On-Song Hero

Reflections on Arsenal’s number 17

On-Song Hero

Alex Song: Stats say he’s better than Yaya Toure

Okay, I’m going to begin with a confession - my main motivation for writing this article was that I wanted use the title, which, as I’m sure most of you have spotted, craftily weaves together a well-known expression with the name of an Arsenal midfield general with ridiculous hair. To be honest with you, I actually came up with it a few years ago, but at the time, Alex Song was crap, so using it just didn’t seem apt.

Imagine my delight, then, when Song emerged this season as one of the leading players, not only in his position, but in the whole league, establishing himself as a tough-tackling defensive ‘anchor man’ who is also capable of landing an elegant, lofted pass on a sixpence (the sixpence being Robin van Persie’s left foot, which is, ironically, probably worth about twenty million quid). It was at about the halfway point of the campaign that I felt the urge to rush to my computer and start typing a gushing, glowing tribute to the man they call Alex (because that’s his name), but on further reflection decided to wait until the end of the season, just in case he fell foul of the curse that seems to cause around twelve Arsenal players to suffer crippling, long-term injuries every five minutes.

But, as it turned out, Song managed to make thirty-four league appearances for the first team this season and, according to the impressively-named EA Sports Player Performance Index on the Premier League website, was the eleventh best player in the league overall. Now, statistics don’t always tell you the whole story, and, according to this particular index, Theo Walcott came eighth, which bears further examination, but it is based on a huge array of statistics which pertain to the number of passes each player completes, the number of tackles he makes, the number of goals he scores and sets up and so on.

It also deducts points when the player is involved in losing matches or fails to keep a clean sheet, which means that if you were to remove the enormous drag-factor of Arsenal’s apparent unwillingness ever to defend and their propensity to lose matches to teams who look at them in a slightly intimidating way, Song would have finished even higher up the table. As it is, he sits proudly above the likes of Scott Parker, who, if you believe some people, is the second coming of Christ, the human battering-ram that is Yaya Touré, and some Spanish bloke called Juan Mata, who, like all Chelsea players, is blessed with being very, very lucky.

So, let’s all take a moment to reflect on a player who, in a world where Joey Barton could probably hack someone’s head off with a chainsaw and only get a twelve-match ban, where John Terry can claim that Alexis Sanchez ‘fell onto his knee’ whilst knocking up his best friend’s girlfriend and still get a Champions’ League medal and an England call-up, and Carlos Tevez can take a golfing sabbatical in the middle of the season and stroll back into the team with a few games left to win the Premier League, gets on with his job quietly and efficiently without getting the attention or praise he most certainly deserves.

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  1. DC Gooner

    Jun 12, 2012, 23:25 #23488

    Must admit when Song played for the Arse first few seasons thought Arsene had totally lost the plot but the transformation over the last two seasons has been tremendous.Does a great job generally in the middle of the park most of the time and for me is now the best central holding midfielder in the league at the moment. Next season will be a huge one for him and Arsenal and if Arsene makes a couple more big signings to strengthen the squad that will be a big help to players like Song. Think he played alot of games last season when he wasn't fit because the squad was so light. Great player in my humble opinion.

  2. NBN

    Jun 10, 2012, 12:32 #23435

    Are you serious??? The bloke is a complete liability. Granted every few games he will put in a superb pass for everyone to wank over but he is constantly out of position, misses tackles and gives our defense no cover at all. Without a doubt the weakest player in our first choice 11.

  3. dartford gooner

    Jun 09, 2012, 10:19 #23430

    Lance, judging by the comments to your article you may of got it wrong mate. Song is slow , gives the ball away, can't score, his reading of the game is poor. Wenger once said that song may end up at centre half, god help us.Lets pray that Bould can bring a bit of stabilty to the defence but i doubt if wenger will listen.Song better than Toure you must be having a laugh. I am off to lock myself in a dark room till August , i can't take all this transfer inactivity

  4. Arsene is a liar

    Jun 09, 2012, 5:27 #23427

    I think that Song is a terrific player who can both defend and attack but the fact that he gets caught between attacking and defending sometimes and makes silly fouls is because of bad coaching and lack of overall defensive organization of the team. He is asked to bomb forward to use his physicality in attack but no one is able to deputise that is why he is caught up-field and the opposition run free on goal.

