiting list, aren't all members red/silver automatically added to the list? I'm sure that not all red/silver members would take the opportunity to buy a session ticket anyway! So I'd challenge this 40,000 number the club keeps mentioning, just scare tactics to get people to renew! The club can't put up ticket prices, so they increase the price of membership, absolute disgrace!

  26. Gare Kekeke

    May 26, 2012, 12:39 #23031

    Good article. It’s a sad situation but one that we have to put up with whether we like it or not. We shouldn’t be surprised by it. A mate of mine is a Chelsea fan and he’s just renewed his membership for next season for £25. Yeah that’s right, £25 to be a member of a club that has just won their first European Cup, a trophy that still eludes us and will hardly win or look like we will win under the current manager such as his sad inability to master the European game. Pity really as Wenger is the type of manager who should have won the European Cup by now instead of letting that anti-football merchant Mourinho p*ss all over him. Money is king when it comes to football and will be for a very long time. Up The Arsenal!

  27. Seven Kings Gooner

    May 26, 2012, 12:21 #23030

    Fifty two years ago my father took me to Arsenal - he could afford it!.Twenty Five years ago I took my 2 sons to Arsenal I could afford it! I have two grandsons but I fear they will be priced out of going to watch Arsenal because their father cannot justify paying over £200 for the match day experience. The club don't realize it but they are fostering a future lost generation of fans to our club.

  28. Nick

    May 26, 2012, 11:39 #23029

    My mates and i joined as Red members at the same time, the season before last one of our group was upgraded to Silver membership which, unless he wants to go to games alone, is useless to him, so therefore he waits along with us for a month before, until we try to buy tickets, he, as i, pay by direct debit, why the rest of have not been upgraded is a bone of contention but i would like to be, i do not understand nor have the club explained, how they decide who is to be upgraded, i agree that the price for merely being able to ATTEMPT to buy tickets is high, and i long for the good old days, of just getting to the ground early so as to be sure of getting in, i cannot afford , nor do i have enough life left to get a season ticket , the waiting list being what it is , but if i could i would, the author is correct in saying that the club hold the suppoters to ransome, but despite that, its THE ARSENAL and unlike a marriage you simply cannot get a divorce.

  29. Wombledin

    May 26, 2012, 11:30 #23028

    Well stop buying the damn thing and stop attending ya mug. Hit Kroenke and Gazidis the only place they feel pain, their pockets. No use whining and bleating on the internet then continuing to buy it.

  30. Jon h

    May 26, 2012, 10:18 #23026

    I gave up my ticket due to the high cost and rescheduling of games which meant that I missed lots of games. The new stadium and behaviour of Arsenal Plc is a far cry from what I loved about the club when we were at Highbury. The game is pretty much all about money and fits in with the celebrity and money obsessed bull**** u.s style culture we seem to live with nowadays. I Now only go to the occasional game when tickets are available. The sad truth is you do have a choice by not going to the games and watching on Sky tv instead. We all love Arsenal but things have changed for the worst due to the faceless money men taking over.

  31. Shropshire Lad

    May 26, 2012, 10:16 #23025

    Oh, come on, get a grip. I have been a supporter longervthan you and a season ticket holder at Highbury for many years. The club has never had much concern for it's supporters, just like every other club. We are cannon fodder (no pun intended!) forvthe reasons you state - captive audience. Get used to it, pay the money or don't pay the money. Either way a private business and a football club with a virtual guaranteed income is never going to'give a stuff'. Surely you remember the dreadful treatment of supporters trying to get Cup tickets over the years at Highbury ( they sold most to Touts allegedly unknowingly!!).

  32. Mikey H

    May 26, 2012, 9:06 #23023

    @ ed enough - the club rely on people like you to just sweep it under the rug and get on with it whereas the real Arsenal fans are being bled dry and have been for years now. If the extra money went towards helping us buy better players and win trophies i think every Gooner would happily put their hands in their pockets but as we see year after year, as long as we hit the top 4 and make the Champ Lge money the suits are happy and the fans are left disappointed with no success.

