The Euros So Far

Online Ed: Second Monday musings

The Euros So Far

Theo: Impact and injury

Ok, so what happens with the onlinegooner website during the summer is this… Not actually very much to discuss, and the contributions tend to dry up a little. A couple of years ago, as I was travelling around South Africa for three weeks taking in the World Cup Finals first hand, it provided a rich vein of source material to give the website a bit of content during the lean month of June when there is traditionally little Arsenal news to ruminate over.

I decided ages ago I was going to forego the opportunity to attend the Euros in Poland and Ukraine. I tend to make the decision to go to a major tournament based on two things – 1. An interest in seeing the country itself. 2 – The convenience/possibility of doing it on the cheap. Normally, I choose not to go to the Euros. The exception was Portugal eight years ago which I really fancied doing. And in four years’ time I will definitely visit France. There are loose plans at the moment to attend the next World Cup in Brazil, although there is no way I am going to do Russia in 2018 unless I win the lottery.

So to get back to immediate matters, a few self-indulgent reflections on the Euros so far to provide a little reading in these Arsenal-lean times. It should be noted that I have had a pretty busy time over the last couple of weeks and have, on occasion half watched some of the matches and had to catch the highlights of others. This began when I was forced to attend a wedding on the opening day of the tournament. Believe it or not, the bride was Polish! When the Poles were kicking off, we were settling down to the reception. And no sign of a TV anywhere. Madness. I have still enjoyed the tournament though. There has not been a single goalless draw and most of the games have had their fair share of drama.

Group A. A genuine shock, this one. Who could have predicted that both hosts Poland and Russia would have exited. I had to have a chuckle that Tomas Rosicky picked up an injury. Whether or not he will be fit for the quarter final time will tell. But having beaten Poland, it looks like the Czechs can probably manage without him. I can actually see them beating Portugal and making the last four. As for Greece, I am forever haunted by the manner in which they won the Euros eight years ago, and frankly I do not see a lot of difference this time around. They qualified with just four points and surely Germany will overcome them. For the good of the tournament it must be hoped so, as they have provided little in the way of excitement in their play. The Russians started like a house on fire, but provided proof positive that the first match is exactly that. It is possible to lose it and still go on and win the tournament. It has happened before. Holland lost their opener – to Russia – in 1988. In the last World Cup, Switzerland beat Spain in their first group game. Andrey Arshavin symbolized his team. Good initially, but ran out of steam. They were much better four years ago.

Group B – What can you say about Holland? Simply this. If Robin van Persie had his shooting boots on, they could have ended up with at least six points. They did enough, but failed to take their chances. So in the end, they imploded. Germany look like the class act everyone thought they were going to be and for my money have been the best team so far. It would be a surprise if they did not win the trophy, with realistically only Spain likely to be able to beat them. Which is exactly what they have done over the last two major finals, so I think it will go the other way this time. What I find strange is that I do not dislike the Germany team anymore. I used the find them a loathsome bunch of arrogant individuals. Now, I don’t. Additionally, their style of play is easy on the eye. It is reminiscent of Premier League football in some respects, but for some reason, seems more effective. In a way, this might be what an Arsenal team devised jointly between Arsene Wenger and George Graham might play like. Schweinsteiger is such a good player. So tidy, so effective. Arsenal should break the bank to sign him. They won’t. Perhaps, one day, handled correctly, Jack Wilshere may develop into a player of similar stature. But to have them both in the same midfield would be the stuff of fantasy. Compare Alex Song with either Schweinsteiger and Khedeira and you can see where the team are falling short. I’m relieved Denmark did not go through. They are honest but uninspiring. Portugal are a two man team, but when Ronaldo and Nani are both on song, they can deliver victory. Their matches do tend to be dramatic for some reason, so I am glad they have progressed even though I would have been happy for the Dutch soap opera to continue. I lost count of the number of attackers they had on the pitch in the second half of their game with Portugal.

