Ivan Gazidis believes in the fairies

Online Ed: Financial Fair Play to ride to Arsenal’s rescue

Ivan Gazidis believes in the fairies

Arsenal CEO: Taking the bullets for the two men that run Arsenal

Firstly, let me state that Ivan Gazidis is relatively powerless when it comes to turning Arsenal’s fortunes around. Stan Kroenke effectively owns the club and is very happy to let Arsène Wenger have the complete control he enjoys at Arsenal without significant board involvement. When facing Arsenal supporters as Gazidis did last night, he is effectively a stooge. A highly paid one, but a stooge nevertheless. He can work away in certain areas – some of which bring financial benefit to the club, but if he spots something the manager is doing that needs changing, Wenger is not interested. This is a consequence of the manager picking his own boss. He is only answerable to Denver, and Stan Kroenke is perfectly content with what Wenger is delivering in business terms. And make no mistake, Arsenal is a business more than a sporting concern in the eyes of the majority shareholder.

There is no compulsion for Gazidis to answer to supporters. Events such as yesterday evening’s Q&A at the stadium are held because of the relatively healthy relationship between the club’s board and executive team and the various supporters groups. Gazidis spoke about the importance of interaction and difficult questions. A consummate politician, at no point was he uncomfortable with the questioning from the assembled audience. The session finished at 8.40, but he remained for a further 30 minutes to discuss minus a microphone with those that gathered around him. It was a bit of a rugby scrum, so I can’t report on what was said there, although I got the feeling the challenges were more interesting.

However, with ten minutes wasted at the beginning of the event with a video of last season’s main moments, and certain long-winded answers, there was a feeling of the CEO keeping a metaphorical ball near the corner flag to eat up the clock during the hour of questions that I assume will be available to view on arsenal.com at some future point.

The main thing that came out of the evening for this observer was Gazidis’ total faith in UEFA’s Financial Fair Play rules. The clubs all want it, he told us, feeding back his views as a member of the working group that developed the FFP proposals. The problem here is plain naivety. Yes, Manchester City, Chelsea and Real Madrid will pay lip service to FFP, but actions speak louder than words. The supposed sanctions that are to be applied to transgressors by UEFA will be typically insignificant. UEFA cannot make as much money without the top clubs involvement, however they are funded. Already, everyone has more or less given up on FFP, except Ivan Gazidis.

One assumes, he is not actually this naïve, and that he is covering for his owner. Kroenke does not want to fight fire with fire by investing into the club rather than its shares, so – as money from China, the Middle East and Russia gradually buys up more Premier League clubs, Arsenal will be left as a team with high principles and no trophies. The business model was fine when the new stadium was planned back at the turn of the century, but Roman Abramovich changed the stakes in England, and the Gunners have struggled ever since, the title in 2004 and the FA Cup in 2005 secured before the pattern of 3rd and 4th place finishes became the norm. Manchester United kept up due to a mixture of commercial nous and a quality manager who could adapt and change enough to meet the new challenge. Now Manchester City have bought their way into the party.

Gazidis admitted the lessons of last summer were to do business early, and not leave things until the last minute. And he is paid £2 million a year to learn a lesson pretty much any supporter could have told him on June 1st 2011. Poor show. “You can accuse us of being incompetent,” he said at one point, “but do not accuse us of not caring.” Nice to know they feel bad about their incompetence at least. That really softens the blow. Robin van Persie has agreed not to go public on the fact he will be playing elsewhere next season, although Gazidis worded it slightly differently.

Regards overpaying potential in terms of wages, the way Arsenal operate means they have to take more risks on young players. It is a consequence of a strategic business model that continues to be based around youth. But the problem with this – as far as this observer is concerned – is that although the value of certain of these players will grow to deliver decent profit when the best ones (habitually) move on, it disadvantages the club in terms of its ability to win trophies. And fans are more interested in trophies than a healthy profit and loss sheet. Just ask Manchester City, Chelsea and Real Madrid.

Regarding any chance of Alisher Usmanov getting board representation, “The board are long term fans of the football club. Regarding any further additions – we do not disturb unity or create conflict. This is the critical issue going forward.” So no rocking the boat by the Uzbek who may see trophies as more of a priority. A cosy atmosphere in the boardroom is so much more important. I despair.

As for players such as RVP and Walcott being allowed to get within a year of their contract ending, “If Arsenal allow players to renew too early they are not operating efficiently”. In other words – we do not want to pay these guys more than we have to and will take the chance on them leaving – because if they do – we will get good money for them.

Gazidis gave the usual guff about sharing our frustrations, but asked us to understand the journey the club is taking. He is optimistic about the future, but, “I acknowledge it will be a bumpy ride along the way.”

So more of the same for at least a couple more seasons then. And if I were a betting man, I would be very surprised if Wenger were not offered a three year extension in the summer of 2013. Still, every other club in the world admires the way Arsenal conduct their business. Shame there isn’t a trophy for that…

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  1. WashBelly

    Feb 08, 2013, 21:43 #31631

    How many (fans) on this board are aware the amount of times Arsene Wenger has referred to achieving 4th place is the equivalent of a trophy? So why use it as stick to beat a man? He was being interviewed for gods sake!!

  2. Rich C (again)

    Feb 07, 2013, 23:12 #31600

    In reply to Green Hut, I unreservedly agree with you in everything you say. I have been bubbling with anger since Brighton away and got a hammering after trying to defend Aaron Ramsey from the guy in front of me. Ramsey came over to take a throw in, he was 8 feet from this loony who screamed at him calling him things that won't get printed here. He finished it by singing we want our arsenal back. He didn't come back 2nd half. I just think that there is a collective of people who are now attending games, STARTING the game abusing players and AW and then falling back on we want our arsenal back. I just think the whole thing has been hijacked by these types. Singing that at the AGM is exactly the right place to do it, it makes a point. However, attending games, a game we won, and spending the entire time dropping the "C" bomb at Ramsey is not what we should be about. How does it help? My opinion on the club at the moment is as low as its been in the 30 years I've been going, my own opinion is divided about AW. But how can we expect to keep our best players loyalty when they hear things like that. I am genuinely frustrated to the point of breakdown with the divisive nature of the support at the moment and feel that no one group has the monopoly on being right. I stand by my first point though, its always been like this to a degree.

  3. Green Hut

    Feb 07, 2013, 20:59 #31598

    @Rich C- The slogan/chant 'We want our Arsenal back' was originally used by the BSM and supporters to reflect fan anger at the board regarding purely off-field matters, nothing to do with Wenger. Personally, I just want a manager who uses all the financial resources available to him to achieve success and then see what happens, but we've not had one of those for a long time.

  4. Rich C (again)

    Feb 07, 2013, 18:01 #31594

    It's funny to suggest I don't know my history as mentioned above. I think that my point is proved in that as a group of supporters, we have wildly differing expectations about what the club should be doing. My ironic point was that this club is in EXACTLY the same position it has been in many times before and those that claim to want their Arsenal back are simply wearing rose tinted specs. Apart from 7 years umder Wenger we have never brought the best players, never paid the most wages and never won a trophy every year. Oddly, the conservatismm of those running the club has always been a hinderance. The fact that I used our history to show that, and then get accused of not knowing my history is hilarious! You should just follow Stu Robson around, slaughtering the club for not trying, a man who scored a goal in a two one home defeat against Walsall, the darkest night ever as far as I'm concerned, so he should know about not trying.........History eh, don't talk to me about history!

  5. tpm

    Feb 06, 2013, 21:37 #31575

    @chris. blame song and rvp, classic akb behaviour. 1st off song is no real loss, a darling of the akbs when at the club, yet a liability and endemic of not good enough arsenal. blame rvp? y? for being ambitious, not wanting to waste the remainder of his career carrying a poor side as he did last year? had he stayed we would not have signed caz or giroud. had he stayed wally would have gone to balance the books for pod coming in. wengers philosphy has failed for nigh on 7 years with maybe one exception, why would anyone think it would finally bear fruit now. doing the same thing over and over agan and expecting a different result is idiocy, yet you are advocating and thinking it will work in the nearish future. likewise what is the nearish future? how many more years should this experiement be allowed to continue without consequence or culpability to its failure? as for you las comment "Historical precedent for the benefits of change doesn’t make it a panacea or demonstrate that it’s required in this case, I’m afraid" utter tosh. neither does it mean that change should not occur,especially when the club is patently and undeniably getting weaker year on year, and being caught up and overtaking by clubs once a million miles away from us. u are yet another arsene fc man, with no concept of the club beyond the manager, and happy with the ambition of 4th and not utilising all the resources available to you simply to make a point. living in a world of football that has moved on from a decade ago, like it or not.

  6. Graham Simons

    Feb 06, 2013, 12:45 #31557

    "it isnt going to happen unless there is mega investment?" - I'm sorry Vince but since when are the ridiculous prices we pay at the stadium not "mega investment". Our "mega investment" is taken for granted and that's why so many of us gooners are annoyed with what's happening at our club. To put this into perspective just 15 years ago I went to see us play West Ham in the real clock end for a tenner. Recently I went to see us play them in the clock end at the Emirates and it set me back £50. In 1998 a pint of beer cost around £2.50 - would you pay £12.50 for a pint?! Because that's the sort of price inflation we're talking about - we had a much better team back then too.