  33. Understanding Uche

    May 26, 2012, 8:35 #23022

    I can understand that red members think that Mark should stop moaning but you have to see it from a silver members point of view. 1.Last season the club reduced allocation of tickets available to silver members for Premiership games. The club decided to make more available for red members....... Fair enough, but why the massive increase of £26 to £39 for less rights??? 2. If a silver member goes to the majority of games then they will fork out far more than a lot of season ticket holders. However, if Arsenal get to another cup final/ FA cup semi final at Wembley then silver members will not get a ticket. 3.For Category A games (and this effects Red members as well) the cheapest tickets (over £50 !!!!) sell out straight away and you have to be lucky to get one.... if not you could be forking out a lot more money to sit in the upper tier. 4. The cost of a season ticket (Gold member) as I understand it has not gone up. Just another example of football and more importantly our club losing it's soul.

  34. Yanto

    May 26, 2012, 8:03 #23021

    Are WE Not Gooners!!!? No! We Are Customers! KERRRRCHINGGGGGGGGG

  35. Rocco

    May 26, 2012, 6:12 #23019

    You want quality you have to pay for it mate, maybe once Fairplay is fully implemented the insane salaries will fall to a... slightly less insane level

  36. Unbeaten 03/04

    May 26, 2012, 2:27 #23017

    Totally understand the author as I think he was trying to ask a simple explanation as to why the price went up which to me is a fair thing to do! It maybe justa couple of quid but it's the principle of thing s that makes you angry and wanna know why! Those who are more than happy to pay the extra money my be they will be happy to send a cheque to the author as it seems it doesn't bother them and no one mentioned that! Arsenal are not playing well and on top of some of you are bending over backward to the club!!!!

  37. John

    May 26, 2012, 0:47 #23015

    Are you serious mate.. Stop crying with your stat analysis..paralysis..if your silver season ticket is so much of a burden..give it up..we will take it..we pay 30 quid every year and are happy to watch 2-3 matches a year and make a racket when we are there..not like you who are moaning every time a pass is misplaced..we dont crib about our players.. we love our team for what they are..where they belong with ease and we encourage them to go higher.. every touch of every Arsenal player in the season is a delight to watch..About time you stood up and started complaining about the cost of the ticket it takes you to get to Arsenal..or are you not the complaining types.. What are you standing up for..all those people who may buy your magazine all those privileged types who've got a silver ticket andwill flash it at us red types.. disgrace..disgrace..disgrace..

  38. You CAN see my name!! - Chris McGivern

    May 25, 2012, 23:22 #23014

    I finally got my season ticket last year after 8 years waiting and the club telling me it would be another 4-5 years when I phoned in the previous season. I say **** it! You can see more on the telly and i'll spend my £78/game on beer/kebabs or whatever the **** I like instead. I'll always be a gooner and if I have to rejoin the waiting list in the future coz i've lost my marbles and feel the need to pour my money into a black hole again then so be it but for now........ congrats somebody you'll get a season ticket this year after many years of waiting.

  39. No Surprises

    May 25, 2012, 23:02 #23013

    I see City's fans were deemed the best fans' club on the margins of success by ticket prices- this is the thing with our self-sustaining business model: fans' money is really important and they know there are enough people willing for back up, should there be those who might protest. So it's not alarming to me really- if a little disappointing to be in that situation personally.

  40. mark gooner

    May 25, 2012, 22:32 #23012

    very sad indeed, especially giving the current econmic crisis! we pay the highest prices as fans to watch 'our club', yet the board show no ambition in challenging for anything by investing in the team! i love the emirates, it is a top class ground, but if i were to choose between a new stadium or a winning team playing at highbury id take the latter! seem's they have built our new stadium purely to get more bums in seat for more money and have sacrificed the team. we have a yank at the helm.. money and profit is his motive, as long as we keep gettin CL football he is happy.. with us not investing in players, and reaching that goal of CL.. buissness is a booming! we're just the mugs who have to fork out to watch a top mediocre team!

  41. Greg71

    May 25, 2012, 22:11 #23010

    Yet another example of our clubs fall from grace,can.t be long before we lose the (as in the arsenal ),this summers transfer policy along with the clubs total arrogance to its bread and butter fans could be the end for many of us. What price an Afc Arsenal ?

  42. mc cav

    May 25, 2012, 22:01 #23009

    good post. seems to me that these coffers are intent on lining their pockets with the very fabric of the club which is the supporters. i'd look over it if we could compete for the top players in the market but that is far from reality. its about time we rebelled against the machine!

  43. Sick of Football...

    May 25, 2012, 21:37 #23008

    Is anyone really surprised by this type of story anymore? The club, like most clubs, couldn't give a toss about it's less well off fans. We are no longer fans - we are customers. All they care about is revenues. Football as we knew it is dead.