  5. Graham Simons

    Jun 08, 2012, 13:50 #23416

    Personally I don't think any of the defence or Song should have been allowed to join up with their respective national squads at all this summer. We conceded 49 goals this year. For an Arsenal team - that is a disgrace. They should have spent the summer with George Graham being coached to defend properly. The worst thing about these useless articles is they think they've finished third - the club gets the Champions League money - everyone gets paid including the manager - job done. No! not job done - when you concede 49 goals for Arsenal it most certainly isn't job done. As they are being indulged by their respective national coaches and being picked they probably think they're the best their country has to offer - not when you concede 49 goals you're not. All of you should be ashamed and you should asking the manager why you are performing so badly.

  6. MGJ

    Jun 08, 2012, 13:26 #23413

    I said it as a joke once to a mate of mine when we were both discussing that Song Billong would never make a class defensive midfielder, "Song will be the next Kaka". Much to my dismay, he must have overheard us and actually seems to believe it. I don't think he can tackle that well as he always seems to be getting booked, and his "simple" passing is very poor. However he is miles better than Denilson...

  7. Joe S.

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:11 #23367

    He is one player I'd like to see flogged off to Real Madrid for a rip off price. I don't think we'd have any problems finding a suitable replacement for the same money. As a creative mid fielder Song does not fit the bill as he is slow, misses too many passes and is caught out of position too often. Defensively he is also suspect.Hopefully next season Jack will begin to find his feet and Arsenal will not have to overrely on his "Creativity".

  8. The Doc

    Jun 07, 2012, 11:56 #23353

    I can't think of another top PL team that would include Song in their 1st team. He's OK, but is OK where Arsenal should be aiming to be? It just highlights Arsenal's level at the moment.

  9. Mick Appleton

    Jun 07, 2012, 9:35 #23348

    I think the stats men obviously ignored the 20 times a game he is caught on the ball or the 10 times he passes in to touch? It's no good hitting one world class chip to RVP if he neglects to do the holding midfield role that we want him to do. The fact that Theo is 8th tells you what a crock these stats are. We will vastly improve if we sign a defensive midfielder who defends & I sincerely hope that happens or that Frimpong gets fit and is played there.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 06, 2012, 23:47 #23347

    goonercolesyboy good point didn't see the game just picking up on what you said if kos can do it why can't song could it be a case of better tactics coaching instruction from the french team manager.

  11. Canterbury Gooner

    Jun 06, 2012, 21:49 #23346

    @RJ no sorry I worded that unclearly- I meant in the 10-11 season. He (apparently) got a good number of assists but people missed the fact he rarely bothered to run! But yeah, first four months or so after he joined he was sensational!

  12. goonercolesyboy

    Jun 06, 2012, 21:40 #23345

    Agree with all the posts on here, my recent post on the wba game tells its own story about Monsieur Song...having watched France last night they introduced Koscielny as the holding midfield player when their options all got injured and he did a great job...so food for thought...he stayed in his position, won the tackles and gave the ball intelligently to one of his own more creative teammates...the essence of the holding midfield player, are you reading Alex Song? So if Arsene were to grow a pair of balls and buy Vertonghen we could have all sorts of options or is that too simplistic? On a side issue, tonight Gazidis is having a supporters club meeting with 300 members, I wonder what will be reported from that?...could be fireworks if anyone on here gets to ask the questions, don't you think? Still waiting for the transfer window to end before commenting further on our great club...

  13. RJ

    Jun 06, 2012, 21:20 #23344

    lance - well played, a good piece on One-Song. And a predictable avalanche of happy comments from Online Gooners. No 17 is probably played out of his best position - that is a problem of OGL, not the Boy himself - I have loved him since the story of him walking home through the snow a couple of years ago. Let's support the team - let's assume RVP stays - Sir Ches, La-sagna - TV5, LK6, Santos/Gibbs, Ox, Arteta, Song, Ro-Sick-Note, Podolski/Walcott, RVP - now we have the makings of a top squad - and I have not mentioned Jack, Aaron, Gervinho, Frimpong, Miquel, The Coq..... I do not understand the gloom about next season. The future is another country - come on you Gooners!