Group C concludes this evening. Italy should beat Ireland who have been exposed a bit at this level. Trappatoni achieved wonders to get the team to the finals, but for these players, it has been a step too far. And comparing their importance to their club sides, and the profile of their club sides, the odds they face are much greater then they were in the past. But if Croatia and Spain draw, Italy may need to win by three clear goals to qualify. So there is still tension in both games, as there has been in every other final group game so far. I actually have a feeling Croatia might beat Spain this evening and knock the holders out. It has been a tournament full of surprises, so we may not be done yet.

As for England’s group, what can you say? France are looking more like their old selves, albeit with a number of fresh faces. Laurent Blanc has got rid of the hangover that was Raymond Domanech, lest we forget a man who did not pick Robert Pires for astrological reasons. England have provided entertainment aplenty. They should beat Ukraine – even on home soil - but that means nothing. Anything could happen. Theo proved why he is always best as an impact sub against Sweden and then promptly got injured. There is the player in a nutshell. The addition of Rooney will mix things up a bit, but he may not have time to play himself into the tournament before he is boarding the plane home. I will be honest and say I am glad I am not an England fan in the Ukraine attending tomorrow’s match. Lose and you will experience that familiar depressed feeling. Win and you will probably be returning to your hotel via a casualty department. Not good at all. I hope the police offer some protection to travelling fans in the event of the host country going out, but I am not optimistic.

To finish, watching from an armchair, a word on the punditry. BBC – thorough, occasionally enlightening, but in spite of that, fairly dull. It does look like they have opted to save money by not going for a studio out there and having their main men watching things on a screen in Manchester. Will they do the same in sunny France in four years’ time? No chance. Fact is the senior executives didn’t fancy eastern Europe as much as they did Cape Town two years ago. On such whims are decisions made on how licence payers’ money is spent. ITV are out there though, and have the two star turns in my book. Gordon Strachan has always been a comedian and Roy Keane is such a miserable sod you just can’t help love him for the fact he is only there for the money and makes no attempt to disguise his contempt. Still, it’s all swings and roundabouts. Yin and yang. Who in the name of God ever decided to give Gareth Southgate and Andy Townsend employment? The other thing about ITV is that they have so little time to analyse anything due to their adverts that there really is no reason to have three pundits in the studio. Ditch Southgate and let’s enjoy a Keane-Strachan double act. One final thought. Does Gary Neville’s role in the England set up mean his days of working for Sky are over? A shame if it does, but there is really no reason he can’t do both.

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  1. Ian Henry

    Feb 19, 2013, 18:39 #32189

    Bodgeo - the point is without CL or even Europa league football, maintaining season ticket prices would mean an effective 30% price rise which not even Arsenal could think they could swing. It would be amusing to see them try mind you. No European football would have to mean a pro-rata price reduction for the season tickets: anything else would mean a de facto increase.

  2. El Bodgeo

    Feb 19, 2013, 6:54 #32100

    We have more chance of beating Bayern Munich, knocking out PSG in the 1/4s, thrashing ManU in the Semis and smashing Barca 5-0 in the Champs League final than seeing a 30% price reduction in the season ticket price for next season!

  3. billthered

    Feb 18, 2013, 19:56 #32084

    Nothing to add to what has been written but I wonder if RVP's goals would have taken us into the CL and how much would we lose if not weigh, one up against the other.

  4. Dan h

    Feb 18, 2013, 18:32 #32070

    The problem we seem to have as poor players are removed from the wage bill others are added.Yes all the names in the article have been hanging around for years.This summer i believe we say au revoir to club stalwarts AA23,Squllaci & also Fabianski.We unfortunatly have around 10-15 players out on loan none of which will come back & improve us.Most unsellable this is one mans making.Santos,Gervinho & the written off the books already Park £20m in fees let alone wages wasted & no one is allowed to question it?The club should lower prices should we drop out of the CL places they won't no shame.The accounts are being published in a couple of weeks & will turn a profit due to the Song & you know who's sale.Anyone else noticed how the mythical transfer fund has grown from £35m in 2010 to £70m in 2013.The truth is the money is there they won't spend i wait to be proved wrong but OGL & the board work hand in glove on this.Cast your mind back to the summer & Ivan Gazidis 'exciting transfer news' of Giroud fully aware that we were on the verge of agreeing the deal with Utd.Where i will go against the general view if you pay the wages you can attract top players to your club regardless of CL or not.Maybe not keep them long term but hey you can always sell them & we are pretty adept at that!