  44. I remember when the club did care aboutr supporters

    May 25, 2012, 21:10 #23006

    Constructively criticise the contribution but do not rubbish the individual The points are pationately put and in their core elements correct.This club now prioritises marketing and maximising financial returns from its very core fans.It is the equivalent of selling your grandmother. We will always support the club with a passion but will not be fooled by the PRAVDA propaganda of standard e-mail responses. A few very rich Chief Executives/Board members are merely filling their gravy boat. The club needs supporter representation on the board not the tokenism of a "chat" with Ivan the terrible.

  45. CT Gooner

    May 25, 2012, 20:40 #23005

    Funny how AFC have figured out how to fleece the supporters, wonder when the majority of fans will realize we should be demanding a product worthy of the price... Wonder if they'll be an outcry when the standard ticket price goes up next month???

  46. King Tut

    May 25, 2012, 20:33 #23004

    At least Dick Turpin wore a mask


    May 25, 2012, 20:25 #23003

    Yet again let down by the club. I sat listening to Tom Fox (some yank marketing man) explain to me why the club needs to NOT have a yellow and blue away kit due to the popularity of other colours with our 'overseas' fan base! He also tried to explain (without clarity, conviction or indeed fact) how the blue hoop on the home shirt fits in with the lub history. GAZIDIS then paid homage to Stan Kronke who 'has not taken a penny out of the club in dividends since arriving' No surprise when the share value is circa £15k against the average of circa £10k he paid for each one. They have sold the sole of our club and unfortunately they will find that there is only so much LOYAL long term fans can take. Mark my words in a very few years time the Emirates will have crowds of 30000 because the Jonny Come Latelys and these new overseas fans will be non existent. We have a true fan base in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Austria and Italy with clubs established fior many seasons. I don't think he same can be said for Nigeria or The Far East. Arsenal FC used to be the byword for class history and tradition but now that is long gone

  48. StuartL

    May 25, 2012, 19:43 #23001

    The club have us all by the short and curlies, be we red, silver or gold members - we are the "idiots" to quote our beloved chairman who follow the team all over the country and abroad, take days off work to watch half hearted efforts and spend hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds for little return. Now be a good chap and cough up so that the Diamond club can be re-carpeted in mink.

  49. gene wilder

    May 25, 2012, 19:33 #23000

    like you, shocked by the increase. Was going to give my membership up, but a freind has gone halfs with me in exchange for occassional use of my card. Still get the feeling i've been ripped off. Just think a 1000 silver membership renewals pays bendnter's wages for the week.

  50. sick and tired

    May 25, 2012, 19:24 #22999

    cmon generally things go up in price each year! if you dont want your silver membership plenty of die hards out there that will pay. btw do you complain to the supermarket when the price of bread goes up? didn't think so!

  51. lloyd the gooner

    May 25, 2012, 18:46 #22998

    I agree with everything you've written. I have bben going since the mid-sixties but now feel the same dis-connection as you. I am debating whether to renew my silver membership too. We are over a barrel and they know it. I also do not see progress on the pitch to reflect the increase in prices. But we love our club.....!!

  52. Jock Gooner

    May 25, 2012, 17:47 #22997

    But if you don't cough up how will AW afford to pay the likes of wallycott 80 odd grand a week....dig deep my friends, just don't think about the fact that the only losers in this scenario are....the fans and we don't matter anymore so shut it and give them all your money.

  53. Gooner SA

    May 25, 2012, 16:36 #22996

    Start a football club mate. Arsenal Holdings PLC always wins beacause it knows that even if people complain about the price increase (as you have very articulately done above) enough people will still renew because they don't want to be shoved to the back of the queue (or general sale as it's otherwise known). Get red membership (no price increase this year) and watch the rest of the matches on TV.

  54. Ikabot

    May 25, 2012, 16:20 #22995

    I appreciate the frustration that comes from the conditions of your club membership deteriorating. I blame the popularity of the club. Tickets are a scarce commodity. Those of us who don't hold silver memberships know this well. Therefore the membership is sought after. The value of something in this world is dependent on how many people want it. The more people want it, the more people are willing to pay for it and the more it's worth. The club charging you less than what the membership is worth would be a gift to you. Perhaps you deserve this gift for being a loyal fan, but those in the queue would disagree. To them, the price going up, leading to people cancelling their membership gives them a chance to usurp your position. I do empathise with you, but I also empathise with them.