  14. Terryja210

    Jun 06, 2012, 20:26 #23343

    Was this piece written by Song's agent? Or maybe by Arsene trying to convince the masses that there is no need to purchase a quality DM?

  15. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 06, 2012, 18:40 #23342

    Arteta & Song are a good combination because our Spaniard knows that when Song goes off on one of his "look how great I am" passages of play, Arteta drops in and holds. Problem is it does n't work the other way round, hopefully next season MA keeps that discipline and does not lose the good habits he brought with him from Everton.

  16. CT Gooner

    Jun 06, 2012, 18:27 #23341

    I don't agree at all Lance, I'd take most of the players you mention over Song. Though, like Bard, I do see the problem as a coaching one. Look at the number of really great talents that have gone backwards at Arsenal. I point mainly to Arshavin and more disturbingly to Vermalen, I'm sure you all have players that you'd name in this category. I also look at the youth, and I'm mystified when other Gooners go on about the talent we have coming, I just don't see it!

  17. Gare Kekeke

    Jun 06, 2012, 16:45 #23340

    Sorry Lance I admired your defence of our current No.17 but Song maybe good for assists for RVP but when it comes to what he is actually in the team for, he’s actually a bit of a liability. Did I say a bit? I must mean, he IS a liability. In the last two seasons, Song had badly regressed. Five goals in 2010/11? Big deal. He’s one of the reasons why Messrs Squillaci & Kosicelny had difficult debut seasons with us. And all the assists from last season? So what. His forward forays in the last couple of season’s leaves an overworked and at times a not-so-useful defence badly exposed because of Wenger’s insistence that every player bar the goalkeeper must have an attacking instinct in them. Call me old fashioned but I expect my DM’s to protect their back line not leave it prone to concede. And will Wenger have the balls to curb his attacking instincts? No of course not because then Song might be ‘killed’. Claude Makelele & many others similar to him showed throughout his career what a DM brings to a team, especially a successful one. Remember how Real Madrid’s ‘Golacticos’ cried wolf when he was sold to Chelsea in 2003? And speaking of his time at Chelsea, need I say more? And please don’t make out that through some sponsored award that Toure Jr is a less effective player. Unlike Song, Toure Jr can combine being a terrific DM with an attacking purpose too. Years ago during their halcyon days, Liverpool had Graeme Souness who could score goals, make them but most importantly he knew how to protect his defence and his tackling was brutal to say the least. Oh yeah and they dominated English & European football too. Song needs serious competition and he’s hardly getting it from the talented but unproven duo of Frimpong & Coquelin. Perhaps this is why Wenger is looking at M’Vila. But we shall see. Song was once decent and improving but now he’s an overrated twit who is so far up his own backside and in some ways epitomises everything that is wrong with The Arsenal these days. Here’s hoping for a much improved and disciplined Song from next season. I’m not holding my breath but we shall see. Btw, his contract is up for renewal too or is RVP the priority? Up The Arsenal!

  18. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 06, 2012, 15:47 #23339

    I think the last half dozen matches proved that Arteta is the lynch pin / anchorman / fulcrum etc. Alexandre Dimitri would be of more value if he and AW kept trying to pretend that he's a holding midfielder of some sort. Alexandre Dimitri's simply not disciplined enough to put the screens up when it's needed. However, once Arteta was settled in we saw Alexandre Dimitri producing Paul Davis through balls for RVP. Sure, my brain melted a bit at first, but then I warmed to the idea of Alexandre Dimitri playing as some kind of free-wheeling unpredictability machine. Of course, once Arteta was out, we again saw a mysterious crater appear in front of the centre halves whenever the ball was lost. Meanwhile dear Alexandre Dimitri was still trying to ping through balls from deep in his own half, and avoiding the defensive crater when the ball was coming t'other way. Revisionist history does us no favours, but still it has to be considered that missing out on Yaya when the opportunity stared the club in the face turned out to be a grave error. YaYa could have been the closest possible replacement for Vieira we'd ever get. Instead he's getting tips from Paddy and improving his game somewhere else. He's clearly a smart operator who has that invaluable instinct for a deep lying midfielder of knowing when to go, when to hold, and when to drop, and can freely alternate between those roles depending on what the match situation demands of him. Unfortunately Alexandre Dimitri's football brain doesn't seem to have as many compartments as YaYa's. So my verdict? Alexandre Dimitri's just about worth his place, as long as he doesn't have to defend or concentrate for long periods....which narrows his chances somewhat...