  7. Chris

    Feb 06, 2013, 12:40 #31556

    ps - post 34225 was intended as a reply to Alsace's (34222)

  8. Chris

    Feb 06, 2013, 9:56 #31550

    I'd also like an Arsenal which is run within its means, but one which scores more goals than it concedes in almost every match without putting un-necessary emphasis on defence, a midfield which can use passing not only to create but to keep the ball from the opposition so they can’t hurt us, and at least one world class striker to replace the one we lost this season. If you think that that is an impossible utopian dream, then I feel really sorry. Wenger’s philosophy of the game is clear and whilst we aren’t there yet, I don’t think it’s so unlikely we could be successful with it in the near-ish future, with suitable investment. I do agree that the title was very winnable this season and share your frustrations – but perhaps Messers VP and Song should take a share of your ire. It seems a little unfair that you believe that anyone who hasn’t been in an organisation run by an idiot and seen the invigorating effects of his removal isn’t qualified to have an opinion – but if you think Wenger isn’t a credible manager I think that reveals what we need to know about your judgement...... Historical precedent for the benefits of change doesn’t make it a panacea or demonstrate that it’s required in this case, I’m afraid.

  9. Hamza Ali Baksh

    Feb 06, 2013, 7:27 #31548

    Spurs have the following fixtures remaining against Top-10 teams…Arsenal(H), Liverpool(A), Swansea(A), Everton(H), Chelsea(A), Man City(H), Stoke(A). Arsenal on the other hand have: Spurs(A), Everton(H), Swansea(A), WBA(A), Man United(H). And Chelsea have: City(A), WBA(H), Spurs(H), Liverpool(A), Swansea(H), Man United(A), Everton(H). It does look, on paper, like Arsenal have the easiest run in, and I can see them make up the 5 points needed to grab 3rd.

  10. ALsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Feb 06, 2013, 0:16 #31547

    @ Rich C. I'd like an Arsenal which is run within its means, which is run with an orthodox properly coached defence, a midfield which has players some of who can create and some who can stop the other side playing, and some capable competent strikers. If you think that that is an impossible utopian dream, then I feel really sorry. Wenger has now admitted that his "tactics" do not allow for a solid defence. This title is more winnable than the last 6, and Wenger absolutely refuses to do the things that could put it within our grasp. Until you have been in an organisation that is run by an idiot, and see the invigorating effect of his removal, you aren't qualified to comment on this scenario - unless of course you think Wenger is a credible manager in which case.................. In May 1940 would you have shrugged your shoulders and said "better the devil you know, let's keep that nice Mr Chamberlain" ?

  11. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 05, 2013, 16:15 #31535

    Your eyes must be deceiving you, 4th is nothing but a pipe-dream for this team at present. Yet we are presented with another Wenger courtier, having already accepted the "4th is a trophy" mantra, no doubt preparing to swallow "the UEFA Europa League is a trophy" line currently being prepared, just in case. Wake up, enough is enough! 4th is NOT a trophy! Finishing higher than Spurs is NOT a trophy!Only WINNERS may claim success. Only WINNERS may claim a TROPHY! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  12. Cambridge Gooner

    Feb 05, 2013, 14:05 #31528

    @Rich C - I put it to you that you are not an Arsenal supporter, nor do you know you history any more than Wayne Rooney knows about astro-physics. The Arsenal wins things... or dies trying! Before 2006 Manchester United were only 2 league titles ahead of Arsenal (thanks largely to their golden generation) - in the intervening time they have won 4 more and it will probably be 5 this year. Yes there have been lean periods in the past, but they were usually succeeded by change in an attempt to improve things. That is the crux of the problem, not the lack of trophies, but the lack of effort being applied to winning. I would not moan for a second if I thought this great club was doing everything in its power to improve the team and win realise success, instead we pay top dollar and receive half-hearted dross. 4th place is not a trophy, Spurs should be an irrelevance at this stage of the season - 4th place IS NOT A F***ING TROPHY!

  13. Guy in Jersey

    Feb 05, 2013, 14:00 #31525

    Rich C, what I suspect the "we want our Arsenal back" lot are calling for is a bit of pride and passion. It may be unfashionable nowadays, and the quality of football has certainly moved on from the 1970s and 1980s when I was growing up, but you'll win nothing without grit, determination, a bit of experience, a never say die attitude and, dare I say it, mental strength. Having a few leaders and a tactically astute manager would also help (we already have the cash). These days, to win anything, you also have to ally work rate and a desire to win to talent and technique - pride and passion is no longer enough. Like Rich C and CanadaGooner, I remember when we were dour and workmanlike, but most of our players made up for what they lacked in talent by working hard (although most were paid according to their level of talent, i.e. not a lot). For what modern-day players get paid, 100 per cent commitment and application should be a given every single match, but when it's so often absent and we witness the kind of 'couldn't care less' attitude pr****ent among a number of players, it's understandable that some fans hark back to the 'good old days'. The facilities may have been crap, the players were crap and the football was crap, but it was still my club and I loved it. I seem to have lost a little of that love and passion along the way and so, in recent years, have Arsenal.

  14. vince

    Feb 05, 2013, 13:37 #31523

    Simon, Good piece written. Unfortunately some of the arm chair idiots on here will not get it into their thick skulss...Booo hoo WE want the title, boo hoo we should win the fa cup, well face it that isnt going to happen unless there is mega investment. And even with that is success really guaranteed? just ask man u (last season) chavs - this season, spurs every season. Lets see where we end up then shoot the team...but before that we need to gather together, support ...a cll to the arms ..Arise o Gooners.

  15. Graham Simons

    Feb 05, 2013, 13:37 #31522

    so we finish fourth and everything's alright again is it? WRONG it's just papering over the Chamakhs.

  16. Tony Evans

    Feb 05, 2013, 13:35 #31521

    Ron - agree with your take on this 100%. We are usually on the same wavelength, and most definitely are when it comes to the scrap for the 4th place 'trophy'.

  17. El Bodgeo

    Feb 05, 2013, 13:34 #31520

    '...3rd is not an impossible target, albeit improbable. We might as well aim high. If you reach for the sky you might just get the clouds...' You crazy reckless dreamer! 3rd? Just imagine, 3rd, not 4th. Wow! Thank god you didnt say 2nd, that would be just ridiculous. No team can aim that high surely? And I thought 4th was ambitious. Incedible! Im with you Simon, lets reach for the sky!

  18. foxinthebox2001

    Feb 05, 2013, 13:19 #31519

    until the time comes around once more when I believe the manager is putting all the resources he has available into building as strong a squad as possible I can't get too excited about 4th spot.

  19. Fishpie

    Feb 05, 2013, 12:56 #31518

    Simon, coming fourth again this year is just another way of saying we did what we always do: we have defended poorly in too many games, we haven't worked hard enough in others and as a result have dropped unnecessarily lost points and will finish miles away from what would otherwise be an attainable top 2 target. But I sense gradual improvement in some key players and a little team spirit momentum emerging and we have acquired what looks to me to be a serious left back so with just a third of the season left, beating Spurs to fourth would be better than nothing. They may not have got a striker. Unfortunately, we didn't get a new much needed dependable centre-half. Each of our current three centre backs are capable of dropping clangers at any time. That I fear will scupper us. But very happy to be proven wrong.

  20. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 05, 2013, 12:55 #31517

    Wow, we could get 4th or even (gasp!) 3rd place beating Tottenham to the punch. And for what????????? So we can replay the last 6 seasons all over again??? How about an article on how finishing outside the top 6 could be the kick up the arse that this stale board and past its sell by date manager needs?

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 05, 2013, 12:28 #31516

    Wengerballs, well said, sadly this is what we've been reduced to.

  22. chris dee

    Feb 05, 2013, 11:55 #31515

    I think the board and Arsene should be congratulated,they have succeeded. Many Arsenal fans now view 4th place as a trophy thanks to the constant drip drip of propaganda by Arsene and Gazides. Things have been so wayward these past few years that here we are gagging,pleading and begging that we finish in 4th place 20-25 points from United. Not good enough for one of top 10 richest 'franchises' in the world sport,with the best stadium in the UK and a huge fanbase here and around the world. Never mind those who tell us that in our history we have never had success over a long period of time. That's why we moved to the new stadium.We knew for a few years it would be tough,but with a bit of application and pragmatism by Arsene we could have won the Carling Cup this year and beaten Birmingham in the final but we approached the final and the game against Bradford this year in the most arrogant flippant way imaginable and got our rewards.That's down to Arsene. What a different mindset the fans and the players would have with a trophy won.Players would have stayed with the knowledge and confidence that they could pick up medals.Instead the fans are complaining and the players look like they are having nervous breakdowns every time they are under any pressure instead of going into games as trophy winners.