  55. Shayaan

    May 25, 2012, 16:06 #22994

    Arsenal has to compete with moneybags like Man City and Chelsea, and they have always been a self-sufficient club without sugar daddies of their own pumping in the money. As it stands, the financial realities of football have driven up prices. That's football today, and Arsenal can't be dinosaurs...

  56. The Dec

    May 25, 2012, 15:26 #22992

    Fantastic, i'm nearly there on that waiting list and this will be one step closer......

  57. Barnet Gooner

    May 25, 2012, 15:24 #22991

    "ed enough" is absolutely right, I am a red member and can only go to games like league cup and some fa cups and lower premier league teams and also have to make do with limited seating choice and higher priced tickets (league cup is 10/20 pounds though). It is really a disgrace that the club have supporters like you that are whinging on a rise of few bobs despite having a chance to see the team from preferred and low priced section.

  58. North Bank is now a Bank..

    May 25, 2012, 15:08 #22990

    stop being suprised by what AFC, wake up ! it is about profits first and sport second. Wenger is a lesser sport lover than fergy and jose so when you see them speak wrongly then understand he is polished because he is a business man !!

  59. danalovAFCXI

    May 25, 2012, 14:40 #22989

    Modern football at the top mate its capital punishment them without the capital get the punishment.

  60. gunner_ace

    May 25, 2012, 14:24 #22988

    Disgraceful behaviour from the club again. £55 for a membership. I don’t know what every other premier league club does RE memberships schemes and waiting lists, but I bet none of them charge anything near £55, if anything at all. I am sick to death of this club just seeing me a life long fan as just a dollar sign; yes im referring to you silent Stan. Its so obvious that the guy is milking this club for all its worth, whilst putting the minimum amount of investment into it, and finding as many additional revenue streams as he can. I wouldn’t have a problem paying the £55 if Arsenal were at the top table when it came to transfers with Europes elite players (where the money should be going), but we are not, so the club can not justify the huge financial strain they are putting on the fans. Arsenal FC is such a special club with a rich tapestry of history, and the board only know to well that gooners will go to the end of the earth to support the team, hence they think it’s perfectly acceptable to hit us where it hurts the most. I applauded clubs like Wigan and QPR who are reducing ticket prices in recognition of the teams on pitch performances, and I’m sad to say I utterly despise the people who run my great club for thinking they can turn the screw even more despite 8 years of abject failure.

  61. Lord Froth

    May 25, 2012, 13:55 #22987

    ed enough....(post no. 25231) are you serious or are you just on a wind up? What has the fact that it's 'only' an extra tenner got to do with Mark Davis's complaint? I used to have Silver membership several years ago until one year I bought it but could only go to one match that season and realised that I had paid Arsenal virtually the price of two tickets for one ticket for one game. I don't have money to waste so now I just go to Carling Cup matches or ones that are on general sale or watch it on TV. I love watching football and I've always supported Arsenal but at the end of the day it's just a football club and I don't owe them anything so if they want to behave like a pack of sh*tgibbons then they can do so but without any funding from me.

  62. Eton Old Boy Network

    May 25, 2012, 13:46 #22986

    Oh for goodness sake, what are you loathsome creatures banging on about now? If it’s not getting all uppity over mere 70 odd % increases, it’s sobbing into your rat urine infected ale about paying a measly grand for the cheap seats or howling like demented banshees about the modest amounts of cash we on the Board are obliged to pocket rather than wasting it on buying some competent soccer chappies, when really only cheap ones are necessary to keep the old status quo. Instead, you odious oiks ought to be on your knees and kissing our feet in thanks for providing you with the opportunity of filling your empty lives. Without us you’d all probably be out of your miniscule minds with reefer madness, dancing the ‘twist’ in a seedy jazz club or some other squalid speakeasy. What about us? Have you the slightest concept of how much an executive villa costs to rent in Antibes for the whole of August? Or how much the fees are for a term at Charterhouse? No – I thought not. Nauseating scum.

  63. TK

    May 25, 2012, 13:40 #22985

    you're thoughts on the club i couldnt agree more with, and is precisely why i havent renewed next season, i am certianly not going to give my money to business rather than a club who fleece us for what we have got, knowing and playing on our emotions and connections with the club. The only other thing i would say is if we want to compete on the highest level - or at least try to, the club have to do all they can to make more money to invest in the squad. This may not be to everyone's liking, but the club aren't going to come out when the proposed stadium move gained momentum, and basically state the club will be marketed and branded differently to gain nwe custom and ultimately try and bring in a new kind of fan. I feel that i will get just as much 'closeness' to the club from my armchair rather than spending money going to a souless venue, which is a shame as i love the arsenal.