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2013, 18:07 #32066

    Good one Rocky RIP.

  6. Jason B

    Feb 18, 2013, 16:39 #32060

    The board isn't going to resign anytime soon so need to concerntrate on putting Wenger under even more pressure to quit.In fact it was the likes of Keith Edelman,David Dein and Ken Friar as well as Wenger who were the chief movers to get us out of Highbury in the first place.Most of the current board wasn't there at the time.I also don't buy into this money saving on season tickets.There is nothing to stop the board from re-considering raising prices to compensate.(It's not set in stone or written in law,is it?)After all the revenues lost from failing to qualifing for the europa league never mind CL will run into tens of millions of pounds.You can't tell me the club won't be affected.So your 'idea' that season tickets would be reduced is far-fetched to say the least.

  7. Red Member

    Feb 18, 2013, 16:15 #32056

    the comment from Highbury Boy just about sums everything up and it is a very depressing post.

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 18, 2013, 15:41 #32055

    Ian i was in club level for that spuds game (courtesy of a friend)and ran into an ex player at one of the bars after the match, i asked him what he thought of that ? he shook his head and replied disgraceful that should never have happened.The sad thing is it still is with the same mistakes being made defensively, and with the keeper situation, among others.Yes we're now in the chase for our annual fourth place trophy and all the riches it brings (not to the fans)what difference does it make ? these riches aren't going to bring us real top top quality players no matter what some people think,real top top quality players that can actually help us win it, it hasn't in the past and that's not likely to change.If it happens and we finish without our hallowed trophy its the europa league for us, what a come down,what a change in fortunes,no more of all that CL dough no more dining at the top table and what a blow for ego's.With the players we've attracted/bought while in the CL imagine the quality we'll attract while out of it.Would we see changes then ? And all these teams we've never heard of and can't pronounce coming to our lovely stadium and the team travelling to god knows where for another meaningless competition (or would it suddenly become important)that lasts forever, would it make any difference to the ticket pricing ? you can just the imagine the spin we'll hear if that were to happen.

  9. JER

    Feb 18, 2013, 15:21 #32051

    Wenger is at the tipping point and he knows it. If he sticks to his 'I will see out my contract' mantra then the board has to sack him at the end of the season unless by a miracle we win the CL. These are sad times for us Gooners but we just might be on the brink of change for the better if either Wenger or the board do the decent thing. If they don't then they will lose what credibility they have left and the club will sink further into mid table mediocrity.

  10. Highbury Boy

    Feb 18, 2013, 13:12 #32034

    I have had 4 season tickets for 40 years and was standing on the terraces for 20 years before that. If Wenger remains manager we will NOT be renewing. The ambition to win has gone. It's now all about the P&L A/c. The PR Dept will be busy around ST renewal time leaking stories about us being linked to star players and Wenger being given the green light to spend £70m. In fact it's already started. At least for the foreseeable future the only transfer out which will concern me is Jack. As far as I'm concerned the rest can go though it is highly unlikely that many if any will find buyers willing to pay anything like their current wages. If the present regime continues it is impossible to see Jack at Arsenal in 2 years time. The return of Fabregas to his native country,the sale of Henry and others after they had peaked and even the sale of 29 year old VP to "follow his boyhood instincts" can all be excused in some ways but to see a boy who has grown up at Arsenal to become the key player being sold before he has reached his prime will be the ultimate proof ,if any was needed,that we have just become a feeder club which values the bottom line more than trophies. We might just as well have stayed at Highbury. The ambition shown by Fiszman and Dein has been p***ed away.

  11. BNG

    Feb 18, 2013, 11:02 #32012

    Top article Ian and you're echoing my thoughts on qualification, if we do achieve the trophy of 4th place what then ? It will just be the same as the last 4-5 years making up the numbers and a revenue stream so that OGL can reward his band of 'proven mental strength winners' with improved contracts for habitual failure

  12. chris dee

    Feb 18, 2013, 11:01 #32011

    Your correct Ian Henry,defeat by Bayern Munich is not a formality,but not winning the Champions League is. Our decline started when Gallas burst into tears at the shocking lack of defensive awareness shown by Wenger coached Cliche against Birmingham which was not addressed by the manager.A shameful dereliction of duty.Similar shocking defending has continued in the years since but with far less talented players, so the downward spiral continues.