  23. Ron

    Feb 05, 2013, 11:06 #31514

    Personally i find this 4th place scuffle amongst Arsenal and other Clubs who have totally NIL chance of winning the CL each season tedious and worthless. If we finish 5th/6th i wont bother too much. It will give new impetus to the tournamnts that we can win domestically hopefully i.e we can try and regain a winning mentality in the Club again while a new coach trys to steer a course back to the CL with a team that might actually genuinely challenge for it once there rather than just making up the numbers as we have done for so long.If Tottenham keep Bale fit, he ll drag them to 4th spot in my view. If they do it, good luck to them. Lets be really honest, their tilt at the CL a couple of years back was far more real and exiting than any of the pitiful efforts we ve made since 2006. Detest them as we do, but you wouldnt get a razor blade between the spuds and Arsenal now, such has been our decline in quality as we ve nose dived toweards them speedily.

  24. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 05, 2013, 1:30 #31512

    I agree with you Simon. I too have believed all season we will finish in the top four but for me it would only paper over some serious cracks that still needs to be addressed. Should it happen, would I celebrate it? Absolutely not. Finishing fourth should never ever be recognised as a trophy especially as you have mentioned that the real reason the club wants to be in the European Cup ever season is purely for monetary purposes, nothing else. Our average (some may call it pitiful) record in fourteen previous seasons of European Cup football under Wenger to me suggests (maybe stupidly) does he actually want to win it? I’m not convinced that defensively we can stop a Bayern Munich side that score plenty. But we shall see. Losing to stellar clubs such as Barcelona, Milan & Man Utd is one thing but annual disappointments against the likes of Panathinaikos, Auxuerre & more recently Schalke 04 as we have done over the Wenger years is baffling and head scratching.

  25. GG89

    Feb 04, 2013, 23:25 #31510

    C´mon on the Spurs make it an interesting 4th place final... the gooners have been walking it for years now... That´s if Benitez does the impossible and lets the gooners in for 3rd and a longer summer holiday... you never know Mancini might get tight and Citeh fall apart and RVP goes lame and Manure can´t score more than they concede... 1st place is POSSIBLE.

  26. Wenger Must Go

    Feb 04, 2013, 21:17 #31508

    *that an article

  27. Wenger Must Go

    Feb 04, 2013, 21:05 #31507

    How sad is it the an article about Arsenal possibly scraping into the top four has to be typed?! Used to be unbeaten champions!!

  28. lee afc

    Feb 04, 2013, 20:57 #31506

    Excellent post simon...nice comment rich c....Paul... I have followed your comments over the last month or two. You have nothing to bring to the table other than abuse and pathetic comments. Proper gooners do not behave in such manner.

  29. Green Hut

    Feb 04, 2013, 20:42 #31505

    Nice tongue-in-cheek piece on how Wenger has successfully lowered our expectations.

  30. Wengerballs

    Feb 04, 2013, 20:01 #31504

    This is what is so sad about us now, that our most passionate fans are writing articles like this. Our only pride and glory as a Club now is coming from behind like a dark horse to try and pip a CL qualifying place ahead of the spuds. This is Wenger's entire strategy, playing brinkmanship with fourth place, his 'trophy', to add to his consequetive run of 15 other CL qualification 'trophies', and he takes even greater pride doing it all by spending as little as possible in the transfer market. We are not even in hooey of challenging for top honours any more and our Manager's only ambition now and the fatcats corporate strategy as a Club is to sneak into 4th spot spending as little as possible doing it. Brinkmanship between being bridesmaids and mediocrity, that's what it is. And footballs greatest spin doctor, Arsene Wenger, has everyone convinced, including you, that anything more is beyond our reach.

  31. jj

    Feb 04, 2013, 19:56 #31503

    Who cars if we finish in the top four or not. I'd much rather get to Wembley in the FA cup. Football is about the guts and the glory.

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 04, 2013, 19:12 #31501

    Well Simon, we've got WBA still to play on 6th April, i think it is,it's not the final game of the season i know but hopefully they and their keeper will roll over for us again, as i'm sure we'll need some sort of help along the way to our favorite position, and all that lovely dough for stan,ivan and the lads,because as you quite rightly point out any kind of proper title challenge is beyond us and has been for some time.Yes credit where it's due you did tip us right from the off to finish ahead of the spuds (even though we did need help on the last day of the season) as did CanadaGooner.There's still a lot of football to be played yet but at the minute the spuds are in the driving seat can we rely on them to blow it again and give us a good laugh ? and can we rely on our experience of third/fourth place qualification to get us there ? But there's nothing to laugh about and nothing to be proud off when the height of our ambition is to get third or fourth place ahead of our neighbours, and qualify for a competition we're never likely to win not with this current regime anyway.

  33. James

    Feb 04, 2013, 19:03 #31500

    This is a depressing article i despaired when i read it.The triumphalism of a 4th place finish.So our only ambition is to finish above a one man team Bale FC.4th place is not a ****ing trophy.Wenger if he had any dignity left would resign at the end of the season with the words "sorry i have failed and i cant take the team any further".It wont happen of course and the trophyless streak will continue for another 5 seasons while the profits go through the roof.How long before JW goes? The only way thing will change is if we finish out of the top 4. Simon you are just the type of fan Gazidis loves you dont question why we have fallen so far behind the league leaders you are just happy that we produce mediocrity season after season.Instead you are happy to finish a point ahead of Bale FC

  34. Dan h

    Feb 04, 2013, 18:46 #31499

    25 games 41 points very poor return.It to this poster shown up by the fact this is a very very average league this year.We may come fourth we may not we had a real get out of jail year qualifying for the CL last season sadly instead of a wake up call the club rested on it's laurels.Gervinho should be nowhere near a first team shirt at Arsenal.We may as well let him sit at home watching Max Wall dvd's while getting the leftovers of Santos second KFC bucket!

  35. CanadaGooner

    Feb 04, 2013, 18:20 #31498

    @Rich C - very good comment mate. I think literate people must be able to state an opinion and comment without getting harrassed. As for "we want our arsenal back" almost sounds like those illiterate "we want out england back" type stuff; where people seem to forget the world has moved on, and is still moving. We want positive change at Arsenal, so that we continue to improve and SUSTAIN good results i.e. keep pace with progress and not assume we can win titles with a bunch of babies when other clubs are buying mercenaries who have a lot of fire-power. But to think ARSENAL's history is completely filled with glorious victories and non-stop winning is as you say, represents a lack of knowledge or understanding of where the club's come from or our history in general

  36. Mikey59

    Feb 04, 2013, 17:37 #31496

    I despair at articles like this. Is it really all about finishing above a one man Spuds team? BTW they have a forward that contributes most of their important goals. Give you a clue, it's not Defoe, Adebayor or Dempsey.

  37. Fozzy

    Feb 04, 2013, 17:35 #31495

    Good stuff, Simon, and good to read a positive piece for a change. Even to the extent that you have described Eboue-with-a-syrup as a striker. As for the rest of the content, Arsene will judge you in May.

  38. Rich C

    Feb 04, 2013, 17:32 #31494

    I recently got dogs abuse on twitter for a pro Arsenal comment so I'll be careful here...... I don't care where we finish. I think fourth but if its sixth I don't care. Arsenal fans are the reason why I don't care. We have become a collective of moaning, abusive idiots on one hand and nostalgic Wengerites on the other. The "we want our Arsenal back" lot are the worst! What Arsenal do you want? The George Graham one that spent no money, paid no wages and put faith in a group of talented English players?? Or the Terry Neill one that lost its star midfielder to Juventus over a matter of 125 pound a week, then lost its star striker to Man Utd? Or the Bertie Mee version, Double winners to oblivion in three short years? What we're going through is ARSENAL!! "We want our Arsenal back" moaners should learn their history. Or do they simply want the pinnicle that AW took us too.......IRONIC!!!! Support the team, remember who they are, what they are and who they represent!

  39. CanadaGooner

    Feb 04, 2013, 16:56 #31491

    Simon, I like this article very much because you have embraced reality: Wenger will be here till the end of the season (and unfortunately for a few more trophyless seasons probably) and the set of dodgy players we have will remain (we cant afford a house-cleaning or the board wont sanction it anyway); so, what we're left with is the usual SALVAGE operation we're now getting so used to. Fortunately, Spurs to the rescue very soon. They will begin dropping points (it's their trademark) and we just have to hope some of the more serious players we have e.g. wilshere, will stand up to be counted and get us our coveted 4th place trophy. Sad reality of today's Arsenal (perhaps not too dissimilar to some of the periods we have had in the past; for some of us who are old enough to have endured those painful years)

  40. Paul

    Feb 04, 2013, 16:35 #31490

    And sadly you will celebrate 4th place like Wenger and the board while Man Utd with our best player from last season will be 30pts ahead of us thats the true story of our season.We are no longer title challengers and maybe never will be again as long as we have a manager and board who think 4th is a trophy.You are just a deluded fool

  41. mst

    Jun 13, 2012, 16:53 #23509

    getting a different manager would not change a thing because he would still have to operate under the financial restrictions imposed by kroenke. kroenke's not going to let another manager come in a spend his money either.

  42. Tony Evans

    Jun 11, 2012, 12:39 #23443

    Well done Kevin for telling it to us straight. Nothing you have said surprised me and I for one will not be contributing a penny piece to Arsenal until I see some genuine ambition and some sanity return to our club.