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 06, 2012, 15:00 #23338

    Yes he has emerged as one of our better players last season but his sole **** is not to just try and land an elegant long pass at RVP (as much as it's appreciated by us all) he has to concentrate more on other aspects of his game like his defensive duties not giving the ball away so much more coaching in that department and he could be a much better player.Your right he gets on with it with minimum fuss and the same certainly can't be said of the other imbeciles (for want of a better word)you mention.

  20. RJ

    Jun 06, 2012, 14:43 #23337

    Canterbury Gooner - season before last - was that Arshavin's first (half) season - he was effing excellent then. Yes, he has become lazy since - but on arrival he was dynamite.

  21. BringBackDene

    Jun 06, 2012, 14:06 #23335

    I'm sorry Lance but I don't agree, one good game a month is not good enough, same for Walcott, Ramsey etc.

  22. JJ Williams

    Jun 06, 2012, 14:03 #23334

    I would like to see Song relieved from his duties as the Defensive midfielder and used further up the pitch. We need a no-frills defensive screen to protect our defence like Gilberto or Flamini did. It is essential that we buy a DF like M'vila then Song can be more of a playmaker and goal creator.

  23. bard

    Jun 06, 2012, 13:50 #23332

    I think people are being too harsh about Song. He has bags of talent if not much pace but he's badly coached. He hasn't leant the defensive discipline needed for that position. Mourinho would make him play as a DM or leave him out until he got the message. Sometimes you have to wonder what Wenger does with them everyday at the training ground.

  24. Steve 1962er

    Jun 06, 2012, 13:14 #23330

    Tough tackling defensive anchor man? What player were you watching, definitely not Song? He is so lacking as a defensive midfield player that this is a position that we must fill if we are to ever think of winning a trophy in the future. I suggest you watch Song throughout a match, and nothing else, and you will see a player who is constantly out of position; cannot tackle when he is; gives away far too many free kicks just outside our box, and finally, always loses his man when marking at a corner as his concentration is truly appalling. He is a back-up player at best, and would not be considered by any of the other top six teams, but that also applies to many of our current squad.

  25. fozzy's mate

    Jun 06, 2012, 12:42 #23329

    Lance - a thought provoking piece. In my opinion Song is the best example of what is both good but also bad in the way that OGL and the club have gone about things post the invincibles. Wengers argument would be that Song was castigated when he first appeared and has proved people wrong. My argument would be that it took him 5 years to become a half decent midfield shield. But can a club of our stature carry a player for 5 years, in my opinion no is the answer. He then strangely started vacating is station and charging forward leaving gaping holes which were exposed week after week. When OGL was asked why he said he told Song to chrge forward. He has now become a half decent attacking midfield player but is fond of always trying the hollywood pass which means he gives the ball away all the time. The best example being Norwich last season at home. He is often laxadasical and gives away silly fouls. Arteta is the polar opposite with his workrate and discipline. So to summarise, we bought a cheap player, waited 5 years for him to become a reasonable first team player and then he or the boss wants him to be something else so we wait a few more years for him to become half decent again. Not good enough for a club that has won the league 13 times.

  26. Canterbury Gooner

    Jun 06, 2012, 12:14 #23328

    Song is so overrated! On paper Arshavin was excellent the season before last as well... He's rarely in the right position, is a clumsy tackler, and gives the ball away far too easily and at the worst times. Yes he's dinked some great passes to RVP but considering that the defensive side of his game is so shabby you have to wonder whether Wenger just trains all the players with attacking qualities. I would make him the back up playmaker after Wilshere and get someone like Tiote- we need a proper defensive midfielder with a defensively-minded playing approach.

  27. Ron

    Jun 06, 2012, 11:02 #23326

    Song is syptomatic of what Arsenal have become both on and off the field. Lazy, carefree, somehwat 2nd rate, believing in own hype and simply nowhere near good enough. The fact that a limited performer like Song is now supposedly having to be considered as a lynchpin of an Arsenal team tells it all. Hes 'back up squad' material, pretty much like the standard of the vast majority of Wengers fairly sorry sqaud.