  64. Paulhinio

    May 25, 2012, 13:29 #22984

    Good post Mark, I stopped paying the silver membership when it went up to £26 having been a member since the first season it was introduced. You are right to say that the scheme is purely a moneymaking exercise and totally lost from the original intentions of the TRS. This was about creating a fair scheme that enabled fans to buy tickets not the club to make extra cash off them. The other issue is that the majority of fans that either cant or cant afford to attend every game and purchase a season ticket are probably on the silver or red membership. If you only attend one game next season (category B) using the membership and are lucky enough to get the cheapest seat it will still cost you: £ is that good value? And whilst i'm sure there are plenty more fans that would buy your silver membership if you dropped out that doesn't excuse the attitude of the club over this.

  65. treehugger

    May 25, 2012, 13:20 #22983

    Silver membership is a great compromise at £45, £55 or even if it was £100. You are pretty much guaranteed to see any game you choose without having to lay out for a full season ticket. You can sit a different place every game if you want. Try life as Red member before you complain too much, until this season we were paying nearly the same as silver with virtually no chance of getting a ticket to a top game.

  66. piken79

    May 25, 2012, 13:19 #22982

    I wished I lived in England to see any Arsenal game at all. I had to make a trip in December that cost $2500 to see Arsenal v QPR...I ll give anything to switch places with you mate

  67. Fozzy's mate aka 6 and a half yer having a laugh

    May 25, 2012, 12:40 #22981

    Mark - I and many I know who have also been regulars and season ticket holders since the 60's, 70's or 80's feel the same. The soul less bowl and Kroenke/Gazidis driven American Style corporation is the polar opposite of what I used to know. The clubs efforts to obscure their contempt for the fans has been betrayed by the old etonian fart/imbecile on many occassions with hos sneering out bursts at the fans. PHW and OGL on occassion have basically told the fans to go forth and multipy at several AGM's. But hey we need the extra dough to increase our spending power in the transfer market...

  68. Gee

    May 25, 2012, 12:40 #22980

    I think we all know the club are bleeding the fans dry of every single penny before there is no longer any room to move. They won't be happy until the 40,000 on the waiting list is down to zero as they would have increased ST income by about £13m per annum at that point. They do not care about Arsenal fans at all they just want people to buy the tickets. They don't care if 30,000 renew but never turn up so long as they have the cash from that 30,000. The more people renew the longer they will continue to not care. Every ST holder, silver member and red member to a man/woman should have waited until the club contact them asking them to renew. Ignore the 1st June deadlines (I am). Wait for their call as it will come as they are utterly desperate for your cash. And give them both barrels when they ask for your money too. Make the entire box office so sick of ringing round that they fear for speaking to the next gooner. This will then spread within the club employees and hit Ivan the mouth piece and Tom Fox right in the a***. They only want your cash nothing more

  69. Gunnertel

    May 25, 2012, 12:38 #22979

    Your comments are spot on. As long as there are people like "ed enough" around the club will continue to treat the fans like this. There is always someone ready to take your place and the real fans are getting pushed out more and more by the "new" fans who often have money but no real passion for the game. It's like a season ticket is a fashion accessory to some of the people who go now, the ones who are happy to watch pretty football rather than win trophies, surely as a fan you want to win a trophy.You have every right to feel aggrieved, it is a disgrace. My Silver renewal went up to £55, but nowhere in the renewal did it give an option to go for the "silver lite version", or contact details to discuss this option.

  70. Guildford Gooner

    May 25, 2012, 12:25 #22978

    My son and I are both silver members and I have to pay for both as he is a pennyless student.I was not happy when the cost went up last season but in fairness to the club they did include the Arsenal Online TV service which includes live match commentary and replays of games.I don't use this much but my son is always using it so for him it is a good deal.This season it has gone up again but the club have said that we will recieve a discount on tickets purchased in our "silver window".They have not stated what the discount will be yet or if ticket prices will go up again.I have paid up because I can afford to and watching Arsenal is still important to me but I am hoping for a time when the Premiership bubble bursts and wages become realistic.This may result in ticket prices coming down or at least loyal longterm fans recieving a decent discount.