  43. chrisy boy

    Jun 11, 2012, 10:56 #23442

    Andrew cohen, im not saying i admire what manchester united in regards to there shares, what im getting at is this debt is holding our club back a lot more than we were led to believe, im trying to find an answer to this debt be it mr usmanov or making more shares available. We need to find an answer to this other than us fans paying through another price rise

  44. RJ

    Jun 11, 2012, 10:46 #23441

    @Andrew Cohen - I haven't really thought about Cesc since he left, then saw him score last night - it was like seeing a girlfriend you have split up with a year later looking really fit and wonderful, but with some other bloke, and you sitting there thinking "d'huh"?

  45. Andrew Cohen

    Jun 11, 2012, 8:08 #23440

    @Chrisy Boy. I don't believe that the takeover of Manchester United is anything to be admired. I believe that their recent trip to the money market will have reduced their debt, but I don't think that it is yet extinguished. By contrast Arsenal are trying to get debt free. I have no problem with such a strategy, indeed you can only warmly applaud it. My problem is the way in which they spend their budget. Wasting money on inferior goods is not a good policy. How pleasant to be able to watch Cesc score a goal last night. If only we had spent the last 6 years buying and coaching properly, the players who would have made him stay and make us trophy winners again. Usmanov is not the answer. You could give Mr Wenger a 2 billion budget and he would still make the same catastrophic strategic and tactical mistakes.

  46. Wombledin

    Jun 10, 2012, 22:05 #23439

    “The board are long term fans of the football club. Regarding any further additions – we do not disturb unity or create conflict. This is the critical issue going forward.” Disgraceful comment. The critical issue is success and glory for the Club, period!!

  47. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 10, 2012, 21:12 #23438

    Chrisy Boy, very true on Stan, guess I am wary of him too, but for the moment, he is sticking with self sustainability, maybe no immediate rewards in that but surely , over time, the least risky strategy? RVP I think he is staying, and will announce it as soon as his family succeed in convincing him!

  48. Nutty's Right Peg

    Jun 10, 2012, 15:51 #23437

    Can't wait for August.....hmmmm

  49. Chrisy boy

    Jun 10, 2012, 14:23 #23436

    Mandy Dodd has replied to my post,, I am well made up now ! Well Mandy we didn't know to much about stan when he took over and look where that has got us. Im no expert in share dealings but didn't manchester united generate extra shares a while back which made them millions overnight could that not be a way forward for our club. I had an interesting telephone conversation today and apparently Oliver giroud from Montpellier is on is way to QPR and not Arsenal, does that mean RVP is staying or have QPR become another club with more ambition than us in the transfer market

  50. mc

    Jun 10, 2012, 8:44 #23434

    gazidis is a tool

  51. Gooner S

    Jun 09, 2012, 22:30 #23433

    And just what alternatives are you suggesting? FFP isn't implemented yet. At least wait until it is in place for a period of time and then have a pop. For an editorial this is poor. It is somewhat naieve to think that "two men run Arsenal".

  52. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 09, 2012, 21:16 #23432

    Chrisy Boy - you say never look a gift horse in the mouth, fair enough, but I would also remind you that there is no such thing as a free lunch, we just do not know enough about Mr Usmanov to start doing anything silly. Easy to make promises when you are not in power, a practice followed by politicians the world over.

  53. chrisy boy

    Jun 09, 2012, 8:15 #23429

    in 2011 i attended a meeting in the diamond club which wenger sat through a Q & A session. In his own words and i quote " the club has to generate £15 million every year to pay of the debt " (mortgage ). Now the £5 we pay for a hot dog or a coke does not go towdards the £5 million debt, player trading alone is what is used. So with the current debt around £90 million ( someone correct me if that figure is wrong ) at £15 million a year thats 6 years of seeing our better players departing being replaced by average ones. My point in all of this is if mr usmanov was allowed to take his place on the board he wouldnt need to invest hundreds and hundreds of millions into the club, that debt we have is pocket change to him and for him to manage that debt every year would not come under ffp rules. A lot of you gooners make very good points and i can sense the hurt and frushtration in your articles, i just cant see the problem what stan, ivan and co have with this easy option we have with mr usmanov. Whats that saying " never look a gift horse in the mouth "

  54. Arsene is a liar

    Jun 09, 2012, 5:42 #23428

    If this regime continues for another seven years, then the club will have sold all its star players, City, Chelsea and other teams will have greater infrastructure with greater marketing appeal and revenues and Arsenal will have lost their appeal in Foreign markets. Shirt sales will be down and sponsorship deals will also be much worse than the current ones. Emirates will be half empty and the revenue will dry up.

  55. Ronster

    Jun 08, 2012, 22:06 #23426

    GaryFootscrayAustralia....we had an average attendance of 28,000 in 1984....not exactly encouraging the Hill-Woods to break a habit of a lifetime.And weren't we paying ''peanuts,get yer roasties,peeeanuts....'' at the turnstiles!

  56. The Truth

    Jun 08, 2012, 20:54 #23425

    Ever seen one of those wildlife films, where a parasite attaches itself to a creature then sucks the life out of it? Well that's where we are now.

  57. Big Andy

    Jun 08, 2012, 20:33 #23424

    Anybody who thinks that Financial Fair Play will make a big difference is living in cloud Cuckoo Land. Does anybody really think that the powerful companies and corporations which pour tens of millions of euros of sponsership and advertising into the Champions' League will allow Platini to ban a European giant like Real Madrid, Barcelona or Manchester United from the competition? Of course not. And on the first occasion that UEFA fail to ban an over-spending club a precedent will be set, and FFP will immedaitely be dead in the water. And that's what's gonna happen. What should be happening at Arsenal right now is that the Board should be looking at how to spend our very large income most efficently. For me that means bringing in a new manager, and a new chief executive. Both Wenger and Gazidis are not good enough.

  58. UTU

    Jun 08, 2012, 20:10 #23423

    Arsenal PLC will continue to make 'Profits' Kronke & Co will be laughing all the way to the Bank. A Change of Ownership and Management is required if the Arsenal FC are going to win silverware in the future.

  59. Carlos

    Jun 08, 2012, 18:02 #23422

    Just read a quote from Van Persie's dad, who is a bit of a loose cannon from what you read. He says his son would have no place at Madrid or Barcelona, and wouldn't play for another Premier League club other than Arsenal. He is loyal to Arsenal. Here's hoping

  60. RJ

    Jun 08, 2012, 16:22 #23421

    @Bob - I am sure it registered, but they will do their best to hang on to him and RVP will drag it out as long as possible - even if he signs a contrat extension (and let's throw in the scenario that he gets a minor knock in the Euros, we can't sell him, he won't sign a new contract with us) - whatever happens - we cannot be certain he is staying until the window closes -but it will be clear sooner than that is he is leaving.

  61. Jamie Hunter

    Jun 08, 2012, 16:03 #23420

    A very article and some equally good comments. But one thing I would like to ask gaz-useless is : if everything is so rosy at arsenal, how come that after 15 years in the champions league to spurs one, and an astronomically larger amount of paying customers in the last six years, how come we are only one dodgy goalkeeper assisted point ahead of them? And let's face it, if we played them ten times they would win more than we would.

  62. DW Thomas

    Jun 08, 2012, 15:15 #23419

    Incompetent? Is he admitting to that? What happens if one is incompetent in their job, normally? Sure, people make mistakes, but this team have been repeating the same ones year after year now with no real change. Everyone can see the squad needs strength and depth and none is brought in. If Podolski is so good, why did he come to Arsenal when many others at first feel the lure, then go somewhere else? Have to wait and see with him. This team, board, and manager have relied too much on reputation from past glories and not built any new ones. We must bring in at least 3-4 new, fresh faces with experience and desire to be great again. "Bumpy ride?" When does it end? Feels like never. At least they are looking at the wage structure, finally!!! I find it so difficult to see any positives lately concerning our club as I see the future, without serious change, as failure again. Sure, we'll beat some of the best, lose to some of the worst, make one decent cup run, then hear the ludicrous repeated loser excuses of our manager. Injuries, refs, bad fields, fatigue. Perhaps the only interesting thing is waiting to hear what new ridiculous thing Arsene has to say. How can you top the one about finishing second for twenty years, though?

  63. Jayelljay

    Jun 08, 2012, 14:28 #23418

    Have been a regular since 1963, and ST holder since 1993 but now thoroughly agree with SurreyGooner and have not renewed the ST this time. Be interesting to see just how many act likewise. I have never quite recovered from last summer's fiasco. I suspect RvP is thinking the same.....

  64. billthered

    Jun 08, 2012, 13:59 #23417

    Unlike a lot of new supporters I can go back to the early sixties with Arsenal and can tell you that apart from one or two instances we have never been a big spending club.Spuds,Man ure,Liverpool and others have all spent much more than us,but in them times we all paid more or less the same for our tickets but as we all know we have moved several leagues above them with regard to prices now.My theory is thou is I think we are trying to pay for the ground in as short a space as possible and we have several thousand on waiting lists for gold,silver or red memberships then the club will only move onto the next number{not person} down the line and just laugh in the face of us idiots who keep renewing year after year,snookered is the saying I think.Oh and by the way financial fair play does not any equation when it comes to managers pay does it.