  13. Ron

    Feb 18, 2013, 10:28 #32008

    Agree with all that you say on the CL, but the truth is that football is about money these days, money, money and more money. Theres no room for sentiment, romance or glory anymore and hence, whilst many of us detest it, the CL entry is more important than winning domestic Cups to bean counters who run football Clubs, especially foreign bean counters who've no real interst in football. Its very sad but thats reality and our only responses are to accept it or shuffle off and make football just a tiny part of our lives to the point of it being more of a passing intrest as opposed to remaining as committed supporters week in week out. The latter has been my route to acceptance and its not a pleasant feeling.Im sure, well, i actually know many others have done the same.

  14. Rocky RIP

    Feb 18, 2013, 9:59 #31998

    To quote somebody more pertinent than me - 'Let's hope that Tuesday night's Champions League game doesn't distract us from our main objective of qualifying for the Champions League.'

  15. Carlos

    Feb 18, 2013, 9:50 #31996

    Really well-informed and thought out article; expect to see a rewrite of this in the written press soon. The future isn't looking great

  16. N4

    Feb 18, 2013, 9:20 #31987

    Very good article and nicely put of the assumptions. In a way I hope it goes in the extreme way you have explained as that will be the only way to get rid of the yank that is just here for the money!!! I don't believe in Arsenal anymore and it's only a matter of time that I will stop bothering about them!!!

  17. bunch

    Feb 18, 2013, 8:33 #31971

    I think you hit the nail on the head for me with your thoughts on CL football. But I wouldn't be surprised if the club try and screw-over us season ticket holders. If we are in the Europa I bet they try and say "it's European football = same price" which would be a complete travesty when the stubborn old Frenchman is getting his £7m a year for presiding over decline.

  18. Tony Evans

    Feb 18, 2013, 8:27 #31969

    Good article, Ian. Although I would love to see Arsenal win the CL, with the team and manager we have now, realistically, it is not going to happen. What is the point of this hallowed top four finish for us? It keeps Wenger in his cosy well paid job, we don't buy any top players that should be attracted by CL football and it keeps season ticket prices sky high. As you say the CL group stages are boring in the extreme and then we get knocked out and so it goes on - but not this year maybe?

  19. Butcher boy

    Feb 18, 2013, 7:51 #31968

    How many would re new a season ticket for the same price if its Europa instead of CL, not me,

  20. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 21, 2012, 16:36 #23607

    I only came here for the sing - song...

  21. Ron

    Jun 19, 2012, 13:45 #23590

    Why discuss Roy Keane guys? He clearly needs psychoanalysis or aome sort of counselling. He hates the World. Hes never the full ticket. His face just looks like hes unhinged. Why have him as a pundit? Hes a never been Coach who walked out on his team mates for no reason and saw out a football career as a total nutjob. Seems the type to me who suffers from 'little chap syndrome'. Football gave him a stage to pretend hes hard and his media image supports it. I suspect he's far from it. No hard guy i ever knew displayed his characteristics. Its usually hard to tell how tough a true hard man really is. They dont have to act the big i am. Cant stand him.

  22. DW Thomas

    Jun 19, 2012, 0:05 #23572

    Thought Arsenal players, even those supposedly going out this summer, had pretty good showings. But, they can't or couldn't do it for us so what does that say about International football? I used to love the Euros almost as much as the World Cup. Now, the league season is by far the most fun to watch/follow and I only hope and pray Wenger has signed Giroud and M'Vila and is keeping RVP. That would go a long way to giving me some hope that Wenger and the club are moving in the right direction and trying to improve instead of continue the same old same old "third is a trophy" routine. Really would like France to do well but without Sagna and Kos on the bench, who wants to root for Nasri and Evra? Cabaye looks good and their bench is pretty solid. Here in the states the ESPN group has been decent. I like hearing Michael Ballack's, views especially on Germany and Torres. As for England and Theo, can't see them getting past the quarters if they make it that far. Theo is hot and cold, mostly cold and always seems to get an injury when he has been hot. Maybe now the Ox will get another shot as he is about the only player England have that is interesting to see in action. So far Germany looks the best team with Spain not far behind. Fabregas got another assist today when Torres couldn't score. Man do I miss him. If only we had won a couple big trophies while he was here, maybe he'd have stayed a little while longer.