  71. alan

    May 25, 2012, 12:03 #22977

    It is the joys of corporate football, and it does suck. I gave up my membership after they kept offering me some huge costly club memberships that cost about 3k a season. Who can afford that??? especially trying to get two of them!! Love the Club and the history and the football, hate the corporate ****e there though

  72. Gaz

    May 25, 2012, 11:59 #22976

    I was on the TFS from early 90s, but I let the Silver membership lapse after my one and only visit to the Emirates and it's 50 quid seats. I also ditched Sky a couple of years ago and got a Freesat box.

  73. Camgooner

    May 25, 2012, 11:54 #22975

    The club is behaving disgracefully.

  74. Gunner 36

    May 25, 2012, 11:45 #22974

    Sh@t explanation on the price increase. If the money was going on the squad fans wouldn't mind so much.

  75. Goonersaurus

    May 25, 2012, 11:35 #22973

    ed enough - it's fans like you that are the reason everyone gets ripped off because youre more than happy to pay through the nose for anything Arsenal related. If nobody paid the exorbitant prices then they would soon have to lower prices to get the masses back. I dont see the justification in charging more money for a membership so we can have a privilege to buy tickets a month earlier than red members - how has the cost of that gone up? In effect we're paying for time not administration fees. Rip off merchants.

  76. Pietro

    May 25, 2012, 11:13 #22972

    Watch out son...the emirates gestapo are watching you.

  77. Theo's Bikini-Line

    May 25, 2012, 10:51 #22970

    Great article Mark that reflects how many Arsenal supporters are feeling. The sad thing is that the club don't even realise that they are driving away gooners with 30, 40 even 50 years support in pursuit of an extra pound note. The loyalty to the club shown by these people won't be easily replicated by the 'want everything today, but soon easily bored fans' post-Wenger/stadium move fans that are increasing the types Arsenal seem to want and cater for. God forbid the club ever go through spells like those endured during the 60's, mid 70's and early 80's because this new found support will just as easily switch to the likes of City, Chelsea or United and then the club really will have trouble filling their 'Temple of Greed'.

  78. kletuz

    May 25, 2012, 10:49 #22969

    Agree with every point in this article. If you want to charge high prices -for membership, standard tickets, season tickets, food etc. as Arsenal do. At the very least reward the fans by bringing in some quality players that in some way justifies the price. Right now I feel like they are in it only for the profit. Arsenal are a corporation and not a club.

  79. Howard

    May 25, 2012, 10:42 #22968

    The prices go up and our best players leave.Welcome to Kroenkes Arsenal.

  80. Bertie

    May 25, 2012, 10:36 #22967

    This may be the last season I renew my Silver. With two Jnr.Gunners and a Red to maintain it it just getting silly.

  81. Angry & Frustrated

    May 25, 2012, 10:33 #22966

    Nothing the club say or do now surprises me anymore, as they have long since lost touch with there core original supporters. Money is now king, and how to squeeze more and more out of us, but giving nothing in return other than the guarantee of finding new ways to fleece us. Like you I simply don't recognise this faceless corporate entity anymore which Arsenal have become. The only solution is to not give them anymore of your hard earned cash, as that's the only language they now understand. Sad times indeed!

  82. Nathaniel olatilewa

    May 25, 2012, 10:31 #22965

    Gunners 4 life, pls i want our coach 2 buy big name.

  83. Mark Davis

    May 25, 2012, 10:17 #22964

    ed enough – do you work in the club’s PR/Marketing department? You’re trotting out their line of response exactly, and you miss the point anyway. “An extra tenner” is a 15% hike. On top of a 50% increase last year, as the article says. In anyone’s language, a quite scandalous level of inflation. And the attitude of “if you don’t want it there’s plenty more that do” is exactly the kind of profiteering our beloved club are indulging in. Not to mention of course, the sneaky underhanded little way they do it, too. If you don’t work there already, apply for a job. They’ll snap you up.