  65. Nick

    Jun 08, 2012, 13:48 #23415

    Chris no one is asking the club to spend money "WE DONT HAVE" what we are asking is sensible investment with the money WE DO HAVE!!!, and offloading the drains on the resources such as Bendtner, Vela Diaby etc, no one is going to tell me we cant afford to bring the likes of Mvilla to the club , we patently can afford such a player, its the worlds worst kept secret that weve still got the money from the sales of barndoor and toure burning a hole in our pockets , and i dont believe anyone is asking for success instantly, all we want is to be genuine contenders for trophys, not the perrenial bottlers we seem to have become and by the way i attended my first game in 1964, so dont call me a plastic supporter, i just want like many others, for us to be a serious force and not bloody laughing stocks, as we were over the transfer debacle of last summer , the appalling defeat at old trafford, the collapses from almost iron clad leading positions ie the 4-4 at Newcastle, and the gutless performances vs AC Milan away and the tame surrender at Sunderland in the FA Cup, i dont want to hear from the players and manager that "perhaps we thought the game would be easy" basicly i want our PRIDE BACK !!!!!!!

  66. Gman

    Jun 08, 2012, 13:46 #23414

    Gazidis is a lickspittle popinjay of a poltroon. Kroenke is just an opportunist yank.

  67. Mark Davis

    Jun 08, 2012, 13:13 #23412

    Jake - your point is puerile and asinine. There seem to be a number of people on here whose sole reaction to any kind of criticism of the club is to tell the author to eff off to Chelsea/Sp*rs/City or wherever. This is a well written and cogent article that makes many valid points, so for God's sake grow up. Things at Arsenal are a very long way from rosy and they are fully deserving of a lot of criticism. It doesn't make anyone less of a fan for voicing those concerns. Gare Kekeke, SurreyGooner & Indian gooner - all excellent posts in response, and views I echo entirely. A great many other good posts in similar vein, but too many to mention!

  68. Theo Jensen

    Jun 08, 2012, 12:52 #23411

    another thought: if the big spending teams were severely hindered by the FFP regulations, how would we be able to sell on our star players at such good prices? That's a fundamental requirement for us to flourish within the limits of self-financing is it not?

  69. Bob

    Jun 08, 2012, 10:48 #23410

    RJ - your assessment of the situation re RvP "we won't know he is staying for certain until midnight on 31 August" - if that were the case Gazidis and Wenger should not just be sacked (they should be anyway), but charged with criminal negligence. Are you suggesting last summer's almighty cock-up didn't register?

  70. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 08, 2012, 9:09 #23409

    Kevin, congrats for staying awake and focused long enough to provide a report on this, that is an achievement in itself. I used to sit in on many a similar meeting at a previous employer, while we were bombarded by visual and vocal mantras about how great things were in their world, which amounted to naught in the real world. No surprise that they were an organisation committed to promoting a cuddly image for corporate finance. As for Carlos, you're right, it's not 1984 - I assume you're referring to Orwell's 1984? If you were at Highbury in the real 1984, then you'd know that we were cracking at the club back then for their short - armed deep - pocketed shenanigans, while still getting behind the lads on the pitch....plus ca change, oui?

  71. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Jun 08, 2012, 8:59 #23408

    When considering the way the club is run, you have always to admire the way the european model works. You have only to look at the way in which the leaders of the eurozone are determined to stick to a principle no matter how the circumstances change and no matter how disastrous the consequences if the strategy does not succeed. Only time will tell if the manager's policy will succeed. A very, very long time. Slipping away into the distance like the road between Paris and Moscow, or indeed Vladivostok.

  72. Brigham

    Jun 08, 2012, 8:56 #23407

    @Surreygooner - a great post and one with which I can fully empathise with. I am not renewing (mainly due to lack of money since losing my job) but also for the very same reasons you stated in your excellent post. I love Arsenal and have done since my very first game and will always support them, but I refuse to hand over anymore of my money to that 'shares r us' board. Good luck to those who have renewed, but I shall make do with watching on the television until Gazidis and co are removed from MY club!

  73. ed enough....

    Jun 08, 2012, 7:05 #23406

    Bore off......The same old conversations about the same meaningless crap....The club has changed forever from a football team to a PLC. Please start dealing with this and stop banging on about the past. The PLC no longer cares about the average supporter, from the Owner right down to the tea lady. You either choose to follow Arsenal PLC or you choose another PLC, because there is little difference with all premiership clubs. Different business models, same goal, make as much money from fans, TV, sponsership, and advertising as possible. Sod the rest. Can we move on now please....as I said at the start, BORE OFF!!!!

  74. QuartzGooner

    Jun 08, 2012, 3:47 #23405

    The club seem to be stockpiling cash to effectively have the balance of the stadium debt held in it's accounts in case it fails to meet the repayments. This is a very long term game, meaning that we will not mount a decent challenge for the league title unless an exceptional glut of youngsters come through the ranks in two or three successive seasons and are retained for a few seasons instead of sold. The club will never admit that publicaly, as any public admission of being less than committed to building the strongest possible squad might affect ticket sales.

  75. Joe S.

    Jun 08, 2012, 0:23 #23404

    Herts Gooner, if you succeed in weening yourself off your Arsenal addicion let us know. At 56 I feel like I'm too old to be worrying about whether or not RVP stays or goes, Why Djour was given a contract extension?, who will be the new Park, or if Arsenal will remain ambitious enough to once again compete for fourth place.

  76. I remember when the club really did care about the supporters

    Jun 07, 2012, 22:31 #23403

    I listened to the Ivan the terrible PRAVDA edition on Arsenal.com. I have to say you do need to recognise the skill of the guy. His spinning would make Alastair Campbell blush. What shocked me was the subserveient nature of the questions and each time thanking him for his approach! Do people not realise this man is a very well paid multi-millionaire who has obtained that through the salary paid by our high admission prices? The perspective was paper thin. The very people who negotiated the current commercial deals where even the companies must have been embarrased by what they got away with , now have bridges named after them! Our owner, Stan "Not veryflashman" who according to Ivan feels "emotional" about the club as he indicated the rest of the board do, attended 2 matches!Good job he is not apathetic to the team! Wake up and smell the coffee Arsenal fans, we love the club , for Ivan and his crew the P.R. process will continue whilst they pour more of our money into their own private gravy train. Only when we get Arsenal supporters on the board will we really know what is hgoing on without it being refracted through the "emotional" spin of PRAVDA. This should be the campaign of the Gooner and AST, nothing else will move this club forward. Expect groundhog day at the next meeting of Ivan and the supporters, though I feel certain Ivan will feel very emotional at the end!

  77. Ron

    Jun 07, 2012, 22:30 #23402

    Arsenal have always been the most conservative (small c) of Clubs, so even if there was cash coming out of the rafters and falling on their heads they would likely not spend it. Lets not forget that even with the spending constraints, Wenger has for 7 years now bought largely poor players for prices where he could have bought better ones and over paid and over contrated dross young players of who it was clear 4 years ago wouldnt make the grade. Thats poor management and theres no getting away from it. Even under 'self sustainabilty' the board must be thinking hes a busted flush, totally out of ideas and deep down perhaps no longer as motivated as he undoubtedly once was? AW should look at his reflection in the mirror and ask himself 'do i want it anymore'?. He surely doesnt need the money by now.

  78. Van de Ed

    Jun 07, 2012, 21:36 #23401

    @Gare Kekeke, SurreyGooner & Indian gooner - absolutely spot on you lot!!

  79. Dan h

    Jun 07, 2012, 20:52 #23400

    Self sustaining model that never actually invests the money it earns.It is easy to be swayed by the 'investment'at City etc it really takes the real issue of what is going on at our club away.To me the envy of how a football club that aspires to achive using all it's resources is Bayern Munich.The wage bill is comparable with more world class players every euro made is invested in the playing squad & club infastructure.They make a small yearly profit it is how we should be run.If we came up short like they did this year no one would could accuse the club of not using the resources at our disposal or more importantly a lack of ambition.The owner does not care the DDT has previous for not investing in any of his teams in the USA why will he invest in us?I believe he is playing the long game with us & will sell when the time suits him.Look at our friends in the north a money making machine insane profit figures for a football club now milked/ mortgaged to the hilt by the Glazers.The manager is loved by the owner why wouldn't he be 'moneyball' Wenger the front to the organisation.The best paid employee at the club.I would prefer our assets on the team sheet not the balance sheet.We are looking to make additions but it does depend on shifting a few out.Vela,AA & Bendtner the only squad players likely to recieve small fees for.Chamakh,Squllaci,Park big wages can't see many/any takers yet we forget our inflated wage bill & cry austerity when questioned.