  28. Guy in Jersey

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:58 #23325

    The impressively-named EA Sports Player Performance Index on the Premier League website shows itself to be a completely pointless index if it ranks Walcott as the 8th best player in the league and rates Song above Toure, Parker and Mata. As they say, there are lies, damn lies and statistics. I'm not sure if Walcott's even the 8th most effective player at Arsenal and I'd be quite happy for him to head off to Chelsea, as long as they pay the usual 'over the odds' fee for him. Alex Song is a defensive midfielder who would get a game in most Premiership teams, as long as he remembered that his defensive responsibilities were foremost. He is a not a player essential to Premiership and cup-winning teams. In other words, a good player, but not a great one. And yet another who's overly-indulged by Wenger. Yes, he's made some great assists but it's ironic that the author of this piece laments the 'enormous drag-factor of Arsenal’s apparent unwillingness ever to defend' as Song is as culpable as anyone. -

  29. Charles & Eddie

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:58 #23324

    In general, when Song is playing well Arsenal play well, or is it vice versa? but Do you not think that part of our failure to keep clean sheets is that our "defensive anchor-man" isn't doing that part of his job? I'm sure Song must be top of the statistics for most stupid free kicks given away and not getting goal side of his man.

  30. Theopants Superstar

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:54 #23323

    " I actually came up with it a few years ago, but at the time, Alex Song was crap, so using it just didn’t seem apt." So what exactly has changed that makes you confident enough to use it now - a couple of assists to RVP? I'm afraid you should have saved that article title or better still, came up with one that describes Song's real contribution as the alleged midfield anchor. 'The Invisible Man' would certainly be more appropriate when you consider the amount of goals we conceded!!

  31. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:54 #23322

    The trouble with Song is, he's our only defensive midfielder, but doesn't want to be a DM, and doesn't have to play like one either, as Wenger encourages every player to 'bomb forward' all the time. It would seem sensible to invest in a player who wants to play DM and holds his position so we're not constantly exposed by simple balls over the top and the like, but it won't happen of course.

  32. Kenny

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:52 #23321

    Stats say Song is better than YaYa!!! are these the same stats that said Denilson is better than Iniesta and Xavi?.Remember the stats say Szczesny was the 3rd worst keeper on goals conceded to shots saved.I lost count of the number of mis-placed places and needless stupid fouls near our box this clown made.Song is the reason why we all want M'Villa.The defence conceded 49 goals and the lack of a genuine DM was one of the main reasons.And that is Song's job not getting lost in our opponents half.

  33. Angry & Frustrated

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:35 #23320

    Don't you think it's a tad ironic, when you state that Songs's index would be much better if we as a club hadn't lost so many games, when he is supposed to be the holding midfielding defensive shield whose job is to ensure we don't lose any games?

  34. Jason

    Jun 06, 2012, 10:35 #23319

    Song is one of the main reasons why we will never win another trophy.His job is a DM not someone who makes 4 Hollywood passes to RVP.As a DM he is f**king useless

  35. Munitionsman

    Jun 06, 2012, 9:54 #23318

    Can't run, can't score, can't or won't be an effective DM, allows attackers and midfielders carte Blanche of our cb's and is given a scewed set of assists because rvp can finish passes that no other player could. 11 best player in the league? If it were true we we have had a better offer than 4 mill from the Turks, which is the only offer ever for this plonker. The market knows his value and they know we wd sell in a heart beat. Always been average and is made to look good because he does not have to do his job. He can do what he wants when he wants.

  36. Morrissey's love child

    Jun 06, 2012, 9:11 #23316

    Interesting that the author states that Arsenal's 'drag factor' of not defending, mean that Songs stats are lower on the EA index. This of course ignores the fact fact that Song wonders up field and doesn't cover back and also has been guilty of trying to many 'Hollywood' passes that don't find RVP and instead gives the ball to the opposition. Off the top of my head I can think of 5 goals against us that came from these two bad aspects of Songs game. Song is a major contributor to the 'Drag Factor', .

  37. MB

    Jun 06, 2012, 8:17 #23315

    He is employed to perform the defensive midfielders role and we can managed to concede 49 goals in the league. Agreed he was at times useful going forward but shows complete ill discipline and disregard for his "team role". His inability to track back and cover his marker cost us on numerous times personally felt he had an average season like most of our squad.