  84. Mick Appleton

    May 25, 2012, 10:15 #22963

    I had to give up my season ticket for financial reasons while we were still at Highbury & I have taken about 8 seasons to get back on to the silver list so despite being in dire financial straights I will renew my membership as I do not want to drop back to the bottom of the pile. I also am a supporter of 50 years standing and I know it's only £10 but it's another £10 on top of the other increases that they implement each year. The thing that reallys upsets me is that they charge a handling charge every time you order a ticket? There is no postage involved & it cannot cost that much to maintain the system, so if you add that on Silver members pay considerably more than season ticket holders over a season (I know season ticket holders part with their money in one lump). I cannot help thinking that the club use the threat of dropping us to the red level as a blackmail tactic to extort more & more money out of its loyal fan base every season. The other thing is they want you to renew in early June, why? They know they will have a full take up as we have 40,000 people on the waiting list so why so early, it's not like they will spend it on players. People like me have been gradually being priced out of the game & it has been a real struggle to take my son to as many games as I can but once upon a time the clubs recognised that our sons & grandsons were the future of the club but that has gone out of the window as they sell the soul of the club to the highest bidders. I know what you're thinking, either pay up or f**k off down the lane but the thing is I have loved our club my whole life & I think that entitles me to complain if the faceless suits decide to try to price the true fans out of my Arsenal.

  85. cj

    May 25, 2012, 10:13 #22962

    One of the saddest things to happen to our club is the way long standing fans are treated.Without our thousands of pounds over the years the club would not have been able grow as it has.Let's face it none of the directors have ever put their hand in their own pockets.Now they don't care who attends the matches,as long as they're nice and polite and don't make a fuss.The more passive the better.For those that have supported them for the last 30/40 years or more it feels like "well,we've got your money,if you don't like it F**k off".

  86. Big W Philly

    May 25, 2012, 10:06 #22961

    ed enough - it's brainless morons like you that allow the club to behave the way it does. Taking what they do in your stride without offering argument. It's the first time I've read one of your comments and I've 'ed enough' of you already - an apposite appellation you've crafted for yourself there son.

  87. divingrooney

    May 25, 2012, 10:01 #22960

    Demand and supply will rule the world, and the football world is more and more in demand. The salary who players that you detest and hate like Adebayor, Ashley is 2-3 times more than what they earned with us. So, when you complain about Arsenal losing players like Flamini, Nasri etc, then you cannot complain about the extra quids that you need to pay, Money does not grow on trees. Nasri left cause others were willing to pay more. You can also leave, if you want to pay less. Thats the dog eat dog world that we live in. Sad but true...

  88. The Hampshire Gooner

    May 25, 2012, 9:52 #22959

    Supply and Demand my friend. Simples!

  89. Clockender78

    May 25, 2012, 9:52 #22958

    I will take your silver membership if you don't want it?! Seriously though, yes, it seems since the move from highbury the club have gone into overdrive over maximising revenue from us supporters. I was a member of the trs back in the day and it did represent good value for money then. Only have red membership now, £36 to renew which I begrudge paying..

  90. Spike

    May 25, 2012, 9:38 #22957

    I joined the original TRS after Highbury went all-seater. I was as irritated as you when they removed the £1 discount per ticket - I would have preferred an honest letter that said something like 'we need to cover Thierry Henry's wages of £1.5 million per year and this will go towards it' rather than the take it or leave it approach. At the end of the day, supply and demand rules and I decided not to pay any more and hand mine over to one of the waiting thousands. I still love and support the club, I just choose not to spend as much money doing so.

  91. Stroud Green Road Boy

    May 25, 2012, 9:35 #22956

    Gave up my silver status a couple of years ago, could no longer stomach paying for the 'privilege' of buying tickets. This latest price hike turns the stomach further. The author is right, it is an outright abuse of loyalty. They do treat us like customers, but customers they know aren't going to shop anywhere else. Silent Stan is a supermarket man, and this is how a supermarket would act if they could. Keep hiking the prices for a declining product, and totally get away with it. Stan must love it and wish he could do it at Wal-Mart.

  92. james

    May 25, 2012, 9:29 #22955

    I get where you are coming from, but get over it! I had to give up my season ticket because the cost was way too high and now rely solely on a red membership - if i had the opportunity to upgrade to silver i would jump at it. Just as I'm sure anothr supporter jumped at my season ticket. The club are wrong for putting us fans in this situation where they outprice us, but it is what it is. I dont agree with it in any way, but try to understand it from a red member's point of view who wants to see more games.

  93. Deromenempire

    May 25, 2012, 9:25 #22954

    You are 100% right, it's a total rip off, sadly there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. p.s. You shouldn't bite your fingernails.