  80. Gare Kekeke

    Jun 07, 2012, 20:36 #23399

    IG has confirmed what Gooners like me have known all along, the board & Wenger are waiting for FFP to kick in and stop the ‘petrol-dollar’ clubs from ‘buying’ their trophies. Bitch please!! I’m no Mourinho fan by any stretch of the imagination but I don’t seem to remember him spending hundreds of millions of Euros to win five trophies (including a European Cup) in his 2 ½ years as coach/manager of FC Porto. And the same applies to Ottmar Hitzfeld at Borussia Dortmund back in the 1990s. These successes were achieved with a combination of good players, a fair amount of luck and oh yeah good coaching and tactics. But I suppose that doesn’t matter these days eh? The view these days is that you can only win with money. So what’s the point of being tactically astute then eh? FFP sounds great in theory but like many, you do wonder whether it can actually work? The likes of Real Madrid, Chelsea & Barcelona generate truck loads of income for UEFA so if they were kicked out of European competition consistently as a punishment (there are others) because they couldn’t keep their finances in order, then these clubs would easily start their own competition and get the TV companies on their side who would pay fortunes for the rights. If Chelsea were really scared of FFP they wouldn’t have signed Torres & Luiz for a combined £71m in January 2011, with both players playing significant parts in Chelsea’s European Cup glory the following season. Ditto Man City when they bought Aguero for £38m with him scoring the goal that won them the title. Damn right the wage structure has to be reviewed. To pay unproven players such as Denilson, Bendtner, Vela et al between £40k-60k a week when they lacked consistency at the highest level and weren’t courted by clubs far bigger than us was just simply stupid and now we are paying the price (no pun intended). And it’s still happening today; Johan Djourou anyone? Agree with you Kevin that Wenger will be offered a new contract next summer. The board would love to see Wenger complete 20 years as manager. What a disgrace that Usmanov has a shareholding of nearly 30% but like me, the average fan, he has no say in the running of club. Pathetic. I’m not advocating that we should welcome his money easily but let’s hear him out. And the DDT can do one too. Apart from the Colorado Rapids, his sports franchises in his native US cannot point towards any success and those who know him well say he views our 3rd/4th place finishes as success. I will always love The Arsenal but I hate what it’s become these days because of certain individuals. My hatred is more for the board. With Wenger it’s disappointment, not hate and that’s not right. Enjoy Euro 2012 folks. Up The Arsenal!

  81. GoonerGoal!

    Jun 07, 2012, 20:30 #23398

    Like SurreyGooner I have also not renewed my two season tickets, but with me its after 50 years of regular attendance. I intend to join whatever waiting list is available to me, but will take up no membership until Kroenke, Gazidis, and Wenger have left the club. Why you ask, because "The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall", and the best way to start to make an apple fall is by shaking the tree...

  82. RJ

    Jun 07, 2012, 19:58 #23397

    Dear Ed - I have just spent an hour watching and listening to the video of the Q&A - by goodness it is dull, and tells us nothing new that we did not know already. Personally, I am a big supporter of self-sustainability, but I know that makes me a minority on this Board. I rarely criticise your work, but I take you task on your words "Robin van Persie has agreed not to go public on the fact he will be playing elsewhere next season, although Gazidis worded it slightly differently." I urge everyone to listen to the video around about 23/24 minutes (I assume this is the point you are referring to) - you misrepresent what he says and put your own spin on it - fair enough, and that is your personal perogative - but it is (in my view) a distortion reported as fact- they have agreed to not talk about it so RVP can focus on the Euros. RVP is playing for the last major contract of his career - of course he wants to drag it out. But nothing in the vid suggests that he is off. Maybe he is, I don't know and we won't know he is staying for certain until midnight on 31 August - I hope he does. Come on you Gooners.

  83. Stevesam

    Jun 07, 2012, 19:46 #23396

    At the end of next season, would it be more accurate to promote this event as the 'Gazidis Lecture' rather than a meeting with the AST ?

  84. Thundertinygooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 19:38 #23395

    Kevin, I am slightly less cynical than you after being there last night but I think you understand the workings of the club better than I do. I think you are probably right re RVP. The gap in announcing this may allow us time to sign a replacement before we announce he is leaving or we do an Henryesque deal where he gets a rise for next year and leaves under a gentleman's agreement despite having signed a new contract this summer. Gazidis is a consummate politician and I suspect he is more important to Kroenke than you suggest as evidenced by the rise in the growth of commercial and marketing staff. The disparity in staff employed on this side and the football orientated stuff grows greater every year and these big contracts are key as underlined last night. Undoubtedly Wenger is hugely ****ded in Kroenke's good books but as ever which alternative manager would you choose? I really struggle to see anyone doing better under this system- but would a Mourinho - type change the system. The key is can Wenger do it within the constraints he operates under? And with FFP around the corner would you operate any differently.After all does everyone now need a billionaire to bankroll their club and if they do won't the richest billionaire just win?

  85. SurreyGooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 19:00 #23394

    I have been an avid reader of the Gooner for many years, through good times and bad. I have to say that I have never felt so detached from the club as I do now. As a result, after more years than I care to remember, I am not renewing my two season tickets this year. I nearly bailed out last year but I thought I'd give it one more season. My decision this year is easy and I have no intention of returning for the foreseeable future. Football has now truly lost its soul and purpose. The prospect of handing over my hard earned cash to a invisible American owner who uses his mouthpiece Mr Gazidis to feed us loyal Arsenal fans an unlimited barrage of BS has finally lost its appeal ! The really scary thing is that the powers than be think that FFP is going to make a difference. What a fool. Does he honestly think that Barca, Madrid, the two Milans, Juventus and the larger PL clubs are going to be afraid of FIFA/UEFA ? I don't think so. The last few years at Arsenal have driven me mad - the loss of key players EVERY summer (after I have renewed !), the characterless bowl we play in, the very average players that can demand £50/60/70k+ per week, even if they spend half their lives on the treatment table, clueless tactics, the Manager that has truly become a parody of himself reminding us that we have had a good season after finishing NINETEEN points behind the winners. I don't think so mate. Seeing Man City win the PL was bad enough but seeing Chelski win the CL was the final straw for me. An average side finishing 6th in their division being crowned Europe's top side. What utter nonsense. Is this what the game is all about now ? If it is, we need to play the same rules, otherwise we will be left behind - check out Nottingham Forest & Aston Villa, they are small-fry now after winning a trophy I cannot see us winning in the next 10-15 years. Modern football is now purely driven by money - the 'average' fan is a convenient income stream by owners who play the loyalty card whenever it suits them. My first match at Highbury was in 1972 when I was 5 years old. My last match was against Norwich in May when I was 44 years old. It isn't the game it used to be, what a shame. I will always be an Arsenal fan but at the moment I have no desire to invest top dollar in a product which is clearly never going to deliver anything positive . In my eyes RVP is on his way, it's obvious, just like Vieira, Henry, Nasri and Cesc. Same old cr*p every summer. Kev - don't listen to those that criticise your 'negative' approach, you are just telling us the absolute truth. Keep up the good work mate.

  86. divingrooney

    Jun 07, 2012, 18:50 #23393

    At least Wenger will leave a fully paid stadium and debt free club for all the real fans. Unlike Liverpool, Spuds and even CHELSEA...

  87. Alan

    Jun 07, 2012, 18:12 #23392

    Have to agree with the Norfolk Gooner and others gotta stop being a feeder club to Man.city get rid of the dead wood and we all know who they are pay RVP the going rate to keep him and bring in quality signings not much to ask for is it.

  88. Gooner1711

    Jun 07, 2012, 17:51 #23391

    Chris - you are deluded. No-one is saying we can compete with Citeh and Chavs, but at least use the money we do have to have a good go. You miss the point.

  89. Carlos

    Jun 07, 2012, 17:42 #23390

    post 25678 We can be critical and still support the team. It's not 1984

  90. Bard

    Jun 07, 2012, 17:41 #23389

    Good but depressing post. So no change, surprise surprise.The problem is that despite the £s in the bank its clear to all of us that the club is slowly but surely in decline on the field. FFP is a pointless smoke screen. The arabs and the russian are hardly going to be quaking in their boots over fifa pigmys.The third place finish justifies a multitude of mistakes. Without a cahange of direction the club will eventually slip out of contention exactly the way Liverpool have and there is no way back after that. If we sell RVP to Citeh we may as well rename the club as Citeh youth team.

  91. Peter Wain

    Jun 07, 2012, 16:56 #23388

    I agree that their is little point speaking to Gazidis. He is totally misleading about Arsenal and talks rubbish. Of course we should be talking to someone who owns almost 30% of Arsenal. If Usmanov is prepared to invest money for the benefit of the first team squad this must be healthy for the club. Football clubs cannot be run as the Arsenal board wish and financial fair play is something which will only benefit the large clubs. UEFA will never come down hard on Madrid, Barcelona or United. Gazidis is living in cloud cuckoo land if he beleives that. SO the Arsenal model is deeply flawed and the CEO is as has been said totally powerless. He cannot sell player although we have enough who should be sold. He cannot purchase players (although we need at least four players) or else we would not do our business on the last day of the transfer window. So talking to Gazidis is a meanless waste of time. What we should like to know is who the club are selling are they restructuring the wages so that up and comming players are not paid too much and how many players they are looking to bring in. The comment about top quality is too laughable for words. We do not look at the top players or even second tier players if Park and Chamack are the standard. So Kroenke may be happy with third place this year but we were luck that RVP did not get injured in September and that the Scum made such a horlix of the third place spot. Also with the investment of Chelski it is very unlikely that third place will be acheivable so we are playing for fourth place and one day we will not get this and then look out. The chronic lack of investment in the first team squad is criminal and the quote about 2014 is a joke. When we left Highbury we were assured that moving would make us more competitive. So far the transfers since going to the Emirates compared to Highbury are awful. As something has to be done we can only hope that Kroenke gets fed up with his playtoy and a change of ownership can leade to a CEO who understand football rather than board room politics.