  23. Andrew Cohen

    Jun 18, 2012, 23:56 #23571

    I am frequently critical of Mr Walcott, but he actually gave a reason as to why he just stood there. He wanted to avoid the waste of time that is the Marco Tardelli type celebration in a game that we had to win. If he is starting to THINK, then he may have a future with us. He needs some leadrship and guidance, and not just the 4 weeks that Thierry Henry can give him during the american close season.

  24. AFCasap

    Jun 18, 2012, 23:02 #23570

    yes ron my thoughts exactly.....kick and hope theo...just like his crossing and game in general...if england expects theo to rise to the occasion...forget it! he's one of these modern day "confidence players"....translated...when the pressures on he will be hiding...but likes collecting his 80K+...flog him

  25. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Jun 18, 2012, 14:37 #23569

    try and find the RTE pundit team on u-tube or somewhere.It is rarely dull,and Liam Brady often shows up. Roy Kean should not even be on as he walked out on his country when he would have really made a differance

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 18, 2012, 13:10 #23568

    Where have we heard that one before they failed to take their chances.Yes the dutch imploded alright talk about egos as for robben and selfishness to go with his ego they didn't deserve to go through on that alone.Kev you can't compare song to schweinsteiger and khedeira there is no comparison your right about ronaldo and nani especially ronaldo the dutch had no answer.As for the irish way out of their depth roy keane certainly let his fellow countrymen know what he thought of them.France are looking good could na$ri get himself a euro medal to go alongside his prem? theo and the ox haven't let themselves or arsenal down so far and as usual theo is having a lot to say i wish he would just let his football do the talking and with rooney back their heads will be up but i don't think any body can see past spain.As for the punditry where do you start lineker hansen same old drone badly in need of freshening up at least lee dixon does a bit of that and we have david o'leary on tonight although he might be commentating rather than analysing. And over on itv we have chiles and his experts that include three failed managers.

  27. D

    Jun 18, 2012, 12:55 #23567

    David I could not have put it better myself. Anyone offers £20m for Theo bite their hands off.

  28. Ron

    Jun 18, 2012, 12:38 #23566

    The pic of Walcott sums him up. He scores and his face exhibits the sheer shock of having done so. Afterwards, hes injured. Typical. His career is indeed a stop/start one. Sadly, always destined to be an average Joe is Walcott.

  29. David

    Jun 18, 2012, 11:25 #23565

    That was Theo's 27th cap.It was only the 2nd game he had scored in.He is really one of those players who does something good every 10 games and lives off it then is crap for the rest of the time.Inconsistent is his middle name.Lets hope Liverpool come in with an offer of £20m for him

  30. cj

    Jun 18, 2012, 10:35 #23564

    Good to see a couple of Gooners having an impact for England.It's so much easier to get enthusiastic about the national team when some of ours are involved.

  31. Hamza Ali Baksh

    Jun 18, 2012, 10:03 #23563

    Down in South Africa we've got out own studio pundits who do the pre- and post- match analysis, but we still get the UK commentary feed for the games. DStv (the local satellite provider who have sole rights to show the Euros) have pulled quite a coup this year: John Barnes, Ruud Krol, Efan Ekoku and Daniel Amokachi join big-name locals like Gary Bailey and Shaun Bartlett on a rotational basis in the studio. Barnes is brilliant in his analysis. Bailey is also very tactically aware of the game. Lots of entertaining chatter, but the local presenters are a joke. The phrase "this particular" is always thrown in when they don't have anything meaningful to say : "This ....errrr.... particular player", "this particular ...errrr... match", "...errrrr.... this particular group".