  94. RJ

    May 25, 2012, 9:18 #22953

    Mark - Sorry about that. Seems weird to increase the price for what is effecetively nothing more than a priority service - it must be a supply and demand thing - they think they can get more people to pay more money as it can't be justified from a cost perspective. I remember that when I was on the waiting list for season tickets, they tried to start charging me for that particular privilage - and I decided I wasn't that bothered, so didn't pay. Weirdly, a couple of years later, I got a call in any case....I am glad that they didn't feel able to increase season ticket prices again. One thing - the Silver membership did from last year include the "benefit" of Arsenal Player - so rather than just accessing the tepid web-site propaganda, you can access video-based propaganda as well! I do like the Arsenal player though - if only for video highlights of games and match commentary I can access when I am out of the country with work or unable to attend the game.

  95. Ian Macdonald

    May 25, 2012, 9:17 #22952

    Totally agree Mark. Being a Silver member myself I share your disappointment at the clubs contemptuous attitude. My recommendation to you is join the Arsenal Supporters Trust and ask them to bring this point up when they meet with Ivan Gazidis.

  96. Arsene is a Fraudster

    May 25, 2012, 9:15 #22951

    Not suprising. The contempt this club shows is par for the course nowadays. But this is what happens when the stands have been overrun by customers, jcl's & tourists who dont really care that much about the club. As long as they have the money, the club will keep filling those coffers.

  97. Queeg

    May 25, 2012, 9:07 #22950

    So don't renew then.

  98. Tony Evans

    May 25, 2012, 8:43 #22949

    This does seem to be the norm with Arsenal now and like you my years of devotion to the club could be coming to an end. They will always be my club, but I just don't feel the same connection any more. It is not just Arsenal,football in general at Premiership level has lost it for me - overpriced, over-hyped and not that good.

  99. chris dee

    May 25, 2012, 8:38 #22948

    The real latest disgrace? Arsenal after being in the Champions League for 15 years have allowed Chelsea to become the first London team to win the competition. Many moons ago David Dein said he wanted Arsenal to be the best team in the best city in the world, but we now watch as Chelsea have joined the top table by joining the elite teams who have won the European Cup,while we celebrate third place. That's a disgrace!

  100. SharkeySure'sGhost

    May 25, 2012, 8:38 #22947

    Running out of things to moan about....???

  101. CB

    May 25, 2012, 8:32 #22946

    Mark, do you get Arsenal Player in there as well for free? I used to pay 45 quid each year for that (I am a gold member).

  102. Trennon

    May 25, 2012, 8:29 #22945

    I've been on that waiting list for 8 years!!!! Please give yours up so I can get closer to getting one. PLEASE! Try supporting a team that you see on the tele 90% of the time because you can never get tickets consistently. I don't mind paying, so give me yours and then you can have less to moan about, although I'm pretty sure you'll find other things. What a morbid guy you are. Must be great fun at your house on the weekends!

  103. adam

    May 25, 2012, 8:23 #22944

    Good post! What I do not understand is why we the fans are so gullible. An Arsenal result good or bad does not effect our day or week, so why do we by into so much and spend our hard earned money on attending the games. If we the fan went on strike and did not attended the game, the corporation that is now Arsenal football club would realise that need to show us respect. Every year the Board, CEO, share holders earn a lot from Wenger, so why would you get rid of someone who is earning you a lot of profit. Let's strike, watch the game on the internet and teach the arrogant teams out there and players that we control their future. STRIKE, STRIKE, STRIKE......IT REALLY WILL NOT KILL PEOPLE TO MISS A FEW GAMES AT THE GROUND. cOME ON ALL FANS LETS TEACH THIS MACHINE THAT WE ARE THE AVERAGE MAN WOMAN AND CHILD HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE DIFFERENCE.

  104. Petey

    May 25, 2012, 8:18 #22943

    God its only a couple of quid a game to have that priority service think yourself lucky!

  105. cashleycambs

    May 25, 2012, 8:13 #22942

    Yes, sad to say i gave my Silver status up last year.The Arsenal is my team,but the Money Men are bleeding the fans dry,even if the on pitch product is failing!!!!!!

  106. Ronster

    May 25, 2012, 8:10 #22941

    So are you going to renew? Cheapest season ticket at Bayern Munich is £100.....

  107. ed enough.....

    May 25, 2012, 7:54 #22940

    Oh get over it and stop moaning about paying an extra tenner....most fans have to make do with the odd carling cup or prem game against wigan types....if you dont want your silver membership, i'm sure there are plenty of fans who do...