  92. Stevesam

    Jun 07, 2012, 16:51 #23387

    The malaise and lack of ambition at The Arsenal is from the top to the bottom ( Comfort Zone FC )How many world class players has the Academy produced in the last 10 years ? What do Liam Brady and David Court achieve for their comfortable salaries ? The Academy is a myth.Do you expect a change of style from Banfield and Bould ?

  93. Herts Gooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 16:42 #23386

    I am weaning myself off the drug known as "Arsenal football club" after being an addict for 30years, i have better things to spend my time and money on.

  94. Ian

    Jun 07, 2012, 16:22 #23385

    We will never ever win anything again as long as we are a feeder club.In which the likes of Man City and Barcelona can just cherry pick our best players.And this is with Europe's 7th richest man owning 30% of our shares.We are a joke club.RVP staying you having a laugh?He has ambition he whats to win the big trophies.The strategy for our club will continue to be top 4 finish, no more

  95. Chris Redfearn

    Jun 07, 2012, 16:22 #23384

    I thought it was a very good q and a and hhe was very honest and its looking good. SMILE

  96. norfolk gooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 16:02 #23383

    A question for the board WHY has the fourth richest club in the world, with the highest ST prices and with one of the wealthiest shareholders become a FEEDER club? Thought Rvp situation was being sorted soon as the season finished, more lies! waiting for ST renewals first i guess.Looks like we'll be starting the season with no Rvp no Wilshere and no Sagna. Can't wait!!!

  97. Rob

    Jun 07, 2012, 15:51 #23382

    Excellent editorial Kev and I really can't add to it other than to say that minus RvP - and we all know he's going - and minus Wilshire who won't be back this side of Christmas, there is surely not a cat in hells chance of Arsenal making top four again. The Mancs are out of sight. Chelsea won't have another league season like the last. So we're reliant on Spurs, Newcastle and Liverpool all being profligate and inept. This is the year Wenger's luck runs out. Once that pot of gold goes matters will start to feel very different. But like you, I can see a Wenger contract extension on the horizon. It might just come at the very time that CL run ends. And then it might really start to taste like a poison chalice.

  98. foxinthebox2001

    Jun 07, 2012, 15:43 #23381

    No surprise the board are so keen to retain Wengers services. He obviously feels the trophies on his cv is enough for him, does not appear to be busting the balls of the owner to release the necessary funds to acquire a high quality team. Happy to go along with just qualifying for CL and taking the money, with not a hope in hell of winning it. An ambitious young coach would run a mile from a set up like this. I wish I had a crystal ball now, and could see who is lining up for the first PL game of the new season.

  99. Mike

    Jun 07, 2012, 15:18 #23380

    I wander how many people in England are not interested in supporting the National side because they don't have a realistic chance of winning anything. They are susposedly one of the competitive sides in the world with world class players but i know they won't win. Semis is a huge success. I for one keep on supporting them knowing that there is still a chance - the same applies to Arsenal

  100. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 15:09 #23379

    Your right kev Gazidis is totally powerless arsene's and the DDT stooge it makes you wonder what was the point of last night did we learn anything we didn't already know we already knew of their incompetence the RVP situation we already knew they overpay potential but won't overpay real quality but as you say theres not much profit in that we already knew they over pay dross and then give them new contracts not to much worry about operating efficiently there. Sharing our frustrations? and optimistic about the future? he's having a laugh.

  101. Ronster

    Jun 07, 2012, 15:09 #23378

    I attended this farce yesterday evening and can assure you Kevin has pinpointed the salient topics and has astutely reported on how the slick South African has once again dodged a strangely subdued gooner audience.Kevin is bang on when he writes: ''And make no mistake,Arsenal is a business more than a sporting concern in the eyes of the majority shareholder.'' Those who arrived early had the opportunity to mingle with almost a dozen executives and colleagues of Mr Gazidis all sporting a name/job title badge on the lapels of their very expensive looking suits.One portly marketing executive standing next to a dummy wearing our new home kit (was very tempted to fire off a joke here!) was salivating over the healthy pre launch order figures.All very depressing and a far cry from the days when our goalkeeping legend Jack Kelsey would serve behind the counter in the Clock End shop.I came away shaking my head at the sterility I had witnessed and glad I am no longer contributing to an insitution that was once a football club.

  102. Canterbury Gooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 15:06 #23377

    @Sravaldio interesting points- you should submit an article to this site since you appear to be well informed! it's an open church apparently.

  103. chris

    Jun 07, 2012, 14:12 #23376

    the fickle supporters of these days really make me sick. As a lifelong Arsenal fan I have begun to lose interest in the club because of the plastic fans that we have! We have a decent squad of players and need maybe a couple of additions, there is no reason we cant challenge next year! I believe RVP will stay also, as I am an optimist and do not believe that he really wants to leave the club! I accept that we could have done things a lot better in terms of bringing in players and getting rid of dead wood but saying that we need usmanov to pump a load of money into the club so we can pay over the odds for players and over inflated wages is ridiculous! and on the fact of FFP it is not true that city and chelsea will not have to comply with this ruling, it is clearly in black and white, they cant offset their spending with any transaction that doesnt relate to 'fair value'. City reported stadium sponsorship will not be allowed to be included for the full 400 million. abramovich will not be allowed to pump any more money in, city will not be able to report £178million losses annually. Citey and Chelsea will both struggle to comply imo even though it is at the top of their priorities. Arsenal are definitely in a stronger position and so are the majority of other teams in PL and CL. Another thing is I just cant believe that just because Arsenal havent won a trophy in a few years people want us to lose our values and spend money we dont have. Yes we all want to win things and chelsea won the CL but personally I wouldnt like to win something knowing that we werent the best team. people seem to forget how incredibly lucky chelsea were, i've never seen anything like it!

  104. ATID

    Jun 07, 2012, 14:11 #23375

    FFP? Wake up Arsenal, they haven't even been able to stop old style match fixing in Europe. The AKBs and OGL are deluding themselves if they think that FFP will ever work. If European financial regulation is so effective how did Greece get into the Eurozone? Remember the fiscal rules that applied then? You have a simple choice, spend the money you need to compete or take up a hobby where coming third, fourth, fifth or sixth actually means something.

  105. Gordon

    Jun 07, 2012, 14:04 #23374

    "the board are long term fans of the football club" yeah right.Kroenke had never even heard of Arsenal 10 years ago.He comes over from Denver once year.He has no love for Arsenal.I totally agree with your comment that Wenger will be offered a new contract next year.

  106. Amos

    Jun 07, 2012, 14:02 #23373

    A rather bitter sounding piece! Wenger has most of the control over the playing side of the club because there's absolutely no point in marketing men and bean counters being involved in anything more than promotional activities (though pre-season tours cross over) or in setting the financial budgets within which Wenger can opertae. Unless you operate under a benefactor model as Chelsea and City do there's no other sensible option. As long as Arsenal maintain a sensible business approach success will eventually follow, though maybe not a often or as swiftly as some would do, simply because it is the only option for an enduring opportunity for achieving success.

  107. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 14:00 #23372

    well at least he turned up.comment about mr norris spot on . we still have a stand off with two rich men ,this has not been resolved,and really a man with 30% of shares should be on the board.if they have learnt their lessons, can we get rid/buy players not at the euros now, other than the last day of the window

  108. Dan

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:49 #23371

    So you all want a corrupt Uzbeki in charge of our club? Shame on all of you who demand instant success, It doesn't work like that. Yes it's frustrating not to win trophies but we don't have a divine right to win them. Now I'm in no way an AKB. The man is stubborn and has his faults but the hatred for him I see on this site is mind boggling.

  109. Simon

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:39 #23370

    Rather than continue to voice self evident concerns, shouldn't The Gooner now become more radical and take it's place at the forefront of an active movement for change?

  110. Joe S.

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:29 #23369

    Disgusting state of affairs. Off seasons are a time when clubs give their fans optimisim that weknesses are being addressed and new faces are paraded at team photo shoots to demonstrate the club's ambition and willingness to be involved in a title race. Here at Arsenal the signals are all negative and the fans are asked to be patient. What a sad lot.

  111. Terry

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:13 #23368

    Sir Henry Norris and his money took us from being a debt-ridden club to financial security. Without him we'd still be a small football club in Woolwich. Bring on the guys with the big money as long as they invest it in player transfers - not just to ride on the back of the rising price of shares.

  112. Carlos

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:08 #23366

    All the key points are clearly laid out in the first paragraph. This means stagnation and mediocrity in the coming seasons, i.e. no change. The next point of interest is what will happen with regard to renewing the manager's contract. I believe Guardiola will be available after his year off and also that he would like to work in the Premier League, live in London and be given a free rein to develop a winning club without interference from owners / directors.

  113. Danish Gooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:06 #23365

    This club is dead in the water,it makes me physically sick !!!

  114. indian gooner

    Jun 07, 2012, 13:03 #23364

    I am tired of idiots who write that anyone who criticizes the actions of the club is seen as a glory hunting plastic. What makes your opinion more relevant than ours? Nothing.We have all let this great club down by not rioting...We have let the likes of kroenke and AW take us down over the last few years..Now, we have dross like chamakh,squillaci who are content to warm the bench and take 60kpw and we cant offload them. Adding insult to injury are the likes of bendtner,vela( who are the products of AW's "famed" youth setup, when he claimed that if they were brought up "our" way they will learn to love our club) who would like to leave us and with sufficient bad blood in the process(NB saying he didnt want to play again for us etc)...As fans , we have to take a step back to see what is happening. a)The club is content in pulling the wool over our eyes.-no changes have been made in terms of intent and execution. b)Need for changes in the backroom-Thanks to PatRice's bad knee we have Bould and Banfield, else probably more of PR for another few years along with AW's bottle throwing and hand waving. c)Need to sell the dross- I say cut the losses and sell the ****/lay them off- we make a compact squad of quality players and not just junk that makes up the numbers. Sell: chamakh,squillaci,diaby( yes sell that crock),fabianski,park,drnilson,bendtner,vela and djourou.these are not just good enough for us...the likes oef walcott need to be told to sign on the dotted line at the same salary for another 3 years else they can **** off too. Buy: 3/4 players that are really world class in their position.they should walk into the team without any issues..we are not asking for marquee signings, but we have lost good players like shay given,van der vaart etc for very cheap in the last few years.we can sign such players. Buy2: Look for the future.dont stop the youth project, but be careful with the pay package from now on.And buy only good quality here too instead of just hoping that they come good. d)Decouple AW and the running of the club.He seems to think it is his own club and is probably not bothered really about any meaningful strategies for our matches(Dont say how i know that he isn't strategizing- we wouldnt be leaking goals like that even after 5 years of this problem being noticed, if there was any strategy.) e)The teamsheet should be on merit and performance and not on AW's random order(like diaby walking back after 6 months injury, dropping inform players to accomodate the coming back superstars etc).Be ruthless with the non-performing players.No way theo walcott would be on any of the top4 team with his vacillating form. With these changes we can walk the league..

  115. Simon

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:24 #23363

    Jake rhymes with Fake , Cake which you clearly have for a brain , take as in take a running jump you moron . Arsenal haven't spent the money they should have for fifty ****ing years as far back as the Dennis Law transfer , Fiszman sold his shares to the wrong ****ing guy , end of .

  116. david

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:20 #23362

    Depressing and predictable - can someone tell me why I renewed my s/ticket? The only thing I can find comfort in what IG said is to have no truck with Usmanov; to para-phrase PHW, we defintely do not want his sort on the board...however much money he's got

  117. Stround Green Road Boy

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:20 #23361

    Very well written. Unfortunately you have people like jake who are not bright enough to follow the nuances of what you're saying. It is such people who allow Arsenal to follow this business model.

  118. GoonerGoal!

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:19 #23360

    The fact that some people take this “spiel” on board and believe in it as a way to future success reminds me of the way small gangs would operate the old three-card trick. Everyone watching knew it was a con-game in which ‘marks’ were tricked into betting sums of money on the promise of success by finding the money card among three face-down playing cards. Well, the Kroenke/Gazidis/Wenger triumvirate are our very own street gang and, in case you don’t realise it, those of you who renew each year are their ‘marks’. The only real difference between the Arsenal gang and the street gang is how they extract money from their ‘marks’. The confidence tricksters on the street would usually extract it from punters in single £10 or £20 sums, but the Kroenke/Gazidis/Wenger gang extract it at £1000+ at a time!

  119. Bob

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:14 #23359

    Jake, you have missed the point entirely. We want Arsenal to win trophies, and in the current era, for the reasons Kevin eloquently explained, that means being willling and able to spend big on players. Our current regime of Kronke and Wenger (with Gazidis as mouthpiece) are not willing to do that, and I am not convinced that they are able to either. In Usmanov, we have someone waiting in the wings with both the financial clout and, apparently, the desire to use it to enable us to compete for the best players and to keep those we already have. As I have said before, I am reminded of Yorkshire Cricket Club who had been the dominant force in the 1960s but refused on principle to play anyone born outside the county while every other county side recruited the best players in the world from about 1970 onwards. A failure to recognise and adapt to the realities of a changing world is as daft as it gets.

  120. Theo Jensen

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:12 #23358

    Good post Kev, as I've said before- we're playing by idealistic 'nice guy' rules while the sugar daddies win trophies with ruthless spending. I love our business model in principle but wonder if it's really an asset or hindrance long term some time. I know some people are against Usmanov, but if you look at football's finances in general, is it not the case that clubs are supported by people who often live far away from the club they support? (millions of Asian fans with Manure for eg) and don't they receive sponsorship money from big 'soulless' companies who have nothing to do with football? You could argue therefore that investment from a billionaire is not a particularly reprehensible thing. City, United and Chelsea are the most successful teams in England for trophies in recent years, and all of them spend masses on players. It is possible to win trophies without this massive investment, but it's almost by definition exceptional, and certainly an exception to the rules.

  121. Gooner1711

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:11 #23357

    Jake - What planet are you on? It's an accurate assessment, what do you think is going on?

  122. Martyn

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:06 #23356

    “I don't think for Mr Usmanov and anyone else out there that we should pump money into the football club,” he said. “We don't think that is healthy or for the good of the game." A quote from Mr Gazidis, in the Telegraph today. There will be no change in strategy so we all better get on with it and hope, rather than expect, that we can establish some consistency next season.

  123. Sravaldio

    Jun 07, 2012, 12:00 #23355

    FFP is a joke. If you actually read the rules they bascially say that if you wish to give your club insane sponsership deals by the companies you own then make sure your subtle about it. Bear in mind this is an organisation that can't implement goal line tech let alone enforce complex financial rules. The reason Gazidis keeps going on about them is because its the only he can keep his job, look all the scrae mongering about Usmanov is exactly that. He will not treat Arsenal like the chavs up the road in fact he has shown his proposals which are to raise income sustanably by renegioating contracts with some star additions so we can make more from shirts and sponosership etc... Usmanov will also own the club in a sustanable manner excpet he will actually care if we win or not and watch games and have some sort of involvment. Unlike Kroneke who owns the worst US sports franchises which he has never put a penny into, plus he had to borrow the cash to buy Arsenal in the forst place from Deutch Bank! He is out of his league and doesn't care sbout the club. Tis isn't about getting a suger daddy we are not a club that would work like that, but an interested owner who will put his hand in his pocket when AW wants is an owner I think we can all agree would be better. Don't beleive the hype this board is doomed and they know it whichis why they keep buying cheap and pushing the share price up because thats all Kronke cares about. He misses important matches but not board meetings. Hmm i wonder what his major concern is.

  124. Mike

    Jun 07, 2012, 11:58 #23354

    I do hope that your final observation is incorrect - Wenger must surely be allowed to see out his current contract, and then move on. Thank you, Arsene. We need new direction, as the status quo that will be allowed to continue until we know that FFP is working (that's what he said - we will review it in 2014???) is almost guaranteed to fail to satisfy my quest for silverware (I say almost, as even teams like Portsmouth & Spurs have won trophies since we won one), and the quickest way to change that direction is a new man within the dugout, with new ideas and, hopefully, a new spending approach.

  125. mark from aylesbury

    Jun 07, 2012, 11:50 #23352

    jake, that is bizare, dont you want Arsenal to win anything? If Stan is unwilling to provide a vision and no board member puts any pressure on the manager despite being the 2nd most profitable uk club with 2nd biggest fanbase. Then the fanzines and support base will make their feelings heard . Stands to reason. If the report is negative it is because we are in a negative situation.

  126. Angry & Frustrated

    Jun 07, 2012, 11:47 #23351

    FFP my arse, did anyone question Gazidis about Citeh's internal £400 million sponsership deal which UEFA to date have done nothing about? As you say the naivety is breath taking, but deep down they do know, but for them it's very convenient as it allows them to be painted the saint amongst all the other nasty trophy winning sinners. The more this goes on the more I rue the day Fiszman (RIP) decided partly out of his hatred of DD to sell to Kroenke rather than at least hear what Usmanov had to say. As for Lady whats her face also selling to the Yank, despite having been booted off the board, and being offered substantially more for her stake by Usmanov and subsequently having the bare faced cheek to question the direction the club is heading towards, when her selling to Kroenke instigated that direction and now condems us all to this money grabbing no ambition regime words fail me. We have to face the facts that as Kevin has suggested that in all probability Wenger will be offered another 3 year extension, and we as the fans have nothing to look forward to other than the twice yearly profit statements. To not even contemplate inviting Usmanov on to the board (remember he owns not far off a third of our club) because he might ask searching questions and ruffle a few feathers because he actually wants the club to win trophies says it all really doesn't it!

  127. jake

    Jun 07, 2012, 11:32 #23350

    time for this blog to jump ship, chelsea are just down the road. perhaps your negative writing may inspire them. your obviously a fan of big spending clubs, who win

  128. adrian

    Jun 07, 2012, 11:31 #23349

    If 'silent stan' is content to give Arsene almost complete control of the playing side of the club, fans will have to grin and bear it. The club is not going to go toe to toe with their big spending rivals over transfer targets. Expect some relatively modest additions to the squad over the summer. All i ask that the transfer activity gets done early and in time for the run up to next season.